NOE0415380416 ch042
NOE0415380416 ch042
NOE0415380416 ch042
ABSTRACT: A solution for the generalized system of Biot equations has been obtained. It describes vertical
propagation of a P-wave in the multi-layered two-phase sedimentary rock model with provision for viscous
dynamic interaction between the phases. Based on the analysis of this solution the differences in the shape and
spectra of the pulses (seismic signals) reflected from the top and bottom bounds of the distinguished layer which
are possible in principle have been forecasted. This layer is distinguished from the others by the high liquid
concentration and has a good permeability. Special quantitative characteristics related to different viscosity
mechanisms for Newton and Maxwell liquids have been theoretically discovered.
Based on the short time spectral analysis of the velocity signals qualitative characteristics of the pulses
reflected from the top and bottom bounds of the productive layer have been defined. Within the Biot model the
above characteristics may be considered as hypothetical criteria for discovery of the productive layer on the basis
of seismic sounding.
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
2 THE GENERALIZED WAVE EQUATION and the resultant pulse density through the compo-
FOR A TWO-PHASE MEDIUM nents (u0 , u). In the continuity equation (2) let us use
the linear relation between the adiabatic variations of
A two-phase medium consisting of an elastic perme- the density , the stress tensor ij and the porous liquid
able matrix (skeleton) and a viscous liquid is described pressure P. This relation follows from the general non-
by M. A. Biot equations (Biot, 1956) where the holonomic constitutive equation (Nikolayevsky, 1984)
dynamic interaction between the oscillating liquid and for this two-phase medium: F(, , P; , , S) = 0
the matrix is set by the frequency function. This results where S is the entropy. Let us present the constitutive
in Biot medium showing the frequency dispersion equation in adiabatic variations and express the den-
of waves velocity and attenuation and possessing a sity variation. All of the variations shall be considered
higher number of oscillational degrees of freedom in as changes of the corresponding values in time, then
comparison with the standard elastic medium. The we will obtain the required linear dependence:
Biot system of equations (Biot, 1962) consists of
one scalar and two vector equations which define the
following conditions:
Motion equation of a small element of the medium: where
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
The general development of this result is given in existence/absence of a distinguished layer, for example
(Landau, Livshits, 1988). Here c0 and c are low the productive layer within a multi-layered medium.
and high frequency limits of the velocity parameter The universal equation (5) in this case may be
c. The characteristic process = 1/c is the relax- reduced to:
ation time of a certain process, for example a
phase transition or a process of energy re-distribution
between oscillational and rotational degrees of free-
dom in large molecules (heavy hydrocarbons, poly-
mers). Similar processes also called effects of sec- where is a (4 4) matrix and where the wave field
ond viscosity occur in Maxwell liquids during the is a column:
wave passage. For Newtonian liquids process = 0, i.e.
the process does not occur and Deborah number
= (viscosity /process ) (approaches infinity). The
characteristic viscosity time viscosity = a2 / defines The components of the wave field here are as follows:
the transition frequency c = 1/viscosity in a two-phase 00 = 0 u0 = P/f , where P(x, t) is the oscillating
model of the heterogeneous medium. The total time part of the porous pressure; u0 (x, t) is the pressure
derivative contains partial derivatives over the coor- potential; 03 = 0 u3 is the velocity of skeleton points
dinates q = {, ij , P} which define the state of the oscillation, where u3 (x, t) is the vertical displacement
medium as a thermodynamic system. of skeleton points; 03 = C30 u , 3 = C3 u are the
3 3
Therefore the non-holonomic constitutive equation The simplest model of a horizontally homogeneous
describes a non-localized in time relation between Biot medium consists of two layers in half-space. All
stress and deformation which is characteristic of a the parameters are shown as graphs on Figure 1.
Maxwellian liquid and causes frequency dispersion. The models studied include one productive layer
This frequency dispersion is independent from the (PL) covered by one or more non-productive layers
effects of dissipation on inhomogenuities and from with low permeability. It is supposed that the effec-
the viscous dynamic interaction of solid and liquid tive transition frequency in the PL (collector rock)
phases. f0 = min{c , c }/2 is within the seismic frequency
range. The hypothesis that the value of the effective
transition frequency lies within the seismic range is
3 THE SOLUTION FOR A PLANE LAYERED confirmed by experimental studies of dispersion and
BIOT MEDIUM attenuation of P-waves based on vertical seismic pro-
filing (Ryjkov, 1994). Each model containing a PL is
The study of multi-layered model where dispersion set against a comparison model which differs from the
and attenuation of waves inside each layer are deter- former only by replacement of the productive layer
mined by the heterogeneous properties of the medium with a non-productive one.
presents a special interest. In particular the relative
volume of the liquid, its type, viscosity and the mean Depth, km
radius of porous channels may be set for each layer 0.100
Vs Vp Vp2 fo
along with the elastic properties of the medium and 0.200
layers thickness. The relative volume of the liquid 0.400
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
5 RESULTS arbitrary, but their thickness has a macroscopic value.
The spectral content of the pulses reflected from the
5.1 Signals of velocity and stress points top and bottom bounds shown on Figure 3 is the same
The solution obtained for the P-wave in a plane-layered (Fig. 4b).
medium simulates the seismic signals which in theory
could be observed through vertical sounding. Figure 2 5.3 The form of arrival pulses in principal cases
shows synthetic seismograms of velocity and stress in a
vertical P-wave calculated for two layers in half-space Further Figures 5, 6 and 7 show arrival pulses of the
(Fig. 1). P-wave reflected from the top and bottom bounds
These seismograms show the characteristic differ- of the distinguished layer. The signals V1(x, t) cor-
ences of the speed v = u 3 (x, t) and stress 33 (x, t) respond to displacement velocity in the productive
signals in the displacement pulses u3 (x, t) which are model. V1(0, t) is the velocity of vertical displace-
reflected from the top (1) and bottom (2) bounds of ment of surface points; V1(h, t) is the velocity of points
the PL. displacement at the depth h = 12 m. In the same way
The pulses are marked as 1 and 2 on Figure 2. These V2(x, t) are the velocity signals for the comparison
pulses are reflected correspondingly from the top and model. Figure 5 shows the form of reflected pulses in
bottom bounds of the PL. the case where the distinguished layer is saturated with
On the other hand Figure 3 shows the same seismo-
grams for the comparison model. Here the pulses are Model with productive layer
only different in amplitude and polarity which depends f0 = 5000 Hz
1 2
on the contrast of the layers.
u (h,t)
5.2 The short time spectral analysis
Figure 4 shows the results of short time spectral anal- u. (0,t)
ysis of the model with a permeable and saturated layer u. (h,t)
(Fig. 4a) and for the comparison model, where the layer u. (0,t)
positioned at the same depth has low permeability and
u. (h,t)
low saturation. The said pulses 1 and 2 have differ-
ent spectral content (Fig. 4a). This result remains the 0.52 0.56 0.60 0.64
same even if the number of non-productive layers is Time, sec.
u (0,t)
u (h,t)
u (0,t)
u (h,t)
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
Newtonian liquid (e.g. water, Deborah number >> 1) liquid (Deborah number < 1) with the mean radius
with big radius of porous channels a = 50 mkm where of porous channels a = 10 mkm.
the transition frequency defined as fc = /a2 /2 is Here (Fig. 6) the transition frequency defined as
within the seismic frequency range. In this case its fc = /a2 /2 is outside of the seismic range 5000
value is 70 Hz. Then the spectral splitting of the first Hz, but the spectral splitting still occurs due to the
and the second pulses is observed. frequency dispersion caused by the processes occur-
The pulses on the Figure 6 are observed when ring in Maxwellian liquid during the wave passage.
the distinguished layer is saturated with Maxwellian The effective transition frequency when the Deborah
number < 1 is defined as c /2.
The models where the productive layer is simulta-
neously saturated with gas and liquid and the relative
gas volume is higher than the liquid represent a spe-
cial interest. In this case gas cannot be dissolved in
liquid and therefore there exists a phase boundary. The
scale of this boundary is comparable with the size of
porous channels. For example we can consider a local-
ized model of a porous channel coaxially filled with
gas and liquid. Naturally this will be stable if the liq-
uid is uniformly distributed over the channel walls. By
solving the border problem for a coaxial porous chan-
nel model we will obtain the type of function Y(p) for
the case of liquid and gas filling, where both gas and
liquid can have different values of Deborah number.
The result will be a three phase medium.
Figure 7 shows pulses reflected from the bounds of
such three phase medium. In the used model the radius
of porous channels is small a = 2 mkm, Deborah
number for the liquid is = 100 and for the gas
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
Model with high-permeable layer boundary between the layers with different porous
saturated by Newton liquid & Maxwell gas channels radiuses or with different transition fre-
quencies. Apart from that an intensive absorption of
the high frequency components of the passing pulse
occurs in the saturated layer. The index of P-wave
refraction from the upper bound of the PL grows
with frequency, thus in the pulse 1 high frequency
harmonics are strengthened which leads to trans-
formation of the descending pulse and the number
of oscillations increases. On the other hand in the
(Arrival time (sec.)
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
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