Assigment 1
Assigment 1
Assigment 1
Assignment 1
Genevieve Cox
2015, 34). The position is: Behaviours are acquired and exhibited because they
not to reoccur, while reinforcing acceptable behavior will encourage its occurrence
(Driscoll, 2015, 47). Orey, (2001) notes behaviourist learning theories emphasize
and mutually set by the teacher and students can be implemented to foster a
grading rubrics, homework, drill practice, and reinforcing the learners effort are
for classroom behavior at beginning and ending periods, or for the day for group
work, seatwork, transitions, interruptions, and equipment and materials use. (Pitler
et al, 2007, 155) notes that the instructional strategy of reinforcing effort enhances
student understanding between effort and achievement... and are acquired through
a behavioural approach, Cues, such as obedience to the school bell and praise can
the teacher views their efforts, and overt changes in behaviour indicates learning
When learning is applicable to students interests, and they have input into
to develop appropriate behavior and respect for authority. Identifying the behaviour
simple new behaviors that are continuous, learners are slowly manipulated
behaviours already known to the learner into more complex desired behaviours.
real overt changes can be documented and evaluated to determine its effectiveness
Driscoll. M.P. (2013). Psychology of learning for instruction. 3 rd ed. Pearson. New International Edition.
Emmer, E. T. (1984). Classroom management: Research and implications. (R & D Report No. 6178)
Austin, TX: Research and Development Center for Teacher Education, University of Texas.
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED251448).
Orey. M. (2001). Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from:
Pitler, H., Hubbell, E. Kuhn, M. and Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction.
Retrieved from: