Unit 9 Process 2

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Unit 9 Process 2 Actions in Sequence

Section 1 Presentation
1. Look and read:
Assembly sequence of a prefabricated building.
The sequence is divided into four stages or phases:

Phase 1

Ground is excavated.
Concrete foundations are constructed.
Column base plates are fixed.

Steel Columns are erected.

Event 1 Initially, the ground is excavated.


Event 2 Then, the concrete foundations are constructed.

Event 3 Later, the column base plates are fixed.


Event 4 Finally, the steel columns are erected.

Now look at the drawings of the next three stages and make statements about the
sequence of events in phases 2,3 and 4.

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Phase 2

Roof decking is put in


Upper floor steel columns

are erected.

Concrete floor slabs are put

in place.

Beams and bracing are fixed

Phase 3

Weatherproof roof
membrane is laid.
Balustrade fixing plates are

Corner units are erected.

Horizontal cladding panels

are fixed.

Vertical cladding panels are


Phase 4

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2. Read these questions:

Why are the upper floor steel columns erected before the roof decking has
been put in place?
Why is the roof decking put in place after the upper floor steel columns have
been erected?

Now read the answer:

Because the roof decking requires the upper floor steel columns to support it.

Look at the drawings for phases 1, 2, 3 and 4, and make similar questions to
which these are the answers:

a. Because the concrete foundations require solid ground to support them.

b. Because the column base plates need a flat rigid surface to support them.
c. Because the steel columns transmit their loads through them to the
d. Because the concrete floors are supported by the beams.
e. Because the weatherproof membrane is laid over the balustrade fixing
f. Because the horizontal cladding panels are fixed to the corner units.
g. Because the vertical cladding panels are fixed to the horizontal cladding
h. Because the workmen require access to the ceiling void to install the
i. Because the partitions are fixed to the suspended ceilings.

3. Identify the part of the building or the phase of the assembly sequence
described in these sentences:

a. This cannot be put in place until the upper floor steel columns have been
b. Before fixing these, the workmen erect the corner units.
c. During this phase the beams and bracing are fixed.
d. The workmen fix these after constructing the concrete foundations.
e. The electric wiring is installed during this phase.
f. When balustrade fixing plates have been fixed, the workmen can start
laying this.

4. Read this description of phase 1 of the assembly sequence:

Having completed the preparation of the site, the workmen begin the initial
stage. This includes excavating the ground, constructing the concrete
foundations, fixing the column base plates and erecting the steel columns. The
workmen begin by excavating the ground. This precedes the constructing of
the concrete foundations because they require solid ground to support them.
This is followed by the fixing of the column base plates. Finally, the steel
columns are erected.

Now use it as a model to write similar descriptions or phases 2, 3, and 4.

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Section 2 Development
5. Look and read:

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Trade: steel erectors Trade: cladding fixer
Job: erecting the steelwork Job: fixing the cladding
Weeks working: 9 to 15 Weeks working: 16 to 30

Trade: bricklayer
Job: building the brickwork
Weeks working: 13 to 21

1. During weeks 13, 14 and 15 the steel erectors work -

From the beginning of week 13 to the end of week 15

simultaneously with the bricklayers.

at the same time as

2. While the former erect the steelwork, the latter build the brickwork.

3. As soon as the steel erectors have finished, the cladding fixers begin.
Immediately after

Use the bar chart to help you label the following drawings. Then make similar

Unit 9: Process 2 Actions in Sequence Page 5 of 13

a. Trade: ___________ Trade: ____________
Job : Job: ..
Weeks working: Weeks working: .

Trade: ___________
Job: .
Weeks working: ..

b. Trade: ___________ Trade: ____________

Job : Job: ..
Weeks working: Weeks working: .

Trade: ___________
Job: .
Weeks working: ..

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c. Trade: ___________
Job :
Weeks working:

Trade: ____________
Trade: ___________ Job: ..
Job: . Weeks working: .
Weeks working: ..

d. Trade: ___________
Job :
Weeks working:

(four weeks later)

Trade: ___________ Trade: ____________

Job: . Job: ..
Weeks working: .. Weeks working: .

6. Read this:
While the steelwork is being erected, some of the brickwork is built.

Now look at the bar chart and make similar sentences.

7. Complete these sentences with the name of a building trade:

a. The __________ finish just before the plumber start.
b. The .... should finish by the end of week 40.
c. The __________ _________ work until the end of week 30.
d. The ___________ work up to the end of week 50.
e. The _______ ________ should finish no later then the end of week 8.

Now make similar sentences.

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8. Read this:
During building construction, several things went wrong so there are several
changes to be made to the bar chart in exercise 5. Here is a description of what
happened: Excavation was delayed for two weeks because the excavator broke
down. Therefore the machine driver could not start work until week 3. As the
steel erectors had to wait until the machine driver had completed their work,
they were also delayed by two weeks. Consequently, the cladding fixers could
not start until week 17. Bricks were in short supply during week 15 to 20 and
this resulted in the bricklayer working three weeks longer than expected. So
the plumbers and the roofing contractor started three weeks later. In week 30
the joiners went on strike which was settled after one week. However, this
meant both the carpenters and the glaziers started one week late. The wrong
paint was delivered to the decorators, which delayed them by one week, but by
putting on extra men the building was completed on schedule.

Now draw a new bar chart using the information in the passage.

9. Make a list of other things that could go wrong on a building site. Say
when they might occur and how they could affect the time schedule:

Section 3 Reading
10. Read this:

When an architect receives a commission for a building, he meets the

client and discusses his requirements. After visiting the site, the architect
draws up preliminary plans and, together with a rough estimate of the cost,
submit them to the client for his approval. If the client suggests changes, the
architect incorporates them into the final design which shows the exact
dimension of every part of the building. At this stage, several building
contractors are invited to bid for the job of constructing the building. When
they submit their tenders or prices, the architect assists his client in selecting
the best one and helps him to draw up a contract between the client and the

Work now starts on the building. As construction proceeds, the architect

makes periodic inspections to make sure that the building is being constructed
according to his plans and that the materials specified in the contract are being
used. During the building period, the client pays the bills from the contractor.
Subsequently, the contractor completes the building and the client occupies it.
For six months after completion there is a period known as the defects
liability period. During this period, the contractor must correct any defects
that appear in the fabric of the building. Finally, when all the defects have
been corrected, the client takes full possession of the building.

Now find a word or an expression in the passage which means:

a. to be given the job of designing a building
b. to offer to a client for his consideration

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c. to combine into a whole
d. to offer to do some work at a certain price.
e. to look at the building work in detail at regular intervals.
f. named or described exactly.
g. an interval of time after the building has been finished during
which the contractor is responsible.
h. to have complete ownership of the building.

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11. Complete this flow diagram:


appoints an architect a). for a building

gives architect his visits c). ..

b). .

approves e). . draws up d).

f). . them into

suggests the final design

chooses a contractor submits tender assists his client in

selecting a g). _____

signs a contract signs a contract

with the j). ______ with the i). ____ helps clients h). ....

start work on
k). ...

pay m). submits l). .. makes n). ..

from contractor to client

p). ..the building o). .... the building make sure that the
building is
completed according
to the contract.
r). of corrects defect in the
the building building during the
q). ..

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Section 4 Revision
12. Look at this diagram of a prefabricated building:

Ask and answer question like this:

Example: Why is the steel frame erected before the wall planks have been
Because the wall planks are supported by the steel frame.

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13. Look at these drawings of the same building:

Make sentences saying what the dimensions marked on the drawings are:

Example : The floor to ceiling height is 2.700 mm.

14. Read this:

The external walls are made up of brick cladding, wall planks, windows,
doors, heads and sills, stanchion casings and inner lining panels. While the
steel frame is being erected, the wall planks and floor units are fixed. At the
same time, the stanchions are enclosed in casings which serve the function of
resisting fire. The precast concrete floor units are capable of carrying load of
up to 5 kN/sq m. The wall planks are design to be weather proof and to
support the outer cladding. The aluminium heads, sills and windows are then
fixed from inside the building. After this, the 900 mm and 1.800 mm wide
external doors are installed. These doors are either aluminium framed and pre-
glazed or hard wood framed and glazing is done on site. Finally, the internal
sills and lining panels are installed. These form a cavity for the heating and
electrical services. A grill underneath the sill, together with an air intake at
skirting level, enables air to circulate up past the finned heating element. The
lining panels are capable of being removed to give access to the services.

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Now label this drawing:

Section through the external wall

15. Write a short passage giving the sequence of events in constructing the
external walls only.

16. Now complete the following sentences to match the idea in the brackets:
a. The external walls (structure)
b. The wall planks and floor units ..(time)
c. The stanchion casings (function)
d. The precast concrete floor units .(ability)
e. The wall planks ..(function)
f. The external doors .(measurement)
g. The glazing of the hardwood framed doors (location)
h. The internal sills and lining panels .(function)
i. The grill .. (location)
j. The grill and air intake .(function)
k. The lining panels ..(ability)

17. Answer these questions:

a. Why do you think the aluminium heads, sills and windows are designed to
be fixed from inside the building?
b. What is the function of the fins on the heating element?
c. Are the aluminium framed windows glazed on site?
d. What are the advantages of using aluminium instead of steel to make the
e. What other types of cladding could be used instead of brick?
f. What could this type of building be used for?

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