F 11 Place 2
F 11 Place 2
F 11 Place 2
(/2) , () =
sin(/2) , = 2, 4, 6, ... .
b. Because of the negative -function part of the potential, the energy 1 of the
ground state can be, in principle, both positive and negative. Assuming rst that
1 > 0, the wavefunction that satises the boundary condition 1 () = 0, and is
even, 1 () = 1 (), can be written as
2 2
> 0.
The boundary condition at = 0 takes then the form:
cos = 2 sin ,
= tan , 2 .
This equation shows qualitatively that such a solution for 1 , i.e., this energy is
positive, only if < 1, that is, for < 2 /. This means that if > 2 /, the
energy 1 is negative, and one should take the wavefunction 1 () in the following
2 2
1 () = sinh ( ) , 1 =
< 0.
Then, as above, the boundary condition at = 0 gives the following equation for
= tanh .
1 () = sin ( ) , 1 =
One can see qualitatively from this equation that it determines the energy 1 < 0 in
the regime when > 1, i.e. for > 2 /.
Comparison of the two equations for the ground state energy 1 obtained above shows
that for = 2 /, this energy vanishes, 1 = 0. The wavefunction of the ground
state in this case can be written as:
1 () = ( ) ,
since then (1 ) = 0 for = 0. For this special value of , the wavefunction 1 () of
this form also satises both the boundary conditions at = and at = 0:
1 () = 0 ;
( + 1) =
= ( + 1)( + 2)/2 .
1 2 /2
1 () = 1/4 /2 ,
0 () = 1/4
the distances are measured in units of a characteristic oscillator length =
2 + 2 + 2 )/2
2 /2
2 2 /2
2 2 /2
, () = 3/4
, () = 3/4 /2 .
() = 3/4
Since = sin cos , = sin sin , = cos , comparing the angular dependence
of these wavefunctions to spherical harmonics, we see that they all correspond to the
angular momentum = 1, and
1, 0 = , 1, 1 = ( ) .
Quantum Mechanics 3
Two spin-1/2 particles are in the singlet state = 0 . Let , = 1, 2, be
the component of the spin of particle in the direction dened by a unit vector
a. (12 pts) Calculate the correlator 1 2 expressing the result in terms of
the angle between the vectors
1 and
b. (8 pts) What are the outcomes of individual measurements of the operator
1 2 ? Determine the probabilities of all individual outcomes in the singlet
(a.) Choosing the coordinate system such that the direction
1 coincides with the
axis, while the direction
2 lies in the plane, one can write the product of the
two spin operators as follows:
1 2 = (/2)2(1) [cos (2) + sin (2) ] ,
where the superscripts indicate the spin the operators are acting on. Since the part
of the operator acting on the rst spin is diagonal ( ), the o-diagonal elements
= (/2) (1) [cos (2) + sin (2) ]
+ (1) [cos (2) + sin (2) ] = (cos + cos ) = cos .
(b.) Diagonalizing the operator 1 2 given in part (a), we see that its eigenvalues,
i.e., possible outcomes of measurement of this operator are 2 /4 independently of
the angle . There are two eigenvectors that correspond to each of the eigenvalue.
For 2 /4:
1 = cos(/2) +sin(/2) ,
2 = sin(/2) cos(/2) .
For 2 /4:
1 = sin(/2) cos(/2) ,
2 = cos(/2) +sin(/2) .
2 = sin2 (/2) , =
2 = cos2 (/2) .
+ =
These probabilities give the average value in agreement with the one found in part
Statistical Mechanics 1
A gas has the following properties:
i. = , and
ii. work necessary for its isothermal compression from volume 2 to volume 1
is ln(2 /1 ), where , , and are constants.
Calculate the equation of state, thermodynamic potentials, energy (), enthalpy (),
free energy ( ), Gibbs energy () and grand potential (), and nally the entropy
of the gas. You may leave undetermined constants of integration in your answer.
For this case (given ), we know that
(, 1 ) = (
) =
which is the same as the equation of state of an ideal gas with = . Then we have
= 1 .
+1 + + .
( + 1)
with and new constants of integration. After some algebraic rearranging this gives
+1 + .
( + 1)
These are now used to derive the various thermodynamic potentials (in the most
convenient order):
) = ln +
ln + ( ) = ln
+1 + ( + )
( + 1)
+1 +
= (ln
Note that all but involve undetermined constants from the original integration.
Statistical Mechanics 2
A round cylinder of radius , containing an ideal classical gas is rotated about its
symmetry axis with angular velocity . Assuming that the gas is in thermodynamic
equilibrium with temperature ,
a. (12 pts) Calculate the gas pressure near the cylinders side wall, if it is equal to
at the cylinders axis, and
b. (8 pts) formulate the condition of validity of your result in terms of strong
inequalities between the following length scales: the de Broglie wavelength
/( )1/2 , eective particle size 0 , average distance ( /)1/3 between
the particles, and cylinder radius .
(a.) At equilibrium, the gas as the whole has to be at rest in the reference frame
rotating with the cylinder. From classical mechanics we know that in this non-inertial
reference frame we have to add, to all real forces, an inertial centrifugal force
F = 2
where is the vector perpendicular to the rotation axis and connecting this axis with
the rotating particle. This force may be presented as , where is the eective
potential energy
2 2
+ 0
with 0 an arbitrary constant. The pressure of an ideal classical gas in the eld of an
external potential is given by:
(r) = (0)(
2 2
with (0) = 0. Applying this equation to the points at the axis ( = 0) and at the
wall ( = ) we get
= (
2 2
(b.) The condition that a gas behaves classically (negligible quantum eects) is
<< , , while that for an ideal gas (negligible particle interactions) is 0 << ,
. A more tricky question is the relation between the particles mean free path,
>> and .
Let us assume << . Then at all distances between and we may consider
gas macroscopically, and apply to its small volume 3 << << 3 the following
condition of mechanical equilibrium (relative to the cylinder):
2 =
with = 3 = . Using the equation of state = and assuming
the same temperature everywhere, this yields
= 2 .
Integrating this immediately gives the same result as the Boltzmann formula.
Statistical Mechanics 3
A particle may occupy any of similar sites, and jump from that site to any other
one classically (i.e., without quantum-mechanical coherence between the jumps), with
the same rate . Find the correlation function and spectral density of uctuations of
the instantaneous occupancy () (equal to either 1 or 0) of any particular site.
The probability for the particle to occupy the (arbitrary) -th site is
= ( 1) +
Since the sum of all should be equal to 1, the sum in the above equation equals
to (1 ), so that this is a linear dierential equation for one variable:
= ( 1) + (1 ) = (1 )
with () = 1/.
Now we can readily calculate all the averages of interest, starting from the (ensemble!)
average of the occupancy:
(, ) = (1, )
< () >=
But (1, ) is just the probability to have this particular site occupied at time , i.e.
the () given by () above, so
< () >=< (0) > ( ) +
(1 ( ) ).
1 1
[ + (1 ) ]
( + 2)
The result describes the Lorentzian line shape, with the low-frequency density scaling
as ( 1)/ 3 .