Tai Pei Book

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People are busy juggling work, school, hobbies and so much more.

They lack the time or motivation to cook dinner at the end of their

e of C o hectic days. Tai Pei recognizes this problem and offers a solution,
T a b l convenience. Tai Pei presents people with the opportunity to cook

(1) a meal in a brief 5-6 minutes. With a convenient, easy to cook meal,
these busy individuals can spend more time relaxing than worrying
about what to cook when they get home from work, school or
axebcuotivue stummary (2)
between time spent enjoying hobbies. Tai Pei objectives for this
campaign are to position Tai Pei as a convenient product and top
choice of frozen Asian cuisine, to improve sales and overall excite-
Rdeusstrey AanarlysisprMimaajroyr&Tsrecondary rese
ends ment of the frozen food category and to increase Tai Pei sales by
(7) Tai Pei offers a variety of Asian entrees and appetizers, providing
the audience with the genuine Asian restaurant experience at
att i v e al pac home. The target, however, is unaware of the brand and what it has
cigride o r ig in
nner to offer them.
b e a o ne & ma
s & m e derina line
Therefore, primary and secondary research was implemented to

tba c t i c stra t g ie s in t et on
print r a d io gam
es understand the level of awareness with the target. After speaking
with 9 individuals during an hour and a half long focus group, the
tives & h in-store issues with the brands became clear. The target was largely
O jec
tv o unaware of the brand and have never seen it in stores, or disliked it
due to poor quality ingredients. Focusing on generating a stronger
brand awareness is key in this campaign.
IMCsorships events
The creative strategy is focused on a humorous angle on the need
for convenience in these individuals busy lifestyles. This campaign

ul e will effectively utilize the $15 million dollar budget by using a

Sched variety of strategic media placements, in-store promotions,

T non-traditional media and integrated marketing communications.
BUDGE These tactics will be used to increase awareness of the brand and

L A T I O NLUATION APPENDIX raise excitement for the frozen food category.


Industry Analysis
Tai Pei was founded in 1996. Tai Pei frozen Asian-style entres were first introduced by VIP Foods. As of 2014, Tai Pei is now part of Ajinomoto
Windsor foods. Sweet & Sour Chicken was their first single-serve frozen entre and packaged their product in a memorable takeout-style box so
people could enjoy all the elements of Chinese takeout experience right at home. They have grown from one single-serve entre to more than a
dozen varieties. Each recipe is designed to deliver a restaurant-inspired experience in your own kitchen. Recently, Tai Pei has been affected with
a recall on their projects because of Listeria monocytogenes. The current weakness Tai Pei has is not appealing to Millennials. They are pushing
to be Millennials top of mind choice for Asian Cuisine.

P.F. Changs Innovasian

P.F. Chang's Home Menu is the fourth largest P.F. Chang's Home Menu is the fourth largest
multi-serve frozen dinner brand with 133.2 multi-serve frozen dinner brand with 133.2
million dollars in 2016 sales. The Home Menu million dollars in 2016 sales. The Home Menu
was launched in 2011 then purchase by was launched in 2011 then purchase by
ConAgra Food Inc. in 2012. P.F. Chang's Home ConAgra Food Inc. in 2012. P.F. Chang's Home
Menu is widely known due to the tie with the Menu is widely known due to the tie with the
parent brand, P.F. Changs restaurant. The parent brand, P.F. Changs restaurant. The
Home Menu offers a wide variety of multiple Home Menu offers a wide variety of multiple
serving entrees, appetizers and rice. serving entrees, appetizers and rice.

Kahiki Stouffers
Kahiki frozen food originates from a popular Stouffers is the leading multi-serve frozen
restaurant in Columbus, OH that opened in dinner brand with $710.6 million dollars in
1961. The owners expanded the restaurant 2016 sales and is widely known among U.S.
into a frozen food brand in 1998 offering a consumers. Stouffers offers a variety of multi
wide variety of Asian cuisine. Kahiki offers serving to single serving products from frozen
products with 100% natural ingredients and macaroni to Thai Style Ginger Chicken.
the unique experience to earn points and Though not a direct asian cuisine competitor,
prices with the Stir It Up Club. this brand offers customers with a larger
variety of foods including a healthy option with
Stouffers Fit Kitchen meals.

Though Asian restaurants are not direct competitors of frozen meals, they offer an appealing alternative to the target. Asian fast food
restaurants, which include restaurants that make less than half of their sales in sit-down meals, are the largest growing category of ethnic

fast food restaurants. They offer the target a convenient, freshly cooked meal they can take home after a long day.
Major Trends
The current Tai Pei study has introduced new clean ingredients and no additives
and preservatives. The frozen food industry has the image of being unhealthy.
Tai Pei is striving to change the image it currently perceives. Tai Pei has intro-
duced emphasis on their new options that include clean ingredients and no
additives and preservatives, which is hard to find when it comes to frozen food
options. All of the marketing efforts aim to please younger Millennial-based
consumers, who are more focused on quantity and quality of ingredients.

Tai Pei currently portrays low cost, which is essential for food especially frozen
food. Low costs are essential for catching a consumers eye as well as deals and
coupons. Millennials look for deals and coupons when purchasing items such as Price
frozen meals. Consumers like to go in and out of the store for what they are going
in for, making an impact outside of the store with digital coupon to cut the costs
lower and increase awareness. Offering digital coupons and deals are necessary
elements to increasing success of purchases among the consumers.
Perception map
According to our secondary research on consumer perception
amongst competitors, Tai Pei ends up in the lower quadrant.
Tai Pei has a low brand awareness and a negative perception
among the current target market. Among its main competitors,
Convenience P.F. Changs beats Tai Pei in quality, but does not compare to
the price. Both quality and price of the product are key
Fast and easy go hand in hand with frozen food. In the frozen food industry, elements to a successful brand in the frozen food industry.
convenience is the major focus as people have become busy with work, school
and extracurricular activities. This helps target Millennials as they are constantly
on the go with their busy schedules. With the I want it now generation having
your meal ready in just minutes is ideal for consumers. With busy schedules and
not enough time in the day it is essential that convenience plays a part in the

consumers day.
Primary Psychographics 04
Gamers spend a lot of time at home, but cant find the
time to cook between intense gaming. Tai Pei will offer
them a quick and easy meal to cook so they can spend all
the time they want on games. Of the target, Millennials,
gamers are 29% of the segment. They are in college and
tech savvy. Gamers are heavy users of social media like
YouTube, message boards, blogs, Facebook and Twitter.
Gamers tend to have high brand loyalty. They also are College students are geographically confined in easy to reach areas, college campuses.
early to engage with PR, advertising and marketing Students are busy between classes; extracurricular activities and 80% have part time
tactics. jobs, leaving them with little time to cook full meals every night. Many college students
admit they dont have the best cooking skills and resort to cooking easy, convenient
meals. Tai Peis convenience factor will allow college students to save time in their busy
day. Of this target, the ages range from 18 years old to 24 years old with 56% being
women and 44% being men. College students are most influenced by word of mouth,
online or mobile coupons and hands on experience in stores.

Workaholics get up early and stay out late. Their breaks
are few and far between. When they only have a few
minutes to prepare and eat a meal Tae Pei is the perfect
choice. Ages range from 22 years old to 25 years old. For
these higher-earning Millennials, convenience, freshness,
health, variety and natural or organic ingredients are key,
Target Analysis
and they are more willing than Boomers to pay extra for
This campaign will focus on a target of Millennials between the ages of 18 years old and 25
these features.
years old, including both male and females of all ethnicities. This campaign will be targeted
towards technology-motivated focused consumers who exhibit faced-paced and busy
The secondary target is the Workforce is known as Blue
lifestyles. Millennials are more emotionally driven and values pursuing a career that will bring
Collar workers. They do not have a lot of free time and
them happiness, than one that will ensures a high pay rate. With Millennials, healthy options
often work physically exhausting jobs. This makes them
are more appealing. Millennials strive for bang for their buck. They want something less
very tired when they get home and they do not want to
costly and something that will last for more than one meal. They would rather have fresh
spend a lot of time preparing meals. Blue-collar salary is
than frozen. The target market likes coupons. They are busy with friends and school or start-
$32,000. This low salary would likely put them on a
ing off in the real world with a new job, so something convenient is the best option. The new
budget. They prepare meals that are easiest and most
desired target market is aware of the product; however, rarely or never purchase the prod-
convenient in between their busy work schedules.
uct. When they crave Asian cuisine, it is most likely ordered from a local Asian cuisine restau-
rant, which tends to be more expensive and takes longer to prepare and accessible to the
consumer. Tai Pei has an opening to reach out to the target with their new ingredients and
the convenience that they offer.
target dmas
The Tai Pei campaign will focus on the 15 tops DMAs, nationwide
with the highest population and target composition. 05
1. New York, NY44.84 6. Houston, TX---49.02 11.Portland, OR----47.24
2. Los Angeles, CA---- 47.58 7. Detroit, MI---42.98 12. Indianapolis, IN----46.96
3. Chicago, IL---50.52 8. Seattle-Tacoma, WA----54.90 13. Salt Lake City, UT---41.68
4. Boston, MA ---56.64 9. Denver, CO---46.39 14. Tucson (Sierra Vista), AZ----40.79
5. Atlanta, GA---54.18 10. Sacramento, CA----47.22 15. Des Moines-Ames, IA----43.87



13 15
10 9 12


Percent of target
pRIMARY Secondary
A small focus group was conducted to determine the buying process of the target market. Tai Pei the brand has been around for 20 years. It
The responses concluded that the target market will buy and eat frozen food because they are is sold in popular grocery stores but has very low
often busy during meal hours and do not have time to cook. They're very brand loyal when it public awareness. According to online product
comes to frozen food but would be persuaded to try something new if a coupon was offered. reviews, some feel the quality is inadequate.
Asian styled food was not what came to mind when asked about frozen meals; instead pizza, There has been criticism over the portions of
breakfast, and pastas were mentioned. Most of the target said they ordered takeout Chinese meat provided in the meals. The small portions of
food at least once a week and were willing to spend $8-10 on the product but only willing to meat had customers feelings as though they did
spend up to $5 for a frozen meal. The general opinion of Tai Pei was that the meals were bland not get their money's worth for their product and
and had a strange textured but there was a positive response to the design of the packaging. that it had poor value.
The target audience also noted that they prefer to add additional ingredients, sauces, and
spices to their frozen dishes.

Brand Evaluation
Tai Pei focuses on their convenience and long shelf life features. They provide authentic Asian-Style cuisine that includes a variety
of meats, vegetables, and sauces that have been flashed frozen and is ready to eat in minutes. Tai Pei recognizes that Millennials
are looking for more global foods and open to trying new dishes. Tai Pei prides itself on providing "good fortune in every box.

VALUE Convenience
Our target has an active and busy lifestyle. Between work, school, and
Our target is young and on a budget. They seek for
the best deal and know when they've found it. hobbies our target market barely has time to eat, let alone cook dinner. Tai
They have a diverse taste and are eager to try new Pei allows our customers to enjoy authentic Asian-style cuisine in minutes.
things. Tai Pei is the way for them to try new and Takeout is a way around a busy schedule but it can be expensive and may
diverse Asian-styled cuisine at the fraction of the take up to an hour to be delivered. Tai Pei makes it possible to have takeout
price as takeout. styled meals anytime; whether its a lunch break, late night dinner, or a quick
meal in between classes.
BIG IDEA Campaign Objectives:

Improve sales and
excitement over entire

genuine frozen food category

Increase sales and brand

awareness of Tai Pei among
the new target market

Position Tai Pei as the
first choice for frozen

Asian meals.


Make consumers aware of the fact
that Tai Pei is a convenient, flavorful
and inexpensive option, as well as
informing consumers that Tai Pei is
adapting to the growing healthy trend
by eliminating preservatives, artificial

at home colors and introduce new flavors in

their line of products.

Tai Pei gives you the genuine Asian restaurant experience at home. Being able to have your takeout at any
time of the day for the fraction of the prices gives the power of choice back to the customers. Affective
Tai Pei will make your night easier with
a quick an easy microwavable meal
after a long, hard day at work. You can
also try and share Tai Pei's product
line with friends for an exciting Netflix

tONE & manner Conative

Motivate the target audience to
Tai Pei will choose to use humor as its tone and manner towards their consumers. purchase Tai Pei products and to

We want consumers to laugh when they see the Tai Pei advertisements. By creating experience the various flavors, meals
a familiar, creative situation that many of our consumers have experiences them- and appetizers Tai Pei has to offer
selves the advertisements will be associated with a positive feeling. through product trial, events and
digital platforms.
Original Packaging 08
Packaging Wraps
For this campaign we are recommending a new
packaging design for Tai Pei products. For this
design we will keep the original chinese takeout box
shape and place a wrap around the entire box, which
will host the full packaging design. The design will
include main elements, such as the Tai Pei logo,
name of the meal, and a description of the meal.
Included on the packaging design will feature the
healthier ingredients used in Tai Peis new recipes.
The design will also address the new ingredients
with New Healthy Ingredients, and No additives
or preservatives. The plastic wrap will only be
around the actual box and not the wrap. On the
backside of the wrap will include coupons and other
promotional items.

Variety of Colors
According to the data received from the issued
focus group, our target consumers are drawn to
bright colors and appealing imagery when walking
down a grocery store al and are more likely to stop
and view the product. Therefore, the products will
be accompanied by one of the five colors displayed
below. The packaging will be based around the
green, blue, salmon, gold, or red color. The red will
be the main color, which will appear in a majority of
our advertisements and promotional displays.

C=15 M=95 Y=86 K=4 C=87 M=30 Y=100 K=18 C=90 M=1 Y=15 K=0 C=0 M=75 Y=70 K=0 C=31 M=40 Y=97 K=6
facebook snapchat
There will be marketplace, promoted, sponsored, We will sponsor filters, sponsored ads, and get on one of the
Facebook exchange, advertisements, etc. We will discovered stories. We will have the 15 DMAs for the sponsored
target millennials and pages that are in our 15 DMAs. ads and filters, but the discover will be a national story. 30% of
men and 49% of women (all Millennials)Snapchat sponsored
iNSTAGRAM ads, stories, etc
Tai Pei will have their own account as well as do pINTEREST
sponsored ads that will go out to users in our
DMAs. Instagram has 300 million active users We will have an account that has different products, deals,
worldwide, 73% of Instagramers are between 15 advertisements etc. Tai Pei will also have sponsored ads that will
and 35 years old. be in their home feed. The ads will be places in our DMAs but
the account will be free for anybody to see.

Tai Pei will do sponsored ads that will go out to users in our
DMAs. They will have coupons if you swipe right on Tai Peis
profile. Tinder is through Facebook so it will be easy to monitor.
Millennials are dating age, 7 million user (50%men/50%women).

Uses beacons in the stores where you enter the store, scan items, scan your receipts and get points to get
giftcards and other cool items. There are weekly ads and deals from the stores that are on the app as well
as picture blogs which incorporates the best deals from different stores in the category you are looking
at. Tai Pei will be listed as one of the items to scan, deals, weekly ads, and the picture blogs. We will use
the 15 DMAs that we have chosen and use their locations.

The app has weekly store ads. You need to have your location services on to make sure you get the ads
in your area. Tai Pei will be featured on the weekly advertisements. We will use the 15 DMAs that we have
chosen to have Tai Pei featured in the advertisements. This app targets women millennials.

This app is for college students and get rewarded for not being on their phone during
class--actually paying attention. The app is by location and by college town. Tai Pei

would be featured on this app and students will be able to use their points to get deals
on Tai Pei and will show where in their location to purchase the item. We will use the 15
DMAs that we have chosen to have Tai Pei featured for the college towns. This will
target college student millennials.
Radio Description Audio

SFX - Door Opens (1 seconds)

Tai Pei will purchase advertisements on Young Adult 50s Man (2 seconds) Honey Im home!
Spotify. Spotify has a user base of 75 million
SFX - Footsteps walking into kitchen (1
users and 30 million paid subscribers. seconds)

SFX - Frying pan sizzling (0.5 seconds)

Young Housewife (4 seconds) Perfect! I just finished making a delicious
Tai Pei will purchase advertising spots on Pando-
Asian-styled meal!
ras online streaming radio. Pandora is ranked in
the Top 15 applications for smartphones. 73% of SFX - Vortex Sound (1 seconds)
users listen to online radio on their smartphone
rather than in their car. An average of 119 million Narrator (2 seconds) Times have changed
people listen to online radio weekly for an aver- SFX - Door Opens (.5 seconds)
age of 12 hours, 40% of those people primarily
using Pandora. Modern Young Adult Women (3 seconds) Hey Bae, did you get dinner ready?

Modern Young Adult Man (4 seconds) I havent even changed out of my work
Local College Radio Stations clothes yet.

Tai Pei will purchase advertising spots on local college Modern Young Adult Women (2 seconds) Long day at the office?
radio stations in the top DMAs. College students are
Modern Young Adult Man (1 seconds) The longest!
drawn to listen to their colleges local station not only
for music, but for updates on campus and local Modern Young Adult Women (4 seconds) Me too! Im starving but everything is either
happenings. closed or will have a long wait time. Do you
wanna just order takeout?

Modern Young Adult Man (2 seconds) Were also on a budget.

online Both Man and Woman (1.5 seconds)

Narrator (4 seconds)
Tai Pei?

Dont have time to cook? Try the Tai Pei way!

Tai Pei frozen Asian-styled food allows you to
There will be banner and display advertisements prepare dinner in minutes!
on the following websites: Game Informer and Get a Tai Pei coupon in your local paper and
news media outlets such as: Huffington Post, visit www.taipeifood.com for more
CNN, Fox and local news stations in the target
DMA areas. SFX - Microwave Ding (.5 second)

35 seconds

HULU Product placement
The target audience chooses online streaming services over traditional Product placement is a good way to feature a product in a show without it seem-
cable. Streaming online allows the target audience to watch the shows they ing invasive. Its a good way to get people to recognize the brand without over
want to watch when they have time available. 44% of people ages 18 - 35 stimulating them with the clutter of other advertisements. The Big Bang Theory
watched The Good Wife online while only 6% of people the same age is hugely popular with Millennials, 1 in 4 watch. Tai pei could be featured during
watched on television. By placing Tai Pei ads on streaming services like Hulu a gaming session on the show.
there ads will be seen by a much larger audience.

the big bang theory

The Good Wife

We will have gamers sponsor Tai Pei, commercial
ads, as well as the banner ads. YouTube will target
out Gamers as well as young millennials. We will
use our 15 DMAs to target where the ads go.




SFX- Door opens (1 second) SFX - Footsteps walking into kitchen (2 second) SFX- Frying pan sizzling (0.5 seconds) SFX - Housewife (4 seconds)
Full body shot of a man walking into home. Focus on man. Man sets down his hat, keys, and Cut to interior of 1950s styled kitchen. A woman is Cut to dining area. Man is seated at the dinner table.
SFX - Man (2 seconds) Honey, Im home! standing near the stove, cooking a meal. His wife begins to serve the meal.
walking towards the kitchen. Camera follows.
Styled meal!

SFX -Vortex sound (1 second) SFX- Door opens (.5 seconds) SFX -Young adult woman (3 seconds) Pan SFX - Young adult man (4 seconds)
Times Have Changed will appear on the screen as the Cut to a modern-day young adult woman woman walking from door to kitchen. Cut to man. I havent even changed out of my work
voice over says Times have changed. (2 seconds) walking into a house. (.5 seconds) Hey Bae, did you get dinner ready? clothes yet.

SFX -Young adult woman (2 seconds) SFX - Young adult man (1 second) SFX - Young adult woman (4 seconds) SFX - Young adult man (2 seconds)
Cut to woman and man both standing in Cut to man. Cut to woman. Me too! Im starving, but everything Pan over to man standing at counter. Were also on
kitchen is either closed or will have a long wait time. Do you a budget.
wanna just order takeout?

Dont have time to cook?

SFX - Narrator (8 seconds)
Tai Pei will appear on screen. Dont have time to
cook? Try the Tai Pei way! Tai Pei frozen Asian-
Styled food allows you to prepare dinner within

SFX - Microwave ding. (.5 second)
Try the Tai Pei Way! Get a Tai Pei coupon in your local paper and visit
www.taipeifood.com for more information.
SFX - Young adult woman (2 seconds)
Cut to woman. Tai Pei?
This campaign is going to use in store promotion. The promotions will utilize the
point of purchase and impulse tactic when consumers are shopping for groceries. Tai
Pei will be featured in stores in each one of the target DMAs. There will be digital
signage located throughout the store featuring Tai Pei advertisements and product

In the frozen food section, we will feature an end cap design focused on Tai Pei. Tai
Pei will cover the entire end cap, introducing the new and improved ingredients.
Currently, in stores there are beacons that sync to mobile phones. Beacons are used
in mobile coupon applications to notify consumers with deals going on throughout
the store.

Bollard poles are located outside of convenience stores. They will be covered with Tai
Pei sign brackets that have the tagline and a call to action to purchase the product.
Dollar General and Family Dollar stores will be featured with Tai Pei. These stores are
known as cost efficient stores, which will be great for Tai Pei products to be shelved.

Floor clings will be located on each side of the frozen food aisle, leading toward the
Tai Pei shelf. In front of the Tai Pei case, there will be a large floor cling with an adver-
tisement that tells the consumer to Try the Tai Pei Way as an attraction to the prod-
ucts for an impulse purchase.

The new Amazon store, Amazon Go will feature Tai Pei. Amazon Go is a store that will
be implemented into one of our target DMAs, Seattle, Washington in early 2017.
Amazon Go is a new and unique shopping experience that allows customers to sync
their mobile device with the Amazon app upon entering the store.

Along with half page ads, Tai Pei will purchase inserts for college newspapers.
While 93% of students read campus newspapers, 31% say they notice inserts.
Tai Pei Frozen Meals
Assorted varieties 12 oz.
Expires 6/30/2017. Valid only at
participating stores. Prices may
vary. Not valid with any other offer,
discount or coupon.
Tai Pei will purchase ads in the GameIn-
former magazine. About 31% of
GameInformer readers are between the
ages of 12-24 and 84% of readers are
male. Of these readers, 45% of them
read the entire magazine.
$1 off
Tai Pei Potstickers
Assorted varieties 24 oz.
Tai Pei will place half page ads in college Expires 6/30/2017. Valid only at
participating stores. Prices may
newspapers in all 15 DMAs. 93% of vary. Not valid with any other offer,
discount or coupon.

students with access to a campus paper

say they read it. 60% of say they prefer

Save the
to read print newspapers over online.
26% of readers say advertisements in

Tai Pei Way

their campus paper has influenced
product purchasing.
Tai Pei Egg Rolls
Assorted varieties 24 oz.
Expires 6/30/2017. Valid only at
participating stores. Prices may
vary. Not valid with any other offer,
discount or coupon.

Tai Pei Mini Spring
Assorted varieties 22.5 oz.
Expires 6/30/2017. Valid only at par-
ticipating stores. Prices may vary. Not
valid with any other offer, discount
or coupon.

26 percent of gamers are under the age of 18 years old, while 30 percent of gamers are between the ages of 18-35 years old. This shows that our target audience
either engages in computer or console gaming. When placing the product within these video games, it will reach our target audience as well as suggest buying and
eating Tai Pei frozen foods by conveying that their video game, fictional character purchases the product as well. A few of the ideal gaming title, which Tai Pei would
appear in would include, but not limited to are; Infamous, Spider-man, Watch Dogs, etc.

Out Of home
Bus Shelter Bus Interior
To reach the target on their way home from work, Tai Pei will place ads on Bus interior cards will be utilized during this campaign to grab the
bus shelters in the chosen 15 DMAs. Over two-thirds of travelers make audience's attention while riding the bus. 45% of millennials say they
purchasing decisions outside of their home. 31% of those travelers make consciously try to take alternative modes of transportation over driving a
decisions in their cars. 22% of adults who have rode in or drove a vehicle car.
say they notice bus shelter advertisements.

Taxi TV Gas Station TV

Tai Pei will place ads on Taxi TVs in the chosen 15 DMAs. Taxis receive an Tai Pei will place ads on Taxi TVs in the chosen 15 DMAs. Taxis receive an
average of 57 passengers a day. 56% of passengers say they remember average of 57 passengers a day. 56% of passengers say they remember
ads on Taxi TVs and 62% intend to try or purchase products in the ads on Taxi TVs and 62% intend to try or purchase products in the
advertisements. advertisements.

During this campaign Tai Pei will reach the audience in subways and
railways, where people are waiting to get to work, the store or going
home. About 21.4% of individuals 18-24 ride a subway or railway. This
campaign will utilize a combination of interior ads, platform posters and
station domination, where an entire station is covered in Tai Pei ads.

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
During this campaign, Tai Pei will sponsor the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in order to engage our Gamers segment
with the brand. The tagline Power Up with Tai Pei, will effectively link Tai Pei with the gaming world by tying the brand
to the use of food as a means of gaining HP in video games.

The E3 convention is held June 13-15 in the Los Angeles Convention Center. Before the event begins, Tai Pei will send
press releases to magazines, newspapers and other news outlets in order to gain coverage on the sponsorship. Also, prior
to the event, Tai Pei will place street light pole banners across across the area including information about the time and
date of the convention as well as the Tai Pei logo. As the official sponsor of the event, the Tai Pei logo will be placed on
the official E3 website and all promotional materials.

In order to increase brand awareness, Tai Pei will take over the convention with a wide range of ad placements. Tai Pei will place a large building banner outside
the convention center with the Power Up with Tai Pei tagline. Hanging banners will be displayed across the inside of the convention center along with directional
signs with the Tai Pei logo and tagline. All gaming screens at the event will include a small banner above
with the Power Up tagline. To further enforce the Power Up with Tai Pei concept, boxes of Tai Pei will
be placed in hotel mini fridges of those attending the E3 convention. Snapchat geofilters will also be used
during the event to allow the audience to further engage with Tai Pei. Users will also be able to engage with
the brand by using the hashtag, #TaiPeiatE3.

Throughout the convention, a Tai Pei stand will be available where attendees can grab a quick bite to
Power Up for more gaming fun. This stand will also include pamphlets including information about Tai Pei
and the new products. Servers also walk around the convention wearing Tai Pei shirts and serving attendees
Tai Pei Mini Spring Rolls.

National Food Day Event

In order to create excitement for Tai Pei and the frozen food category in grocery
stores, this campaign will hold an event on National Frozen Food Day. The event
will take place on March 6, 2017 in select grocery stores in our 15 DMAs. On the
day of the event, there will be a stand outside where people will hand out coupons
for Tai Pei and promote the new products. Pole covers with the Tai Pei logo will be
on display outside. The store entrance will include a large banner hanging from the
ceiling as well as ads placed on the EAS system sensors.

On this day, Tai Pei will also use a Snapchat geofilter. This filter will engage the
audience and create excitement for event. The filter will include the words Frozen
Food Day as well as Tai Peis logo. When the user opens their mouth, Tai pei food
will fall into their mouth.

16 During the event there will also be a table set up near the frozen food section.
Samples of Tai Pei products will be handed out throughout the day here while the
employee stationed here also talks with customers about Tai Peis new and
improved products.
Media Schedule

Gamers COLLEGE Workaholics

Social ooh Bus Shelter Taxi TV Grocery stores gas stations ooh Bus Shelter Taxi TV Grocery stores gas stations

PRINT PRINT College Newspapers (i.e. Ball Bearings, Daily News)
Radio Local College Radio Stations

imc Radio Local College Radio Stations MOBILE


social hEavy
TV medium
IMC light



6.6% 3 MILLION




13.5% 13.5%
Evaluations Recommendations
To receive accurate results and evaluation of the Tai Pei Way campaign To promote continuing success, Tai Pei should:
we will use a third party research agency to evaluate the effectiveness Purchase premium advertising space in convenience stores and gas stations in
across all elements in the campaign. order to catch attention and create desire.
Use our new packaging design and promote the packaging to also be used as a
Overall Awareness amongst Target Market plate like traditional Chinese takeout boxes.
Pre and Post Surveys Make cooking instructions prominent on the package. By placing a Do not
Before the launch of the campaign we will send out surveys obtaining the remove before microwaving label on the outer packaging plastic will prevent
level of awareness and perception of the overall brand and products to consumers from preparing the dish incorrectly.
our desired target market. The survey will be distributed amongst our
three target audience categories. The same survey will be distributed internet & Social
after the campaign to measure the overall effectiveness of the campaign. Tai Pei should increase their presence across social media platforms. Increasing
social media presence will ensure brand awareness and establish a customer to
brand relationship.
Revamp social media marketing plan to effectively reach target market
During the E3 event, the number of attendees will be counted for the
multiple days of the event. We will also count the number of interactions
from participants at our booth as well as the amount of product samples event convenience sampling
distributed. During the event we will also construct a short survey at our
booth about the brand and product perception from event participants. Participants can provide immediate feedback in public relations opportunities
such as: National Frozen Food Day, E3 Expo, and Amazon Go. Gather contact
information during these events to be able to reach out to the audience and
Social/ Mobile/ Web
survey them for feedback.
Social tracking will be used to measure the amount of social interactions
Provide product samples at events to encourage trial.
with the Tai Peis social media accounts. The amount of earned followers
and status interactions will also be measured. We will also measure the Provide incentives
Click through rates of each ad that appears on social and streaming
Create online and print coupons to facilitate the purchasing process.

team members appendix

Keely Collier Secondary research for this FDA Business Wire
campaign was accumulated from Lamar Prepared Foods
Chelsea Lamb Creative Mobile Tech Ebschost
Abbey ruthrauff reputable consumer databases and
I Heart Newspapers Ad Age
sources including:
Hannah toth Usatoday Nielsen
Facebook Facebook
CharlesWatson YouTube USA Today
Walmart Media Life Magazine
NASDAQ Entrepreneur
Food Business News Market Watch
Game Informer Tai Pei
Washington Post Statista

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