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Review of Peer Presentation-1

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Review of Peer Presentation

 You will select 1 peer per author to review.

 Look at their presentations online.
 Complete this rubric for all presentations you selected to review. You can copy and paste the rubric and
highlight your response.
 Post the reviews to the discussion board as a reply to the original poster by the deadline for feedback for
that author
You will be graded based on your completeness and honesty in your reviews.
Name of student whose assignment is being reviewed: _____________________________________

Performance Criteria

Preparation The presentation went Presentation was done to The presentation had The presentation was The presentation was not
above and beyond the the specifications of the most of the requirements incomplete or missing the prepared in line with the
requirements of the assignment requirements. of the assignment. requirements of the requirements of the
assignment. assignment. assignment.
Organization Information flowed Information was Information was Information was There did not appear to
seamlessly from one presented in a logical, presented logically. somewhat difficult to be any sequence or order
topic to the next in a sequence that was easy to follow because students to the information
natural and interesting follow. tended to "jump around" presented.
sequence. from topic to topic.
Mechanics The presentation The presentation The presentation showed The presentation showed There were no graphics
demonstrated an included graphics that some effort in the design; little effort in design. to engage the reader and
outstanding effort in illustrated a sophisticated however, graphics and Graphics and text appear graphics were the stock
presenting the understanding of the text reflect only an to be "thrown together at slide images.
information through the material. "average" effort. the last minute."
creative use of graphics
and text.
Use of technology Innovative use of Sophisticated use of Apparent use of Little evidence The presentation included
technology to create technology to create technology to create at suggesting technology no evidence of
graphics and/or graphics and/or least one graphic. was used in research and technological use.
mechanisms. mechanisms. presentation.
MLA Format This is a model example This has all the This has all the This shows an attempt at Missing citations in the
of in-text citations and requirements of MLA requirements of MLA, MLA, but there are too text that correspond to
works cited. format on the in-text but there are significant many errors or omissions the works cited, works
citation and the works errors or omissions (5-10 (10+ errors) cited is not formatted
cited page, but there are errors). correctly or is missing.
3-5 minor errors.
Research This presentation used This presentation The presentation had all The presentation is The research is not
college database articles thoughtfully used college the correct components, missing some research. college level (it has
about the topics. The database articles. The but the sources were not The research used did not Wikipedia and
research was well research was on topic and used efficiently or were lend itself to analysis of SparkNotes types of
integrated into the helped further ideas not very challenging. the topic. sources) or is missing
presentation and introduced in the from the presentation.
introduced new presentation.
scholarship on the topic.
Overall Presentation The presentation kept The presentation kept my The presentation The presenter displayed The presentation was
my interest and was interest and housed a lot demonstrated the ability little knowledge and basic. I did not learn
among the very best in of great information on to convey information; understanding of the anything new, and it did
class. It challenged my the topic. however, the presentation components of the not hold my interest.
ways of looking at did not always keep my assignment.
gender in literature interest.
and/or taught me new

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