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The Portuguese and Spanish Preterit

Author(s): Edwin B. Williams

Source: Modern Philology, Vol. 27, No. 3 (Feb., 1930), pp. 297-302
Published by: The University of Chicago Press
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Accessed: 02-04-2017 05:23 UTC

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Modern Philology

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THE present article is an attempt to establish a theory f

development of Portuguese and Spanish preterits which
explain at the same time the open e [e] in the endings of Po
guese strong preterits and the absence of yod in the forma
Spanish weak preterits of the second conjugation.
It is customary to assume that the Latin third conjugati
appeared in Portuguese and Spanish, verbs of this conjugatio
ing over to the second.1 While it is admitted that much co
existed between the second, third, and fourth conjugations
sense that verbs passed from one conjugation to another), t
sumption, which seems entirely based on the accent of the infin
the first and second persons plural of the present indicative,
second person plural of the imperative, must, I believe, be r
What actually happened was rather a fusion into a new conju
of forms taken from both the second and third conjugations
for a few isolated forms now called irregular, particularly in the
fect, where several strong forms continued their independent de
ment. For the sake of convenience of presentation, we shall c
all four conjugations as persisting in the perfect and the strong
as being the exclusive appurtenance of the third conjugation.
The following paradigms show the changes from the clas
Latin perfect into the vulgar Latin perfect of the Iberian pe
Although a form does not seem to exist which could be tak
common basis of the second conjugation for all Romance lang
we may assume that a form derived from -WM, strengthened by
with forms derived from -<Kvi and -ivi, became quite general in
gal and Spain.3 We shall further assume that alongside such fo
1 R. Men6ndez Pidal, Manual (5th ed.; Madrid, 1925), 1?110 and 10640; F. H
Gramdtica hist6rica (Halle, 1913), p. 91.

2 W. Meyer-Ltibke, "Beitrdige zur romanischen Laut- und Formenlehre," Zeit. f. rom.

Phil., IX, 249.
3 For earlier opinions for and against this assumption, see Hanssen, op. cit., p. 111.
Men6ndez Pidal is opposed to it, but gives forms which support it (op. cit., 1119). Cf. also
Menendez Pidal, Origenes del espalfol (Madrid, 1926), p. 381; Meyer-Lilbke, Introducci6n
a la lingzfastica romdnica (Madrid, 1926), 5 191; Grandgent, Vulgar Latin (Boston, 1908),
? 425, and Cornu, "Die portugiesische Sprache," in Groeber's Grundriss (2d ed.; Strass-
burg, 1904-6), I, 943, 1j 64 and 65.
[MODERN PHILOLOGY, February, 1930] 297

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dixzrunt and dix~runt there existed a form

third conjugation pluperfects and future per
by analogy with verbs of the other three
and dixzro became dixeram and dixzro.' Th
become paroxytones because of the droppin
forms became paroxytones merely by analogy

I (WAxK) II (WzAx)
Class. Lat. Vlg. Lat. Class. Lat. Vlg. Lat.

-avir -asti
-aut &Ut, --ut
-atrmits -amos -Mmiis -emos
-avfstfs -astes -vtstfs -estes

-av:ri&nt, -avOrint -aront -

-av&ram -aram -4vgram -cram
-avrwo -aro -uE~ro -ero


Class. Lat. Vlg. Lat. Class. Lat. Vlg. Lat.

-Isrt - -buffst
-.134 ,-ii-jsti
I--t v -zt -ut
-cmims -qmos -ivtmiis -1mus
-Ists -estes -iZvistis -istes
-nt, -rnt -ot -vrnt, -irnt -ont -n
&-'ram -cram -iv~am -tram
-&-ro -ro -ivWro -iro
In -emos of the third conjugation, the accent has shifted by
with the weak conjugations.
The following paradigms show the changes from vulgar Lati
Portuguese and Spanish:

1 As the Latin pluperfect and future perfect disappeared in Italian, there is only
one of the forms in question in that language, viz., the third person plural of the perfect.
In this the accent did not shift, e.g. dissero. However, this shift took place sometimes
in Provencal; cf. Grandgent, Phonology and Morphology of Old Provencal (Boston, 1905),
1 177, 3, dissaron. There are many other examples in vulgar Latin of a short unchecked
penult bearing the accent in a word of more than two syllables, e.g., Spanish sugiere <
*suggerit; for the reason for the shift in this case, see Grandgent, Vulgar Latin, J 139.

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Vlg. Lat. Portuguese Spanish

-ai -ei*
-asti -astett -astett
-aut -ou -6

-amos -amos? -amos

-astes -astes -asteis ?
-aront -arami I -aron
-aram -ara -ara

-aro -ar -are


Vlg. Lat. Portuguese Spanish

-e, -ii* -i -i
-est -estett -iste**
-eut -eu -i6$
-emos -emos -imos
-estes -estes -isteis?
-eront -erami I -ieron
-eram -era -iera
-ero -er -iere
* Cf. Menendez Pidal, Manual, ? 92.
t The regular form would probably be -este, and this is found in Old Spanish (Men6ndez
Pidal, Origenes, p. 378); -aste is by analogy with the plural forms and the tenses derived
from the perfect.
I Final unaccented i becomes e; cf. Menendez Pidal, Manual, 1 28t. This rule holds
equally well for Portuguese: dizxi > disse; illis > lhes.
I The pronunciation of a in this form [amul] is by analogy with the rest of the plural,
and the tenses derived from the perfect. In the present indicative [amull, no such influ-
ence was exerted, there being only one other ending in accented a, viz., -ais; cf. Cornu, op.
cit., in Grundriss, I, 924. 1 3.
I -om > -am, not by analogy with the third person plural of the imperfect as Bourciez
suggests (flments [Paris, 19101, p. 443), but as a result of the general confusion between
final a and 5; cf. Leite de Vasconcellos, Ligdes de Filologia Portuguesa (2d ed.; Lisbon, 1926),
pp. 141 ff., esp. p. 145, n. 2.
? -as > -eis by analogy with the second person plural of other tenses; cf. Men6ndez
Pidal, Manual, ?1073.
** Accented a becomes i through the influence of a following i; cf. Men6ndez Pidal,
Manual, I11,. This rule applies equally well to Portuguese and Spanish; e.g., vAnt > vim
and vine; faci > fis and hice.
tt The form -iste (cf. n. **) is found in Old Portuguese, but in modern Portuguese the
accented i has become e by analogy with the third singular, the whole plural and the
tenses derived from the perfect.
Tt All forms derived by analogy according to the theory expounded in this article are
printed in bold-faced italic. Other analogical forms are discussed in the footnotes but not
distinguished in any special way in the paradigms.
II Final unaccented s dropped in Portuguese after certain consonants while after
others it remained. Thus: fiz but soube; cf. Jos6 Joaquim Nunes, Compdndio de Gramdtica
Hist6rica Portuguesa (Lisbon, 1919), pp. 67 and 319.
11 1I The phonological form would be -iste here, as in the second conjugation (cf. nn.
** and tt).
?? The accent tends to the strong vowel as in vulgar Latin; e.g., mulierem> mulibrem;
cf. Men6ndez Pidal, Manual, ?11184 and 62.

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Vig. Lat. Portuguese Spanish

-est -fstell II -iste**

-'e -' (e)?? --o
-emos -Imos -imos
-estes - estes -isteis?
-gront -ram I -ieron
-,ram -era -iera
-gro -Ir -iere

Vlg. Lat. Portuguese Spanish

-i -i
-isti -iste -iste
-jut -iu -i6??
-imos -imos -imos
-istes -istes -isteis
-iront -iram I -ieron
-iram -ira -iera
-iro -ir -iere

The Portuguese form

partly because the f
in Spanish. Thus the
in Portuguese each
analogy is in the thi
the third person plu
In Spanish there w
third, and fourth co
and third persons si
And even here, the en
probably developed
general fusion, -iero
jugations take their
second and third, an
This latter tendency
-iste of the second
analogy in all these
originally existing i

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of the second person singular and the first and second persons
on the one hand, and that of the third person plural and th
tenses, on the other, which in Spanish thus spread to the se
fourth conjugations. In Portuguese we witness the opposite
since this differentiation, as we have seen, disappears from
conjugation, which in this respect follows the first, secon
fourth. In Spanish, the third conjugation is dominant. It a
fourth are complementary and furnish a combination which
quently adopted by the second.
In early Spanish forms like fiziemos and fiziestes, the endin
be considered as analogical with the third plural, and the te
rived from the perfect, as we have assumed for the modern Po
fizemos and fizestes. This is also true of early Spanish for
durmiemos and durmiestes.1
Now although this fusion of conjugations was effected practically
completely at a date prior to that of any known Old Spanish docu-
ments, the working of yod on a preceding unaccented vowel likewise
belongs to a preliterary period. If we find cadiot in the Glosses of Silos,
we also find ficieret.2 The present theory requires the assumption that
the fourth conjugation acquired the endings -ieron, -iera, and -iere
from the third conjugation before the second did, and that the second
did not acquire them until yod had ceased working. The following
table of third person plural forms shows the hypothetical chronology
of these changes:

1-yod wo
2-yod working ................ ......... entenderon fizieron sintieron
3-yod ceased working. .................. entendieron fizieron sintieron
While Men6ndez Pidal's theory3 of different vulgar Latin forms for the
fourth conjugation in Spanish and in Portuguese would eliminate the
1 Menendez Pidal derives these differently; cf. Manual, 11l8, 3.
2 These forms are found among the glosses reprinted in J. D. M. Ford, Old Spanish
Readings (Boston, 1911), pp. 3 and 5. The form bestanlo, quoted by Pidal (Origenes, p.
374), shows the influence of yod; otherwise the a would have become is. The modern form
vistan is by analogy with verbs whose radical vowel is e. The e in the forms feriot and
ser~iot, quoted by Pidal (ibid., p. 379), must be considered as a Latinism as is also the
final t. The form firio quoted from the same manuscript is pure Romance. The foregoing con-

pretonic I>e are
andbased on the
pretonic following
e+yod>i; well-established
cf. Menendez principles:
Pidal, Manual, 1110.,,+yod>e;
161, 112,>ie;
s E.g., dormimus and dormilmus; cf. Manual, ? 1182; and note 1 above. The forms
partirunt, partierunt, seruierunt, and partiberunt, etc. (Men~ndez Pidal, Oritenes, pp. 39-41,
and p. 380) are probably Latin, as most of the other verbs of this particular document,
and therefore, of little value in the present discussion.

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need for the first part of our assumption

stage 2, it would have no bearing on the e
theory, the step from stage 2 to stage 3.
The assumptions that Portuguese open
analogy from a syncopated perfect of dar
ram, are entirely in accord with the present
by assigning to many more perfects the

The vowel of the pluperfect subjunctive

vowel of the third person plural perfect
rived from the perfect. Thus we have in
isse, and in Spanish -iese.2
It is interesting to consider the absence
verbs of the second conjugation where its
If these verbs do not show the working
person singular present indicative and in
tive, it is because many of them belonge
third conjugation which did not have a y
the yod in vulgar Latin in the fusion of con
beginning of this article.3 The only case
where a Romance yod exists in Spanish. T
verb otherwise free of yod, we may assum
kept it unchanged. Thus we have analo
gerund of the more irregular poder is th

1 Meyer-Ltibke, Grammaire des langues romanes (Paris, 1895), II, 332; Baist, "Die
spanische Sprache," Groeber's op. cit., I, 913, 82; Augusto d'Almeida Cavacas, A Lingua
portuguesa e sua Metafonia (Coimbra, 1920), pp. 130 and 131: and A. Gassner, Das alt-
spanische Verbum (Halle, 1897), If 363 and 372.
2 -ease and isse are not necessarily analogical.
a Several verbs retained the yod, e.g. Port. tenho, Sp. tengo, while a few, belonging to
the Latin third conjugation, acquired a yod in vulgar Latin, e.g. Port. ponho, Sp. pongo;
cf. Men6ndez Pidal, Manual, ? 113, 2b; in both cases the yod produced forms that are now
considered as irregular.

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