Lab Report: Life of A Star - Final Project Product
Lab Report: Life of A Star - Final Project Product
Lab Report: Life of A Star - Final Project Product
RubiStar ( )
Participation Used time well during Used time pretty well. Did the project but
the project and Stayed focused on the did not appear very
focused attention on experiment most of interested. Focus was
the experiment. the time. lost on several
Components of the All required elements All required elements One required element
project are present and are present. is missing, but
additional elements additional elements
that add to the that add to the
project (e.g., project (e.g.,
Analysis The relationship The relationship The relationship
between the variables between the variables between the variables
is discussed and is discussed and is discussed but no
trends/patterns trends/patterns patterns, trends or
logically analyzed. logically analyzed. predictions are made
Background Sources Several reputable A few reputable A few background
background sources background sources sources are used and
were used and cited are used and cited cited correctly, but
correctly. Material is correctly. Material is some are not
translated into translated into reputable sources.
Data Professional looking Accurate Accurate
and accurate representation of the representation of the
representation of the data in tables and/or data in written form,
data in tables and/or graphs. Graphs and but no graphs or
graphs. Graphs and tables are labeled and tables are presented.
Drawings/Diagrams Clear, accurate Diagrams are included Diagrams are included
diagrams are included and are labeled neatly and are labeled.
and make the and accurately.
experiment easier to
understand. Diagrams
Question/Purpose The purpose of the The purpose of the The purpose of the
project or the project or the project or the
question to be question to be question to be
answered during the answered during the answered during the
lab is clearly identified lab is identified, but is lab is partially
Participation was
minimal OR student
was hostile about
Several required
elements are missing.
The relationship
between the variables
is not discussed.
Material is directly
copied rather than
put into students own
words and/or
background sources
Data are not shown
OR are inaccurate.
Needed diagrams are
missing OR are
missing important