The Lesson Plan Epc 2430
The Lesson Plan Epc 2430
The Lesson Plan Epc 2430
Learning Center 3 Title: (Math area) Learning Center 4 Title: (Bullet points)
Allow children time to discuss how what they did during their learning centers and how it relates to
the lesson outcome
Remember that. (restate outcome using kid friendly language)
Assessment for Learning: How will you determine if the students understood the learning
outcome? What evidence will you show to prove this?
Observing them / ask them what they do?
General Comments
- It was hard for some students to order the numbers from 30 to 40, but it was easy
for the high level.
- I help the low level to order the numbers by start counting from 25 to 30 then the
student can complete and recognize the number that is after 30.
I will be focusing in the solving problem group (solve the simple equation).
I will make sure that the instruction of the activity was clear.
I will make one more activity for the low level.
Firstly, discuss one aspect that YOU feel you did very well. Try to analyze
why you think it worked well and what hints you would share with other teachers
about the successful strategy/ resource/activity/management style etc.
The thing that worked well that every child was listen to me when I teach
them, and when I feel that is some bad behavior or any noisy I remind them
of the rules, so they start to listen to me again and every bad behavior was
The transition was very good, I called the name of the groups and I told them
where they sit.
Secondly, elaborate on the aspect identified by YOU that requires attention.
Discuss what the problem was, why it occurred and what action you intend to
take to be more successful in the next lesson.
The problem was when some students they cant order the numbers, and
some of them they cant solve the simple problem very well, so these two
activities were a little bit hard for the low level.