04-28-17 Edition
04-28-17 Edition
04-28-17 Edition
offices sold
Volunteers hold kittens at the nonprofit Nine Lives Foundation, which is looking to find homes for 80 cats and raise $200,000
as no-kill shelter has to relocate.
for $73.5M
DivcoWest buys 101 S.Ellsworth Ave.,
Rescue shelter seeks support after rent increase a fully-leased San Mateo property
By Samantha Weigel
Nine Lives Foundation to relocate, looks to rehome 80 cats, raise $200k DAILY JOURNAL STAFF
April 25 Mega Millions Daily Four the upper 50s to lower 70s. Lows in the
upper 40s to mid 50s.
3 13 33 40 50 2 3 7 1 1
2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC S at urday t h ro ug h S un day : Clear.
All Rights Reserved. Mega number
Daily three midday Highs in the lower 60s to mid 70s. Lows
SOKKI April 26 Super Lotto Plus 2 9 1 in the lower 50s.
Sunday ni g ht and Mo nday : Mostly clear. Lows in the
6 19 28 42 45 37 Daily three evening lower 50s. Highs in the upper 50s to lower 70s.
Mega number
Career Fair
An East Palo Alto man pleaded not guilty Thursday
morning to felony animal cruelty charges related to sus-
pected cockfighting at his home, where police allegedly
found more than 50 gamecocks, hens and chicks, San
Mateo County prosecutors said.
Aldenni de Jesus Trujillo Santiago, 29, was arrested after
police responded to the 1200 block of Cypress Street on
March 23 on a report of an aggressive dog.
Officers with the Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA
also responded to the scene and determined that the dog
was not aggressive to people, but had been trying to
attack the birds. A total of 56 birds were found, including
11 gamecocks with their wattle removed for cockfighting,
prosecutors said.
One had apparently been disemboweled and was decom-
posing in the yard. Others were severely injured.
Investigators found injectable antibiotics and other
cockfighting paraphernalia, and a search of Santiagos
phone turned up numerous videos dating back to January
that showed Santiago staging cockfights in his yard,
according to prosecutors.
Santiago is scheduled to return to court on May 24. His
defense attorney Martin Caraves was not immediately
available for comment on the case.
When cancer is
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6 Friday April 28, 2017 STATE THE DAILY JOURNAL
Spacecraft flies between Cassini was out of radio contact with thought, officials said.
Earth early Wednesday as it became the first Around the nation The states Ocean Protection Council on
Saturn and rings in historic first spacecraft to enter the gap between Saturn Wednesday revised upward its predictions
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. NASAs and its rings. Thats because its big dish California says oceans could for how much water off California will rise
Cassini spacecraft has ventured into the antenna was maneuvered face forward to rise higher than thought as the climate warms. The forecast helps
never-before-explored region between protect science instruments from potential- agencies in the nations most populous
ly damaging ring particles. SAN FRANCISCO New climate-change
Saturn and its rings. findings mean the Pacific Ocean off state plan for climate change as rising water
But flight controllers wont know how If Cassini survives this first round, it will California may rise higher, and storms and seeps toward low-lying airports, highways
everything went until Thursday when they make 21 more crossings before its demise high tides hit harder, than previously and communities, especially in the San
are back in touch with the craft. in September. Francisco Bay Area.
THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Friday April 28, 2017 7
Around the nation
Court: Employers can pay
Senate Democrats block quick
women less based on past salaries
SAN FRANCISCO Employers can legally pay women
less than men for the same work based on differences in the
vote on short-term spending bill
By Erica Werner
workers previous salaries, a federal appeals court ruled THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
The decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals over- WASHINGTON Senate Democrats
turned a lower-court ruling that said pay differences based late Thursday blocked a quick vote on a
exclusively on prior salaries were discriminatory under the short-term spending bill to keep the
federal Equal Pay Act. government open, roiling Washington
Thats because the differences were almost certainly the with brinkmanship less than 30 hours
result of gender bias, U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael Seng before a midnight Friday deadline for a
said in a 2015 decision. shutdown and President Donald Trumps
A three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit cited a 1982 ruling by 100th day in office.
the court that said employers could use previous salary infor- Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
mation as long as they applied it reasonably and had a busi- pressed for an agreement on the short-
ness policy that justified it. term legislation that will carry through
This decision is a step in the wrong direction if were try- next week, giving lawmakers more time
ing to really ensure that women have work opportunities of to complete negotiations on a $1 tril-
equal pay, said Deborah Rhode, who teaches gender equity lion government-wide spending bill for
law at Stanford Law School. You cant allow prior discrimi- the remainder of the 2017 budget year.
natory salary setting to justify future ones or you perpetuate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer
the discrimination. insisted that any vote only occur when
Activists held rallies around the country earlier this month Republicans abandon efforts to add pro- REUTERS
on Equal Pay Day to highlight the wage gap between men and visions on abortion, financial regula- Senate Minority Chuck Schumer speaks at his news conference on budget
women. Women made about 80 cents for every dollar men tions and the environment to the legis- negotiations and GOP plans on taxes and health care on Capitol Hill.
earned in 2015, according to U.S. government data. lation. ahead of Trumps 100-day mark, the Medicaid under President Barack
Our position has been clear and its House GOP looked unlikely to give Obamas Affordable Care Act. Theres
Retailers and insurers get taxed more, tech less nothing news. No poison-pill riders, Trump a victory on health care before much of Obamacare that has to be
NEW YORK To understand taxes, you have to think about Schumer said. then. A revised health care bill has won fixed. That part of it is critical, Smith
geography. Dont worry, this will make sense eventually. The House is scheduled to vote on the the support of the hard-right House said.
The U.S. has high corporate taxes compared with other one-week extension on Friday morning Freedom Caucus, holdouts on an earlier Trump himself unleashed a tweetstorm
developed countries. That means companies that make most and the Senate could still vote ahead of version that collapsed last month, but of criticism of Democrats involved in
of their money inside the U.S. pay more in taxes than compa- the deadline. GOP leaders were struggling to round up negotiations on the spending bill,
nies that do a lot of business overseas. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said hes per- votes from moderate-leaning accusing them of trying to close nation-
Retailers, utilities, health insurance companies have rela- petually disappointed Congress does Republicans. al parks and jeopardize the safety of
tively high tax bills for those reasons, while technology not pass individual appropriation I dont know if its bringing anyone U.S. troops.
companies, pharmaceuticals makers and energy companies bills, and called the process an over, said Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., As families prepare for summer vaca-
can make a lot more money in other countries. abysmal failure. who said he had been lobbied by leader- tions in our National Parks Democrats
On paper, the top federal corporate tax rate in the U.S. is 35 In addition to the inability to come up ship but still opposed the legislation threaten to close them and shut down the
percent. Companies generally dont pay that much, but they with a spending deal that could pass because it undoes an expansion of government. Terrible! Trump tweeted.
can have dramatically different tax bills depending on where
they make their money.
Take Macys, Wal-Mart and Nike, all retailers. Macys, a
department store operator, makes all of its revenue in the
U.S., according to FactSet, while Wal-Mart gets about a quar- Cantt Hear on
Can on the Phone?
ter of its revenue outside the U.S. and Nike makes almost 60 Enjoyy phone
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8 Friday April 28, 2017 NATION THE DAILY JOURNAL
University system state agencies. Thats 72 percent agda Luna was one of the few Mexican-
increases in future funding based on American or Latin-American restaurants in
nances was quite negative until bloated budget amounts rather than more.
we saw Tuesdays audit of the The auditors key recommendations the area where I could get vegan rice. Not
actual costs. that Im a big fan, but for someone with a daughter who
University of California system. UC President Janet Napolitano are that the Legislature should direct-
Now thats a damning audit. responded that charges of hidden ly appropriate funding for the Ofce is allergic to all things dairy, and that includes butter, it
The highlight er, lowlight of funds were false. of the Presidents operations to was nice to find a spot that doesnt add it to the rice.
State Auditor Elaine Howles report on Howle called the Ofce of the ensure accountability, and that the UC But it closed its doors last week after about four years
CSU was that over the past eight Presidents budget practices mislead- regents should closely monitor the on Burlingames Broadway. The reason provided was
years the system has hired middle ing which we take to be a nicer presidents ofces spending plans some sort of situation with the landlord and the three
managers at a rate at least twice that way of saying sneaky and decep- and its progress toward implementing women a mom and two daughters who ran it did
of any other employee group, includ- tive. the auditors recommended corrective look for another location to
ing faculty. And that compensation Another charge, from Howles letter action plan.
no avail before deciding to
for managers has grown at three times to the governor and legislative lead- Two regents quickly responded,
the rate of faculty pay. complaining that having the close down for good.
ers: We found it particularly trouble- Aside from the vegan rice, I
Thats bad enough the people some that the Ofce of the President Legislature approve the UC presi-
who actually teach our young people intentionally interfered in our efforts dents budget would threaten the also liked the fresh food and
at CSU are more important than those to assess the types and quality of Universitys standing as a constitu- natural flavors. All the meat
who direct them and shufe papers, in services it provides to campuses by tionally autonomous entity. was humanely sourced and
our view. reviewing campuses responses to sur- Were not ready to say legislators everything was made from
But the ndings of Howles UC audit veys from the auditor and getting neg- should get involved on that level. scratch. It felt authentic and
are fairly explosive. ative responses removed or improved. After all, having the California genuine. It had soul.
The Ofce of the President accumu- Among the other ndings in the UC Legislature tell anyone else how to It was casual, but not fast
lated more than $175 million in audit: spend money effectively is reminis- food and the people who ran
restricted and discretionary reserves The Office of the President paid cent of the pots maligning of the it were very nice. The fact
that it failed to disclose to the regents its executives and administrative kettle.
that it was family run was
and created undisclosed budgets to staff significantly more than their But certainly the Legislature should
spend those reserve funds, the audi- counterparts in public employment. insist that UC leaders who voted in reflected in the customers and
tor says in the fact sheet that accom- For example, 10 UC execs made January to hike student tuition for you never knew when a cross-
panies the UC audit. $3. 7 million in combined salaries 2017-18 clean up their own scal table conversation would break out. And it was success-
It goes on to say that the Ofce of in 2015-16, about 19 percent more house as they seek bigger slices of ful. There were always people there.
the President received signicantly than their highest-paid state the state budget. Sometimes, however, homespun goodness gets run
over by todays competitive business environment.
Small business owners struggle constantly with rising
Letters to the editor costs, however, there is very little support for them
aside from regulars. If costs for food or employees rise,
it usually means the people who run it take home less.
Its the way of San Mateo County right now, and the
Gutting public transit will support in Congress for public trans- plans for your money too. continuing struggle for small businesses means a bit of
portation funding up to now. I urge our character will fall away.
hurt our economy and jobs our congressional delegation to stand
John Dillon And so the quick era of Magda Luna is over. And thats
Editor, up once again for transportation too bad. It was one of my favorite places, and Im guess-
Congress should reject President investments that will benet all of us San Bruno
ing it was others too.
Donald Trumps proposal to gut feder- and reject Trumps proposed cuts.
al support for public transportation. Affordable housing
Federal funding for public trans- The former site of Capellini in downtown San Mateo
Franklin Johnson is vacant once again. While it sat vacant for about a
portation is a sound investment that Editor,
San Francisco Everyone talks about affordable year before it was renovated and reopened under new
creates jobs, spurs economic develop-
ment and helps limit trafc conges- housing, yet it seems like everything ownership in 2015, its new but same-old persona
tion and air pollution. Furthermore, built today is geared toward the Capellini did not make it very long before it was reno-
public transportation is essential for
Gas tax wealthy. What ever happened to starter vated again to become Golden Gate Tap Room and Grill.
the mobility of millions of Editor, homes? Perhaps our municipalities I went to the new Capellini when it first opened and it
The citizens of the Central Valley should encourage developments of
Americans, connecting people to showed some promise, but perhaps the initial buzz died
should send a thank you to all the cit- more modest dwellings without all the
jobs and education and giving older down. I also walked into the Golden Gate Tap Room and
izens of California that will spending expensive features that drive the price
Americans, veterans and people with out of reach of the working class. Grill to check it out once but left after about 45 seconds
disabilities access to essential servic- hundreds of dollars a year in addition-
If we start subsidizing buyers and after seeing it was really just an enormous sports bar
es and their larger communities. al gas taxes and registration fees. A
renters, it will likely drive prices with what seemed to be absolutely no one inside, not
It is deeply disappointing, and, billion dollars or so of your money
even higher. If our cities are going to even a worker. That seemed odd since the doors were
frankly, doesnt make sense that will be headed there. One billion. throw money at the problem, they
The governor couldnt have gotten open and it was midday on a weekend. ONeills is a few
Trump has proposed such severe cuts should invest in the land and offer to
to transit after pledging to invest $1 the support for his grand tax scheme storefronts away and customers are loyal to the Irish
lease it at a discount to developers
trillion in American infrastructure if they didnt give huge sums to pub. Its hard to crack that nut.
who would build what the community
over the next decade. We need to be local legislators projects to vote needs in the right locations. We need The former Capellini site on the corner of B Street and
building interconnected, multi-modal for it, a sort of bribery. Dont fret, to be shaping our own communities, Baldwin Avenue has been vacant for a few months now
transportation networks that meet the those folks need your money more not leaving that up to the developers. so the 10,000-square-foot, three-story property is avail-
needs of our growing population and than you need your money. See how able once again. Wonder whats next for the site.
economy. The proposed cuts will take great it is when Democrats have Tim Donnelly ***
America in the wrong direction. complete control spending bills in Burlingame Last weeks column on the Downtown Specific Plan
There has been strong bipartisan the legislature. They have other Update for San Mateo generated quite a bit of interest
and some new ideas as well. No one told me they hated
OUR MISSION: my ideas, but that doesnt mean there arent people who
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most do. One idea I hadnt thought of before was getting rid
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. of the slant parking on B Street between First and Third
By combining local news and sports coverage, avenues and expanding the sidewalks there. Not a bad
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business, idea if the parking could be replaced elsewhere.
Michael Davis Henry Guerrero lifestyle, state, national and world news, we seek to
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Charles Gould Paul Moisio provide our readers with the highest quality I might even suggest getting rid of all the parking in
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Joe Rudino Bruce Scannell information resource in San Mateo County. that stretch. There could be several benefits. Wider side-
Joy Uganiza Our pages belong to you, our readers, and we
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer walks immediately would create a more pedestrian-
choose to reflect the diverse character of this
Nicola Zeuzem, Production Manager INTERNS, CORRESPONDENTS, CONTRACTORS: dynamic and ever-changing community. friendly environment and would also cut down on the
Renee Abu-Zaghibra Robert Armstrong
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events Jim Clifford Dan Heller traffic jams since those are mostly caused by people
Samantha Weigel, Senior Reporter
Robert Hutchinson Tom Jung SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM either waiting for a parking spot or hoping for a park-
Brian Miller Mona Murhamer ing spot. If there is no chance of a parking spot, per-
REPORTERS: Karan Nevatia Jeanita Lyman Follow us on Twitter and Facebook:
Terry Bernal, Anna Schuessler, Austin Walsh Brigitte Parman Adriana Ramirez facebook.com/smdailyjournal haps drivers would just move along to the Main Street
Nick Rose Andrew Scheiner Garage. It would also allow for al fresco dining, which
Susan E. Cohn, Senior Correspondent: Events Joel Snyder Megan Tao twitter.com/smdailyjournal
Gary Whitman Cindy Zhang Online edition at scribd.com/smdailyjournal
is notably absent throughout most of downtown. That
Dave Newlands, Production Assistant
would definitely help restaurants, perhaps a few of those
Letters to the Editor Emailed documents are preferred: Correction Policy
mom-and-pop ones that could always use a little help.
Should be no longer than 250 words. letters@smdailyjournal.com The Daily Journal corrects its errors. Anyway, keep the ideas coming!
Perspective Columns Letter writers are limited to two submissions a If you question the accuracy of any article in the Daily
Should be no longer than 600 words. month. Journal, please contact the editor at
Illegibly handwritten letters and anonymous letters Opinions expressed in letters, columns and news@smdailyjournal.com Jon May s is the editor in chief of the Daily Journal. He
will not be accepted. perspectives are those of the individual writer and do or by phone at: 344-5200, ext. 107
Please include a city of residence and phone not necessarily represent the views of the Daily Journal Editorials represent the viewpoint of the Daily Journal can be reached at jon@smdaily journal.com. Follow Jon
number where we can reach you. staff. editorial board and not any one individual.
on Twitter @jonmay s.
10 Friday April 28, 2017 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL
Israeli strikes inside Syria terclaims Washington is pushing for a nuclear war.
Though trade between North Korea and China appears to
be solid, and possibly even growing, there are indications
Beijing has been quietly tightening enforcement of some
Implant, Abutment, and Crown
(does not include extraction)
than their wealthier counterparts,
and their breaks tended to last
longer. The study points out that
educators who use social media in
Continued from page 1 the classroom need to understand
that not every teen is online and
bulk of them voluntarily, a new connected all the time.
survey found . Boys were more likely to feel
The poll, from the Associated overloaded with information on
Press-NORC Center for Public social media, while girls were
Affairs Research, surveyed teens more likely to feel they always
aged 13 to 17 and found that most have to show the best version of
value the feeling of connection themselves.
with friends and family that social
media provides. A much smaller Teens who took breaks typical-
number associate it with negative ly did so across the board, check-
emotions, such as being over- ing out of Facebook, Snapchat and
whelmed or needing to always all other services all at once. And
show their best selves. they were no more or less likely to
The survey, released Thursday, take breaks from social media
found that teens social media based on the type of services they
breaks are typically a week or use.
longer, and that boys are more Among the teens who took voluntary breaks, 38 percent did so because social media was getting in the way of Although they felt relief and
likely to take longer breaks. work or school. Nearly a quarter said they were tired of the conflict and drama and 20 percent said they were were happy to be away from social
Teens were allowed to cite multi- tired of having to keep up with whats going on. media for a while, most teens said
ple reasons for their breaks. things went back to how they were
what it might be like for someone included 38 percent who said their social media for school or before once they returned to social
Nearly two-thirds of teens who
who grew up with it to step back parents took away their phone or extracurricular activities. media.
took a break cited at least one vol-
from social media, consider dis- computer and 17 percent who said I like to see what my friends
untary reason. Amanda Lenhart, The AP-NORC poll was conduct-
connecting from email or your their phone was lost, broken or and family are up to, said Lukas
the lead researcher and an expert ed online and by phone from Dec.
phone for a couple of weeks. stolen. Goodwin, 14, who uses Instagram
on young people and technology 7 to 31. A sample of parents with
Among the teens who took vol- The involuntary break is sort and Snapchat every day. He said he
use, said she was surprised by this, teenage children was drawn from a
untary breaks, 38 percent did so of its own challenge, Lenhart took a break from Instagram a
as it counters the broader narrative probability-based panel of NORC
because social media was getting said. They feel that they are miss- few years ago but not recently.
that teens are handcuffed to their at the University of Chicago.
in the way of work or school. ing out, detached from important Now, he says, I wouldnt want to
social media profiles. Parents then gave permission for
Nearly a quarter said they were social relationships (as well as) take a break from them.
Todays teenagers might not their children to be interviewed.
tired of the conflict and drama news and information.
recall a time before social media. Among the The panel, AmeriSpeak, is
and 20 percent said they were tired About 35 percent of teens sur-
MySpace was founded in 2003. designed to be representative of
Had it survived, it would be 14
of having to keep up with whats
going on.
veyed said they have not taken a
break, citing such worries as miss-
surveys other findings: the U.S. population. The margin
years old today. Facebook is a year Lower income teens were more of sampling error for all respon-
Nearly half of teens who took a ing out and being disconnected
younger. Instagram launched in likely to take social media breaks dents is plus or minus 4.6 percent-
break did so involuntarily. This from friends. Some said they need
2010. For an adult to understand age points.
furniture, appliances, cabinets and more
Reznik wins
PAL singles Fab four leads HMB Quartet of freshmen
tennis title lead Lady Cougars to
Ocean Division crown
Carlmont standout tops
teammate; M-A captures By Terry Bernal
another doubles crown It was apparent as the Half Moon Bay girls
By Nathan Mollat closed out a 107-61 win over rival Terra Nova
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF in Thursdays regular-season swimming finale
why the Lady Cougars are the class of the
Carlmonts Thomas Reznik and Milad Peninsula Athletic League Ocean Division.
Shafaie carpooled together to Burlingame With the rivals entering Thursday tied for
High School Thursday, site of the finals of the top spot in the Ocean Division, HMBs
the Peninsula Athletic League individual freshman four showed up with an inspired
tennis tournament. performance to clinch the crown. And even
The ride was uneventful, belying the fact the with the meet locked up heading into the
two teammates, and the Scots top two singles days final event, the 400-yard freestyle
players, would square off relay, the Cougars quartet did not back down.
against each in the singles Grace Anderson, Riley Rhodes, Eve Kearns
championship match. and Mia Griffiths have been paving the way for
Reznik, the No. 2 seed, a renaissance in Half Moon Bay girls swim-
is the battle-hardened jun- ming all season. After each topped the podium
ior who finished second to in multiple events, they teamed to win the 400
Half Moon Bays Drew free relay in 3 minutes, 58.45 seconds, 20 sec-
Davison in the finals last onds better than the second-place finisher.
year. Shafaie, seeded third, The lithe and limber Anderson used her tall
is the freshman phenom frame to lead off with an inspired swim, tak-
Thomas Reznik who posted an undefeated
ing a body-length lead by the end of her first
regular-season mark and upset top-seeded lap and gaining even more by the end of the
Davison in the semifinals Wednesday. second. Then Rhodes entered the water with a
In the end, Reznik proved to be the more swam-like dive, touching the wall at the end
steady of the two. As Shafaie battled his of the second leg with a 30-yard lead. The
ground strokes in the gusting afternoon wind, business-like Kearns followed by hammer-
Reznik kept the ball in play. After winning ing away, lapping another swimmer to finish
the first set, Reznik turned up the pressure, the third leg nearly 50 yards ahead, a full
using his net game to end points as quickly as length of the pool, over the second-place
possible. Despite a late rally from Shafaie, lane. And Griffiths anchored by chasing
Reznik prevailed for a 6-4, 6-4 victory. down another third-leg swimmer and finish-
I feels great (to win the title), Reznik said. ing over 50 yards ahead of second place.
I came in wanting the win the whole thing. If the freshmen were ever intimidated by
Menlo-Athertons Casey Morris and Tyler swimming against varsity competition that
Ellingson, who played as the Bears No. 1 is consistently two or three years older than
and No. 2 singles, respectively, teamed up them, they arent now. But its clear from
to win the PAL doubles title, 6-1, 6-4. They TERRY BERNAL/DAILY JOURNAL their ability to start tabbing Central Coast
beat the Woodside duo of Levi Vigdorchik Led by four freshmen, Half Moon Bay wrapped up the Peninsula Athletic League Ocean Division Section qualifying times from the outset of
and Alex Kastelein, who were making their girls swimming championship Thursday against rival Terra Nova at Oceana High School. the year that they never were intimidated.
second straight appearance in the doubles Clockwise from top: Mia Griffiths takes first place in the 200 free; Riley Rhodes fronts the win Its always kind of weird, Griffiths said. Im
with the backstroke leg in the 200 medley relay; Grace Anderson celebrates her CCS qualifying
See TENNIS, Page 18 swim in the 100 free; Eve Kearns wins a spirited duel in the 100 butterfly. See HMB, Page 16
THURSDAY Local sports roundup Athletic League Foothill Division title race as
they handed the Knights their second league
That rally turned Lucas Billot into a winner of
the mound as he tossed six innings, allowing
loss. three runs on seven hits. Sean Prozell came in
Girls swimming 4 with a pair of doubles.
Madi Earnshaw pitched a complete game in to pitch the seventh and earn the save.
Menlo-Atherton 109, San Mateo 61 Softball earning the win, scattering just four hits while Carlmont (8-1 PAL Bay, 18-3-1 overall) took
The Lady Bears captured the PAL Bay striking out seven. a 1-0 lead in the top of the first and let 2-0 after
Division dual meet title with a convincing win Mercy-Burlingame 12, Castilleja 11 Chloe Stogner and Carlee Miller led the a run in the third, but Burlingame (4-4, 8-7-1)
over the second-place Bearcats. The Crusaders rallied for a run in the bottom offensive for Notre Dame (8-0 WBAL Foothill), tied the game with a two-run third. The Panthers
of the seventh inning to pull out the win over collecting two hits apiece.
M-A (7-0 PAL Bay) swept all three relay races then took a 3-2 lead with a run in the bottom of
the Gators in WBAL Foothill Division action
and won six individual events. Haley Arrington the fourth.
and Izzi Henig were both double individual win-
to keep their playoff hopes alive. Badminton The two will face each other again at 3 p.m.
With the win, Mercy-Burlingame (4-3 WBAL
ners for the Bears. Arrington captured the 200
Foothill), pulls into a third-place tie with
Hillsdale 12, Woodside 3 today at Carlmont. The start time was moved up
free and 500 free races, while Henig, the reign- The Knights captured their first-ever bad- an hour to accomodate Carlmonts prom.
Harker. The top three teams from the WBAL
ing Daily Journal Female Swimmer of the Year, minton championship, beating the Wildcats to
Foothill Division automatically qualify for the
won the 50 and 100 free sprints. finish the PAL Ocean Division season a perfect
Other M-A winners included Faith Dunn (200
Boys volleyball
After Castilleja (1-7) scored three runs in the
IM) and Claire Haldeman (100 fly). top of the seventh to tie the score at 11, Amber Seniors Max Chai, Will Satyadi and Andrew Carlmont 3, Mills 0
San Mateo had two individual winners. Emma Abughardbieh tripled to lead off the bottom of Chang, along with the doubles team of Renae
The Scots swept the Vikings in a PAL match,
Lepisova swam a sub-minute 100 back, cover- the seventh for the Crusaders. An overthrow at Labutay and Caitlyn Callegari, all completed
25-18, 25-20, 26-24.
ing the distance in a time of 59.40. Valeriya third base enabled Abugharbieh to come home unbeaten runs through league play as well.
Nasedkina took first in the 100 breast for the Chris Ding led the Carlmont offense with 11
with game-winning run.
Bearcats. It was the second double of the day for
WEDNESDAY kills. Jason Jung and Ethan Wong each finished
with six kills for the Scots.
Baseball Kaylyn Sterling went 1 for 2 for Mercy, with Baseball
Crystal Springs 10, Westmoor 0 a home run in the sixth. Ryan Galea doubled Carlmont 4, Burlingame 3
Track and field
Senior right-hander Chris Loveland fired a twice and also drove in a run. Carla Joachin- The Scots scored two runs in the top of the Aragon girls capture
four-hit shutout to lead Crystal Springs Uplands Alvarez had a double. seventh inning to rally for the win over the
Galea got a hard-earned win. She allowed Bay Division dual meet title
(5-4 in PAL Lake, 7-7 overall) past Westmoor Panthers.
(0-9, 0-16). eight hits, but only three of the Gators run were Aaron Hochs RBI single drove in pinch run- The Dons defeated Menlo-Atherton in the
Senior No. 5 hitter David Young got the earned. She struck out 10 as she hurled a com- ner Troy Rice with what turned out to be game- final regular-season meet of the season to take
Gryphons on the scoreboard in the first inning plete game. winning run. Jordan Brandenburg had tied the the division team crown with a perfect 5-0
with a three-run double. Young finished with game with a sacrifice fly that drove in Vinnie record.
four RBIs on the day, moving into the team lead Notre Dame-Belmont 4, Bologna, who started the rally by getting hit by M-A dominated the sprint events, but Aragon
with 10 on the season. Deji Agunbiande was 2 Kings Academy 0 a pitch for the fifth straight game and 12th time held its own in the distance and then controlled
for 2 with two RBIs and Brandon Chu was 2 for The Tigers took control of the West Bay this season. the field events to pull out the victory.
THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Friday April 28, 2017 15
Baseball brief
Angels beat As in pitchers duel Manfred: Two groups still
By Jill Painter Lopez
Angels 2, As 1 game. One was just touch and feel to get the in Miami Marlins bidding
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS normal stiffness you might have after a start NEW YORK Baseball Commissioner Rob
Trout, who has an 11-game hitting streak, out. The other one was really a tutorial to Manfred says two groups are still bidding to
ANAHEIM Ricky Nolasco had extra hit a two-out double in the first, followed by find that release point. Hes ready. He feels buy the Miami Marlins from Jeffrey Loria.
days between starts to work on mechanical a run-scoring single by Albert Pujols and an good. New York Yankees captain Derek Jeter and
issues and it paid off as he led the Los RBI double by C.J. Cron. Trout, the reign- Angels third baseman Yunel Esocbar hit a former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush are involved in
Angeles Angels to a 2-1 victory over the ing AL MVP, has hit safely in 23 of 24 double in the eighth inning to snap an 0- one of the groups. Bloomberg reported Tuesday
Oakland Athletics on Thursday night to earn games this season. for-22 skid. that the Jeter/Bush group won an auction for the
the series sweep. Oakland starter Kendall Graveman (2-1), team with a $1.3 billion bid. Manfred said some
Nolasco (2-2) threw 5 2/3 innings, allow- who came off the disabled list after missing Trainers room reports on the sale have been premature.
ing one run and three hits. The Angels (12- one start with a minor shoulder strain There are multiple bidders for the Marlins,
Athl eti cs : RHP John Axford (strained
12) have won four consecutive games and allowed two runs in six innings and scat- Manfred said Thursday. There is no agreement
right shoulder) threw from 90 feet and could
are back to .500 as they head to Texas. tered six hits. He struck out four and walked in place. Were working with more than one
join the team on the upcoming road trip. ...
Bud Norris is settling into the closers none. group, and when we have a definitive agreement
LHP Sean Manaea (left shoulder tightness)
role for Oakland. He pitched a scoreless well make an announcement.
The Athletics scored once in the fourth is expected to play catch in Texas on Friday.
ninth for his fourth save of the season and Asked about the timeline, Manfred respond-
inning on a single to right field by Alonso. He left Wednesdays start after just 34 pitch-
second in as many nights. ed: The timeline is relatively short; it would be
Nolasco, the Angels Opening Day es in two innings.
In the sixth inning, Nolasco walked two measured in days, not months. He also said
batters and Yonder Alonso reached on an starter, seemed to work out the kinks with
error to load the bases. Blake Parker mechanical adjustments in bullpen ses- Up next there is not a signed document on any topic.
We still have two groups involved in the
relieved Nolasco and struck out Ryon Healy sions. He pitched decisively and faced just Oakland RHP Jharel Cotton (2-2, 4.76 process, he added. Timing is one of the
with the bases loaded to end the inning. three batters over the minimum through the ERA) will make his ninth career start things that both the buyer and the seller are
The Angels, who scored eight runs in the first five innings. against Houston on Friday night. He leads working through, so its just impossible to say
previous games win over the Athletics, He threw a couple of bullpens, Angels the AL in games started by a rookie (4) and at this point, and I dont want to get into really
scored two runs in the first inning. Mike manager Mike Scioscia said before the innings pitched (22 2/3). what the issues are. The only reason I com-
mented on this at all is there had been so much
out there that really (is) not quite accurate.
16 Friday April 28, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL
can do on a tennis court, and still manages With two Caada teammates who arent the school, but the way were cheering on
Garrett No. 1
New York
3 1/2
Washington 16
Philadelphia 11
Miami 10
Mitty at Serra, Sacred Heart Prep at Sequoia,
Burlingame at Carlmont, Terra Nova at Woodside,
Capuchino at Hillsdale, 4 p.m.
Atherton, 4 p.m.; St. Francis at Menlo School, 5:30
Tampa Bay 11 12 .478 4 1/2 Atlanta 8 12 .400 7 Softball Badminton
Toronto 6 16 .273 9 New York 8 13 .381 7 1/2 South City at Jefferson, El Camino at Terra Nova, 4
Central Division Central Division p.m.; Woodside at Burlingame, Crystal Springs at PAL division tournaments
BEREA, Ohio The Browns Cleveland 12 9 .571 Chicago 12 9 .571 Latino College Prep, Nueva at Alma Heights, 4 p.m. Bay Division at Aragon; Ocean Division at Hillsdale,
Milwaukee 12 11 .522 1 Boys volleyball 4 p.m.
didnt mess around with the No. 1 Chicago 11 9 .550 1/2
Boys lacrosse
Detroit 11 10 .524 1 St. Louis 11 11 .500 1 1/2 Menlo-Atherton at Capuchino, 6 p.m.
pick. Minnesota 10 11 .476 2 Cincinnati 10 12 .455 2 1/2 Girls lacrosse Aragon at Sequoia, 7 p.m.
Myles Garrett was the consensus Kansas City 7 14 .333 5 Pittsburgh 9 12 .429 3
West Division West Division
best player in the NFL draft, and
Cleveland made sure he didnt go
Los Angeles 12
14 8
anywhere else. As 10 12 .455 4 Los Angeles 11 12 .478 3 FIRST ROUND Thursday, April 20: Milwaukee 104, Toronto 77
Texas 10 12 .455 4 San Diego 9 15 .375 6 (Best-of-7; x-if necessary)
Although their biggest need Giants 8 15 .348 6 1/2 Saturday, April 22: Toronto 87, Milwaukee 76
Seattle 10 13 .435 4 1/2 EASTERN CONFERENCE Monday, April 24: Toronto 118, Milwaukee 93
remains a franchise quarterback, Boston 3, Chicago 2 Thursday, April 27: Toronto 92, Milwaukee 89
Thursdays Games Wednesdays Games Sunday, April 16: Chicago 106, Boston 102
the Browns selected Texas A&Ms Philadelphia 3, Miami 2
Seattle 2, Detroit 1 Tuesday, April 18: Chicago 111, Boston 97
defensive standout first overall, a St. Louis 8, Toronto 4, 1st game, 11 innings
Atlanta 7, N.Y.Mets 5 Friday, April 21: Boston 104, Chicago 87 WESTERN CONFERENCE
St.Louis 8,Toronto 4, 1st game, 11 innings San Antonio 4, Memphis 2
pick that had been projected for Cleveland 4, Houston 3 Washington 16, Colorado 5
Sunday, April 23: Boston 104, Chicago 95
N.Y. Yankees 3, Boston 0 Wednesday, April 26: Boston 108, Chicago 97 Sat., April 15: San Antonio 111, Memphis 82
weeks. L.A.Dodgers 5, San Francisco 1, 10 innings Friday, April 28: Boston at Chicago, 5 p.m. Monday, April 17: San Antonio 96, Memphis 82
St. Louis 6, Toronto 4, 2nd game St.Louis 6,Toronto 4, 2nd game
Following a dismal 1-15 season, L.A. Angels 2, Oakland 1 Arizona 6, San Diego 2
x-Sunday, April 30: Chicago at Boston, TBD Thurs., April 20: Memphis 105, San Antonio 94
the Browns are counting on Garrett Fridays Games Sat., April 22: Memphis 110, San Antonio 108, OT
Fridays Games Washington 3, Atlanta 2 Tues., April 25: San Antonio 116, Memphis 103
Baltimore (Gausman 1-2) atYanks (Sabathia 2-1),4:05 p.m. Mets(deGrom0-1)atWashington(Scherzer3-1),4:05p.m.
and this draft Sashi Brown, the Tampa (Snell 0-2) at Toronto (Stroman 2-2), 4:07 p.m.
Sunday, April 16: Washington 114, Atlanta 107 Thurs., April 27: San Antonio 103, Memphis 96
Cubs (Arrieta 3-0) at Boston (Pomeranz 1-1), 4:10 p.m. Wed., April 19: Washington 109, Atlanta 101
clubs vice president of football Cubs (Arrieta 3-0) at Boston (Pomeranz 1-1),4:10 p.m. Pittsburgh (Taillon 1-0) at Miami (Conley 1-1),4:10 p.m. Saturday, April 22: Atlanta 116, Washington 98
operations called it momentous CWS (Pelfrey 0-1) at Detroit (Boyd 2-1), 4:10 p.m. Atlanta(Colon1-2)atMilwaukee(Anderson2-0),5:10p.m. Utah 3, L.A. Clippers 2
Monday, April 24: Atlanta 111, Washington 101
Seattle (Miranda 1-2) at Cleveland (Carrasco 2-1),4:10 p.m. Cincy (Adleman 0-0) at St.Louis (Lynn 2-1), 5:15 p.m. Wednesday, April 26: Washington 103, Atlanta 99 Saturday, April 15: Utah 97, L.A. Clippers 95
last week to kick-start their Angels (Skaggs 1-1) at Texas (Martinez 0-0), 5:05 p.m. Colorado (Freeland 2-1) at Arizona (Ray 2-0), 6:40 p.m. Tuesday, April 18: L.A. Clippers 99, Utah 91
Friday, April 28: Washington at Atlanta, 5:30 p.m.
turnaround and possibly end years As (Cotton 2-2) at Houston (Morton 1-2), 5:10 p.m. Philly (Eickhoff 0-1) at L.A.Dodgers (Maeda 1-2),7:10 p.m. x-Sunday, April 30: Atlanta at Washington, TBD Friday, April 21: L.A. Clippers 111, Utah 106
of football folly for a once-proud Minnesota (Gibson 0-3) at K.C.(Kennedy 0-2),5:15 p.m. S.D. (Perdomo 0-0) at Giants (Samardzija 0-4),7:15 p.m. Sunday, April 23: Utah 105, L.A. Clippers 98
Toronto 4, Milwaukee 2 Tuesday, April 25: Utah 96, L.A. Clippers 92
franchise. With two first-round Saturday, April 15: Milwaukee 97, Toronto 83 Friday, April 28: L.A. Clippers at Utah, 7:30 p.m.
picks, two in the second round and TRANSACTIONS Tuesday, April 18: Toronto 106, Milwaukee 100 x-Sunday, April 30: Utah at L.A. Clippers, TBD
one in the third, the Browns have
BASEBALL Tacoma (PCL). Assigned OF Leonys Martin outright
the assets to improve, and possi-
bly to find that elusive QB after
American League
to Tacoma.
National League
starting 26 since 1999. Norfolk (IL). Second Round WESTERN CONFERENCE
Zack Godley to Reno (PCL). (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Edmonton 1, Anaheim 0
But thats been the hope before naud off waivers from Atlanta. Transferred RHP EASTERN CONFERENCE Wednesday, April 26: Edmonton 5, Anaheim 3
Carson Smith to the 60-day DL. ATLANTA BRAVES Optioned C Anthony Recker Pittsburgh 1, Washington 0
and years of blown draft picks, CHICAGO WHITE SOX Optioned RHP Juan Mi- to Gwinnett (IL). Selected the contract of RHP Jason Friday, April 28: Edmonton at Anaheim, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 27: Pittsburgh 3, Washington 2 Sunday, April 30: Anaheim at Edmonton, 4 p.m.
particularly in the first round, have naya to Charlotte (IL). Motte from Gwinnett. Sent P Mauricio Cabrera to Saturday, April 29: Pittsburgh at Washington, 5 p.m.
DETROIT TIGERS Optioned LHP Kyle Ryan to Florida (FSL) for a rehab assignment. Monday, May 1:Washington at Pittsburgh, 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 3: Anaheim at Edmonton, 7 p.m.
hampered the team from making Wednesday,May 3:Washington at Pittsburgh,4:30 p.m. x-Friday, May 5: Edmonton at Anaheim, TBD
Toledo (IL). Reinstated SS Jose Iglesias from the 7- CINCINNATI REDS Optioned RHP Barrett Astin
any significant progress. day DL. to Louisville (IL). Reinstated C Devin Mesoraco from x-Saturday, May 6: Pittsburgh at Washington, TBD x-Sunday, May 7: Anaheim at Edmonton, TBD
HOUSTON ASTROS Placed OF Teoscar Her- x-Monday, May 8: Washington at Pittsburgh, TBD x-Wednesday, May 10: Edmonton at Anaheim,TBD
Garrett, a freakish athlete who the 10-day DL.
x-Wednesday,May 10:Pittsburgh at Washington,TBD
nandez on the 10-day DL. Recalled 2B Tony Kemp LOS ANGELES DODGERS Optioned LHP Adam
has been accused of sometimes from Fresno (PCL). Nashville 1, St. Louis 0
Liberatore to Oklahoma City (PCL). Recalled LHP Ottawa 1, N.Y. Rangers 0 Wednesday, April 26: Nashville 4, St. Louis 3
taking plays off, could help OAKLAND ATHLETICS Optioned 1B/OF Matt Julio Urias from Oklahoma City. Thursday, April 27: Ottawa 2, N.Y. Rangers 1
Olson to Nashville (PCL). Reinstated RHP Kendall Friday, April 28: Nashville at St. Louis, 5 p.m.
change that. Cleveland has lacked Graveman from the 10-day DL. Sent RHP Sonny NEW YORK METS Sent OF Brandon Nimmo to Saturday, April 29: N.Y. Rangers at Ottawa, 12 p.m. Sunday, April 30: St. Louis at Nashville, 12 p.m.
St. Lucie (FSL) for a rehab assignment. Tuesday, May 2: Ottawa at N.Y. Rangers, 4 p.m.
a dominant defensive player, the Gray to Nashville for a rehab assignment. Thursday, May 4: Ottawa at N.Y. Rangers, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 2: St. Louis at Nashville, 6:30 p.m.
kind who can change a game with a SEATTLE MARINERS Reinstated RHP Rob PITTSBURGH PIRATES Optioned RHP Dovy- x-Saturday, May 6: N.Y. Rangers at Ottawa, TBD x-Friday, May 5: Nashville at St. Louis, TBD
Whalen from the 10-day DL and optioned him to das Neverauskas to Indianapolis (IL). Recalled SS x-Tuesday, May 9: Ottawa at N.Y. Rangers, TBD x-Sunday, May 7: St. Louis at Nashville, TBD
sack or punishing hit. Gift Ngoepe from Indianapolis. x-Thursday, May 11: N.Y. Rangers at Ottawa, TBD x-Tuesday, May 9: Nashville at St. Louis, TBD
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I think we were both really tight in the Berthier was not quite at 100 percent men- The top four guys were all incredible,
beginning, Reznik said. The first set, it tally for the match, however. Because of an Berthier said. Im extremely happy (with my
was tough to get going. accident on Highway 101, Berthier was 15 showing).
Shafaie held serve to start the second set, minutes late, finally running up to the courts In the third-place doubles match, M-A made
Continued from page 11 at 4 p.m. in flip-flops. He and Davison took
but Reznik got back to his breaking ways it a doubles sweep, as Jake Andrew and
after holding his own serve and breaking the court where Berthier donned socks and ten- Camilo Sauressig beat Hillsdales Lucas
championship match. nis shoes, went through a quick warmup and Rosenberg and Ben Liao in straight sets, 6-1,
Shafaies serve for the fourth time in the
All finalist automatically qualify for the took his place on the baseline ready or not. 6-4.
match. Reznik eventually built his lead to 5-
Central Coast Section tournament that Playing against the hard-hitting Davison,
2 before Shafaie won two games in a row to Despite the loss, the Hillsdale duo was just
begins in a couple weeks. Berthier was not quite on his game and
stave off elimination. happy to be playing on the last day of the
Both Reznik and Shafaie got off to slow Davison took advantage, winning the first PAL season.
starts as they both had to adjust to the wind But he couldnt quite get over the hump as
Reznik won on his serve. set 6-1. [Hillsdale] is not known for having a good
howling for the entire match. Shafaie
whipped a couple of eyebrow-raising passing I thought I played pretty good today, over- In the second set, Berthier finally found his tennis team, so its nice to be one of the top
shots on the run early in the first set as he all, Shafaie said. Im happy qualifying for game and stayed close, trading big, booming (doubles) teams, Liao said.
built a 3-1 lead, breaking Reznik in the fourth CCS. But I didnt play as well today as I did baseline bombs with Davison. The two Rosenberg and Liao served as the Knights
game. [Wednesday in beating Davison]. [Reznik] stayed on serve the first three games before top two singles players this season before
Reznik, however, came back to break and did a better job attacking in the conditions Davison got a break and a hold to take a 3-1 teaming up to play doubles in the PAL tourna-
then hold serve to tie the set at 3 as Shafaies than I did. lead. He maintained that service break and ment. It was the first time either had played
ground stroke troubles started to crop up went to win the second 6-4 and take third doubles in a match that counted.
The third-place singles match between Half
when he made several unforced errors. place. Weve been playing singles all season
Moon Bays Davison and M-As Timmy
Reznik won a third game in a row, breaking Berthier featured the present and future of PAL Terrible traffic, Berthier said of his late long, Rosenberg said. Its nice to team up
Shafaies serve for the second straight time, tennis. Davison, a senior, was looking for a arrival. The first set, I was definitely not on and play doubles. This is our first time play-
but Shafaie broke right back to tie the match fourth straight top-3 finish in the PAL tourna- my A game. The second set, I got into way ing (doubles) matches.
at 4. ment. He finished second his freshman year more. But for Rosenberg, just being out on the
Rezniks third service break of the set put and was third his sophomore. He won the sin- Only a sophomore, Berthier is looking for tennis court was a win, as far as he was con-
the first set on his racket and he did not let it gles title last year and by virtue of his 6-1, 6- bigger things in his future, with a goal of cerned.
get away, using a service winner to punctuate 4 win over Berthier, he added another third- winning this tournament at some point over Just getting out and playing (is worth it),
the first-set victory, 6-4. place finish to his PAL resume. the next two years. Rosenberg said. I just love playing tennis.
behind them. Oakland also has a hole to fill Now they will try to fix a defense that set
Continued from page 11
in the slot after declining to pick up the
option year on DJ Haydens contract this
offseason. Continued from page 11
franchise worsts for points, yards and yards
rushing allowed in a single season in 2016.
That contributed to a 2-14 record that
matched the worst in team history and led to
the firing of coach Chip Kelly and general
A really talented corner thats capable of Smith struggled in his first season with Were both very versatile, Thomas said. manager Trent Baalke.
playing man or zone, Del Rio said. Been the Raiders and could be expendable depend- Were quick. But I have to earn my stripes Lynch and new coach Kyle Shanahan are
well-respected by the people that Ive spo- ing on how quickly Conley adjusts to the before I even get compared to him. I have to setting out to rebuild the talent-bereft team
ken to personally about him. A guy that pro level. Smith, who was benched in Week play my first down, earn my stripes from my and coveted the extra draft picks acquired in
loves to compete, good teammate and really teammates and earn their respect. Thats this deal to fill significant remaining holes
1 and was a constant target on the NFLs what Im trying to do right now.
a quality kid. Hes got great length, great at quarterback, the secondary and receiver.
speed. One of those really clean players that 24th-ranked pass defense, is due to earn $5 Lynch, as a Stanford graduate, is quite Foster won the Butkus Award as the
we were fortunate to get our hands on late in million in base salary in 2017 and could familiar with Thomas. He has spent time nations top linebacker last year but faced
the first round. make another $4.25 million as a roster around the program in recent years and even questions about the health of his shoulder.
Conley started every game over the past bonus. took a class on decision-making with He said he is 90 percent healthy and expects
two years at Ohio State and allowed oppos- Thomas where they collaborated on a proj- to be ready for training camp.
ing quarterbacks to complete just 37 percent Hayden was the last cornerback the ect. Foster also was kicked out of the combine
of their throws in his direction. The 6-foot, Raiders drafted in the first round and the I was star struck the first day of class, over a confrontation with a hospital worker
195-pound junior had six interceptions in very first first-round pick made by Thomas said. I tried to cling on to him, and had a diluted drug test sample, turning
three seasons including four in 2016 while learn from him. It was a really cool experi- him from a projected top 10 pick to one that
playing almost strictly on the outside. McKenzie after becoming general manager.
ence to be in class with him. almost didnt make it in the first round.
The pick addresses Oaklands lack of Hayden was the 12th overall pick in 2013
Thomas said the two kept in touch since The Niners now have two picks in each of
depth in the secondary. Starters Sean Smith but was hindered by injuries and missed 19 then and now he wants to make Lynch proud the fourth, fifth and sixth rounds, along
and David Amerson had up-and-down years games over four seasons in Oakland before as his first draft pick ever as a general man- with one in the second, third and seventh
in 2016 and the Raiders dont have much the team cut ties with him this offseason. ager. round.
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The Society of Western Artists went to Shawn and Barbara Todd. The show, judged has been the artist for the TABLE of PLEN-
Arena Shawn for her first place charcoal by Ann Basunio, June Levin and Leona TY in Half Moon Bay, a weekly supper for
True Grit, to Sharon Slusarz Harris for her Moriarty and runs until June 2 at the struggling families, elders, the homeless
second place watercolor The Music Society of Western Artists Fine Art Center, and the hungry. Of her works, Green said:
Continued from page 20 527 San Mateo Ave. in San Bruno. The
Lingers, to Edna Acri for her third place They represent a long-held curiosity to
watercolor Down Mexico Way, and to Center is open 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday uncover the little-known stories of hard
working artist studios where visual artists through Saturday.
work and exhibit their creations in paint- Carrie Drilling for her first place non-repre- work, innovation and survival, most often
ing, sculpture, photography, mixed media, sentational watercolor Untitled. The *** found on the worn paths. The Mercy Center
jewelry, fiber art and millinery. Museum Peoples Choice award from SWAs previous WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? PAINT- Art Gallery is located at 2300 Adeline Drive
hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday show was The Apartment in Prino, Italy, INGS B Y S ALLY K. GREEN AT in Burlingame. There will be a reception for
through Sunday. Admission is free. 1777 an oil by Laurie Rodriquez. Other partici- MERCY CENTER ART GALLERY IN the artist 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, May
California Drive in Burlingame. pants in the current show are Barbara Alger, BURLINGAME. Paintings from Sally K. 13.
*** Patricia Bennett, Martha Bredwell, Diana Greens Life & Work and Leaders with a
ARENA S HAWN S TRUE GRIT Day Glynn, Deepali Kapatkar, Joyce Lasting Impression collections make up
COMES IN FIRST AT THE SOCIETY Barron Leopardo, Yvonne Newhouse, Rose Where Have You Been? on view at the
OF WES TERN ARTIS TS IN S AN Nieponice, Anne Oseberg, Olga Parr, Sally Mercy Center Art Gallery from May 1 to Susan Cohn can be reached at susan@smdailyjour-
BRUNO. Awards for the current show at Patten, Susan Pizzi, JanePresta, Arena June 30. Since its founding in 2012, Green nal.com or www.twitter.com/susancityscene.
cute magician she just met. minute running time, and the drug-dealing
by an electromagnet hes built into his arm.
You read that right: Bo is like a self-made She and the other female characters, subplot is heavy-handed and stereotypical,
Iron Man, with an electro-charged arm that including Sasheer Zamata as Bos caring its a promising start for first-time director
can move metal objects without touching neighbor, Carmen Esposito as a seen-it-all J.D. Dillard, who co-wrote the screenplay
Continued from page 19 with producer Alex Theurer. Dillard is equal-
them. club manager and Storm Reid as Bos
beloved little sister, arent developed ly unafraid of gore and emotion, and the use
Bo doesnt like the drug work, but Anyone can learn a trick, Bo says. But of magic here feels fresh.
because he only sells cocaine and party doing something no one else is willing to beyond their relationship to Bo.
pills to club kids in Hollywood, he justifies do makes you a magician. Sleight is Bos story, which is why Sleight succeeds with its creation of a
to himself that its harmless. His challenge This is how he explains a fierce-look- Latimores casting is crucial. His perform- modern quasi-superhero in Bo and the
is to juggle his magic dreams and drug- ing wound on his arm to his impossibly ance is so compelling that it smooths over launching of an electric new leading man in
slinging reality while protecting his sister, i deal i zed g i rl fri en d, Ho l l y (Sey ch el l e the shortcomings in the script, direction Latimore.
and Latimore embodies the tenderness, fear Gabriel). Holly is the kind of fictional- and budget. And Hill is a hoot as a man com- Sleight, a BH Tilt release, is rated R by
and determination such a balancing act ized female construct that can only exist pletely off the hinges, even if he almost the Motion Picture Association of America
requires. in the male imagination: Shes smitten at veers into caricature. for language throughout, drug content and
Meanwhile, Bo is devoted to improving first glance, ripe for rescuing and willing Though the film suffers from pacing some violence. Running time: 90 min-
his magic skills, which are secretly aided to give her hard-earned life savings to a issues that make it feel longer than its 90- utes. Two and a half stars out of four.
LGBTQ+ Clothing Swap. 11 a.m. to 1
Continued from page 1
Senior Showcase Information Fair. p.m. 1021 S. El Camino Real, San
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 20 Twin Pines Lane, Mateo. Please ensure clothes are
Belmont. Visit over 30 booths to learn washed. For more information con- 280 corridor and down to the countys
about senior resources and services. tact gilbert@acs-teens.org. southern border. The only major differ-
Goody bags, giveaways, refreshments
and blood pressure check. Free. For Homemade Cleaning Products. ence between the two maps is the divi-
more information call 344-5200. Noon. South San Francisco Main sion of a central portion of the county
Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South
Beginning Chess for Adults. 10 a.m. San Francisco. For more information around Foster City, San Mateo, San
to noon. San Carlos Library, 610 Elm email valle@plsinfo.org. Carlos and Belmont.
St., San Carlos. For more information The seven-district alignment carves
call 591-0341 ext. 237. Fiesta Cinco de Mayo at Hillsdale
Shopping Center. 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. out smaller wards around the Highway
Career and Resources Fair. 10 a.m. Hillsdale Shopping Center, 60 E. 31st 101 corridor and builds new wards spe-
to 2 p.m. Sobrato Center for Ave., San Mateo. For more informa-
Nonprofits, 350 Twin Dolphin Drive, tion visit hillsdale.com. cific for Foster City and South San
Redwood Shores. Free event for job Francisco, while folding Millbrae and
seekers. Sponsored by Branner Spangenberg Gallery:
Phase2Careers. Offers a variety of Julie Brookmans Work opening Burlingame into a northern coastal
services: opportunity to meet local reception. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. 275A district spanning to Pacifica. A second
employers, free resume reviews, and Linden Street, Redwood City. Runs
career workshops. For more informa- through June 5 on weekends from 1 coastal district reaches from Montara,
tion visit www.phase2careers.org. to 4 p.m. For more information email east near Interstate 280 and through
info@brannerspangenberggallery.co the southern stretch of the county.
Peninsula Family Service Spanish m.
Senior Peer Counseling Open Mohr said though he keeps an open
House. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2600 Kat Parra World Jazz Ensemble. 3 mind to the merits of each alignment,
Middlefield Road, Redwood City. p.m. 1100 Alameda de las Pulgas,
Become a Spanish Senior Peer Belmont. Kat Parras music touches on he appreciates the effort preserving
Counselor. Ages 55 and up. For more Latin and World Jazz styles and incor- the boards current composition of
information contact 403-4300 ext. porates rhythm and danceable
4389. sounds. For more information contact five trustees.
belmont@smcl.org. I think it is more naturally viewed
Donuts, and Dunkin, with Dave. 11 as five districts, he said. That is what
a.m. to 2 p.m. Dunkin Donuts. 180 S. Film Screening: Daze of Justice.
Airport Blvd., South San Francisco. 6:30 p.m. College of San Mateo people are accustomed to. The desir-
Join Supervisor Dave Pine for a cup of Theatre, 1700 W. Hillsdale Blvd., San ability of seven depends on what you
coffee and doughnuts to share Mateo. A $10 donation is requested,
thoughts on San Mateo County but parking is free. For more informa- think the impact would be.
issues. For more information call 363- tion email suc@smccd.edu. He added there could be a hurdle asso-
4571. ciated with rallying the public interest
More Joy! 7:30 p.m. 3300 Alpine
Money Saving Apps. Noon. South Road, Portola Valley. The five-piece needed to fill an additional two seats
San Francisco Main Library, 840 W. folk music group returns to Portola on the board. But if a driving force
Orange Ave., South San Francisco. For Valley for a concert featuring songs
more information email valle@plsin- from Bob Dylan, the Dixie Chicks, behind the shift to district elections is
fo.org. Loggins and Messina, Linda Ronstadt ramping up representation, adding
and old country favorites. Tickets
New Living Expo 2017. 4 p.m. to 9:15 available at the door. For more infor- more districts would work toward such
p.m. 2495 S. Delaware St., San Mateo. mation contact 327-5206. an end, he said.
New Living Expo focuses on holistic There is the argument that the larg-
and sustainable living, community SUNDAY, APRIL 30
participation with active citizenship SMAC Out Cancer. 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 er the area, the broader the kinds of
and provides a harmonious forum p.m. 1700 W. Hillsdale Blvd. Building 5, concerns that you bring to the dais,
that honors cultural heritage, spiritual San Mateo. Swim, run and do yoga
expression, artistic creation, educa- with Olympians while making a tan- he said.
tion and positive social transforma- gible difference to UCSF Benioff Though no action was taken at the
tion. Tickets start at $20. For more Childrens Hospital. Register at
information go to www.newlivingex- swimacrossamerica.org/smac. most recent action, Mohr said he
po.com. anticipates the board will continue dis-
Pacific Coast Dream Machines
Show. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Half Moon cussing the issue in upcoming meet-
Reel Great Films: Duck Soup. 7 p.m.
1100 Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont. Bay Airport, 9850 Highway 1, Half ings with the intention of moving to a The seven-district alignment carves out smaller wards around the Highway 101
For more information contact bel- Moon Bay. Showcase of motorized by-district alignment in short order. corridor and builds new wards specific for Foster City and South San Francisco,
mont@smcl.org. mechanical vehicles and cars on dis-
play. There will be skydiving perform- Its an action that many districts while folding Millbrae and Burlingame into a northern coastal district spanning
SATURDAY, APRIL 29 ances, monster truck drivers, single- across the state have addressed, and for to Pacifica. A second coastal district reaches from Montara, east near Interstate 280
San Bruno American Legion Post wheel unimotorcycle drag racing and
409 All-You-Can-Eat Monthly more. To register a car, it is $40. all the reasons they give, those are the and through the southern stretch of the county.
Breakfast. 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. 757 Spectator admission is $25 for adults, reasons we are trying to be sensitive District recently adopted a similar completing the transition as they
San Mateo Ave., San Bruno. $10 for $15 for ages 11-17 and seniors, free
for kids age 10 and under. For more about, he said. change under the threat of a lawsuit move their election calendar from odd
adults and $6 for children 12 and
under. Breakfasts are on the last information and to register visit Advocates for by-district elections from a civil justice organization to even years, which was previously
Saturday of the month. http://dreammachines.mira- claim the alignment is preferable as it
marevents.com/registration.html. claiming some residents of Redwood approved by the board.
Belmont Earth Day Celebration. 9 enhances opportunities for residents City and East Palo Alto felt their best Mohr said no definite timeline has
a.m. to noon. 1 Twin Pines Lane, New Living Expo 2017. Noon to 7:15 from underrepresented communities to
Belmont. E-waste drop off, compost p.m. 2495 S. Delaware St., San Mateo. interests were not being served by an been established by officials in their
giveaway, booths, childrens activities New Living Expo focuses on holistic get elected. Trustee Karen Schwarz has all-white school board. The South San pursuit of the transition, but said he
and more. For more information con- and sustainable living, community said previously she believes a move Francisco Unified School District has believes they should move as effi-
tact dlynn@belmont.gov. participation with active citizenship
and provides a harmonious forum away from at-large elections could discussed the change for the same rea- ciently as possible.
Friends of the San Bruno Library that honors cultural heritage, spiritual make it cheaper for candidates, as they son. What we need to do is take action
Book Sale. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 701 expression, artistic creation, educa- will no longer be faced to campaign
Angus Ave., San Bruno. Bring your tion and positive social transforma- The community college district is on this within a reasonable time frame
own bag and fill it up to the brim with tion. Tickets start at $20. For more across the entire county. not facing a similar legal threat, but and what the period of time will be has-
books for just $7. All proceeds benefit information go to www.newlivingex- The Sequoia Union High School
library programs. For more informa- po.com. officials have expressed interest in nt been defined yet, he said.
tion call 616-7078.
Fiesta Cinco de Mayo at Hillsdale
Friends of the Belmont Library Shopping Center. 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Birthday Book Sale. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hillsdale Shopping Center, 60 E. 31st
1100 Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont. Ave., San Mateo. For more informa-
Bargain basement sale of like-new tion visit hillsdale.com.
books. For more information contact
belmont@smcl.org. Ballroom Dancing. 1 p.m. to 3:30
p.m. San Bruno Senior Center, 1555
Start2Save. 10 a.m. South San Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno. $5
Francisco Main Library, 840 W. Orange admission. For more information call
Ave., South San Francisco. For more 616-7150.
information email valle@plsinfo.org.
The Hearing Loss Associations of
Burlingame Library the Peninsula. 1 p.m. Veterans
Foundation Book and Author Memorial Senior Center, 1455
Luncheon. 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 Madison Ave., Redwood City. Bob
p.m. Green Hills Country Club, 500 Hall, psychologist and co-president,
Ludeman Lane, Millbrae. 10:30 a.m. will lead a discussion on HOPE,
Boutique Shopping. Noon to 2:30 Hearing Other Peoples
p.m. Author luncheon. Reservations Experiences. Come and share your
online only experiences with hearing loss. Free
at http://www.burlingamelibrary- and open to the public. Refreshments
foundation.org. Online auction opens will be served. For more information
Sunday, April 2. For more information call 345-4551.
e m a i l
debra.donaldson@comcast.net. Meet the artists. 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Peninsula Museum of Art, 1777
New Living Expo 2017. 11 a.m. to California Drive, Burlingame. Free
8:15 p.m. 2495 S. Delaware St., San public reception. Meet the artists of
Mateo. New Living Expo focuses on new April exhibitions: Resolving
holistic and sustainable living, com- Space, Memorys Fog and Under the
munity participation with active citi- Surface. Exhibit runs though July 9.
zenship and provides a harmonious For more information visit peninsula-
forum that honors cultural heritage, museum.org.
spiritual expression, artistic creation,
education and positive social trans- Magicflutes Flute Orchestra
formation. Tickets start at $20. For Annual Spring Concert. 2:30 p.m. 1
more information go to Notre Dame Ave., San Mateo. Ages 6
www.newlivingexpo.com. and older. For more information con-
tact pamelaflute@mac.com.
Maritime Day at The History
Museum. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. San Mateo Whole Foods CEO John Mackey
County History Museum, 2200 and Dr. Dean Ornish. 7 p.m. 4000
Broadway, Redwood City. Free event. Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. Mackey
Highlights the Charles Parsons Ships makes the case for why a whole-food
of the World exhibit gallery. Children plant-based diet is optimum for a
will be invited to design their own
model ships, design cargo, create healthy life. For more information
miniature lighthouses, learn about email ggehue@commonwealth-
knot tying and more. For more infor- club.org.
mation go to www.historysmc.org. For more events visit
smdailyjournal.com, click Calendar.
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LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- The help you offer others will you from an unusual source. Emotional confusion and help you reach your goal.
give you a vantage point that will be difficult for your uncertainty will prompt questions. Find out all you can PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Youll face opposition
FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2017
competition to deal with. Stay on top of your game and and keep moving forward. Accept the inevitable. if you are too open about your feelings. Dont get
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Youll encounter play to win. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- You can bring into an argument over something that is based on an
someone unique or have the chance to experience a VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Emotional matters will about positive personal change if you put a little assumption.
different culture or way of doing things. What you learn leave you confused. Ask questions and look for the muscle behind your plans. Use facts and experience to ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Sign up for something
will influence the way you do things in the future. source of the problem. Knowing what you are up explain your actions if someone overreacts. that connects you to your past. Attending a reunion or
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Control your emotions. against can help you avoid being manipulated or CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Avoid making snap gathering of old friends will encourage you to do things
Dont act out or make assumptions. Its important to blamed for something you didnt do. decisions or taking on responsibilities that dont you used to enjoy.
gather all the facts before you take on someone or LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Stay on top of matters. belong to you. You can stabilize a situation by offering
something daunting. Preparation is your greatest ally. Dont let anyone intervene in your affairs. An emotional suggestions, but dont take on a burden that will stifle COPYRIGHT 2017 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Dig deep, ask questions encounter with a co-worker should be dealt with your goals.
and dont feel the necessity to make a decision or lend openly and honestly to avoid rumors. Learn from AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Be careful not to take
a helping hand until you feel comfortable doing so. experience. on more than you can handle. Sticking to basics and
Exaggeration or false information is apparent. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Something will come to ironing out any trouble spots before its too late will
THEDAILYJOURNAL Friday April 28, 2017 25
104 Training 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 203 Public Notices
The following person is doing business
fieds will not be responsible for more NEEDED The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking
than one incorrect insertion, and its lia-
Up to $15 per hour. Company Car. JOURNALISM for ambitious interns who are eager to
as: CEJ Building Maintenance and Jani-
torial Services, 1080 Varian St., SAN
bility shall be limited to the price of one The Daily Journal is looking for in-
insertion. No allowance will be made for Call Molly Maid at (650)837-9788. jump into the business arena with both CARLOS, CA 94070. Registered Owner:
90 Glenn Way #2, SAN CARLOS terns to do entry level reporting, re- feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs Ezra Urbina, 327 California St. #6, South
errors not materially affecting the value search, updates of our ongoing fea-
of the ad. All error claims must be sub- of the newspaper and media industries. San Francisco, CA 94080. The busi-
tures and interviews. Photo interns al- This position will provide valuable ness is conducted by a Limited Partner-
mitted within 30 days. For full advertis- so welcome.
ing conditions, please ask for a Rate experience for your bright future. ship. The registrants commenced to
Card. Email resume transact business under the FBN on
We expect a commitment of four to info@smdailyjournal.com 3/29/17 .
eight hours a week for at least four /s/Ezra Urbina/
months. The internship is unpaid, but
110 Employment intelligent, aggressive and talented in-
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 3/29/2017. (Publish-
terns have progressed in time into 203 Public Notices ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
paid correspondents and full-time re- 4/14/17, 4/21/17, 4/28/17, 5/5/17).
CAREGIvERS College students or recent graduates
The following person is doing business FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
are encouraged to apply. Newspaper as: GAO, 313 S. San Mateo Dr, SAN
experience is preferred but not neces- STATEMENT #272088
2 years experience sarily required. MATEO, CA 94401. Registered Owner: The following person is doing business
The Food Ranger, Inc., CA. The busi- as: The Boring Company, 216 Park
required. Please send a cover letter describing ness is conducted by a Corporation. The Road, BURLINGAME, CA 94010. Regis-
your interest in newspapers, a resume registrants commenced to transact busi- tered Owner: TBC-The Boring Company,
and three recent clips. Before you ap- ness under the FBN on N/A. DE. The business is conducted by a
Immediate placement ply, you should familiarize yourself /s/Linh Viet Nguyen/ Corporation. The registrants com-
menced to transact business under the
with our publication. Our Web site: This statement was filed with the Asses-
on all assignments. www.smdailyjournal.com. sor-County Clerk on 3/22/2017. (Publish- FBN on 1/15/2017 .
MARKETING ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
/s/Jared Birchall/
SEqUOIA Benefits and Insurance Serv- Send your information via e-mail to This statement was filed with the Asses-
4/7/17, 4/14/17, 4/21/17, 4/28/17). sor-County Clerk on 4/10/2017. (Publish-
Call ices LLC in San Mateo, California seeks
Senior Market Analyst. Research market
news@smdailyjournal.com or by reg-
ular mail to 1900 Alameda de las Pul-
gas #112, San Mateo CA 94403
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
4/14/17, 4/21/17, 4/28/17, 5/5/17).
conditions in local, regional, or national
(650)777-9000 areas, and gather information for compa-
nys marketing strategy. Gather, man-
The following person is doing business FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
age, and analyze data from clients' em- as: Bay Area Kydex, 1119 Woodrow St., STATEMENT #272851
ployees such as population demograph- ST. MARK Catholic Church seeks a REDWOOD CITY, CA 94062. Registered The following person is doing business
HOME CARE AIDES as: Edren Healthy Living, 1150 El Cami-
Multiple shifts to meet your needs. Great SALES - Telemarketing and Inside Sales ics, preferences, current benefits and Part-time Custodian with ability to lift 50 Owner: Brian Agar, same address. The
no Real, Suite 250, SAN BRUNO, CA
pay & benefits, Sign-on bonus, 1yr exp Representative needed to sell newspa- needs. lbs., move furniture, strip/buff floors, business is conducted by an Individual. 94066. Registered Owner: Edgardo V.
required. Starting at $15 per hour. per print and web advertising and event Mail resume to Melissa Ellsworth, Direc- open/close ceiling high partitions, experi- The registrants commenced to transact
ence with minor household/building re- Tividad, 205 Cerro Drive B113, Daly City,
Matched Caregivers (650)839-2273, marketing solutions. To apply, please call tor of Talent Development, Sequoia Ben- business under the FBN on 4/3/17. CA 94015. The business is conducted
650-344-5200 and send resume to pairs and janitorial duties. Please send /s/Brian Agar/
(408)280-7039 or (888)340-2273 efits, 1850 Gateway Drive, Suite 700, resume to 325 Marine View Ave. Bel- by an Individual. The registrants com-
info@smdailyjournal.com This statement was filed with the Asses- menced to transact business under the
San Mateo, CA 94404. Please Include mont, CA 94002 or email st_marks-
job code 79212 in reply. EOE. church@yahoo.com.
sor-County Clerk on 4/3/2017. (Publish- FBN on 2/14/17 .
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, /s/Edgardo V. Tividad/
4/7/17, 4/14/17, 4/21/17, 4/28/17). This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 3/21/2017. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 4/14/17, 4/21/17, 4/28/17, 5/5/17).
The following person is doing business
as: California Basket Company, 20 Fawn STATEMENT #272864
Court, HILLSBOROUGH, CA 94010. The following person is doing business
Registered Owners: 1)Diane Zell, 109 as: All Nations Stronghold, 1030 Curtis
Aberdeen Drive, San Carlos, CA 94070 Street, Suite 203, MENLO PARK, CA
2)Debora Icardi, 20 Fawn Court, Hillsbor- 94025. Registered Owner: Lewis E. Con-
ough, CA 94010. The business is con- nor, Jr, 512 Walnut Street, San Carlos,
ducted by a General Partnership. The CA 94070. The business is conducted
registrants commenced to transact busi- by an Unincorporated Association other
OPEN POSITIONS ness under the FBN on N/A. than a Partnership. The registrants com-
menced to transact business under the
/s/Diane Zell and Debora Icardi/
Breakfast Cook (HOT03FM8) This statement was filed with the Asses- FBN on 3-22-17.
/s/Lewis E. Connor, Jr./
sor-County Clerk on 3/8/2017. (Publish-
Dishwasher (HOT03ICZ) ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 3/22/2017. (Publish-
Guest Service Agent (HOT03SB2) 4/7/17, 4/14/17, 4/21/17, 4/28/17). ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
4/21/17, 4/28/17, 5/5/17, 5/12/17).
Janitor (HOT03KJ6)
PT Busperson AM (HOT03PJB) STATEMENT #273050
PT Dishwasher (HOT03PJ9) The following person is doing business
as: Laceys Savory Pies, 403 Palm Ave.,
Restaurant Manager (HOT038U1) MILLBRAE, CA 94030. Registered Own-
er: Lacey Lehman, same address. The
Restaurant Server (HOT03WTG) business is conducted by an Individual.
Suitekeeper (HOT03J05) The registrants commenced to transact
business under the FBN on N/A.
Supervisor Cook (HOT03JDK) /s/Lacey Lehman/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
Supervisor Front Desk (HOT03TWJ) sor-County Clerk on 4/6/2017. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
WALK-INS ARE WELCOME 4/7/17, 4/14/17, 4/21/17, 4/28/17).
Thursdays from 1 pm 3 pm
Embassy Suites SF Airport - Waterfront
150 Anza Boulevard
Burlingame, CA 94010
Recognized in 2017 Fortune Magazine
Great Place To Work #26
Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Tundra Tundra Tundra
Career Fair
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME decidir en su contra sin escuchar su ver-
STATEMENT #273235 STATEMENT #273192 sin. Lea la informacin a continuacin.
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business Tiene 30 DAS DE CALENDARIO de-
as: Revel Furniture, 1163 Chess Drive, as: Accurate Printing Company, 160 spus de que le entreguen esta citacin
Suite L, FOSTER CITY, CA 94404. Reg- South Linden Avenue, Unit 129, SOUTH y papeles legales para presentar una re-
istered Owners: 1)Kevin Jensen, 304 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94080. Regis- spuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer
Bowfin St., Foster City, CA 94404 2)Erin tered Owner: Joseph Seto, 194 Faral- que se entregue una copia al deman-
Jensen, same address. The business is lones Street, San Francisco, CA 94112 dante. Una carta o una llamada telefni-
conducted by a Married Couple. The The business is conducted by an Individ- ca no lo protegen. Su respuesta por es-
registrants commenced to transact busi- ual. The registrants commenced to crito tiene que estar en formato legal cor-
ness under the FBN on 3/2011. transact business under the FBN on . recto si desea que procesen su caso en
/s/Erin Jensen/ /s/Joseph Seto/ la corte. Es posible que haya un formu-
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- lario que usted pueda usar para su re-
sor-County Clerk on 4/20/2017. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 4/17/2017. (Publish- spuesta. Puede encontrar estos formu-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, larios de la corte y ms informacin en el
4/28/17, 5/5/17, 5/12/17, 5/19/17). Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Cali-
4/21/17, 4/28/17, 5/5/17, 5/12/17). fornia (www.sucorte.ca.gov), en la biblio-
teca de leyes de su condado o en la
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME corte que le quede ms cerca. Si no
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #273260 puede pagar la cuota de presentacin,
STATEMENT #273228 The following person is doing business pida al secretario de la corte que le d
The following person is doing business as: Lorelai Cleaning, 790 Edge Water un formulario de exencin de pago de
as: AHarris Consulting, 1912 Woodside Blvd. Apt. 100, SAN MATEO, CA 94404. cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a
Road, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061. Registered Owners: Nestor D. Pennino tiempo, puede perder el caso por incum-
Registered Owner: Arian Harris, same and Sandra V. Pennino, same address. plimiento y la corte le podr quitar su su-
address. The business is conducted by The business is conducted by a Married eldo, dinero y bienes sin ms adverten-
an Individual. The registrants com- Couple. The registrants commenced to cia.
menced to transact business under the transact business under the FBN on Hay otros requisitos legales. Es reco-
FBN on N/A. 04/22/2017. mendable que llame a un abogado inme-
/s/Arian Harris/ /s/Pennino N Daniel/ diatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado,
This statement was filed with the Asses- /s/Pennino V Sandra/ puede llamar a un servicio de remisin a
sor-County Clerk on 4/20/2017. (Publish- This statement was filed with the Asses- abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abo-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, sor-County Clerk on 4/24/2017. (Publish- gado, es posible que cumpla con los
Tuesday, May 23rd 4/21/17, 4/28/17, 5/5/17, 5/12/17). ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
4/28/17, 5/5/17, 5/12/17, 5/19/17).
requisitos para obtener servicios legales
gratuitos de un programa de servicios le-
gales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar
If you do not know an attorney, you may
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME want to call an attorney referral service. If PLAINTIFF:
STATEMENT #273292 you cannot afford an attorney, you may Kenneth Wong
The following person is doing business be eligible for free legal services from a
as: 1)Affinity Referral Service 2)Affinity nonprofit legal services program. You Seeks damages in the above-entitled ac-
Management Services 3)Affinity Home can locate these nonprofit groups at the tion as follows:
Care 4)Affinity Home Health, 1728 Red- California Legal Services Web site
210 Lost & Found 299 Computers 304 Furniture 306 Housewares 311 Musical Instruments 318 Sports Equipment
LOST CAT. Black and White. Black RECORDABLE CD-R 74, Sealed, Unop- CHAIRS 2 Blue Good Condition $50 CHRISTMAS TREE China, Fairfield HAMMOND B-3 Organ and 122 Leslie MEN'S CALLAWAY Rain Jacket XL .
patch on right eye. REWARD. ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X, OBO (650)345-5644 Peace on Earth. Complete Set of 12 (48 Speaker. Excellent condition. $8,500. pri- Mint Condition worn only a few times.
Call (323) 439-7713. (650) 578 9208 pieces) $75. (650)493-5026 vate owner, (650)349-1172 $50 650-208-5758
COAT/HAT STAND, solid wood, for your
LOST SMALL gray and green Parrot. mountain cabin/house. $50. (650)520- COMPLETE SET OF CHINA - Windsor MONARCH UPRIGHT player piano $99 MEN'S ROSSIGNOL Skis. $95.00,
Redwood Shores. (650)207-2303. 300 Toys 7045 Garden, Noritake. Four place-settings, (650) 583-4549 good condition, (650)341-0282.
20-pieces in original box, never used.
COMPUTER SWIvEL CHAIR. Padded $250 per box (3 boxes available). PIANO, UPRIGHT, in excellent condi- NEW WEIGH bench With 200lbs, plus
casting miniature/board-game figurines. Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409 (650)342-5630 tion. Asking $345. (650)366-4769 free weights. $50. (510)943-9221.San
10#, $10 (650) 591-4553 Mateo.
qUALITY BOOKS used and rare. World COMPUTER TABLE, adjustable height, FIREPLACE CANDELABRA with 5 bat- UPRIGHT PIANO. In tune. Fair condi-
& US History and classic American nov- chrome legs, 29x48 like new $30 (650) tery-operated candles $30.00, 415-990- tion. $300 OBO (650) 533-4886. PRINCE TENNIS 2 section nylon black
els. $5 each obo (650)345-5502 LARGE STUFFED ANIMALS - $3 each Bag with Prince Pro Graphite Racket-
Great for Kids (650) 952-3500 697-8481 6134 YAMAHA PIANO, Upright, Model M-305, $55.(650)341-8342
294 Baby Stuff $750. Call (650)572-2337
STAR WARS one 4 orange card ac- DINETTE TABLE with Chrome Legs: 36" PORCELAIN JAPANESE Tea set, Un-
tion figure, Momaw Nadon (Hammer- x58" (with one leaf 11 1/2") - $50. opened, in wood box, great gift $30. PURSUIT SCOOTER. $99. (650)348-
FISHER-PRICE HEALTHY Care booster head). $8 Steve (650)518-6614 (650)341-5347 (650)578-9208. 312 Pets & Animals 2235
seat - $5 (650)592-5864.
SOLID TEAK floor model 16 wine rack AIRLINE CARRIER for cats, pur. from SKI RACK Thule, roof mounted to roof
DINETTE TABLE, 3 adjustable leaf.$30.
STERLING SILvER Paye & Baker baby 302 Antiques (650) 756-9516.Daly City. with turntable $60. (650)592-7483 Southwest Airlines, $25, 2 available. Call load bars. Holds three pairs. $85, OBO
food pusher with embossed children's (505)228-1480 local. 650-594-1494
ANTIqUE ITALIAN lamp 18 high, $70
graphic.$75 650-762-6048
DINING ROOM table Good Condition
$90.00 or best offer ( 650)-780-0193
308 Tools SOCCER BALLS - $8.00 each (like new)
CALIFORNIA CAROLINA Pups. 4 available. (650)341-5347
296 Appliances AIR HORN 138 db new in pack Gd. Fam./watchdpgs. Ex.Hiking Buddy.
ANTIqUE TEAK CHINA cabinet and DINING TABLE (36"x54") and 4 match- $1600. (707) 980.0915.
matching table, with doors and legs. $29 650-595-3933 TOTAL GYM XLS, excellent condition.
ing chairs, sturdy oak, cost $600, sell for Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call
1960'S AvOCADO Osterizer blender $500/obo. (650)952-5049. $250 .(650)-654-1930. CANARY BIRD cage 24 x 16 for sale.
excellent condition $20.00 (650)596- CRAFTSMAN 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6" (650)588-0828
dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402 $40.00 firm. Used, good condition. Call
0513 BEAUTIFUL AND UNIqUE Victorian DRESSER 4-DRAWER in Belmont for (650)766-3024
Side Sewing Table, All original. Rose- vINTAGE ENGLISH ladies ice skates -
$75. Good condition; good for children. CRAFTSMAN RADIAL SAW, with cabi- up to size 7-8, $40., (650)873-8167
AIR CONDITIONER 10000 BTU w/re- wood. Carved. ExCELLENT CONDI- Call (650)678-8585 net stand, $200 Cash Only, (650)851- ONE KENNEL Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani-
mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG TION! $350. (650)815-8999. 1045 mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60.. vINTAGE NASH Cruisers Mens/ Wom-
brand $199 runs like new. (650)235- DRESSER- ART Deco. 54wide 34 tall (650)593-2066 ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz
0898 MAHOGANY ANTIqUE Secretary desk, 22deep. $150. (650)888-2662. DELTA CABINET SAW with overrun ta- 6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439
72 x 40 , 3 drawers, Display case, bev- ble. $650/obo. (650)342-6993 PARROT CAGE, Steel, Large - approx
AIR CONDITIONER, Portable, 14,000 elled glass, $350. (650)766-3024 4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best WET SUIT - medium size, $95., call for
BTU, Commercial Cool model DRESSER- vICTORIAN. 35 tall ROUTER TABLE ryobi $ 99. like new offer. (650)245-4084 info (650)851-0878
CPN14XC9, almost like new! All acces- OLD vINTAGE Wooden Sea Captains 48wide 22 deep. W/ mirror 34x42 (650)573-5269
sories plus remote included. Tool Chest 35 x 16 x 16, $65 $450. (650)888-2662. PET CARRIER, brown ,Very good condi- WOMEN'S NORDICA ski boots, size 8
20 x 16-5/8 x 33-1/2 $345. (650)591-3313 SHOPSMITH MARK V 50th Anniversary tion, $15.00 medium zize leave txt or call 1/2. $50 (650)592-2047
(650)345-1835 DRESSER-ART DECO. Heavy Glass. most attachments. $1,500/OBO. (650)773-7201
(650)504-0585 WOMENS RAICHEL ski boots, size 6 ?
303 Electronics Top 51 tall 36 deep 14 wide $150. $ 50. 650 888-5808 .
Model 82H1, Dual Edge Cleaning,
SKIL SAW 7 1/4" circular saw, 2 1/3 HP, 316 Clothes
46 MITSUBISHI Projector TV, great Model # 5150. Hardly used. $30 YAMAHA ROOF RACK, 58 inches $75.
Cleanview Hepa Filter $25 650-952- condition. $400. (650)261-1541. DRUM TABLE - brown, perfect condi- (650)458-3255
3500 (650)556-9708 BLACK DOUBLE breasted suit size 38
tion, nice design, with storage, $45., excellent condition $25 (650)322-9598
ANTARES DOLLARS Bill Changer ma- (650)345-1111
BLACK & Decker travel iron, steam and chine s never used for small bus. $95
vINTAGE CRAFTSMAN Jig Saw. Circa 335 Garden Equipment
dry $10. (650)368-0748. 1947. $60. (650)245-7517 BOY SCOUT canvas belt with Boy Scout
(650)992-4544. ENTERTAINMENT CENTER for $50. Buckle. Vintage. Fair condition. $5.
Good shape, blonde, about 5' high. BLACK & Decker 18, Hedge Trimmer,
vINTAGE SHOPSMITH and BAND (650)588-0842 electric, used once, $60. 650 888-5808
AUDIO-TECHNICA (AT-PL50) Auto. (650)726-4102 SAW, good shape. $500/obo. Call
CHEFMATE TOASTER oven, brand Stereo TURNTABLE sys. $40
new, bakes, broils, toasts, adjustable (650)342-6993 FAUx FUR Coat Woman's brown multi CHAIN SAW, 16 ,Craftsmen ,electric,
(650)344-4756 ESPRESSO TABLE 30 square, 40 tall, color in excellent condition 3/4
temperature. $25 OBO. (650)580-4763 $55. 650 888-5808
$95 (650)375-8021 length $50 (650)692-8012
CIRRUS STEAM mop model SM212B 4
new extra cleaning pads,user manual.
ceiver with Detachable Face asking GLIDER rocker and ottoman, oak, excel-
309 Office Equipment LADIES BOOTS size 8 , 3 pairs different 345 Medical Equipment
$100. (650)593-4490 lent condition. $100 650-345-5644 styles , $20/ pair. call (650)592-2648
$45. (650)588-5487
BATH CHAIR LIFT. Peterman battery
BULOvA WINDUP Travel clocks.Vin- IKEA DRESSER, black, 3 shelf. 23" x LAPTOP CASE or bag. Black. Like new. LADIES SEqUIN dress, blue, size XL, operated bath chair lift. Stainless steel
COFFEE MAKER, 30 Cup tage. Set of eight. $99. gene (650)421- 15"deep x 50" high. $65. (650)598-9804. Hardly used. $25. (650)697-1564.
Excel- pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208 frame. Accepts up to 350lbs. Easily in-
5469 serted I/O tub.$250 OBO.
lent Condition $5. (650)368-0748. IKEA TABLE, black 58" x 21" x 14" high. NEAT RECEIPTS Mobile Scanner new LEATHER JACKET, New Black Italian (650) 739-6489.
COLEMAN LxE Roadtrip Grill - COMPLETE COLOR photo developer $ 30. (650)598-9804. in box $79, call (650)324-8416 style, size M Ladies $45 (650) 875-1708
Red Brand New! (still in box) $100 Besler Enlarger, Color Head, trays, photo
tools $50/ (650)921-1996 LAWN CHAIRS (4) White, plastic, $8. LOUIS vUITTON monogram leather
(650)918-9847 each, (415)346-6038 310 Misc. For Sale clutch/computer carry case 10.25x13.5. Garage Sales
INSIGNIA 26" HDTV Perfect $39 650- Inside zipper $95. (650)591-6596
ELECTRIC STOvE From Sears LEATHER SOFA, black, excellent condi- "MOTHER-IN-LAW TONGUES" plants,
Excellent Condition $225 595-3933
3 in 5-gal cans. $10.00 each. (650)593-
Please Call (650)244-9267 IPHONE 5 Morphie Juice Pack with
tion. $100 obo. (650)878-5533
MAN'S BLACK leather jacket, size 40,
like new. $85.00 (650)593-1780 GARAGE SALE
charger, Originally $100, now $85. LIvING ROOM table 36"x19" exc condi- 2186 Carlmont Dr. Apt #3
GOOD MICROWAvE 1100 watt $40 Da- (650)766-2679 tion $30.(415) 231-4825. 500-600 BIG Band-era 78's--most mint, MEN'S STETSON hat, size large, new,
ly City (415) 231-4825. no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459 rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40 Belmont, CA 94002
KINDLE FIRE 8 in. Case and Charger LOvE SEAT, Upholstered pale yellow (650) 578-9208
JACK LALANE'S power juicer. $40. floral $99. (650)574-4021 CHRISTMAS TREE, 7.5 Oregon pine, Household Items,
Call (650)364-1243. Leave message. incl. 64 gig $75 Jeff 650-208-5758
1225 tips, hooked construction with NEW WITH tags Wool or cotton Men's
LEFT-HAND ERGONOMIC keyboard NEW DELUxE Twin Folding Bed, Lin- stand. Used once. $49. (415)650-6407 pullover sweaters (XL) $15/each Furniture, Dresser,
UPRIGHT vACUUM Cleaner, $10. Call
with 'A-shape' key layout Num pad, $20 ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must (650)952-3466 Mens and Womens
(650)204-0587 Sell! (650) 875-8159. DOUBLE CRYPT inside Mausoleum,
Ed, (415)298-0645 South San Francisco Cypress Lawn, Prime Location, From PARIS HILTON purse white & silver un- Clothes and Much More!
MOTOROLA BRAvO MB 520 (android NEW TWIN Mattress set plus frame Family Trust, DEAL $14,000 Call John used, about 12" long x 9" high
WHIRLPOOL WASHER DRYER, GE $30.00 (650) 347-2356
4.1 upgrade) smart phone 35$ 8GB SD (415)469-8758. $23. (650)592-2648
Refrigerator all working and in good con-
card Belmont (650)595-8855 Something for
dition all for $99.00 (650)315-3240. OAK CLAW foot coffee table, needs
some refinishing $35 (650)646-8530
ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITER, good SIzE 38 tan gabardine navy officers uni- Everybody!
NEW HP Desk Jet 1112 Printer plus ex- condition $50 (650)878-9542 form great condition Perfect for that cos-
297 Bicycles tra cartridges- $50. Call (650)345-1234
tume party. Free. (650)322-9598
Saturday Apr. 29, 9am to 5pm
ADULT BIKES 1 regular and 2 with bal- ONKYO Av Receiver HT-R570 .Digital $55 (650)458-8280 used $8., (408)249-3858 vELvET DRAPE, 100% cotton, new
loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356 Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready, beautiful burgundy 82"X52" W/6"hems: No Early Birds!
Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393 OFFICE TABLE, 24"x48" HD. folding INCUBATOR, $99, (650)678-5133 $45 (415)585-3622
legs each end. 500# capacity. Cost
CHILDS SCHWINN BICYCLE, BLUE in $130. Sell $60, (650)591-4141 LIONEL CHRISTMAS Boxcars 2005,
good condition. $30. (650) 355-5189. OPTIMUS H36 ST5800 Tower Speaker vINTAGE 1970S Grecian made dress,
36x10x11 $30. (650)580-6324 2006, 2007 New OB $90 lot (650)368-
7537 size 6-8, $35 (650)873-8167
NEW 12" girls bike w/ training wheels
PIONEER HOUSE Speakers, pair. 15 OUTDOOR WOOD SCREEN - new $80 WESTERN GRAY pants 42X30 $9 650-
$75.00 (650) 347-1458 no ans/leave
mes inch 3-way, black with screens. Work
great. $99.(650)243-8198
obo Retail $130 (650)873-8167 LIONEL CHRISTMAS Holiday expan-
sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537
298 Collectibles RCA 32 Flat Screen T.V. Brand New
PAPASAN CHAIRS (2) -with cushions
$45. each set, (650)347-8061 LIONEL WESTERN Union Pass car and
WESTERN TAN pants 42X30, $9 650-
$99 OBO (650)759-7511 dining car. New OB $99 (650)368-7537
RECLINER CHAIR blue tweed clean WILSON'S LG Green Suede Jacket Make money, make room!
1940 vINTAGE telephone bench maple RMT CHRISTMAS Diesel train and Ca-
antiques collectibles $75 (650)755-9833 SAMSUNG FLAT TV 20" ex.co.incl. good $75 Call (650)583-3515 $40. (650)367-1508
boose. Rare. New OB $99 (650)368-
VCR ,set up $70. (650)992-4544
RECLINING SWIvEL chair almost new 7537 List your upcoming
BILLY DEE Williams autographed Star SONY DETACHABLE set :3cd /fm/am $99 (650)766-4858
317 Building Materials garage sale,
Wars action figure: Lando Calrissian, double tape. exc cond. $70 (415)231- SAMSONITE 26" tan hard-sided suit
space smuggler. $35 Steve (650)518- 4825 ROCKING CHAIR fine light, oak condi- case, lt. wt., wheels, used once/like new. SHUTTERS 2 wooden shutters 32x72 moving sale,
6614 $60. (650)328-6709 like new $50.00 ea.call (650)368-7891
tion with pads, $85/OBO. (650)369-9762 estate sale,
LENNOx RED Rose, Unused, hand speakers 20" tall. Model SX-WZL500. ROCKING CHAIRS solid wood, great SILK SAREE 6 yards new nice color.for
$35 only. Call(650)515-2605 for more in-
WHITE DOUBLE pane window for $29
or Best offer. Call Halim @ (650) 678-
yard sale,
painted, porcelain, authenticity papers, Sound great! $25 650-762-6048 shape asking 30 dollars each. Call
$12.00. (650) 578 9208. (650)574-4582 Lily formation. 5133. rummage sale,
MILLER LITE Neon sign , work good
Tv SONY Triniton 21" working condition.
$10 OBO (650)784-3243. RUMMY ROYAL poker table top $30.00 UNIDEN HARLEY Davidson Gas Tank WROUGHT IRON Railing Set side floor- clearance sale, or
$59 call (650)218-6528
vINTAGE G.E. radio, model c-430-a
(650)573-5269 phone. $100 or best offer. (650)863-8485 mount for porch/level change.
36Hx78L & 20L. $99 (650)483-3738.
whatever sale you
PEz DISPENSERS - 8 piece sealed box $60. (650)421-5469 SEWING STORAGE cabinet, Custom vASE WITH flowers 2 piece good for the
Holidays, $25., (650) 867-2720
Wizard of Oz 70th anniversary $25. vINTAGE G.E. radio, model c-442c $60.
made wood perfect condition $75. 318 Sports Equipment
650-556-9708 (650)483-1222 vINTAGE WHITE Punch Bowl/Serving
Bowl Set with 10 cups plus one extra 15 SF Giants Posters -- Barry Bonds,
Reach over 83,450 readers
RENO SILvER LEGACY Casino four vINTAGE G.E. radio, model c1470 $60. SHELF RUBBER maid new $20.00 $30. (650)873-8167 Jeff Kent, JT Snow. 6' x 2.5' Unused. $4 from South San Francisco
rare memorabilia items, casino key, two (650)421-5469 contact joe (650)573-5269 each. $35 all. (650)588-1946 San Bruno to Palo Alto.
coins, small charm. $95. (650)676-0974 WATER STORAGE TANK, brand new,
vINTAGE zENITH radio, model L516b SOFA BED Recliner (double), beige, 76" 275 gallons. 48" x 46" x 39" $250. in your local newspaper.
Good condition. $50 Call 650.952.3466 CALLAWAY JR. golf set, with bag. Ex-
SCHILLER HIPPIE poster, linen, Sparta $75. (650)421-5469 (650)771-6324 cellent condition. $40; San Carlos
graphics 1968. Mint condition. $600.00. SOFA GREEN, cream, sage plaid. 96" (650)591-9769 Call (650)344-5200
(650)701-0276 304 Furniture Excellent condition. $90 Call 311 Musical Instruments
WANTED: EUREKA Federal Savings ANTIqUE DINING table for six people CHILDS KICK scooter by razor with hel-
BALDWIN GRAND PIANO, 6 foot, ex- met $25 obo (650)591-6842
Cashiers Check (any) from the 1980s. with chairs $99. (650)580-6324 TEAK-vENEER COMPUTER desk with cellent condition, $8,500/obo. Call
single drawer and stacked shelves. $30 (510)784-2598 EASTON ALUMINUM bat.33 inches, 30
Seeking a copy of any old cashiers ANTIqUE GLASS Hutch. Cherry Wood. obo. (650)465-2344 oz, 2 3/4 barrel. $50. (650)596-0513
check from EFS, which is now known as Excellent Condition. $450.
US Bank on Laurel St. in San Carlos, THOMASvILLE BEvELED mirror 22" x CHROMATIC HARMONICA: Horner GOLF CART, Caddytek, four wheels,
CA. Do you or someone you know save (650)888-2662 12" $50. Call (650)834-4833 The 64 Chomonica, German Made $180, used only twice. $80. 650-341-1728
your old bank docs? Willing to pay you (650)278-5776.
$50 for a carbon copy. Please call Sylvia ANTIqUE MAHOGANY Bookcase. Four TWIN BED, mattress, box spring, frame GOLF CLUBS {13}, Bag, & Pull Cart all--
at (650)255-4780. feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966. $ 50. (650)598-9804. $90.00 (650)341-8342
ARM CHAIR, orange color, exc't condi- WALNUT CHEST, small (4 drawer with ExCELLENT vIOLIN, previously owned, GOLF CLUBS, new, Warrior woods
tion. $45. (650)598-9804. upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429 first violinist SF Symphony, Mellow 3/15 degree 5/21 degree 7/24 degree
sound. Dated 1894. $5,500/best offer. $15 ea (650)349-0430
WOOD - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x (415)751-2416
BEIGE SOFA $99. Excellent Condition 17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311
299 Computers (650) 315-2319
GOLF CLUBS, used set with Cart for
$50. (650)593-4490
KOGI 15 inch computer monitor. Model BRAND NEW Bookcase 72"x30" still in coffee table. In good condition. $30 Appraised @ $5450., want $1800 obo, GOLF CLUBS, used set with Cart for
L5qX. $25. PH(650)592-5864. box $45. (415)231-4825. OBO. (760)996-0767. (650)343-4461 $50. (650)593-4490
28 Friday April 28, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL
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THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Friday April 28, 2017 31
of tenants in the building just 25 minutes International. The average asking rents station is about to host another nearly
Continued from page 1
from San Francisco and residential loca-
tions throughout Silicon Valley, the com-
pany said in the release.
have been a little over $5 a square foot, with
a slight dip in March from the month
before, according to Colliers.
300,000 square feet of new Class A office
spaces as Hines finishes its 400-450
Concar Drive office buildings.
The property has a stronghold of tenants Divco may have taken note of its recent The city also benefits from the property
and has averaged 99 percent occupancy over success in the San Mateo office market in sales as San Mateo has its own property
Ellsworth Ave. in the heart of downtown the last 10 years, according to the company. deciding to buy the Ellsworth Avenue build- transfer tax. More than $1.5 million will go
San Mateo. Its the second major transac- Current tenants include United American ing. to the city from the 2015 and 2017 sales of
tion the company has made in the city this Bank, Merrill Lynch, Acacia Capital the 700-900 Concar Drive buildings.
Last month, Divco sold a three-building
year alone, having recently sold a Concar Corporation and Jump. Its also one of the Divcos recent purchase of 101 S. Ellsworth
office complex at 700-900 Concar Drive for
Drive office complex for $50 million more few large Class A office buildings in down- will also contribute another $367,500 to
$179.5 million, according to documents
than it paid two years earlier, according to town, according to Divco. the city.
filed with the county. Rakuten, a Japanese e-
records filed with the county.
Following its acquisition, the company is commerce company and also one of the ten- With the recent action, Divco appears to
It closed on the downtown office space
expected to bring the rents up to market rate ants, bought the site totally nearly 210,000 remain confident in the Peninsulas red-hot
earlier this month, paying $835 a square
as its time to negotiate tenant leases. square feet of Class A office space. real estate market. The investment company
foot for the fully leased property.
In a press release, Divco highlighted its San Mateo officials and developers have Divco had acquired the property thats was extremely active during a six-month
interest calling the centrally located down- long noted the shortage of larger office also home to a Salesforce office overlook- period leading up to its purchase of the
town Class A office building a best-in- spaces in the bustling downtown where var- ing Highway 101 near the State Route 92 Concar site. In late 2014, it purchased
class asset. ious startups have ventured. The limited intersection, in February 2015 for $130.5 450,000 square feet of office space at 1400-
Situated just one block from downtown stock has prompted developers to propose million. Thats an almost $50 million or 38 1500 Seaport Blvd. in Redwood City; and
San Mateos Caltrain station, the 88,000- new projects, including on the periphery of percent increase in valuation after just two followed with acquiring the 111,500-square-
square-foot, six-story building sits in a the citys main business district such as years. foot Century Plaza at 1065 E. Hillsdale in
walkable neighborhood surrounded by along El Camino Real and Claremont Street. Divcos initial 2015 purchase raised the Foster City.
many retail and restaurant amenities. Close So far this year, downtown San Mateos property valuation to $619 per square foot, It also oversees commercial properties in
proximity to Caltrain service and easy office space has hovered around 6 percent and its sale last month to Rakuten went for South San Francisco, Menlo Park, Palo Alto
access to several freeways puts employees vacancy rate, with a slight uptick last $854 per square foot. and other Bay Area cities, according to its
month, according to data from Colliers That area near the Hayward Park Caltrain website.
nonprofit had to find another location. Rudiger said. at Nine Lives shelter, they will also be
Continued from page 1
Luckily, they secured a nearby spot that
just needs some tender loving care to get it
ready. Rudiger said theyre excited about
She was first inspired to open the no-kill
shelter after realizing there wasnt one like
it in the area. A veterinarian, Rudiger said
seeking foster homes for those that arent
adopted, Rudiger said.
The cats will likely need to be fostered
the potential the new facility holds, espe- they do everything they can regardless if for about four or five months, and Nine
cially since the interior of the laundry will the cat is sick or injured, to make the Lives will take care of any related medical
raise the necessary $200,000 to remodel need to be rebuilt from scratch. felines healthy and find them homes. costs during that time at its Jefferson
its new location. In the meantime, theyre focused on rais- Were going to do everything in our Avenue clinic, she said. So if anyone has
Were just asking for the community to ing the capital needed to remodel and find- power to solve the medical issue or injury, or is considering whether having a cat
pitch in $9, and then tell nine of your ing temporary, if not permanent, homes Rudiger said, noting having worked at companion is right for them, nows a per-
friends, Rudiger said. It makes a big dif- for the cats in their care. This Saturday and other shelters she was troubled to see how fect opportunity to try and help out Nine
ference if you can get the community Sunday is the last weekend they will adopt many animals were euthanized if they were Lives.
involved. cats at their current locale before temporar- not deemed adoptable. I think the foster option is a really good
They have to be out of their current loca- ily shutting down as part of their count- Theres no other place that does that, option for someone whos on the fence,
tion by May 15, and cant start remodeling down to closure. there isnt any other place that gives every she said. Some people just arent sure
the new place until theyve raised about Nine Lives had already relocated its clin- cat a chance, regardless of their medical or they want to have the commitment of a cat,
$150,000. Thus far theyve raised about ic, which offers low-cost spay and neuter, physical state, she said. so a foster situation is great. You take it
$63,500, mostly from small donations for as well as vaccine and flea control servic- The shelter made local headlines after into your house and love on it and bring it
which theyre grateful, she said. es, to Jefferson Avenue where it will treating and rehabilitating a kitten named back of its not a good fit. Nows the time
The independent, truly no-kill shelter remain, she said. Smurf. The cat was rescued after being to try.
had a good run at its current Rolison Road The current 5,000-square-foot location found dyed purple and covered in bite
location where it generally rehabilitates can hold about 400 cats, and the new site is wounds and lacerations. Smurf, and com- Adoptions will continue noon to 6 p.m.
and finds homes for between 100 and 125 just 1,800 square feet and expected to hold panion Wanda, are now happy and healthy Saturday, April 29, to Sunday, April 30, at
cats every month, she said. But after nine about 100 to 125. But as they rotate cats featured prominently on Nine Lives social 3016 Rolison Road, Redwood City.
years no pun intended their life at quickly, shes confident it will work out media sites. Visit gofundme. com/9for9liv esfounda-
this location is coming to an end. great. Furthermore, the lower rent and While the goal is to find as many forever tion to donate or nineliv esfoundation.org
After facing a drastic rent increase, the operational costs will be more affordable, homes as possible for the dozens of felines for more information.
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