Call For Proposals 2018 v1 20feb2017
Call For Proposals 2018 v1 20feb2017
Call For Proposals 2018 v1 20feb2017
For the next five years, the DOST will be guided by the tagline "Science for the
People" in its pursuit of R&D and S&T initiatives in 12 priority areas. The Science
for Change Program (S4CP) and Utilization Policy Framework is therefore
anchored on Science for the People.
With the HNRDA in place, the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and
Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) of the
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is ready to accept research and
development (R&D) proposals for 2018 on areas considered as priority under
the Science for Change Program (S4CP) of the DOST.
Proposals must be aligned with the HNRDA and the PCIEERD Priority Thrust,
under the following Thematic Areas:
1. Appropriate Technologies for Industry Competitiveness
The S&T support for industry competitiveness has a diverse coverage
including electronics industry, manufacturing, mining and minerals and food
security. The research topics for this thematic area aim to address the needs
of the industry in producing new and innovative products and opportunities to
increase production that would meet product standards in the local and global
d) Food Industry
Baseline Studies on Microbiological and Chemical Hazards on Food
Science-Based Quality Assurance System for Priority Products (e.g.
fresh and processed banana)
Value-adding of Fishery By-Products (e.g. fish oil, chitin, collagen)
2. Sustainable Energy
The S&T thrust for the Energy sector is to continue the development and
deployment of cost-efficient smart technologies and increase the adoption
of renewable energy systems in the country. Research proposals are
welcome that will contribute to the challenges in developing technology
solutions for renewable and alternative energy systems.
Specific areas for research are:
a) Smart Energy Efficient Systems for Low Carbon Economy
Efficient hydrokinetic energy harvesting systems
Sustainable urban waste to energy conversion
Specific areas for research are:
a) Water Environment R&D
Wastewater Management
h) Human Security
R&D for UAV, Airborne and Space Technology
Research proposals that will address the PCIEERD Priority Thrust may also
include the following emerging technology applications:
Materials Science
Space Technology
The term OUTPUT means an activity, effort, and/or associated work product
related to project goals and objectives that will be produced or provided over a
period of time or by a specified date. Outputs may be quantitative or
qualitative but must be measurable during an assistance agreement-funding
period. Expected outputs from the projects to be funded may include any of
the following:
People Services (increase in the scientific workforce)
Places (facilities that enable increased 4Ps output)
Policies (adopted science-based guidelines)
The term OUTCOME means the result, effect or consequence that will occur
from carrying out a project or activity that is related to programmatic goal or
objective. Outcomes may be environmental, behavioral, health-related, or
programmatic in nature, but must be quantitative. These may not necessarily
be achievable within an assistance agreement-funding period.
A. Fund Information
C. Partial Funding
The closing date for the submission of full-blown proposals through the e-
Proposals submission facility is on 1 June 2017. A notification will be
issued to eligible entities whose proposals have been evaluated and
recommended for award before 31 December 2017. A PCIEERD R&D
Manager will then be assigned to each project proponent to provide
guidance in finalizing their proposals.
*Note: Pre-selected capsule proposals do not mean approval of funding
support. Proposals will have to undergo the usual evaluation process of the
F. Type of Funding
G. Supplementary Information
A. Eligible Entities
Any Filipino, public or private entity with proven competence may apply for
GIA support of PCIEERD and its grant-giving units, provided that projects
fall under the specific research areas with overall goal to benefit Filipinos.
Preference will be given to public and private universities and colleges,
Research and Development Institutes (RDIs), R&D Consortia, non-profit
laboratories, other public or private non- profit S&T institutions located in the
Philippines. Non-profit S&T organizations are those, which: (1) are operated
primarily for scientific, educational, service, or similar purposes in the public
interest; (2) are not organized primarily for profit; and (3) use its net
proceeds to maintain, improve, and/or expand its operations. Non-profit
organizations engaged in lobbying activities are not eligible to apply.
The Applicant should provide at least 20% counterpart funding. Only eligible
and allowable costs may be used for counterpart fund and/or in-kind
contribution (ex. utility costs, office space rental, etc.), as determined by
PCIEERD-DOST. The proposal must describe how the applicant will provide
the counterpart fund/in-kind contribution and the role that PCIEERD-DOST
funding will play in the overall project.
C. Threshold Criteria
1. Only proposals from Eligible Entities that meet all of the criteria will be
evaluated against the ranking factors in Section V of this
announcement. Applicants found ineligible for funding consideration as
a result of the threshold eligibility review will be notified within 15
calendar days of the ineligibility determination.
on the part of PCIEERD.
A. Content of e-Proposals
2. Narrative Proposal
The narrative proposal work plan must explicitly describe the following in
the downloaded forms.
b. Project Objectives
c. Review of Literature
d. Methodology
e. Work Plan
Identify the expected project outputs and how the progress towards
achieving the outputs will be tracked and measured. Identify the
expected quantitative and qualitative outcomes of the project; including
what measurements will be used to track the progress towards
achieving the outcomes and how the results of the project will be
Provide the total budget requirement for the project reflecting the
counterpart of the Applicant using PCIEERD-DOST Forms 2B-2.
Applicants must itemize the costs related to personnel, travel,
equipment, supplies, other direct costs, and total costs. Equipment and
other large expense items should be supported with justification.
Estimation for the rates of project personnel should be in accordance
with the prescribed rates for Honoraria and hiring of DOST GIA
i. Attachments
d. Past Performance
B. e-Proposals Submission
administrative issues relating to the submission of a proposal, and
clarifications on the announcement.
Only those proposals that meet the threshold criteria in Section III Part C will be
evaluated according to the criteria set forth below. Applicants should directly and
explicitly address these criteria as part of their proposal submission. Each
proposal will be rated using points system, with a total of 100 points.
A. Evaluation Criteria
Criteria Points
Criteria Points
NOTE: In evaluating applicants under this criterion, the PCIEERD may also consider relevant
information from other sources including agency files and prior/current grantors (e.g., to verify and/or
supplement the information supplied by the applicant). Applicants with no relevant or available past
performance or reporting history will receive a neutral score for these elements. A neutral score is half
of the total points available in a subset of possible points. If no response is provided for these items, the
applicant may receive a score of 0 for these factors.
4. Staff Expertise/Qualifications: 15
4.1 Project Personnel expertise/qualifications to successfully achieve the goals
of the proposed project, and
4.2 Description of the applicants organization and experience relating to the
proposed project.
5. Budget/Resources: 10
5.1 Proposed project budget is reasonable/justifiable to accomplish the
proposed goals, objectives, and measurable project outputs and outcomes
5.2 Applicants counterpart to complement the PCIEERD funding as a
requirement in Section III Part B. Extent on how the applicant will allocate
the use of PCIEERD funding with other sources of funds to carry out the
proposed project(s).
A review team will evaluate each proposal using the evaluation criteria
described above. Each proposal will be given a numerical score and will be
ranked accordingly. Preliminary funding recommendations will be forwarded to
the Approving Authorities based on this ranking.
C. Other Factors
A. Award Notices
Proposal Notifications.
evaluated and recommended for award.
C. Reporting Requirement
Activities Dates
Announcement of Call for Proposal February 15, 2017
Closing Date for Submission of Capsule Proposal March 31, 2017
Closing Date for Submission of FullBlown Proposal June 1, 2017
Notification of Successful Applicants Before Dec. 31, 2017