Electric Energy
Electric Energy
Electric Energy
Q3 An electric press consumes 120 kJ of energy in Q17 A 40 W lamp requires 0.182 A current at 220 V
5 minutes, when the magnitude of current while a 60 W lamp requires 0.272 A current at
flowing through it is 2A. Calculate the electric same volts. If 40 W and 60 W lamps are
potential at which press operates. connected in series with 220 V line, how many
ampere of current will flow through each lamp?
Q4 A soldering rod draws energy of 45 kJ in
4 minutes when current flowing through it is 6 Q18 The rating of an electric oven is 4400 W; 220 V.
A. Calculate the resistance of heating element. Calculate its resistance when it operates at
220 V. Also calculate the energy consumed in
Q5 An electric device draws an energy of 500 kJ in kWh in the month of September if the oven is
1 minute. If the resistance of heating device is used daily for 5 hours at the rated voltage.
20 , calculate the current flowing through the Q19 The rating of an electric heater is 1100 W;
device. 220 V. Calculate its resistance when it operates
at 220 V. Also calculate the energy consumed in
Q6 Calculate the electric energy flowing into the kWh in the month of November if the heater is
filament of an electric bulb in 20 s, when its used daily for four hours at the rated voltage.
resistance is 40 and potential difference Q20 An air conditioner of rating 2000 W; 220 V is
across its terminals is 12 V. operated in a domestic circuit (220 V) that has a
current rating of 5A. What result do you expect?
Q7 An electric heater draws a current of 3.5 A at a Justify your answer.
p.d. of 250 V. Calculate the power consumed by Q21 A lamp rated 40 W and an electric iron rated
4 such heaters. 800 W are used for 6 hours everyday. Calculate
Q8 . An electric heater of power 1600 W has a the total energy consumed in 30 days.
resistance of 36 . Calculate the magnitude of Q22 (a) Explain the function of electric fuse.
current and p.d. at its ends. (b) An electric bulb is marked 60 W. What does
this mean? How much energy does it
Q9 Two electric bulbs A and B are marked 220 V, consume if used for 1 hour?
40 W and 220 V, 60 W respectively. Which one Q23 (a) How much current will an electric bulb
of the two has greater resistance? draw from a 220 V source if the bulb filament has a
resistance of 1200 .
Q10 Calculate the electrical energy consumed by a (b) How much current will an electric heater
1200 W toaster in 20 minutes. draw from a 220 V source if the resistance
of the heater is 100 ?
Q11 A lamp rated 100 W at 220 V is connected to the Q24 An electric oven of 2 kW power rating is
mains electric supply. (i) What amount of operated in a domestic electric circuit.
current is drawn from the supply line if the (220V), that has a current rating 5A. What
voltage is 220 V? (ii) what is its resistance? result do you expect? Explain.
Q25 In a household electric circuit, different
Q12 An electric bulb draws a current 0.8 A and appliances are connected in parallel to one
works on 250 V on the average 8 hours a day. If another. Give two advantages of such
energy costs Rs 3 per kWh, calculate monthly connection.
bill for 30 days. [2010 (T-I)] Q26 Two bulbs rated 100 W, 200 V and 25 W, 200 V
Q13 . An electric device operates at 24 V and has a are connected in parallel to a 200 V supply.
resistance of 8 calculate the power consumed What will be the current drawn from the supply
by the device and current flowing through it. line?
Q27 An electric iron consumes energy at a rate of
Q14 An immersion heater has a rating of 2 kW, 840 W when heating is at the maximum rate and
220 V. While in use, calculate [2007] 360 W when the heating is at the minimum. The
(i) current passing through it and voltage is 220 V. What are the current and the
(ii) its resistance. resistance in each case?
Q15 . A 40 watt lamp required 0.20 A of current at Q28 A 400 W refrigerator operates for 16 hrs/day,
220 volts when in use. Calculate : (i) its power; calculate the cost to operate it for 30 days at
Rs. 3.40 per kWh. Q17 A bulb marked 220 V -100 W is
kWh. connected to a 110 V mains .Find the
Q29 A 100 W electric bulb is connected to 220 V mains resistance of the filament and the
power supply. Calculate the strength of the electric number of units consumed for 30 days
current passing through the bulb. (ii) If the same working 4 hours a day.
bulb is taken to U.S.A where the main power
supply is 110 V,how much electric current will pass
Q18 In a house , there are three electric
through the bulb when connected to mains? bulbs marked 60Watt-220 Volt and a
Q30 What is the power of torch bulb rated at heater marked 1000 watt -220 Volt. The
2.5 V and 500 mA? bulbs are lighted for 5 hours daily and
Q2 Out of the two, a toaster of 1kW and an the heater is used for 3 hours daily
electric heater of 2 kW , which has a .Now calculate the electrical energy
greater resistance? consumed by
Q6 A bulb is rated at 5.0 V, 100 mA. (i) (i) The three bulbs and (ii) the
Calculate its (i) power and (ii) resistance. heater for the month of November
Q7 An electric iron has a rating of 750 W, .Find the cost electricity, if electricity
220 V. Calculate cost 75 paisa per unit.
(i) Current passing through it and Q22 Define 1KWh. Give the relation between
(ii) Its resistance, when in use. 1kwh and Joule.
Q8 An electric lamp is marked 100 W,220 Q2 An electric bulb of 100w is connected to
v .It is used for 5 hours daily .Calculate a source of 220V mains. Calculate the
(i) Its resistance while glowing number of units consumed by the bulb if
(ii) Energy consumed in kWh per day. it works 3 hours a day for 30 days.
Q9 An electric bulb is rated at 200V- Q3 An electric room heater is rated at 2
100W.What is its resistance? Five such kW.What is the cost of using it for 2
bulbs burn for 4 hours. What is the hours a day for the month of September,
electrical energy consumed? Calculate if each unit (kWh) costs Rs 4?
the cost if the rate is 50 paisa unit Ans :(Rs 480)
Q10 State the formula co-relating the Q6 What do you understand by a 220V-
electric current flowing in a conductor 500W electric iron? What will be the
and voltage applied across it Also show current and the resistance in this case?
this relationship by drawing a graph. Q16 Name the commercial unit of electrical
What would be the resistance of a energy. A bulb of 75 W burns for 12
conductor if the current flowing through hours a day. How much electrical energy
it is 0.35 ampere when the potential is consumed in month (30 days) ?
difference across it is 1.4 volt? Ans: 27 KWH.
Q11 A torch bulb is rated 5.0 V and 500 ma. Q19 An electric heater marked 1000 watt
Calculate its (i) power (ii) resistance and work for 4 hours a day on a 230 V supply
(iii) energy consumed when it is rated mains .Calculate the cost of using it if
for 4 hours. the rate is 75 paisa per unit. Ans:
Q12 In a household , 5 tube lights of 40 W Rs 3.00
each are used for 5 hours and electric Q20 An electric iron is marked 200 V-600 W.
press of 500 W for 4 hour each day Calculate the electrical energy
.Calculate the total energy consumed by consumed and the difference in the cost
the tube lights and press in a month of using it for 5 hours at (i) 200V (ii) 100V
30 days. main supply.( Take the cost of electric
Q14 An electric bulb of resistance 400 ohm, energy as Re.1.00 per unit).
draw a current of 0.5 A. Calculate the Ans: R= 200/3, 3kwh, 0.75 kwh , Rs
power of the bulb and the potential 2.25.
difference at its ends.
Q15 Name the commercial unit of electrical Q21 A current is passed through a resistor for
energy. A bulb of 75 W burns for 12 sometime. It generates 400 calories of
hours a day .How much electrical energy heat in this period. If the current is made
is consumed in a month (30 days) (54 double, calculate the heat generated
during the same period. (hints: heater for the month of November .find
I xRxt the cost of electricity, if electricity costs
H= 75 paised per unit.
2.18 calories)
Q27 100 J of heat are produced each second
Q24 In a house, there are three electric bulbs in a 4 resistance .Find the
each marked 60 watt- 220 volts and a potential difference across the resistor.
heater marked 1000 watt-220 volt. The Q28 An electric motor takes 5 A from a 220 V
bulbs are lighted for 5 hours daily and line. Determine the power of the motor
the heater is used for 3 hours daily. Now, and the
calculate the electrical energy Energy consumed in 2 h.
consumed by (i) the three bulbs (ii) the