Appevaluationword 1
Appevaluationword 1
Appevaluationword 1
Level(s) of Blooms Taxonomy addressed with this app- highlight those that apply
With ABC Mouse, you can select the age group and/or subject you want the student to learn and play. It
has parental controls and the ability to customize where your child/student can continue without your
approval. This app helps teach through the power of games, puzzles, and offline printable handouts.
Track students progress and assess what needs additional instruction. It is available online or through
IOS 7.0 or later, on the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or tablet connected to internet. Overall very easy to use
and covers so much curriculum for kids to learn with.
Name: __Ashley Cedillos____________________ Date: __3/9/17______
Title of the app: _Sight Words______________________________ Cost: _Free with in-app purchases_
Creator of the app: _22Learn ________________________
Content area(s): _Vocabulary______________________________ Grade level(s): _PK-3_______
Standard: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.3.c
Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does).
Level(s) of Blooms Taxonomy addressed with this app- highlight those that apply
The Sight Words app is very simple and easy to use. It covers the basic needs of learning age appropriate
words. Sight Words offer a set of flash cards, memory and sound matching games, and bingo. This app has
pk-3 grade but I think old students would not like this app and it would not keep their attention long.
However, I think this would integrate well with our beginning English learning students since it is easier
to use and it says the words out loud while trying to find a match. The app can be accessed through
iTunes, Google Play and on amazon.
Name: __Ashley Cedillos____________________ Date: __3/9/17______
Level(s) of Blooms Taxonomy addressed with this app- highlight those that apply
Create your own set of flash cards using information gathered, from an online resource or from a picture
taken of a textbook. It is connected to the web and Wikipedia for fast and easy research of topics and flash
card study. PrepFlash is on any devices for maximum use and ability to link from anywhere. Select
individual cards to group together into a set for a specific area you need to study. The app can then
generate a quiz to help with the studying process. You can also share your quiz with other students.
Name: __Ashley Cedillos____________________ Date: __3/9/17______
Level(s) of Blooms Taxonomy addressed with this app- highlight those that apply
How cool would it be to create a comic strip to help understand a subject? I think this app would really
benefit the students to make a not so fun lesson GREAT. Using Strip Designer, a student can layout an
event to get a better visual idea of a concept. The app is all inclusive with built in templets or design your
own, stickers, and fonts. It can sync with iCloud to access from anywhere. Save and send through email or
share on social networks.
Name: __Ashley Cedillos____________________ Date: __3/9/17______
Level(s) of Blooms Taxonomy addressed with this app- highlight those that apply
Using Google Slides, students can generate an information based presentation to be addressed. The
possibilities to add content, maps, and charts will further assist with data comparison and analyses.
Google is a platform that can be linked between devices for easy access and can be shared for peer
participation and feedback. It also, does not require internet so the student can work on their slides from
anywhere. Google Slides can open and be used through Microsoft PowerPoint. In addition, the student
can also offer their presentation straight from the mobile device including the iPod, iPad, and the iPhone.