Employers Aor PDF
Employers Aor PDF
Employers Aor PDF
further action.
Examples of hazardous sources of artificial optical radiation that could harm
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Note 1
AOR includes light emitted from all artificial sources ie light in all its forms such as
ultraviolet, infrared and laser beams, but excluding sunlight. It is likely that your
workers will be exposed to some form of artificial light at work, whether from
general lighting, equipment or from a work process.
Note 2
The majority of light sources are safe, such as those described in List 1 below. If
you only have these sources, or similar, your workers are not at risk and you dont
need to do anything further.
When making this decision, it is also worth considering the following points to
satisfy yourself that all workers are protected:
If you have workers whose health is at particular risk, (eg those with pre-existing
If exposure to bright light could present unrelated risks, (eg temporary blindness
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Any Risk Group 2 lamp or lamp system (including LEDs), as defined in British
Less common hazardous sources are associated with specialist activities for
example lasers exposed during the manufacture or repair of equipment, which
would otherwise not be accessible.
The above list is not exhaustive. If you are still unsure whether the sources
you have are hazardous you could use information provided by suppliers, who
have a duty under Section 6 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to
design, manufacture and supply articles for use at work that are safe, so far as
is reasonably practicable, in all reasonably foreseeable circumstances of use. If a
source presents a risk of harm, they should provide information and instruction on
how this risk should be managed as well as making sure the articles they supply for
use at work are appropriately CE-marked.
If you are still unsure whether you have hazardous sources, you may wish to refer
to a trade association who may have produced sector specific guidance and may
be able to give advice. Other Standards and guidance may also be relevant. The
European Commission will publish guidance later this year. A near final draft is at:
Note 3
If you use hazardous sources of light, you must put in place control measures
to reduce the risk of harm to the eyes and skin of your workers, to as low as is
reasonably practicable. This is the key requirement of these new Regulations.
AOR Regulations 2010
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Some sensible measures are suggested in List 3 below and should be considered
on a case-by-case basis for your particular activity. Table 1 gives examples of work
activities where hazardous sources of AOR are commonplace, the industries where
they are used and the control measures considered appropriate.
In order for these controls to have the best chance of success, you need to involve
your workers in developing and delivering them.
List 3 Control measures to consider when managing AOR risks
Use an alternative, safer light source that can achieve the same result.
Use filters, screens, remote viewing, curtains, safety interlocks, clamping of work
pieces, dedicated rooms, remote controls and time delays.
Train workers in best-practice and give them appropriate information.
Organise the work to reduce exposure to workers and restrict access to
hazardous areas.
Issue personal protective equipment, eg clothing, goggles or face shields.
Use relevant safety signs.
Whatever measures you use, you will also need to have a system for dealing with
potential over-exposures, for example, referral to a physician or occupational health
It is expected that using the right combination of measures in List 3 will make sure
your workers are protected. The vast majority of businesses will be able to satisfy
themselves at this stage that no further controls are needed.
If, after this process you still suspect that workers may be at risk, a more detailed
risk assessment will be required which will include calculations or measurements.
This should only apply in a very small minority of cases. If you have no experience
of conducting these types of assessment, seek advice from a relevant trade
association or a specialist consultancy and stop the work until you are satisfied that
risks have been reduced to a sufficiently low level.
Note 4
If you employ five or more workers, the control measures you put in place should
be recorded in a risk assessment and staff informed of them. Table 1 is an example
of how this could be done. Also, a template is available at: http://www.hse.gov.uk/
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Table 1 Work activities which use hazardous levels of Artificial Optical Radiation
What industries
use hazardous
sources of
intense light?
are the
How might
workers be
harmed by the
intense light?
Metal working
(arc and
to eyes
photokeratitis and
(arc eye),
damage to the
retina (blue light
Damage to
skin UV burn
and research
and induced
to eyes
photokeratitis and
(arc eye),
damage to the
retina (blue light
Damage to
skin UV burn
Hot industries
to furnaces,
burners and
hot metals/
Damage to eyes
and skin mainly
early onset of
cataract risk
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What industries
use hazardous
sources of
intense light?
are the
How might
workers be
harmed by the
intense light?
Printing and
paint (motor
vehicle repairs)
curing of
inks and
to eyes
photokeratitis and
(arc eye),
damage to the
retina (blue light
Damage to
skin UV burn
Medical and
(Class 3B
and 4 lasers)
UV and
blue light
Pulsed Light
Damage to eyes
from laser beams/
IPL, including
Laser/IPL burns
to skin
research and
Class 3B
and 4 lasers
Damage to
eyes, including
Laser beam
burns to skin
Potential fire risk
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Further information
HSE priced and free publications can be viewed online or ordered from
www.hse.gov.uk or contact HSE Books, PO Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA
Tel: 01787 881165 Fax: 01787 313995. HSE priced publications are also available
from bookshops.
For information about health and safety, or to report inconsistencies or inaccuracies
in this guidance, ring HSEs Infoline Tel: 0845 345 0055 Fax: 0845 408 9566
Textphone: 0845 408 9577 e-mail: hse.infoline@natbrit.com or write to
HSE Information Services, Caerphilly Business Park, Caerphilly CF83 3GG.
This document contains notes on good practice which are not compulsory
but which you may find helpful in considering what you need to do.
This document is available at: www.hse.gov.uk/radiation/nonionising/employers-aor.pdf.
Crown copyright This publication may be freely reproduced, except for
advertising, endorsement or commercial purposes. First published 04/10. Please
acknowledge the source as HSE.
AOR Regulations
by the Health
2010 and Safety Executive
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