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2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

© Ministry of Education, 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in

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(The Curriculum Development Centre).


First Published 2023 by

The Curriculum Development Centre
Haile Selassie Ave,
P.O. Box 50092
Lusaka, Zambia
2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

PREAMBLE............................................................................................................................... viii
FOREWORD............................................................................................................................. ix
PREFACE................................................................................................................................... x
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................................................... xi
ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................. xii
DEFINITION OF TERMS............................................................................................................ ivx
CHAPTER ONE.......................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION TO THE FRAMEWORK.................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND.......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 RATIONALE............................................................................................................... 1
1.3 PURPOSE OF THE CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK......................................................... 2
CHAPTER TWO......................................................................................................................... 4
POLICIES AND GUIDING PRINCIPLES........................................................................................ 4
2.1 LAWS, POLICIES/PLANS AND INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS.................................. 4
2.1.1 Government Law.............................................................................................. 4
2.1.2 Policies/plans................................................................................................. 4 The Eighth Na onal Development Plan (8NDP)...................................... 4 2023 Na onal Educa on Policy............................................................. 5 Interna onal Instruments..................................................................... 5
2.2 EDUCATION GUIDING PRINCIPLES............................................................................ 5
2.2.1 Inclusiveness and Equity.................................................................................. 5
2.2.2 Accountability................................................................................................. 6
2.2.3 Transparency................................................................................................... 6
2.2.4 Partnerships.................................................................................................... 6
2.2.5 Social Jus ce................................................................................................... 6
2.2.6 Integrity.......................................................................................................... 6
2.3. CURRICULUM DESIGN AND LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION........................................ 6
2.3.1 Curriculum Design.......................................................................................... 6
2.3.2 Language of Instruc on.................................................................................. 7
CHAPTER THREE....................................................................................................................... 8
NATIONAL CONCERNS (CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES).................................................................... 8
3.1 LIFE SKILLS AND HEALTH EDUCATION (LSHE)............................................................. 8
3.2 GENDER.................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 GOVERNANCE.......................................................................................................... 8
3.4 CORRUPTION............................................................................................................ 9
3.5 HUMAN RIGHTS........................................................................................................ 9
3.6 NATIONAL VALUES AND PRINCIPLES......................................................................... 9
3.7 ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION............................................................................ 9
3.8 HIV and AIDS............................................................................................................. 9
3.9 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND POLLUTION MANAGEMENT................................... 10
2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

3.10 CLIMATE CHANGE EDUCATION................................................................................ 10

3.11 HEALTH AND NUTRITION......................................................................................... 10
3.12 DRUG AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE................................................................................ 10
3.13 MENTAL HEALTH..................................................................................................... 10
3.14 SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL LEARNING....................................................................... 10
3.15 FINANCIAL EDUCATION........................................................................................... 11
3.16 SPECIAL AND INCLUSIVE EDUCATION...................................................................... 11
3.17 EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT....................................................... 11
CHAPTER FOUR........................................................................................................................ 12
CURRICULUM STRUCTURE...................................................................................................... 12
4.1 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION................................................................................ 13
4.1.1 Child Developmental Domains......................................................................... 13
4.1.2 Eccde Levels..................................................................................................... 13 Day-Care/Cretche...................................................................................... 14 Nursery and Recep on................................................................................. 14
4.1.3 Curriculum for Early Educa on........................................................................ 14
4.1.4 Contact Time................................................................................................... 14
4.1.5 Curriculum Reforms at this level....................................................................... 15
4.1.6 Assessment Procedures.................................................................................. 15
4.1.6 Assessment Procedures.................................................................................. 15 Na onal Assessment Strategy............................................................... 15 School Readiness Assessment............................................................... 15
4.1.7 Learners with Special Educa onal Needs and/or Disabili es........................... 15
4.1.8 Screening and Assessment at ECE................................................................... 16
4.2 PRIMARY SCHOOL EDUCATION................................................................................. 16
4.2.1 Core Learning Areas at the Lower Primary........................................................ 16 Curriculum Reforms at Lower Primary School Level................................ 16 Lower Primary Contact Time.................................................................. 17
4.2.2 Core Learning Areas at the Upper Primary........................................................ 17 Curriculum Reforms at Upper Primary................................................... 17 Upper primary school contact me........................................................ 18 Assessment procedures......................................................................... 18 Assessment procedures......................................................................... 18
4.2.3 Learners with Special Educa onal Needs and/or Disabili es............................ 18 Learning areas for learners with intellectual impairments..................... 19 Learners with intellectual disabili es - 16+ level.................................. 19
4.2.4 Learner Exit Profile.......................................................................................... 20
4.3. SECONDARY SCHOOL EDUCATION............................................................................ 21
4.3.1 Pathways at Ordinary Level............................................................................... 21 Subjects Groupings at Ordinary Level..................................................... 21 Guidelines on Pathways and Subject Combina ons.............................. 23 Curriculum Reforms at this level............................................................ 24
2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework Assessment........................................................................................... 25 Co-Curricular ac vi es.......................................................................... 25
4.3.2 Advanced Level (A LEVEL)................................................................................. 26 Structure of 'A' Level Courses................................................................. 26 Assessment.......................................................................................... 28 Co-curricular ac vi es.......................................................................... 28 Learner profile....................................................................................... 28
4.4 TEACHER EDUCATION......................................................................................... 29
4.4.1 Categories of Teacher Educa on...................................................................... 29 Pre-service Educa on........................................................................... 29 In-service Educa on............................................................................. 29 Dura on of programmes....................................................................... 29 Distance educa on............................................................................... 30 School experience................................................................................. 30 Teacher educa on programmes........................................................... 30
4.4.2 Curriculum for Teacher Educa on.................................................................... 30 Curriculum for Early Childhood Teacher Educa on................................ 31 Curriculum for primary teacher Educa on............................................. 31 Curriculum for secondary teacher educa on (Ordinary Level).............. 31 Curriculum for secondary school teacher educa on (Advanced Level)... 32
4.4.3 Special educa on curriculum........................................................................... 32 The contact me for teacher educa on ins tu ons................................ 33 Assessment procedures........................................................................ 34
4.4.4 Teacher Educa on Curriculum Reforms........................................................... 34
4.4.5 Co-Curricular Ac vi es.................................................................................... 35
4.4.6 Student exit profile.......................................................................................... 35
4.5. YOUTH AND ADULT LITERACY EDUCATION................................................................ 35
4.5.1 Curriculum for Youth and Adult Literacy............................................................ 36
4.5.2 Learning Areas................................................................................................. 36
4.5.3 Curriculum Reforms at this Level...................................................................... 36
4.5.4 Assessment Procedures................................................................................... 37
4.5.5 Learners with Educa onal Needs and Disabili es............................................ 37
4.5.6 Learner Exit Profile........................................................................................... 37
CHAPTER FIVE......................................................................................................................... 38
STRATEGIES FOR EFFECTIVE CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION.............................................. 38
5.1 PLANNING................................................................................................................ 38
5.1.1 Implementa on Strategy................................................................................ 38
5.1.2 Resource Mobilisa on and Management....................................................... 39
5.2 CURRICULUM SUPPORT MATERIALS........................................................................ 40
5.3 CHANGE MANAGEMENT.......................................................................................... 40
5.4 SUBJECT ASSOCIATIONS........................................................................................... 40
2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

5.5 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND COLLABORATION............................................. 41

5.6 MONITORING AND EVALUATION............................................................................ 41
5.7 RESEARCH................................................................................................................. 41
5.8 TEACHING METHODS............................................................................................... 41
5.9 DOCOLONASATION OF THE CURRICULUM............................................................... 42
5.10 CAREERS GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING................................................................ 42
5.11 ASSESSMENT............................................................................................................ 42
5.12 CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES.................................................................................... 42
5.13 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT........................................................................................ 42
5.14 ALTERNATIVE MODES OF EDUCATION PROVISION.................................................. 43

REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 44
2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

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"Education is indeed a great equalizer. It can make a boy from a village

become President of Zambia, it can make a daughter of a maid become Chief
Executive Ofcer of a Multi-National Company, it can make an orphan
become a medical doctor.”

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Va vii
2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework


His Excellency
The President of the Republic of Zambia
Mr Hakainde Hichilema

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My government places very high premium contributes to job crea on and economic
on Educa on as espoused in the Eighth development.
Na onal Development Plan and the Vision I, therefore, present to our na on, the 2023
2030 of Zambia becoming "A Prosperous
Middle Income Country."
Undoubtedly, our mission is to foster
E d
Zambia Educa on Curriculum Framework.

accelerated na onal development through

the mobiliza on and sustainable u liza on
of human and natural resources for every

o n
Mr. Hakainde Hichilema

t i
In my inaugural speech to Parliament on

10th September, 2021, I called for the need

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to restore the educa on system to
interna onal standards and best prac ces.
My administra on considers educa on,

science and skills development as an
It is in this regard that the curriculum has
been reformed to ensure that it provides the
required competences and responds to
developmental aspira ons and goals of the
country. To this effect, the educa on system
has been re-aligned to ensure that it

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework


Hon. Douglas Munsaka Syakalima- MP


Quality educa on is at the centre of the 2030 The realiza on of the importance of educa on
Agenda for Sustainable Development. The compelled the Government to declare free
Con nental Educa on Strategy for Africa also
advocates for increasing access to quality and the Secondary school level.

o n
educa on from Early Childhood Educa on to

ti i
relevant educa on. The quest for las ng
I, therefore, want to appeal to the Zambians in
solu ons to educa on problems in Africa
general, and the educa on stakeholders in
requires that prac oners dialogue and come

par cular, to embrace the 2023 Zambia
up with strategies to address the challenges
Educa on Curriculum Framework as it provides
holis cally.
The Government of the Republic of Zambia,
under the leadership of His Excellency Mr. E
adequate guidance on the educa on system.

Hakainde Hichilema, the President of the

Republic of Zambia, recognizes that educa on

o n Hon. Douglas Munsaka Syakalima- MP

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is the cornerstone of na onal development as it
plays a cri cal role in producing the needed

human capital endowed with the required
knowledge, values and skills of the 21st Century

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competences to realize the Na onal Vision
2030 and developmental aspira ons. The
Na onal Educa on Curriculum provides the

avenue and the process of producing such a
learner from the educa on system.
This, therefore, calls for the investment in
young people through educa on to ensure job
crea on and socio-economic transforma on by
providing quality and relevant educa on.

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework


Mr Joel Kamoko
Permanent Secretary – Education Services

The 2023 Zambia Educa on Curriculum Framework according to their abili es and interests.
(ZECF) has been developed not only to provide Above all, the 2023 Educa on Curriculum has adjusted
guidance on the preferred type of educa on for our the structure of the educa on system from 4-7-2-3 to
na on, but also to provide clear curriculum
guidelines, as well as the structures at all levels,

o n
3-6-4-2. ECE has been reduced from 4 to 3 years , while
primary educa on level has also been reduced from 7

ti i
from Early Childhood Educa on (ECE) to Ter ary to 6 years, with eligible age entry also being reduced
Educa on and Youth and Adult Literacy Educa on. from 7 to 6 years. The secondary educa on level has
In addi on, the ZECF forms the basis for the been restructured and increased from 5 to 6 years to
development of syllabi, teaching and learning accommodate 2 years of A- levels. Thus, learners will be
materials and procurement of subsequent
educa onal materials.
The Curriculum Framework has also emphasised
the use of Informa on Communica ons Technology
provided with 4 years of ordinary secondary educa on

and 2 years of advanced Secondary ("A" level). Notably,
Forms have replaced Grades at Secondary school evel.
Consequently, automa c progression from primary to

(ICT) in teaching and learning, management and secondary school has been abolished together with the
research through the provision of innova ve, Junior Secondary School Leaving Examina on.

technology-based educa on programmes and Forthwith, candidates will write their School Cer ficate
services as well as the promo on of STEM
Educa on.

t i examina on at the end of Form 4. It is expected that

this Competence Based Curriculum will equip learners

The Curriculum has also integrated cross-cu ng at all levels of educa on with vital knowledge, skills,
and emerging issues such as Climate change; and values that are necessary for the actualiza on of

il d
Educa on for Sustainable Development; Digital our Vision 2030.
Literacy; Collabora ve and inclusive Learning; As we roll out the 2023 Zambia Educa on Curriculum,
Entrepreneurship; An -Corrup on; Global may I hasten to state that government, working in

Ci zenship Educa on; Human Rights and Cultural
Diversity; Renewable and Clean Energy; in order to
respond to societal needs.
The new curriculum shows clear linkages at all levels
collabora on with coopera ng partners, will provide
adequate resources for the effec ve implementa on
of the curriculum.

of educa on, from ECE to ter ary educa on and

Youth and adult literacy educa on. The necessary
career paths for learners have been provided. This Joel Kamoko (Mr)
will accord learners an opportunity to progress Permanent Secretary - Educa onal Services

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework


Dr.Charles Ndakala
Director - Curriculum Development

The development of the 2023 Zambia Educa on Curriculum Framework was achieved with the
coopera on and par cipa on of various stakeholders within and outside the educa on system. I,

o n
therefore, express my profound gra tude to all individuals, organiza ons and ins tu ons that made
submissions to the Ministry of Educa on on the gaps and challenges experienced during

ti i
implementa on of the 2013 Curriculum, and contributed immensely to the development of this
Curriculum Framework.
Special thanks to all the Directorates in the Ministry of Educa on, Examina ons Council of Zambia,

Universi es, Colleges of Educa on, Technical Educa on Voca onal and Entrepreneurship Training,

Teacher Unions, Subject associa ons, Civic and Tradi onal Leaders, Provincial Educa on Offices, Civil
organiza ons and Coopera ng Partners for their immense contribu ons during the consulta ve

commitment to work.

o n
Last but not least, gra tude goes to ALL the Curriculum Development Specialists and staff for their

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Charles Ndakala (Dr.)
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2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework


AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

ADL Activities for Daily Living
AMEP Alternative Mode of Education Provision
CSOs Civil Society Organisations
EFA Education for All
CDAZ Child Development Assessment for Zambia
CPD Continuing Professional Development
CTS Creative and Technology Studies
CDC Curriculum Development Centre
D&T Design and Technology
DCD Directorate of Curriculum Development
DODE Directorate of Open and Distance Education
ECCDE Early Childhood Care, Development and Education
ECE Early Childhood Education
8NDP Eighth National Development Plan
ECZ Examinations Council of Zambia
ESD Education for Sustainable Development
CBC Competence Based Curriculum
HE Home Economics
HEH Home Economics and Hospitality
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
TCMs Teacher Curriculum Manuals
ICT Information and Communications Technology
LSEND Learners with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
SDG Sustainable Development Goals
MCDSS Ministry of Community Development and Social Services
MoE Ministry of Education
NCA National Competence Assessment
LSHE Life Skills and Health Education
UPND United Party for National Development
NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations
NLF National Literacy Framework
NNF National Numeracy Framework
ODL Open and Distance Learning
OBE Outcomes- Based Education

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

PCA Performing and Creative Arts

PES Physical Education and Sports
EGLP Early Grade Literacy Programme
SEL Social and Emotional Learning
PLP Primary Literacy Programme
SHN School Health and Nutrition
ASG-QA African Standards and Guidelines in Quality Assurance
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
LOI Language of Instruction
SBA School Based Assessment
SDS Social Development Studies
SADC Southern Africa Development Community
SEN Special Educational Needs
SE Standards and Evaluation
SDG Sustainable Developmental Goals
TESS Teacher Education and Specialised Services
TEVET Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training
TEVETA Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority
UN United Nations
UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation
UNZA University of Zambia
YALE Youth and Adult Literacy Education
ESD Education for Sustainable Development
ZECF Zambia Education Curriculum Framework
ZNQA Zambia National Qualifications Authority
ZPC Zambia Primary Course
ZAMISE Zambia Institute of Special Education

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework


Term Definition
Co-Curricular Play and educational activities that complement
academic learning.
Compulsory Subjects Subjects to be taken by all learners at a particular
level or in a career pathway.
Cross-Cutting Issues National concerns which affect a cross - section of
society such as democracy, good governance, HIV and
AIDS, drug and substance abuse.
Curriculum The sum total of all learning experiences and
opportunities that are provided to learners in the
context of formal and non-formal education.
Curriculum Framework A document that contains guiding principles that
direct the cohesion and consistency of the planned
education activities namely: education aims, values
and principles underpinning the curriculum, learning
outcomes, orientation architecture and learning
content, teaching and learning, assessment in
different learning areas and across the curriculum.
Distance Education The education of learners who may not always be
physically present at school/learning institution.
Early Childhood Education provided to children of 3-5 years old which
Education prepares them for formal schooling
Entrepreneurship Formal teachings that informs, trains, and educates
Education anyone to stimulate entrepreneurship awareness,
business creation, or small business development.
Community Language A local language that is commonly used in a particular
Financial Literacy This is the knowledge and skills one requires to make
Education financial decisions.
Foreign Languages Languages other than English which are not
indigenous to Zambia such as French and Chinese
Language of Instruction Language used in teaching and learning
Learning Area A study discipline consisting of learning experiences
drawn from different subjects.
Optional Subjects Subjects a learner or student may choose to study
in addition to their mandatory or required subjects
Primary Education Refers to the education offered to Grades 1 - 6 learners

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

School Experience This is a programme through which teacher trainees

undertake school based teaching.
Secondary School Institutions of learning that provide schooling from
Forms 1 to 4 (Ordinary Level) and Forms 5 to 6
(Advanced Level) education
Social Interaction Any form of communication that occurs between two
or more individuals.
Special Educational The term is used to describe learning difficulties or
Needs disabilities that make it harder for children to learn
than most children of the same age.
Syllabus A document that outlines all the essential information
about a subject.
Tertiary Education Any form of education that occurs after secondary
school .
Vocational and Technical Subjects that provide learners with hands on
Subjects experiences Subjects
Youth and Adult Literacy A learning process equipping the youth and adults
with knowledge and skills for adapting and
responding to the day to day activities. This knowledge
and skills includes reading, writing and numerical
Zambian Language Any of the prescribed Zambian Languages for use in


Educa on is the cornerstone for socio-economic development and a tool for transforming and
steering Zambia towards the a ainment of the Vision 2030. Educa on 2030 is an integral part of
the sustainable development agenda, forming Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDG). Achieving universal access to educa on, as espoused in the Vision 2030 and SDGs,
remains one of Zambia's policy agenda on educa on. This, therefore, calls for the curriculum to
be relevant and responsive to the needs of the individual, the society, the na on and the global
dictates. The Ministry of Educa on, through the Directorate of Curriculum Development, is
mandated to review the curriculum every 10 years. The review process allows for the
incorpora on of emerging issues in the areas of social, economic, poli cal and technological
changes. The Ministry held various consulta ve mee ngs with stakeholders which indicated
that there was need to comprehensively reform the educa on curriculum at all the levels in
order to:

i. Diversify the education curriculum in order to make it responsive to individual

needs of learners and society;
ii. Interlink the education curriculum at all levels of the education system;
iii. Strengthen content in the learning areas/subjects in order to provide for
meaningful learning experiences that are beneficial to the individual and the

In preparing for the reform of the 2013 Curriculum, the Ministry of Educa on, conducted a
na onal curriculum review/evalua on and engaged stakeholders such as Teacher Unions,
Subject Associa ons, the Academia, Co-opera ng Partners, Civil Society Organisa ons (CSOs),
and Faith Based Organisa ons so as to solicit for submissions on the gaps that are in the 2013
Curriculum and the challenges in implemen ng the curriculum. Stakeholders were requested to
provide proposals on how the iden fied gaps and challenges could be addressed. The
submissions paved way for the development of the 2023 Curriculum Framework.

The evalua on and review of the 2013 Zambia Educa on Curriculum revealed a number of gaps
and challenges poin ng to the fact that it had not realised the desired educa onal outcomes and
aspira ons of the na on. As of 2023, learners were s ll exi ng the school system without the
acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and values needed for self-reliance and socio-
economic emancipa on.
2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

Consequently, the government has reposi oned itself towards the provision of educa on as
outlined in the Eighth Na onal Development Plan (8NDP), and the Vision 2030. There is also
urgent need for the curriculum to be aligned with interna onal commitments which include the
provision of Educa on for All (EFA), Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the African Union
Agenda 2063, and the Con nental Educa on Strategy for Africa.
Therefore, the ra onale of the 2023 Zambia Educa on Curriculum is primarily to reform the
educa on system and align it with global trends, address the iden fied gaps and challenges of
the 2013 Curriculum, integrate emerging issues, align the educa on system to Na onal
Development Plans, and migrate from an Outcome- Based Educa on (OBE) to Competence
Based Educa on (CBE) with a view to promo ng educa on that will enhance the aquisi on of

the na on.

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knowledge, skills, posi ve a tudes and values necessary for the sustainable development of

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Thus, it is envisioned that the 2023 Curriculum will foster the provision of quality educa on in
Zambia which will be compe ve on both the regional and global levels.

The Zambia Educa on Curriculum Framework (ZECF) prescribes guidelines and binding

regula ons for all levels of learning ins tu ons that are involved in the provision of educa on. It
serves as a tool for teachers and teacher educators/instructors in the implementa on of the
na onal policy on educa on. It is underpinned by the principles of access, par cipa on, quality,

o n
equity, excellence, partnerships and efficiency which are essen al to the holis c provision of
educa on for all. Thus, the Educa on Curriculum Framework provides the guiding principles,

t i
goals, structure, and elements for the development of Curricula, subject syllabi, teaching and
learning materials including play materials, textbooks and supplementary books/materials,

teacher educa on and training, and assessment methods that will be developed by the relevant
authori es in line with the Curriculum Framework.

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The Educa on Act No.23 of 2011 entrusts the Ministry of Educa on as the custodian of the
provision of quality educa on in Zambia. Therefore, all educa on providers and stakeholders
shall adhere to the policy and regula ons on curriculum provided therein. Therefore, all learning

ins tu ons should have the ZECF and other important curriculum-related documents and
syllabuses. These documents shall func on as key daily guides and tools to ensure the provision
of quality educa on.
In order to keep abreast of the current local, regional and global trends, the curriculum will
either be reviewed or reformed every 10 years. However, change drivers such as poli cal,
economic, social, technological, ecological and legal factors could trigger curriculum change. In
addi on, curriculum support materials such as syllabuses and text books will be reviewed every
a er 5 years in order to keep them up-to-date.
It should, therefore, be noted that the ZECF document does not provide detailed descrip ons of
subject content or desired learning outcomes. It leaves such level of informa on to the
syllabuses and in some cases the Curriculum Implementa on Guidelines.

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

The objec ves of the ZECF

i. interpret government's policies for the educa on system at all levels;

ii. define the basic values and principles of the educa on system so as to help educa on
providers translate them into the teaching and learning experiences, taking into
account the local and cultural environment;
iii. provide guidelines for educa on providers on the curriculum coverage, teacher-
learner contact me, subject combina ons and other curriculum priori es; and;
iv. provide effec ve curriculum implementa on strategies

According to the 2023 Na onal Policy on Educa on (Educa on for Sustainability), the aim of
educa on is to enable learners acquire knowledge, competences, posi ve values and a tudes
to enhance the quality of life. Addi onally, the policy guides the process of producing learners
with 21st century skills at all levels to achieve Zambia's development aspira ons. It is in view of

this understanding that the Ministry has developed this framework so that the provision of
educa on is well focused and directed.

ti i o
The 2023 Na onal Educa on Policy calls for the restructuring of the educa on system so that it
is more efficient, effec ve and in tandem with regional, con nental and global trends. This has
necessitated the adop on of the following educa on structure: Early Childhood Educa on (3

years), Primary Educa on (Grades 1-6), Secondary Educa on (Forms 1-4 Ordinary Level),
Secondary Educa on-Advanced Level (Forms 5-6) and Ter ary. Within this structure, Youth and

Adult Literacy Educa on (YALE) will be offered to those who might have missed formal
schooling. Addi onally, Alterna ve Mode of Educa on Provision (AMEP) offers a pathway for
con nuing educa on, which provides an opportunity for learners to obtain formal
qualifica ons outside the regular schooling.

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This Chapter outlines policy documents and principles that guide the provision of quality educa on in
Zambia. These are laws, policies/plans, guiding principles, curriculum design and language of
instruc on (LoI) and interna onal instruments


2.1.1 Government Laws
The following legisla on have contributed to the development of this educa on blueprint for

i. The Cons tu on of the Republic of Zambia

ii. Educa on Act No. 23 of 2011
iii. Higher Educa on Act No. 4 of 2013
iv. Technical Educa on, Voca onal and Entrepreneurship Training Act No. 13 of 1998
v. Higher Educa on Loans and Scholarships Act No. 31 of 2016
vi. Examina ons Council of Zambia Act No 15 of 1983
vii. Teaching Profession Act No. 5 of 2013
viii. Zambia Educa onal Publishing House Act No.11of 1971
ix. Zambia Na onal Commission for UNESCO Act No. 32 of 1966
x. Zambia Qualifica ons Authority Act No. 13 of 2011
xi. Computer Misuse Act
xii) Patents and Copyright Law
xiii) Public Health Act
ivx) Local Government Act No. 2 of 2019

2.1.2 Policies/plans Vision 2030
This is a long-term na onal development plan for the country. It provides a strategic focus
of where the na on is expected to be by 2030. The specific theme of the vision is of Zambia
becoming A Prosperous Middle-income Na on.
The Vision spells out the kind of a ci zen the country desires. Hence, the Ministry has taken
into considera on the issues therein in defining the learner in the curriculum. The Eighth Na onal Development Plan (8NDP)
The 8NDP sets to enhance access to quality, Equitable and Inclusive Educa on; improve
Technical Educa on, Voca onal and Entrepreneurship Training; Increase access to higher
educa on; and enhance science, technology and innova on. It further guides that the
educa on curriculum will be reviewed to ensure that it provides relevant knowledge and
skills and promote the applica on of na onal values and principles.
2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework 2023 Na onal Educa on Policy

The theme of the 2023 Na onal Educa on Policy is Educa on for Sustainability. In light of
this, the 2023 Curriculum has responded to the aspira ons of the educa on policy.
The other policies that have informed this curriculum include the following:
i. Data Protec on Policy
ii. Na onal ICT Policy
iii. Na onal Health Policy
iv. Disability Policy of 2016
v. School Health and Nutri on Policy of 2006
vi. The Na onal Food and Nutri on Policy (2006)
vii. The Na onal Child Health Policy (2008)
viii. The Na onal Policy on Disability (2012)
ix. Child Policy of 2015
x. Na onal Informa on and Communica on Technology Policy-2006

2.1.3 Interna onal Instruments

provision of educa on which contributed to this framework:

o n
The following are some of the global and interna onal instruments that impact on

Charter of Children's Rights (1990)
The Universal Declara on of Human Rights of 1948
ti i
Sustainable Development Goals
The African Union Agenda 2063
Con nental Educa on Strategy for Africa

E d
Addis Conven on on Recogni on of studies, Cer ficates, Diplomas-, Degrees and
other academic qualifica ons in the higher educa on.

vii. Africa Standards and Guidelines in Quality Assurance in Higher Educa on (ASG-QA).
viii. The SADC Protocol on Educa on and Training

ix. SADC ODL Policy


a t
Quality educa on is at the centre of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The

il d
Con nental Educa on Strategy for Africa (CESA) also advocates for increasing access to quality
and relevant educa on and learning. The Government of the Republic of Zambia recognizes the
cri cal role that educa on plays in human capital development and in the realisa on of the

Na onal Vision 2030. This therefore calls for the curriculum to be relevant and responsive to the

needs of the individual, the society, the na on and the global dictates. The following are the
guiding principles which have informed the 2023 Curriculum Framework:

2.2.1 Inclusiveness and Equity

All learners, irrespec ve of differences in age, gender, ethnicity, language, disability or any other
form of marginaliza on which is against Zambia na onal values and legisla ons, shall access,
par cipate in, and benefit from quality educa on. In view of this, ins tu ons of learning should
put in place measures to promote inclusiveness and equity in their programmes.
2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

2.2.2 Accountability
Accountability plays a pivotal role in achieving the provision of educa on for all. The
Government shall be responsible and answerable to its ci zens and stakeholders in its delivery
of the objec ves and measures in educa on. Measures have been put in place to create
opportuni es for learners to access educa on.

2.2.3 Transparency
The informa on on educa on performance shall be accessible to all key stakeholders in the

educa on sector as and when it shall be required in accordance to the agreed procedures.

2.2.4 Partnerships

ti i
The Government will promote stakeholder par cipa on in the provision of educa on services.
A conducive atmosphere will be provided in order for stakeholder par cipa on to be realized.

2.2.5 Social Jus ce

E d
Social jus ce refers to the overall fairness of a society in its divisions and distribu ons of rewards
and burdens. In the implementa on of the curriculum, the poor and vulnerable learners will be
given special considera on.

2.2.6 Integrity

o n
Integrity is about doing the right thing and ac ng in ways that are aligned with someone's
personal values. The Government will operate with integrity in mee ng the objec ves and
measures in the Educa on sector.

t i
2.3.1 Curriculum Design
il d
Zambia has moved from an Outcome Based Curriculum to a Competence Based Curriculum. A
Competence-Based Curriculum is an approach to teaching and learning that primarily focuses

on the learner's demonstra on of their desired learning outcomes as central to the overall
learning process. It is a Curriculum that puts emphasis on what learners are expected to do as
opposed to what they are expected to know. It is largely premised on the progression of learners
through the curriculum (as their competences are proven) based on their speed, pace, depth of
the curriculum, and other similar parameters.
In addi on, a competence-based curriculum emphasises the various complex outcomes of the
learning process such as knowledge, skills and posi ve a tudes to be applied by learners. This
provides an array of benefits for the individual learner, parents, society and the industry. The
acquired competences resul ng from this type of educa on can be applied to various situa ons
and would act as catalyst for value addi on in many situa ons. The following general
competences will guide the process of curriculum design.

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

Analytical Thinking Process of breaking down complex informa on into components and
understanding how they are interconnected
Citizenship The ability to act as a responsible ci zen and par cipate fully in civic and
social life based on the understanding of social, cultural, economic, legal
and poli cal principles as well as global trends and sustainability
Collaboration The act of working with others to achieve results as a team.
Communication The ability to share ideas, thoughts, informa on and messages concisely
and precisely
Creativity and The ability to create new ideas and products by applying processes and
Innovation introducing new techniques that can add value.
Critical Thinking The process of conceptualizing, applying, analysing, synthesizing, and
evalua ng informa on to form judgement or guide a belief or ac on
Digital Literacy Ability to use a broad range of Informa on and Communica on

Emotional Intelligence
Technologies such as a cell phone, computer, calculator in specific contexts.
The capacity to recognise one’s emo ons as well as those of others and

ti i
make use of that informa on to effec vely manage oneself and one’s
rela onships in different situa ons
Entrepreneurship The knowledge, skills and behaviour needed to iden fy, create, develop,

manage, and grow a business venture.
Environmental The appropriate and sustainable use of natural resources and the
Financial Literacy
preserva on of the environment

Ability to apply knowledge of key financial concepts, financial products
and services to personal financial management.
Problem Solving

o n
The ability to iden fy, analyse and find solu ons to challenging situa ons.

2.3.2 Language of Instruc on

t i
The Educa on Act 0f 2011 gives legal guidance on language of instruc on in Zambia. It
prescribes the use of the English language as the official Language of Instruc on from Early

il d
Childhood Educa on (ECE) to Ter ary. This con nuity in language of instruc on helps build a
solid learning founda on for young learners.

Zambian languages could be used to explain concepts while English Language remains as a
medium of instruc on across the curriculum except when teaching a Zambian or foreign

Language as a subject. Sign Language will be used as medium of instruc on for learners with
hearing impairment at all levels.


Cross cu ng and emerging issues are na onal concerns that affect the na on. They have poten al to
impact the well-being of people, na onal resources and the environment. Na onal concerns are
cardinal and must be integrated across the curriculum at all levels of the educa on system. The

following are prominent cross cu ng themes included in this curriculum:


ti i
Life Skills are abili es that promote posi ve behaviour and enable individuals to deal effec vely
with the demands and challenges of everyday life. Life Skills are categorised as voca onal and
psychosocial skills. Voca onal skills enable an individual to acquire a prac cal skill by becoming

proficient in a cra , trade or occupa on. Psychosocial skills, which are psychic in nature,

include; self-awareness, decision making, problem solving, cri cal thinking, crea ve thinking,
effec ve communica on, empathy, interpersonal rela onship, coping with emo ons and
coping with stress.

o n
Health Educa on is any combina ons of learning experiences designed to help individuals and
communi es improve their knowledge or influence their health. It promotes an understanding

t i
of how to maintain one's physical, mental and social wellbeing. Therefore, it is necessary that
Life Skills and Health Educa on is part of the curriculum.

il d
Gender refers to the socially constructed views about males and females based on social and
cultural values rather than biological a ributes. It includes norms, behaviours and roles
associated with being a man or woman, a boy or girl and extends to rela onships between males

and females. Being a social construct, gender is dynamic and varies from society to society.
However, if not checked, gender may encourage inequali es and conflicts that can consequently
affect the social, physical, mental, health and economic well- being of vic ms.

Governance is the organisa on, maintenance, regula on, and accountability of laws,
conven ons, and behaviours. The social, economic, and poli cal development of a na on is
influenced by the type of leadership that is in place. Therefore, it is crucial that educa onal
ins tu ons incorporate prac ces and ac vi es into the curriculum that support good

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

Corrup on is solici ng, accep ng, obtaining, giving, promising or offering of a gra fica on by
way of a bribe or other, tempta on or inducement, or the misuse or abuse of a public office for
advantage or benefit for oneself or another person. Corrup on is a challenge on both the public
and personal levels. It destroys public trust, hinders good governance, distorts markets and
denies people access to services. In this regard, comba ng corrup on offers many advantages
for both individuals and the country as a whole. Therefore, corrup on-related issues have been
integrated in the curriculum.


People have the same basic legal rights, regardless of their gender, colour, na onality, ethnicity,
language and religion as guided in the Zambian Cons tu on. Human rights cover a wide range of
rights, such as the freedom from slavery and torture, the right to life and liberty, the freedom of
speech, the right to and educa on.


The Na onal Values and Principles stated in Ar cle 8 under Part 11 of the Republican
Cons tu on are crucial in the pursuit of the economic, social, and poli cal agenda of Zambians.
The following are the Na onal Values and Principles:

i. Morality and Ethics

ii. Patrio sm and Na onal Unity
iii. Democracy and Cons tu onalism
iv. Good Governance and Integrity
v. Human Dignity, Equity, Social Jus ce, Equality and Non-Discrimina on
vi. Sustainable Development


Entrepreneurship Educa on is aimed at empowering learners with knowledge, skills and
posi ve a tudes that will help them to iden fy business opportuni es, create jobs by star ng
their own businesses for self-employment. Entrepreneurship Educa on shall be integrated in
the carrier subjects while learning ins tu ons are encouraged to ensure that they prac cally
incorporate it in relevant learning ac vi es.

3.8 HIV and AIDS

Despite heavy investments in sensi sa on campaigns, counselling and treatment efforts, HIV
and AIDS pandemic con nues to devastate individuals, families, communi es and the na on at
large. HIV and AIDS has been integrated in the curriculum to create awareness on preven on,
counselling, tes ng and treatment.

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework


Environmental Health and Pollu on Management promotes sustainable use of natural
resources for poverty reduc on and socio-economic development. It reduces waste genera on,
pollu on, and enhances waste management ac vi es. Poor prac ces, such as deforesta on,
forest degrada on, and illegal human se lements, contribute to environmental degrada on. To
create awareness and a sense of responsibility among learners on the importance of
Environmental Management, the curriculum will promote knowledge, skills, posi ve a tudes
and values on environmental sustainability, waste management, green growth, climate change
mi ga on and adapta on measures and disaster risk reduc on.


Climate change impacts on the social, economic, poli cal sectors of society as well as the

ti i
ecological system. Human ac vi es such as open burning, use of fossil fuel, mining, poor
environmental management prac ces and greenhouse emissions affect the climate nega vely.
Climate change has been integrated in the curriculum to create awareness among the learners.


E d
Poor health and nutri on affects the a endance, reten on and performance of learners. Poor
health can also nega vely affect na onal development since an unhealthy popula on does not
func on at its op mum produc on and thinking levels. It is in this regard that nutri on and
health is integrated in the curriculum.

o n

a t
Drug and substance abuse is increasing at alarming rates in Zambia especially among young
people. The devasta ng effects include addic on, absenteeism, poor performance, risky
behaviours, criminal ac vi es, violence, depression and mental health disorders. Drug and

il d
Substance abuse has been integrated into the curriculum to curb the adverse effects of this vice
on the social, economic, poli cal and cultural well-being of the na on.

Mental Health is a state of mental well-being that enables an individual to cope with the stress,
realise one's abili es, engage in meaningful learning and work in society. Poor mental health has
resulted in increased cases of suicide, mental disorder and depression in Zambia. Mental Health
Educa on has; therefore, been integrated in the Curriculum.


Social and Emo onal learning (SEL) is a process through which learners of all ages learn and apply
a set of social, emo onal, and related skills, a tudes, behaviours, and values that help guide
them. These learned behaviours help learners make posi ve, responsible decisions such as

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

coming up with plans to achieve their goals and building posi ve rela onships with others in
their vicini es. Learners hail from a range of different backgrounds, with different beliefs and
with unique capabili es. Incorpora ng SEL in the curriculum will help them appreciate and learn
from each other in more effec ve ways and also to be inclusive by empathising for others.


Financial Educa on provides learners with knowledge, skills and confidence to enable them
make prudent financial decisions. Teaching Financial Educa on will enable learners to be

learners the tools and resources they need to be financially secure later in life. n
financially literate from a young age. It has been integrated in the curriculum in order to give


ti i
Special Educa on is the provision of educa on which is designed to meet the special

educa onal needs of the learner who by reason of disability or condi on is unable to benefit

from the regular mainstream educa on while Inclusive Educa on is educa on for all which
enables all learners to learn and par cipate effec vely within the mainstream educa on system.
Therefore, special and inclusive educa on have been integrated in the curriculum to respond to

all the educa onal needs of learners with special educa onal needs and/or disabili es.


t i
Educa on for Sustainable Development (ESD) is the response to the urgent and drama c
challenges the planet faces. It refers to the development that meets the needs of the present

and future genera ons without excessive use or abuse of natural resources.

il d
The curriculum has integrated ESD in order to equip learners with knowledge, skills, posi ve
a tudes and values in the use of the environment and natural resources.



This Chapter presents the structure of the curriculum for all levels of the educa on system; Early
Childhood Educa on, Primary, Secondary, Ter ary Educa on and Youth and Adult Literacy Educa on
(YALE). The figure below depicts the structure of the curriculum showing the number of years a
learner spends schooling at each of the educa on levels

Figure 1: Structure of the Curriculum

Key to the Figure:

A = Various voca onal programmes e.g. trades, nursing, teaching, agriculture leading to
cer ficate or diploma - A1 trades, cer ficates and diplomas
B = University degree
D = Doctorate, M = Masters, B = Bachelor

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

3 Years Ordinary degree

5 Years Engineering, Agriculture, Pharmacy etc.
5 Years Veterinary Medicine
6 Years Medicine
6 Years of Primary Educa on
4 Years of ordinary Secondary Educa on
2 years of advanced level Secondary Educa on

o n
NB: In A and B there are also some courses which take less than 2 years. From Primary to

ti i
Secondary educa on year represents a Grade or a Form.


E d
Early Childhood Educa on and Development has been the responsibility of local government
and was provided in community social welfare centres. To that effect, the pre-school educa on
curriculum was highly decentralised as each local government designed and developed its own
curriculum. This trend had con nued for many years which resulted in uncoordinated,

o n
fragmented and sub-standard early childhood educa on. In 2013, the Ministry of Educa on
decided to review and standardise the provision of early childhood educa on in the country by

t i
developing a na onal curriculum. Such provision refers to both non-formal and formal service
provision for learners/children aged 0-6 years offering a social and educa onal experiences for

children thereby preparing them for primary educa on.

il d
Early Educa on is a transi onal stage between learning at home and learning at school. The
significance of educa on at this level is to develop a child's social, physical, mental and
emo onal capaci es with much of the learning taking place through play. Early Childhood

Educa on prepares learners for a more formal learning atmosphere of subsequent educa on by
nurturing them to ensure holis c development in major domains.

4.1.1 Child Developmental Domains

The following are the child developmental domains:

I. Physical development (fine and gross motor skills)

II. Cogni ve and intellectual development (crea vity, thought process/pa ern, a en on,
III. Language development (recep ve and expressive language)
IV. Social and Emo onal development (social, emo onal, spiritual and moral aspects of a
child's life)
V. Aesthe c development (apprecia on of beauty)

4.1.2 Eccde Levels

Early Childhood Care Development and Educa on (ECCDE) caters for two (2) broad levels as

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework Day-Care/Cretche
This level provides early educa on for children aged 0-3 years. Basically, the Day Care
Centre will provide early learning opportuni es in accordance with the Nurturing Care
Framework. This will also provide early s mula on for developmental milestones. Day care
stage is cri cal for brain development. The provision of educa on and day care services will
be in collabora on with the line ministries: Ministry of Health and Ministry of Community

o n
Development and Social Services, which have sectorial policies and strategies specific for
such children. However, the Ministry of Educa on, working with these ministries will

ti i
provide guidance, interven ons and monitoring at this level. Nursery and Recep on

a) Nursery
E d
The Ministry of Educa on will offer nursery and recep on services to learners aged 3-4 and
4-5 years. These are nursery and recep on.

The Nursery Level will cater for learners aged 3-4 years. This level will provide an

opportunity for learners to develop socially, physically, mentally and emo onally
through interac ons and play. The focus of nursery centres is to promote social

b Recep on

t i o
interac on of young children from different backgrounds through play.

The Recep on Level will accommodate learners aged 4-5 years. This level is meant to
prepare the learners for smooth transi on into Grade 1. Hence, the teaching and

il d
learning at this level is ul mately informal through guided and unguided play.

4.1.3 Curriculum for Early Educa on

Learning at this level will be achieved through play ac vi es in the following learning areas:

Pre-Literacy and Language
Pre - Mathema cs and Science
iii. Crea ve and Technology Studies (CTS).
The language of instruc on at this level will be English language.
4.1.4 Contact Time
No. Learning Areas Time Allocation per Week
1 Pre-Literacy and Language 5 hours
English Language/ Sign Language 2hours 30 minutes
Zambian Language 2hours 30 minutes
2 Pre-Mathematics and Science 5 hours
3 Creative and Technology Studies CTS) 5 hours
Total 15 hours

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

4.1.5 Curriculum Reforms at this level

The following are summarised proposed curriculum reforms:

i The number of Learning areas has reduced from five (5) to three (3).
ii More me has been allocated to each of the learning areas; Pre- Literacy and Language, Pre-
Mathema cs and Science, and CTS. This is to give more me to learners to acquire basic pre-
maths and science, pre-literacy and other skills that are fundamental to the subsequent
learning experiences.
iii Expressive Arts has been changed to Crea ve and Technology Studies (CTS). This is to align it
with the Primary curriculum.
iv Early Childhood Educa on is free and compulsory.
v Early Childhood Assessment and monitoring tools will be introduced using technology.
vi Various modes of ECCDE delivery (annexed, hub centres, stand alone, zonal, centres of
excellence) will be introduced and established.
vii The thema c approach to teaching 3-4 year children will be adopted.
viii Specialised and prac cal learning classrooms (computer lab, science lab, music and dance,
Home Economics, gamifica on rooms, simula on rooms) will be introduced.

4.1.6 Assessment Procedures Na onal Assessment Strategy
Assessment at Early Childhood Educa on level will be used to ascertain school readiness
and to examine the developmental milestones of children aged 3 to 5 years. Various
assessment tools will be used to assess the developmental milestones that children will
have a ained at each level. These tools shall be used to administer both forma ve and
summa ve assessments. School Readiness Assessment
School Readiness Assessment will be conducted at the end of Preschool level before entry
into Primary Educa on to determine the developmental milestones and acquisi on of key
competences during the period children have been exposed to Early Childhood Educa on.

4.1.7 Learners with Special Educa onal Needs and/or Disabili es

The curriculum at this level also caters for Learners with Special Educa onal Needs and
Disabili es (LSEND). This category of learners includes; Au sm Spectrum Disorder, Behavioural
and Emo onal Disorders, Deaf blindness, Gi edness, Hearing impairments, Health
impairments, Intellectual and Developmental Disability, Mul ple disability, Orthopaedic and
Physical impairments, Specific Learning Difficul es, Speech and Language impairments,
Trauma c brain injury and Visual impairments. All these forms of disabili es will use the
mainstream curriculum. However, learners with severe learning disabili es who will not benefit
from the regular curriculum will have an adap ve curriculum in addi on to adapted technology
suitable for their disabili es. Ul mately, specialised interven on in form of Ac vi es for Daily
Living (ADL) and Home based-care will be provided to all LSEND to enhance their independent
living in school, at home and in society.
2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

4.1.8 Screening and Assessment at ECE

Assessment for transi ng from home into ECE will also be conducted. The curriculum will cater
for the screening and assessment of, and for disabili es using various tools.


The aim of Primary Educa on is to provide an educa on which facilitates the cul va on of each
learner's full poten al. Primary Educa on provides individual learners with a solid academic and
prac cal founda on that serves as the basis and pre-requites needed for con nua on of
educa on, training, the world of work and good ci zenship.
The Primary Educa on Level is from Grades 1 to 6 and has an entry age of six (6) years. There will
be two levels of Primary School Educa on: Lower and Upper Primary School. The Lower Primary
School level will run from Grades 1 to 3 while the Upper Primary School level shall be from
Grades 4 to 6.
At Lower Primary School level, there will be three (3) learning areas whilst seven (7) learning
areas will be offered at Upper Primary School level.

4.2.1Core Learning Areas at the Lower Primary

The Core Learning Areas to be offered at this level of educa on are:

i. Literacy and Language

ii. Mathema cs and Science
iii. Crea ve and Technology Studies (CTS) Curriculum Reforms at Lower Primary School Level

i Lower Primary is from Grades 1 to 3;
ii The Language of Instruc on (LoI) from Grades 1 to 3 in all the Learning areas shall be
English Language except when teaching Zambian language as a subject. For the
Learners with Hearing Impairment, the medium of instruc on will be Sign Language;
iii The Ministry will con nue with the implementa on of the Early Grade Literacy
Programme (EGLP) in the teaching of literacy which follows the interna onally
recognised methods of teaching literacy based on key Literacy Skills that include
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Wri ng
and Oral Reading Fluency.
iv Learners will take Na onal Competence Assessments in Literacy and Numeracy at
Grades 1 and 3. These assessments will be used to inform the teaching and learning
process and help to establish appropriate interven ons.
v The Lower Primary School will offer three learning areas, namely: Literacy and
Language, Mathema cs and Science, and Crea ve and Technology Studies. Literacy
and Language will comprise English Language and a Zambian Language.
vi Crea ve and Technology Studies will consist of Technology Studies, Home Economics
and Expressive Arts.
vii Social Studies will be integrated into Literacy and Language, Mathema cs and Science,
and Crea ve and Technology Studies.

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework Lower Primary Contact Time

At Grades 1 and 2, much me will be devoted to teaching Ini al Literacy and Numeracy skills
so that learners acquire the competences for further learning. This level shall be the
consolida on stage of the pre-school educa on hence the linkage in the number and
similarity of subjects. The minimum learner-teacher contact me for Lower Primary level is
21 hours. The dura on for a single period at the Lower Primary (Grades 1 to 3) is 30
Table 1: Grades 1 to 3 Time Alloca on per Week

No. Learning Area Time Periods

1 Literacy and Language 11 hours 22
· English Language 5hours 30 minutes 11
· Zambian Language 5 hours 30 minutes 11
3 Mathema cs and Science 5 hours 10
4 Crea ve and Techn ology Studies 5 hours 10
Total 21 hours 42

4.2.2 Core Learning Areas at the Upper Primary

The Core Learning Areas to be offered at this level of educa on are:

i. English Language/Sign Language

ii. Zambian Language
iii. Mathema cs
iv. Science
v. Social Studies
vi. Technology Studies
vii. Expressive Arts
viii Home Economics

4.2. 2.1 Curriculum Reforms at Upper Primary

i Upper Primary is for Grades 4 to 6;
ii English Language shall con nue to be used as Language of Instruc on from Grades 4 to 6 in
all the learning areas except when teaching Zambian language as a subject. For the Learners
with Hearing Impairment, the medium of instruc on will be Sign Language.
iii The Upper Primary will offer eight (8) Learning Areas namely; English Language, Zambian
Language, Mathema cs, Science, Social Studies, Technology Studies, Expressive Arts and
Home Economics . Learners will have to choose an op onal prac cal subject between Home
Economics and Expressive Arts as a basis for a Career Pathway. To increase the catchment
for STEM related pathways, Mathema cs, Science and Technology Studies will be
compulsory. In addi on, Technology Studies is also meant to equip all the learners with
digital literacy.

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

iv At this level, Prac cal Subjects will consist of simple cra s, processes and techniques which
will gradually extend a li le more explicitly to complex prac cal skills at Secondary school
v All Primary School learners shall be exposed to founda onal subjects which are key in
choosing the Career Pathways at Secondary School.
vi Entrepreneurship, Financial Educa on and other cross-cu ng themes have been
integrated into all learning areas to equip learners with relevant knowledge, skills and
posi ve values.
vii Learners will not automa cally progress to Secondary School a er si ng examina ons at
Grade 6. They will either have to repeat un l they qualify for form 1, or get enrolled in a skills
centre to pursue a skill of choice. Upper primary school contact me

The learner-teacher contact me for Upper Primary level (Grades 4 to 6) is 28 hours per
week. The dura on for a single period at this level is 40 minutes.
Table 2: Grades 4 to 6 Time Alloca on per Week

No. Learning Area Time Periods

1 English Language 4 hours 6
2 Mathema cs 4hours 6
3 Science 4 hours 6
4 Zambian Language 3 hours 20 Min 5
5 Social Studies 3 hours 20 Min 5
6 Technology Studies 4 hours 40 Mins 7
7 Expressive Arts/ Home Economics 4 hours 40 Mins 7
TOTAL 28 hours 42 Assessment procedures

School Based Assessments (SBAs) shall be compulsory to all learners at Grades 4, 5 and 6 to
enhance teaching and learning in the classroom. The SBA will be conducted in all subjects
and shall contribute 30 percent of the final mark for each subject. The 30 percent
contribu on shall be broken down as 10 percent at Grade 4, 10 percent at Grade 5 and 10
percent at Grade 6. The assessments will not be set and me-tabled by the Examina ons
Council of Zambia (ECZ), but they will be planned by the schools and subject teachers as
part of teaching and learning. The SBA component marks will be presented to ECZ for
addi on to the final score of the Grade 6 Composite Examina ons.
4.2.3 Learners with Special Educa onal Needs and/or Disabili es
Learners with Special Educa onal Needs and/or Disabili es (LSEND) at Primary will be exposed
to all the regular curriculum. More emphasis will be on teaching and learning of prac cal
subjects to provide them with skills for independent living as follows:

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

i. There will be specific specialised interven ons for LSEND in form of Ac vi es for Daily
Living (ADL) at Primary School level as it will help them enhance their func onal status.
The school will have to create me to expose learners when the need for ADL is
iden fied.
ii. Braille shall be compulsory to all learners with visual impairments at Primary School.
iii. Sign Language shall be compulsory to all learners with hearing impairments at Primary
School level.
iv. Adapted Syllabi for learners with Visual Impairments shall be introduced in all learning
v. Another level for Learners with Intellectual Disabili es known as 16+ will be
introduced a er level three (3). At this level, Learners with Intellectual Disabili es who
would have gone through three levels will be exposed to pre-voca onal skills as a
founda on to those who want to advance to skills trade training ins tu ons. Learning areas for learners with intellectual impairments

Learners with intellectual disabili es shall be offered an adapted curriculum which should
bring out learning areas with prac cal contents. Learning will be organized in levels: Level
One, Level Two and Level Three. An adapted set of outcomes shall be used from the
syllabuses of these Learning Areas to form guidelines for the following:
i. Mathema cs and Science
ii. English Language or Sign Language
iii. Crea ve and Technology Studies
iv. Ac vi es for Daily Living

Table 3: Time Alloca on for Learners with Intellectual Disabili es per Week
No. Learning area Time Periods
1 Mathema cs and Science 2 hours 40 minutes 4

2 English Language/Sign Language 2 hours 40 minutes 4

3 Crea ve and Technology Studies 6 hours 40 minutes 10

4 Ac vi es For Daily Living (ADL) 2 hours 40 minutes 4

Total 14 hours 40 minutes 22

Important note: The me alloca on will be based on the ability and levels of learners in
accordance with the available me and other circumstances that may prevail. Learners with intellectual disabili es - 16+ level
A er Level Three, the learners will proceed to 16+ (Plus) Level. In addi on to the English
Language or Sign Language and Numeracy, Learners with Intellectual Disabili es will choose
one or two prac cal subjects to be assessed by TEVETA from the following table depending
on their ability and interest or school discre on.

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

No. Learning Area Time Alloca on per Week

1 English Language or Sign Language 3 hours 20 minutes

2 Mathema cs and Science 3 hours 20 minutes

3 Zambian Language 3 hours 20 minutes

4 Agriculture and Gardening

o n
3 hours 20 minutes

Home Economics

Fine Art ti i
3 hours 20 minutes

3 hours 20 minutes


Tailoring and Embroidery. E d 3 hours 20 minutes

3 hours 20 minutes

9 Carpentry and Joinery

o n 3 hours 20 minutes

10 Welding/Blacksmith 3 hours 20 minutes

11 Bricklaying and Plastering 3 hours 20 minutes

12 ICT Studies

d a 3 hours 20 minutes

l i
4.2.4 Learner Exit Profile

At Primary School level, the curriculum emphasises that the learner should be at the centre of
the en re educa on process. Thus, it is expected that the learner should be able to acquire
essen al literacy, numeracy and communica on skills that will help to develop prac cal skills in
one or more relevant areas. The learner should be able to think reflec vely, logically,
scien fically, crea vely and cri cally so as to promote the forma on of posi ve social behaviour
and socially desirable a tudes. It is desired that the learner should have an educa on that will
shape the development of a personally held set of civic, moral and spiritual values as well as
further the acquisi on of knowledge and understanding of Zambia's democra c and cultural
ins tu ons.

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework



Secondary Educa on plays a crucial role in the educa onal journey of learners. It serves as a
transi onal phase between primary and ter ary educa on or the world of work. It equips
learners with the necessary competences, knowledge, skills, posi ve a tudes and values for a
produc ve life.
Secondary Educa on shall be in two levels namely; Ordinary Level and Advanced Level.
Ordinary Level shall run for four (4) years from Forms 1 to 4 whilst Advanced Level shall run for
two years from Forms 5 to 6.

4.3.1 Pathways at Ordinary Level

There shall be eight Pathways offered at this level namely; Social Sciences, Natural Sciences,
Business and Finance, Agriculture, Home Economics and Hospitality, Technology, Performing
and Crea ve Arts, and Physical Educa on and Sport.

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

The following figure shows the structure of the Ordinary Secondary school level pathways.

Figure 3: Ordinary Secondary School Pathways

Pathways at Ordinary level are structured to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of
various career op ons to enable them develop necessary competences, knowledge, skills, posi ve
a tudes and values for future career decisions. In other words, pathways offer learners opportunity
to explore their interests, passions, and strengths while gaining valuable insights into the future
career op ons.
Placing of learners in the different pathways shall be done based on the results obtained at the end of
the primary educa on examina on and the interests of the learners. This shall be carefully done in
order to properly guide the learners to make sound choices of the pathways, which will eventually
allow them to have their desired fields of study and specializa on at higher educa on level.
Schools shall be encouraged to closely collaborate with key stakeholders to enhance learners' skills
and competences in various areas of specializa ons. Subjects Groupings at Ordinary Level
The following are the subject groupings at this level:
1. English Language (Compulsory for ALL pathways)
2. Other Languages (Zambian and Foreign languages):
a. Zambian Languages;
b. Foreign languages (French, Chinese, Portuguese, Swahili)
3. Mathema cs:
a. Mathema cs (Compulsory for ALL pathways)
b. Addi onal Mathema cs
4. Social Sciences:
a. Literature in English;
b. Geography;

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

c. History;
d. Religious Educa on;
e. Civic Educa on (Compulsory for ALL pathways)
5. Natural sciences:
a. Agricultural Science;

b. Biology;
c. Chemistry;

d. Physics;
Performing and Crea ve Arts, Physical Educa on and Sports:
a. Music;
ti i o
b. Art and Design;
c. Physical Educa on
7. Home Economics and Hospitality:
a. Fashion and Fabrics; E
b. Food and Nutri on;
c. Hospitality Management

d. Travel and Tourism
Business and Finance

t i o
a. Principles of Accounts;
b. Commerce

il d
9. Technology
a. Computer Science

b. Computer Studies (Compulsory for all Pathways, but non-examinable)
c. Design and Technology

V Guidelines on Pathways and Subject Combina ons
Learners at Ordinary level shall take a minimum of six (6) and a maximum of seven (7)
subjects. The following are the subject combina ons based on the available pathways.
1. Natural Sciences (STEM): Compulsory - English Language, Mathema cs, Civic
Educa on, and Computer Studies. Choose three CORE subjects from 5, and one other
subject from any subject grouping.
2. Agriculture Science (STEM): Compulsory- English Language, Mathema cs, Civic
Educa on, Agricultural Science and Computer Studies. Choose any other two subjects
from any of the subject groupings.
3. Technology (STEM): Compulsory- English Language, Mathema cs, Civic Educa on,
and Computer Studies. Choose one CORE subject either 9e or 9c, and any other two
subjects from any of the subject groupings. Learners taking Computer Science will not
be required to take Computer Studies (9b).

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

4. Home Economics and Hospitality (STEM): Compulsory - English Language, Mathema cs,
Civic Educa on, and Computer Studies. Choose one CORE subject from 7 and any other two
subjects from any of the subject groupings.
5. Social Sciences: Compulsory - English Language, Mathema cs, Civic Educa on, and
Computer Studies. Choose one CORE subject from 4, and two other subjects from any of the
subject groupings.
6. Business and Finance: Compulsory - English Language, Mathema cs, Civic Educa on,
Principles of Accounts, Commerce, and Computer Studies. Choose one other subject from
any of the subject groupings.
7. Performing and Crea ve Arts: Compulsory- English Language, Mathema cs, Civic
Educa on, and Computer Studies. Choose one CORE subject from 6, and two other subjects
from any of the subject groupings.
8. Physical Educa on and Sports: Compulsory - 1 English Language, Mathema cs, Civic
Educa on, Biology, Physical Educa on, and Computer Studies. Choose one other subject
from any of the subject groupings. Curriculum Reforms at this level
The following are the reforms at this level:
i. Junior and Senior Secondary school levels have been combined into one level called
Secondary School Ordinary Level and will be from Form 1- 4 non-stop progression;
ii. Subject names shall run for a period of four years without being changed as learners
progress from one grade level to the next;
iii. Reduc on of Secondary schooling from Five (5) years to Four (4) years for the Ordinary level
Cer ficate;
iv. Learners at Ordinary level shall take a minimum of six (6) and a maximum of seven (7)
subjects, except those in STEM- Natural Sciences who may be allowed to take eight (8)
v. There shall be eight Pathways offered at this level namely; Social Sciences; Natural Sciences;
Business and Finance; Agriculture Science; Home Economics and Hospitality; Technology;
Performing and Crea ve Arts; and Physical Educa on and Sport;
vi. Computer Science has been introduced as a prac cal subject to learners at this level. This
subject has been introduced to equip learners with essen ally knowledge in the science of
the computer and coding. Computer Science drives technological advancements, fosters
innova on, and has applica ons in various industries such as robo cs, networks, so ware
development, cybersecurity and data analysis. It is a discipline that combines theory and
prac cal applica ons to understand and harness the capabili es of compu ng.
vii. The Technology Pathway has two routes-the Computer Science pathway or the Design and
Technology pathway. Learners will then have to make a choice of taking Computer Science or
Design and Technology as the CORE prac cal subject.
viii. The Home Economics and Hospitality pathway has introduced a new career path of Travel
and Tourism;

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

ix. Social Studies has been split into its cons tuent subjects of Civic Educa on, History and
Geography to allow learners to specialize at an early stage.
x. Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship shall be integrated in all carrier subjects and
offered to ALL learners to enable them acquire valuable life skills, prepare them for financial
challenges in adulthood, and contribute to their overall financial well-being and success. It
empowers them to make sound financial decisions and build a solid founda on for their
future financial security.
xi. Religious Educa on syllabi, (2044 and 2046) have been merged into one syllabus. This is to
promote unity of purpose among teachers offering these subjects and also to allow similar
content to be taught to all learners taking Religious Educa on.
xii. Integrated Science has been split into its cons tuent subjects of Biology, Chemistry and
Physics. This will offer learners a be er prepara on for higher educa on and careers in the
specific science fields.
xiii. Science 5124 has been abolished. Learners in the pathways that offered Science will now be
required to take either Physics or Chemistry or both depending on their desire and field of
specializa on.
xiv. The set books for Literature in English, three (3) of the five (5) books should be authored by
xv. Schools shall offer specialized O'Level and A' Level pathways depending on the guidelines
that will be provided based on availability of staff, infrastructure and equipment. Assessment
Assessment for the four-year Ordinary Level Secondary Educa on programme shall include
a variety of methods to evaluate the competences of learners in terms of knowledge, skills,
and general understanding. Forma ve and summa ve assessments shall be conducted at
school and na onal levels.
School Based Assessment (SBA) shall take the form of assignments, class tests, projects,
prac cal work, research and end of term tests. SBA results shall be used to inform the
teaching and learning process, the content, metabling, groupings of learners, monitoring
and how learners are supported to overcome barriers to learning. Standardised na onal
examina ons will be administered at the end of Form 4 by the Examina ons Council of
Zambia. The purpose of these examina ons will be for cer fica on, evalua on of school
performance and for progression to Advanced Level (A Level) or ter ary educa on. Co-Curricular ac vi es
All learners shall be expected to be involved in the following ac vi es, which are part of the
educa on curriculum:

i. Clubs and Socie es

ii. Sports
iii. Preven ve Maintenance
iv. Produc on Unit

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

4.3.2 Advanced Level (A LEVEL)

The 2023 Curriculum introduces Advanced Level Educa on at secondary school level, which is a
more specialized and in-depth educa on, that prepares learners for higher educa on or entry
into the workforce. Advanced Level Educa on will play a vital role of bridging the gap between
Ordinary Secondary and Ter ary educa on. A-levels or Pre-University educa on, aims to
develop cri cal thinking, analy cal skills, and subject exper se in a chosen career.
. Structure of 'A' Level Courses

i. Secondary School Advanced Level shall be from Form 5 to Form 6. The structure for
courses at 'A' level is that subjects will be clustered in five (5) pathways namely STEM,
Social Sciences and Languages, Business Studies, Sports Science and Crea ve and
Performing Arts .

Figure 4: Structure of pathways for A Level Courses


The qualifica on of teachers to handle Advanced level educa on shall be a minimum
Degree in that area of specilisa on/teaching area.

Requirements guidelines by schools including infrastructure to handle Advanced level
educa on (Schools, Materials, Equipment, facili es etc.) based on the pathway shall
be provided.
Entry Requirements for Candidates is School Cer ficate or its equivalent with three (3)
Credits in the area of specialisa on.
v. In each pathway the learners will take a minimum of three (3) and maximum of four
(4) subjects.

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

Guidance shall be provided on the subject combina ons based on the pathway. The
subjects to be offered at A Level are given below;

1. Biology
2. Physics
3. Chemistry
4. Agricultural Science
Computer Science
Mathema cs

o n
Design and Technology
it i
Fashion and Fabrics;
Food and Nutri on;
Hospitality Management E d
Travel and Tourism
Civic Educa on

o n
English Language

d a
Religious Studies,

l i17. Literature in English

18. Zambian Language

19. Foreign Language (French, Chinese, Portuguese, Swahili)
20. Economics
21. Commerce
22. Accoun ng
23. Business Studies
24. Physical Educa on
25. Art and Design
26. Music

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework Assessment
Assessments for the two-year Advanced Level course or pre-university programme shall
include a variety of methods to evaluate learners' competences, knowledge, skills, and
understanding. Prac cal assessments shall be incorporated for subjects that involve hands-
on skills, such as sciences or arts, allowing learners to demonstrate their abili es through
experiments, performances, or projects. Coursework assignments and school based
assessment shall provide opportuni es for independent research, data analysis, and report
wri ng, fostering cri cal thinking and problem-solving skills. Co-curricular ac vi es
All learners at this level shall be expected to be involved in the following ac vi es, which are
part of the educa on curriculum:

i. Club and Socie es

ii. Sports
iii. Preven ve Maintenance
iv. Produc on Unit Learner profile

The learner profile for secondary school educa on shall encompass a range of a ributes
and skills that are crucial for learners' growth and success as shown in the following
illustra on:


Figure 2: Learner profile a ributes

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework


This sec on provides training in specialised fields, to qualified students that have completed
their Secondary Educa on. It provides an overview of the curriculum designed for Teacher
Educa on and training at Early Childhood Educa on (ECE), Primary Teacher Educa on and
Secondary School Teacher Educa on.
Teacher Educa on and training is important in preparing competent educators who can

o n
posi vely influence individuals and socie es, especially in our constantly evolving world. The
training addresses local, regional and global needs of adequately trained teachers in educa on.

4.4.1 Categories of Teacher Educa on

ti i
All Colleges of Educa on at each level shall provide Pre- service and In-service teacher training.

d Pre-service Educa on is intended for candidates who have no ini al formal

teacher training or experience. The competences, knowledge, skills, a tudes and
posi ve values that student teachers acquire during the course are cri cal for effec ve
curriculum implementa on.

n In-service Educa on is where a serving teacher upgrades his/her professional
skills and competences in the teaching profession. It is an essen al aspect in the provision

of Con nuing Professional Development (CPD) to serving teachers and teacher educators.

a t
Teacher Educa on ins tu ons will offer programmes of various dura ons depending on
iden fied needs. The Ministry of Educa on will con nue to exercise a coordina ng func on
and ensure that programmes fit within the framework of an overall comprehensive scheme.

il d
The strategic approach under the Pre and In-service Teacher Educa on will embody a
number of basic educa on provision principles such as:


Demand driven programmes which will be responsive to local, regional and global
ii. Ins tu onalised and Resource Centre based In-service programmes with focus on the
needs of serving teachers and educa on ins tu ons.
iii. Cost effec ve implementa on models that reach large numbers of personnel.
iv. offering of both short and long term In- service Educa onal programmes designed by
the ins tu ons. Dura on of programmes

The dura on for the Pre-service degree and Diploma programmes in educa on shall be
three years in all colleges and universi es. The dura on of short courses shall vary from one
week to twelve weeks; through workshops, seminars, conferences and face-to-face
teaching and e-learning modes to enhance the teaching profession. The long-term courses
meant for Con nuing Professional Development are usually upgrading courses for teachers
who are qualified for subject-based teaching. The dura on of these courses shall be about
twelve to twenty-four weeks.

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

The courses shall be designed to help In- service teachers to enhance their skills and
competencies and upgrade their professional qualifica ons. The Directorate of Curriculum
Development, Teacher Educa on and Specialized Services, Colleges of Educa on and
Universi es shall be instrumental in designing and providing long term courses to teachers
who wish to upgrade their professional qualifica ons. Distance educa on

o n
The ins tu ons of learning providing Teacher Educa on will develop Distance Educa on
programmes for In-Service teachers in line with the Ministry's provisions or guidelines. The

ti i
Ministry of Educa on shall also ensure that all In-Service programmes delivered through
the Distance Educa on mode are handled by educators who are qualified in Distance
Educa on methodologies. School experience

E d
The School Experience is an integral part of teacher prepara on, offering student teachers
the opportunity to immerse themselves in a real school environment. Student teachers
shall be required to undertake school experience in the second and third years of their Teacher educa on programmes

o n
training. School experience shall last not less than one full School Term.

t i
The programmes to be developed under this Curriculum will be aimed at preparing
teachers for different sub-sectors of the educa on system. Three (3) Teacher Educa on

Programmes will be developed. The programmes will be designed in such a way that they
will enable teachers to qualify for a Diploma or Degree . The following will be the

il d
programmes to be offered by different Teacher Educa on ins tu ons:
I) Early Childhood Teacher Educa on Course

ii) Va
This programme shall prepare teachers to teach children that are aged between 3 and 5
years in the ECE Centres. Student teachers who successfully complete this course will
graduate with a Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Educa on.
Primary School Teacher Educa on Course
This programme will cater for teachers who will teach at Grades 1 to 6 in the Primary
Schools. Student Teachers who successfully complete this course will graduate with a
Diploma in Primary Educa on.
iii) Secondary School Teacher Educa on Course
This programme will be offered by colleges and universi es. Those who successfully
complete the course will be awarded either Bachelor's degrees or diploma in
secondary school teaching. Degree graduates will be qualified to teach Forms 1to A'
levels whereas diploma teachers will qualify to teach Forms 1 and 2 secondary school

4.4.2 Curriculum for Teacher Educa on

The programmes will vary according to what the teacher will specialise in. The following will be
the curricula for Teacher Educa on.

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework Curriculum for Early Childhood Teacher Educa on

1. Educa on Founda onal Courses:
i Child Psychology
ii Educa on administra on/ History and Philosophy of Early Childhood Educa on
iii Sociology of Early Childhood Educa on
iv Guidance and Counselling
Research Methods
Health and Nutri on

o n
ti i
vii Inclusive Early Childhood Educa on
viii Curriculum, Instruc onal Strategies and assessment
ix Produc on of Teaching/Learning Materials

2. Teaching Courses
Language Development Educa on
Crea ve and Technology Studies Educa on
iii. Expressive Arts Educa on E d
o n
iv. Mathema cs and Science Educa on Curriculum for primary teacher Educa on


t i
Educa on Founda on Courses

i. Educa on Administra on, History and Philosophy of Educa on
ii. Psychology and Sociology of Educa on

il d
iii. Special and Inclusive Educa on
iv. Guidance and Counselling

v. Curriculum, Instruc onal Strategies and assessment
vi. Entrepreneurship and Financial Educa on

vii. Informa on and Communica on Technology
viii. Research Methods

Teaching Courses
i. Mathema cs Educa on
ii. Science Educa on
iii. Literacy & Language Educa on
iv. Expressive Arts Educa on
v. Crea ve and Technology Studies Educa on
vi. Social Studies Educa on Curriculum for secondary teacher educa on (Ordinary Level)

1. Educa on Founda on Courses
i. Educa on Administra on, History and Philosophy of Educa on
ii. Psychology and Sociology of Educa on
iii. Special and Inclusive Educa on

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

iv. Guidance and Counselling

v. Curriculum, Instruc onal Strategies and assessment
vi. Entrepreneurship and Financial Educa on
vii. Informa on and Communica on Technology
viii. Research Methods

NOTE: Op onal Teaching Subjects
Students will be required to study at least two teaching subjects of their own choice.

ti i o
Colleges of Educa on will be expected to determine the subject combina ons but should be
in line with the teaching subjects found in the Ordinary Level Secondary School Curriculum. Curriculum for secondary school teacher educa on (Advanced Level)

E d
NOTE: Educa on and Founda on Courses and Op on Teaching Subjects at Advanced level
Students shall be required to study at least two teaching subjects of their own choice.
Higher ins tu ons of learning shall be expected to determine the subject combina ons but
should be in line with the teaching subjects found in the Secondary School/Advanced Level

Curriculum listed in this framework under their respec ve headings. They will also cover
advanced level founda onal courses so as to enhance students' competences.

4.4.3 Special educa on curriculum

t o
Pre-Service Teacher Educa on Programmes will provide inclusive educa on to all student

teachers. However, Zambia Ins tute of Special Educa on (ZAMISE) and any other
specialized universi es and colleges will offer specialised programmes in Special Educa on

il d
that will require students to specialise in one par cular area; Visual impairments, Hearing
impairments, Intellectual and Developmental Disability, Orthopaedic and Physical
impairments, Deaf blindness, Au sm Spectrum Disorder, Speech and Language

impairments, Specific Learning Difficul es, Mul ple disability, Behavioural and Emo onal
Disorders, Health impairments, Trauma c brain injury and Gi edness. The curriculum will
be as follows:
1. Educa on Founda on Courses
I Educa onal and Neuro Psychology
ii Educa on Administra on, History and Philosophy of Educa on
iii Sociology of Special Educa on
iv Guidance and Counselling in Child with Disability
v Research Methods
vi Curriculum, Instruc onal Strategies and assessment
vii Informa on and Communica on Technology
viii) Entrepreneurship and Financial Educa on
2. Special Educa on Courses (for Specialised Special Educa on Teachers)
Students will opt to specialise in one of the following areas:
I. Visual impairments
2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

ii. Hearing impairments

iii Intellectual and Developmental Disability
iv. Orthopaedic and Physical impairments
v. Deaf blindness
vi. Au sm Spectrum Disorder
vii. Speech and Language impairments,
viii Specific Learning Difficul es
ix. Mul ple disability
x. Behavioural and Emo onal Disorders,
xi. Health impairments
xii. Trauma c brain injury and
xiii. Gi edness. The contact me for teacher educa on ins tu ons

o n
Time alloca on to the learning areas/subjects will be determined by ins tu ons
themselves. More me should be allocated to prac cal subjects in line with what has been

ti i
provided for at school level. However, the following table shall be a guide for contact me:
1. Early Childhood Teacher Educa on

No. Learning Area Time Alloca on per Week
1. Language Development Educa on 4 hours
Crea ve and Technology Studies Educa on
Expressive Arts Educa on E 4 hours
4 hours
4. Mathema cs Educa on

o n 4 hours

NOTE: All Educa on Founda onal Courses (Under Educa on Professional Studies) shall take 1

hour per week.
2. Primary Teacher Educa on

il d
No. Learning Area Time Alloca on per
1. Mathema cs Educa on 4 hours
Literacy and Language Educa on

Integrated Science Educa on
Expressive Arts Educa on
4 hours
4 hours
4 hours
5. Crea ve and Technology Studies Educa on 4 hours
6. Social Studies Educa on 4 hours

NOTE: All Educa on Founda onal Courses (Under Educa on Professional Studies) shall
take 1 hour per week.

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

3. Secondary Teacher Educa on (Ordinary Level)

No. Educa on Founda onal Courses Time Alloca on per

1. Educa on Administra on, History and Philosophy of 1 hour

Educa on
Psychology and Sociology of Educa on 1 hour

o n
ti i
3. Special and Inclusive Educa on 1 hour
4. Guidance and Counselling 1 hour

5. Curriculum and Instruc on Strategies 1 hour
6. Research Methods 1 hour

NOTE: Contact me for Op on Teaching Subjects shall be determined by the ins tu ons.

4. Secondary Teacher Educa on (Advanced Level)

Contact me for Educa onal Founda on Courses and Teaching Subjects at this level

shall be determined by the ins tu ons. Contact me for Educa onal Founda on
Courses and Teaching Subjects for ins tu ons offering Special Educa on Courses (for

Specialised Special Educa on Teachers) shall follow the prescribed me for Colleges of

il d
Educa on. Assessment procedures
The assessment process in Teacher Educa on is composed of two key components:

con nuous assessment tasks, which account for 60% of the overall assessment, and
examina ons, which make up the remaining 40%. This balanced approach allows for a
holis c evalua on of student teachers' knowledge skills, and competences.
Con nuous Assessment Tasks
Con nuous Assessment tasks encompass a diverse range of evalua on methods to
accurately gauge a student's performance and academic growth throughout the

4.4.4 Teacher Educa on Curriculum Reforms

i. Colleges of Educa on shall not offer distance educa on programmes to pre-service
ii. At all levels of Teacher Educa on, Entrepreneurship and Financial Educa on shall be
taught as Educa on Founda onal Course.
iii. Colleges of Educa on shall con nue to offer Diploma Programmes while the
Universi es shall have the preserve of offering Degree Programmes.
iv. All Colleges of Educa on will offer Inclusive Educa on to students under Pre- and In-
service Programmes.

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

v. School Experience shall last for a full school term.

vi. Students that successfully complete Early Childhood Teacher Educa on course shall
teach learners aged between 3 to 5 years.
vii. Students that successfully complete Primary Teacher Educa on course shall teach
learners from Grades 1 to 6.
viii. Degree graduates will be qualified to teach Forms 1to 6-A' levels whereas diploma
holder teachers will qualify to teach Forms 1 and 2 ordinary secondary school classes.

4.4.5 Co-Curricular Ac vi es
All students will be expected to be involved in the following ac vi es which are part of the
educa on curriculum. The ac vi es are aimed at equipping students with a holis c educa on
and a sense of purpose beyond the classroom environment.

i. Clubs and Socie es

ii. Sports
iii. Preven ve Maintenance
iv. Produc on Unit

4.4.6 Student exit profile

The student profile for teacher educa on must encompass a diverse set of a ributes and skills
necessary for fostering the growth and success of the teachers demonstrated in the conceptual
framework below:



Youth and Adult Literacy Educa on (YALE) is a form of life-long educa on provision to the
youths and adults (aged 15 and above) who may have dropped out of school or had no chance
to go through formal schooling. YALE's overriding objec ve is to empower out-of-school youths

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

and adults with basic literacy, (the 3R's; reading, wri ng and arithme c) and func onal skills to
enable them par cipate effec vely in community and na onal development. The pursuit of
adult educa on stems from a desire for self-improvement, a professional need for a specific skill
or a want to expand available job possibili es.

4.5.1 Curriculum for Youth and Adult Literacy

The curriculum at this level offers the learners the opportunity to proceed from lower levels
into higher levels in the formal educa on. The learners can proceed to Grade 3, Grade 6 and

ti i
beyond. The curriculum has two op ons for the learners.
1) Op on 1: is for those who wish to acquire basic literacy equivalent to Grade 4
2) Op on:2 is for those with basic literacy skills and are interested in acquiring the

Op on 1
voca onal skill(s).

E d
This op on will provide the learners with the basic founda on for entry into open classes at
Grade 4. The op on has two levels; (Level 1 and level 2. Level 1 is equivalent to Grade 1 while
level 2 is equivalent to Grades 2 and 3. From the two levels, learners will then proceed into open

o n
classes at Grade 4. The dura on for this op on remains two years.
NOTE: The learners under op on 1 will be required to study Crea ve and Technology Studies in

4.5.2 Learning Areas

t i
line with what is offered at lower primary and con nue at upper primary.

Literacy and Language (English and a Zambian Language)/Sign language/Braille

il d
ii. Numeracy and Financial Literacy
iii. Crea ve and Technology Studies
iv. Civic Educa on
Environmental and Health Educa on

4.5.3 Curriculum Reforms at this Level
i The introduc on of two learning op ons
ii Introduc on of Crea ve and Technology Studies (CTS) in Op on 1 for the learners
progressing into the main stream.
iii Introduc on of Financial Literacy

S/N Learning Area Time Alloca on per Week

1 Literacy and Language in English and Zambian 1 Hour
Language/Sign Language/Braille
2 Numeracy and Financial Literacy 1 Hour
3 Crea ve and Technology Studies 1 Hour
4 Environmental and Health Educa on 1 Hour
5 Civic Educa on 1 Hour
Total 5 Hours

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

The learners under op on 2 focus on the acquisi on of voca onal skill(s) with an addi on of Literacy
and Language, Numeracy and Financial Literacy to help them func on effec vely in society. Upon
comple on, the learners will be tested by TEVETA and will obtain a level 3 cer ficate in the specialised
skill(s). The dura on for the course is 6 months to 1 year depending on the clientele.

Learning Areas
i. Literacy and Language (English and a Zambian language)/Sign language/Braille
ii. Numeracy and Financial Literacy
iii. Entrepreneurship skills and ICT

2. Contact Time-Op on 2 ti i o
S/N Learning Areas
1 Language and Literacy (English
Language)/Sign Language/Braille
and a Zambian
E dTime alloca on per Week
1 Hour

Numeracy and Financial Literacy
Entrepreneurship and ICT

o n 1 Hour
2 Hours

t i 4 Hours

4.5.4 Assessment Procedures

The assessment at this level will be forma ve and administered through different academic

il d
ac vi es in order to measure achievement of the teaching and learning processes. These may
Standard-based projects

Assignments that require learners to apply their competences, knowledge, skills, posi ve
a tudes and values.
4.5.5 Learners with Educa onal Needs and Disabili es
Adults with severe special learning needs iden fied as social contacts in the community should
learn the ac vi es for daily living (ADL) so that they are independent.

4.5.6 Learner Exit Profile

The focus of Youth and Adult Literacy Educa on at this level is to produce a learner who is:
i Literate (read, write and do arithme c) and able to communicate effec vely
ii crea ve and innova ve
iii a cri cal thinker
iv adap ve
v Self-reliant


Effec ve implementa on of the curriculum depends on many factors such as inputs, processes and

ti i
the outcomes of the educa on system.
This Chapter highlights key strategies for effec ve implementa on of the curriculum as follows:


E d
Planning in curriculum implementa on refers to the process of preparing for and organising the
actual implementa on of the curriculum through an implementa on strategy.

5.1.1 Implementa on Strategy

The implementa on of this curriculum will be effected in four (4) phases namely; Phase 1
Prepara on, Phase 2 Pilot/Pretes ng, Phase 3 Roll Out and Phase 4 Curriculum Review.
Phase 1: Prepara on

t i o
1. Prin ng and distribu on of Curriculum Framework

2. Development of Curriculum Implementa on Framework
3. Development and prin ng of Syllabi and Assessment Schemes

il d
4. Development of learners text books
5. Development of Curriculum support materials such as the Na onal Literacy Framework, the
Na onal Numeracy Framework, the Curriculum Implementa on Framework)

6. Forma on of Curriculum Orienta on Technical Teams comprising implemen ng
directorates; DCD, TESS, Standards, ECZ, DODE, Planning, Primary, Secondary and ECE).
Phase 2: Pilot or Pretes ng
1. Orienta on of HQ, Provincial, District, Colleges of Educa on, Head teachers and School
Insert Coordinators on Curriculum Reforms and materials.
2. Orienta on of teachers and administrators in the pilot schools
3. Distribu on of Curriculum Framework, Syllabi and Curriculum Support materials (including
NLF, NNF. Curriculum Implementa on Strategy) which can be done during orienta on.
4. Pilo ng and pretes ng of new Syllabi, Competence Assessment, School Based Assessment
5. Monitoring and mentorship
6. Valida on and Consolida on of Syllabi with input from the pilot
6. Prepara on of infrastructure to support the new structure
Phase 3: Roll Out
1. Capacity building of targeted implementers such as ECE Teachers, Literacy and Language
Teachers at Lower primary, Teachers of prac cal subjects, teachers of technology subjects,
teachers of Visual and Performing Arts, Special Educa on Teachers and STEM teachers

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

2. Implementa on of Na onal Competence Assessments, School Based Assessments and

Na onal Examina ons
3. Research on various aspects of curriculum implementa on such as the effec veness of the
Language of Instruc on, new subject combina ons, career paths, instruc onal materials,
Special and Inclusive Educa on and Elearning.
4. Monitoring and Evalua on
Phase 4: 2023 Curriculum Review

o n
ti i
1. Curriculum evalua on and review
2. Development of data collec on tools
3. Data collec on
Consulta ve mee ngs
Curriculum Evalua on report dissemina on

2023 Curriculum Implementa on Plan E d


o n
2025 ECE

t i 1
4 Form 1 A’ Level 1 Ter ary Year 1

2026 Adult
a 2 5 Form 2 A’ Level 2 Ter ary Year 2

il d
2027 3 6 Form 3 Ter ary Year 3


5.1.2 Resource Mobilisa on and Management
Form 4

There is need for the Ministry to mobilise adequate financial resources from the Government
and coopera ng partners in educa on. This would enable development and procurement of
relevant and sufficient number of quality teaching and learning materials- textbooks, libraries,
equipped specialised labs/rooms, spor ng equipment, and other equipment to support quality
learning of prac cal subjects such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathema cs (STEM)
and Performing and Crea ve Arts.
Resource management will be cri cal in planning, scheduling and alloca on of human and
financial resources to the successful implementa on of the Curriculum. In addi on, prudent
management of resources will guarantee the Government to reduce costs, improve efficiencies
and boost produc vity. In this regard, effec ve resource management will be important in the
achievement of the goals and objec ves of the intended curriculum. Therefore, there will be
need to enhance transparency, accoun ng, audi ng and prudent u lisa on of resources in all
learning ins tu ons.

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework


The successful implementa on of the curriculum requires adequate supply of educa onal
support materials and infrastructure such as prac cal subject equipment, text-books, teaching
aids, science and computer laboratories and specialized rooms necessary for the provision of
quality educa on to the learners. There is need; therefore, for the Government to secure all

necessary curriculum support materials for the successful implementa on of curriculum.

ti i
Change management is a systema c and structured process of developing and implemen ng
strategies and interven ons for organisa ons transi oning from current state to a desired state.

E d
The primary goal of change management is to enhance organiza onal performance ability and
capability through proac ve or reac ve ac ons to cope with either internally induced or
externally imposed changes.
The Ministry of Educa on has a new Policy on Educa on, New Strategic Plan as well as New

o n
Curriculum. There is need to prepare various stakeholders to manage the curriculum reform.
The Ministry shall develop a Change Management Strategy. Change management will support

t i
the stakeholders through uncertainty as they face complex, vola le or ambiguous situa ons.
The Change Management Strategy will provide guidance and resources to assist organisa ons to

manage people through a process of change, while pu ng the learner at the centre of decisions.
Developing a clear understanding of how the change impacts on people and the Ministry of

il d
Educa on will be key to enabling change leaders to develop an effec ve change strategy and
successfully deliver the key objec ves of the change.

Subject Associa ons are professional bodies that consist of teachers who are experts in their
subjects. They play a complementary role of;

i sharing new teaching methodologies in the teaching and learning process.

ii conduc ng research on specific subjects with a view to genera ng new knowledge in the
iii evalua ng the curriculum content in terms of its relevance to the societal needs;
iv sugges ng means and ways of teaching specific subjects and contribute by determining the
best type of evalua on procedures to employ in assessment of learners' performance in
different subject areas.
v influencing effec ve implementa on of the curriculum at different levels.

The Ministry of Educa on will con nue collabora ng with Subject Associa ons as a strategy to
implement the curriculum.

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework


Stakeholders in educa on are individuals or ins tu ons with interest in the outcome of the
school curriculum. These include learners, teachers, school administrators, lecturers,
educa onal officials, academicians, parents, community members, NGOs, coopera ng
partners, poli cians, tradi onal and religious leaders. Thus, the success of curriculum
implementa on requires stakeholder engagement and collabora on. Some stakeholders may
be engaged to provide financial resources while some may be engaged for technical exper se.


Monitoring and Evalua on is an integral element of effec ve curriculum implementa on. Its
primary foci include the:

i evalua on of learning competences by regularly assessing the progress and performance of

ii assessment of teaching methods through observa ons of classroom ac vi es, and
gathering feedback from educators,
iii assessment of the availability, suitability, u liza on and management of teaching and
learning materials.
iv appraisal of stakeholder engagement by assessing the levels of involvement and
sa sfac on of stakeholders with the curriculum.
v enhancement of teacher professional development by ensuring that teachers receive
adequate prepara on to effec vely implement the curriculum.

The outcomes of the monitoring and evalua on process of the curriculum shall serve as the
founda on for informed decision-making, ongoing enhancements, accountability, and the
adapta on of the curriculum to meet evolving needs of learners and society.

Research plays a vital role in the provision of quality educa on at every level. When research is
carried out in the educa on sector, it establishes a solid basis for assessing how well the
curriculum is implemented. In addi on, research provides valuable insights to educators and
policymakers. It serves as a resource for tracking progress, leading to making informed decisions
and con nually improving of instruc onal prac ces. Ul mately, research is essen al for mee ng
the unique requirements of learners and enhancing educa onal results overall. To this end,
research will be used as a strategy for effec ve curriculum implementa on.


The curriculum is aligned with local and interna onal teaching and learning trends and
strategies. Therefore, it is encouraged that teachers and teacher -educators use a variety of
teaching techniques and methods in order to cater for the range of learning needs taking into
account the available local resources. Educators are advised to use methods that promote ac ve
learner par cipa on and interac on.
2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework


Educa on is meant to bring individual, economic, as well as social transforma on. As such, the
curriculum has been made flexible and responsive to local condi ons, environment and societal
needs. In this way, the curriculum will provide some 30 percent (%) compensa on for the
indigenous knowledge, values and prac cal skills that learners would have acquired in their
home environment if they had not been a ending school.


o n
ti i
Careers Guidance and Counselling are vital in the development of a well-balanced learner who is
expected to fit in society and contribute posi vely to society. The four areas of Careers Guidance

and Counselling of: Personal, Social, Voca onal and Educa onal have been integrated in the
curriculum so as to produce a well-balanced learner at all levels of educa on.

Assessment, which is the process of gathering informa on to monitor progress of learners so as

o n
to make educa onal decisions, is an integral part of any curriculum. It is used as a tool to evaluate
the teaching and learning process. Assessment shall include a variety of methods to evaluate the

t i
competences of learners would have acquired at each level of educa on. These shall include
forma ve and summa ve assessment. Forma ve assessment is the process of evalua ng the

learners' knowledge and competences during the teaching and learning processes. The goal of
forma ve assessment is for monitoring, informing, guiding and improving the instruc onal

il d
process. At both Primary and secondary school levels, Forma ve Assessment may include
School Based Assessment, School projects and class tests which will contribute to the final

grades of the Summa ve Assessment administered by the Examina ons Council of Zambia (ECZ).

Co- curricular ac vi es are organized ac vi es which are part of the formal educa on system.
Although they take place outside the classroom se ng, co-curricular ac vi es are programmed
to complement what happens inside the classroom. They are included in the academic life for
the purpose of skill development and forma on of posi ve values and a tudes among learners.
Co-curricular ac vi es also enhance academic performance and development of learners.
Therefore, all learners will be expected to be involved in co-curricular ac vi es, which will
promote their holis c development. Some of the ac vi es which will be incorporated in the
educa on curriculum include: Clubs and Socie es; Sports; Preven ve Maintenance; and
Produc on Unit


Learning ins tu ons should have appropriate infrastructure such as classrooms, lecture rooms/
lecture theatres, Libraries, tutorial rooms and specialized rooms, laboratories, workshops and
resource rooms. They should also have adequate indoor and outdoor playing facili es for sports

2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework

such as: football, netball, volleyball and other spor ng ac vi es. There shall also be space for
produc on work where learners will be involved in the acquisi on of prac cal skills.


Alterna ve Modes of Educa on Provision (AMEP) provides educa on to learners outside the
formal educa on system. It gives an opportunity for con nuing educa on to children and adults

o n
who may have dropped out of school, and those who may not be in school due to various
reasons such as medical issues, incarcera on, for them to learn and obtain formal qualifica ons.

ti i
The modes employ various methodologies and approaches of delivering educa on through
Open Learning, Distance Educa on in addi on to E-learning programmes. AMEP shall
extensively be used in conven onal educa on as well as during emergencies, epidemics and
na onal disasters.

E d
o n
t i
il d


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E d
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The Zambia Education Curriculum Framework 2023

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