D&D 5 Ext Mini Games

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Mini Games

A number of games such as the card game Three dragon anti or different dice
games exist in the realms of D&D this document is methods for playing such

Three Dragon Anti

There are two ways to play Three Dragon Anti as a player, the Easy way and
the Hard way The hard way is chosen by the DM when the player is playing
against a PRO.
Easy Way
The Easy way is generally for playing at a bar for money. (playing at an
establishment for money can be done similarly but the DM will most likely add
proficiency to their rolls to represent the establishments experience.
This method starts with the player choosing how much he is willing to wager and
bet on his games (must be a multiple of three)
The player will then roll a d20+Profecciency (if proficient with three dragons anti)
to represent luck, a performance check (+proficiency of three dragon anti) and
lastly an insight check. (+proficiency of three dragon anti)
The DM rolls 3d20 as well and the player gains a win for every dice higher (in
order) and a loss for each one lower.
The player is then rewarded or loses money depending on his wins or losses.
Three loses means he losses all his bet money. Three wins means he gains the
amount bet. Two wins 1 loss means he gains 1/3 of what he bet extra. And 1 win
two losses means he losses 1/3 of his bet gold.
Playing this way takes two min for every gold bet. So an hour for 30 gold bet. The
DM may limit how many people are willing to play if you constantly win by
limiting your bet depending on where youre playing, not to say players cant
suggest they lose on purpose to bring in a crowd or something of the sort.
Hard Way
This is how the game is meant to be played if you had the time to bother playing
the actual mini game. If playing against a PRO or another player use the tables
invisible roll tower and the DM will keep track of your rolls and inform you what
they are but not the other players if VS them.
The games play out using dice to represent cards there are 3 d20s rolled and
placed on the table as 3 cards the house the one who places them checks the
middle card. They then place their coin on the cards generally at most taverns
this is 3 gold each, 2 gold on each card.
The player or 2nd player then draws a card and places it on the table above or
below a card. They take in turns doing this until 3 cards are lined up the last one
to play a card turns the 3 cards over (the DM will reveal what they are) if they
are in order from higher to lower or vice versa they keep the pot placed on that
card. This happens till all cards are revealed and then they can go again.
Players may make an Insight VS Performance check to try get some insight into
the other player or the DMs* intentions if they roll higher by (on average 4) they
get a general Idea as to his intent for instance.
If the 2 cards have a high value - You get the impression that he is more likely to
avoid placing a card above these two cards.
If the 2 cards have a low value - You get the impression that he is more likely to
avoid placing a card below these two cards.
If the 2 cards have a large gap - You get the impression that the chances of
winning by placing a card on this lane are low.
Another option players have is they can use arcana checks as it is not
uncommon for people to try cheat. On that note players may also do a Sleight of
hand VS Perception check to try cheat. All thought there is always the possibility
of being revealed, and doing this on cards the DM/other player has placed means
they may know that the other person cheated even without seeing him cheat.
The consequences of cheating Vary but at a recognized establishment it can
mean being banned. Or if serious enough could mean being beaten robbed and
thrown out.
All checks gain double proficiency if the player is proficient in three dragon anti.
Extra Information
Some establishments or people, use dice instead (D6) to play this game and use
cups that they place on top. This is a lot easier to cheat at and often ends in
violence it is rare establishments, even less then modest ones to allow or
encourage play of this nature.

Dragonchess is just to complicated to play out in fantasy grounds or even out of
it quite frankly so it is played using contested intelligence + Profecciency in
Dragon chess checks.
Dragon chess is rarely played for money and more so a hobby for the higher rung
of society.
The only way The Easy Way
The player and DM will roll apposing checks, 11 rolls max. Three checks won in a
row is an instant win, and 2 checks in a row won after the 8 checks mark is a win,
at 11 rolls the one who won the most contested rolls is the winner.

Dice Set
Dice has a number of games, for ease it has been reduced to an easy way which
is considered any top of dice game and 2 hard ways for 2 separate games of
The Easy Way
Everyone who is playing places a coin on the table this is often played with a
silver coin due to its often a group playing.
All who are playing dice rolls a D6 and adds 1 (max 6) if Proficient in dice sets.
The highest wins the pot. If its a draw, then those two roll again.
Liars Dice The Hard Way
Everyone playing rolls 5D6 into their tower (this is considered there 5 dice under
there cups) The DM will whisper them their dice. Someone will make a bid
announcing any face value (1-6) and the minimum number of dice that the
player believes are showing that value, under all of the cups in the game.
(Variant 1s wild counting towards the minimum number of dice) Turns rotate
among the players in a clockwise order each play has two choices during their
turn: to make a higher bid, or challenge the previous bid typically by saying
Liar. Increasing the bid means either increasing the quantity, or the face value,
or both. (Any Face Variant means they can bet on any face value so long as
they raise the quantity)

If the current player calls liar and is correct the liar loses a die if they are wrong,
then they lose a die instead. The last player left to have a die wins the pot. (Any
call Variant Anyone at any time may call liar)

Variant Examples
Liars Dice - Liars Dice Wild 1s - Liars Dice Any Face - Liars Dice Any Call -
Liars Dice Any Call, Any Face, Wild 1s.
Players may make Insight Vs performance checks to reveal how confident they
are that their bets are correct.
The results will be as follows thou if they roll to low they could get a wrong
Very confident High Chance that he has that amount of dice under his cup on
his own.
Confident High chance that he believes that between all the cups his bet is
Average He has a few most likely of his bet, but he doesnt straight up believe
it is a sure thing.
Unsure Chances are he has a small amount or none of those die.
Bluffing You whole heartedly believe he is full of shit.
If someone tries to use insight and they roll then the result from above is if
Insight is higher by 20 they detect the exact confidence and it moves up in
intervals of 5s.

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