Ad 588

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a High Precision Voltage Reference

Low Drift: 1.5 ppm/8C
Pin-Programmable Output 7 6 4 3
+10 V, +5 V, 65 V Tracking, 5 V, 10 V
Flexible Output Force and Sense Terminals A3 OUT
A3 1
High Impedance Ground Sense FORCE
Machine-lnsertable DIP Packaging
MIL-STD-883 Compliant Versions Available A1 14
R1 R4
A4 15
The AD588 represents a major advance in the state-of-the-art in R6
2 +VS

monolithic voltage references. Low initial error and low tem- R3 AD588
perature drift give the AD588 absolute accuracy performance 16 VS
previously not available in monolithic form. The AD588 uses a
proprietary ion-implanted buried Zener diode, and laser-wafer- 5 9 10 8 12 11 13

drift trimming of high stability thin-film resistors to provide out- GAIN GND GND VLOW BAL VCT A4 IN
standing performance at low cost. +IN IN

The AD588 includes the basic reference cell and three addi-
tional amplifiers which provide pin-programmable output
ranges. The amplifiers are laser-trimmed for low offset and low
drift to maintain the accuracy of the reference. The amplifiers PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS
are configured to allow Kelvin connections to the load and/or 1. The AD588 offers 12-bit absolute accuracy without any user
boosters for driving long lines or high-current loads, delivering adjustments. Optional fine-trim connections are provided for
the full accuracy of the AD588 where it is required in the appli- applications requiring higher precision. The fine-trimming
cation circuit. does not alter the operating conditions of the Zener or the
The low initial error allows the AD588 to be used as a system buffer amplifiers and thus does not increase the temperature
reference in precision measurement applications requiring 12-bit drift.
absolute accuracy. In such systems, the AD588 can provide a 2. Output noise of the AD588 is very lowtypically 6 V p-p.
known voltage for system calibration in software and the low A pin is provided for additional noise filtering using an exter-
drift allows compensation for the drift of other components in nal capacitor.
a system. Manual system calibration and the cost of periodic
3. A precision 5 V tracking mode with Kelvin output connec-
recalibration can therefore be eliminated. Furthermore, the
tions is available with no external components. Tracking
mechanical instability of a trimming potentiometer and the
error is less than one millivolt and a fine-trim is available for
potential for improper calibration can be eliminated by using the
applications requiring exact symmetry between the +5 V and
AD588 in conjunction autocalibration software.
5 V outputs.
The AD588 is available in seven versions. The AD588 JQ and
4. Pin strapping capability allows configuration of a wide variety
KQ grades are packaged in a 16-pin cerdip and are specified for
of outputs: 5 V, +5 V and +10 V, 5 V & 10 V dual out-
0C to +70C operation. AD588AQ and BQ grades are packaged
puts or +5 V, 5 V, +10 V, 10 V single outputs.
in a 16-pin cerdip and are specified for the 25C to +85C in-
dustrial temperature range. The ceramic AD588SQ and TQ 5. Extensive temperature testing at 55C, 25C, 0C, +25C,
grades are specified for the full military/aerospace temperature +50C, +70C, +85C and +125C ensures that the speci-
range. For military surface mount applications, the AD588SE fied temperature coefficient is truly representative of device
and TE grades are also available in 20-pin LCC packages. performance.
*Covered by Patent Number 4,644,253.

Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and
reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its
use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties
which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Tel: 617/329-4700 Fax: 617/326-8703
AD588SPECIFICATIONS (typical @ + 258C, +10 V output, VS = 615 V unless otherwise noted1)
Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Units
+10 V, 10 V Outputs 5 +5 3 +3 1 +1 mV
+5 V, 5 V Outputs 5 +5 3 +3 1 +1 mV
Symmetry Error 1.5 +1.5 1.5 +1.5 0.75 +0.75 mV
0C to +70C (J, K, B) 3 2 +3 1.5 +1.5 ppm/C
25C to +85C (A, B) 3 +3 3 +3 ppm/C
55C to +125C (S, T) 6 +6 4 +4 ppm/C
Trim Range 4 4 4 mV
Input Resistance 150 150 150 k
TMIN to TMAX3 6200 6200 6200 V/V
+10 V Output, 0 < IOUT < 10 mA 650 650 650 V/mA
10 V Output, 10 < IOUT < 0 mA 650 650 650 V/mA
TMIN to TMAX 6 10 6 10 6 10 mA
Power Dissipation 180 300 180 300 180 300 mW
0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 6 6 6 V p-p
Spectral Density, 100 Hz 100 100 100 nV/Hz
LONG-TERM STABILITY (@ +25C) 15 15 15 ppm/1000 hr
Offset Voltage 100 100 10 V
Offset Voltage Drift 1 1 1 V/C
Bias Current 20 20 20 nA
Open Loop Gain 110 110 110 dB
Output Current A3, A4 10 +10 10 +10 10 +10 mA
Common-Mode Rejection (A3, A4)
VCM = 1 V p-p 100 100 100 dB
Short-Circuit Current 50 50 50 mA
Specified Performance
J, K Grades 0 +70 0 +70 C
A, B Grades 25 +85 25 +85 C
S, T Grades 55 +125 55 +125 C
Output Configuration ORDERING GUIDE
+10 V Figure 2a
10 V Figure 2c Part Initial Temperature Temperature Package
+5 V, 5 V, 5 V Figure 2b Number1 Error Coefficient Range C Option
Specifications tested using +10 V configuration unless otherwise indicated.
Gain and balance adjustments guaranteed capable of trimming output voltage AD588AQ 3 mV 3 ppm/C 25 to +85 Cerdip (Q-16)
error and symmetry error to zero. AD588BQ 1 mV 1.5 ppm/C 25 to +852 Cerdip (Q-16)
Test Conditions:
AD588SQ 5 mV 6 ppm/C 55 to +125 Cerdip (Q-16)
+10 V Output VS = 15 V, 13.5 V +VS 18 V
10 V Output 18 V VS 13.5 V, +VS = 15 V AD588TQ 3 mV 4 ppm/C 55 to +125 Cerdip (Q-16)
5 V Output +VS = +18 V, V S = 18 V AD588JQ 3 mV 3 ppm/C 0 to +70 Cerdip (Q-16)
+VS = +10.8 V, VS = 10.8 V AD588KQ 1 mV 1.5 ppm/C 0 to +70 Cerdip (Q-16)
Specifications subject to change without notice
Specifications shown in boldface are tested on all production units at final NOTES
electrical test. Results from those tests are used to calculate outgoing quality For details on grade and package offerings screened in accordance with MIL-STD-883,
levels. All min and max specifications are guaranteed, although only those refer to the Analog Devices Military Products Databook or current AD588/883B.
Temperature coefficient specified from 0C to +70C.
shown in boldface are tested on all production units.

2 REV. B
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* REDUCTION pin (Pin 7) to form a low-pass filter and reduce
+VS to VS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 V the noise contribution of the Zener to the circuit. Two matched
Power Dissipation (+25C) 10 k nominal thin-film resistors (R4 and R5) divide the 10 V
Q Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 mW output in half. Pin VCT (Pin 11) provides access to the center of
Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65C to +150C the voltage span and Pin 12 (BALANCE ADJUST) can be used
Lead Temperature Range (Soldering 10 sec) . . . . . . . . +300C for fine adjustment of this division.
Package Thermal Resistance
Ground sensing for the circuit is provided by amplifier A2. The
Q (JA/JC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90/25C/W
noninverting input (Pin 9) senses the system ground which will
Output Protection: All Outputs Safe If Shorted to Ground
be transferred to the point on the circuit where the inverting
*Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause input (Pin 10) is connected. This may be Pin 6, 8 or 11. The
permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the output of A2 drives Pin 8 to the appropriate voltage. Thus, if
operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute Pin 10 is connected to Pin 8, the VLOW pin will be the same
maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. voltage as the system ground. Alternatively, if Pin 10 is con-
PIN CONFIGURATIONS nected to the VCT pin, it will be ground and Pin 6 and Pin 8 will
be +5 V and 5 V respectively.
Amplifiers A3 and A4 are internally compensated and are used
to buffer the voltages at Pins 6, 8, and 11 as well as to provide a
full Kelvin output. Thus, the AD588 has a full Kelvin capability
by providing the means to sense a system ground and provide
forced and sensed outputs referenced to that ground.


The AD588 can be configured to provide +10 V and 10 V ref-
erence outputs as shown in Figures 2a and 2c respectively. It
can also be used to provide +5 V, 5 V or a 5 V tracking refer-
ence as shown in Figure 2b. Table I details the appropriate pin
connections for each output range. In each case, Pin 9 is con-
nected to system ground and power is applied to Pins 2 and 16.
THEORY OF OPERATION The architecture of the AD588 provides ground sense and
The AD588 consists of a buried Zener diode reference, amplifi- uncommitted output buffer amplifiers which offer the user a
ers used to provide pin programmable output ranges, and asso- great deal of functional flexibility. The AD588 is specified and
ciated thin-film resistors as shown in the block diagram of tested in the configurations shown in Figure 2. The user may
Figure 1. The temperature compensation circuitry provides the choose to take advantage of the many other configuration op-
device with a temperature coefficient of 1.5 ppm/C or less. tions available with the AD588. However, performance in these
configurations is not guaranteed to meet the extremely stringent
data sheet specifications.
As indicated in Table I, a +5 V buffered output can be provided
using amplifier A4 in the +10 V configuration (Figure 2a). A
5 V buffered output can be provided using amplifier A3 in the
10 V configuration (Figure 2c). Specifications are not guaran-
teed for the +5 V or 5 V outputs in these configurations. Per-
formance will be similar to that specified for the +10 V or 10 V
As indicated in Table I, unbuffered outputs are available at Pins
6, 8 and 11. Loading of these unbuffered outputs will impair
circuit performance.
Amplifiers A3 and A4 can be used interchangeably. However,
the AD588 is tested (and the specifications are guaranteed) with
the amplifiers connected as indicated in Figure 2 and Table I.
When either A3 or A4 is unused, its output force and sense pins
should be connected and the input tied to ground.
Two outputs of the same voltage may be obtained by connecting
both A3 and A4 to the appropriate unbuffered output on Pins 6,
Figure 1. AD588 Functional Block Diagram
8 or 11. Performance in these dual output configurations will
Amplifier A1 performs several functions. A1 primarily acts to typically meet data sheet specifications.
amplify the Zener voltage from 6.5 V to the required 10 V out-
put. In addition, A1 also provides for external adjustment of the CALIBRATION
10 V output through Pin 5, the GAIN ADJUST. Using the bias Generally, the AD588 will meet the requirements of a precision
compensation resistor between the Zener output and the nonin- system without additional adjustment. Initial output voltage
verting input to A1, a capacitor can be added at the NOISE error of 1 mV and output noise specs of 10 V p-p allow for
REV. B 3
Table I. AD588 Connections

Connect Buffered
Pin 10 Unbuffered1 Output on Pins Output Buffered Output on Pins
Range To Pin: 10 V 5 V 0V +5 V +10 V Connections 10 V 5 V 0 V +5 V +10 V
+10 V 8 8 11 6 1113 & 1415 15
64 & 31 1
5 V or +5 V 11 18 11 6 813 & 1415 15
64 & 31 1
10 V 6 8 11 6 813 & 1415 15
114 & 31 1
+5 V 6 64 & 31 1
5 V 8 813 & 1415 15
Unbuffered outputs should not be loaded.

accuracies of 1216 bits. However, in applications where an

even greater level of accuracy is required, additional calibration
may be called for. Provision for trimming has been made
through the use of the GAIN ADJUST and BALANCE AD-
JUST pins (Pins 5 and 12 respectively).
The AD588 provides a precision 10 V span with a center tap
(VCT) which is used with the buffer and ground sense amplifiers
to achieve the voltage output configurations in Table I. GAIN
ADJUST and BALANCE ADJUST can be used in any of these
configurations to trim the magnitude of the span voltage and the
position of the center tap within the span. The GAIN ADJUST
should be performed first. Although the trims are not interactive
within the device, the GAIN trim will move the BALANCE trim
point as it changes the magnitude of the span.
Figure 2b shows GAIN and BALANCE trims in a +5 V and
5 V tracking configuration. A 100 k 20-turn potentiometer is Figure 2a. +10 V Output
used for each trim. The potentiometer for GAIN trim is con-
nected between Pins 6 (VHIGH) and 8 (VLOW) with the wiper
connected to Pin 5 (GAIN ADJ). The potentiometer is adjusted
to produce exactly 10 V between Pins 1 and 15, the amplifier
outputs. The BALANCE potentiometer, also connected be-
tween Pins 6 and 8 with the wiper to Pin 12 (BAL ADJ), is then
adjusted to center the span from +5 V to 5 V.
Trimming in other configurations works in exactly the same
manner. When producing +10 V and +5 V, GAIN ADJ is used
to trim +10 V and BAL ADJ is used to trim +5 V. In the 10 V
and 5 V configuration, GAIN ADJ is again used to trim the
magnitude of the span, 10 V, while BAL ADJ is used to trim
the center tap, 5 V.
In single output configurations, GAIN ADJ is used to trim out-
puts utilizing the full span (+10 V or 10 V) while BAL ADJ is
used to trim outputs using half the span (+5 V or 5 V).
Input impedance on both the GAIN ADJUST and BALANCE
ADJUST pins is approximately 150 k. The GAIN ADJUST
trim network effectively attenuates the 10 V across the trim
potentiometer by a factor of about 1500 to provide a trim range
of 3.5 mV to +7.5 mV with a resolution of approximately
550 V/turn (20 turn potentiometer). The BALANCE ADJUST
trim network attenuates the trim voltage by a factor of about Figure 2b. +5 V and 5 V Outputs
1400, providing a trim range of 4.5 mV with resolution of
450 V/turn.

REV. B 4

Figure 4. Effect of 1 F Noise Reduction Capacitor on

Broadband Noise

Upon application of power (cold start), the time required for the
output voltage to reach its final value within a specified error
band is the turn-on settling time. Two components normally as-
Figure 2c. 10 V Output sociated with this are: time for active circuits to settle and time
for thermal gradients on the chip to stabilize. Figure 5 shows the
Trimming the AD588 introduces no additional errors over tem- turn-on characteristics of the AD588. It shows the settling to be
perature so precision potentiometers are not required. about 600 s. Note the absence of any thermal tails when the
For single output voltage ranges, or in cases when BALANCE horizontal scale is expanded to 2 ms/cm in Figure 5b.
ADJUST is not required, Pin 12 should be connected to Pin 11.
If GAIN ADJUST is not required, Pin 5 should be left floating.


The noise generated by the AD588 is typically less than 6 V p-p
over the 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz band. Noise in a 1 MHz bandwidth is
approximately 600 V p-p. The dominant source of this noise is
the buried Zener which contributes approximately 100 nV/Hz.
In comparison, the op amps contribution is negligible. Figure 3
shows the 0. 1 Hz to 10 Hz noise of a typical AD588.

a. Electrical Turn-On

Figure 3. 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz Noise

If further noise reduction is desired, an optional capacitor may
be added between the NOISE REDUCTION pin and ground b. Extended Time Scale
as shown in Figure 2b. This will form a low-pass filter with the Figure 5. Turn-On Characteristics
4 k RB on the output of the Zener cell. A 1 F capacitor will
Output turn-on time is modified when an external noise reduc-
have a 3 dB point at 40 Hz and will reduce the high frequency
tion capacitor is used. When present, this capacitor presents an
(to 1 MHz) noise to about 200 V p-p. Figure 4 shows the
additional load to the internal Zener diodes current source, re-
1 MHz noise of a typical AD588 both with and without a
sulting in a somewhat longer turn-on time. In the case of a 1 F
1 F capacitor.
capacitor, the initial turn-on time is approximately 60 ms (see
Note that a second capacitor is needed in order to implement Figure 6).
the NOISE REDUCTION feature when using the AD588 in
Note: If the NOISE REDUCTION feature is used in the 5 V
the 10 V mode (Figure 2c.). The NOISE REDUCTION
configuration, a 39 k resistor between Pins 6 and 2 is required
capacitor is limited to 0.1 F maximum in this mode.
for proper start up.

REV. B 5

Figure 8. Maximum Output ChangemV

Figure 6. Turn-On with 1 F CN Force and sense connections, also referred to as Kelvin connec-
tions, offer a convenient method of eliminating the effects of
TEMPERATURE PERFORMANCE voltage drops in circuit wires. As seen in Figure 9a, the load cur-
The AD588 is designed for precision reference applications rent and wire resistance produce an error (VERROR = R IL) at
where temperature performance is critical. Extensive tempera- the load. The Kelvin connection of Figure 9b overcomes the
ture testing ensures that the devices high level of performance is problem by including the wire resistance within the forcing loop
maintained over the operating temperature range. of the amplifier and sensing the load voltage. The amplifier cor-
rects for any errors in the load voltage. In the circuit shown, the
Figure 7 shows typical output voltage drift for the AD588BD output of the amplifier would actually be at 10 volts + VERROR
and illustrates the test methodology. The box in Figure 7 is and the voltage at the load would be the desired 10 volts.
bounded on the sides by the operating temperature extremes
and on top and bottom by the maximum and minimum output The AD588 has three amplifiers which can be used to imple-
voltages measured over the operating temperature range. The ment Kelvin connections. Amplifier A2 is dedicated to the
slope of the diagonal drawn from the lower left corner of the box ground force-sense function while uncommitted amplifiers A3
determines the performance grade of the device. and A4 are free for other force-sense chores.
In some single-output applications, one amplifier may be unused.

Figure 7. Typical AD588BD Temperature Drift

Each AD588A and B grade unit is tested at 25C, 0C, +25C,
+50C, +70C and +85C. Each AD588S and T grade unit is
tested at 55C, 25C, 0C, +25C, +50C, +70C and Open Loop Frequency Response (A3, A4)
+125C. This approach ensures that the variations of output
voltage that occur as the temperature changes within the speci-
fied range will be contained within a box whose diagonal has a
slope equal to the maximum specified drift. The position of the
box on the vertical scale will change from device to device as
initial error and the shape of the curve vary. Maximum height of
the box for the appropriate temperature range is shown in Fig-
ure 8. Duplication of these results requires a combination of
high accuracy and stable temperature control in a test system.
Evaluation of the AD588 will produce a curve similar to that in
Figure 7, but output readings may vary depending on the test
methods and equipment utilized.

Power Supply Rejection vs. Frequency (A3, A4)

REV. B 6

Unity Gain Follower Pulse Response (Large Signal) Unity Gain Follower Pulse Response (Small Signal)
The output buffer amplifiers (A3 and A4) are designed to
provide the AD588 with static and dynamic load regulation
superior to less complete references.
Many A/D and D/A converters present transient current loads
to the reference, and poor reference response can degrade the
converters performance.
Figure 10 displays the characteristics of the AD588 output
Figure 9. Advantage of Kelvin Connection
amplifier driving a 0 mA to 10 mA load.
In such cases, the unused amplifier should be connected as a
unity-gain follower (force + sense pin tied together) and the
input should be connected to ground.
An unused amplifier section may be used for other circuit func-
tions as well. The curves on this page show the typical perfor-
mance of A3 and A4.

Figure 10a. Transient Load Test Circuit

Common-Mode Rejection vs. Frequency (A3, A4)

Figure 10b. Large-Scale Transient Response

7 6 4 3

A3 1

R1 R4
A4 15

2 +VS
R3 AD588
16 VS

5 9 10 8 12 11 13



Input Noise Voltage Spectral Density

Figure 10c. Fine Scale Settling for Transient Load
REV. B 7
Figure 11 displays the output amplifier characteristics driving a Figure 13 displays the crosstalk between output amplifiers. The
5 mA to 10 mA load, a common situation found when the refer- top trace shows the output of A4, dc-coupled and offset by 10
ence is shared among multiple converters or is used to provide a volts, while the output of A3 is subjected to a 0 mA-to-10 mA
bipolar offset current. load current step. The transient at A4 settles in about 1 s, and
the load-induced offset is about 100 V.

Figure 11a. Transient and Constant Load Test Circuit

Figure 13a. Load Crosstalk Test Circuit

Figure 11b. Transient Response 5 mA10 mA Load

In some applications, a varying load may be both resistive and Figure 13b. Load Crosstalk
capacitive in nature, or be connected to the AD588 by a long
Attempts to drive a large capacitive load (in excess of 1,000 pF)
capacitive cable.
may result in ringing or oscillation, as shown in the step response
Figure 12 displays the output amplifier characteristics driving a photo (Figure 14a). This is due to the additional pole formed by
1,000 pF, 0 mA-to-10 mA load. the load capacitance and the output impedance of the amplifier,
which consumes phase margin. The recommended method of
driving capacitive loads of this magnitude is shown in Figure
14b. The 150 resistor isolates the capacitive load from the
output stage, while the 10 k resistor provides a dc feedback
path and preserves the output accuracy The 1 F capacitor pro-
vides a high frequency feedback loop. The performance of this
circuit is shown in Figure 14c.

Figure 12a. Capacitive Load Transient Response Test


Figure 14a. Output Amplifier Step Response, CL = 1 F

Figure 12b. Output Response with Capacitive Load

REV. B 8
The AD588 is an ideal reference for a wide variety of A/D and
D/A converters. Several representative examples follow.
14-Bit Digital-to-Analog ConverterAD7535
High resolution CMOS D/A converters require a reference volt-
age of high precision to maintain rated accuracy. The combina-
tion of the AD588 and AD7535 takes advantage of the initial
accuracy, drift and full Kelvin output capability of the AD588 as
well as the resolution, monotonicity and accuracy of the AD7535
to produce a subsystem with outstanding characteristics.
Figure 14b. Compensation for Capacitive Loads 16-Bit Digital-to-Analog ConverterAD569
Another application which fully utilizes the capabilities of the
AD588 is supplying a reference for the AD569, as shown in Fig-
ure 16. Amplifier A2 senses system common and forces VCT to
assume this value, producing +5 V and 5 V at Pins 6 and 8
respectively. Amplifiers A3 and A4 buffer these voltages out to
the appropriate reference force-sense pins of the AD569. The
full Kelvin scheme eliminates the effect of the circuit traces or
wires and the wire bonds of the AD588 and AD569 themselves,
which would otherwise degrade system performance.


Many converters include built-in references. Unfortunately,
such references are the major source of drift in these converters.
By using a more stable external reference like the AD588, drift
Figure 14c. Output Amplifier Step Response Using Figure performance can be improved dramatically.
14b Compensation

Figure 15. AD588/AD7535 Connections

REV. B 9

Figure 16. High Accuracy 5 V Tracking Reference for AD569

12-Bit Analog-to-Digital ConverterAD574A with which the device is actually applied. The on-board refer-
The AD574A is specified for gain drift from 10 ppm/C to ence is specified to be 10 V 100 mV while the external refer-
50 ppm/C, (depending on grade) using the on-chip reference. ence is specified to be 10 V 1 mV. This may result in up to
The reference contributes typically 75% of this drift. Therefore, 101 mV of apparent full-scale error beyond the 25 mV speci-
the total drift using an AD588 to supply the reference can be fied AD574 gain error. Resistors R2 and R3 allow this error to
improved by a factor of 3 to 4. be nulled. Their contribution to full-scale drift is negligible.
Using this combination may result in apparent increases in full- The high output drive capability allows the AD588 to drive up
scale error due to the difference between the on-board reference to 6 converters in a multi-converter system. All converters will
by which the device is laser trimmed and the external reference have gain errors that track to better than 5 ppm/C.

Figure 17. AD588/AD574A Connections

REV. B 10
The Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) is a circuit ele-
ment whose resistance is characterized by a positive temperature
coefficient. A measurement of resistance indicates the measured
temperature. Unfortunately, the resistance of the wires leading
to the RTD often adds error to this measurement. The 4-wire
ohms measurement overcomes this problem. This method uses
two wires to bring an excitation current to the RTD and two
additional wires to tap off the resulting RTD voltage. If these
additional two wires go to a high input impedance measurement
circuit, the effect of their resistance is negligible. Therefore, they
transmit the true RTD voltage.

Figure 20. Boosted Precision Current Source


Figure 18. 4-Wire Ohms Measurement The Wheatstone bridge is a common transducer. In its simplest
form, a bridge consists of 4 two terminal elements connected to
A practical consideration when using the 4-wire ohms technique
form a quadrilateral, a source of excitation connected along one
with an RTD is the self-heating effect that the excitation current
of the diagonals and a detector comprising the other diagonal.
has on the temperature of the RTD. The designer must choose
Figure 21a shows a simple bridge driven from a unipolar excita-
the smallest practical excitation current that still gives the de-
tion supply. EO, a differential voltage, is proportional to the de-
sired resolution. RTD manufactures usually specify the
viation of the element from the initial bridge values. Unfortunately,
self-heating, effect of each of their models or types of RTDs.
this bridge output voltage is riding on a common-mode voltage
Figure 19 shows an AD588 providing the precision excitation equal to approximately VIN/2. Further processing of this signal
current for a 100 RTD. The small excitation current of 1 mA may necessarily be limited to high common-mode rejection
dissipates a mere 0.1 mW of power in the RTD. techniques such as instrumentation or isolation amplifiers.
Figure 21b shows the same bridge transducer, but this time it is
driven from pair of bipolar supplies. This configuration ideally
eliminates the common-mode voltage and relaxes the restric-
tions on any processing elements that follow.

a. Unipolar Drive

Figure 19. Precision Current Source for RTD


In the RTD current-source application the load current is lim-
ited to 10 mA by the output drive capability of amplifier A3.
In the event that more drive current is needed, a series pass
b. Bipolar Drive
transistor can be inserted inside the feedback loop to provide
higher current. Accuracy and drift performance are unaffected Figure 21. Bridge Transducer Excitation
by the pass transistor.

REV. B 11
As shown in Figure 22, the AD588 is an excellent choice for the
control element in a bipolar bridge driver scheme. Transistors
Q1 and Q2 serve as series pass elements to boost the current
drive capability to the 28 mA required by a typical 350
bridge. A differential gain stage may still be required if the
bridge balance is not perfect. Such gain stages can be expensive.
Additional common-mode voltage reduction is realized by using

the circuit illustrated in Figure 23. A1, the ground sense ampli-
fier, servos the supplies on the bridge to maintain a virtual
ground at one center tap. The voltage which appears on the op-
posite center tap is now single-ended (referred to ground) and
can be amplified by a less expensive circuit.

Figure 22. Bipolar Bridge Drive

Figure 23. Floating Bipolar Bridge Drive with Minimum CMV

Dimensions shown in inches and (mm).
Cerdip (Q) Package


REV. B 12

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