Tpack App Review Template 1

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TLED 430

TPACK Template Mobile Applications Assignment

Mobile Application for Creating Mobile Application for Collaborating


Subject Focus on one English English

subject area

Grade Level This Third Third

may be the same or different
for each app.

Learning SOL: Use word analysis strategies and word SOL: Political Growth and Western
Objective reference materials Expansion: 1781 to the Mid 1800s
2.7 The student will expand vocabulary when VS.6 The student will demonstrate knowledge
reading. of the role of Virginia in the establishment of
c) Use knowledge of antonyms and synonyms. the new American nation by
a) explaining why George Washington is
called the Father of our Country and James
Madison is called the Father of the
b) identifying the ideas of George Mason and
Thomas Jefferson as expressed in the Virginia
Declaration of Rights and the Virginia Statute
for Religious Freedom
c) explaining the influence of geography on
the migration of Virginians into western
TLED 430

Pedagogy Activity In this activity, students will use the Quizlet In this activity, students will use the Evernote
application in order to prepare for their app on their smartphone, laptop, or iPad.
upcoming SOL reading test. In groups of four, Students will form study groups from their
students will create a list of words that come reading groups. During class, students will
from their reading group. Students will then use the app to take notes and jot down key
choose ten words. They will then use the information while we are reviewing for the
dictionary to find the synonym or antonym of test. Students will be able to share their notes
each word. Once each group has finished, with others in their groups. The teacher or
they will use the share feature to share their teachers assistant, will go over how to use the
Quizlet list with other students so that all can app with students that have never used it, or
y Technolog

QUIZLET APP Evernote App

The name of the This application can be downloaded for free
Mobile Application and
This app can be downloaded for free on
the web address from the Google Play store and Apples App Google Play or Apples App store. This app
store. This app is useful for anyone who needs can be used to write, collect and collect notes
help studying, memorizing words or

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