SIP5-APN-028 Time Synchronization Via IEEE 1588

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SIPROTEC 5 Application Note

Time synchronization via IEE 1588

SIP5-APN-028, Edition 2
Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note

SIPROTEC 5 Application Note

Time synchronization via IEE 1588
SIP5-AP-028, Edition 2


1 Time synchronization via IEEE 1588 3

1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Example of Set-Up 3
1.2.1 Hardware 4
1.2.2 Device configuration 4
1.2.3 RUGGEDCOM Configuration 5
1.2.4 Grandmaster Clock configuration in IEEE 1588 networks 5
1.3 Verification of the configuration 9
1.4 Summary 11

SIP5-APN-028 2 Edition 2
Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note

1 Time synchronization via IEEE 1588

1.1 Introduction
IEEE1588 is standardized and contains the precision time protocol (PTP). It is a network protocol which secure
the synchronism of the time settings of all devices within a network with the focus on high accuracy in a local
defined network. The precise time synchronization is necessary to permit the accurate reconstruction of an
event from operational logs of different devices or for high-precision applications like the process bus.
A PTP network consists of communicating clocks. It will be determined with the best master clock algorithm
(BMCA) which device has the time with the highest accuracy. This device is then the according reference
clock and will be called as the Grandmaster clock. It there are changes in the network topology, the BMC
algorithm will be undertaken again. Due to the continuous measuring of the delay times between the
partners in the network, IEEE 155 is much more precise than the SNTP.
Time synchronization can be done in Two-Step or One-Step. Both times the clock sends a SYNC-Message
(SYNC). For the synchronization it is needed to know when this SYNC was send. One way is to send another
package with this information (Two-Step) or to write this information in the last possible moment in the SYNC.
To calculate the offset to the grandmaster clock the package runtime has to be determined. Possible is the
End-to-End (E2E) communication, in which every slave exchange packages with the grandmaster clock or
the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) communication, where only packages between the neighbouring switches (All
switches has to support these function) are exchanged.
For an interference-free integration in an already existing network topology, a new virtual local area network
(VLAN) is created, which works independent of the rest of the system.
This paper describes how the internal time of a SIPROTEC device can be synchronized with the IEEE1588
network protocol on a simplified example.

1.2 Example of Set-Up

The example set-up as shown below exists of a Grandmaster clock, a switch and a SIPROTEC 5 device (V6).
They are connected over Ethernet. Also a Computer is connected to the Set-up to ensure an easy way to
configure the parts of the network and to get the necessary data for analysis.

Figure 1: Configuration

Edition 2 3 SIP5-APN-028
Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note

1.2.1 Hardware
The following Hardware was used in the example set-up:
Device: SIPROTEC 5 device with one Ethernet module (ETH-BA-2EL)
Switch: RUGGEDCOM RuggedSwitch RSG2288
- Meinberg M400
- OMICRON Lab OTMC 100p Grandmaster Clock
- RUGGEDCOM RuggedSwitch RSG2288

1.2.2 Device configuration

For using the IEEE 1588 protocol, it has to be activated on the Ethernet module (as shown in Figure 2). No
further settings are required, but activating the homepage can provide useful information for evaluation. The
IEEE 1588 protocol must be selected as time source in order to evaluate the synch telegram from the
Grandmaster Clock and for the use for synchronization. The Device to show the UTC, fig.2 and 3.

Figure 2: Hardware and protocol

Figure 3: Time settings

Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note

1.2.3 RUGGEDCOM Configuration

This Switch could work as a grandmaster clock, but in this example it will be used only to transmit the PTP-
packages. But, the switch takes active part in the measuring of the operating time in the network, because
the switch supports IEEE 1588.
All ports of the switch which support IEEE 1588 are configured in a new static VLAN-ID 4 (virtual LAN).
RUGGEDCOM configured in a new Static VLAN (used is VLAN-ID 4):

Figure 4: Static VLAN

The next step is to configure the Port VLAN Parameters. Port 1,2,3 and 4 are configured as type = trunk, see
Figure 5. On port 1 the PTP-signal of the clock is connected, on port 2 the Ethernet port of the clock (for
configuration purpose), on port 3 the ETH-BA-2EL module of the SIPROTEC Device and on port 4 the PC.

Figure 5: Port VLAN Parameters

After the configuration the used ports should be tagged Ports in the VLAN 4, see VLAN Summary in fig. 6.

Figure 6: Port VLAN Summary

If th PVID of the used ports are changed to VLAN 4, the system works, but the VLAN-Tag will be lost The
system behavior will be changed!
Also if you enable PTP on the Switch, you have to enable the VLAN of the PTP-packets additionally.

1.2.4 Grandmaster Clock configuration in IEEE 1588 networks Grandmaster Clock Meinberg M400

The Power Profile is a specific IEEE 1588 profile for the applications in switchgears standardized by IEEE. All
participants wihtin the networks must support this profile. The practical experience indicates that different
IEEE 1588 profiles exist which are not compatible to each other.

Edition 2 5 SIP5-APN-028
Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note

For the Grand master clock the PTP profile has to be set to Power profile, also the clock has to be not in slave-
mode. In our example we use Peer-to-Peer communication.
These settings can be changed in the menu PTP, in the file: ptp2_global_conf_0. On the homepage of the
Meinberg clock.

Figure 7: General clock settings

Note: IEEE 1588 time synchronization can be executed in Two-Step or One-Step.
Meinberg M400 supports only the two step mode.

Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note

Additionally, the PTP-Port of the Clock has to be configured (in the File ptp2_network_conf_0) to the used
VLAN 4, see figure 8.

Figure 8: VLAN of the Clock Grandmaster Clock OMICRON Lab OTMC 100p

For the Grandmaster Clock the PTP profile has to be set to Power systems, the operational mode can be One
Step or Two step modes, see Figure 9.

Figure 9: General Clock settings

Edition 2 7 SIP5-APN-028
Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note

In addition the Port of the Clock has to be configured to the used VLAN 4, as can be seen in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Settings of the VLAN ID of the OMICRON Lab OTMC 100p
Hint: The PTP port in the port settings must be configured for the VLAN 4 also. Grandmaster Clock RUGGEDCOM RSG2288

It is possible to configure the Switch to work as a clock source (see Figure 11).

Figure 11: PTP-Settings

In the general settings activate PTP and configure the PTP telegrams as VLAN = 4. Conf. Select OC and P2P
TClock for the clock type, that means the switch works only as a clock in case no further clocks are available.

Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note

Figure 12: Console Global Parameters

In the clock parameters it is important to set Slave Only = No (see figure 13). It could be necessary to
change the parameter path delay mechanism to End-to-End, if not all switches in the network support PTP.
But in this case the high accuracy will be lost.

Figure 13: Console Clock Parameters

1.3 Verification of the configuration

There are multiple ways to verify the configuration.
First you can use the homepage of the device, for this type the configured IP-address of the Ethernet module
into a browser (e.g.: http:{{ In the Application Diagnostic > IEEE 1588 you can verify that the
time synchronization is completed (see figure 14).
Application Diagnostic-> IEEE 1588 zeigt das die Zeitsynchronisierung vollstndig ist, siehe Bild 14.

Bild 14: Homepage SIPROTEC 5

Edition 2 9 SIP5-APN-028
Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note

The Clock ID must correspondent to the master clock. This can be checked on the web interface of the OTMC
100p: Status/PTP/Default.

Figure 15: Homepage of the SIPROTEC 5 device and the web interface on OTMC 100p.
A further way to verify that the SIPROTEC device was synchronized is to use the information routing in DIGSI
to indicate on an LED that the time source is active. The information must be configured in the information
matrix towards a LED (see Figure 16).

Figure 16: Information routing

The load and the data exchange of the network is checked by Wirkeshark installed on the PC. The network
card of the PC must support VLAN tags. In the filter view for PTP protocols a trace can be created, see fig. 17.
Note: TAhe source depends on the selected Grandmaster Clock. In the modus single step certainly no
indication follow up message occur.

Time synchronization via IEEE 1588
SIPROTEC 5 Application Note

Figure 17: Wireshark trace

1.4 Summary
IEEE1588 is standardized and contains the precision time protocol (PTP). It is a network protocol which secure
the synchronism of the time settings of all devices within a network with the focus on high accuracy in a local
defined network. The precise time synchronization is necessary to permit the accurate reconstruction of an
event from operational logs of different devices.
For using the IEEE 1588 protocol, it has to be enabled on the Ethernet module and for active time
synchronization the IEEE protocol has to be chosen as the active time source. No further settings are
necessary beside activating the homepage which provides useful information for verification.

Edition 2 11 SIP5-APN-028
SIPROTEC 5 Application
Error! Reference source not found.

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