Trimester IV Syllabus
Trimester IV Syllabus
Trimester IV Syllabus
Course Objectives
To help students understand the strategy in global business environment
To make students aware about emerging new business models
1. Business policy and strategic management introduction - evolution of business policy into
strategic management - strategy definition - strategy characteristics - strategy levels - strategic
management process and its components.
2. Strategy formulation - environmental scanning and analysis (external and internal
environments) vision, mission, purpose, policy, goals, objectives, budget - types of strategy
(corporate, sbu, functional and grand strategies)
3. Strategic analysis tools and choices- etop-pest/ pestel - organisational capability profile -core
competencies - strategic advantage profile - corporate portfolio analysis - bcg matrix - swot
analysis - gap analysis - ge-9 cell - Porters five force model - Porters generic strategies -
Mckinseys 7-s model - vrio framework - value chain analysis - blue ocean and red ocean
4. Strategy implementation - issues in implementation - resource allocation - organisational
structure and culture values csr - functional issues (financial, marketing, human resources,
operations, technological etc.)
5. Strategy evaluation and control - need and importance - symptoms of strategy malfunctioning
- strategic, tactical and operational controls, performance parameters and measurement -
variance analysis.
6. Globalisation and innovation strategies.
7. e-commerce and emerging business models - strategies for e-commerce and internet business
- key success factors in e-commerce.
8. At least 10 cases in strategic management, preferably with emphasis on current issues /
events, covering, inter alia, topics discussed earlier - class discussions, presentations to be
made. Cases to be incorporated in the question papers.
Books Recommended
1. Crafting and Executing Strategy by Thompson, Strickland, Gamble and Jain, Tata McGraw
Hill, India.
2. Strategic Management by John Pearce and Richard Robinson, McGraw Hill.
3. Competitive Strategy by Michael Porter, Free press.
4. Competitive Advantage by Michael Porter, Free press.
5. Blue Ocean Strategy by Kim w. Chan and Renee Mauborgne, Harvard Business Review,
October, 2004.
6. Concepts in Strategic Management and business policy by Wheelen and hunger, Pearson.
7. .Strategic Management by A.Nag, Vikas Publishing House pvt. ltd., New Delhi.
8. The Core Competence of the Corporation by C.K.Prahlad and Gary Hamel, Harvard
Business review, May/June 1990.
9. The Mckinsey mind by Ethan Rasiel and Paul Friga, Mc-Graw Hill.
10. The Mind of a Strategist.
Course Objectives
To create awareness about the entrepreneur quality and entrepreneurial culture
To train students in critical evaluation of business plan
To highlight the role of project in modern day business organisation
To provide students familiar with role of project manager in project management
Entrepreneurial Development
Books Recommended
1. New venture management by Jeffery Timmons
2. Entrepreneurship by Donald f. Karatco and Richard m. Hodgetts
3. Entrepreneurship by holt
4. Entrepreneurship development by Vasant Desai.
5. (suggested readings: Think crazy, think .... (IIM pass-outs), The monk who sold the .....)
Project Management
Books Recommended
1. Projects - Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Review - by Prasanna Chandra,
Tata McGraw Hills, India
2. A Management Guide to PERT/CPM by Jerome d. Wiest, Ferdinand k. Levy, Prentice Hall
India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Project Management by Harvey Maylor, McMillan Publications, India.
4. Handbook of Project Management by Dennis Lock, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai.
Course Objectives
To provide an appreciation of the range of tools available for marketing communication
and to provide an understanding of the basic principles of planning and execution in
Marketing Communications.
Developing a managerial perspective and an informed decision-marking ability for effective
and efficient brand management
1. IMC The concept, need for IMC and why it is important in the overall marketing strategy.
2. Advertising - Definition, Objectives, Functions of Advertising, Advertising in Marketing Mix,
Decisions in Advertising.
3. Advertising Media Media Planning and Buying process, Media strategy, Media mix, Media
4. Evaluation of Advertising - Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness through Pre-tests, Post-test,
Recognition Test, Recall Test.
5. Sales promotion; Definition, Objectives of Sales Promotion, Channels of Sales Promotion,
Different types of promotion.
6. Public Relations / publicity; PR department and its functions, Tools and techniques, Types of
Section II : Brand Management
Books Recommended
1. Product management- Donal R. Lehmann, Russel S. Winer
2. Strategic Brand Management - Kevin Lane Keller
3. The Brand Management Checklist - Brad VanAuken
4. Brand Management - Dr S.L. Gupta
5. Branding Concepts & Process Debashish Pati
6. Brand Management - H. Varma
7. Successful Branding - Pran K Choudhary
8. Brand Positioning Strategies for Competitive Advantage - Subrato Sen Gupta
9. Strategic Brand Management - Kapferer
10. Managing Indian Brands - S. Ramesh Kumar
11. Integrated Advertising, Promotions and Marketing Communication Clow & Baack
12. Promotions and Integrated Marketing Communications - Richard Semantic
13. Advertising and Promotions - Belch and Belch, TM GH, 2001
14. Otto Kllipners Advertising procedure The prentice hall
15. Advertising, sales and promotion mgt Himalayan publishing house
16. Advertising Frank Jerkins Prentice Hall
17. Advertising and Promotion An Integrated Marketing communications Perspective - Tata
McGraw Hill.
18. Contemporary advertising - William Fares Irwin / McGraw Hill series.
19. Advertising Management Rajiv Batra, John G Myers, David Aaker
20. Ogilvy on advertising David Ogilvy
21. Advertising management - David Oglivy
22. Advertising Management - Manendra Mohan
23. Advertising Principles & Practices - Willium Wells, John Burnett, Sandra Moriarty
Course Objectives
To help students sharpen their analytical abilities in integrating strategic marketing
decision in a comprehensive manner
To make familiar with the concepts and framework in marketing strategy, strategic market
planning, competition analysis and in creating competitive advantage
Books Recommended
1. Strategic Marketing Planning Colin Gilligan & Richard Wilson
2. Strategic Marketing Management David Aaker.
3. Principles of Marketing- Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong.
4. Competitive strategy Michael E Porter.
5. Marketing Strategy, 3rd Ed. Boyd Walker, Mullins Larrech.
Course Objectives
To Study the implications of direct taxations
To understand the various indirect taxes and their use for managers
Direct Taxes
1. Income Tax Act 1961, - Definitions Assessee, Person, Agricultural Income, Income, casual
income-previous year, Assessment year, company ,Residential Status Incomes exempt from
2. Computation of Various heads of income Income from salaries- Income from House
Property- Capital Gains
3. Income from business and profession-long term and short term capital gains-Income from
other sources deductions from each head of income,
4. Returns of Income Compulsory filing of returns based upon economic criteria - forms of
returns- assessment Types of assessments- Deduction of Tax at source- Tax deduction
5. Taxation of Companies - Minimum Alternate Tax
Indirect Taxes
1. Central Excise Nature and Contemporary Legislation for the same- Liability for the central
excise Definitions Goods, Manufacture, , Manufacturer-Excisable goods, Job Workers
Classification Determination of Tariff Headings Valuation of Goods Transaction Value
Administrative Structure of Excise Departments Various Procedures registration -Self
Removable under Invoice, Manner and Payment of Duty Interest, Penalty, Confiscation ,
Seizure, duty Payment under protest, Refunds, CENVAT Credit-Concessions for SSI Units.
2. Introduction to main provisions of service tax.
3. Maharashtra Value Added Tax (VAT)2005: Definition Agriculture, business, capital assets,
dealer, non resident dealer, goods, place of business, purchase price, sale price, resale,
turnover of purchases and turnover of sales. Levy and incidence of tax, registration, set off
and refunds.
4. Customs Act : customs duty- nature and contemporary legislation- taxable event for import
and export of goods- types and rates of duties- valuation of goods- procedures of import and
export, manual and electronic documentation, baggage ,courier, duty drawback exemptions,
remission refund of duty.
a) Assessment Year applicable for the paper will be the Assessment
Year pertaining to the academic year. E.g. for the academic year 2015-2016 applicable
assessment year will be 2015-2016
b) Problems will be asked on the following areas;
Simple Problems on computation of Income from Salaries with deduction there from.
Books Recommended
1. Direct Taxes Law & Practice Vinod Singhania
2. Direct taxes - Girish Ahuja & Dr. Ravi Gupta.
3. Direct Taxes T. N. Manoharan
4. Indirect Taxes Law & Practice V S Datey
5. Indirect Taxes Dr. Sanjeev Kumar
6. Indirect Taxes Yogendra Bangar & Vandanabangar
7. Indirect Taxes Snowwhite Publications
8. Bare Acts & Rule of the relevant taxes.
Course Objectives
To Study the intricacies of security analysis
To understand various concept
Books Recommended
1. Portfolio Management Kevin
2. Portfolio Management Barua
3. Stock Exchanges and Investments Raghunathan
4. Security analysis and Portfolio Management Punithavathy Pandian
5. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Fisher and Jordon
6. Investments By Bodie, Kane and Marcus
Course Objectives
Understand the field of complex systems and applications
Learn System dynamics and designing through simulations
Develop and test models
Books Recommended
1. Principles of Systems - Jay Forrester, MIT
Course Objectives
To understand the purpose of audit and verification
To learn to build auditability in the processes
To understand control requirements from audit and system perspective
1. Purpose of audit and verification: ensuring transactions do what they claim, enabling rollback
2. Auditability of systems & Processes: definition, principles, examples
3. Verifiability of information: definition, principles, examples
4. Examples of auditable and unauditable systems: UID, PAHAL, Court cases
Books Recommended
1. System Audit & Control - Ron Weber
Course Objectives
To make the students understand the concepts & broad principles of project
conceptualization, planning & organization, implementation & control
Develop conceptual framework of the project management domain
Sensitize the students of the importance of course in real life environment
1. Project Management Concepts- concept and characteristics of a project, need and significance
of project management, organizational structure, the roles and responsibilities of the project
manager, project team, management and stakeholders, project life cycle, types of project.
2. Project conception- Concept, significance of project concept in competitive business
environment, project process from conception to approval, project life cycle.
3. Project Planning- Statement of Work, Work Breakdown structure, Schedule, Project planning
and scheduling techniques, CPM/PERT and PDM, GERT- application, limitations; line of
Balance- Methodology and application in projects, scheduling multiple projects.
4. Critical Chain Scheduling- Concept of critical chain scheduling: critical chain scheduling
method; application of Critical chain scheduling.
5. Project Quality Management- Concept of project quality, responsibility for quality in projects,
quality management at different stages of project, tools and techniques, TPI, TQM in projects.
6. Project Performance Measurement and Control- Performance measurement method to
monitor, evaluate and control planned cost and schedule performance, Earned value
Management: concept and application, Project feasibility report (Ascertaining feasibility of
project), Project cost management.\
7. Risk Management- Meaning of risk, types of risks, assessment of risk, managing risks in
8. Contract Management- Contract, Types of contracts, Risk factors in contract, Tendering in
government projects.
9. Project Closure/ Termination- Meaning of closure/termination, closure/ termination steps,
final closure.
10. IT in Projects- Overview of types of software for projects, major features of softwares like
11. International Projects- Issues in managing international projects, Selection and training of
employees, cross cultural considerations.
Books Recommended
1. A Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK Guides) by Project
Management Institute Third Edition (2004)
2. Project Management and Business and Technology- Nicholas PHL
3. Project Management The Managerial Process Clifford F Gray, Erik W Larson Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd
4. Project Management A Managerial Approach Jack Meredith, Samuel J. Mantel - John
Wiley and Sons
5. Project Planning, Scheduling and Control Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd
6. Project Management Meredith Mantel- Wiley
Course Objectives
To understand the impact of technology on competitive advantage for a business
and society
To establish the linkage between technology, development and competition
To understand the concept of technology management w.r.t. technology planning and
forecasting, technology transfer, environmental, ethical and safety aspects of technology
Books Recommended
1. Management of Technology- Track Khalil- TMH
2. Strategic Technology Management- Betz. F- McGraw Hill.
3. Strategic Management of Technology & Innovation- Burgelman, R.A., M.A. Madique, and
S.C.Wheelwright- Irwin.
4. Handbook of Technology Management- Gaynor- McGraw Hill.
5. Managing New Technology Development Souder- McGraw Hill.
6. Managing Technology Innovation- Twiss, B.-Pitman.
7. Management of R&D and Engineering- Kocaoglu, D.F.(Ed)- North Holland.
8. Management of New Technologies for Global Competitiveness- Christian N Madu- Jaico
Publishing House.
Course Objectives
To develop the implementation skill of various industrial and labour law
To make students aware of legal provision of labour law in India
Books Recommended
1. Industrial and Labour Law P. L. Malik
2. Industrial Law J. K. Bareja
3. Industrial &Labour Laws S. P. Jain
4. Labour laws for Managers B.D. Singh
5. Industrial Relations, Trade union and Labour Legislations, Sinha, Sinha, Pearson Pub.
6. Industrial Relation and Labour Laws- B.D. Singh, Excell Books. New Delhi.
Course Objectives
To develop an understanding competency mapping and career development system
To develop awareness of various career oriented and strategies of individual career
Books Recommended
1. Competency Based HRM - Ganesh Shermon, TMH, 1st Edition, 2002.
2. A Handbook of Competency Mapping Seema Sangvi, Response Books, 2004
3. Human Resource Management - Pravin Durai, Pearson 2010
4. Human Resource Management - Gary Dessler & Biju Varkkey, Pearson, Twelfth Edition,
5. Theories of Personality, Calvin S, Hall Et Al, Wiley Publication
6. Organizational Behaviour - Human Behavior at work , John.W. Newstrom and Keith Davis
Tata, McGraw Hill, l1/e, 2003
7. Human Relations in organizations - Robert N. Lussier, 6th edition, Mc-Graw Hill Education
8. Training in Interpersonal Skills tips for managing People at work, Stephen Robbins Et al,
Pearson, PHI.
9. Understanding OB - Udai Parek, Oxford University Press
10. Development Management Skills, Whetten & Cameron, 7th Ed. Pearson, PHI
Course Objectives
To Study the purpose and objectives of Management control systems
To understand the various aspects of control systems for better management.
Books Recommended
1. Management Control Systems, 10th Ed. Anthony and Govindrajan
2. Practical Auditing B.N.Tandon
3. Cost Accounting B.K.Bhar
4. Management Accounting Khan & Jain
5. Financial Management Prasanna Chandra
One course to be chosen from a pool of Interdisciplinary / General courses announced by the
department from time to time.
One course to be chosen from a pool of Specialization related courses announced by the department
from time to time.