Estimation Method of Load-Carrying Capacity of Heavily Confined RC Column Considering Core Concrete Strength Under Triaxial Compression

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Estimation Method of Load-Carrying Capacity of Heavily Confined RC Column Considering

Core Concrete Strength under Triaxial Compression

ISSN 0386-1678

Report of the Research Institute of Industrial Technology, Nihon University

Number 72, 2004

Estimation Method of Load-Carrying Capacity of Heavily Confined

RC Column Considering Core Concrete Strength under Triaxial

Shizuka IZAWA*, Makiko TAKANO*, Tadashi ABE**, Tetsukazu KIDA**,

Kiyoshi KATO***, Makoto SUDO**** and Kazuhiko MINAKUCHI**

( Received July 18, 2003 )


The authors have already clarified that the upper-bound load-carrying capacity of RC column considering
the buckling of the primary rebar without the lateral confinement is rational both theoretically and experi-
mentally in the basical design concept, and the trinity among the load-carrying capacity, the pitch spacing
and the design yield strength of primary rebar has been developed for the first time. This paper deals with the
main, important items as follows:

The effect of the lateral pressure of core concrete of the RC column on the buckling 1oad of primary
The analysis of the load-carrying capacity of only hollow reinforcement cage.
Formularizing the load-carrying capacity of confined column considering the buckling of primary
rebar and the triaxial strength of core concrete.

Keyword: Column, Load-carrying capacity, Primary rebar, Buckling, Lateral confinement

1. Introduction member. Especially, it was clarified quantitatively that

the decrease of the tie bar spacing and the usage of the
The damages of concrete structures due to the great higher yield strength primary rebar of the RC column
earthquakes are the worldwide problem. The honest resulted in its high load-carrying capacity. On the other
researches have been continued and the present authors hand, the Standard Specification2) ignores the lateral
also have carried out the fundamental study from the confinement by tie bars concerning the compressive
viewpoint of the structural material and the structural load-carrying capacity. To put the design yield strength

* Graduate Department of Industrial Technology, Nihon University

** Department of Civil Engineering, College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University
*** University Research Center, Nihon University
**** ingrosec Corporation

Shizuka IZAWA, Makiko TAKANO, Tadashi ABE, Tetsukazu KIDA, Kiyoshi KATO,
Makoto SUDO and Kazuhiko MINAKUCHI

of primary rebar to a valid use, it also adopts the ser- son can be said because of depending on the perfor-
viceable limit state designing value of concrete for the mance that the primary rebars do not show the simple
load-sharing capacity. Thus the upper-bound load-car- compressive strength perfectly but those result in the
rying capacity of RC column has been obtained by elastic failure due to those buckling . Figure 1 illus-
them. Nevertheless, the compressive load-carrying ca- trating a damaged highway bridge pier when Great Han-
pacity approaches a definite asymptote according to Shin Earthquake Disaster in Japan (1995), may mean
enlarging the tie bar spacing1). Therefore, it is rational a phenomenal fact that the earthquake load was not only
to determine the asymptote as the upper-bound com- too large but also the load-carrying capacity was too
pressive load-carrying capacity inherent in the RC col- small beyond estimation. Figure 2 expresses the sim-
umn. plified buckling model of the reinforcement cage post
This paper describes mainly the following practical the spall-off of cover concrete of the bridge pier as
problems: the existence of the effect of the lateral shown in Fig. 1.
pressure of core concrete of the RC column subject to The load-carrying capacity considering the buckling
compression on the buckling load of primary rebar, of primary rebars depends on the buckling load given
the analysis of the load-sharing capacity by virtue of by function of their slenderness ratio. The slenderness
the reinforcement cage itself, and the general new ratio is denoted by Eq.(1).
formulation of load-carrying capacity of confined RC = /( /4) (1)
column considering the buckling of primary rebar and where, and are the length and the diameter of
the triaxial compressive strength of core concrete. the primary rebar, respectively.
When both ends of rebar are pin-connections, the
critical slenderness ratio and the buckling stress s
2. Status quo of upper-bound equation of design 3)
load-carrying capacity by the Rankines equation are given by Eq. (2) and
Eq. (3), respectively.
2.1. Constitutive Relation = (2Es / fyd)1/2 (2)
s = fyd/[1+ fyd2/(2Es)] (3)
where, fyd and Es are the design yield strength and
In general when the compression test of the RC col-
the elastic modulus of the primary rebar, respectively.
umn model, it is an experienced fact that the effect of
Therefore, the upper-bound load-carrying capacity
primary rebars does not appear remarkably. This rea-

Fig. 1. A failure mode of damaged bridge pier. Fig. 2. Buckling model of primary rebar.

Estimation Method of Load-Carrying Capacity of Heavily Confined RC Column Considering
Core Concrete Strength under Triaxial Compression

Noub considering the buckling effect, basically, can be dency to coincide with each other according to the ex-
obtain by Eq. (4). pansion of pitch spacing and they ultimately result in
Noub = Ae fc + Ass (4) conversing to the upper-bound load-carrying capacity.
where, Ae and fc are the core area and the compres- However, the improved equation more accurately ca-
sive strength, respectively. As is the cross-sectional area pable of estimating the load-carrying capacity of con-
of rebars. fined RC column is desired.
In the practical design, the factor of strength: 0.85,
and (the analytical factor of structure) (the load fac-
3. New load-carrying capacity equation including
tor) (the factor of structure): 1.44, etc, should be con- factor of triaxial compressive strength of concrete

3.1. Experimental Verification

2.2. Load-Carrying Capacity Considering Lateral
Confinement 3.1.1. Preparation of RC column

It is understood that the double spacings, 2s, be- D13( =12.7mm; SD type below 785N/mm of the
tween tie bars correspond to the buckling length of fi- design yield strength, f yd =333N/mm ) and U13(
nite elemental primary rebar as supposed from the phe- =13.1mm; SBPD type over 785N/mm of the one, fyd
nomenal viewpoints of the small size type column =1424N/mm2) for the primary rebars, and U6.4(SBPD
model1) and also the bridge pier model4). Thus the load- type, 785N/mm2 of the one, fyd =1446N/mm2) for the
carrying capacity of confined RC column not exceed- tie bar were used for preparation of the reinforcement
ing the critical pitch spacings can be evaluated by cages. The specimen size of the column model and the
Eq.(3) by virtue of using the double spacings as the core size were 150 150 530mm and 120 120mm,
hypothetical buckling length of primary rebar, that is, respectively. The nominal pitch spacings were seven
2s. The previous report5) has already revealed that kinds of 25mm, 50mm, 75mm, 125mm, 170mm, 250
the double pitch method fairly well agrees with the mm, and 500mm. Figure 3 represents the examples of
experimental values as to both the SBPD type rebar hollow reinforcement cages. The average compressive
and the SD type one, and on the other hand, the strength of the structural concrete with the maximum
6) 2
Manders method is 1.4 to 1.6 times larger than the size of aggregate of 10mm was fc =64N/mm under
experimental ones as to them; moreover, there is a ten- the 28 days underwater curing. The procedure placing

s=25 s=50 s=75 s=125 s=170 s=250 s=500

Fig. 3. Examples of hollow reinforcement cage [s:mm].

Shizuka IZAWA, Makiko TAKANO, Tadashi ABE, Tetsukazu KIDA, Kiyoshi KATO,
Makoto SUDO and Kazuhiko MINAKUCHI

concrete is first to fill up it into the reinforcement cages, of hollow reinforcement cages develops a tendency to
secondly to set down the filled cage into the mould for the first-order type buckling pattern as a whole when
flexure, thirdly to pour the screened mortar into the part the pitch spacings are more dense but the primary rebars
of covering and lastly enough to compact the whole in independently are apt to buckle separately when they
a body by the vibrator. The compression test was car- are sparse.
ried out by use of the 5000kN universal type testing (2)Load-sharing capacity of single hollow reinforce-
machine. ment cage
Equation(5) signifies the relationship between the
3.1.2. Buckling mode and load-carrying capacity any load-carrying capacity ratio of hollow reinforce-
of hollow reinforcement cage ment cage to the theoretical one and the any pitch spac-
ing ratio to the minimum lateral size 200mm for the tie
(1)General buckling mode of hollow reinforcement bar column2), inclusively in spite of the quality differ-
cage ence of the SD and SBPD types. But the load-carrying
Figures 4 and 5 exhibit the buckling modes in cages capacity ratio characteristically is structure-insensitive
of the SD type primary rebar and the SBPD type one, to the pitch spacing ratio. These relation, also, can be
respectively. In general, the macroscopical deformation expressed by Eq. (5), as the function of the natural loga-

s=25 s=50 s=75 s=125 s=170 s=250 s=500

Fig. 4. Buckling modes of hollow reinforcement cages when SD type [s:mm].

s=25 s=50 s=75 s=125 s=170 s=250 s=500

Fig. 5. Buckling modes of hollow reinforcement cages when SBPD type [s:mm].

Estimation Method of Load-Carrying Capacity of Heavily Confined RC Column Considering
Core Concrete Strength under Triaxial Compression

rithm, LN. ering concrete is distinguished severely and the effec-

= 1.397 0.075 4LN(s/Do) (5) tive cross-sectional area happens to suffer a deeper loss
where, is Nous /TNous , Nou is any compressive with increase of the pitch spacing as reported previ-
load-carrying capacity of only reinforcement cage, ously . Especially, a large attention must be paid to
TNous is the theoretical one considering the first-order the fact that the buckling primary rebar is not in con-
buckling of primary rebars with both ends of pin-con- tact with the core concrete at the mid-spacing above
nections, s is the pitch spacing and Do is the minimum the pitch spacing of 170mm and therefore the confin-
width size of tie bar column. ing lateral pressure by virtue of tie bars unquestion-
ably seems not to function effectively. The individual
3.1.3. Failure mode and load-carrying capacity of characteristics as above-mentioned are classified into
confined RC column model the three deformation categories as follows:
25mm s < 50mm Most ductile
(1)Failure mode of column model 50mm s < 125mm Moderately ductile
Figures 6 and 7 show the failure modes in each pitch 125mm s 500mm Brittle
spacing for the SD type primary rebar and for the SBPD (250mm s 500mm Especially most brittle)
type one, respectively. In general, the spall-off of cov-

s=25 s=50 s=75 s=125 s=170 s=250 s=500

Fig. 6. Failure modes of SD type column [s:mm].

s=25 s=50 s=75 s=125 s=170 s=250 s=500

Fig. 7. Failure modes of SBPD type column [s:mm].

Shizuka IZAWA, Makiko TAKANO, Tadashi ABE, Tetsukazu KIDA, Kiyoshi KATO,
Makoto SUDO and Kazuhiko MINAKUCHI

[In case of confined RC column model, Nou]
SBPD type

Load-carrying capacity (kN)

SD type
[In case of hollow reinforcement cage, Nou]
600 SBPD type
400 SD type
Fig. 8. First-order buckling of heavily confined RC 200
0 100 200 300 400 500
Pitch spacing, s(mm)
Ultimately, the whole column model so confined
more densely results in developing into the first order Fig. 9. Relationship between load-carrying capacity
and pitch spacing.
buckling as exhibited in Fig. 8, although the elemental
primary rebar apparently looks to buckle up between
the tie bars. load-carrying capacity given by Eqs. (3) and (4), as a
(2)Relation between load-carrying capacity and tie bars- fundamental design equation for the tied column.
Figure 9 displays the relationship between the load- 3.1.4. Comparison of load-carrying capacity of RC
carrying capacity and the tie bars-spacing. The load- column model with that of hollow reinforcement
carrying capacity increases with decrease of the pitch cage
spacing; in addition this tendency is eminent over the
range of heavy confinement. Strengthening the primary The load-carrying capacity of hollow reinforcement
rebar links up with the higher load-carrying capacity cage is plotted in Fig. 9, together; so, it is no more than
due to accompanying the appropriate lateral confine- av. 8.3% for the SBPD type and 6.6% for the SD type
ment by virtue of the 1attice effect of both the pri- of the RC column models. Therefore, the fact has been
mary rebars and the tie bars . Similarly as the previ- found out for the first time that there is hardly the
ous report , the load-carrying capacity gradually ap- confinement effect to the primary rebars of single
proaches an asymptote, that is, the upper-bound one reinforcement cage, without regard for the difference
in spite of the difference in quality of primary rebars between their qualities. Thus, the relationship between
of RC column; so, such an experimental fact indicates the load-carrying capacities of hol1ow reinforcement
that the critical loads for the different materials are equal cages for both the SBPD type primary rebar and the
because the buckling load is independent on the strength SD type one and the tie bar spacing had better be dealt
of materials, if the size and the elastic modulus of col- with macroscopically due to the statistical treatment;
umns are identical. When the pitch spacing widens so, the inclusive expression by virtue of using Eq. (5)
beyond 300mm, the lateral confinement displays no may be evaluated to be effective enough.
longer its distinguished effect, and both curves for the
SD type and the SBPD type approach the upper-bound

Estimation Method of Load-Carrying Capacity of Heavily Confined RC Column Considering
Core Concrete Strength under Triaxial Compression

3.1.5. Analysis concerning influence of lateral M = Py + q x/2q x2/2

pressure on buckling of primary rebar 2 2 2
d y/dx + y + qx( x)/(2EI) = 0
where, P/(EI).
The internal pressure due to the Poissons effect of Thus, the general solution can be given as follows.
core concrete must be certified concerning the influence 2 2
y = C1cos x + C2sinx + q/(2EI )(x x2/ )

on the buckling of primary rebar of the RC column. where, C1 and C2 are the integral constants.
(1)When without lateral pressure Here, x = 0, y = 0; x = , y = 0
Figure 10 (a) displays the schematic diagram of the 4
Then, y = q/(EI )(cos x + tan /2sin x)q/
buckling of primary rebar without the internally lateral 2 2
(2EI )(x x2/ )
pressure; therefore, it may result in a buckling phenom- Then, the buckling condition of Eq. (9) is assumed as
enon due to only the axial force P. The first-order buck- follows.
ling load Pk can be obtained as follows. tan /2 = , y =
M = py In case of the first-order buckling,
d2y/dx2 + 2y = 0 /2 = /2; so, Pk = 2 EI/ 2 (10)
where, P/(EI), M is the flexural moment at any (3)Existence for influence of lateral pressure on buck-
point x, E is the elastic modulus of member, I is the ling
moment of inertia of its cross-section, y is the deflec- It can be said analytically that the uniform lateral
tion at any point x, and is the length of member. pressure gives no influence on the buckling load, be-
Thus, x = 0, y = 0; x = , y = 0; A 0 cause Eq. (10) agrees with Eq. (8).
y = Asin x; sin = 0
= ; so, Pk = 2 EI/ 2 (8)
3.2. Load-Carrying Capacity of RC Column
(2)When with lateral pressure
Considering Triaxial Strength of Core
Figure 10 (b) illustrates the schematic diagram of Concrete
the buckling of primary rebar with the internally 1ateral
pressure q; accordingly, the supporting reaction q/2 3.2.1. Apparent confined compressive strength of
is cumulated on the loading system of Fig. 10 (a). The core concrete
first-order buckling load P k can be expressed as
follows . Figure 11 plots the relationship between the appar-
ent confined compressive strength of core concrete and

P q 3.0
Apparent confined core concrete strength

qr/2 SBPD type

SD type
x x 2.5 Average
ratio, = cc/c

y y
l l


0 100 200 300 400 500
qr/2 (0.5) (1.0) (1.5) (2.0) (2.5)
P P Pitch spacing, s(s/Do) [Do =200mm]
(a) Without lateral stress (b) With lateral stress Fig. 11. Relationship between confined core concrete
Fig. 10. Analytical buckling of primary rebar. strength ratio and pitch spacing.

Shizuka IZAWA, Makiko TAKANO, Tadashi ABE, Tetsukazu KIDA, Kiyoshi KATO,
Makoto SUDO and Kazuhiko MINAKUCHI

the pitch spacing ratio s/Do of confined RC column;

moreover it is understood that the confined concrete
strength stands higher as the confinement is heavier and
the relation between both the factors does not more
strongly depend on the strength of primary rebar, there-
fore, their average being to be adopted. The apparent
confined compressive strength ratio can be defined
as follows.
= fcc /fc (11)
where, f cc is the apparent confined compressive
strength of core concrete, and f c is the simple com-
pressive strength of structural concrete. Fig. 13. Relationship between lateral pressure and
[EX.1] When the structural concrete strength f c = pitch spacing.
30Nmm and the pitch spacing s =100mm (s /Do =100
/200 = 0.5), the apparent confined compressive strength and the pitch spacing from Figs. 11 and 12 can be ex-
fcc = ? pressed by Fig. 13 and also by Eq. 12 as follows;
Solution: = fcc /fc = 1.75 from Fig. 11; f/ fc = 0.179 0.061LN(s/Do)( = 0.906)
so, fcc = fc = 1.75 30 = 53N/mm2 (12)
Then, an example9) of the confined strength fcc of It may safety be said that the lateral pressure at the
9), 10)
concrete obtained by the triaxial compression test, ultimate load-carrying capacity of RC column confined
consisting of the function of the lateral pressure f has by the tie bars with the pitch spacings from 50mm to
been already given by Fig. 12. 250mm results from approx. 20% of the simple com-
[EX.2] When the apparent confined compressive pressive strength of structural concrete. The phenom-
strength ratio = 1.75 and the structural concrete enal fact like this means that (a) the lateral pressure in
strength fc = 30N/mm2, the lateral pressure f = ? detail increases gradually with strengthening concrete
Solution: The lateral pressure ratio = f / fc = 0.2 for and (b) the confined concrete strength increases with
=1.75 in Fig. 12; reducing the pitch spacings in spite of the same con-
so, f = fc = 0.2 30 = 6.0N/mm crete strength.
The relationship between the lateral pressure ratio
3.2.2. Formulation or load-carrying capacity of RC
column considering stress-sharing capacity

The load-carrying capacity of confined RC column
on the basis of the above-mentioned consideration can
be formulated as follows, considering the stress-shar-
ing capacities of the constituent materials.
Referring to Eqs. (4), (5) and (11);
Nou = Nouc + Nous
= fcAe + T Nous (13)
where, Nouc and T Nous are the load-carrying capac-
ity of core concrete and the theoretical buckling load
of reinforcement cage, respectively, and , fe, Ae, and
are as above-mentioned.
Fig. 12. Relationship between confined strength and (2)Confirmation of rationality
lateral pressure. Table 1 signifies the comparison between the ex-

Estimation Method of Load-Carrying Capacity of Heavily Confined RC Column Considering
Core Concrete Strength under Triaxial Compression

Table 1. Comparison between experimental and theoreti- of core concrete of confined RC column.
cal load-carrying capacities of confined RC (3) The hollow reinforcement cage in spite of the qual-
column (T: Theoretical)
ity of rebars develops a tendency to the first-order
Pitch SBPD type SD type type buckling as a whole.
spacing Nou TNou Nou Nou TNou Nou (4) Although the load-carrying capacity ratio is fairly
(mm) (kN) (kN) N (kN) (kN) structure-insensitive to the pitch spacing ratio s/
T ou TNou
Do, these relative equation can be given as follows;
25 2600 2612 0.995 1920 1937 0.991
= 1.397 0.0754LN( s/Do)
50 2100 2053 1.023 1840 1767 1.041
(5) The failure modes of confined RC column are clas-
75 1900 1914 0.993 1670 1701 0.982
sified into the three deformation categories of
125 1870 1816 1.030 1620 1650 0.982
most ductile, moderately ductile and brittle
170 1690 1721 0.982 1540 1611 0.956
including especially most brittle as the function
250 1670 1672 0.999 1580 1600 0.988
of the pitch spacing.
500 1580 1583 0.998 1570 1558 1.008
(6) Strengthening the primary rebar links up with the
Av. 1.003 Av. 0.993 higher load-carrying capacity due to accompany-
C.V. 1.72% C.V. 2.66% ing the enough confinement by virtue of the lat-
Total Av. 0.998, C.V. 2.20% tice effect.
(7) The lateral confinement displays no longer the
perimental load-carrying capacity Nou and the theo- distinguished effect, with the pitch spacing above
retical one T Nous of confined RC column as to the 300mm.
data base of paragraphs 3.1.1 to 3.1.3. It has been clari- (8) The load-sharing capacity of hollow reinforcement
fied that the proposed method is very eminent to esti- cage as a simple substance is no more than approx.
mate the load-carrying capacity of RC column because 8% of the load-carrying capacity of confined RC
the incremental relative ratio is smaller than one per- column without regard to the kinds of primary rebar
cent and the coefficient of variation is approx. two per- types; therefore, the inclusive expression by Eq. (5)
cent , too, from Table 1. becomes effective for evaluation.
(9) Speaking analytically, the uniform lateral pressure
4. Conclusions due to the expansion of core concrete has no in-
fluence on the buckling load of primary rebars.
From the new viewpoint of materials science with (10) The relationship between the confined compres-
regard to the stress-sharing capacities of constituent sive strength ratio = f cc/ f c of core concrete
materials in the confined RC column, the present pa- and the pitch spacing ratio has been clarified.
per has formulated its compressive load-carrying ca- (11) The relationship between the lateral pressure and
pacity taking in the triaxial strength of core concrete the pitch spacing has been obtained quantitatively;
and verified the validity of constitutive equation; then, in addition, macroscopically the former results
the obtained results are as follows. from approx. 20% of the simple compressive
(1) The usual upper-bound equation for compressive strength of structural concrete.
load-carrying capacity of the RC column is at- (12) The load-carrying capacity Nou of confined RC
tended with danger because it gives the excessive column can be formulated as follows, consider-
one in general; so, the rational equation consider- ing the triaxial strength of its core and the theo-
ing the buckling of primary rebar including the retical load-sharing TNous of hollow reinforcement
double pitch spacing method has been already cage:
proposed by the present authors. Nou = fc Ae + TNous
(2) The more accurate estimation method from the (13) It has been confined that the proposed method
view-point of the materials science has been de- agrees well with the experimental load-carrying
veloped by virtue of taking in the triaxial strength capacity of confined RC column.

Shizuka IZAWA, Makiko TAKANO, Tadashi ABE, Tetsukazu KIDA, Kiyoshi KATO,
Makoto SUDO and Kazuhiko MINAKUCHI

References 50(2001), 115-123.

6. J.B.Mander, M.J.N. Priestly, and R. Park, Theo-
1. M. Sudo, T. Kida, K. Kato, T. Abe, I. Kuroda, and retical Stress-Strain Model for Confined Concrete,
N. Kato, Upper-Bound Equation of Compressive Jour. Struc. Eng., 114, 8(1998), 1804-1826.
Load-Carrying Capacity of RC Column Consider- 7. K. Kato, N. Kato, and N. Iwasaka, Improvement of
ing Characteristic of Material and Buckling of Pri- Loading Capacity of RC Column Confined by Heavy
mary Reinforcement, Mater. Sci. Res. Int., 7,2 Reinforcement, Proc. 38th Japan Cong. Mat. Res.,
(2001), 96-102. (1995), 272-279.
2. JSCE Concrete Committee, Standard Specifica- 8. M. Sudo, T. Kida, K. Kato, K. Minakuchi, T. Abe,
tion of Concrete [Design], (2000). and N. Kato, Load-Carrying Capacity of Laterally
3. S. Higuchi, Elasticity and Material Mechanics, Confined RC Column with High-Strength Primary
(Yokendo, 1966), 112. Rebars, 51st Nat. Cong. of Theor, and Appl, Mech.,
4. K. Kamisawa, Experiment Liable for Bridge, Con- (2002), 253-254.
crete Engineering, 39, 9(2001), 78-83. 9. Z. Tokumitsu, H. Matsushita and S. Yamamoto,
5. M. Sudo, T. Kida, K. Kato, K. Minakuchi, T. Abe, Concrete Strength under Triaxial Stress, Cement
N. Kato and T. Kamisawa, Load-Carrying Capac- and Concrete, 39(1973), 21-25.
ity of Laterally Confined RC Column Considering 10. A. M. Nevile, Properites of Concrete, (Pitman,
Buckling of Primary Rebar, Theor. and Appl. Mech., 1963).

Estimation Method of Load-Carrying Capacity of Heavily Confined RC Column Considering
Core Concrete Strength under Triaxial Compression







Shizuka IZAWA, Makiko TAKANO, Tadashi ABE, Tetsukazu KIDA, Kiyoshi KATO,
Makoto SUDO and Kazuhiko MINAKUCHI

Biographical Sketches of the Authors

Shizuka Izawa majors in the doctor course of Graduate School of Industrial Technol-
ogy, Nihon University. He was born in Tokyo, Japan, on October 7, 1949. He received
his degrees of B. Eng. in 1972 and M. Eng. in 1974 from Nihon University, Tokyo. He
is a member of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), having reported some practi-
cal papers. He is an active engineer in the field of Prestressed Concrete Structure.

Miss Makiko Takano graduated from Department of Civil Engineering, College of

Industrial Technology in 1999, and obtained her degree of M. Eng. in 2002, from Nihon
University. She majors now in the formularization of concrete shear strength and the
structural concrete engineering in the doctor course of Industrial Technology, Nihon
University, being a student member of JSCE, Japan Concrete Institute (JCI) and the
Japan Society of Materials Science (JSMS), having already reported leading papers on
the shear strength of concrete and the RC structure.

Tadashi Abe is Associate Professor of College of Industrial Technology, Nihon Uni-

versity. He was born in Iwate, Japan, on May 23, 1948. He received his degree of B.
Eng. from Nihon University, Japan, in 1972. He is engaged in the study of Structural
Mechanics, Structural Concrete Engineering and Bridge Engineering. He is a member
of JSCE, JSMS and JCI, having reported many technical papers in the fields of the
impact problem and the carbon fiber sheet-reinforced slab under the running load.

Tetsukazu Kida is Professor of College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University.

He was born in Hokkaido, Japan on July 3, 1942. He received his degrees of B. Eng. in
1967, M. Eng. in 1969 and Dr. Eng. in 1989 from Nihon University, Japan. He majors
in the study of Structural Mechanics, Structural Concrete Engineering and Bridge Engi-
neering, having reported many technical papers. He is a member of JSCE, Prestressed
Concrete Engineering Association (PCEA) and JCI. He has been Dean of Dept. of Civil
Eng., College of Industrial Tech., Nihon Univ., for many years.

Kiyoshi Kato is Professor of University Research Center, Nihon University and Emeri-
tus Professor of National Defense Academy, since 2000. He graduated from Depart-
ment of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Hokkaido University, 1958, and af-
ter that had achieved Research Associate, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and
Professor till May 2000. The degree of Dr. Eng. was conferred to him by Hokkaido
University, 1973. One of the many social activities was an appraiser of the Shizuoka
court and also he is the author of many academic and technical papers and books. He
majors in the physical property of structural concrete and the concrete structure, being a
member of JSCE, JCI and so on.

Estimation Method of Load-Carrying Capacity of Heavily Confined RC Column Considering
Core Concrete Strength under Triaxial Compression

Makoto Sudo is Vice President of ingrosec Corporation. He was born in Tokyo,

Japan on January 1, 1945. He received his degrees of B. Eng. in 1967, M. Eng. in 1969
and Dr. Eng. in 2002 from Nihon University. He has the licenses of Consulting Engi-
neer, Architect and APEC Engineer. He has reported many practical and academic pa-
pers on the most leading design and construction technologies in the field of Prestressed
Concrete Engineering, now consulting the RC bridge and PC structures over the world.
He is a member of JSCE, Federation International du Beton (fib) and International As-
sociation for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE).

Kazuhiko Minakuchi is a research fellow of College of Industrial Technology, Nihon

University. He was born in Ehime, Japan on July 23, 1974. He received his degrees of
B. Eng. in 1998, M. Eng. in 2000 and Dr. Eng. in 2003 from Nihon University. He has
interest in strengthening techniques and the seismic design. He is a member of JSCE,
JSMS and JCI, has already reported several valuable technical papers on repairing meth-
ods for the concrete column in the field of Structural Mechanics.

The List of the Cumulative Contents of Report of the Research Institute of Industrial Technology, Nihon
University Recently Published.

No.62, February, 2000

Y. Fujiya: The Study of KaoruYamada and Residential Area Development at Fuji Sanroku

No.63, March, 2001

K. Nakazawa and T. Miyazaki: An Analysis of the Mingled Combination of Land Uses on the Coastal
Zone in TOKYO BAY Metropolitan Area for Its Complex Use

No.64, March, 2002

M. Itamoto, H. Shiokawa and K. Miyauchi: Study on Airflow and Sound Characteristics of Double
Lined Elbows

No.65, July, 2002

H. Tsunasima: Dinamic Analysis of Automated Guideway Transit Vehicle with Single-axle Bogies

No.66, March, 2003

H. Tsunasima: A New Three-dimensional Image Processing Method for Limited Cone-Beam X-ray CT
for Dental Use

No. 67, April, 2003

Ichiro Hirata, Tetsuo Matsuyama, Makoto Kanda and Eizo Maruta: New Hybrid Vibration Tech-
nique for Simulating Aerodynamic Vibration of Structures in a Wind Tunnel

No. 68, July, 2003

Takakimi Ohki and Makoto Imano: A Study on Slope protection by Grand Anchor for the Toukai

No. 69, September, 2003

Goichi Ben and Akiko Shouji: Development of Pultrusion Technique of Phenolic Foam Composites

No. 70, December, 2003

Noriaki Kimura: On universal higher order Bernoulli numbers and polynomials

No. 71, December, 2003

Goroh Momoki, Isao Tonozuka and Takayuki Matsuzawa: Neutron-neutron interactions and mag-
netic moments in light Sn isotopes

These publications are issued at irregular intervals.

The authors alone are responsible for the contents of these reports.
All communication relating to these reports should be addressed to
Research Institute of Industrial Technology, Nihon University.
2-1 Izumi-cho 1-chome, Narashino-shi, Chiba, 275-8575, Japan

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