Lakeside High School: Comprehensive School Improvement Plan 2010-2011
Lakeside High School: Comprehensive School Improvement Plan 2010-2011
Lakeside High School: Comprehensive School Improvement Plan 2010-2011
School Key: Planning and Organization- The processes, procedures, structures, and products that focus the operations of a school on ensuring
attainment of standards and high levels of learning for all students.
3. The school's council meets Council meetings Administration; council School council master schedule;
consistently and has active parent and are held quarterly members agendas and minutes; sign
community/business members'
4. The school has an active PTSO meetings PTSO members; Parent/Teacher organizational
Parent/Student/Teacher organization. held monthly administration meetings are regularly scheduled.
Members can discuss how they are
active participants in shared decision
making and how these decisions
impact student learning.
Professional Learning:
• All certified employees will participate in School Improvement Protocols held the third Thursday of each month via School Improvement
Improvement Teams. Also, we will have
instructional Summits on the first Wednesday
esday of each month that focus on planning and organization. To prepare for these meetings, the ILT will meet on the second
Tuesday of each month so that both the SIT meetings and Summits are facilitated correctly.
2010-2011 School: Lakeside High School
School Key: Instruction - Designing and implementing teaching - learning - assessment tasks and activities to ensure that all students
achieve proficiency relative to the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS).
Teachers use the standards as the Sept. 2010; Spring Teachers; departmental Walk
Walk-through forms; SIP progress
expectation for learner outcomes, 2011 chairs; administrators monitoring
review assessment data of students,
and utilize data to guide instruction and
departmental goals. "SMART" goals
are set at the departmental level to
ensure that achievement mastery is
specific, measurable, attainable,
relevant, and within a specified
Supplemental instructional services Aug. 2010; Oct. Teachers and Benchmark data will guide placement
are afforded to students during the 2010; Nov. 2010; Administration into PowerPeriod segments. Math
school day for thirty
ty minutes. The Jan. 2011; Feb. support and GHSGT support among
thirty minute Power Period is 2011; Mar. 2011 content areas and writing will occur.
prescriptive to students' needs.
Professional Learning:
• All certified employees will participate in School Improvement Protocols held the third Thursday of each month via School Improvement Teams. Also, we will
have instructional Summits on the first Wednesday of each month that focus on research-based
research based instructional practices. To prepare for these me
meetings, the
ILT will meet on the second Tuesday of each month so that both the SIT meetings and Summits are facilitated correctly.
2010-2011 School: Lakeside High School
1. Creating time for teachers to ILT and Admin Agendas, presentations, protocols
collaborate by being active participants
Planning and Organization and serving as instructional leaders in August 2009-
(Leadership Teams) the ILT. May 2010
Professional Learning:
• All certified employees will participate in Instruction and Planning/Organization Protocols held the third Thursday of each m
month's SITs. Also, we will have
instructional Summits on the first Wednesday of each month that focus on targeted areas and clarify the previous week's SIT meetings.
Lakeside High School Graduation Rate
Graduation All Asian/Pacific Black White SWD Econ.
Rate Students Islander Disadvantaged
2005 81.9 90.5 65.6 81.9 33.3 65.7
2006 85.5 97.3 78.8 85.2 44.4 81.8
2007 89 92.1 86.5 88.4 54.2 70
2008 89.7 96 79.4 91.8 50 100
2009 89.8 90.9 77.6 91.6 47.8 86
2010 89.6 97.6 91.5 88.8 89.5 97.8
Lakeside High School will increase the Graduation Rate among all subgroups by 2% as measured by the Georgia Department of Education’s Annual Yearly
Progress Report.
Defined Area of Weakness (Trend Analysis): Based upon Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) data, students in the economically disadvantaged subgroup and
students within the disabilities subgroup are target groups
Departments set “SMART” goals which Sept. 2010; Department Heads, Teachers
target specific trends and areas of Reviews are Comprehensive School
concern ongoing Improvement Plan
Quarterly advisement sessions will be Quarterly, Homeroom Teachers Student Advisement Folders
held for all students during homeroom; beginning Oct.,
homeroom teachers will review report 2010
cards with each student, identify
individual strengths and weaknesses,
and set improvement goals
The “Panther Prowl” began in August. Ongoing, beginning Staff Members/Mentors Observations/Dialogue
Seniors at-risk of not graduating were Aug., 2010
assigned a faculty mentor. Teachers
and staff members who will serve as
mentors during the “Panther Prowl,”
signed cards, pledging their ownership in
their assigned student’s walk across the
stage at graduation in May.
Professional Learning:
• Conduct professional learning with all certified employees through School Improvement Teams (SIT) and Instructional Leadership Teams (ILT). Progress
monitoring will occur using peer and administrative walk-throughs.
Lakeside High School Mathematics
GHSGT Numbers & Computation Domain will increase from 86% to 91%
GHSGT Data Analysis Domain will increase from 84% to 89%
GHSGT Measurement & Geometry Domain will increase from 83% to 88%
GHSGT Algebra Domain will increase from 86% to 91%
Math I EOCT Algebra Domain will increase from 66% to 71%
Math I EOCT Geometry Domain will increase from 60% to 65%
Math I EOCT Data Analysis & Probability Domain will increase from 67% to 72%
Math II EOCT Algebra Domain will increase from 64% to 69%
Math II EOCT Geometry Domain will increase from 54% to 59%
Math II EOCT Data Analysis & Probability Domain will increase from 57% to 62%
Professional Learning:
• Several Math 1 teachers will review the Math 1 Geometry units during a training session with Paul Riccomini on October 22, 2010.
• All certified employees will participate in School Improvement Protocols held the third Thursday of each month via School Improvement Teams. Also, we
will have instructional Summits on the first Wednesday of each month that focus on research-based instructional practices. To prepare for these meetings,
the ILT will meet on the second Tuesday of each month so that both the SIT meetings and Summits are facilitated correctly.
Lakeside High School English/Language Arts
Professional Strategy:
• Create a blog called “The Diablog” for teachers in the department to post effective teaching ideas. This blog will be a place that will enhance all areas of
teaching language arts as well as the area of reading comprehension/literary analysis.
• All certified employees will participate in School Improvement Protocols held the third Thursday of each month via School Improvement Teams. Also, we
will have instructional Summits on the first Wednesday of each month that focus on research-based instructional practices. To prepare for these meetings,
the ILT will meet on the second Tuesday of each month so that both the SIT meetings and Summits are facilitated correctly.
Lakeside High School Science
Physical Chemistry: Atomic and Chemistry: Chemical Physics: Energy, Force, Physics: Waves,
Science Nuclear Theory & The Reactions & Properties & Motion Electricity, &
EOCT Periodic Table of Matter Magnetism
2009 No Data No Data No Data No Data
2010 62 65 58 55
Science Department Goals:
• The overall pass rate for LHS students on the GHSGT in Science will increase by 3%.
• GHSGT Cells and Heredity Domain will increase from 65% to 75%
• GHSGT Ecology Domain will increase from 82% to 87%
• GHSGT Structure and Properties of Matter Domain will increase from 68% to 73%
• GHSGT Energy Transformations Domain will increase from 78% to 83%
• GHSGT Forces, Waves, and Electricity Domain will increase from 62% to 67%
• Biology EOCT Cells Domain will increase from 64% to 69%
• Biology EOCT Organisms Domain will increase from 68% to 73%
• Biology EOCT Genetics Domain will increase from 71% to 76%
• Biology EOCT Ecology Domain will increase from 74% to 79%
• Biology EOCT Evolution Domain will increase from 69% to 74%
• Physical Science EOCT Chemistry: Atomic and Nuclear Theory and the Periodic Table Domain will increase from 62% to 67%
• Physical Science EOCT Chemistry: Chemical Reactions and Properties of Matter Domain will increase from 65% to 70%
• Physical Science EOCT Physics: Energy, Force, and Motion Domain will increase from 58% to 63%
• Physical Science EOCT Physics: Waves, Electricity, and Magnetism will increase from 55% to 60%
Defined Area of Weakness (Trend Analysis): The best course of action to reach this goal is to insure that every student is placed appropriately.
Professional Learning:
• All certified employees will participate in School Improvement Protocols held the third Thursday of each month via School Improvement Teams. Also, we
will have instructional Summits on the first Wednesday of each month that focus on research-based instructional practices. To prepare for these
meetings, the ILT will meet on the second Tuesday of each month so that both the SIT meetings and Summits are facilitated correctly.
Lakeside High School Social Studies
The Social Studies department will increase the overall pass rate of LHS students on the GHSGT in Social Studies by 3%
GHSGT American Government/Civics Domain will increase from 70% to 75 %
GHSGT US History to 1865 Domain will increase from 71% to 76%
GHSGT US History since 1865 Domain will increase from 67% to 72 %
GHSGT Geography Domain will increase from 73% to 78 %
GHSGT World History Domain will increase from 66% to 71 %
US History EOCT Colonization through the Constitution Domain will increase from 64% to 69%
US History EOCT New Republic through Reconstruction Domain will increase from 64% to 69%
US History EOCT Industrialization, Reform, & Imperialism Domain will increase from 64% to 69%
US History EOCT Establishment as a World Power Domain will increase from 64% to 69%
US History EOCT Modern Era Domain will increase from 64% to 69%
Economics EOCT Fundamentals of Economics Domain will increase from 68 % to 73 %
Economics EOCT Microeconomics Concepts Domain will increase from 63% to 68%
Economics EOCT Macroeconomic Concepts Domain will increase from 62% to 67%
Economics EOCT International Economics Domain will increase from 62% to 67%
Economics EOCT Personal Finance Economics Domain will increase from 72% to 77%
Defined Area of Weakness (Trend Analysis): Based upon 2010 scores, the area of focus will be modern US History with added emphasis on America in the
contemporary world.
GHSGT US History since Use of USA Using the test September 2010 to US History teachers Benchmark tests (focus on
1865 prep web site, teachers will be able to May 2011 strands, domains and test-
generate formative and summative taking strategies)
benchmark assessments based on
individual strands within the GPS. The
tests may vary in size depending upon the
agreed upon goals of the teachers.
Students currently in US History will be the
designated test takers.
GHSGT Social Studies (all) Power Period review session will be October 2010 to May All Social Studies Work assigned and graded
recommended for those students needing 2011 teachers during power period
to pass the GHSGT as well as those who
are failing US History. A leading indicator
for test success in the spring will be overall
class performance. A second indicator will
be student performance on benchmark
testing. After 9 weeks grading period,
teachers will identify those who are failing
US History and submit names for inclusion
in a US History help session.
Power Period Placement Benchmark Testing Prior to EOCT/GHSGT Power Period Assessment Results
Professional Learning:
• Review of professional literature (pertinent topics); meet with administrator for guidance and ideas.
• All certified employees will participate in School Improvement Protocols held the third Thursday of each month via School Improvement Teams. Also, we
will have instructional Summits on the first Wednesday of each month that focus on research-based instructional practices. To prepare for these meetings,
the ILT will meet on the second Tuesday of each month so that both the SIT meetings and Summits are facilitated correctly.
Lakeside High School Modern Languages
Modern Languages Departmental Goals:
Professional Learning:
• SWELL Assessment training with David Jahner
• ACTFL teachers conference for SY 11-11
• All certified employees will participate in School Improvement Protocols held the third Thursday of each month via School Improvement Teams. Also, we
will have instructional Summits on the first Wednesday of each month that focus on research-based instructional practices. To prepare for these meetings,
the ILT will meet on the second Tuesday of each month so that both the SIT meetings and Summits are facilitated correctly.
Lakeside High School Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE)
Engineering: 4
Architectural Drawing &
Under development
CTAE Departmental Goals:
The CTAE Department will increase the number of pathway options for students.
The Health Care Science program will increase the number of pathway completers by 10%.
The Technology and Engineering program will increase the number of pathway completers by 20%.
The Family and Consumer Science program will increase the number of pathway completers by 10%.
The Business and Computer Science program will offer all courses needed to complete a pathway in Computing, Interactive Media, Administrative Information
Support, and Small Business Development.
Defined Area of Weakness (Trend Analysis): Low Percentage of Pathway completers -- Courses not available for students
Target Standard(s) Performance/Action Timeline Person(s) Responsible Evidence/Artifacts
The CTAE Department will August 2010-December 2010 All department members will DVD
Georgia Department of develop a promotional DVD to participate in planning,
Education CTAE Goals be presented to the rising 9
organizing and implementing Statistical data for completers
Perkins Compliance in all program areas
grade and currently enrolled overall department goals.
LHS 9 grade student
Statistical data for students
enrolled in CTAE courses
Georgia Department of The CTAE Department will October 2010-May 2011 All department members will Power Period "Journey
Education CTAE Goals showcase our department participate in planning, through LHS Technology and
Perkins Compliance program by creating a organizing and implementing Career Pathways" Student
composite Power Period overall department goals Enrollment
course. "A Journey through
LHS Technology and Career Statistical data for completers
Pathways" in all program areas
Georgia Department of The CTAE Department will August 2010-May 2011 All department members will Guidance
Education CTAE Goals develop a strong working participate in planning, Department/Graduation
Perkins Compliance relationship with the LHS organizing and implementing Coach/CTAE scheduling
Guidance Department and the overall department goals guidelines and meetings
LHS Graduation Coach in
order to promote the Statistical data for completers
appropriate placement of all in all program areas
students who wish to take a
Statistical data for students
CTAE course
enrolled in CTAE course
Professional Learning:
• All certified employees will participate in School Improvement Protocols held the third Thursday of each month via School Improvement Teams. Also, we
will have instructional Summits on the first Wednesday of each month that focus on research-based instructional practices. To prepare for these meetings,
the ILT will meet on the second Tuesday of each month so that both the SIT meetings and Summits are facilitated correctly.
Lakeside High School Fine Arts
Fine Arts Departmental Goals: All Fine Arts students will understand the far reaching benefits of the transferable skills involved in class activities. Students will
participate, excel and perform in various school and community fine arts competitions and events. In addition, those students not directly involved in a fine arts class
will also benefit from the performances, exhibitions, and talents of their peers.
Defined Area of Weakness (Trend Analysis): As a department, we would like to reach out to the Lakeside population as well as our outside community and share
an understanding of the connection of the arts to our culture/history.
Service Learning Public Performances/art School Year 2010 - 2011 Fine Arts Department Varies
shows Teachers
Grade Level: 9
Teacher Team Members: Cascio, Good, Willis, Meitin, Middleton, Edmond, Young, Dent, Cato, Gerlach, Raeuber, Shepard, Wright, King, Smith, Arrington, Lewis, Johnson, Minton,
Gentry, Rutt
This information will be used to determine TRENDS within the content areas. Teachers will use this information to make instructional decisions and formulate DEPARTMENTAL ACTION PLANS for the
upcoming year. The analysis will begin in the fall of each year and continue throughout the school year as a work-in-progress. The department will monitor the action plans throughout the year with
summative fidelity checks, benchmark tests, and departmental exams. All assessments items will be coded to the standard(s) addressed.
Total # of Students at Grade Level Sub-Groups (AYP) Other Services RTI Total # Students Retained
Total # of Students at Grade Level Sub-Groups (AYP) Other Services RTI Total # Students Retained
Observation(s) of Grade Level Profile: Of special interest in grade 9 is our 89 retained students. Each of these students
has a written graduation plan. The economically disadvantaged subgroup has increased in number.
Grade Level: 10
Teacher Team Members: Weaver, Chase, Woodworth, Brown, Dent, McKean, Rausch, Brooks, Kassner, Blair, Jackson, McDaniel, Branch, Hardin, Belcher, Hancock
This information will be used to determine TRENDS within the content areas. Teachers will use this information to make instructional decisions and formulate DEPARTMENTAL ACTION PLANS for the
upcoming year. The analysis will begin in the fall of each year and continue throughout the school year as a work-in-progress. The department will monitor the action plans throughout the year with
summative fidelity checks, benchmark tests, and departmental exams. All assessments items will be coded to the standard(s) addressed.
Total # of Students at Grade Level Sub-Groups (AYP) Other Services RTI Total # Students Retained
Total # of Students at Grade Level Sub-Groups (AYP) Other Services RTI Total # Students Retained
Observation(s) of Grade Level Profile: There is a large reduction of retained students from grade 9 to grade 10.
Grade Level: 11
Teacher Team Members: Whitmire, Burch, Middlebrooks, Collins, Field, Griswell, Burch M., Eubanks, Poole, Owen, Smith, Bikus, Funsch, Anhalt, Poppell
This information will be used to determine TRENDS within the content areas. Teachers will use this information to make instructional decisions and formulate DEPARTMENTAL ACTION PLANS for the
upcoming year. The analysis will begin in the fall of each year and continue throughout the school year as a work-in-progress. The department will monitor the action plans throughout the year with
summative fidelity checks, benchmark tests, and departmental exams. All assessments items will be coded to the standard(s) addressed.
Total # of Students at Grade Level Sub-Groups (AYP) Other Services RTI Total # Students Retained
Total # of Students at Grade Level Sub-Groups (AYP) Other Services RTI Total # Students Retained
Observation(s) of Grade Level Profile: Based upon 11 grade data, our economically disadvantaged subgroup has tripled
in size in grade 9.
Grade Level: 12
Teacher Team Members: Wren, Shouse, Timmerman, Alston, Johnson J, Richey, Shelton, Gilbert, Cox, Brodie, Griffin, Blau, Kinney, Bailie, Barney
This information will be used to determine TRENDS within the content areas. Teachers will use this information to make instructional decisions and formulate DEPARTMENTAL ACTION PLANS for the
upcoming year. The analysis will begin in the fall of each year and continue throughout the school year as a work-in-progress. The department will monitor the action plans throughout the year with
summative fidelity checks, benchmark tests, and departmental exams. All assessments items will be coded to the standard(s) addressed.
Total # of Students at Grade Level Sub-Groups (AYP) Other Services RTI Total # Students Retained
Total # of Students at Grade Level Sub-Groups (AYP) Other Services RTI Total # Students Retained
Observation(s) of Grade Level Profile: Students in the 12 grade who are on the retention list are being monitored closely
by the graduation coach. These students are involved in the “Panther Prowl,” a mentoring program.
School Year: Senior (12th Grade)
Important Events August September October November December
-FAFSA due ASAP >Sr. Project >Preliminary Sr. >Sr. Project: Outline >Sr. Project: Work on & >Sr. Project:
after Jan. 01 introduction initial Project papers due due complete research Organize Sr. Project
planning paper portfolio
-SAT or ACT >Begin to research >Work on application
>Order catalogs scholarship sources; essay >Parents need to gather
-Sr. Project due
and/or applications request scholarship information for FAFSA
dates >Apply for admission to >Update your
from targeted schools information
chosen schools >List deadlines and gacollege411
-College application
>Arrange for campus >Letters of requirements for account
dates >List deadlines for
visits recommendation (if colleges you are
-AP exams required) considering
>Register for the SAT applications
-Georgia High or ACT >Writing Test retakes >Sign up for ASVAB
>Watch for ASVAB
School Writing Test testing
testing dates to be
-GHSGT retakes
-AP exams
-ASVAB testing