PackML Definition Document V3.0 Final
PackML Definition Document V3.0 Final
PackML Definition Document V3.0 Final
PackML Subcommittee
June 2006
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..........................................................................................................................3
2. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................5
3. DEFINITIONS..............................................................................................................................................6
3.1. STATES...................................................................................................................................................6
3.2. UNIT MODES.........................................................................................................................................7
3.3. UNIT MODE MANAGER.........................................................................................................................8
4. AUTOMATIC OPERATION STATE MODEL.........................................................................................9
4.1. AUTOMATIC MODE STATE TRANSITION MATRIX.................................................................................12
4.2. AUTOMATIC MODE COMMENTS..........................................................................................................14
5. MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS............................................................................................................15
5.1. MAINTENANCE MODE.........................................................................................................................15
5.2. MANUAL MODE...................................................................................................................................16
5.3. USER MODE.........................................................................................................................................17
6. MODE MANAGER...................................................................................................................................18
8. CONCLUSIONS.........................................................................................................................................20
9. REFERENCES...........................................................................................................................................22
Using the above as a basis, these ideas have led to the following:
1. Definition of machine state types
2. Definition of machine operating modes
3. Definition of machine mode manager
4. State models, State descriptions and transitions
In PackML V3.0 there exist an unlimited number of unit modes. Unit modes are reference to
an operating condition of the machine such as AUTOMATIC, MANUAL, TRIMSET,
SETUP, MAINTENANCE. A UNIT Mode determines how a machine will operate in
response to the commands which are issued to it.
Procedural modes are typically referenced in batch systems as to a logical operating condition
of the machine. Procedural modes are referenced to the operating condition of a procedure or
software routine, such as the software being in AUTOMATIC, SEMI-AUTOMATIC, or
PACKML Definition V3.0 June 2006 3
Machine Mode Manager
With the addition of multiple machine modes, a machine mode manager is introduced for
PackML V3.0 for the machine designer to manage unit mode transitions. Procedural mode
management is not required as a separate logical routine, it is typically integrated into, or
referenced directly by the unit mode or could be a built-in controller function.
Specification on transitions between modes is left to the user, but typical transition points are
at wait states. The specification of the mode manager is such that no state or control
functions are carried out in this upper level routine. The intent of the mode manager is to
logically supervise when a change in mode can be done, and command a mode change and
report status of the change request.
For each defined UNIT mode there is a State model. The states proposed, and widely used
are generally applicable to all machine modes; details of the states and the conditions which
force transition between states have been provided, as an example. Common synonyms and
the arrangement of the states provide the flexibility required for most packaging machinery.
The concepts proposed use previous PackML work as its foundation and set out to
further enhance the work done to date. All previous work and versions of PackML will
be backwards compatible. The ability to collapse PackML V3.0 to PackML V2.2 is
noted in Section 7 of this document.
The Personnel and Environmental Protection control activity provides safety for people and
the environment. No control activity should intervene between Personnel and Environmental
Protection, and the field hardware it is designed to operate with. Personnel and
Environmental Protection is, by definition, separate from the higher level control activities in
this document. It may map to more than one software level of the equipment as desired.
Section 3 provides a series of definitions which are used later in this document. Four
different state types are described and named and four example operating modes are
A state model for a unit mode, automatic, machine operation is proposed in section 4. A
diagrammatic representation of the state model is provided along with a more detailed
description of each state and the conditions that force transition between states.
The major differences between this document and "PackML V2.2" are discussed in section 1.
This briefly describes the proposed changes which have been included. Conclusions are
summarised in section 8.
3.1. States
A State can consist of one or more commands to control object(s)1, or consist of the status
of a control object(s), or both. Each state has a functional definition as part of a machine
mode. In performing the function specified by the state, the state will issue a set of
commands to the machine control object(s) which in turn can report status. The state will
perform conditional logic which will either lead to further execution within the current
machine state or cause an enabling transition to another state. States are arranged in an
ordered fashion that is consistent with the specified operation / unit mode of the machine.
There are a fixed number of states. These states are: Stopping, Stopped, Aborting, Aborted,
Resetting, Idle, Starting, Execute, Suspending, Suspended, Unsuspending, Holding, Held,
UnHolding Clearing, Completing, Complete. A representative definition of theses states is
give below, but these definitions will vary depending on the machine, the definition, and
function of the mode. The number of these states required for a particular mode is also
dependent on the machine and the function of the mode.
Conversely, procedural modes describe the way the logic, or machine code / procedure
operates. Procedural modes, from S-88, are Automatic, Semi-Automatic, and Manual, and
are built in methods the machine operator can use to manipulate the machine logic. An
example of the procedural mode may be semi-automatic such that it allows a machine
operator to single step through the states of a particular unit mode. The primary difference
between procedural and unit mode is that the program, or procedure from unit mode to unit
mode is different, where the program code for different procedural modes has not changed,
although the method in which the code is executed has changed.
Switching from one to procedural mode to another can be independent of the state the
machine is in. This is converse to switching unit modes, which typically occurs at wait states
or just in the STOPPED state.
Automatic Mode
This represents the mode which is utilised for routine production. The machine executes
relevant logic in response to commands which are either entered directly by the operator or
issued by another supervisory system.
Maintenance Mode
This mode allows, may allow suitably authorised personnel, the ability to run an individual
machine independent of other machines in a production line. This mode would typically be
used for faultfinding, machine trials or testing operational improvements. This mode would
also allow the speed of the machine to be adjusted (where this feature is available).
This provides direct control of individual machine axes. This feature is available depending
upon the mechanical constraints of the mechanisms being exercised. This feature would be
typically used for the commissioning of individual drives, verifying the operation of
synchronised drives, testing the drive as a result of modifying parameters etc.
Specification on transitions between modes is left to the user, but typical transition points are
at wait states, and in particular the STOPPED state. The specification of the mode manager
is such that no state or control functions are carried out in this upper level routine. The intent
of the mode manager is to logically supervise when a change in mode can be done, and
command a mode change and report status of the change request.
Tag names will also be mode literal, and the mode manager will be responsible for not only
managing the commanded mode, but also report mode status and time within a unit mode.
For some machine states an alternative state name has been included below, this refers to
state names proposed in a previous PackML documents on machine states. A brief description
of the individual machine states appears in Table 1 below.
The Auto state diagram has been clarified in version 3 with each wait state preceded, and
followed, by an acting state. The only exception to this is the dual state of EXECUTE. In
order to progress to a wait state the machine must go through a change in state or some
All PackML mode models or state diagrams can be derived from the super-set of states
shown above in the Auto Mode diagram. The Auto Mode diagram above is collapsible, and
downward compatible to the V2.2 model as shown in section 7.
The OFF state from V2.2 has been eliminated in V3.0 because although the state does exist it
could not be shown due to a paradox in the definition at the local level, and the value of an
OFF state could not be justified. The OFF state represented a loss of machine power and
therefore could not be displayed at a local level.
By way of example, one possible Maintenance Mode state model is shown in Figure 2 below.
It is recognised that individual machine manufacturers may have good reason to develop
other versions of maintenance mode state models. Typical modes, such as Maintenance are
developed as subsets of the Automatic mode. The state names remain consistent but the
function of the state has been modified to be consistent with the mode function.
It is recognised that some maintenance operations will require the testing of machine
performance in conjunction with packing materials. Maintenance mode will provide this
function, however it will not provide material usage data when doing so.
The predefined state model associated with this mode can again be defined as a subset from
earlier modes. Common synonyms for this mode of operation are Inch, Jog, or Index.
The mode manager is a high level routine; there is typically only one mode manager routine
per machine, if a mode manager is required. The primary function of the mode manager is to
provide a means in which the machine changes its unit mode. For instance, when changing
mode from AUTO (producing) to CLEANOUT, the machine must be STOPPED, else the
mode is prohibited from changing. Wait states are typically used for mode changing, but this
guideline does not restrict other mode changing states. Below, the green arrows show typical
safe states to transition modes. The yellow and green arrows may be considered less
safe. An example function block for a mode selector is given by PLCopen Technical
Committee 5, Safety Software, Technical Specification, Version 1, section 6.3, Mode
Selector. All considerations of a mode manager must be consistent with prevailing safe
practices and standards.
Tag names will also be mode literal, and the mode manager will be responsible for not only
managing the commanded mode, but also report mode status and time within a unit mode.
Resetting Suspended Suspending
Resetting Suspended Suspending
State Types
This document proposes three state types instead of four: Wait, Acting, Dual; versus Final,
Transient, Quiescent and No Command. The new states are descriptive of the purpose of the
state. The state diagram is now more intuitive with each wait, or dual state, preceded nad
followed, if applicable, by its respective acting state.
The PackML V2.2 document defines three operating modes Automatic, Maintenance and
Index. These were redefined in the context of Unit modes for PackML V3.0. The number of
modes for V3.0 are unlimited whereas the modes defined in V2.2 where limited to 3.
Procedural modes are observed in this guideline but not defined for usage.
Number of States
In PackML V2.2 Automatic Mode document defines eleven operating states, for V3.0, 17
different states are defined. Primarily the increase in number states is due to the separation of
the action and the wait state.
State Model
A wait State, IDLE, has been introduced after completing the RESETTING {Start up} state
for V3.0. This state maintains the operating conditions of the machine until the Start
command is issued and essentially it represents that the RESETTING State has been
The CLEARING state is a transient state used for clearing faults that may have occurred in
the ABORTING state. Generally, a machine produces faults when performing an ABORT
The state noted as STANDBY in the previous revision of PACKML V2.2 has been expanded
to the SUSPENDING states. It was recognized that a machine going from an OPERATING
state to a STANDBY state and back again, as depicted in V2.2 was actually performing
multiple actions that were state changes caused by the machine logic. STANDBY was
replaced by the acting and wait states that were represented by STANDBY. Of course as
with all PACKML V3 the SUSPENDED states can be collapsed back to the STANDBY state.
The caveat is in the placement of the STATE. The SUSPENDING states have been placed
around the EXECUTE states where the previous STANDBY state was placed prior to the
EXECUTE state. The difference is programmatic rather than operational.
Included are all PackML V2.2 states with the exception of OFF. All states within the dark
Cyan box can be ABORTED, and all states within the light Cyan box can be STOPPED. So
all states can be ABORTED including STOPPING states.
PackML State Definition Document V2.2 (Fred Putman)
PackML State Definition Draft (Andrew MacDonald)
ISA S-88 Part 1
PLCopen Technical Committee 5, Safety Software, Technical Specification
o (Eelco van der Wal)