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Call For Proposals 2018 v1 20feb2017

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Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging

Technology Research and Development

Department of Science and Technology




The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) prepared the Harmonized

National Research and Development Agenda (HNRDA) 2017-2022 to ensure
that results of science and technology endeavors are geared towards maximum
economic and social benefits for the people. A new program called Science for
Change (S4CP) was also created to accelerate Science Technology and
Innovation (STI) in the country in order to keep up with the developments in our
time wherein technology and innovation are game changers. S4CP focuses on
four categories, namely:
1. Program Expansion in 10 areas
2. New Programs in 5 areas
3. S&T Human Resource Development
4. Accelerated R&D Program for Capacity Building of R&D Institutions and
Industrial Competitiveness.

For the next five years, the DOST will be guided by the tagline "Science for the
People" in its pursuit of R&D and S&T initiatives in 12 priority areas. The Science
for Change Program (S4CP) and Utilization Policy Framework is therefore
anchored on Science for the People.

With the HNRDA in place, the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and
Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) of the
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is ready to accept research and
development (R&D) proposals for 2018 on areas considered as priority under
the Science for Change Program (S4CP) of the DOST.

The R&D proposals should be directed towards harnessing the potential of

emerging technologies, expand technology development and innovation for the
industry, energy and transportation sectors, and develop S&T interventions and
solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation and disaster risk

This funding opportunity encourages S&T collaboration and applied research

among State Colleges and Universities (SUCs), government Research and
Development Institutes (RDIs), non-profit S&T networks and organizations,
private sector and other proponents seeking funding for their R&D initiatives.

A. Scope of R&D Work

Proposals must be aligned with the HNRDA and the PCIEERD Priority Thrust,
under the following Thematic Areas:

1. Appropriate Technologies for Industry Competitiveness
The S&T support for industry competitiveness has a diverse coverage
including electronics industry, manufacturing, mining and minerals and food
security. The research topics for this thematic area aim to address the needs
of the industry in producing new and innovative products and opportunities to
increase production that would meet product standards in the local and global

Specific areas for research are:

a) Electronics, Semiconductor and ICT Industry
Artificial Intelligence for Industry, Transport and Education
Big Data Analytics (Government Data Integration)
R&D for Creative Industries

b) Mining and Minerals Industry

Development of Value-Adding Technologies for Copper, Iron,
Chromite, Nickel, Chromium and Gold Minerals for Industrial
Geological Assessment of Untapped/Undiscovered Minerals (i.e.
Black Sand and Trace and Rare Earth Elements)
Green Mining Technologies
Clean Metallurgical Processes
o Hydrometallurgical
o Pyrometallurgical
o Electrometallurgical

c) Metals & Fabrication Industry

Cost Efficient Manufacturing Processes and Equipment to Increase
Local Content of Aerospace, Automotive and/or Train Parts and
Design, Development and Prototyping of Food Processing
Equipment for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)

d) Food Industry
Baseline Studies on Microbiological and Chemical Hazards on Food
Science-Based Quality Assurance System for Priority Products (e.g.
fresh and processed banana)
Value-adding of Fishery By-Products (e.g. fish oil, chitin, collagen)

2. Sustainable Energy
The S&T thrust for the Energy sector is to continue the development and
deployment of cost-efficient smart technologies and increase the adoption
of renewable energy systems in the country. Research proposals are
welcome that will contribute to the challenges in developing technology
solutions for renewable and alternative energy systems.

Specific areas for research are:
a) Smart Energy Efficient Systems for Low Carbon Economy
Efficient hydrokinetic energy harvesting systems
Sustainable urban waste to energy conversion

b) Renewable Energy (RE) Systems

RE technologies and business models integration for sustainable off-
grid power supply
Thermo/electro/biochemical hydrogen production
Solar power concentrators (SCP)
Solar heating and cooling (SHC)

3. Sustainable Mass Transport

The challenge for the transport sector is to have an integrated, responsive,
effective, efficient & safe land and maritime transport systems and services.
It also aims to address issues on road congestion (poor mobility, stress and
health related impacts), high fuel consumption, and opportunity loss in
productivity. Proposals are welcome that will contribute to the above
challenges of the transport sector.

Specific areas for research are:

a) Intelligent Transport System
Vehicle-to-vehicle connectivity and information sharing
Road infrastructure-to-vehicle
Automated Parking Space Detection System
Harmonized RFID/WSN using multi-path transmission protocol &
cognitive frequency
PUV tracking for fleet management & driving behavior

b) Sea Transport Research on Marine Vessels

Standard sea-worthy hull design using alternative indigenous
lightweight materials
Navigational Route Capacity Measurement & Analysis for inter-
island connectivity

c) Mass Transport Systems (Train, PUV)

Prototype double decker bus development and fuel efficiency
analysis in compliance to Euro 4 Standards
Development of Positive Train Control (PTC) components for railway

4. Environment, Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk

S&T-based research topics in addressing issues on the environment and
critical activities on climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk
mitigation management (DRRM).

Specific areas for research are:
a) Water Environment R&D
Wastewater Management

b) Air Quality R&D

Air Pollution Control and Management

c) Solid Waste Management

d) DRR/CCA Proofing Infrastructure Systems and Techniques

Urban infrastructure rainfall inflow-outflow modeling and early
warning systems

e) Hazards and Risk Assessment Tools and Systems Program

Liquefaction Hazard Assessment

f) Instrumentation for early warning, monitoring and rapid

Forecast Based Financing and Weather Based Insurance

g) Marine Geology and Oceanography Program

h) Human Security
R&D for UAV, Airborne and Space Technology

Research proposals that will address the PCIEERD Priority Thrust may also
include the following emerging technology applications:
Materials Science
Space Technology

B. Expected Outputs and Outcomes

The proposal/s should be able to create a value by providing a Solution to

Needs, and by maximizing its Benefits through Differentiating with
competing products or technologies.

The term OUTPUT means an activity, effort, and/or associated work product
related to project goals and objectives that will be produced or provided over a
period of time or by a specified date. Outputs may be quantitative or
qualitative but must be measurable during an assistance agreement-funding
period. Expected outputs from the projects to be funded may include any of
the following:

Publications (in recognized scientific journals)

Patents (tangible measure of innovation)
Products/ Process (commercial value of outputs)

People Services (increase in the scientific workforce)
Places (facilities that enable increased 4Ps output)
Policies (adopted science-based guidelines)

The term OUTCOME means the result, effect or consequence that will occur
from carrying out a project or activity that is related to programmatic goal or
objective. Outcomes may be environmental, behavioral, health-related, or
programmatic in nature, but must be quantitative. These may not necessarily
be achievable within an assistance agreement-funding period.


A. Fund Information

The PCIEERD-DOST anticipates R&D award of P1,000,000 to

P50,000,000 per program/project, subject to availability of funds and the
quality of proposals received. Programs and projects requiring larger
budgets will also be entertained, subject to deliberation of the PCIEERD
Management Team (PMT).

B. Anticipated Number of Projects

PCIEERD-DOST anticipates up to approximately 100 research agreements

under this announcement, subject to evaluation on the quality of proposals.
In addition, the PCIEERD-DOST may give additional project grants under
this announcement, consistent with the PCIEERD and DOST policies, if
additional funding becomes available after the original selections.

C. Partial Funding

The PCIEERD-DOST may partially fund discrete portions or phases of

proposed projects. If PCIEERD-DOST decides to partially fund a proposal,
it will do so in a manner that does not prejudice any applicant or affect the
basis upon which the proposal or portion thereof, was evaluated and
selected for award, and therefore maintains the integrity of the selection

D. Deadline of Proposal Submission

The closing date for the submission of full-blown proposals through the e-
Proposals submission facility is on 1 June 2017. A notification will be
issued to eligible entities whose proposals have been evaluated and
recommended for award before 31 December 2017. A PCIEERD R&D
Manager will then be assigned to each project proponent to provide
guidance in finalizing their proposals.

Applicants may opt to submit a capsule proposal, prior to submission of a

full-blown proposal, to seek advise from PCIEERD if it is worth pursuing
submitting a full-blown. The capsule proposal should be submitted through
the e-Proposals submission facility on or before 31 March 2017.

*Note: Pre-selected capsule proposals do not mean approval of funding
support. Proposals will have to undergo the usual evaluation process of the

E. Commencement Period for Approved Project

The target commencement period for approved projects may start on

January 2018 or earlier depending on the result of the evaluation and
notice of award of successful applicants.

F. Type of Funding

The funding for selected projects will be in the form of a research

agreement under the PCIEERD Grants-In-Aid (GIA) Program. Research
agreements permit substantial involvement of the PCIEERD designated
R&D Managers and the selected applicants in the performance of the work
supported. Although PCIEERD-DOST will negotiate precise terms and
conditions relating to substantial involvement as part of the award process,
the anticipated substantial Government involvement for this project will be:
Close monitoring of the successful applicants performance to verify the
results reported by the applicant;
Collaboration during performance of the scope of work;
Review of the substantive terms of proposed contracts and review of
competitive procurement procedures (PCIEERD-DOST will not select
Approval of qualifications of key program/project personnel (PCIEERD-
DOST will not select employees or contractors employed by the award
Review and comment reports prepared under the research agreement

G. Supplementary Information

Demonstrations must involve new or experimental technologies, methods, or

approaches, where the results of the project will be disseminated so that
others can benefit from the knowledge gained in the demonstration project.
A project that is accomplished through the performance of routine,
traditional, or established practices, or a project that is simply intended to
carry out a task rather than transfer information or advance the state of
knowledge, however worthwhile the project might be, is not considered a
demonstration project. Such projects/activities are not eligible for funding
under this announcement.


A. Eligible Entities

Any Filipino, public or private entity with proven competence may apply for
GIA support of PCIEERD and its grant-giving units, provided that projects
fall under the specific research areas with overall goal to benefit Filipinos.

Preference will be given to public and private universities and colleges,
Research and Development Institutes (RDIs), R&D Consortia, non-profit
laboratories, other public or private non- profit S&T institutions located in the
Philippines. Non-profit S&T organizations are those, which: (1) are operated
primarily for scientific, educational, service, or similar purposes in the public
interest; (2) are not organized primarily for profit; and (3) use its net
proceeds to maintain, improve, and/or expand its operations. Non-profit
organizations engaged in lobbying activities are not eligible to apply.

B. Cost Sharing and Matching

The Applicant should provide at least 20% counterpart funding. Only eligible
and allowable costs may be used for counterpart fund and/or in-kind
contribution (ex. utility costs, office space rental, etc.), as determined by
PCIEERD-DOST. The proposal must describe how the applicant will provide
the counterpart fund/in-kind contribution and the role that PCIEERD-DOST
funding will play in the overall project.

C. Threshold Criteria

The following are requirements during proposal submission to ensure

consideration for funding:

1. Only proposals from Eligible Entities that meet all of the criteria will be
evaluated against the ranking factors in Section V of this
announcement. Applicants found ineligible for funding consideration as
a result of the threshold eligibility review will be notified within 15
calendar days of the ineligibility determination.

2. Proposals to be submitted and or funded under this announcement

must demonstrate the advancement of Science and Technology,
alignment to governments economic policy direction and PCIEERD
R&D Agenda and Priority Thrust identified in Section I.

3. Proposals (including all project documents submitted) must be written

in English.

4. Proposals must comply with the proposal submission instructions and

requirements set forth in Section IV of this announcement, otherwise
these proposals will be rejected.

5. Proposals must be received by the PCIEERD on or before the proposal

submission deadline specified in Section II of this announcement.
Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their proposals reach the
PCIEERD on the set deadline of submission.

6. Proposals received after the submission deadline will be considered

late and defer their evaluation without further consideration unless the
applicant can clearly demonstrate that lateness was due to mishandling

on the part of PCIEERD.


A. Content of e-Proposals

1. Letter of Intent and Endorsement

Together with the proposal, PCIEERD-DOST requires submission of a

formal letter of intent from the applicant and an endorsement from the
authorized head of their organization. The authorized head of the
organization will also be the principal signatory of their organization for the
research agreement award. For projects that will be implemented in the
regions, endorsement from the DOST Regional Offices or PCIEERD
Regional R&D Consortia is required.

The letter of Intent and Endorsement Letter should be addressed to:

Carlos Primo C. David, Ph.D.

Executive Director
Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology
Research and Development (PCIEERD)
Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
5th Level, Science Heritage Building, DOST Compound,
Gen. Santos Ave., Bicutan, Taguig City

2. Narrative Proposal

Applicants are advised to download all applicable PCIEERD-DOST GIA

Forms from the PCIEERD website or the e-Proposals website and
completely accomplish these forms. Aside from the Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs) in the e-Proposals website, Guidelines for Uploading
Files can be viewed once the applicant registers and logs on in the system.
Instructions for the e-Proposals submission and forms are available from
the PCIEERD website.

The narrative proposal work plan must explicitly describe the following in
the downloaded forms.

a. Project Rationale and Description

Describe the project rationale and significance of the proposed project to

the current needs of the country. It may include novelty, potential for
publication/IP, and success/failure ratio.

b. Project Objectives

State the specific purpose to be addressed by the project on the problem

areas identified.

c. Review of Literature

Summarize related researches/activities that have been conducted.

Include the state-of-the-art of current technology/information/services
from which the proposal will take off. It may include the advantages of
the technology over existing technologies, market need, field testing
requirement, and user engagement.

d. Methodology

Summarize approaches on how the associated work products,

processes, information and services will be implemented, developed
and acquired.

e. Work Plan

Describe specific activities and/or methods to be undertaken and

estimated timeline for each task.

f. Project Outputs, Deliverables and Expected Outcome

Identify the expected project outputs and how the progress towards
achieving the outputs will be tracked and measured. Identify the
expected quantitative and qualitative outcomes of the project; including
what measurements will be used to track the progress towards
achieving the outcomes and how the results of the project will be

Indicate the specific products, processes, or services which the project

is expected to produce and quantify possible socio-economic benefits,
co-investment, profitability, environment impacts and contribution
towards the advancement of S&T which can be derived from the

g. Financial Budget Requirement Work Plan

Indicate the estimated funding amounts for each work component/task,

which should be consistent with the Line-Item Budget (LIB).

h. Line Item Budget

Provide the total budget requirement for the project reflecting the
counterpart of the Applicant using PCIEERD-DOST Forms 2B-2.
Applicants must itemize the costs related to personnel, travel,
equipment, supplies, other direct costs, and total costs. Equipment and
other large expense items should be supported with justification.
Estimation for the rates of project personnel should be in accordance
with the prescribed rates for Honoraria and hiring of DOST GIA

i. Attachments

Applicants may attach documents to the Narrative Proposal. These

may include related information on the proposed program/project like,
resumes or curriculum vitae, support letters from relevant
agencies/organizations, market supply/demand projections, etc.
Below are explanations of required information, which should be
attached in the narrative proposal. These can be submitted through
the e-Proposals submission facility of PCIEERD for this CFP.

a. Roles of the Applicant and Partners, if there is any.

b. Institutions Track Record

Description of the applicants organization and experience related

to the proposed project.

c. Project Team Information

Short description of the roles of each project staff,

expertise/qualifications, staff knowledge. The Applicant may want
to expound on how the manpower resources can be obtained to
successfully achieve the goals of the proposed project.

d. Past Performance

Programmatic Capability: Submit a list of government funded

assistance agreements or foreign equivalent assistance
agreements similar in size, scope and relevance to the proposed
project that your organization performed within the last three
years (no more than 5 projects agreements, and preferably
PCIEERD/DOST agreements) and describe (i) whether, and how,
you were able to successfully complete and manage those
agreements and (ii) your history of meeting the reporting
requirements under those agreements including submitting
acceptable final technical reports.

B. e-Proposals Submission

Applicants are required to submit proposals through the PCIEERD-DOST e-

Proposals submission facility before the Closing Date on 1 June 2017.
Applicants will receive automatic reply through email confirming receipt of

C. Pre-Proposal Assistance and Communication

PCIEERD Project Managers are available to provide appropriate assistance

to potential applicants interested in competing for this Call for Proposals. This
may include assistance to potential applicants in determining eligibility of the
applicant or the applicants proposed project for funding, questions about

administrative issues relating to the submission of a proposal, and
clarifications on the announcement.


Energy, Transportation and Disaster Risk Reduction Sectors:

Nonilo A. Pea, +632 8372935,

Industry and Environment Sectors: Nializa Escorial, +632 8372926,


Emerging Technologies Sectors: Nelson Beniabon, +632 8372071 to 82 local

2106, nobainob@gmail.com


Only those proposals that meet the threshold criteria in Section III Part C will be
evaluated according to the criteria set forth below. Applicants should directly and
explicitly address these criteria as part of their proposal submission. Each
proposal will be rated using points system, with a total of 100 points.

A. Evaluation Criteria
Criteria Points

1. Project Approach: The PCIEERD will evaluate the following factors: 30

1.1 Strategies of implementation for addressing all of the requirements in
Section I;
1.2 Technical soundness of the proposal
1.3 Reasonable timeframe for the execution of the tasks associated with the
1.4 If proposal includes a commitment for the involvement of partner institution
or a private cooperator to utilize the technology, services and or eventual
transfer of results of the project.
2. Outputs and Outcomes 30
2.1 Extent and quality to which the proposal describes the evaluative
component of the project, including how the applicants success in
achieving the expected project outputs and outcomes for addressing the
requirement in Section I Part B;
2.2 How results can be quantified, tracked and measured, as mentioned in the
Project Results of the Narrative Proposal Section.
3. Track Record of Applicant-- The PCIEERD will evaluate the applicants 15
technical ability to successfully complete and manage the proposed project
taking into account the following:
3.1 Track record in successfully completing and managing equivalent funded
assistance agreements (assistance agreements include government
and/or foreign equivalent grants and agreements) similar in size, scope,
and relevance to the proposed project performed within the last 3 years,
3.2 History of meeting reporting requirements under government and/or foreign
equivalent funded assistance agreements (assistance agreements include
government and/or foreign equivalent grants and agreements) similar in
size, scope, and relevance to the proposed project performed within the
last 3 years and submitting acceptable final technical reports or the
equivalent under those agreements, and

Criteria Points

3.3 Institutions existing facility/capability to carry out similar project towards

achieving the expected outcomes and outputs (e.g., results) under
government and/or foreign equivalent funded assistance agreements
performed within the last 3 years.

NOTE: In evaluating applicants under this criterion, the PCIEERD may also consider relevant
information from other sources including agency files and prior/current grantors (e.g., to verify and/or
supplement the information supplied by the applicant). Applicants with no relevant or available past
performance or reporting history will receive a neutral score for these elements. A neutral score is half
of the total points available in a subset of possible points. If no response is provided for these items, the
applicant may receive a score of 0 for these factors.
4. Staff Expertise/Qualifications: 15
4.1 Project Personnel expertise/qualifications to successfully achieve the goals
of the proposed project, and
4.2 Description of the applicants organization and experience relating to the
proposed project.

5. Budget/Resources: 10
5.1 Proposed project budget is reasonable/justifiable to accomplish the
proposed goals, objectives, and measurable project outputs and outcomes
5.2 Applicants counterpart to complement the PCIEERD funding as a
requirement in Section III Part B. Extent on how the applicant will allocate
the use of PCIEERD funding with other sources of funds to carry out the
proposed project(s).

B. Review and Selection Process

A review team will evaluate each proposal using the evaluation criteria
described above. Each proposal will be given a numerical score and will be
ranked accordingly. Preliminary funding recommendations will be forwarded to
the Approving Authorities based on this ranking.

C. Other Factors

The Approving Authorities, based on the rankings and preliminary

recommendation of the PCIEERD evaluation team, will make final funding
decisions. In making the final funding decisions, the Approving Authorities may
also consider programmatic priorities and geographic diversity of grants.


A. Award Notices

Following the evaluation of proposals, all applicants will be notified regarding

their status.

Proposal Notifications.

a. PCIEERD will notify the successful applicant, via telephone, fax,

electronic or postal mail before 31 December 2017. The notification
informs the Applicant that his/her Proposal has been successfully

evaluated and recommended for award.

b. This notification is NOT an authorization to begin implementation. The

award notice signed by the PCIEERD Executive Director is the
authorizing document and will be used for the execution of the project
through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) among parties.

c. PCIEERD will also notify the unsuccessful applicant(s) via electronic or

postal mail by 31 December 2017.

B. Administrative and DOST GIA Policy Requirement

The Grants-In-Aid award shall be governed by the DOST GIA Guidelines.

C. Reporting Requirement

Quarterly progress reports and a detailed final report will be required.

Quarterly progress reports summarize technical progress, planned activities
for next quarter and summary of expenditures. The final report shall be
completed within 90 calendar days after the completion of the period of
performance. Required forms are downloadable from the PCIEERD website
and may be provided by the PCIEERD upon the awarding of the agreement to
eligible applicants.


For further inquiries, the applicant may contact:

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and
Development (PCIEERD)


4th Level Science Heritage Building
DOST Complex, Gen. Santos Ave.
Bicutan, Taguig City
+632 8372071 to 82 Local 2107

All questions or comments must be communicated in writing via postal mail,

facsimile, or electronic mail to the above contact person.


Activities Dates
Announcement of Call for Proposal February 15, 2017
Closing Date for Submission of Capsule Proposal March 31, 2017
Closing Date for Submission of FullBlown Proposal June 1, 2017
Notification of Successful Applicants Before Dec. 31, 2017


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