Table 1: Adult Daily Nutrition Requirement - Food Aid Information System, FAIS

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Food security is a continuous struggle to acquire the right amount of affordable food

that is not only easy to prepare but also safe to eat (containing all the nutrients
required for the daily intake). Things can move from bad to worse very quickly,
given the fact that not getting the right food can cause terminal illness, leading to
the lost productivity and hence no money to buy food in the future. The cycle of
poverty is difficult to break in such a scenario. The future of food is in danger since
part of food security is to create awareness (knowledge) regarding the right food

Energy (kcal) 2100

Protein (g) 52
Fat (g) 40
Riboflavine (mg) 1.4
Thiamine (mg) 0.9
Iron (mg) 22
Vitamin A (gRE) 500
Iodine (g) 150
Niacine (mg) 12
Vitamine C (mg) 28
Vitamine B12 0.9
Water (l) 1.89
Zinc (mg) 12.3
Table 1: Adult Daily Nutrition Requirement -Food Aid Information System, FAIS
Yearly And Daily Nutritional Requirements, World Food Programme.

People need food that is readily accessible and they need to know what food will
help them get the desired nutrition in the minimum possible amount of money.
People living in slums and on the outskirts of the urban areas do not have access to
clean drinking water or healthy food products.

Is it easy to consume
Do I know what I am
and right for cultural
fit for me?

Is it good for my
Is it readily health? -Food
available? security.
Since the population of the world is expected to be 9.6 billion by 2050, due to this
increase in the population, the land degradation and demand for cash crops will
reduce arable land for food production. Considering the shortage of food security, as
well as the industrial farming capacity that has almost reached its limit of
production (the production is increasing but with decreasing efficiency), the problem
is evident how the number of people suffering from malnutrition is going to increase
at an increasing rate soon.

Q2: In 500 words or less, please describe your proposed solution or innovation that will solve the
problem you stated.

Epiphany learned through research how the clear majority of people in the world are
living below the poverty line and have got low access or no access to food. Hence
the fact that majority of them (specially children under age 10) suffer from
malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies.

Our solution focuses on the objective of increasing efficiency in the farming coupled
with the increased productivity as the population tends to grow more in future.
Efficiency relates to the ratio of how much energy is obtained from the amount of
inputs used in the initiation process of the farming. There are two main reasons that
set apart the productivity from the efficiency in the traditional farming. First being
the lack of knowledge in farmers regarding the use of technology to decrease
wastage of material in traditional farming process. Second is the lack of desire to
learn the use of technology to increase efficiency (yield per unit of farm) as well as
productivity in the most sustainable way possible. The two problems discussed can
be catered using an app which provides real time analysis of weather forecast,
disease probability and cure, harvesting time, pesticide use, cultivar resistance,
optimal fertilizers to be used and irrigation needs amongst others. The app can be
adaptive to the local language of the farmers so that it is easier for them stay
interactive with the app.

This will allow the farmers to implement smart farming. Smart farming will focus on
providing real time updates using the sensing technology, telematics (positioning
technology), its hardware system, software application and data analytical tools. It
will help farmers indicate the decrease in the productivity with the help of disease
simulator. They will also be able to perform field testing (such as soil testing) before
incorporating seeds for a particular crop. Disease epidemic (considering an example
of polyetic epidemic) information can also be given to the farmers through the app
in an alarming situation. This would ensure greater efficiency of farming productivity
and would also certify that the increasing need for food is fully met.


Our solution focuses on the objective of providing access to food that is being
wasted everyday across the globe. According to the food authority regulations of
most of the nations, no stale food is to be served to customers, be it in wedding
catering or in restaurants and five star hotels. This food can be used to feed millions
of others, given its timely and proper utilization. This can be done using a simple
app, where the restaurants can inform the volunteer group about the excess food
available at the end of the day with the push of a button. Once the app indicates
that excess food is available at the specific locations that are mentioned with the
restaurant name and other specifications, volunteers can go collect the food and
disseminate the food amongst the people in need. A proper record of the population
(living below the poverty line) can be maintained so that they can be delivered with
the food regularly.

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