Mslessonplan221 24
Mslessonplan221 24
Mslessonplan221 24
Blooms Level/Rigor Remember Evaluate Remember Evaluate Remember Evaluate Remember Evaluate Remember Evaluate
Indicate the level of rigor of the Understand Analyze Understand Analyze Understand Analyze Understand Analyze Understand Analyze
objective using (new) Bloom Taxonomy.
Apply Create Apply Create Apply Create Apply Create Apply Create
Key Questions -How does the form assist -How does the form assist -How does the form assist -How does the form assist
in our understanding of the in our understanding of the in our understanding of the in our understanding of the
What explicit questions do you want to
ask to prompt the students to engage music? music? music? music?
cognitively and use higher order
thinking? NOTE: Planning for questions is -What are different ways to -What are different ways to -What are different ways to -What are different ways to
an effective and intentional to engage students
rather than coming up with random questions visualize the music? visualize the music? visualize the music? visualize the music?
on the spot.
Learning Plan/Activities
You may want to indicate a time frame for each lesson component to support urgency for learning, and pacing of lesson delivery and activities in a way that maximizes learning.
Learning Agenda Components Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
All components may not happen every day but provide as
a guide for effective instruction.
Hook/Building Background How No School Planner: I Can Planner: I Cans Planner: I Cans Planner: I Cans
will you hook your students and get
their attention!
Do Now: Listening Critique- Do Now: Listening Critique-Maple Do Now: Listening Critique-In Do Now: Gather materials for form
Troika Leaf Rag Hall of Mountain King analysis
River City Scholars Charter Academy
Common Lesson Plan Template, aligned with NHA Classroom Framework
connected to form
River City Scholars Charter Academy
Common Lesson Plan Template, aligned with NHA Classroom Framework
Indicate interventions/extensions within the
lesson. Consider possible misconceptions or
inaccurate information students might have?