Lesson Plan Template: Date Subject Number of Students Grade
Lesson Plan Template: Date Subject Number of Students Grade
Lesson Plan Template: Date Subject Number of Students Grade
Learning Center 3 Title: (Bullet points) Learning Center 4 Title: (Bullet points)
Green group in reading area Yellow group in play area
They will have a paper include object, they Ask the student to put 4 or 2 fruit or plate
need to count and put the card clip on the
right number.
Allow children time to discuss how what they did during their learning centers and how it relates to
the lesson outcome
Assessment for Learning: How will you determine if the students understood the learning
outcome? What evidence will you show to prove this?
By observing and ask questions during the activity
General Comments
Firstly, discuss one aspect that YOU feel you did very well. Try to analyze
why you think it worked well and what hints you would share with other teachers
about the successful strategy/ resource/activity/management style etc.
I feel I did well in the activities, they were successful because I was aware about
their levels.
The best strategy in my opinion is the mix the students levels, high, middle and
low together to learn by each other.
My MST and I thought four activities help the child to achieved and understand
the lesson.
I had one problem with the student, he is hyperactive student. In the activity, he was
lost and I felt he didnt understood. I was trying to help him but he didnt listen. My
MST helped me after this class and showed me how to make him listen to me.
Next time I will make him my hand helper and I make him to do the lesson with me.
Time management, I will try to end the Halaka in 15 minutes and the activity in
20 minutes.