Anonymous Cabala Mineralis
Anonymous Cabala Mineralis
Anonymous Cabala Mineralis
Cabala Mineralis
Book I
Figure 1
The mine of our mercury is our saltpetre not that of the vulgar.
Our sharp bitter vitriol is not that of the vulgar
Our ammoniac is not that of the vulgar.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Our mercury.
The living pontic water.
Figure 4
Two to more than three parts of our mercury dissolve one part of the common moon or
sun, and they become inseparably one spongeous porous body, which is called our moon or
sun, not the common.
The moon through mercury of five eagles.
The Sun through mercury of seven eagles.
Figure 5
The sophic calcination of the sun.
Figure 6
Figure 7
The Germination of vegetation.
The sun having been changed through the black colour becomes green, it is spread out into
the vegetation.
Figure 8
Figure 10
Volatilisation through dryness.
Our volatile sun having been prolonged in heat, now having been made through liquid is
dried up and becomes a body shining, as if dawn is breaking, and this is the volatilisation
through dryness.
Figure 11
Let the eternal God be praised and may his grace be unceasing.
Book II