SIP5-APN-028 Time Synchronization Via IEEE 1588
SIP5-APN-028 Time Synchronization Via IEEE 1588
SIP5-APN-028 Time Synchronization Via IEEE 1588
Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note
SIP5-APN-028 2 Edition 2
Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note
Figure 1: Configuration
Edition 2 3 SIP5-APN-028
Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note
1.2.1 Hardware
The following Hardware was used in the example set-up:
Device: SIPROTEC 5 device with one Ethernet module (ETH-BA-2EL)
Switch: RUGGEDCOM RuggedSwitch RSG2288
- Meinberg M400
- OMICRON Lab OTMC 100p Grandmaster Clock
- RUGGEDCOM RuggedSwitch RSG2288
Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note
Edition 2 5 SIP5-APN-028
Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note
For the Grand master clock the PTP profile has to be set to Power profile, also the clock has to be not in slave-
mode. In our example we use Peer-to-Peer communication.
These settings can be changed in the menu PTP, in the file: ptp2_global_conf_0. On the homepage of the
Meinberg clock.
Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note
Additionally, the PTP-Port of the Clock has to be configured (in the File ptp2_network_conf_0) to the used
VLAN 4, see figure 8.
Edition 2 7 SIP5-APN-028
Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note
In addition the Port of the Clock has to be configured to the used VLAN 4, as can be seen in Figure 10.
Figure 10: Settings of the VLAN ID of the OMICRON Lab OTMC 100p
Hint: The PTP port in the port settings must be configured for the VLAN 4 also.
Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note
Edition 2 9 SIP5-APN-028
Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note
The Clock ID must correspondent to the master clock. This can be checked on the web interface of the OTMC
100p: Status/PTP/Default.
Figure 15: Homepage of the SIPROTEC 5 device and the web interface on OTMC 100p.
A further way to verify that the SIPROTEC device was synchronized is to use the information routing in DIGSI
to indicate on an LED that the time source is active. The information must be configured in the information
matrix towards a LED (see Figure 16).
Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note
1.4 Summary
IEEE1588 is standardized and contains the precision time protocol (PTP). It is a network protocol which secure
the synchronism of the time settings of all devices within a network with the focus on high accuracy in a local
defined network. The precise time synchronization is necessary to permit the accurate reconstruction of an
event from operational logs of different devices.
For using the IEEE 1588 protocol, it has to be enabled on the Ethernet module and for active time
synchronization the IEEE protocol has to be chosen as the active time source. No further settings are
necessary beside activating the homepage which provides useful information for verification.
Edition 2 11 SIP5-APN-028
SIPROTEC 5 Application
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