Flyer Railway Management and Engineering PDF
Flyer Railway Management and Engineering PDF
Flyer Railway Management and Engineering PDF
Currently, rail engineers are under enormous pressures simultaneously to improve quality of service, increase safety and yet
simultaneously cut costs. They need to understand not just engineering, but also management, economics, government policy and
legislation. This text can be strongly recommended for the excellent coverage it provides on all these issues, drawing on worldwide
Chris Nash, University of Leeds, UK
This book aims to cover the need for a new scientific approach for railways
and is useful for railway managers, economists and engineers, consulting
economists and engineers, students of schools of engineering, transportation,
economics, and management. The book is divided into three parts, which
deal successively with management, track, rolling stock, and environment
and safety. Each chapter contains the necessary theoretical analysis of the
phenomena studied, the recommended solutions, applications, charts and
design of the specific railway component. In this way, both the requirement
for a theoretical analysis is met, and the need of the railway manager and
engineer for tables, nomographs, regulations, etc. is satisfied.
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