Energy Solution Final Project Guidelines
Energy Solution Final Project Guidelines
Energy Solution Final Project Guidelines
In general terms, sustainability is the capacity of systems and processes to endure and thrive.
Sustainable development seeks to balance economic development, social development, and
environmental protection equally. Discuss the concept of sustainability as it applies to the
development of bioenergy systems.
A sustainable transportation system is one that is accessible, affordable, efficient, and achieves
the highest practical standards for safety, human health, and environmental quality.
There are a variety of ways that we can change the energy consumption, production, etc. It is
your task to decide what the best solution to this problem is and debate that point with the rest of
the class.
Your job is to find the best way Waverly/WSR can become more energy efficient. You will
develop a proposal to argue your solution to the class. This is a three part project. All three parts
will make up your group's final project proposal that you will present to the class. As a class we
will vote on the best proposed solution and work on submitting that for approval in the
community/school district.
Please read through the guidelines for each of the three parts carefully before submitting any
Your goal for this section of the project is to contact a person via email or phone call who has
knowledge about your particular solution to WSR or Waverlys energy usage.
Your goal for this section of the project is to create a prototype to demonstrate you solution for
improving the energy efficiency of WSR/Waverly. You can choose of the three options below as
your prototype.
Create a video
Draw out a blueprint/plan
Build a model
1. How is this prototype going to best demonstrate your plan for improving the energy
efficiency of WSR/Waverly?
2. What materials will you need to create your prototype?
3. What steps would you need to take as a group to create your prototype?
36-40 (A) 35-32 (B) 31-28 (C) 27-24 (D)
Research The data and The content contains The content contains The content contains
facts presented one inaccuracy, and more than one many inaccuracies,
are evidence content is partially inaccuracy, content is content is not cited,
based from cited with credible occasionally cited, and/or credible
reliable sources. sources. The analysis and/or credible sources are visibly
All sources are and explanations are sources are visibly lacking. Lacking
referenced. All incomplete. One of lacking. Lacking analysis and
content is the elements of the analysis and explanation of many
accurate. There is presentation does not explanation. More pieces. Many
a clear analysis logically flow with than one of the elements of the
and explanation the subject matter. elements of the proposal do not
of the research proposal does not logically flow with
prompt selected. logically flow with the subject matter.
The information the subject matter.
and messages
present a logical
Mechanic The writing of The writing contains The writing contains The writing contains
s free of spelling two or less errors. three or four errors. many (5+) errors.
and grammar