February 2017

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College of Agriculture and Food Science

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February 1-28, 2017 Official Publication of the UPLB College of Agriculture and Food Science Volume 6 No. 2

CAFS to celebrate 108th Foundation Day

O n March 6-10, another significant
celebration awaits the constituents
and the general public as the newly restruc-
Commemoration Program
March 6; 6:00-8:00am; Foundation Site
tured College of Agriculture and Food Science Entrance of Colors..UPLB Corps of Cadets
(CAFS) observes its 108th Foundation Day. Invocation.Mr. Genaro A. Katimbang, NCPC
The week-long celebration kicks off on National Anthem..Ms. Ruby G. dela Cruz, NCPC
March 6 at 6:00am at the Foundation Site for Opening Remarks...Dean Enrico P. Supangco
a simple ceremony. After which, the UPLB Welcome Remarks..Chancellor Fernando C. Sanchez, Jr.
officials, guests and alumni will conduct a mo- Messages.For. Leo R. Ballesfin, President,
torcade going to the Agro-Soils-Horti (ASH) UPLB Alumni Association
Lobby for the CAFS Recognition Program Hon. Caezar P. Perez, Mayor, Los Baos
where outstanding projects, faculty, staff and Dr. Pio A. Javier, Guest Speaker
students will be honored. Intermission Number..Ms. Frances Coleen M. Laserna, IWEP
Closing Remarks..Dr. Elpidio M. Agbisit, Jr. President, CAFS
On March 7-9, an exhibit featuring CAFS
Alumni Association
technologies and products as well as services
CAFS Hymn & UP Naming Mahal.Ms. Ruby G. dela Cruz, NCPC
will be conducted at the Institute of Plant
Exit of Colors.UPLB Corps of Cadets
Breeding (IPB). Likewise, a pictorial account
of various research and extension activities of Master of Ceremony
CAFS units will be displayed. During the same Dr. Sheryl A. Yap, IWEP
week (March 7-10), there will also be exhibit,
seminars, campus tour and quiz contest to be Recognition Program
conducted by the UP Animal Science Society. March 6; 9:00AM-12:00N; ASH Lobby
Come March 8, the CAFS Family Day at
the ASH grounds will highlight the celebration. Invocation.Mr. Bonifacio A. Navasero, NCPC
Dubbed as A Night to Remember, the par- National Anthem.Ms. Maeden Bato, IWEP
ticipants in cowboy attire will be treated to a Welcome Remarks..Dean Enrico P. Supangco
Barn Dance in the evening. The program will Messages...Chancellor Fernando C. Sanchez, Jr.
start at 3:00pm, featuring opening remarks Hon. Nelia T. Gonzalez, former UP Regent
and message by Dean Enrico P. Supangco and Awarding of Certificates of Recognition
Chancellor Fernando C. Sanchez, Jr., respec- Agriculture Licensure Examination Topnotchers
tively. Nelia T. Gonzalez Award of Excellence
There will also be presentations by differ- Newly Retired Personnel
ent student organizations and CAFS units, Presentors: Chancellor Sanchez, Hon. Gonzalez, Dean Supangco,
community dancing, games, videoke singing, UPLBFI Director Casiano S. Abrigo, Jr., and Unit Heads
ihaw-ihaw session and special awards for out- Intermission Number..Ms. Karen P. Ardez, NCPC
standing performers. Student Recognition (College & University Scholars)
Finally, on March 10, the Netherlands em- Presentors: CAFS Secretary Maria Cynthia R. Oliveros
bassy Agri-Food Lecture will be held at the and Dean Supangco
Industry Partners Recognition
DL Umali Auditorium, SEARCA, UPLB.
Presentors: Chancellor Sanchez and Dean Supangco
If plans do not miscarry, no less than De- Closing Remarks.Associate Dean Tonette P. Laude
partment of Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel CAFS Hymn.Ms. Marie Fei Lagmay, NCPC
F. Piol will attend the exhibit at the IPB.
(Apolinario L. Lantican, with information from Masters of Ceremony
Lorina M. Castillo) Ms. Julie Aiza L. Mandap/Mr. Don Johnson S. Neri
Page 2 CAFS Monthly Newsletter

CAFS Family Day Progressive fresh produce

March 8; 3:00-8:00pm; ASH Grounds, UPLB company taps PHTRC
A Night to Remember
Attire: Cowboy/Barn Dance for special training
Opening Remarks...Dean Enrico P. Supangco
I n line with its mandate of continuing
strong industry linkage and technical as-
sistance, the Postharvest Horticulture Training
Message..Chancellor Fernando C. Sanchez, Jr. and Research Center (PHTRC), CAFS concluded
PresentationStudent Organizations/Different Units a special training for five staff members of Organ-
Community Dancing/Games/Videoke Singing ic Options, Inc., an organic produce marketing
Ihaw-Ihaw Session/Special Award and distribution company operating nationwide.
Closing Remarks.Dr. Teresita U. Dalisay, IWEP Director
Two agriculturists, one production person-
CAFS Hymn and UP Naming Mahal nel, a supply chain officer and an operations head
were trained on Postharvest Handling of Fresh
ASI holds seminar on Fruits and Vegetables: Focus on Organically
Grown Produce last February 7-9 at the PHTRC
creating Family Homestead Conference Room, UPLB.

T he Agricultural Systems Institute (ASI) conducted

its 11th seminar series entitled Progressing Be-
yond Farming: Co-Creating a Family Homestead in Hokkai-
The activity, aimed at enabling the partici-
pants to know the characteristics of fresh horti-
cultural produce, tackled the basic principles and
do, Japan last February 8 at the Galvez Hall, Agronomy- actual application of postharvest operations and
Soils-Horticulture building, UPLB. technologies, and identified the processes in
maintaining quality and safety. It covered the the-
Satoshi Abe, the resource person from Hokkaido Japan,
oretical and practical aspects of handling fresh
shared his experiences in putting up his own farm. He is a
produce after harvest, including the factors af-
magna cum laude graduate from UPLB with a degree in
fecting postharvest behavior, harvesting, market
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture-Major in Soil Science. preparation, quality and safety management, and
Born and raised by a Filipino mother and a Japanese logistics and postharvest infrastructure support.
father, he inspiringly shared his ideas and experiences in Highlight of the training was a technology demon-
creating his own family homestead which include: 1) crea- stration on hot water treatment, modified atmos-
tion of a space for the raising of the next generation, 2) true phere packaging, evaporative cooling and waxing;
societal change through realization of self (inward to out- some of the technologies that the PHTRC has
ward), 3) serving as a template for other people, and 4) ob- developed and could be applied in the companys
taining a balance between economic realities and ideal prin- marketing operations.
ciples. He ended his presentation with the inspiring quote,
The training will not only upgrade the partici-
Once we have truly touched the grace of Nature, all philoso-
pants technical skills on the proper postharvest
phizing will cease, and we will feel true peace. (Maria Cecilia L.
handling of fresh fruits and vegetables; but more
de Castro) importantly, promote improved production and
distribution among partner farmers to ensure
FOREIGN TRAVELS* consumers of product safety and quality. The
Dr. Edna A. Aguilar, assistant professor, Institute of Crop companys staff expressed willingness to engage
Science (ICropS); participated in the workshop for the pro- in research collaboration with the PHTRC as a
ject entitled Master in Science in Food Security and Climate result of the training. (Matilde V. Maunahan, with
Change in Bangkok, Thailand; February 13-16 information from Dormita R. del Carmen)
Dr. Enrico P. Supangco, dean and professor, CAFS and
Institute of Animal Science, and Dr. Filma C. Calalo, assis- The College of Agriculture Monthly Newsletter
is published through the Office of the Dean,
tant professor, Agricultural Systems Institute; attended the
College of Agriculture and Food Science,
Asian University Network (AUN) Forum on Sufficiency UPLB, College, Laguna
Economy Philosophy and finalized sites/activities for the 2017
Asian Association of Agricultural Colleges and Universities Advisers: Dean Enrico P. Supangco
Associate Dean Tonette P. Laude
study tour in Chiang Mai, Thailand; February 20-23
Editor/Layout Artist: Apolinario L. Lantican
Dr. Tonette P. Laude, associate dean and assistant profes-
sor; CAFS and ICropS, and Dr. Edna A. Aguilar, profes- Contributors: Erlinda A. Balot, Lorina M. Castillo,
Maria Cecilia L. de Castro, Dormita R. del Carmen,
sor, ICropS; attended the AUN Forum on Sufficiency Econo-
Imelda M. Gesmundo, Apolinario L. Lantican and
my Philosophy in Chiang Mai, Thailand; February 20-23 Matilde V. Maunahan

*Prepared by Imelda M. Gesmundo and Erlinda A. Balot Circulation Officer: Venecia B. Batain

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