ME 563 Mechanical Vibrations Lecture #11: Single Degree of Freedom Free Response (Matlab)

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ME 563

Mechanical Vibrations
Lecture #11
Single Degree of Freedom
Free Response (Matlab)

Free Response (Matlab)

When using Matlab to analyze the free response of a system,
we can either:
- Derive the analytical solution and program this solution into
Matlab along with the parameters of the model.
- Allow Matlab to numerically integrate the equation of
motion to obtain the response.
However, Matlab requires that we define the system before it
will solve for the response solution. There are two options:
- State variable model
- Transfer function model

State Variable Modeling

Consider the disc on an incline with no forcing function:

This equation is of second order; however, integrators are

generally written to solve first order equations. To convert
this equation of motion to a first order equation, the system
states are defined as follows:
Then the equation of motion is rewritten as follows:

First-Order Equations
This equation is one of the two state variable equations we
need. If we start with one second order equation, then we
must have two first order equations to define the system.
The second equation is a kinematic identity:

Then the two equations can be expressed in matrix form as:

State Variable Formulation

We must also define the input force (as zeros in this case)
using the following formulation:

This equation is written in general as follows:

{q}21 = [ A] 22{q}21 + [ B] 21 f (t)


State matrix

Input matrix

State vector

State Variable Formulation

We must also define the outputs of interest. Sometimes, the
outputs are just the state variables (displacements, etc.), but
in other cases the outputs are functions of the states (forces).
We use the following formulation to define the outputs, y:


{ y}21 = [C ] 22{q}21 + [ D] 21 f (t)Input

Direct feed-through matrix
Output matrix

State vector

Other Output Examples

If we are interested in the forces acting on the mass, what is
the appropriate output equation in state variable form?

What about if we are interested in the acceleration as when

we measure the acceleration experimentally?

Free Response in MATLAB

Once the equations of motion are written in state variable
form, then we can define the system in MATLAB:
sys = ss(A,B,C,D);
Then we can simulate the response using
initial(sys,[x0 xd0]);
where x0 and xd0 are the initial conditions on displacement
and velocity.
We can also including time vectors in the argument or in the
output from the function for plotting purposes.

Free Response in MATLAB

MATLAB also allows us to define the system using the
transfer function:
sys = tf(NUM,DEN);
where the NUM and DEN vectors define the polynomials of
the transfer function between the input and output of the
system. In the single degree of freedom case,
sys = tf([1],[Meff C M]);
Then we call the initial function as described previously.

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