Propensity Scores: A Practical Introduction Using R

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Scores: A Practical
Introduction Using R


Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation

Volume 11, Issue 25, 2015

ISSN 1556-8180

Antonio Olmos
University of Denver

Priyalatha Govindasamy
University of Denver

Background: This paper provides an introduction to Data Collection and Analysis: Not applicable
propensity scores for evaluation practitioners.

Findings: In this demonstration paper, we describe the

context in which propensity scores are used, including the
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to provide the reader conditions under which the use of propensity scores is
with a conceptual and practical introduction to propensity recommended, as well as the basic assumptions needed for a
scores, matching using propensity scores, and its correct implementation of the technique. Next, we describe
implementation using statistical R program/software.
some of the more common techniques used to conduct

propensity score matching. We conclude with a description of
Setting: Not applicable
the recommended steps associated with the implementation

of propensity score matching using several packages
Intervention: Not applicable
developed in R, including syntax and brief interpretations of

the output associated with every step.
Research Design: Not applicable

Keywords: propensity score analysis; propensity score matching; R.

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation


The aim of this paper is to provide the reader with
a conceptual and practical introduction to
propensity scores, matching using propensity
scores, and its implementation using a statistics
program. We start with a description of the
context in which propensity scores have been used,
the basic assumptions needed to use propensity
scores, and a brief description of some of the most
useful techniques for propensity score matching.
We then provide a detailed description of how to
estimate propensity scores, matching using
propensity scores, and brief examples of the
results of implementing propensity scores
matching using several packages developed in R.

Context for Propensity Scores

We live in a period with serious social problems,
such as low academic achievement, obesity,
homelessness, and drug addiction, to name a few.
This era is also characterized by accountability.
Social programs intended to address these social
problems need to demonstrate their effectiveness
(Weiss, 1998). It is in this environment of social
responsibility and social accountability that
program evaluation plays a crucial role. Evaluation
is defined as: the process of determining the
merit, worth and value of things (Scriven, 1991,
p. 1), and the aim of program evaluation is to
systematically assess the merit or worth of
something (Guskey, 1999, p. 37). Program
evaluation is used to assess results and help
improve outcomes intended for programs.
The stress on accountability has led to the
development of interventions that are considered
evidence-based practices. For example, in mental
health, evidence-based practices are defined as
interventions for which there is consistent
scientific evidence showing that they improve
client outcomes (Drake et al., 2001, page 180). A
centerpiece of evidence-based practices is proof of
causality. That is, evidence-based practices require
a demonstration that the improvement/changes
observed in individuals is due to the intervention.
According to Guo and Fraser, (2015), causal
inferences have four requirements: (1) there is a
statistical relationship between the treatment and
the outcome, (2) the presumed cause happens
before the effect, (3) the researchers are able to
rule-out alternative explanations for the observed
change, and (4) there is a reasonable
straightforward. For example, regarding a

statistical relationship, we should be able to detect

it using some statistical method, often correlation.
Similarly for precedence: careful observation
should be helpful in establishing whether the
cause precedes in time the effect/outcome. With
regard to ruling out alternative explanations, there
are multiple strategies that can be implemented.
Cook and Campbell (1979), and more recently,
Shadish, Cook, and Campbell (2002) have
described multiple strategies to rule out
alternative explanations, random assignment
being one strategy. Although more involved, the
counterfactual is still straightforward. In every
study, each subject can be assigned to one of two
(or more) treatment alternatives. For example, if
the study is a comparison between an online
versus a traditional course, the alternatives are
whether a student is assigned to online or
traditional. Although the assigned treatment will
affect the outcome of the study (e.g., the final
grade), we know that each student has two
potential outcomes (one for each treatment
option), even though we can only observe the
outcome for one of them at any point in time.
A counterfactual is defined as knowledge of
what would have happened to those same people
if they simultaneously had not received
treatment (Shadish et al., 2002, p. 5). Thus the
counterfactual is a thought experiment. The
estimate of the effect is the difference between
what happen (the real outcome) and what would
have happened (the potential outcome) if the
assignment had been reversed. This is what is
known as the Neyman-Rubin (Guo & Fraser, 2015)
treatment/control condition have potential
However, this is a thought experiment. In
practice, one of the outcomes proposed by the
counterfactual is not observed (Holland, 1986;
Morgan & Winship, 2012) which is the
fundamental problem of causal inference.
However, the Neyman-Rubin counterfactual
framework holds that we can estimate the
counterfactual by examining: !" !"#$%"& . Since
both outcomes are observable, we can then define
the treatment effect as a mean difference.
A way to guarantee that the counterfactual
works as planned is to assure that the only
difference between the two groups is the
treatment. That means that all extraneous
variables are controlled/eliminated. And the best
way to control for the effect of extraneous
variables is by random assignment.


Olmos & Govindasamy

Given the importance of causality, and the
requisites needed to assign it with confidence,
evidence-based programs tend to rely on the use of
experimental approaches. The experimental
approach has two characteristics: 1) it manipulates
the independent variable, that is, whether an
individual receives (or not) the intervention under
scrutiny. 2) Individuals are randomly assigned to
the independent variable. The first characteristic
does not define the experimental approach: most
of the so-called quasi-experiments (Shadish et al.,
2002) also manipulate the independent variable.
What defines the experimental method is the use
of random assignment. In particular, the use of
random assignment helps to prove causality by
improving the chances that we have ruled out
alternative explanations. Another way to think
about the importance of random assignment is
that it increases the chances that groups are
probabilistically balanced on some variables that
otherwise may affect the final outcome
(DAgostino & DAgostino, 2007; Shadish et al.,
2002), and, therefore, the Neyman-Rubin
counterfactual framework holds. For example, in
an obesity-reduction program, there may be
several reasons for weight loss (such as peer
support, level of motivation), that are not
associated with the intervention, and that may
affect weight reduction. Balancing through
random assignment becomes important because
then we can determine with a high degree of
certainty that the reason we observe the weight
change in this obesity reduction program is
because of the intervention, and not because of
some other reason (Bonell et al., 2009).
However, if one of these two conditions
(manipulating the independent variable, or
random assignment to rule out alternative
explanations) is not met, our confidence about the
causal relationship between independent and
dependent variable is substantially reduced. There
are several reasons why we may not be able to
meet these two assumptions: 1) Despite the use of
random assignment, equivalent groups are not
achieved. 2) Due to ethical or logistical reasons
random assignment is not possible (Bonell et al.,
The first reason is known as randomization
failure (Bonell et al., 2009), and sometimes can go
undetected. Usual reasons why randomization can
fail are associated with missing data which
happened in a systematic way. In the obesity
reduction example, some individuals in the control
group may drop out because they are not losing
weight. Or individuals in the treatment group may
drop out because they lost the weight they had as a
goal, and therefore are not motivated to continue

with the program. In both instances, an analysis

based only on the outcomes of the individuals who
stayed until the end of the program may produce
biased results (i.e., the average weight loss
observed across groups is either under-estimated
or over-estimated with respect to the real weight
loss, had all the individuals in the original sample
stayed until the end of the study).
Sometimes random assignment cannot be
accomplished because of ethical or logistical
reasons. For example, it will be unethical to
randomly assign individuals to either a control or
treatment condition if those assigned to the
control condition were to lose access to some
important resource (e.g., a drug that may save or
prolong their lives), or those in the treatment
group could risk to lose some benefit they might
already have (e.g., Medicare or Medicaid benefits).
Logistically, there are multiple treatment
conditions that are attributes (i.e., intrinsic to the
individual such as gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, disability (Gliner, Morgan &
Leech, 2009) which cannot be manipulated by the
evaluator (i.e., individuals cannot be assigned to a
different gender). In both cases, individuals are
not assigned to a treatment condition at random,
compromised and the study becomes a quasiexperiment.
There are some steps we can take to improve

We can try to rule-out alternative explanations

by adding elements to the research design; for
example, we can add: (a) observations (pretest
and posttests), (b) comparison groups
(control, placebo, other treatments); (c) other
factors that may be related to outcomes, and
(d) other outcome variables that should not be
affected by the intervention.
2. We can use statistical adjustments to try to
control alternative explanations. For example:
(a) matching, stratification, weighting, using
covariates with ANCOVA or regression
models; (b) single, multiple, or aggregate
covariates; or (c) propensity scores
As a consequence of randomization failure, or
because of the logistical or ethical reasons just
described, in a very large number of real-world
interventions, experimental approaches are
impossible or very difficult to implement. If we are
still interested in demonstrating the causal link
between our intervention and the observed
change, our options become limited. Some options
include regression discontinuity designs (Trochim,
1984; Shadish et. al., 2002) which can strengthen

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation


our confidence about causality by selecting
individuals to either the control or treatment
condition based on a cutoff score. Another
alternative when random assignment fails, or
when we cannot randomly assign people to
treatment conditions because of ethical or
logistical reasons, is propensity scores.

Propensity Scores
Propensity scores is a statistical technique that has
proven useful to evaluate treatment effects when
using quasi-experimental or observational data
(Austin, 2011; Rubin, 1983). Some of the benefits
associated with propensity scores are: (a) Creating
assignment is infeasible or unethical, or when we
are interested in assessing treatment effects from
survey, census administrative, or other types of
data, where we cannot assign individuals to
treatment conditions (Austin, 2011). (b) The
development and use of propensity scores reduces
the number of covariates needed to control for
dimensionality) and increasing the chances of a
match for every individual in the treatment group.
(c) The development of a propensity score is
associated with the selection model, not with the
outcomes model, therefore the adjustments are
independent of the outcome.
Propensity scores are defined as the conditional
probability of assigning a unit to a particular
treatment condition (i.e., likelihood of receiving
treatment), given a set of observed covariates:
Where z = treatment, i = treatment condition,
and X = covariates. In a two-group (treatment,
control) experiment with random assignment, the
probability of each individual in the sample to be
assigned to the treatment condition is:
(=X)=0.5. In a quasi-experiment, the
probability (=X) is unknown, but it can be
estimated from the data using a logistic regression
model, where treatment assignment is regressed
on the set of observed covariates (the so-called
selection model). The propensity score then allows
matching of individuals in the control and
treatment conditions with the same likelihood of
receiving treatment. Thus, a pair of participants
(one in the treatment, one in the control group)
sharing a similar propensity score are seen as
equal, even though they may differ on the specific
values of the covariates (Holmes, 2014).

Why not Use Covariates?

Conventional matching using covariates can work
well; however, as the number of covariates
increases, it becomes difficult to find good matches
for subjects in the treatment group. Thus matching
using covariates can result in dropping cases and,
when there are many covariates or lots of
variation, matching may be impossible. As
described earlier, propensity scores provide an
advantage in this case because they reduce the
dimensionality by summarizing many covariates
into a single score. Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983)
explain that propensity scores summarize many
fine scores into a single coarse score. They have
also shown that a coarse score can balance
differences observed in the fine scores between
treated and control participants.

Endogeneity and the Ignorable

Treatment Assignment Assumption
There are two assumptions associated with
causality that we need to understand before we can
use propensity scores:

In order to work, regression models need to meet
some assumptions (Draper & Smith, 1998). One of
them calls for independence between the
independent variables in the model and the error
term. Violations of this assumption are usually
associated with omitted variables. That is, there is
some other variable that is not included in the
model which is correlated with both the dependent
and the independent(s) variables. Omitted
variables are one of the major problems in nonexperimental (observational/quasi-experimental)
studies, because if we do not take them into
account, they will create a biased estimate of the
effect. That is, our interpretation of the regression
model will either under-estimate or over-estimate
the relationship between the independent and
dependent variables. Omitted variables represent a
form of endogeneity which affects our ability to
establish accurate causal relationships.

Ignorable Treatment Assignment Assumption

One of the four requirements needed to
demonstrate causality is the counterfactual, which
is supported by the Neyman-Rubin counterfactual


Olmos & Govindasamy

model (Rubin, 2005). This framework relies in one
important assumption known as the Ignorable
Treatment Assignment Assumption, which states
that conditional on covariates, the assignment of
study participants to treatment conditions is
independent of the outcome:
Under random assignment, this assumption holds,
but it does not necessarily hold under quasiexperiments, where it may be important to
investigate how participants were assigned to the
treatment conditions. Although some of the
processes by which individuals select/are assigned
to specific treatment conditions can be examined
empirically, a full account of treatment selection is
sometimes impossible (e.g., when subjects are
motivated to select one treatment condition, and
the researcher does not have a valid measure/is
not aware of their motivation).
If we cannot determine all the reasons why a
participant is assigned to a treatment, then we will
have an endogeneity problem (Morgan & Winship,
2012). Thus it is important to make sure that we
can identify all of the reasons why participants are
in the treatment or control conditions.

Conventional Matching in R
Conventional forms of matching allow researchers
to create two groups of individuals (control,
treatment groups) that are matched in variables
that are believed to be critical in the selection
process, thus creating counterfactuals for the
individuals in the opposite group. Below, we
briefly describe two of the conventional ways of
matching, as well as R code to conduct it.
However, a more thorough description of the
interpretation will be included in the section:
"Implementing a propensity score analysis with
R." The following code and examples use the
dataset Lalonde, included and described in the
packages MatchIt (Ho, Imai, King & Stuart, 2011)
and matching (Sekhon, 2011).

Mahalanobis Metric Matching

Mahalanobis metric distance matching is based on
the Mahalanobis distance, which calculates
distances in a multidimensional space (Guo &
Fraser, 2015). In the context of matching, once
participants in the control group are selected at
random, we calculate distances between treated
where u (treatment)
and v (control) are the matrices with covariates,
and C-1 is the inverse variance-covariance matrix
for the control subjects. The control subject with
the minimum distance d(i,j) is chosen as the
match for a treated subject. Both subjects are
removed from the pool, and the process repeats
until we match all treated subjects. Notice that this
approach does not lose participants, because we
are selecting participants from the control group
who have a minimum distance to participants in
the treatment group. However, it is possible that
an individual from the control group who is
selected as the match for a participant in the
multidimensional space. In fact, as the number of
covariates increases, the average Mahalanobis
distance between observations also increases (Gu
& Rosenbaum, 1993; Stuart, 2010; Zhao, 2004).

Mahalanobis Metric Matching with Calipers

A proposed solution to this distance problem is the
use of Mahalanobis matching but where the
distance is estimated based on a caliper. In this
context, the selection of the closest match is
determined by (, ) < where epsilon is a prespecified tolerance for matching (a caliper).
Cochran and Rubin (1973) suggested using a
caliper size of one-fourth of a standard deviation of
the sample estimated propensity scores (i.e., <
.25 p, where p denotes standard deviation of the
estimated propensity scores of the sample). Figure
1 below presents the commands used to conduct
matching using Mahalanobis distance in the
package Matchit (Ho, Imai, King & Stuart, 2011).

m.mahal <- matchit(treat ~ age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75, data =lalonde, mahvar
s = c("age", "educ", "nodegree", "re74", "re75"), caliper = 0.25, replace = FALSE, di
stance= "mahalanobis")
Figure 1. Conventional matching using Mahalanobis distance with the package MatchIt

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation


In this figure it can be observed that a caliper is
included (i.e., caliper = 0.25). As recommended by
Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1985, the default is 0.25

the next will render different groups with different

degrees of matching. The most common greedy
matching algorithms and their code in R are
described below:

Types of Matching Using Propensity


Near Neighbor Matching


Conventional matching techniques work well in

many conditions. However, as described earlier,
the use of propensity scores for matching has some
advantages such as coarse score balancing
(Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1983). Once propensity
scores have been calculated, we proceed to find
participants in the control group that will have
similar propensity scores to those in the treatment
group. We use a typology similar to that proposed
by Bai and Clark (2012) to differentiate between
greedy matching and more complex forms of

Greedy Matching
This type of matching is called greedy because the
match for a participant in the treatment group is
based on the first case of the control group that
meets the criteria for matching. Even if that
participant in the control group would serve as a
better match for a subsequent participant in the
treatment group, the match will still be based on
the first case. Most algorithms will select
participants from both the control and treatment
group at random; thus, the match from one run to

The near neighbor matching procedure matches

participants from the control group to participants
from the treatment group based on closeness. A
participant (j) with propensity score Pj in the
control sample (I0) is a match for a participant (i)
with propensity score Pi in the treatment group, if
the absolute difference between their propensity
scores is the smallest ! = min! ! ! , ! .
The most traditional matching is of one participant
in the control to one participant in the treatment.
In those cases, we speak about 1-to-1 (1:1)
matching. However, it is possible to have more
than one participant from the control group to be
matched with a participant in the treatment group.
In those cases, we speak about an m-to-1 (m:1)
matching. Having more individuals from the
control group matched to every individual in the
treatment group means better estimates for the
counterfactual in the control group. However, this
approach requires a sample size for the control
group several times larger than the number of
individuals in the treatment group. Figure 2
presents the commands to estimate near neighbor
using the default (1:1) using the package MatchIt.
Figure 3 presents the commands to estimate near
neighbor using a 2:1 ratio:

#---Match using near-neighbor

m.nn <- matchit(treat ~ age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75, data =lalonde, method= "
nearest", ratio = 1)
Figure 2. Propensity score matching using near neighbor for a 1:1 ratio with the package MatchIt

#---match using near-neighbor with ratio = 2
m.nn2 <- matchit(treat ~ age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75, data =lalonde, method=
"nearest", ratio = 2)
Figure 3. Propensity score matching using near neighbor for a 2:1 ratio with the package MatchIt
The keyword to change the ratio from the default
(1:1) to a (2:1) ratio is the subcommand: ratio = 2


Near Neighbor with Caliper Matching
Similarly to the case defined for Mahalanobis
distance, in near neighbor matching, sometimes
individuals who are not close in terms of their
propensity scores, can be matched. Thus, in this
case, near neighbor-match can be considered only
if the absolute distance between treatment and
condition: ! ! < , ! where Pi and Pj are
propensity scores for treatment and control,

Olmos & Govindasamy

the caliper. As described earlier, Rosenbaum and

Rubin (1985) have suggested that < 0.25 p,
where p = standard deviation of the estimated
propensity scores of the sample. This approach is
popular because multivariate analyses using the
matched sample can be undertaken, if the sample
is sufficiently large. Figure 4 presents the
commands to estimate near neighbor using a
caliper matching of 0.1 p using MatchIt:


#---Match using near neighbor with calipers

m.nnc <- matchit(treat ~ age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75, data =lalonde, method=
"nearest", caliper =.1)
Figure 4. Propensity score matching using near neighbor with a caliper of 0.1 with the package MatchIt
The default caliper in MatchIt is 0.25.

Combining Propensity Scores and

Mahalanobis Matching
This strategy combines propensity scores and the
Mahalanobis distance for matching. After
propensity scores have been calculated in all the
participants, the estimates are added to the
datafile. Next, participants in the treatment group

Mahalanobis distances for the participants in the
control and treatment groups are calculated using
the combination of variables (x) and the
propensity score (Guo & Fraser, 2015). Figure
5 presents the commands to estimate the
propensity scores, and the Mahalanobis distance
plus propensity scores using MatchIt. The steps
are recounted below:

#---Compute Propensity score

ps<- glm(treat ~ age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75, data =lalonde, family = binomia
#---Attach the predicted propensity score to the datafile
lalonde$psvalue <- predict(ps, type = "response")

#---match using Mahalanobis distance including Propensity score
m.mahalp <- matchit(treat ~ age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75 + psvalue, data =lalo
nde, mahvars = c("age", "educ", "nodegree", "re74", "re75", "psvalue"), caliper = 0.2
5, replace = FALSE, distance= "mahalanobis")
Figure 5. Propensity scores plus Mahalanobis distance using MatchIt

Optimal Matching
This is a more complex approach to propensity
score matching, which is possible because of fast
computer processing speed that can make the
implementation of these algorithms possible. The
main goal of this approach is to find the matched

samples with the smallest average absolute

propensity score distance across all the matched
pairs. To accomplish this goal, matched sets of
treatment and control participants are identified
so that the matching minimizes the total
propensity score distance () for a given data set
according to the following equation:

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation


! , ! ! , !

where is the weight of the number of subjects in

the stratum, |As| or |Bs| represent the number of
elements in the stratum that belongs to A/B, and
is the distance between elements in the stratum.
The optimal matching approach identifies sets of

participants with the aim of minimizing the total

distance between their propensity scores. A very
important characteristic of this approach is that
the match among participants can change, if it is
found that a different match will in fact minimize
the total distance even further. Figure 6 presents
the commands to estimate Optimal distance using

#---Optimal matching with 1:1 ratio <- matchit(treat ~ age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75, data =lalonde, method= "
optimal", ratio = 1)

Figure 6. Optimal matching using MatchIt.
2010). This matching is accomplished by creating
Be aware that MatchIt calls the package optmatch
subclasses automatically, and then assigning at
(Hansen, Fredrickson, Bertsekas & Tseng, 2013).
least one individual from either the control or
Thus, it may be best to install the package
treatment group, and as many individuals of the
optmatch in advance. Figure 6 also shows that
opposite group. Similarly to optimal matching this
different matching ratios can be set using the
approach is intended to minimize the average of
subcommand ratio.
the distances between treatment and control
individuals within each set (Stuart, 2010). This
approach is ideal for researchers who would rather
Full Matching
not discard any participant in either sample.
Figure 7 presents the commands to estimate Full
Full matching is a form of optimal matching where
distance using MatchIt.
participants in either the control or treatment
groups will be matched to one or more individuals
in the opposite group (Hansen, 2004; Stuart,

#---Full matching
m.fl <- matchit(treat ~ age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75, data =lalonde, method= "
full", min.controls = 1, max.controls = 10, discard = "both")

Figure 7. Full matching using MatchIt.
to calculate propensity scores, interpret the results
Just like for optimal matching, MatchIt calls the
using both statistical and graphical procedures,
package optmatch (Hansen et. al., 2013). Figure 7
and it can also estimate post-matching outcomes
also shows that a minimum number and a
maximum number of control cases can be
The analysis of quasi-experimental or
observational data using propensity scores
involves the development of two models: 1) the socalled selection model (which is intended to
Implementing a Propensity Score
balance the groups using variables that affect only
Analysis with R
the selection process), and 2) the outcomes model
(which will include variables that are associated
In this section, we provide some suggestions for
with the outcomes only). The result of the selection
the implementation of a propensity score analysis.
model affects the outcome model through the
propensity scores. Thus several of the steps
We use the statistical program R (R Core Team,
2014), because it has multiple packages intended
described below are aimed exclusively to the


Olmos & Govindasamy

selection process, and some others are intended
for the outcomes model.

Steps Suggested for Conducting a Propensity

Score Analysis
When conducting a propensity score analysis, the
authors follow these steps:

Preliminary analysis
Estimation of Propensity scores
Propensity Score matching
Outcome analysis
Sensitivity analysis

1. Preliminary Analysis
Before propensity scores are calculated, it is a good
practice to determine if the two groups are
balanced. The best practice to determine the

covariates that influence group assignment is

based on theoretical evidence. In addition,
statistical tests can also be used to determine if the
covariates are imbalanced across groups.
Traditional statistical approaches include the
estimation of a normalized difference (Imbens &
Wooldridge, 2009), which calculates the difference
between the control and treatment group for every
variable included in the selection model. Hansen
and Bowers (2008) suggested the equivalent of an
omnibus test that checks if there is at least one
variable in the selection model for which the two
groups are different. The package RItools (Bowers,
Fredrickson & Hansen, 2014) includes the routine
XBalance that estimates a chi-square test to
perform this omnibus test. Figure 8 includes
examples of the code and the output generated by
R when estimating the standardized/normalized
difference and the Chi-square test using XBalance:

#---Computing indices of covariate imbalance before matching

### 1. Standardized difference
treated <- (lalonde$treat==1)
cov <- lalonde[,2:9]
std.diff <- apply(cov,2,function(x) 100*(mean(x[treated])- mean(x[!treated]))/(sqrt(0
.5*(var(x[treated]) + var(x[!treated])))))
## age educ black hispan married nodegree
## 24.190362 4.475509 166.771881 27.693960 71.949196 23.504820
## re74 re75
## 59.575159 28.700211
### 2. chi-square test
xBalance(treat ~ age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde, report = c("chi
## ---Overall Test---
## chisquare df p.value
## unstrat 50.3 5 1.19e-09
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '** ' 0.01 '* ' 0.05 '. ' 0.1 ' ' 1
Figure 8. Testing imbalance before matching

For the standardized difference, absolute scores
higher than 25% are considered suspect, and may
indicate an imbalance for that specific variable
(Stuart & Rubin, 2008). A statistically significant
chi-square will indicate that at least one of the
variables included in the model is creating an
imbalance between the two groups. Variables that
create imbalance should be included in the


selection model.Also as part of the preliminary

analysis it is a good practice to assess the effects of
the treatment on the outcome variable by running
the outcome model. This assessment can be based
on the treatment variable only (using a t-test), or
include covariates (using a regression model)
Figure 9 includes examples of the code and the
output of a regression analysis.

#--- Outcome model using Regression analysis

reg <-lm(re78 ~ treat + age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75 + married + black + hispa
n, data = lalonde)
## Call:
## lm(formula = re78 ~ treat + age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75 +
## married + black + hispan, data = lalonde)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -13595 -4894 -1662 3929 54570
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 6.651e+01 2.437e+03 0.027 0.9782
## treat 1.548e+03 7.813e+02 1.982 0.0480 *
## age 1.298e+01 3.249e+01 0.399 0.6897
## educ 4.039e+02 1.589e+02 2.542 0.0113 *
## nodegree 2.598e+02 8.474e+02 0.307 0.7593
## re74 2.964e-01 5.827e-02 5.086 4.89e-07 ***
## re75 2.315e-01 1.046e-01 2.213 0.0273 *
## married 4.066e+02 6.955e+02 0.585 0.5590
## black -1.241e+03 7.688e+02 -1.614 0.1071
## hispan 4.989e+02 9.419e+02 0.530 0.5966
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 6948 on 604 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.1478, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1351
## F-statistic: 11.64 on 9 and 604 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Figure 9. Outcome model using a Regression analysis

2. Estimation of the Propensity Scores

In this step, the propensity score is estimated.
Although propensity scores can be estimated using
models such as discriminant analysis, probit
regression, boosted regression (McCaffrey,
Ridgeway & Morral, 2004), and even genetic
algorithms (Sekhon, 2011), logistic regression is
widely used. Packages such as MatchIt (Ho, Imai,

King & Stuart, 2011) and Matching (Sekhon, 2011)

estimate propensity scores using logistic
regression as the default option. However, when
estimating propensity scores using the default
option, the fit of the model cannot be assessed.
Therefore, it is recommended that a logistic
regression is run to determine the model fit.
Figure 10 includes the estimation of the propensity
scores using logistic regression


#---Calculates the propensity score

ps <- glm(treat ~ age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75, data =lalonde, family = binomi
## Call:
## glm(formula = treat ~ age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75, family = binomial(),
## data = lalonde)
## Deviance Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.2559 -0.9053 -0.6053 1.2060 2.9809
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -2.694e+00 7.989e-01 -3.372 0.000746 ***
## age 2.464e-03 1.025e-02 0.240 0.810019
## educ 1.569e-01 5.299e-02 2.962 0.003059 **
## nodegree 8.502e-01 2.813e-01 3.023 0.002503 **
## re74 -1.225e-04 2.576e-05 -4.756 1.98e-06 ***
## re75 2.574e-05 3.955e-05 0.651 0.515252
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
## Null deviance: 751.49 on 613 degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 692.88 on 608 degrees of freedom
## AIC: 704.88
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5
Figure 10. Propensity score estimation using logistic regression
Statistically significant estimates are identified by
low (i.e., < 0.05) p-values. There are no clear
suggestions as to whether to include in the final
model all the variables (even non-significant).
Some authors (Austin, Grootendorst & Anderson,
2007; Caliendo & Kopeinig, 2008) suggest that the
final model should include not only statistically
significant variables, but also variables known to
be associated with selection.
Once the propensity scores have been
calculated, a graphical approach can be used to
assess the distributional similarity between score
distributions. This graphical approach uses back to
back histograms such as those created through the
package Hmisc (Harrell, 2015). Back to back
histograms cannot be used with Mahalanobis
distance, because it is a multidimensional
technique. Figure 11 presents the commands and
the histograms Hmisc generates.


#---Attach the predicted propensity score to the datafile
lalonde$psvalue <- predict(ps, type = "response")
#---Back to back histogram
histbackback(split(lalonde$psvalue, lalonde$treat), main= "Propensity score before ma
tching", xlab=c("control", "treatment"))

Figure 11. Back to back histogram using Hmisc

Important parameters to determine the fit are not
only the shape, but also degree of overlap between
the two distributions (known as the common
support region (Lehner, 2008)). Matching is best
when there is a common support region.

3. Propensity Score Matching

The code for running propensity score matching
was provided earlier, therefore, in this section, the
aim is to describe some key issues in reviewing the
output of the matching algorithms. For example, it
is important to check how well matching worked.
Packages such as MatchIt provide summary tables
that include means and standard deviations for the
two groups both before and after the matching was
completed. It also includes percent improvement,
and finally, it provides a summary of the number

of individuals included in the final sample, and

cases that were not matched. The number of
matched and unmatched cases is usually
dependent on the match ratio imposed by the user,
and the number of cases in the treatment group.
For example, if the match ratio was 1:1, and there
were 500 individuals in the control group and 250
in the treatment group, then 250 individuals from
the control group will not be matched. Figure 12 is
an output summary for near neighbor matching.


#---Match using near-neighbor

m.nn <- matchit(treat ~ age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75, data =lalonde, method= "
nearest", ratio = 1)
## Call:
## matchit(formula = treat ~ age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75,
## data = lalonde, method = "nearest", ratio = 1)
## Summary of balance for matched data:
## Means Treated Means Control SD Control Mean Diff eQQ Med
## distance 0.3650 0.3603 0.1092 0.0047 0.0016
## age 25.8162 24.7838 9.6480 1.0324 3.0000
## educ 10.3459 10.1676 2.6166 0.1784 0.0000
## nodegree 0.7081 0.7459 0.4365 -0.0378 0.0000
## re74 2095.5737 2218.4725 4371.6213 -122.8988 104.5930
## re75 1532.0553 1428.9774 2297.0371 103.0779 172.5310
## eQQ Mean eQQ Max
## distance 0.0052 0.0303
## age 2.9568 8.0000
## educ 0.5351 4.0000
## nodegree 0.0378 1.0000
## re74 445.2718 9177.7500
## re75 409.0697 13737.8900
## Percent Balance Improvement:
## Mean Diff. eQQ Med eQQ Mean eQQ Max
## distance 94.8731 98.2359 94.3852 82.4986
## age 53.3698 -200.0000 9.4371 20.0000
## educ -61.4069 100.0000 23.8462 0.0000
## nodegree 66.0256 0.0000 66.6667 0.0000
## re74 96.5122 95.6879 87.7028 0.4204
## re75 88.9689 82.4145 61.4325 -102.1762
## Sample sizes:
## Control Treated
## All 429 185
## Matched 185 185
## Unmatched 244 0
## Discarded 0 0 =
Figure 12. Near neighbor matching using MatchIt
Graphical approaches (such as the jitter type in the
package MatchIt), will help the user get some idea
of whether the individuals not matched are in
some specific part of the propensity-score
continuum. Figure 13 shows an example of such a

plot(m.nn, type = "jitter")

## [1] "To identify the units, use first mouse button; to stop, use second."
## integer(0)
Figure 13. Jitter-type plot, package MatchIt
As can be observed in this figure, the section
labeled Unmatched control Units shows that
most of the non-matched individuals were in the
lower (0.0 to 0.4) part of the propensity scores.
However, there were a few cases in a higher range
It is important to determine that the groups
are balanced, thus eliminating (or substantially
reducing) the initial selection bias. In step 1 in this
section (preliminary analysis) it was mentioned
that there are both statistical as well as graphical
approaches that can be used to determine the
degree of imbalance. After the match has been
conducted, both techniques are used again to
determine that all the critical variables have been
balanced. Figure 14 shows the output after the
original match.



#---Computing indices of covariate imbalance after matching

### 1. Standardized difference
treated1 <- ($treat==1)
cov1 <-[,2:9]
std.diff1 <- apply(cov1,2,function(x) 100*(mean(x[treated1])- mean(x[!treated1]))/(sq
rt(0.5*(var(x[treated1]) + var(x[!treated1])))))
## age educ black hispan married nodegree
## 12.155616 7.644579 154.578773 34.492122 38.194233 8.478250
## re74 re75
## 2.650808 3.686064
### 2. chi-square test
xBalance(treat ~ age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75, data =, report = c("
## ---Overall Test---
## chisquare df p.value
## unstrat 2.64 5 0.755
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '** ' 0.01 '* ' 0.05 '. ' 0.1 ' ' 1
Figure 14. Post-match analysis using standard difference and the overall chi-square test

As can be observed in this figure, although the chimodel. Readers are directed to the original sources
square test indicates no significance, thus
for more information about these techniques.
suggesting equivalence between the groups, the
Other methodologists (Austin, Grootendorst,
standardized difference test shows that there are
& Anderson, 2007) suggest that when balance in
some variables with a large difference (i.e., black,
the selection model cannot be achieved on all the
hispan, married) that can still be improved.
variables, those variables where balance was not
Potential suggestions might include the use of
achieved, and that may also be associated with the
interactions terms, or polynomial terms to try to
dependent variable could be included in the
reduce their imbalance. McCaffrey, Ridgeway, and
outcome model as covariates.
Morral (2004) has suggested the use of
Another graphical approach that can be used
Generalized Boosted Models (GBM) to improve
to determine the match between groups is the back
the fit. This approach uses decision trees that
to back histograms. Figure 15shows a back to back
combine simpler models into a more powerful
histogram after the match:
model. Similarly, Sekhon (2011) proposes the use
of a genetic algorithm to develop the best possible


histbackback(split($psvalue,$treat), main= "Propensity score aft
er matching", xlab=c("control", "treatment"))

Figure 15. Back to back histogram after match

As can be observed in this figure, there is a
remarkable improvement in the match between
the two distributions of propensity scores after the
match (compared to Figure 11, which shows the
histograms for the same data before the match).
This match suggests that the two groups are much
more similar in terms of their propensity scores,
and thus, the selection bias has been reduced

4. Outcomes Analysis
Once the researcher is satisfied with the
propensity score matching, it is time to proceed
with the outcome model. Several of the more
frequently used techniques such as near neighbor,
and Mahalanobis distances, can be used with
analytic techniques such as linear regression
models, ANCOVA, or even matched t-tests.
However, the selection of any analytic approach to
estimate the treatment effect and statistical
significance should take into account the fact that

the propensity score creates matched samples

(Austin, 2008). Figure 16 shows the outcome
analysis using paired t-test.


#---Outcome analysis using paired t-test

# this command saves the data matched
matches <- data.frame(m.nn$match.matrix)
#these commands find the matches. one for group 1 one for group 2
group1 <- match(row.names(matches), row.names(
group2 <- match(matches$X1, row.names(
# these commands extract the outcome value for the matches
yT <-$re78[group1]
yC <-$re78[group2]
# binding
matched.cases <- cbind(matches, yT, yC)
#Paired t-test
t.test(matched.cases$yT, matched.cases$yC, paired = TRUE)
## Paired t-test
## data: matched.cases$yT and matched.cases$yC
## t = 0.4342, df = 184, p-value = 0.6647
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -1156.468 1809.111
## sample estimates:
## mean of the differences
## 326.3214
Figure16. Outcome analysis using a paired t-test
The simplicity of these outcomes analysis make
them easy to complete and their implications are
usually easy to understand. For optimal and full
matching however, the outcome analyses are more
complex. Under optimal and full matching, it is
possible to have the same individual matched
against more than one individual from the other
group. And for full matching, this can be the case
not only for individuals in the control group, but
also for individuals in the treatment group. Given
that individuals can be used more than once in
both the treatment and control groups,
multivariate techniques should not be used.
For these two techniques, it is recommended
to use the Hodges Lehman (Hodges & Lehmann,
1962) and the difference in differences (Rubin,
1979). To these authors knowledge, there are no
packages within R that can be used to compute the
outcomes analysis.
An added complexity in the outcomes analysis
is the possibility to compute different types of
treatment effects such as the Average Treatment
Effect (ATE), which is the type of treatment effect
evaluators are more familiar with. Another
treatment effect that can be estimated is the
Average Treatment for the Treated (ATT) where
the main focus is to identify individuals that can be
matched to those in the treatment group. And

finally the Average Treatment for the Control

(ATC) where the main emphasis is to find matches
for individuals in the control group. Readers are
directed to Morgan and Winship (2012), for more
information about the differences among the
different types of treatment effects.

5. Sensitivity Analysis
A question that any evaluator who uses propensity
score matching should ask herself is: how sensitive
are these results to hidden bias? Rosenbaum
(2002, 2005) recommends that researchers try to
answer this question by conducting a sensitivity
analysis. The idea is to determine how susceptible
the results presented might be to the presence of
biases not identified by the researcher or removed
by the matching. Rosenbaum (2002) developed
methods to determine bias through several nonparametric tests such as McNemars and
Wilcoxons signed rank test. Keele (2015)
developed the package rbounds which estimates
the sensitivity of the results to hidden bias.
rbounds can compute sensitivity analysis straight
from the package matching (Sekhon, 2011). For
other propensity scores packages, some file
reformatting needs to be completed before it can
be submitted to rbounds. Figure 17 shows the

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation


sensitivity analysis using the Wilcoxons rank sign
Y <- lalonde$re78
Tr <-lalonde$treat
ps <- glm(treat ~ age + educ + nodegree + re74 + re75 + married + black + hispan, dat
a =lalonde, family = binomial())

#---Match - without replacement
Match <- Match(Y=Y, Tr=Tr, X=ps$fitted, replace=FALSE)

#---Runs the sensitivity test based on the matched sample using Wilcoxon's rank sign

psens(Match, Gamma = 2, GammaInc = 0.1)
## Rosenbaum Sensitivity Test for Wilcoxon Signed Rank P-Value
## Unconfounded estimate .... 0.2858
## Gamma Lower bound Upper bound
## 1.0 0.2858 0.2858
## 1.1 0.1338 0.4904
## 1.2 0.0541 0.6809
## 1.3 0.0194 0.8227
## 1.4 0.0063 0.9113
## 1.5 0.0019 0.9595
## 1.6 0.0005 0.9828
## 1.7 0.0001 0.9932
## 1.8 0.0000 0.9975
## 1.9 0.0000 0.9991
## 2.0 0.0000 0.9997
## Note: Gamma is Odds of Differential Assignment To
## Treatment Due to Unobserved Factors
Figure 17. Sensitivity analysis using Wilcoxons rank sign test

that could be obtained if the study is free of bias.
In Figure 17, the value of Gamma is interpreted as
Thus results will be more robust to hidden bias, if
the odds of treatment assignment hidden bias. A
a very large change in the odds is needed before a
change in the odds lower/upper bounds from
change in statistical significance happens.
significant to non-significant (or vice-versa)
indicates by how much the odds need to change
before the statistical significance of the outcome
shifts. For example, in Figure 17, the lower bound
estimate changes from non-significant (0.0541) to
In spite of the benefits described above, propensity
significant (0.0194) when gamma is 1.3. That is, a
scores have important limitations. Endogeneity
change of 0.3 in the odds will produce a change in
problems are not controlled. That is, researchers
the significance value. Rosenbaum (2002) defines
still need to be able to identify and measure many
a study as sensitive if values of Gamma close to 1
if not all the variables associated with treatment
lead to changes in significance compared to those


Olmos & Govindasamy

assignment/selection. There is a possibility that
one can use proxies to address some of these
variables; for example, using age as a proxy for
general state of health (Gagne, 2010). However, it
is not clear to what extent proxies can alleviate this
problem. Rosenbaum (2005) and Guo and Fraser
(2015) suggest the use of sensitivity analyses to
explore the extent to which the results can be
trusted as identification of all associated variables
is unlikely.
Also important is the fact that there needs to
be a strong overlap of the distributions of
propensity scores between the two groups (the socalled common support region). If the overlap is
small, that there may not be enough participants
in the control group to match all the participants
in the treatment group, then propensity score
matching will be no better than any standard form
of matching.
Given that lack of overlap can be most times
be associated with a similar (or smaller) sample
for the control group, it is recommended that the
sample size for the control group be at least 3-4
times larger than for the treatment group to assure
matches in the common support region. A larger
sample for the control group also increases the
number of matches for every treatment

Randomized Control vs. Propensity

The question of whether propensity scores can
remove selection bias, and thus represent a viable
option for Randomized Control Trials is still
unresolved. To date, there is no clear indication of
whether propensity scores can remove the
selection bias that jeopardizes quasi-experiments.
Using a set of studies in the medical field intended
to measure the effectiveness of on-pump versus
off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting, Olmos
& Govindasamy (2014) conducted a meta-analysis
that showed no differences in the estimated
treatment effect size between randomized control
trials and studies using propensity score matching.
This finding seems to support the claims that
propensity score matching produces similar
results to those from randomized control studies.
This is an area where more research is clearly

Propensity scores can provide an alternative that
observational studies in their quest to demonstrate
causality. In particular, they are intended to
identify the probabilities associated with
assignment to treatment conditions, and match
participants based on those probabilities. This
matching in particular helps directly with one of
the four requirements associated with causal
inference (the counterfactual), and indirectly with
another (ruling out alternative explanations).
However, the use of propensity scores requires a
deep understanding and measurement of all the
variables that can affect selection into groups.
Furthermore, if any variable that can be critical for
the selection into treatment is not included in the
propensity scores, then the propensity scores will
not be able to eliminate selection bias. Finally, a
sensitivity analysis is always recommended as a
way to determine how robust the results are.

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