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Small Hydro


IEA Technical Report

IEA Hydropower

The Hydropower Implementing Agreement is a collaborative programme among nine countries: Canada,
China, Finland, France, Japan, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. These countries are
represented by various organizations including electric utilities, government departments and regulatory
organizations, electricity research organizations, and universities. The overall objective is to improve
both technical and institutional aspects of the existing hydropower industry, and to increase the future
deployment of hydropower in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.

Hydropower is the only renewable energy technology which is presently commercially viable on a large
scale. It has four major advantages: it is renewable, it produces negligible amounts of greenhouse gases,
it is the least costly way of storing large amounts of electricity, and it can easily adjust the amount of
electricity produced to the amount demanded by consumers. Hydropower accounts for about 17 % of
global generating capacity, and about 20 % of the energy produced each year.

Four tasks are operational, they are: 1. upgrading of hydropower installations, 2. small scale
hydropower, 3. environmental and social impacts of hydropower, and 4. training in hydropower. Most
tasks have taken about five years to complete, they started in March 1994 and the results will be available
in May 2000. To date, the work and publications of the Agreement have been aimed at professionals in
the respective fields.

The upgrading of existing hydropower installations is by far the lowest cost renewable energy available
today. It can sometimes provide additional energy at less than one tenth the cost of a new project. One
task force of the Agreement is studying certain technical issues related to upgrading projects.


Advances in fully automated hydropower installations and reductions in manufacturing costs have made
small scale hydropower increasingly attractive. The small scale hydropower task force will provide
supporting information to facilitate the development of new projects.


For some hydropower projects the environmental and social impacts have been the subject of vigorous
debate. There is a need to communicate objective information to the public, so that countries can make
good decisions with respect to hydropower projects. The environmental task force will provide such
information on possible social and environmental impacts and on mitigation measures.

The availability of well-trained personnel is a key requirement in the hydropower sector. The training
task force is concentrating on training in operations and maintenance, and planning of hydro power



M. Hermod Brekke

Trondheim, Norway

March 2000
Table of Contents
Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................................................7
OTHER TECHNICAL REPORTS IN THIS SERIES..................................................................................................ix
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................1
2 CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF DIFFERENT TURBINE TYPES...............................................3
5 RECOMMENCDATION FOR R&D ON SMALL HYDRO ..............................................................................14
6 References: ..........................................................................................................................................................18


Guidelines on Methodology for Hydroelectric Turbine Upgrading by Runner Replacement 1998
(available to non-participants at a cost of US $ 1,000 per copy)

Guidelines on Methodology for the Upgrading of Hydroelectric Generators to be completed in May


Guidelines on Methodology for the Upgrading of Hydropower Control Systems to be completed in



Small Scale Hydro Assessment Methodologies to be completed in May 2000 (available to non-
participants on request)

Research and Development Priorities for Small Scale Hydro Projects to be completed in May 2000
(available to non-participants on request)

Financing Options for Small Scale Hydro Projects to be completed in May 2000 (available to non-
participants on request)

Global database on small hydro sites available on the Internet at:


Survey on Positive and Negative Environmental and Social Impacts and the Effects of Mitigation
Measures in Hydropower Development 2000 (available to non-participants on request)

A Comparison of the Environmental Impacts of Hydropower with those of Other Generation

Technologies 2000 (available to non-participants on request)

Legal Frameworks, Licensing Procedures, and Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessments of
Hydropower developments 2000 (available to non-participants on request)

Hydropower and the Environment: Present Context and Guidelines for Future Action
Volume 1: Summary and Recommendations
Volume 2 : Main Report
Volume 3 : Appendices
2000 (available to non-participants on request)

Guidelines for the Impact Management of Hydropower and Water Resources Projects 2000 (available
to non-participants on request)

(All of the following reports are available on the Internet at Some reports may
consist of more than one volume.)

Summary of Results of the Survey of Current Education and Training Practices in Operation and
Maintenance 1998 (available to non-participants on request)

Development of Recommendations and Methods for Education and Training in Hydropower Operation
and Maintenance - 2000 (available to non-participants on request)

Survey of Current Education and Training Practice in Hydropower Planning 1998 (available to non-
participants on request)

Structuring of Education and Training Programmes in Hydropower Planning, and Recommendations on

Teaching Material and Reference Literature - 2000 (available to non-participants on request)

Guidelines for Creation of Digital Lectures 2000 (available to non-participants on request)

Evaluation of tests Internet Based Distance Learning 2000 (available to non-participants on


A brochure for the general public is available. It is entitled Hydropower a Key to Prosperity in the
Growing World, and can be found on the Internet ( or it can be
obtained from the Secretary (address on the inside back cover).


Small hydro turbines have played a very important role during the development of hydropower around the world.
The introduction of hydropower in developed countries started with small hydro for electricity production at the end
of 18th century. As an example it should be noted that as late as at the end of World War II 2000 small hydro units
with output less than one MW were still in operation in Norway, that has the highest hydropower production in
Western Europe.

It should also be noted that small hydro will give only a supplementary production of clean renewable energy in
developed countries, but it could play the main role in the electricity production in developing countries.

Also in remote valleys and coastal areas of mountainous countries small hydropower production may also have a
positive impact on the development of local communities where young people may leave the farms because of low
income from farming. The possibility of supplementary income from local electricity production with possibility to
start small industry could be the goal for small hydro development in remote areas of developed countries as well as
for developing countries.

Before going into the description of mechanical equipment for small hydro, we should look at the role of the total
hydropower production in the global electricity supply. In 1997 the total global electricity production was 13 300
TWh/year of which 2 600 TWh/year was hydropower. (Ref. 1.) The main production came from thermal (not
renewable) energy sources covering for 65 % of the consume while 19.5 % came from hydropower and nuclear
power covered for the rest. Other renewable energy sources like wind power, solar energy, wave power and a
negligible electricity production from bio-mass covered for less than 0.5 % in 1998. (Wind power alone covered for
0.1 % and even if it is increasing by a factor of 10 it will still play a negligible part of the production.) In countries
with cold winter climate biomass production is a valuable energy source for heating, but due to high cost only a
negligible part is used for electricity production. Also solar energy has so far mainly been used for heating. This is
because of high cost and high-energy consumption in production of solar cells for electricity production.

Fig. 1 Variation in Norwegian hydropower production (dotted bold lines) and the
Norwegian consumes (full lines) during one week from 5. March 1999

Conventional hydropower from plants with large reservoirs is at the time being the only non-polluting source for
electricity production with possibility of storing energy, which can be used for peak load production. The role of
such hydropower production is illustrated in the one-week recording of the electricity production in Norway. From
Fig. 1 it can be seen that the Norwegian hydropower (dotted lines) have a daily peaking of 5 000 MW and a weekly
peaking of 10 000 MW. This peak production is larger than the variations in the Norwegian consumption (full lines)
and a contribution of peak power is transferred to the Swedish system with electricity production coming from 50 %
nuclear and 50 % hydropower mainly from low head river plants.

The role of small hydro will not be to support the peak load production because most of these plants will be run of
the river plants. However, it will be possible to plan the production from knowledge of the river flow through the
year and small hydro will not increase the need for peak power during the week in the same way as wind power (with
unpredictable production). Thus small hydro will give a contribution of renewable energy which can be planned to fit
into the electricity system even if the production will be decreased during winter or dry periods of the year. Another
advantage is that the impact of the environment is very small and small hydro is normally accepted as a positive
contribution of renewable energy.

Examples from the historical development of small hydro in a developed country maybe taken from Norway where
the number of units at the end of World War II was approximately 2000. The role of micro units with output less
than 100 kW played a negligible role in the total electricity production. However, the impact on local communities
was large and this electricity production formed the root of local industry like saw mills, furniture production and
flour mills for the farmers. Also the impact from electric lightning during the long dark winter should not be
underestimated. (The national electric grid did not cover the whole country at that time.)

Fig. 2 Development of installed hydropower in Norway from 1895 to 1943

The electric power production from 1895 to 1943 is illustrated in Fig. 2, where the installed capacity of electric
power was 2 300 MW only. During the period 1943 1995 the power production increased to
27 000 MW when the large hydropower plants were developed. From the available information following interesting
figures can be found from the power production in 1943: 72.9 % of the total number of units had output of 100 kW
or less, but the production was only 1.6 % of the total.

On the contrary only 9.5 % of the total number of units had output exceeding 1000 kW, but these units produced
93.1 % of the total production. Finally the main production came from units with output exceeding 10 000 kW with
only 2.2 % of the total number of units, but with 73 % of the total power production.

From the history of small hydro following lesson may be learned.

Micro turbines will only give a supplementary power production, but may give a contribution to the
activities in remote parts of the countries in many cases.

Mini turbines with output up to 1000 kW may give a contribution to the electricity supply without an
environmental discussion about dams and large reservoirs. The production in mountainous countries will be
larger and more predictive than wind power.

Medium size and large small hydro units with outputs up to 10 MW operating in run of the river plants may
be an acceptable alternative to larger plants for environmental reasons.

It is also of interest to compare the energy flux or the so-called energy density of the available supplementary
renewable energy sources at present time. In the following table a comparison is made of the known renewable
sources for electricity production (except solar energy).

Energy flux Available (kW/m2) Utilized (kW/m2)

Wind power (wind speed 15m/s) 2.2 0.7
Sea current (velocity 3 m/s) 13.5 6.0
Small hydro (net head 5 m) 485,- 413,-
Wave power on Norwegian coast 25 (kW/m) 12 (kW/m)

From this table it may be concluded that small hydro should be an economic alternative in mountainous countries
like Norway.


This chapter of mechanical equipment does not include water wheels utilizing the gravity of water or the kinetic
energy of water on wooden blades normal to the stream direction of the water. The reason for not describing water
wheels is due to their low efficiency and low rotating speed, that is not suitable for conversion to electric energy by
means of a high speed generator.

The turbines used for small hydro can be classified in two main groups:

Reaction turbines
In these turbines the runner of the turbine is completely filled with water and the pressure at the inlet of the
runner is higher than at the outlet of the runner. About 50% of the energy drop through the runner are from
pressure energy. Then an acceleration of the relative velocity occurs in the runner channel formed by the
blades. This is the reason for the name REACTION TURBINE. Typical types of reaction turbines are:

Impulse turbines
In these turbines the total energy is transformed to kinetic energy at the runner inlet and there is no pressure
drop through the runner. The energy transferred to the runner is caused by the impulse from changing
direction of the water flow. In these turbines the geodetic head difference between runner and tail water

level is lost. Types of impulse turbines are: PELTON TURBINES, THE AXIAL TURBINES, TURGO
Description of different types of turbines
For the highest heads Pelton turbines may be used. For small hydro fully speed-regulated turbines or turbines with
control of the flow only are normally used by needle nozzle regulating systems. Synchronising can be made by a
small needle opening set for a speed slightly above synchronising speed allowing for synchronising when the speed
is slowly passing correct synchronising speed. Also Turgo turbines may be used in the same way.

Mini and micro turbines up to 6 jets may be used allowing for regulating the flow by closing one or more jet i.e. a
stepwise control by 1/6 of full flow. In Fig. 3 an example of a small Pelton turbine with one jet is shown.

Fig. 3 A Pelton turbine for small hydro

A cross flow turbine is an impulse turbine with water flowing in on one side of the runner and out on the other side
passing the buckets in two places on the periphery. The runner is running in air with loss of the head from the runner
to the tailrace level and the turbine is because of this classified as an impulse turbine. The control of flow and speed
is simple on this turbine type in the same way as for a Pelton turbine. The specific speed or speed number (explained
later) is higher than for a Pelton turbine because of larger flow capacity.

Fig. 4 Cross flow turbine exploded view

As described in the next chapter Francis turbines are used over a wide range of head up to 300 m for small hydro and
50-70 m for micro units. For micro turbines a simplified radial runner version may also be used.
Because of the complicity and price the guide vane regulating system may be omitted and substituted by positioning
the guide vanes in steps for small hydro unless flow regulation is required. For mini turbines and especially for micro
turbines a fixed guide vane cascade is normally installed. A possibility to adjust the fixed guide vane position to a
smaller opening in dry season may be an option to stopping and starting the unit for water level control. In Fig. 5 a
Francis turbine for small hydro is shown.

Fig. 5 A small hydro Francis turbine with fixed guide vanes

Propeller types and Kaplan types are used for the lowest heads. For the largest units with diameter up to
2.00 m movable blades on the runner may be used to avoid the sharp drop in efficiency at operation outside best
efficiency of a fixed blade position.

For mini and micro turbines the blades may be adjustable when the unit is stopped in order to decrease the blade
angles and increase the efficiency at part load during the dry period.

Also fixed guide vanes are normally used for micro and mini turbines. With a fixed guide vane cascade it is possible
to use twisted guide vanes that makes it possible to obtain a wider range of high efficiency with fixed runner blades.
For propeller type and Kaplan type of turbines it is convenient to use the so-called S shape design with horizontal
shaft allowing for an arrangement with the generator and gearbox outside the turbine. In Fig. 6 an S-type small hydro
unit is shown.

Fig. 6 S-type Kaplan turbine for small hydro

For micro and mini turbines the vertical unit is often used because the speed is often high enough for a direct
coupling to the generator without a gearbox.

Duration curve
The choice of turbine type, size, speed and suction is based on the net head that must be based on maximum flow and
best efficiency flow which must be determined by the river or stream where the turbine shall be installed.

Because small hydro power stations are normally built as run of the river plants, the maximum flow capacity of the
turbines must be determined by means of the flow duration curve for the river or stream in question.

A duration curve is illustrated in Fig. 7 that show how many days in an average year the flow is equal to or larger
than the value given for the regarded point on the curve.

Fig. 7 Example of a typical flow duration curve of a river together with the variation of water level downstream of
a possible dam for a large power plant.

Often the tailrace level may also rise with increasing flow and thus the net head is reduced.
The turbine output corresponding to the flow and net head that can be calculated. Estimated efficiency may also be
available. An optimising of the price per kWh can be found by means of the price of the mechanical equipment and
cost of operation including maintenance in addition to the cost of civil work versus the produced kWh as illustrated
in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8 Optimising of cost per kWh as function of installed capacity of turbines

Choice of turbine type
The basic parameters for the choice of turbine type, size and speed are net head H (m) maximum flow and best
efficiency flow Qn and *Q (m3/s) respectively as well as the available net positive suction head NPSHA that includes
barometric pressure and water temperature.

In general, the Pelton turbines and also the Turgo turbine that is an axial type of Impulse turbine cover the high-
pressure domain down to 50 m for small hydro. The Francis types of turbines cover the largest range of head below
the Pelton turbine domain with some overlapping and down to 10 m head for small hydro. Simplified radial turbines
may also be used for micro turbines. The lowest domain of head below 10 m is covered by axial type of turbines i.e.
propeller type with fixed blades or Kaplan type with movable blades. Runners for propeller turbines, with blades that
can be adjusted when stopping the turbine as described in chapter 2, may also be used. For low heads and up to
about 50 m head also the Cross-Flow impulse turbine can be used. This type of turbines is fully regulated, that is a
great advantage. However, the distance between the runner and the tailrace level can not be utilised because the
turbine is an impulse turbine that does not allow the runner to be filled with water which is necessary in order to
obtain a suction pressure at the runner outlet.

The loss of head from runner to tailrace level is the reason for the low efficiency of Cross Flow turbines used for low
heads compared with a Francis turbine or a Propeller turbine that utilises the total head from upstream level to
downstream level.

An example of the range of operation for small hydro turbines is illustrated in Fig. 9. (Note micro turbines with
power less than 100 kW is not covered in Fig. 9, which show examples of standardised turbines from a manufacturer
of small hydro). Cross flow turbines that are normally used in the micro turbine domain are not included in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9 Example of range of operation of different types of small hydro turbines.

A = Pelton turbines, B = Francis turbines, C = Kaplan- and Bulb or S type turbines including Propeller

Basic parameters for dimensional design of turbines

As described previously, the different turbine types covers a certain range of head and flow for mini-turbines and
small hydropower plants. Micro turbines are normally built for heads below 200 m with a larger overlapping of types
than shown for small hydro turbines in Fig. 9. In addition, also centrifugal pumps in reverse operation can be used
overlapping multijet Pelton turbines and Francis turbines. Cross flow turbines and various kinds of more or less
successful hybrids may cover the whole range of operation up to 200 m head.

This chapter only deals with guide lines for dimensioning of Pelton turbines, Francis turbines and Radial turbines as
well as Propeller and Kaplan turbines based on best efficiency point (BEP) of operation.

The basic parameters for dimensioning the runner - the most important part - of the turbine are:

The flow (or capacity) at best efficiency point *Q (m3/s). Also the nominal flow at 100% output must be
known = Qn (m3/s) (Qn > *Q).

The nominal design head (nominal head) H (m)

The available net positive suction head NPSHA (m)

By means of the given parameters the specific speed or speed number of the turbine can be found.

According to the international norm IEC the equation of specific speed yields:

ns = n Qn / E 0.75 (1)

Here: n = (rev/sec), E = gH (m2/s2) = (J/kg) [F = ma (N = kg m/s2) and (J = Nm = kg m2/s2)]

Another version of specific speed is THE SPEED NUMBER that refers to best efficiency point (BEP) where Q = *Q
and the angular speed = * (rad/s) and the nominal head H that is also the head for best efficiency H = *H.

The equation for the speed number yields:

* = * * Q /(2 E )0.75 = * * Q /(2 g *H )0.75 (2)

The size of the turbine can be found by the capacity

* Q = *Q / 2 g * H (m2) (3)

It is also convenient to introduce reduced velocities (dimensionless) for dimensioning of the various types of

c = c / 2 gH u = u / 2 gH and w = w / 2 gH
were c = absolute velocity u = circumferential speed and w is relative velocity. It is also convenient to introduce
reduced circumferential speed that is not dimensionless = / 2 gH (m-1). The capacity is also the reduced
flow Q = Q / 2 gH (m2) (see eq. (3)) and the speed number = Q (dimensionless).

For the main dimensions of a turbine it is convenient to use following notations (see Fig. 10):

Inlet of turbine 0
Inlet of runner 1
Outlet of runner 2
Outlet of draft tube 3 (For Pelton turbines (and cross flow turbines) 3 is surface of tailrace level)

It is convenient to introduce the meridional velocity vector component and the tangential vector component of the
absolute velocity c.

The meridional component cm = csin(), where is the flow angle versus tangential direction.

The tangential component cu = ccos().

Fig. 10 Notation of positions in a Francis turbine

When studying the dimensions it is convenient to introduce the Euler turbine equation

gHh = u1cu u2 cu 2 (4)

where h is the hydraulic efficiency taking into consideration the flow friction losses through the turbine. gH = E is
the specific energy from inlet of turbine to outlet of turbine. Note that the draft tube outlet loss (Q/A3)2/(2g) is not
included in the head loss in the turbine. (A3 = cross section of draft tube outlet.)

At best efficiency point (BEP) we have theoretically no swirl flow out of the turbine i.e. cu2 = 0.
Thus the Euler turbine equation yields for best efficiency point:

g *H *h = *u1 *cu1 (5)

Now let us go back to the speed number eq. (2) and study the Francis turbine in Fig. 10.
We assume we have an ideal turbine with inlet velocity diagram and outlet velocity diagram as follows at best
efficiency point where cu2 = 0. (See Fig. 11 where cu2 0 and Q < *Q).

Fig. 11 Velocity vector diagram at inlet and outlet of a Francis turbine

The speed number can now be transformed to following equation:

* = Q = * * Q /(2 gH )0.75 = * cm 2 / (2 gH )
* 0.75

3/ 2
* = tan 2 (7)
(2 gH )3 / 4

where 2 is the blade outlet angle. This equation is valid for all turbines with axial outlet flow i.e. also Kaplan and
Propeller types besides Francis turbines.

If we substitute for gH by means of the Euler equation we arrive at following interesting equations by substituting for
(u2/u1) = D2/D1.

0.75 1. 5
u1 D2

* = h tan 2 (8)
2 cu1 D1

This equation is valid for all turbines with axial outlet when assuming a uniform flow with Cm2 to be constant over
the cross section.

For a mini turbine with radial outlet we have

Q= D2 B2 cm 2 instead of Q = D22 / 4 cm 2 and the equation for the speed number can then be written as

0.75 1.5
h u1 D2
4 B2
* = tan 2 (9)
D2 2 cu1 D1

From eq. (7) and eq. (8) we find that various shapes of runners can be designed for the same speed number i.e. the
same speed, flow and head. This is illustrated in Fig. 12.

Fig. 12 Different shape of a Francis runner for the same specific speed or the same speed
number left and radial turbine right

The designer has the choice of outlet angles (2) in the range of 12 - 200 normally with increasing angles for
increasing specific speed. Variations of inlet angles can be compensated by the ratio (D2/D1) and the choice of u1

noting that by choosing u1 the value of cu1 must be calculated by means of the Euler turbine equation eq. (5) that is
valid for cu2 = 0.
It is needed some experiences for the design because the inlet velocity ratio u1/cu1 will also affect the reaction ratio
and the inlet pressure, which may lead to inlet cavitation if the inlet pressure is too low for high specific speed
turbines leading to inlet cavitation.

For a Pelton turbine the speed number can be written as a function of the jet diameter over pitch diameter ratio ds/D
as follows when substituting for the flow Q by 2 gH d s2 / 4 where 2 gH is the theoretical jet velocity.
Here ds = theoretical jet diameter (m) and D = jet tangential diameter of the runner (m).

D D ds 1
= Q /( 2 gH ) 3 / 4 = ( d s2 / 4) ( 2 gH ) 0.5 /( 2 gH ) 0.75 =
D 2 D (2 gH ) 0.5
Further when substituting for the theoretically circumferential speed of the runner by u =
D 1
= 2 gH , we
2 2
arrive at following equation:

= (10)
2 D

The reaction ratio

When simplifying by assuming h = 2*u1*cu1 = 1.0 the equation for the reaction ratio yields:

1 * 2
* u1 * cu1 c u1
* h1 *h2 2
H 2 gH

or when introducing reduced pressure *h/H = *h i.e.

* c * c
* h1 *h 2 = 2 * u1 * c u1 1 u1 = 1 u1 (11)
2 * u1 2 * u1

This equation is developed by combining the Euler turbine equation and the energy equation at best efficiency point.
Ref. 3.

Note that for Pelton turbines *cu1/*u1 = 2 and then *h1 - *h2 = 0 or *h1 = *h2.


Small hydro 1000 kW - 10 000 kW
Because of the relatively cheap needle control of Pelton turbines this turbine type is normally equipped with
governors. Fully regulated turbines of Francis types and Kaplan types - often made as horizontal
S-type - are used if operation on isolated load is required. If the units are connected to the main electric grid and
water level control is required, the turbines must be equipped for guide vane control of the flow by a simplified water
level control system.

If water level control is not required simplified turbines without movable guide vanes will be chosen. Simplified
synchronising control by means of throttling the inlet valve will be necessary.

Mini hydro
For mini turbines of Francis or Kaplan type with output between 200 kW and 1000 kW control systems with guide
vanes are omitted unless operation on isolated load or water level control is required.
Pelton turbines have needle control also for mini turbines either for speed control on isolated load or water level
control if connected to the main grid.

Cross flow turbines with simplified control is often preferred instead of Pelton or Francis turbines for micro projects
if the flow is large and/or the head is low. This because cross flow turbines covers a larger flow capacity overlapping
the capacity of Francis turbines.

However, because cross flow turbines are impulse turbines the head between the runner and the tailrace level is lost
as described earlier. Then the efficiency is lower than for reaction turbines like Francis or Propeller types.
For the smallest output less than 30 kW multijet Pelton turbines can be step controlled by closing one or more
nozzles out of up to 6 nozzles.

Francis and Kaplan turbines should be made without guide vanes in order to reduce the price. Adjustable guide vanes
and/or runner blades for Propeller turbines made during a stop for reduced power in the dry season is a favourable
alternative. For Francis turbines an extra low capacity runner could be exchanged for operation during the dry
season. In such cases some spilling over the dam must be accepted.

Standard pumps in reverse operation could also be used as micro turbines together as an alternative to the cheapest
simplified radial or axial turbines.

However, in general, very little research has been made on micro turbine development and low efficiency and poor
reliability in operation have often been reported.

Choice of turbine type, speed and main dimensions

The basic parameter for the choice of turbine type and dimensions will be the specific speed or speed number

referring to best efficiency point (see eq. 8).

The speed number can be calculated when the flow at best efficiency point (BEP) *Q is known in addition to the
design head H (at best efficiency) when the speed is chosen.

The choice of speed is depending on the head by the speed number or the ratio D/ds for Pelton turbines where D =
runners jet tangent diameter and ds = jet diameter. For heads from 50 m up to 500 m
9 < D/ds < 12 is recommended (See eq. (10).

Smaller values than 9 should be avoided for 6 jet units because of interference between the jet. Many problems have
been reported by choosing too small ratio of D/ds for small hydro Pelton turbines.

For reaction turbines i.e. Francis- and Propeller types, the suction head must be taken into consideration when
choosing the speed of the machine. This is because the circumferential speed of the outlet and the axial flow velocity
out of the runner must be limited to avoid cavitation damage.

The required net positive suction head NPSHR may be expressed by following equation:

(a tan 2 2 + b) (12)

where 1.0 < a < 1.15 and 0.05 < b < 0.1 and b = f ( ).

In eq. (12) 2 = blades outlet angles and u2 = circumferential speed of largest diameter at the runner outlet.
The value of NPSHR for the turbine must be smaller than the available NPSHA, which is a function of the suction
head = Zs (i.e. difference in geodetic height between runner and tailrace level), the outlet cross section of the draft
tube and barometric pressure = hb in (m WC) and the vapour pressure = hva in (m W.C) (depending on temperature).
Following equation of NPSHA yields:

NPSH A = Z s + + hb hva (13)

c3 = Qn/Adr = outlet velocity from draft tube Adr = outlet cross section.

It is a pity that testing of the real NPSHR or Thoma cavitation number = NPSHR/H is normally not made for small
hydro turbines due to lack of model tests.

The reason for this is that many small manufacturers have no capacity of facilities to make such test. As a result
many small hydro turbines has poor performance both in efficiency and cavitation. For safety reason the speed of the
machine is also often chosen lower than necessary. On the contrary the speed of Pelton turbines has in many cases
been chosen too high i.e. to small (D/ds) ratio that leads to a low efficiency.

However, these turbines with poor performance are cheap and the low price often keeps the skilled manufacturers
out of the market especially for micro turbines.

A general research programme will be necessary in order to obtain an improved quality of small hydro and in
particular the quality of micro turbines without too high increase in price. A proposal for such research programme
will be given at the end of this report.

As mentioned above the speed n and capacity

Q =*Q / 2 gH is the basis for choice of specific speed or speed
number of Pelton turbines and Francis turbines.

The cross flow impulse turbine may be used for all heads covered by Francis and Propeller turbines as described
earlier and to some extent for Pelton turbines at low head. The weak point is fatigue problems for high heads and
large capacities with long axial span of the vanes. In addition, as described earlier, the head loss from runner to
tailrace level gives a low efficiency for low heads.

In Fig. 13 the range of speed number of different turbine types is shown. (The cross flow turbine cover the whole
range from Pelton to propeller turbine, but is not shown.) Note that from eq. (8) we find the speed number of
propeller and Kaplan turbines for (D2/D1) = 1.

Fig. 13 Turbine types as function of speed number


A systematically optimised design should be possible from the descriptions of the most important characteristic
parameters used for the hydraulic design of small hydro turbines. This is not the case at present time because too
many manufacturers have not the necessary education and facilities to design and test the turbines. On the other hand
the prices are very low compared with products from manufacturers with experts on design and access to
computerised design tools and laboratories for testing of models.

In order to improve the design and obtain a reliable turbine with an acceptable level of efficiency, a research
programme should be addressed to both manufacturers and customers who want to buy machinery for small hydro
and especially for mini turbines and micro turbines.


1 Help the customer to chose the right economical optimised equipment for his plant and
write contracts with specifications and performance guaranties that can be tested at site.

2 Work out textbooks for a general design of turbines. (Education on turbine design.)

3 Develop simplified testing procedures for acceptance tests of installed turbines at site.

4 Work out simplified theories on simplified control systems presented in textbooks.

Description of the four points in the research programme

1 Choice of equipment

The choice of equipment must be based on the flow duration curve as described in chapter 3.
However, for micro turbines the regulating equipment is often expensive and not included. However, the loss of
energy by spilling over the dam can be reduced by choosing two or three units of different size or a cross flow
turbine with loss of head and efficiency. Illustration of choice of 3 micro turbines or pumps in reverse operation as
turbines without regulators is shown in Fig. 14. An economical optimizing of these alternatives should be made
before the equipment is ordered.

A research in this field will be necessary in order to get the most economical solution for the owner. Also an
evaluation of optimum penstock (steel, concrete or plastic) should be made taking into consideration water hammer
problems and regulating stability versus price.

Fig. 14 Principle of on/off flow control of three micro turbines or three pumps of different size in reverse operation
as turbines

2 Work out text book for general design of turbines

This book must be written by neutral experts on basis level with only the most important parameters for
dimensioning as described in chapter 3. In addition, choice of materials, hydraulic forces, deformations, range of
clearances and basic structural analyses must be presented. Simplified flow analysis to avoid too low efficiency and

cavitation must be included. This research work will require a relatively large amount of work. A design of a
simplified turbine for a make-it-yourself package may also be made and offered for a low price.

3 Develop simplified testing procedures as acceptance tests for small hydro turbines

For micro-turbines and small hydro the IEC code for field acceptance tests is too complicated and is
normally not used. A reliable cheap flow measurement by clamp on flowmeters on the pipes or simplified
methods of thermodynamic efficiency measurement are possibilities that should be investigated in order to
measure the efficiency with accuracy of 3%. The simplified test procedures should be available for all
types of micro- and mini turbines. (This is because at present time turbines with efficiency of less than 65 -
70% efficiency has been produced and no turbines should have efficiency below 80%. Even micro-turbines
should reach 85% efficiency.) For micro turbines test facilities could also be used in neutral laboratories for approval
of series of turbines, i.e. a manufacturer may have tested and approved a design for delivery of turbines of this type
with geometrical control only. A simplified acceptance NORM should be written in order to protect the customer
from buying bad micro turbines.

4 Work out simplified theories on simplified control systems

This work must be based on basic governor theory, but it must be presented in a simplified form. A computer
program may be used, but basic dimensioning equations must be available to avoid damage by water hammer and
runaway speed. (It should be noted that a turbine runaway speed may damage a standard asynchronous generator
besides causing rupture of the pipe and this must be avoided).




0 1 2 years 3


US$ 103






0 1 2 years 3

Note, the budget includes test facilities and test equipment for field tests of US$ 60 000. Cost of travel for measuring
in the field is not included in general, but only for a few selected plants in short travel distance from the University.

6 References:
1. Survey of Energy Resources, World Energy Council Report 1998

2. Hermod Brekke: A discussion of Pelton turbines versus Frances turbines for high head plants
Proceedings: IAHR (ASCE/ASME) symposium, Colorado State University, Fort Collins,
USA, 1978

3. Hermod Brekke: "A discussion on losses, dynamic behavior and cavitation in Francis turbines.
Proceedings: IAHR Charlotte, August 6.-9, 2000.

COMMITTEE: Mr. Antti Aula Mr. Lars Hammar
Kemijoki Oy Elforsk AB
Valtakatu 9-11 101 53 Stockholm
Mr. Ulf Riise FIN-96101 Rovaniemi
Norwegian Electricity Federation FINLAND (alternate:)
Association of Producers Ms. Maria Malmkvist
P.O. Box 274 FRANCE Swedish National Energy
1324 Lysaker, NORWAY Mr. Grard Casanova Administration
Electricit de France P.O. Box 310
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY 77, Chemin des Courses SE-631 04 Eskilstuna
Mr. Hanns-Joachim Neef
International Energy Agency JAPAN UNITED KINGDOM
9, rue de la Fdration Mr. Shoichi Murakami Mr. J. W. Craig
75739 Paris, FRANCE New Energy Foundation Energy Technology Support Unit
Shuwa Kioicho Park Building 3-6, (ETSU)
SECRETARY kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102 Harwell, Didcot
Mr. Frans H. Koch JAPAN Oxfordshire OX11 0RA
5450 Canotek Rd, Unit 53 UNITED KINGDOM
Ottawa, (alternate:)
CANADA K1J 9G3 Mr. Shinichi Sensyu (alternate:)
Tel: (1) 613 745-7553 CRIEPI - Central Research Mr. Eric M. Wilson
Fax: (1) 613-747-0543 Institute of Electric Power Industry Wilson Energy Assoc. Ltd.
E-mail: 6-1 Ohtemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda- Sovereign House, Bramhall Centre
ku, Tokyo 100 Bramhall, Stockport, Cheshire
Canadian Electricity Assoc'n NORWAY
1155 Metcalfe Street Mr. Alf V. Adeler
Sun Life Bldg, Suite 1600 NVE - Norwegian Water
Montral, H3B 2V6 Resources and Energy Directorate
CANADA P.O. Box 5091, Majorstua
N-0301 Oslo, NORWAY
Mr. Tony Tung SPAIN
Natural Resources Canada Mr. Angel Luis Vivar
580 Booth Street UNESA
Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0E4 Francisco Gervas 3
CANADA 28020 Madrid, SPAIN
CHINA (alternate:)
Mr. Tong Jiandong Mr. Juan Sabater
Hangzhou International Center on ENDESA
Small Hydro Power Prncipe de Vergara 187
P.O. Box 607 28002 Madrid, SPAIN
4 Baisha Road
Hangzhou 310006

Mr. Jean-Paul Rigg
Hydro Qubec
3320, F.X. Tessier
Vaudreuil-Dorion, (Qubec)
E-mail: Rigg.jean-

Mr. Tony Tung
Natural Resources Canada
580 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0E4

Mr. Sverre Husebye
NVE - Norwegian Water
Resources and Energy Directorate
P.O. Box 5091, Majorstua
N-0301 Oslo, NORWAY

Mr. Tore S. Jrgensen
International Centre for
Hydropower (ICH)
Klbuveien 153
N-7465 Trondheim
E-mail: Tore.S.Jorgensen@

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