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Product Guide


to provide superior quality, cost-effective,
botanical extracts, customizable in a variety
of bases. Rapid sample turn-around and
responsive technical service thats

We use a low-heat percolation method for

botanical extraction. This process insures
extracts of the highest quality without
compromising the integrity of active
components found naturally in the plant

GLB FusionTM
GLB CustomTM
GLB StandardsTM
GLB LiplexTM


to meeting the individual marketing and
performance needs of our customers. To do
so weve created GLB FusionTM Extract Blends,
GLB CustomTM Extract Concentrates,
GLB StandardsTM Active Botanicals, and GLB
LiplexTM. Our comprehensive library of avail-
able plants sources allows us to create a
nearly infinite number of unique botanical
products. Our research team is available to
assist you in developing the best GLB for your
specific application.
Formulator s Quick
Reference Guide
Skin Soothing & Moisturizing
Basic: Cucumber, Chamomile, Lavender, Slippery Elm, Orris Root, Green Tea, Oat,
Echinacea, Gumbi Gumbi, Burdock Root, Calendula
Other: GLB Royal Jelly 10 GLY, GLB Standards Acai Phytosterols 20, GLB Manuka
Honey 10GL, GLB Liplex Skin Rescue

Exfoliation & Brightening

Basic: Mandarin Orange, Bilberry, Desert Grape, Acerola, Quandong, Kakadu Plum
Other: GLB Standards Fruit Enzyme Blend I GL, GLB Standards Fruit Acid Blend
AQ, GLB Green C 10 GLY

Basic: Acai, Green Tea, Goji Berry, Tomato, Blueberry, Brazil Nut, Raspberry, Barley,
Carrot Root
Other: GLB Rosemary Extract 10 LIPO, GLB Bilberry Extract 10 LIPO, GLB
Pomegranate Seed Extract 10 LIPO, GLB Liplex Omega Complete

Acne prevention
Basic: Dandelion Root, Burdock Root, Kelp, Dong
Quai, Reishi Mushroom, Licorice, Olive Leaf
Other: GLB Standards Willow Bark Extract AQ,
GLB Chia Seed Extract 10 LIPO

Anti-inflammatory & Healing

Basic: Calendula, California Poppy, St. Johns Wort,
Golden Seal, Yarrow, Milk Thistle, Lemon Myrtle,
Arnica, Witch Hazel, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree
Other: GLB Arnica 10 LIPO, GLB Sea Buckthorn
Extract 10 LIPO
Acacia Flower Extract Banana Fruit Extract Brazil Nut Extract
Acacia Gum Extract Banana Leaf Extract Broccoli Extract
Acai Extract Banana Peel Extract Bromelia Extract
Acerola Extract Barberry Root Extract Broom Flower Extract
African Red Bush Tea Extract Barley Extract Brown Algae Extract Chia Extract
Agave Extract Basil Extract Buchu Extract Chickweed Extract
Agrimony Extract Bee Pollen Extract Buckthorn Extract Chicory Extract
Alder Bark Extract Bayberry Extract Burdock Root Extract China Bark Extract
Aleppo Pepper Extract Bay Laurel Extract Bush Nut Extract Chinese Licorice Root Extract
Alfalfa Extract Bay Leaf Extract Butchers Broom Extract Chinese Magnolia Extract
Algae Extract Bearberry Extract Chinese Sumac Extract
Allspice Extract Beech Bark Extract Cabbage Rose Extract Chinese Yam Extract
Almond Extract Bergamot Herb Extract Cactus Flower Extract Chrysanthemum Extract
Aloe Vera Extract Bee Pollen Extract Cajeput Extract Chlorella Extract
Althaea Extract Beet Extract Calendula Extract Cilantro Extract
Amalaki Extract Bergamot Extract California Poppy Extract Cinchona Extract
Amber Extract Bibitaki Fruit Extract Calla Lily Extract Cinnamon Extract
American Ginseng Extract Bilberry Extract Camellia Extract Citronella Extract
Amla Extract Birch Leaf Extract Camphor Extract Clary Sage Extract
Angelica Root Extract Bird of Paradise Extract Camu Camu Extract Cleavers Extract
Angus Castus Extract Bitter Cherry Extract Cantaloupe Extract Clematis Extract
Anise Extract Bitter Orange Flower Extract Capsicum Extract Clementine Extract
Annatto Extract Blackberry Extract Caraway Seed Extract Clove Extract
Anjou Pear Extract Black Cohosh Cardamom Seed Extract Clover Blossom Extract
Aonori Extract Black Currant Extract Carnation Extract Cocoa Extract
Apple Blossom Extract Black Henna Extract Carrot Extract Coconut Extract
Apple Extract Black Malva Extract Cascara Extract Cockleburr Extract
Apricot Extract Black Mulberry Extract Casein Extract Coffee Extract
Apricot Kernel Extract Black Pepper Extract Cashmere Extract Coleus Extract
Areca Catechu Extract Black Raspberry Extract Cassia Extract Coltsfoot Extract
Arjuna Extract Black Tea Extract Catnip Extract Comfrey Leaf Extract
Arnica Extract Black Walnut Extract Cats Claw Comfrey Root Extract
Arrow root Extract Black Willowbark Extract Caviar Extract Condurango Extract
Artichoke Extract Bladderwrack Extract Cayenne Peppers Extract Coneflower Extract
Asafoetida Extract Blessed Thistle Extract Cedarwood Extract Coptis Root Extract
Ashwaganha Extract Blood Orange Extract Celandine Extract Corallina Officinalis Extract
Asian Pear Extract Blood Root Extract Celery Extract Coriander Seed Extract
Asparagus Extract Blueberry Extract Chai Hu Extract Corn Extract
Avocado Extract Blue Bottles Extract Chamomile Extract Cornflower Extract
Awapuhi Extract Blue Corn Extract Chapparal Extract Cornsilk Extract
Blue Flag Extract Chardonnay Grape Extract Cotton Extract
Baizhi Extract Blue Mallow Extract Cherimoya Extract Cowslip Extract
Balm Mint Extract Borage Extract Cherry Bark Extract Crab Apple Extract
Balsam Peru Extract Boysenberry Extract Cherry Fruit Extract Cranberry Extract
Bamboo Extract Bramble Extract Chestnut Extract Cranesbill Extract
Crape Myrtle Extract Garbanzo Extract Hyssop Extract
Cucumber Extract Garden Burnet Extract
Cucumber Peel Extract Gardenia Extract Iceland Moss Extract
Cypress Extract Garlic Extract Immortelle Extract
We invite you Gentian Root Extract Indian Basil Extract
Daisy Extract Geranium Extract Indian Cress Extract
to explore the Damiana Leaf Extract Gigartina Extract Indian Madder Root Extract
Dandelion Root Extract Ginger Extract Indian Sarsaparilla Extract
opportunities Dandelion Leaf Extract Ginkgo Biloba Extract Indian Vanilla Extract
Daphne Gnidium Extract Ginseng Extract Indigo Extract
our extracts Date Extract Goji Berry Extract Iris Extract
Da Zao Jaio Extract Goldenrod Extract Irish Moss Extract
Desert Sunflower Extract Goldenseal Extract Iron Wood Extract
can bring to Devils Claw Extract Gooseberry Extract Ivy Extract
Dill Weed Extract Gotu Kola Extract
your product Dogbane Extract Grape Extract Jaborandi Extract
Dong Quai Extract Grape Leaf Extract Japanese Green Tea Extract
development Dulse Extract Grape Seed Extract Jasmine Extract
Grapefruit Extract Jatoba Bark Extract
process. Echinacea Extract Grapefruit Seed Extract Jewelweed Extract
Eclipta Extract Green Olive Extract Jobs Tears Extract
Edelweiss Extract Green Pea Extract Jojoba Extract
Elderberry Extract Green Pepper Extract Jujube Extract
Elder Flower Extract Green Tea Extract Jurubeba Extract
Elecampane Root Extract Guarana Extract Juniper Berry Extract
Eleuthero Root Extract Guava Extract
Eucalyptus Extract Gugo Bark Extract Kalamansi Extract
Eyebright Extract Kale Extract
Evening Primrose Extract Haritaki Extract Kangaroo Paw Extract
European Bearberry Extract Hawaiian White Ginger Extract Kava Extract
Hawthorn Berries Extract Kelp Extract
Fagara Root Extract Hawthorn Extract Key Lime Extract
Farro Grain Extract Hazelnut Extract Kiwi Extract
Fennel Extract Heather Flower Extract Kola Nut Extract
Feverfew Extract Hemp Extract Kukui Nut Extract
Fenugreek Extract Henna Extract Kudzu Root Extract
Fig Extract Hibiscus Extract Kumquat Extract
Fireweed Extract Himanthalia Extract Ku Seng Extract
Flax Seed Extract Hollyhock Extract
Fluid Oat Extract Honey Extract Ladys Thistle Extract
Fo-ti Extract Honeydew Melon Extract Ladys Mantle Extract
Frangipani Extract Honeysuckle Extract Laminaria Extract
Frankincense Extract Hops Extract Larch Extract
Freesia Extract Horehound Extract Lavender Extract
Fritillaria Extract Horse Chestnut Extract Lemon Balm Extract
Fuchsia Extract Horseradish Extract Lemon Extract
Fucus Serratus Extract Horsetail Extract Lemon Fruit Extract
Fu-Ling Extract Huang Qin Extract Lemongrass Extract
Hyacinth Extract Lemon Peel Extract
Galbanum Extract Hypericum Extract Lemon Verbena Extract
Lettuce Extract Morning Glory Extract Patchouli Extract
Lichen Extract Motherwort Extract Pau DArco Extract
Licorice Root Extract Mugwort Extract Peach Fruit Extract
Lilac Extract Mulberry Leaf Extract Peach Leaf Extract
Lily of the Valley Extract Mulberry Root Extract Pear Extract
Lime Extract Mullein Flower Extract Pearl Extract
Lime Peel Extract Mushroom Extract Pecan Nut Extract
Linden Flower Extract Muskmelon Extract Pellitory Extract
Lingusticum Extract Mustard Seed Extract Pennyroyal Extract
Litchi Fruit Extract Mu Tong Extract Peony Flower Extract
Lotus Flower Extract Myrrh Extract Peppermint Extract
Lotus Root Extract Myrtle Extract Perilla Seed Extract
Lovage Extract Periwinkle Extract
Luo Han Kuo Extract Narcissus Extract Persian Lime Extract
Luffa Extract Nectarine Extract Persimon Extract
Lupine Extract Neem Extract Petigrain Extract
Lycium Extract Nettle Extract Phellodendron Bark Extract
Noni Extract Pikake Extract
Maca Extract Nori Extract Pine Bark Extract
Macadamia Nut Extract Nutmeg Extract Pine Needle Extract
Madder Root Extract Pineapple Extract
Magnolia Extract Oak Bark Extract Pink Grapefruit Extract ...Low-heat
Maidenhair Fern Extract Oak Gall Extract Plankton Extract
Maitake Mushroom Extract Oak Moss Extract Plantain Extract percolation
Maka Extract Oat Bran Extract Plum Extract
Mallow Extract Oat Extract Plumeria Extract is employed
Mandarin Extract Oat Flour Extract Poke Root Extract
Mango Extract Oatmeal Extract Pomegranate Extract to create
Mangosteen Extract Oat Straw Extract Pommelo Extract
Malt Extract Olive Extract Poplar Extract
Manuka Honey Extract Olive Leaf Extract Poppy Seed Extract
Maqui Berry Extract Onion Extract Potato Extract
Marigold Extract Oolong Tea Extract Potato Peel Extract extracts of
Marjoram Extract Orange Blossom Extract Prickly Ash Extract
Marsh Mallow Extract Orange Extract Prickly Pear Extract the highest
Matcha Extract Orange Fruit Extract Primrose Extract
Mate Extract Orange Peel Extract Propolis Extract quality...
Meadow Sweet Extract Orchid Extract Prune Extract
Medlar Extract Oregano Extract Pumpkin Extract
Melogold Extract Oregon Grape Extract Pumpkin Seed Extract
Melon Extract Orris Root Extract Purple Fig Extract
Milk Extract Oswego Tea Extract Pyrethrum Extract
Milk Thistle Extract Oyster Shell Extract
Millet Extract Quassia Extract
Mimosa Extract Panax Ginseng Extract Qing Xiang Zi Extract
Minneola Extract Pansy Extract Queensland Nut Extract
Mistletoe Extract Papaya Extract Quince Extract
Moanalua Extract Parsley Extract Quince Seed Extract
Molasses Extract Passionflower Extract Quinoa Extract
Moringa Seed Extract Passionfruit Extract Quinoa Seed Extract

Raisin Extract Sage Extract Sugar Cane Extract
Raspberry Leaf Extract Sambucus Extract Sugar Maple Extract
Raspberry Fruit Extract Sanguisorba Extract Sumac Extract
Red Clover Extract Sandalwood Extract Sunflower Extract
Red Currant Extract Sanguinaria Extract Sunflower Seed Extract
Red Grapefruit Extract Sappanwood Extract Sweet Grass Extract
Red Poppy Extract Sarsaparilla Extract Sweet Cherry Extract
Red Rose Extract Sassafras Extract Sweet Potato Extract
Reishi Mushroom Extract Saw Palmetto Extract Swertia Japonica Extract
Restharrow Extract Saxifrage Samentosa Extract
Rhatany Root Extract Savory Leaf Extract Tamarind Fruit Extract
Rhodiola Extract Schizandra Extract Tahiti Lime Extract
Rhubarb Extract Sea Buckthorn Fruit Extract Tahitian Vanilla Bean Extract
Rice Extract Sea Fennel Extract Tangerine Peel Extract
Rice Bran Extract Sea Lettuce Extract Tangerine Extract Wheat Germ Extract
Roman Chamomile Extract Sea Palm Extract Tangelo Extract Wheat Grass Extract
Rooibos Extract Seaweed Extract Tansy Extract White Birch Extract
Rose Hips Extract Sea Whip Extract Tarragon Extract White Ginger Extract
Rosemary Leaf Extract Senega Root Extract Taro Root Extract White Grapefruit Extract
Rose Extract Sesame Extract Tayuyu Root Extract White Nettle Extract
Rose Geranium Extract Shea Butter Extract Tea Tree Extract White Oak Bark Extract
Rose Hips Extract Sheep Sorrel Extract Thyme Extract White Pine Bark Extract
Rosemary Extract Shepherds Purse Extract Tomato Extract White Pond Lilly Extract
Rosewood Extract Shiso Leaf Extract Tonka Bean Extrat White Tea Extract
Royal Jelly Extract Shitake Mushroom Extract Tormentilla Extract White Truffle Extract
Rue Extract Siberian Ginseng Extract Turmeric Extract White Willow Bark Extract
Silk Tree Extract Turnip Extract Wild Cherry Extract
Safflower Extract Silver Birch Extract Wild Indigo Extract
Saffron Extract Silver Ear Mushroom Extract Upo Fruit Extract Wild Senna Extract
Silver Weed Extract Umeboshi Extract Wild Yam Extract
Skullcap Extract Usnea Barbata Extract Wintergreen Extract
Slippery Elm Bark Extract Uva Ursi Extract Witch Hazel Extract
Snakeroot Extract Woolly Grass Extract
Snow Flower Extract Valerian Extract Wood Betony Extract
Soapbark Extract Vanilla Bean Extract
Soapwort Extract Velvet Flower Extract Yarrow Extract
Sophora Extract Vervain Extract Yeast Extract
Southernwood Extract Vetiver Extract Yellow Dock Root Extract
Soybean Extract Violet Extract Yellow Solidago Extract
Spearmint Extract Vitex Fruit Extract Yerba Mate Extract
Speedwell Extract Ylang Ylang Extract
Spinach Extract Wakame Extract Yerba Delotina Extract
Spirulina Extract Wasabi Extract Yerba Santa Extract
Spruce Extract Walnut Shell Extract Yohimbine Extract
Star Anise Extract Watercress Extract Yucca Extract
Star Fruit Extract Watermelon Extract Yumberry Extract
Stevia Extract Watermelon Rind Extract Yu Xing Cao Extract
St. Johns Wort Extract Water Mint Extract Yuzu Fruit Extract
Stone Root Extract Wheat Extract
Strawberry Extract Wheat Bran Extract Zhu Ling Mushroom Extract
GLB Standards TM Our line of standardized active botanicals
Trade Name Active/ Benefits INCI
GLB Standards Standardized to 10% Salicylic Acid. Increases cell turnover Water, Salix Nigra (Willow) Bark Extract
Willow Bark Extract and effectively reduces reproduction of P. Acnes, the primary
AQ microorganism associated with acne.
GLB Standards Acai Standardized to 20% phytosterols content from acai. Easy- Euterpe Oleracea Fruit Extract
Phytosterols 20 to-use alternative to traditional soy phytosterol. Melts on
contact with skin. Helps restore lipid profile of skin for a full and
hydrated appearance.
GLB Standards Fruit Powerful blend of standardized concentrations of fruit-based Water, Vaccinium Myrtillus Fruit Extract,
Acid Blend acids including lactic, citric and glycolic acids to efficiently Saccharum Officianarum (Sugar Cane)
exfoliate skin. This action will promote skin cell renewal to Extract, Acer Saccharum (Sugar Maple)
reveal fresh, luminous skin. Extract, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis
(Orange) Fruit Extract, Citrus Limon
(Lemon) Fruit Extract
GLB Standards Fruit Standardized concentrations of bromelain and papain Glycerin, Papain, Bromelain
Enzyme Blend I GL enzymes to help slough dead skin cells. Can be used as
additional chemical exfoliation to maximize cell turnover
through alternative pathways.
Green Line 10s Our line of highly concentrated botanical extracts
Trade Name Active/ Benefits INCI
GLB Manuka Honey Manuka Honey to provide rehydration and skin feel. AHA Glycerin, Water, Honey, Acetic Acid
10 GLY Profile (Lacticacid, Citric Acid, Acetic Acid) to provide (Apple Cider Vinegar), Vaccinium
chemical exfoliation, resulting in brighter softer skin. Myrtillus Fruit Extract, Citrus Aurantium
Dulcis (Orange) Extract
GLB Saw Palmetto Rich in phytosterols. Restores vital skin lipids and normalizes Octyldodecanol, Serenoa Serrulata Fruit
10 LIPO sebum production. Extract, Tocopherol

GLB Royal Jelly 10 Concentrated, nutrient-rich, royal jelly extract. Provides Glycerin, Royal Jelly
GLY remoisturization and regeneration of skin. Powerful
humectant helps nourish and sooth stressed skin.
GLB Bilberry Seed 10 Packed with anthocyanins to protect skin cells by reducing Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed
LIPO oxidative stresses from the environment. This antioxidant Oil, Vaccinium Myrtillus Fruit Extract,
action can prevent premature aging of cells by maintaining Tocopherol
health and regeneration.
GLB Chia Seed 10 Rich in Omegas 3, 6 & 9. Helps restore lost skin lipids and Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed
LIPO improve hydration. Oil, Salvia Hispanica Seed Extract,

GLB Seabuckthorn High in carotenoids, vitamins A, C & E. Provides antioxidant Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed
10 LIPO and skin soothing properties. Oil, Hippophae Rhamnoides Fruit
Extract, Tocopherol

GLB Arnica 10 LIPO High in sesquiteroene lactones, carotenoids. Highly revered Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed
skin heeler. Powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and pain Oil, Arnica Montana Flower Extract,
reliever. Tocopherol
GLB Pomegranate Super fruit extract rich in anthocyanins and potent Carthamus Tinctorius (Safflower) Seed
Seed 10 LIPO antioxidants. Provides cellular protection and reduces Oil, Punica Granatum Seed Extract,
oxidative stress. Tocopherol

GLB Rosemary 10 Powerful antioxidant abilities with antiseptic and anti- Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil,
LIPO inflammatory properties. Rehydrates and tones the skin tone. Rosmarinus Officinales (Rosemary) Leaf
Extract, Tocopherol

GLB Green C 10 GLY Packed with Vitamin C to reduce the appearance of uneven Glycerin, Brassica Oleracea Acephala
skin tone. Reduces inflammation and boosts skin Leaf Extract, Spinacia Oleracea
regeneration and collagen production. (Spinach) Leaf Extract, Brassica Rapa
(Turnip) Leaf Extract

GLB Liplex Line

The Liplex Line from Green Line botanicals is a

growing range of concentrated, lipidInnovative
emulsions lipid
for complexes
skin and hair care. The very small particle size of the
Liplex emulsion fluids allows for easy incorporation
into aqueous systems, sprayable concepts and surfactant
bases. Each Liplex product contains a unique blend
of beneficial oils to target the specific skin or hair care
needs of the customer.

That Liplex fluids will spontaneously disperse in

water, providing emollience and softening even a low percentages. This may be thickened with a variety
of rheology modifiers to form creams, lotions or serums with unique textures and attributes. The Liplex
products can also be added to surfactant systems to prevent delipidation of the skin and hair after washing.

The Liplex Line may also be customized to fit your own performance marketing needs. Please contact
your sales person for more information.

Applications: Use level: Key attributes:

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Available Products:

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designed to normalize and restore lipid levels.
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GLB Organics
An ever-growing list of botanical extracts based on the following carriers:

Water (preserved with 15% Organic Sugar Cane Alcohol)

Organic Sugar Cane Alcohol (Self-Preserved)
Organic Glycerin (Self-Preserved)
Organic Safflower Oil (High in Oleic Acid)

Contact your local sales representative to discuss organic options.


a wide range of carriers including water,
glycerin, glycols, oils and silicones.


Samples are generally shipped within 5 business days.


5 kg & 18 kg pails and 180 kg drums.


Food grade and Paraben-free. We can, however, honor
customer requests for specific preservation systems.

CONTACT INFORMATION Kinetik Technologies, Inc.
For more information, samples and 8 Crown Plaza Suite 103
pricing please contact your local Hazlet, NJ 07730
representative. Tel: 732-335-5775 | Fax: 732-335-0210

United Kingdom & Ireland Canada

ALFA Chemicals Limited Andicor Specialty
Arc House, Terrace Road South 590 Abilene Drive
6660 Financial Drive, Suite 200
Binfield, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 4PZ Mississauga, Ontario
Mississauga, OntarioL5T
United Kingdom Tel: (905) 795-0911
Tel: 905-812-7519 | Fax: 905-812-0672
Tel: +44 (0)1344 397 755 | Fax: +44 (0)1344 451 400 E-mail:
South Africa
Asia Pacific Carst & Walker South Africa
Carst & Walker Australia Building 2
Unit 1 5 Sherborne Road
5 Iron Street Parktown
Malaga, Western Australia 6090 Johannesburg, Gauteng 2041
Australia South Africa
E-mail: E-mail:
8 Crown Plaza, Suite 108
Hazlet, NJ 07730

Please note this is not a complete list of botanicals available from Green Line. Our staff is constantly sourcing new and sustainable materials
from around the world. Please also note that seasonal changes and crop yields may render some material unavailable at the time of a request.

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