Jchaput 2017 PHRMSCI177 Syll FV

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Syllabus: PHRMSCI/CHEM177: Medicinal Chemistry

PHRMSCI/CHEM177: Medicinal Chemistry

General Course Information
Course Number PHRMSCI177 or CHEM177, 4 units

Course Faculty Prof. Andrej Luptak

Prof. John CHAPUT Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department of Chemistry
Office: 2216 Natural Sciences 1 Department of Molecular Biology and
jchaput@uci.edu Biochemistry
Office: 2141 Natural Sciences 2

TAs and Discussion Leaders


Class Sessions
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:00-6:20PM, 1100 PCB

Discussion groups enable students to discuss questions and problems related to the
lectures and homework. The goal of these interactions is for the students to gain further
insights into key concepts related to medicinal chemistry, drugs and drug targets.

The discussions are scheduled for:

Monday 1 - 1:50 PM, HIB 110
Tuesday 2 - 2:50 PM, Rowland hall 108
Wednesday 3 - 3:50 PM, HICF 100K
Thursday 11 - 11:50 AM, Social Science Plaza 1170

Course Philosophy
This course is based on the philosophy of ability-based education. Students will integrate
knowledge, attitudes, and skills to accomplish the course outcomes.

The procedures in ability-based education are:

Clearly define and make public the ability outcome and objectives students
are expected to achieve during the course
Give students multiple opportunities to achieve the course objectives
Provide clear criteria so students can know how well they are performing the
abilities during their practices
Provide feedback from the faculty, peers, and self to determine how
successfully students are meeting the criteria.

The overall goal of this course is to enable students to form a conceptual understanding
of how pharmaceutical drugs are designed and work in the human body. Emphasis will
be placed on understanding: (i) molecular interactions in vivo and in vitro environments,
(ii) strategies for drug development, (iii) and the current state-of the-art as it relates to
research-related applications.
Syllabus: PHRMSCI/CHEM177: Medicinal Chemistry

Course Description
This upper-level undergraduate course will walk students through the basics of medicinal
chemistry, broadly defined. Students will utilize the knowledge gained in organic
chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, physical chemistry, pharmacology and
physiology in an integrated fashion as applied to modern medicinal chemistry. Topics will
include rigorous descriptions of receptor-protein structure, dynamics, and interactions;
different strategies of drug development and design; pharmacodynamics and
pharmacokinetics. Extensive discussion of current limitations of the field and real-life
case studies will be included. Lectures on course concepts will be closely integrated with
the optional lab section PHRMSCI177L.

Course Ability Outcomes and Objectives

At the conclusion of the course, students should be able to:
1. Understand the basic concepts of receptor-ligand binding, structure, and dynamics.
2. Understand pharmacokinetic and ADME principles from the molecular to clinical level,
and how these principles impact design of modern pharmaceuticals.
3. Understand major drug classes, their pharmacodynamic properties and mechanisms
of action.
4. Be fluent in at least one macromolecular structure viewer software package, as well
as understand and know how to perform in silico docking calculations.
5. Understand various drug discovery and design strategies and be able to apply them
appropriately in an actual research program, using critical thinking and best practice
problem solving skills.

Course Prerequisites
Please note: it is the students responsibility to have all prerequisite course work

Background should include Chemistry 1A and 2A, Organic Chemistry 51A and 51B,
Chemistry 51C, Biological Sciences 97 (Genetics), Biological Sciences 98
(Biochemistry), and/or Chemistry 128. Biological Sciences 99 (Molecular Biology) is
helpful but is not required.

Assessment Tool Percentage of Grade
Problem Sets 40% (8 problem sets total)
Mid-term 30%
Final 30%

Problem Sets
There will be 8 problem sets. They will be available online in the EEE dropbox each
Friday. Please print the problem sets and complete them before the following Tuesday to
be handed in at the beginning of class.

There will be 2 exams in this course, a midterm and a final. Exams will start on time; any
student that is late will not be allotted extra time to finish their exam. Make up exams will
only with appropriate documentation.
Syllabus: PHRMSCI/CHEM177: Medicinal Chemistry

Academic Dishonesty
Academic honesty is a requirement for passing this class. Any student who
compromises the academic integrity of this course is subject to a failing grade. The work
you submit must be your own. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to
copying answers from another student, allowing another student to copy your answers,
communicating exam answers to other students during an exam, attempting to use
notes or other aids during an exam, or tampering with an exam after it has been
corrected and then returning it for more credit. If you do so, you will be in violation of the
UCI Policies on Academic Honesty <see https://aisc.uci.edu/>. It is your responsibility to
read and understand these policies. Note that any instance of academic dishonesty will
be reported to the Academic Integrity Administrative Office for disciplinary action and is
cause for a failing grade in the course.

Request for Examination Re-grade

Any request by a student to have an examination re-graded must be made in writing and
submitted to the course faculty or teacher assistant within two working days of return of
the exam. The written justification should be in the following format:
1. Written justification should be on a separate paper. Students should not write their
comments on the exam.
2. Specify which question(s) and answer(s) are to be reconsidered in the request
3. Justification for your answer. In a concise manner, explain why you selected your
answer rather than the correct answer. When possible, please reference specific
citations from the course textbook or lecture material.

The faculty member will review the material and respond to the student within two
working days of receiving the written request. All such decisions are final.

Textbooks, Required Materials and Other Suggested Reading Materials

Required textbook and reading

An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry" by Graham Patrick, Fifth Edition

Suggested Readings
Scientific journals: Nature, Science, Nature Biotechnology
Recommended textbooks and reading:
Brody's Human Pharmacology, Fifth Edition
Molecular Biology of the Cell, Fifth Edition, by Alberts et al.
Biochemistry, Second or Third Edition, by Stryer
Medicinal Chemistry, Second Edition, by Gareth Thomas
Drug-like Properties: Concepts, Structure Design and Methods, by Kerns & Di
(Academic Press)
The Billion-Dollar Molecule, by Barry Werth (Simon & Schuster)
Syllabus: PHRMSCI/CHEM177: Medicinal Chemistry

Course Schedule**
**we reserve the right to change this in real-time if needed

Topic Instructor
Week 1 Introduction to Med Chemistry Chaput
Nucleic Acids

Week 2 Proteins & Enzymes Chaput

Week 3 Receptors & Signal Transduction Chaput

Week 4 Drug Action Pharmacokinetics, ADME, Chaput


Week 5 Review & Midterm Chaput

Week 6 Luptak
Computers in Med Chem; Combichem (Chapters
16, 17)

Week 7 Viruses and antivirals: HIV,proteases; Luptak

Influenza, sialidases

Week 8 Antibacterials and antibiotics Luptak

Week 9 Anti-cancer compounds Luptak

Week 10 Metabolic and cardiovascular diseases Luptak

(Chapter 23)
Comprehensive review, pre-final learning
Final Exam Luptak

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