Automated Water Billing System

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University of Gondar

Institute of Technology
Electrical & computer Engineering
Automated water billing system with mobile banking System

Name of Candidates:
Gebeyaw Tigabu
Ibrahim Samuel
Israel Yohannes


Name of advisor: Eyob Solomon

A project report Submitted to the Electrical and Computer Engineering department in

Institute of Technology of University of Gondar in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the course mini project in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Computer Stream

June, 2008
Gondar, Ethiopia

Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System


Automated water billing system with mobile banking System

Name of candidates:
Gebeyaw Tigabu
Ibrahim Samuel
Israel Yohannes

Approval by Committee
The undersigned certify that the above candidate/s has fulfilled the condition of the project
paper in partial fulfillment of the course mini project for Electrical and Computer Engineering
Belete Bantalem
Chairman, Dept. Head



Eyob Solomon






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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System

we, the undersigned, declare that this project, Automated water billing system with mobile
banking System , is our own work, and has not been presented for in any other place, and
all sources of materials used for the project have been fully acknowledged.

Name of the candidate

1. Gebeyaw Tigabu
2. Ibrahim Samuel
3. Israel


Place: Gondar

Date of Submission: ________________

This project has been submitted for examination with my approval as a university advisor.

Name of the Advisor

Advisors Name


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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System

Water meter reading is a monotonous and an expensive task. Now the meter reader people goes
to each meter and take the meter reading manually to issue the bill which will later be entered
in the billing software for billing and payment automation. If the manual meter reading and bill
data entry process can be automated then it would reduce the laborious task and financial
wastage. Automatic Water Meter Reading (AMR) System is a metering system that is to be
used for data collecting from the meter and processing the collected data for billing and other
decision purposes. In this paper we have proposed an automatic meter reading system which is
low cost, high performance, highest data rate, highest coverage area and most appropriate for
Bangladesh perspective. In this AMR system there are four basic units. They are reading unit,
communication unit, data receiving and processing unit and billing system.
Billing is a critical function of both the Electricity and the Water Boards towards getting a
meter read. Meter reading even though it looks simple and is far from simple and involves
processes that can give various problems. Paying a utility bill in Ethiopia and most developing
nations is time consuming. It takes more than a quarter a day or more, to pay a utility bill in
most of these nations with queues usually several meters long in any of water supply service
This proposed system gives information about the design of a GSM based water billing
system. This is achieved by using microcontroller and GSM module. The deployment of the
proposed system uses the existing GSM network. Water flow Sensor gives output proportional
to flow in square wave form, we can collect the output and can store in microcontroller. One of
the ports of micro controller will be configured as input port. Sensors output is connected to
input port of controller , here at the falling edge of the wave controllers counter will be set till
the wave ends. Meanwhile counter value will be incremented as per duration of the wave. At
the end the value present in the timer will be given at output port by converting to decimal
digits. Monthly water usage can be sent to municipal corporation office within fraction of
seconds in the form of text message by using existing GSM network.
Microcontroller will give amount of water usage by user in the form of decimal values to the
GSM Modem. GSM modem receives water usage as a number string of numbers. GSM modem
then formats the value in the Message form by using AT commands. It then transmitted to
another GSM modem through existing GSM network. Billing software calculates bills based on
amount of water used and store the values to the data base for each individual customer. After
that calculated bill can be sent through SMS to the customer with their mobile phone. Then the
customer can see the amount of bill and pay the bill within mobile banking by using their
mobile phone. When the customer pay the amount of bill the bank staff send a report to the
water supply station data base through GSM network and then the water station database
administrator update the customer information.

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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System

Table of Contents
Abstract ..................................................................................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Introduction/ Background of the Study............................................................................................ 1
1.2 Goals of the Project.......................................................................................................................... 2
1. 3 Objective of the Project .................................................................................................................. 2
1.3.1 General Objective ..................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.2 Specific Objective ..................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Problem Statement ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Operational and Research Assumptions .......................................................................................... 3
1.6 Significance of the Study ................................................................................................................. 4
1.7 Scope of the Project ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.8 Resource Requirement ..................................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER TWO: SYSTEM ANALYSIS................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Development Methodology ............................................................................................................. 6
2.1.1 Planning and Data Gathering .................................................................................................... 6
2.1.2 System Model and Design ....................................................................................................... 7
2.1.3 Software Development.............................................................................................................. 7
2.1.4 System Testing and Implementation ......................................................................................... 7
2.1.5 Evaluation and Recommendation ............................................................................................. 7
2.2 EXISTING SYSTEM ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Problems of the existing system................................................................................................ 9
CHAPTER THREE: LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................... 11
3.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................... 11
3.3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................................. 14
3.3.1 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................. 14
3.4.2 Nonfunctional requirements .................................................................................................. 15
CHAPTER FOUR: SYSTEM MODELS ...................................................................................................... 16
4.1 Scenarios ........................................................................................................................................ 16
4.2 Use case model .............................................................................................................................. 16
4.3 Class diagram ............................................................................................................................. 17
4.4 DYNAMIC MODELS ....................................................................................................................... 21
4.4.1 Activity diagram ...................................................................................................................... 21
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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System

CHAPTER FIVE: HARDWARE DESIGN ............................................................................................. 24

5.1 MICROCONTROLLER ................................................................................................................ 24
5.2 LCD INTERFACING .......................................................................................................................... 28
5.3 GSM Modem .................................................................................................................................. 31
6. Conclusion & Future scope ................................................................................................................. 37
7. References ........................................................................................................................................... 38

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List of figures

Page no

Fig2.1 methodology flow chart ------------------------------------------------------------ 8

Fig 3.1

Flow chart of the system --------------------------------------------------------- 13

Fig 4.1 use case diagram --------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

Fig 4. 2 Class diagram for automated water billing system ------------------------------18
Fig 4.3 activity diagram for login -----------------------------------------------------------21
Fig 4.4 activity diagram for create bank account-------------------------------------------21
Fig 4.5 activity diagram for water station --------------------------------------------- 22
Fig 4. 6 activity diagram for paying bill amount------------------------------------------ 22
Fig 4.7 sequence diagram for paying bill amount --------------------------------------23
Fig 5.1 pin description of AT89C51 Microcontroller ------------------------------------26
Fig 5.2 An entire computer on a single chip----------------------------------------------- 28
Fig 5.3 LCD interfacing ---------------------------------------------------------------------29
Fig 5.4 schematic diagram for LCD interfacing------------------------------------------ 29
Fig 5.5 GSM modem -------------------------------------------------------------------------31
Fig 5.6 circuit diagram of Gsm modem ------------------------------------------------- 34
Fig 5.7 max232 diagram-------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
Fig 5.8 PIN Description of MAX232 -----------------------------------------------------35

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List of tables

page no

Table 4.1 user description 18

Table 4.2 bank staff description-----------------------------------------------------------19
Table 4.3 Data base operator description------------------------------------------------19
Table 4.4 customer class description ----------------------------------------------------20
Table 4.5 microcontroller class description------------------------------------------- 20
Table 5.1 pin description of LCD interfacing----------------------------------------- 30
Table 5.2 pin description of MAX232 ------------------------------------------------------------36

List of abbreviations
AMR------------------------------------ Automation meter reading
GSM------------------------------------ global system mobile
SMS------------------------------------ short message service
MsSQL-------------------------------- Microsoft structured query language
MCU----------------------------------- microcontroller
ROM----------------------------------- read only memory
RAM-------------------------------- random access memory
DSP--------------------------------- digital signal processing
CPU-------------------------------- computer processing unit
PEROM--------------------------- programmable and erasable read only memory
LCD------------------------------- liquid crystal display

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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System


1.1 Introduction/ Background of the Study
Automatic Meter Reading System (AMR) is the remote collection of consumption data from
customers' utility like Electric meters using radio frequency, telephony, power-line or satellite
communications technologies and process the data to generate the bill. Now a day, AMR is
heavily used in the abroad for collecting reading and billing purpose. In Ethiopia water billing
system is completely manual. The water meters are situated in the houses, offices and factories
etc .Meter readers go to the place which are generally situated inside the house and take the
meter reading. Most of the time the owner gives some extra money to the meter reader person
to have less meter reading. As a result corruptions occur and actual payment is not received by
the service provider. So the provider faces a huge amount of loss in every year. At this present
situation, its very necessary to implement AMR in Ethiopia. Millions of Analog meters are
already used in our houses, offices, industries. Automatic meter reading, or AMR, is the
technology of automatically collecting data from energy meter or water metering devices
(water, gas, and electric) and transferring that data to a central database for billing and/or
analyzing. This means that billing can be based on actual consumption rather than on an
estimate based on previous consumption, giving customers better control of their use of electric
energy, gas usage, or water consumption. Automatic meter reading was first tested 30 years
ago when trials were conducted by AT&T in cooperation with a group of utility companies and
Westinghouse. After those successful experiments, AT&T offered to provide phone systembased Automatic Meter Reading services at $2 per meter the price was four times more than the
monthly cost of a person to read the meter-50 cents. Thus the program was considered
economically unfeasible. The modern era of automatic meter reading began in 1985, when
several major full-scale projects were implemented.
Paying a utility bill in Ethiopia and most developing nations is time consuming. It takes more
than a quarter a day or more, to pay a utility bill in most of these nations with queues usually
several meters long in any of water supply service office. On most days, the water supply
offices are lled with long queues of hundreds of individuals waiting to pay a range of these
bills in cash. A lot of unproductive hours are spent queuing up to pay and also to make simple
inquiries or receive responses. These reasons actually dominate the customers reasons for the
branch visits, making the whole payment process needlessly complicated.
On the other hand, the utility company is also tasked to a greater extent with receiving,
reviewing, tracking and manually clearing each bill, which is and continues to be a laborious
time intensive undertaking.

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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System

1.2 Goals of the Project

Our goal is to establish advanced ways of enabling payment for basic water billing services
via a text based interface by sending an SMS from anywhere at any time, particularly with use
of a mobile phone and microcontroller.
1. 3 Objective of the Project
1.3.1 General Objective
The main objective of this project is to design and implement automated water billing systems
using mobile banking.
1.3.2 Specific Objective
The specific objectives of this project are:1) Develop well organized data base system to store the customers information or data
and also to add new customers and to update the customers information or data.
2) Design the digital water flow sensor meter to count the water usage
3) Design microcontroller that stores the output of flow sensor and will give amount of
water usage by user in the form of decimal values to the GSM Modem.
4) Design the GSM modem to send the customers water usage within a month to the
water supply service.

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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System

1.4 Problem Statement

Paying utility bills for such basic services like water still takes more than a quarter a day in
Ethiopia and many other nations in and out of Africa. Customers to these utility companies
have to spend very unproductive hours queuing to pay bills in form of cash at the water supply
In addition to this, there may be billing errors and disputes and sometimes water supply services
estimate readings that the user usage, this leads to unfair paying utility bills because of this reason
customers complain to the services and they wouldnt have confidence in service. Walking many
kilometers to be able to pay water usage utility bills is inconvenient and costly for customers
and they waste their time to go to utility service to pay the bills. Even they may face accident in
transportation. The collection mechanisms available are cash, which customers also stand a risk
if unpaid, and as a consequence face high charges.

1.5 Operational and Research Assumptions

This research is primarily based on the following assumptions:
1. Subscribers to the utility service providers at least own a mobile phone handset for
convenience purposes, subscribed on any one of the operating telecommunication companies.
However, a subscriber can use a borrowed phone, since SIM identity does not matter, though
its also preferred that clients use own numbers to avoid misdirecting feedback to the client
through a previously used SIM ID at a later date.
2. The utility and the telecom companies own operating accounts, preferably in the same bank
for convenience.
3. A payment can be made for an existing customer. No description for subscription process
but rather subscription advice can be provided online.

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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System

1.6 Significance of the Study

The development of a wireless billing SMS model is expected to make the life of a utility-bill
Payer easy, by creating a direct link to the billing database of the utility company and therefore
beneficial in the following ways:
1. The model is in principle expected to positively enhance the payment system for bills from
utility companies. For example water, phone and electricity, and provide value for money for
distant populations. Walking many kilometers to be able to access a service is inconvenient and
costly for customers, so saturation of an area with the service is preferable to a wider, thinner
2. Increases service access and reduce customer-response-time. This is particularly helpful to
the utility company when it receives timely payments and answer queries in time.
3. No more queuing to pay bills since geographic locality will be irrelevant. Bill transactions
will be conducted via SMS anywhere, thus saving customers a lot of money and valuable time
spent in utility company.
4. We also hope that customers on low incomes will find paying bills by SMS, more affordable
and quick to implement.
5. This research will presumably set baseline precedence for improved and electronic billing
methodologies in Ethiopia. Future researchers on this subject will find a better ground to make
utility and other bills cleared in the shortest time possible, as our people move closer to
electronic commerce on hand held devices.

1.7 Scope of the Project

When we propose this project our aim is the system must have to do the following activities:1) Minimize the time waste during home to home water meter checking and during
monthly payment.
2) Avoid the customers queue at the water supply service to pay the bill
3) Avoid inappropriate services to the customers
4) Minimize the cost which is paid for the civil servants who read the customers water
usage monthly
5) Avoid estimate reading for individual customers water usage
6) Increase the customers confidentiality

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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System

1.8 Resource Requirement

Resource requirements are material that we use when we do this project. There may
be hardware or software.
Hardware requirements:
8051 microcontroller
GSM modem
water meter sensor
max 232
Software requirements:
Kiel compiler
C language
MYSQL Database server

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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System


2.1 Development Methodology
In the process of developing the automated water billing System , step by step procedures are
followed. These are the following:
2.1.1 Planning and Data Gathering
There are different methodologies available for collecting information (data gathering methods)
from the users. During requirement collection methods we have used some techniques among them:
1) Observation: since observation is natural habitats. We have observed that the existing
systems (water billing systems) how it operate and how customers
communicate with the water supply service.
2) Interview: In addition to observation we interview both the customers and the water supply
service administrators. We interview that the customers about the problems of the
existing systems and also we interview the service administrators how they manage
and store the customers information and data.
Based on the gathered data from the interview made in the water supply service that has been
organize and process, the existing problem has been identified. Through tremendous analysis that
has been made and planned afterwards automated water Billing System was proposed to sought
the problem. Objectives, scope and limitations of the study and its significance has been set as part
of the system development.

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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System

2.1.2 System Model and Design

This phase focus on showing the possible process related to the development of the system. It
involves the construction of conceptual framework that shows possible process related to the
system development. Subsequently, the analyze information and process is put into a design as
a basis pattern for easy development of the system interface.
2.1.3 Software Development
This system involve in the system development. The design interface of the system was made
into action. Software requirements such as c language that serves as the embedded part of the
system and MsSQL Database server as the system database. System coding is also part of the
2.1.4 System Testing and Implementation
This is one of the most vital phases in system development. Here is where to measure the
system usability, performance according to its features, function and impact or aid to the
user needs. System implementation shall be done after checking of errors and it will be an
immense help to the service upgrading.
2.1.5 Evaluation and Recommendation
Evaluation and recommendation shall be done by the system user base on the systems
usability, function and interface.
This section presents the steps to follow to complete and to attain the objectives of the study
as, illustrated on the figure system flow:

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Calibrate the

Software implementation

Integration of hardware
and software

Prototype testing


Calibrate the system

Result analysis

Conclusion and


Fig. methodology
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In the present scenario water meters are deployed in all houses. The current procedure with
regard to the billing process for water is not a fully automated system. It involves manual
processes from the time the Meter reader starts reading the meter until the system is updated with
the current reading. A meter reader visits a house, does the meter reading, and then manually
calculates the amount considering the units consumed. Back in the office a data entry officer
enters the meter readings into the system manually and a bill generated and given to customers.
Then the customer must go to the water supply service to pay the bill according to their usage.
The procedure is far from satisfactory and it is believed a better system using available
technologies would definitely be an advantage.
2.2.1 Problems of the existing system
Here the problem is that the accuracy in reading of the units consumed is very erroneous. This
happens due to various factors such as :

We dont get an accurate reading of the consumption in units at the end of the month
due to improper functioning of hardware in some parts and hence there is also no easy
way to make repairs timely.

The payment of the users is not in timely manner and hence the whole system is
not properly organized. Even if the user wants to pay there is not facility to payment
method which can be achieved quickly. Paying utility bills for such basic services like
water still takes more than a quarter a day in Ethiopia and many other nations in Africa.
Customers to these utility companies have to spend very unproductive hours queuing to
pay bills in form of cash at the water supply service.

The officials who collect the reading of the meter visit irregularly. If faulty bill is
provided to the consumers then just to make the changes the consumers should make
frequent trips to the water supply service. This leads to wastage of time money and other

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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System

When water meter units collector visits the house for collecting the units he generates
the bill and if door is locked then he will keep the bill on the door latch and due to
winds it may be lost and the consumer will not have any information about that and
next month he will have to pay the due amount also.

In addition to this, there may be billing errors and disputes and sometimes water supply
services estimate readings that the user usage, this leads to unfair paying utility bills because
of this reason customers complain to the services and they wouldnt have confidence in
service. Walking many kilometers to be able to pay water usage utility bills is
inconvenient and costly for customers and they waste their time to go to utility service to
pay the bills. Even they may face accident in transportation. The collection mechanisms
available are cash, which customers also stand a risk if unpaid, and as a consequence face
high charges.

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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System

Billing can ensure that what is put into any service delivery system is paid for at the end, providing
stronger revenue streams. For example, Kingdom et al (2006) highlights the issue of the considerable
difference between the amount of water put into the distribution system and the amount of water
billed to consumers. This can be termed as 'non-revenue water' (NRW) and is a common problem with
the water systems of developing countries. The high levels of NRW are due to huge volumes of water
being lost through leaks, water not being invoiced to customers, or both. Kingdom et al (2006) estimate
that worldwide, close to 30 million cubic meters are delivered every day to customers, but are not
invoiced because of theft, employees corruption and poor metering. This affects the financial viability of
water utilities through lost revenues and increased operational costs. The authors stress the importance
of improving meter reading and billing, noting that a significant portion of commercial losses arise from
mistakes in the meter reading and billing chains, because of poor technology, antiquated property
registers and data-handling errors among other things.
Misra and Kingdom (2012) argue that meter reading and billing errors, whether involuntary or resulting
from fraudulent practices, should be eliminated by limiting the human handling of data. The authors
argue that well tested commercial software available on the market should be preferred to what they
define as home-grown (i.e. locally built) ones. Water service providers should comply with
disconnection and reconnection procedures to prevent the accumulation of large unpaid arrears. Also,
particular attention should be paid to those customers that often constitute a large part of arrears. The
authors suggest that to reduce billing fraud, tariffs should be uniform. At the same time they note that
for political expedience a lifeline, or reduced tariff can be proposed but this should still try to cover
operating costs, 5 create an incentive to be financially responsible and have an upper consumption limit
that is sufficient for basic needs.
The project that is done before is more beneficial for utility services since it reduces human labor that
reads each customers water usage because they propose digital water flow meter reading, so the
customers can pay bills by going to the service. But our project benefits both utility services and
customers by using GSM module and mobile banking to pay bills at home using mobile banking. The
difference is that we use mobile banking.


The proposed system solves the problem of the existing system. The proposed system benefits
both customers and the water supply service. The customers may not go to the service provider
to pay the bill and there is no queue at the service provider to pay the bill they only pay with
mobile banking by using mobile phone at their home when station sent the bill amount with
SMS. Accurate meter reading no estimate reading in the proposed system. In addition to this, the
system reduces the number of civil servants who read water meter units of the customer monthly.
The proposed system consists of three main components:

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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System

1. Embedded water meter system for measurement and control of water
2. Server application to manage the measurements and prepare invoices and bills.
In addition to that, the application performs some predefined control operations
that can be transmitted to the embedded water meter. Communication medium
that is based on the existing GSM networks. The water billing and control
operations will be performed simply using the Short Messaging System service
that is available over GSM. For this, no modification or even customization is
needed in the networks themselves.
3. A database is created which contains meter number, customer name, mobile
number and previous 6 months readings. Validation can also be done to
prevent any malpractices in the existing system.

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Power supply

GSM network

Sever +

processing &
generation f

Water supply service

Fig 3.1

Flow chart of the system

In above block diagram water flow Sensor gives output proportional to flow in square wave
form, we can collect the output and can store in microcontroller. One of the ports of micro
controller will be configured as input port. Sensors output is connected to input port of controller
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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System

, here at the falling edge of the wave controllers counter will be set till the wave ends. Meanwhile
counter value will be incremented as per duration of the wave. At the end the value present in the
timer will be given at output port by converting to decimal digits.
Microcontroller will give amount of water usage by user in the form of decimal values to the
GSM Modem. GSM modem receives water usage as a number string of numbers. GSM modem
then formats the value in the Message form by using AT commands. It then transmitted to
another GSM modem through existing GSM network. Billing software calculates bills based on
amount of water used and store the values to the data base for each individual customer. After
that calculated bill can be sent through SMS to the customer with their mobile phone. Then the
customer can see the amount of bill and pay the bill within mobile banking by using their mobile
phone. When the customer pay the amount of bill the bank staff send a report to the water supply
station data base through GSM network and then the water station database administrator update
the customer information.



Functional requirements are fundamental building block requirements. It is a statement of

exactly what the system must do. The new system will take care of the following functional

The development of a wireless billing SMS model is expected to make the life of
a utility-bill payer easy

The system must avoid estimate reading of the customers water usage

The system must avoid queue around the water supply service to pay the bill

The system shall allow water station database to have record, store and update the
customers information

The system shall allow digital water flow sensor meter to count the water usage
in digital form

The system must store the amount water usage

The system must send the amount of water usage within a month using SMS to
the water station database

The system shall allow water station database to calculate/generate the individual
bill amount according to their usage

The system shall allow water station database to send the bill amount to the
customers with SMS

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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System


The system shall allow customers to pay the bill with mobile banking in mobile
The above have mentioned are the functionalities of the system will do.
3.4.2 Nonfunctional requirements

Non-functional requirement describe invisible aspects of the system that are not directly related
to the system. Unlike functional requirement the non-functional requirement deals with
additional quality of the system such as:
1. Availability: The system is available for 24 hours. Unless some failures an internet
connection problem occurs or light goes off, our system is available at any time.
2. Reliability: The system will consistently perform its intended function.
3. Efficiency: The system is efficient based on the concept of resource consumption.
4. Easy to use: Our system is user friendly and understandable by customers who
know how to use the mobile banking.
5. Service: The service that the website provides is easily understandable by
customers who know how to use the internet. Moreover, the project is frequently
measured in cost and time.

Scalability: Any increase in the number of user shall not degrade system
availability to an extent noticeable by any users.

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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System

4.1 Scenarios
Scenarios are textual descriptions of an objects actions over time and describe the way in
which a component works.

4.2 Use case model

Use case diagrams are used to gather the requirements of a system including internal and
external influences.

These influences are design requirements. Use case diagrams help to

provide a higher-level view of the system. They provide the simplified and graphical
representation of what the system must actually do. As a result, they are the blueprints for our
There are four actors that involved in the online cinema ticket reservation system these are
discussed below.
1. Customer
Customer creates mobile banking account.
Customer login mobile banking account to pay water consumption.
Customer views a received water bill amount with mobile phone.
Customer views account balance.
Customer pay received bill amount with mobile banking.
Customer receives receipt from database station with SMS.
Close the system after they finish what they want to do.
2. Database operator
The operator login to station database.
The operator reads individual customers meter reading values that are sent from
The operator calculates the consumption of water bill amount.
The operator sends the calculated bill amount to the customer with SMS.
The operator receives report from bank.
The operator updates customer information.
The operator sends receipt to the customer with SMS.
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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System

Close the system after they finish what they want to do.
3. Bank staff
The staff logs in the system.
The staff Creates account for the new customer.
The staff transfers money from customer account to water station account.
The staff generates report to send the database operator.
The staff sends report to the water supply station database.
Close the system after finishing what they want to do.

Fig 4.1 use case diagram

4.3 Class diagram

Class diagram is a type of static diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the
system classes, their attributes, operations and the relationships among objects. Class diagram is
the main building block of object oriented modeling. Furthermore, it is used both for general
conceptual modeling of the systematic of the application, and for detailed modeling translating
the models into programming code.

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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System

Fig 4. 2 Class diagram for automated water billing system

Class diagram description:

This is a base class in which customer, bank staff and database operator
inherit this class. This class provides address and login.
Public: yes
Association: None
Aggregation: None
Composition: Login
Generalization: None
User_Id: string, userFName: string, userLName:
string, sex: char, age: integer, salary: integer,
loggedin: Boolean
+Login(username: string, password: string):
+Logout(): void
+setUserFName(string userFName): string
Table 4.1 user description

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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System



Bank staff

Public: yes


This is only one instance of this class because

there is only one manager. This manager has
additional features of creating account,
deactivating account and viewing reports.
Association: None
Aggregation: None
Composition: None
Generalization: User
+generate Report(user_Id: string): Boolean

Table 4.2 bank staff description


This is a base class in which the customer information is stored and the
individual customers meter reading in the data base and then calculate the
bill amount and send the bill amount to the customer with SMS. This class
provides login.
Public: yes
Data base
Association: None
Aggregation: None
Composition: Login
Generalization: user
User_Id: string, userFName: string, userLName:
string, sex: char, age: integer, address: String,
loggedin: Boolean
+Login(username: string, password: string):
+Logout(): void
+calculate bill(User_Id: string): string
+send bill(User_Id: string):string
Table 4.3 Data base operator description

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Automated Water Billing System With Mobile Banking System



Public: yes


There are many customer registered in the system

and they have an account. This customer has
additional features of viewing bill amount with
mobile phone and pays the bill using mobile
Association: None
Aggregation: Account
Composition: None
Inherits some variables from user class.
viewCredit(cust_Id): string
register(user_Id: string, userFName: string,
userLName: string, sex: char, password: string,
accountNo: integer): boolean
updateProfile(user_Id: string): boolean

Table 4.4 customer class description


This class counts the customer water flow amounts and sends the reading
values of the meter to the water station database.
Public: yes
Association: None
Aggregation: None
Generalization: None
Watermeter-id: string


Table 4.5 microcontroller class description

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4.4.1 Activity diagram

Fig 4.3 activity diagram for login

Fig 4.4 activity diagram for create bank account

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Fig 4.5 activity diagram for water station

Fig 4. 6 activity diagram for paying bill amount

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4.4.2 Sequence diagram

Fig 4.7 sequence diagram for paying bill amount

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A microcontroller (sometimes abbreviated C, uC or MCU) is a small computer on a
single integrated

circuit containing





programmable input/output peripherals. Program memory in the form of NOR flash or OTP
ROM is also often included on chip, as well as a typically small amount of RAM.
Microcontrollers are designed for embedded applications, in contrast to the microprocessors used
in personal computers or other general purpose applications.
Microcontrollers are used in automatically controlled products and devices, such as automobile
engine control systems, implantable medical devices, remote controls, office machines,
appliances, power tools, toys and other embedded systems. By reducing the size and cost
compared to a design that uses a separate microprocessor, memory, and input/output devices,
microcontrollers make it economical to digitally control even more devices and processes. Mixed
signal microcontrollers are common, integrating analog components needed to control nondigital electronic systems.
Some microcontrollers may use four-bit words and operate at clock rate frequencies as low as
4 kHz for low power consumption (mill watts or microwatts). They will generally have the
ability to retain functionality while waiting for an event such as a button press or other interrupt;
power consumption while sleeping (CPU clock and most peripherals off) may be just Nano
watts, making many of them well suited for long lasting battery applications. Other
microcontrollers may serve performance-critical roles, where they may need to act more like
a digital signal processor (DSP), with higher clock speeds and power consumption.
Intel 8051 and 80C51 are members of Intel MCS-51 family of 8-bit microcontrollers. In addition
to on-chip clock oscillator, 2 16-bit timers, 4 I/O ports and a serial port, all 8051 and 80C51
chips have 128 bytes of RAM and 4 KB masked ROM. If necessary, 8051 memory can be
expanded up to 128 KB by adding up to 64 KB of external program and data memory.
AT89C51 Microcontroller

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The AT89C51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 4K
bytes of Flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM). The device is
manufactured using Atmels high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is
compatible with the industry-standard MCS-51 instruction set and pinout. The on-chip
Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional
nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a
monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89C51 is a powerful microcomputer which provides a
highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control applications.

Compatible with MCS-51 Products
4K Bytes of In-System Reprogrammable Flash Memory
Endurance: 1,000 Write/Erase Cycles
Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 24 MHz
Three-level Program Memory Lock
128 x 8-bit Internal RAM
32 Programmable I/O Lines
Two 16-bit Timer/Counters
Six Interrupt Sources
Programmable Serial Channel
Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes

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Fig 5.1 pin description of AT89C51 Microcontroller

Pins 1-8: Port 1 Each of these pins can be configured as an input or an output.
Pin 9: RESET A logic one on this pin disables the microcontroller and clears the contents of
most registers. In other words, the positive voltage on this pin resets the microcontroller. By
applying logic zero to this pin, the program starts execution from the beginning.
Pins10-17: Port 3 Similar to port 1, each of these pins can serve as general input or output.
Besides, all of them have alternative functions:
Pin 10: RXD Serial asynchronous communication input or Serial synchronous communication
Pin 11: TXD Serial asynchronous communication output or Serial synchronous communication
clock output.
Pin 12: INT0 Interrupt 0 input.
Pin 13: INT1 Interrupt 1 input.
Pin 14: T0 Counter 0 clock input.
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Pin 15: T1 Counter 1 clock input.
Pin 16: WR Write to external (additional) RAM.
Pin 17: RD Read from external RAM.
Pin 18, 19: X2, X1 Internal oscillator input and output. A quartz crystal which specifies
operating frequency is usually connected to these pins. Instead of it, miniature ceramics
resonators can also be used for frequency stability. Later versions of microcontrollers operate at
a frequency of 0 Hz up to over 50 Hz.
Pin 20: GND Ground.
Pin 21-28: Port 2 If there is no intention to use external memory then these port pins are
configured as general inputs/outputs. In case external memory is used, the higher address byte,
i.e. addresses A8-A15 will appear on this port. Even though memory with capacity of 64Kb is
not used, which means that not all eight port bits are used for its addressing, the rest of them are
not available as inputs/outputs.
Pin 29: PSEN If external ROM is used for storing program then a logic zero (0) appears on it
every time the microcontroller reads a byte from memory.
Pin 30: ALE Prior to reading from external memory, the microcontroller puts the lower address
byte (A0-A7) on P0 and activates the ALE output. After receiving signal from the ALE pin, the
external register (usually 74HCT373 or 74HCT375 add-on chip) memorizes the state of P0 and
uses it as a memory chip address. Immediately after that, the ALU pin is returned its previous
logic state and P0 is now used as a Data Bus. As seen, port data multiplexing is performed by
means of only one additional (and cheap) integrated circuit. In other words, this port is used for
both data and address transmission.
Pin 31: EA By applying logic zero to this pin, P2 and P3 are used for data and address
transmission with no regard to whether there is internal memory or not. It means that even there
is a program written to the microcontroller, it will not be executed. Instead, the program written
to external ROM will be executed. By applying logic one to the EA pin, the microcontroller will
use both memories, first internal then external (if exists).
Pin 32-39: Port 0 Similar to P2, if external memory is not used, these pins can be used as general
inputs/outputs. Otherwise, P0 is configured as address output (A0-A7) when the ALE pin is
driven high (1) or as data output (Data Bus) when the ALE pin is driven low (0).
Pin 40: VCC +5V power supply.

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Fig 5.2 An entire computer on a single chip


LCD Interfacing:
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen is an electronic display module and find a wide range of
applications. A 16x2 LCD display is very basic module and is very commonly used in various
devices and circuits. These modules are preferred over seven segments and other multi segment
LEDs. The reasons being: LCDs are economical; easily programmable; have no limitation of
displaying special & even custom characters (unlike in seven segments), animations and so on.
A 16x2 LCD means it can display 16 characters per line and there are 2 such lines. In this LCD
each character is displayed in 5x7 pixel matrix. This LCD has two registers, namely, Command
and Data.
The command register stores the command instructions given to the LCD. A command is an
instruction given to LCD to do a predefined task like initializing it, clearing its screen, setting the
cursor position, controlling display etc. The data register stores the data to be displayed on the
LCD. The data is the ASCII value of the character to be displayed on the LCD.

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Fig 5.3 LCD interfacing

Fig 5.4 schematic diagram for LCD interfacing

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Pin No


Ground (0V)


Supply voltage; 5V (4.7V 5.3V)


Contrast adjustment; through a variable



Selects command register when low; and

data register when high

Register Select

Low to write to the register; High to read

from the register


Sends data to data pins when a high to low

pulse is given






8-bit data pins









Backlight VCC (5V)



Backlight Ground (0V)


Table 5.1 pin description of LCD interfacing

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5.3 GSM Modem
Introduction To GSM Network
A GSM modem is a device which can be either a mobile phone or a modem device which can be
used to make a computer or any other processor communicate over a network. A GSM modem
requires a SIM card to be operated and operates over a network range subscribed by the network
operator. It can be connected to a computer through serial, USB or Bluetooth connection.
A GSM modem can also be a standard GSM mobile phone with the appropriate cable and
software driver to connect to a serial port or USB port on your computer. GSM modem is usually
preferable to a GSM mobile phone. The GSM modem has wide range of applications in
transaction terminals, supply chain management, security applications, weather stations and
GPRS mode remote data logging.
GSM is a mobile communication modem; it is stands for global system for mobile
communication (GSM). The idea of GSM was developed at Bell Laboratories in 1970. It is
widely used mobile communication system in the world. GSM is an open and digital cellular
technology used for transmitting mobile voice and data services operates at the 850MHz,
900MHz, 1800MHz and 1900MHz frequency bands.
GSM system was developed as a digital system using time division multiple access (TDMA)
technique for communication purpose. A GSM digitizes and reduces the data, then sends it down
through a channel with two different streams of client data, each in its own particular time slot.
The digital system has an ability to carry 64 kbps to 120 Mbps of data rates.

Fig 5.5 GSM modem

There are various cell sizes in a GSM system such as macro, micro, pico and umbrella cells.
Each cell varies as per the implementation domain. There are five different cell sizes in a GSM
network macro, micro, Pico and umbrella cells. The coverage area of each cell varies according
to the implementation environment.
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Time Division Multiple Access

TDMA technique relies on assigning different time slots to each user on the same frequency. It
can easily adapt to data transmission and voice communication and can carry 64kbps to
120Mbps of data rate.
GSM Architecture

A GSM network consists of the following components:


A Mobile Station: It is the mobile phone which consists of the transceiver, the display and the

processor and is controlled by a SIM card operating over the network.

Base Station Subsystem: It acts as an interface between the mobile station and the network
subsystem. It consists of the Base Transceiver Station which contains the radio transceivers and
handles the protocols for communication with mobiles. It also consists of the Base Station
Controller which controls the Base Transceiver station and acts as a interface between the mobile
station and mobile switching center.
Network Subsystem: It provides the basic network connection to the mobile stations. The basic
part of the Network Subsystem is the Mobile Service Switching Centre which provides access to
different networks like ISDN, PSTN etc. It also consists of the Home Location Register and the
Visitor Location Register which provides the call routing and roaming capabilities of GSM. It
also contains the Equipment Identity Register which maintains an account of all the mobile
equipment wherein each mobile is identified by its own IMEI number. IMEI stands for
International Mobile Equipment Identity.
Features of GSM Module:


Improved spectrum efficiency

International roaming
Compatibility with integrated services digital network (ISDN)
Support for new services.
SIM phonebook management
Fixed dialing number (FDN)
Real time clock with alarm management
High-quality speech
Uses encryption to make phone calls more secure
Short message service (SMS)
The security strategies standardized for the GSM system make it the most secure
telecommunications standard currently accessible. Although the confidentiality of a call and
secrecy of the GSM subscriber is just ensured on the radio channel, this is a major step in
achieving end-to- end security.

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The following AT commands are frequently used to control the operations of GSM modem.
Command operation
AT+CSMS Select message service
AT+CMGF Message format.
AT+CMGL List messages.
AT+CMGR Read message.

Send message.

AT+CMGD Delete message.



Dial a number.


Dial the last outgoing number.


Answer a call.

Hang up the call.

From the below circuit, a GSM modem duly interfaced to the MC through the level shifter IC Max232. The
SIM card mounted GSM modem upon receiving digit command by SMS from any cell phone send that data to
the MC through serial communication. While the program is executed, the GSM modem receives command
STOP to develop an output at the MC, the contact point of which are used to disable the ignition switch. The
command so sent by the user is based on an intimation received by him through the GSM modem ALERT a
programmed message only if the input is driven low. The complete operation is displayed over 162 LCD

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Fig 5.6 circuit diagram of Gsm modem

MAX232 is a widely known IC used for establishing serial communication between
Microcontrollers and Personal Computers (PC). This IC is used to convert TTL/CMOS logic
levels to RS232 Logic levels during the process of serial communication. Usually a
Microcontroller operates at TTL (Transistortransistor logic) of about 0-5V whereas a PC works
on RS232 standards that is (-25 to +25V). So it is not possible to interface a PC directly with a
Microcontroller and this is exactly where a MAX232 IC comes into Play. PC(Personal
Computers) works on RS-232 level wave form. Now if we need to transfer data from
microcontroller to PC(Personal computer) we need to convert data from TTL to RS-232 level
and if we want to send data from PC to microcontroller we have to convert data from Rs-232 to
TTL. MAx-232 is solution to this problem.

Fig 5.7 max232 diagram

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Max 232 is an ic(integrated circuit) that converts TTL(Transistortransistor logic) logic signal in
to its equivalent RS-232c level signal and Rs-232c level to its equivalent TTL level signal. This
ic is very important in case when we need to make connection and transfer data between devices
that works on different wave forms.

PIN Description of MAX232

Fig 5.8 PIN Description of MAX232

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Table 5.2 pin description of MAX232


MAX232 offers a intermediate link between the Microcontroller and your PC. The transmitters
of this IC will convert the TTL/CMOS input level into RS232 voltage levels. The receiver pins
are capable of taking input around -30V to +30V. Meanwhile each receiver converts RS232
inputs to 5V TTL/CMOS logic level which was fed into the Rx pin of a Microcontroller. So
summing up this IC acts as a intermediator by converting the voltage level of signals.
The IC is capable of supplying RS232 standard voltage logic levels by means of a single 5V
power supply. This was done by means of a capacitive voltage generator used within that IC. So
we need to connect three external capacitors whose value range from 1uF to 22uF. The
capacitors are meant to be connected across the pins C1+ & C1-, C2+ & C2-, C3+ & C3-.

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Crystal Oscillator
A crystal oscillator is an electronic circuit that uses the mechanical resonance of a
vibrating crystal of piezoelectric material to create an electrical signal with a very precise
frequency. This frequency is commonly used to keep track of time (as in quartz wristwatches), to
provide a stable clock signal for digital integrated circuits, and to stabilize frequencies for radio
transmitters and receivers. The most common type of piezoelectric resonator used is the
quartz crystal, so oscillator circuits designed around them were called "crystal oscillators". The
usual model of a crystal is a network of two capacitors, an inductor and a resistor. The shunt
capacitance (C0) is introduced by the metal plates used for electrical connections to the quartz
wafer. Crystals are capable of oscillating at multiple frequencies.
RS-232 Serial Protocol

One of the most common serial interfaces is based on the RS-232 standard. This standard was
developed to allow individuals to use remote computer systems over dialup telephone lines with
remote terminals. The standard includes provisions for a remote terminal that is connected to a
modem that places a telephone call, a modem that answers the telephone call, and a computer
that is connected to that modem. The terminal can be connected directly to the computer,
eliminating the need for two modems, through the use of a special device called
a null modem adapter. Sometimes this device is built directly into a cable, in which case the
cable is called a null modem cable.

6. Conclusion & Future scope

This proposed system gives information about the design of a GSM based water billing system.
The deployment of the proposed system uses the existing GSM network, where the water meter
system can send its readings directly to a server application using a GSM modem. The
application itself can notify subscribers of their bills using SMS messages as well also it increase
limit for power supply, and decrease water wastage.
Proposed system will provide accurate and real time water billing system. This overcomes
existing systems in terms of cost and manpower required. Minimized cost of the whole system
will support to use as economical and logical metering system. Monthly billing cycle can be
maintained to limit the use of precious natural resource water. It avoids the human
intervention, provides efficient meter reading, avoid the billing error and reduce the
maintenance cost.

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7. References
1. Yogendra P. Joshi, M.B. Tadwalkar, Implementation of GSM based water meter a
steps towards automation in billing system volume 9,Issue 4, Ver.I (jul -aug 2014), PP 01-04. In
2. IEEE paper for GSM-based Embedded Water Meter System
[3] Ajay V Deshmukh (2008), Microcontrollers (Theory and Applications), Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Limited.
4.Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Mazidi F (2000), 051 microcontroller and
embedded system,Pearson education.
5. Roy McKenzie and Brian Houston Implementing Automatic Meter Reading for Water:
A Reflective Approach to Weighing Options FLORIDAWATER RESOURCES JOURNAL
6.W. H. Wei and Z. Yao, Wireless meter reading system design of water meter in a
district, Digital Technology and Application, vol. 8, (2012), p. 127.

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