National University: Engineering Surveys Field Work
National University: Engineering Surveys Field Work
National University: Engineering Surveys Field Work
College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Engineering surveys
Field work
Plate no. 1
Lay out simple curve by
Tangent and offset
Surveying pin
Steel tape
Nylon string
1. With the instrument placed at the PI, the instrument man sights on the
preceding PI or at a distant station and keeps the chainman on the line while
the tangent distance is measured to locate the PC. After the PC has been
staked out, the instrument man then trains the instrument on the
forward PI to locate the PT.
2. String line PC-PI or the tangent line to have a better reference.
3. Then, compute the value of X and Y by a given formula.
4. After that, layout the Xs (along tangent line) and Ys (perpendicular to the
tangent line) to locate each station.
*note: Xs are the distance form PC along tangent line and Ys are the offset to determine
the location of each stations.
*note: To have a perpendicular distance must have two equidistance measurements from
each side of point X (along tangent line). Then, swing an arc with equidistance
measurement form the two points. Connect point X to the intersection of the arcs.
I observe that laying out the curve by tangent and offset is not that hard but
because of our schedule that we have In our field work which is at night time and
also there is a limited space in our school that makes us struggle in some aspect of
laying it out. But fortunately we manage to layout it. Some errors may occur if we
misread the steel tape and in rounding off the computed value of X and Y.
I therefore conclude that we can layout the curve just using steel tape. And only
by computing the the offset in certain point in the tangent line. The tangent distance
is the distance the tangents from the PI to the PC. The value of Y increases as the
value of X also increases. And also be careful on the angle that you are going to use
because it has a lot of bearing in computing the tangent offset.
College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Engineering surveys
Field work
Plate no. 2A
Lay out simple curve by chord
And mid-ordinate
To gain familiarity with the theory, design and layout of Horizontal curves
for most types of transportation routes, such as highways, railroads,
pipelines, etc.,
To be able to lay a simple curve by using the tape alone.
To be able to lay out a simple curve chord and mid-ordinate
Surveying pin
Steel tape
Nylon string
1. With the instrument placed at the PI, the instrument man sights on the
preceding PI or at a distant station and keeps the chainman on the line while
the tangent distance is measured to locate the PC. After the PC has been
staked out, the instrument man then trains the instrument on the forward PI to
locate the PT.
2. Compute and string line the chord PC-PT then compute the mid ordinate and
plot it perpendicular to the chord to locate the station Mc. The middle
ordinate is located from the middle of the chord
3. String line PC-Mc to determine its chord length. Then compute the mid
ordinate plot it perpendicular to the chord to locate station 1/4. Again, the
middle ordinate is located in the center of PC-Mc.
4. String line PC-1/4 to determine its chord length. Compute the mid ordinate
plot it perpendicular to the chord to locate station 1/8.
5. String line 1/4-Mc to determine its chord length. Compute the mid ordinate
plot it perpendicular to the chord to locate station 3/8.
6. String line PT-Mc to determine its chord length. Compute the mid ordinate
plot it perpendicular to the chord to locate station 3/4.
7. String line PT-3/4 to determine its chord length. Compute the mid ordinate
plot it perpendicular to the chord to locate station 7/8.
8. String line 3/4-Mc to determine its chord length. Compute the mid ordinate
plot it perpendicular to the chord to locate station 5/8.
*note: To have a perpendicular distance from chord must have two equidistance
measurements in each side of the middle of the chord (along the chord). Then, swing an
arc with equidistance measurement from the two points. Connect the middle of the chord
to the intersections of two points.
( ( ))
Mo PCMc =R 1cos ( ))I
=50 1cos
Mo PC 1 /4 =R 1cos ( ))
2 ( ( ))
=50 1cos
Mo PT Mc =R 1cos ( ))I
2 ( ( ))
=50 1cos
( ( ))
Mo PT 3 / 4=R 1cos
2 ( ))
=50 1cos
Mo 1/ 4 Mc =R 1cos ( ))
2 ( ( ))
=50 1cos
( ( ))
Mo 3/ 4 Mc =R 1cos ( ))
=50 1cos
I observe in this field work that some errors may occur if angle that being used is
wrong. In laying out, if the mid ordinate is not perpendicular to the chord have a huge
effect in the curve.
I therefore conclude that the curve can be lay out using chord and mid ordinate.
Also that as the angle become smaller, the value of mid ordinate decreases. The
curve is symmetric thats why the procedure in the left side of the Mo should be the
same in the right side.
College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Engineering surveys
Field work
Plate no. 3
Lay out simple curve by
Intersecting chords
To gain familiarity with the theory, design and layout of Horizontal curves
for most types of transportation routes, such as highways, railroads,
pipelines, etc.,
To be able to lay a simple curve by using the tape alone.
To be able to lay out a simple curve by intersecting chords
Surveying pin
Steel tape
Nylon string
1. With the instrument placed at the PI, the instrument man sights on the
preceding PI or at a distant station and keeps the chainman on the line while the
tangent distance is measured to locate the PC. After the PC has been staked out,
the instrument man then trains the instrument on the forward PI to locate the PT.
2. Compute the chord PC-7/8 and PT-7/8 and swing an arc to determine their
intersection. Now you have the station 7/8.
3. Next is to compute the chord PC-3/4 and PT-3/4. Swing an arc with the
computed measures; the intersection is the station 3/4.
4. Then compute the chord PC-5/8 and PT-5/8. Swing an arc with the computed
measures; the intersection is the station 5/8.
5. Compute the chord PC-Mc and PT-Mc. Swing an arc with the computed
measures; the intersection is the station Mc.
6. Compute the chord PC-3/8 and PT-3/8. Swing an arc with the computed
measures; the intersection is the station 3/8.
7. Compute the chord PC-1/4 and PT-1/4. Swing an arc with the computed
measures; the intersection is the station 1/4.
8. Lastly, compute the chord PC-1/8 and PT-1/8. Swing an arc with the computed
measures; the intersection is the station 1/8.
PC-3/4 15 o 13.05
o l
PC-5/8 12 30 10.89
PC-1/4 5o 4.36
PT-1/4 15 o 13.05
o l
PT-3/8 12 30 10.89
PT-3/4 5o 4.36
=2 Rsin ( )=2 ( 50 ) sin (
2 )
I 15
C PC 3 /4 =C PT 1 / 4 =13.05
o l
=2 Rsin ( )=2 (50 ) sin (
2 )
I 12 30
C PC 5 /8=C PT 3 /8 =10.89
=2 Rsin ( )=2 ( 50 ) sin (
2 )
I 10
C PCMc =C PT Mc =8.72
7 o 30 l
C PC 3 /8=C PT 5 /8=2 Rsin
2 ()
=2 (50 ) sin
2 ( ) =6.54
=2 Rsin ( )=2 ( 50 ) sin ( )=4.36
I 5
C PC 1 /4 =C PT 3 / 4
2 2
o l
=2 Rsin ( )=2 (50 ) sin (
2 )
I 2 30
C PC 1 /8=C PT 7 /8 =2.18
I observe that laying out curve using intersecting chords is one of the hardest
because we need to swing an arc with the chord that computed with the largest amount of
15.21. An error may occur if the swing is incorrect or the measurement is wrong.
I therefore conclude that the intersection of two chords is the
location of the specific station. We just need to compute the value of
each chord of each station.
College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Engineering surveys
Field work
Plate no. 5
Lay out simple curve by
Chord and offset
Surveying pin
Steel tape
Nylon string
1. With the instrument placed at the PI, the instrument man sights on the
preceding PI or at a distant station and keeps the chainman on the line while the
tangent distance is measured to locate the PC. After the PC has been staked out,
the instrument man then trains the instrument on the forward PI to locate the PT.
2. String line PC-PT to have better reference.
3. Compute the mid ordinate of chord PC-PT. That is the offset of station Mc from
the chord.
4. Compute the horizontal distance of each station from Mo (X).
5. Then compute the offset (Y) of each station from the chord by the given formula.
6. Layout the computed Ys perpendicular to the Xs.
*note: To have a perpendicular distance from chord must have two equidistance measurements
from point X (along the chord). Then, swing an arc with another equidistance measurement
from the two points. Connect point X to the intersection of the two arcs.
I observe that this is the easiest way to lay out a curve. Errors may occur only if the
offset is not perpendicular to the chord. I hope that this formula that we used is valid.
I manage to take a research in this method on how to compute the offset from the
chord. The formula that I got is very useful because all we need to do is to get the
perpendicular distance from Mo and substitute it to the formula. This is also the easiest
way to lay out the curve. The curve is symmetric thats why some value are identical.
College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Engineering surveys
Field work
Plate no. 2B
Lay out simple curve
By moving chords
To gain familiarity with the theory, design and layout of Horizontal curves
for most types of transportation routes, such as highways, railroads,
pipelines, etc.,
To be able to lay a simple curve by using the tape alone.
To be able to lay out a simple curve by intersecting chords
Surveying pin
Steel tape
Nylon string
1 Locate your PI and establish a line using your backward tangent to locate the PC of
the curve.
2 From PI, Swing an arc using your forward tangent.
3 From PC, Swing an arc using the chord length. The intersection of the arcs is the
4 Locate the midpoint of the long chord.
5 From its midpoint, measure 2 equal distances and swing another 2 equal distances
to establish a perpendicular line.
6 Locate the MO of the curve, the endpoint of the MO is the MC.
7 Establish the chord of 1/2 that connects PC and MC.
8 From that chord, establish a perpendicular line and locate the MO, the endpoint of
that MO is 1/4 station.
9 Establish the chord of 1/4 that connects PC and 1/4.
10 From that chord, establish a perpendicular line and locate its MO, the endpoint of
the MO of that station is your 1/8.
11 To locate your 3/8, get the chord of 3/4, endpoint of the MO of that chord is your
3/8 station.
12 To locate your 3/4, get the chord of 1/2 that connects PT and MC. The endpoint
of MO is your station.
13 To locate your 7/8, get the chord length that connects 3/4 and PT. establish a
perpendicular line to locate the MO, the endpoint of the MO is your 7/8 station.
14 To locate your 5/8, establish a chord that connects PC and 1/4 station, establish
a perpendicular line then locate your MO, the endpoint of your MO is your 5/8