Chapter Three: Operation of Auto Recloser and Sectionalizer 3.1.
Chapter Three: Operation of Auto Recloser and Sectionalizer 3.1.
Chapter Three: Operation of Auto Recloser and Sectionalizer 3.1.
3.1. Introduction:
Faults on overhead lines fall into one of three categories:
80-90% of faults on any overhead line network are transient in nature. The
remaining 10%-20% of faults are either semi-permanent or permanent. Transient
faults are commonly caused by lightning and temporary contact with foreign
objects. The immediate tripping of one or more circuit breakers clears the fault.
Subsequent re-energization of the line is usually successful. A small tree branch
falling on the line could cause a semi-permanent fault. The cause of the fault would
not be removed by the immediate tripping of the circuit, but could be burnt away
during a time-delayed trip. HV overhead lines in forest areas are prone to this type
of fault. Permanent faults, such as broken conductors, and faults on underground
cable sections, must be located and repaired before the supply can be restored. Use
of an auto-reclose scheme to re-energize the line after a fault trip permits
successful re-energization of the line. Sufficient time must be allowed after
tripping for the fault arc to de-energize prior to reclosing otherwise the arc will re-
strike. Such schemes have been the cause of a substantial improvement in
continuity of supply. A typical single-shot auto-reclose scheme is shown in Figures
3.1 and 3.2. Figure 3.1 shows a successful reclosure in the event of a transient
fault, and Figure 3.2 an unsuccessful reclosure followed by lockout of the circuit
breaker if the fault is permanent. [6]
3.1.1. Application of Auto-Reclosing:
Figure 3.2: Operation of single-shot auto-reclose scheme on a permanent fault
Instantaneous tripping reduces the duration of the power arc resulting from an
overhead line fault to a minimum. The chance of permanent damage occurring to
the line is reduced. The application of instantaneous protection may result in non-
selective tripping of a number of circuit breakers and an ensuing loss of supply to a
number of healthy sections. Auto-reclosing allows these circuit breakers to be
reclosed within a few seconds. With transient faults, the overall effect would be
loss of supply for a very short time but affecting a larger number of consumers.
When instantaneous protection is used with autoreclosing, the scheme is normally
arranged to inhibit the instantaneous protection after the first trip. For a permanent
fault, the time-graded protection will give discriminative tripping after reclosure,
resulting in the isolation of the faulted section. Some schemes allow a number of
reclosures and time-graded trips after the first instantaneous trip, which may result
in the burning out and clearance of semi-permanent faults. A further benefit of
instantaneous tripping is a reduction in circuit breaker maintenance by reducing
pre-arc heating when clearing transient faults. [6]
The factors that influence the choice of dead time reclaim time, and the numbers of
shots.Several factors affect the selection of system dead time as follows:
System stability and synchronism.
Type of load.
CB characteristics.
Fault path de-ionization time.
Protection reset time.
3.4. Auto Recloser:
3.7. Benefits of using Auto Recloser & Sectionalizer:
There are two benefits of using Auto Recloser & Sectionalizer: benefit
to the distribution company and benefit to the customer.
3.7.1. Benefit to the DISTRIBUTION COMPANY:
Continuity of power supply for the consumers resulting in less complaints
from citizens.
Reduce the time of power supply disconnection in cases of transient faults.
Reduce the unsold energy due to faults.
Reduce the cost of manpower operating in managing disconnected lines.
Maximum utilization of the network components.
Raising operators efficiency and using Hi-Tech in networks.
Ability to connect to SCADA system.
Event Log and Remote control.
Reduce cost of fault finding.
Better knowledge of the network.[7]
3.7.2. Benefit to the Customer:
Improved reliability of power supply.
Quality of supply.
Automatic - Recloser function - supply restoration after temporary faults.
Reduced outage time.
Minimise revenue loss.
Reduction in the number of customer complaints.[7]
Unserved Energy and unsold Energy due to tripping of the line .
Length of the line / as well as the laterals and nature of its right of way.
Weather Condition.[7]
Animals or birds getting curious.
Lightning strikes.
Examples of Permanent Faults:
Careless motor vehicle drivers.
Operating error: leaving earths connected etc.
Equipments Failure.
3.9.2. Connection of one autorecloser and 3 sectionalizers:
R: Autorecloser
S: Sectionalizer
series configuration:
In series configurations, we can install only 2 numbers of
sectionalizers to ensure proper coordination. This is because the lock out
counter of the autorecloser is limited to 4. As shown in figure 3.8.
S1 S2
R: Autorecloser
S: Sectionalizer
Figure 3.10: Example of one autorecloser and 2 sectionalizers In series connection(fault after s1).