Robotech Tactics Rule Book
Robotech Tactics Rule Book
Robotech Tactics Rule Book
. T A C T I C S
. Model Type VF-10 With a MVAS-1
t:.\STc!C !odular Armor System
MDC i..!
Weapon Systems:
GU-ll Gun Pod: SSmm
Triple Barreled Rotary Cannon -
RG: 12 (or 24 in Battloid Mode), MD: 6, Rapid Fire
Wing Mounted Articulated Missi le Hardpoints
SUPER VF-11 RG: 24, MD: 9 per missile, Ammo 3, Missile, Volley 4
Model Type VF-lJ with a MVAS-1 Dual LLW-20 CIWS Valkyrie Head Lasers-
FPac< \'lodular Armor System RG: 9, MD: 2, Anti-Missile
MDC 16 MDS-L-46 Hailstorm Missile Pack
RG: 18, MD: 6 per missile, Ammo 6,
Borttod Restriction,
Flight, Leadership 2, Anti-Missile, Missile, Volley 8
Variable Modes, Jettison to VF-lJ
Battloid Mode
Weapon Systems: SPD: 6, Pll: 3, GN: 4, OF: 5
GU-ll Gun Pod: SSmm Hands, its GU-ll range is doubled and can be
Triple Barreled Rotary Cannon - used to Rapid Fire an additional time each turn.
RG: 12 (or 24 In Battloid Mode), MD: 6, Rapid Fire Hand to Hand Attacks: Body Block, Club, Grab,
Wing Mounted Articulated Missile Hard points Kick, Jump Kick, Punch, Power Punch, Stomp
RG: 24, MD: 9, per missile, Ammo 3, Missile, Volley 4
Dual LLW-20 CIWS Valkyrie Head Lasers - Guardian Mode
RG: 9, MD: 2, Anti-Missi le SPD: 14, PIL: 4, GN: 3, O F: 5
MDS-L-46 Hailstorm Missi le Pack Hands, Hover
RG: 18, MD: 6 per missile, Ammo 6, Hand to Hand Attacks: Body Block, Club,
Anti-Missi le, Missile, Volley 8 Grab, Kick, Punch
Guardian Mode
SPD 14, PIL: 4, GN: 3, OF: 5
Hands, Hover
Hand to Hand Attacks: Body Block, Club,
Grab, Kick, Punch
Fighter Mode
SPD: 16, Pll: 3, GN: 3, OF: 6
Afterburner, Aircraft, Fast Mover
Hand to Hand Attacks: None
MDC 17
Model Type Battloid Restriction, Flight,
.,;-lS wth a Variable Modes, Jettison to VF-lR
FASTPack An SVF-lR's PIL and GN are the same
Modular as the mecha that it upgraded.
Armor System
MDC 14 Weapon Systems:
GU-ll Gun Pod: 55mm
Battloid Restriction, Triple Barreled Rotary Cannon
Flight, Leadership 3, RG: 12 (or 24 in Battloid Mode), MD: 6, Rapid Fire
Variable Modes, Wing Mounted Articulated Missile Hardpoints
Jettison to VF-15 RG: 24, MD: 9, per missile, Ammo 3, Missile, Volley 4
Dual LLW-20 CIWS Valkyrie Head Lasers
Weapon Systems: RG: 9, MD: 2, Anti-Missile
GU-ll Gun Pod: LAC-20 20mm CIWS Auto-Cannon
55mm Triple RG: 9, MD: 3, Anti-Missile
Barreled Rotary MDS-M-4 Mini-Missile Delivery System -
-e J5;)-P Modular Armor missile strikes. Mounted on the shield is the standard
- as :ne Jotun Armored GU-11 Gun Pod. When the armor becomes too mangled
reo weaOOI" system gives the in combat and the FASTPack missiles are spent, the
er proeco., than the Armored Jotun Armor can be jettisoned, giving the Valkyrie
-e r:uss e payload of the Super underneath the freedom to transform and u se other
.s;;-::;c :-na l"'g It a formidable adversary in modes. The Jotun Armor is an experimental weapon and
c - It is often deployed in a "mecha armor package deployed for special operations and
G:o.-y, a sic aided by a handheld shield to defense of strategic positions.
-a::-el and enemy gunfire, as well as absorb
Weapon Systems:
GU-11 Gun Pod: SSmm
Triple Barreled Rotary Cannon
RG: 24, MD: 6, Rapid Fire
LLW-20 CIWS Valkyrie Head Laser
RG: 9, MD: 1, Anti-Missile
MOS-L-23 Hailstorm Missile Pack
RG: 18, MD: 6 per missile, Ammo 8,
Anti-Missile, Missile, Volley 4
Hand to Hand Attacks: Body Block, Club, Grab,
Kick Jump Kick, Punch, Power Punch, Stomp
Model Type ... VF-U with JBP-2R
Modular Armor and MVAS-2 FPac.k
MDC ... 26
. SPD: 4, Pll: 3, GN: 4, OF: 5
Weapon Systems:
GU-ll Gun Pod: 55mm Triple Barreled Rotary Cannon
RG: 24, MD: 6, Rapid Fire .
Weapon Systems:
GU-ll Gun Pod: 55mm Triple Barreled Rotary Cannon
. RG: 24, MD: 6, Rapid Fire
. Oual llW-20 CIWS Valkyrie Head lasers
MDC.._ 26
SPO: 4, Pll: 4, GN: 4, OF: 5
Flight, Hands, Leadership 3, Jettison to VF-15 (12 MDC)
Weapon Systems:
. GU-ll Gun Pod: 55mm Triple Barreled Rotary Cannon
RG: 24, MD: 6, Rapid Fire
Quad llW-20 CIWS Valkyrie Head lasers -
. RG: 9, MD: 4, Anti-Missile
MDS-l-23 Hailstorm Missile Pack-
RG: 18, MD: 6 per missile, Ammo 6, Anti-Missile,
Missile, Volley 4
. Hand to Hand Attacks: Body Block, Club, Grab, Kick,
RG: 12, MD: 2, per missile, Ammo 4, Hand to Hand Attacks: Body Block,
=:iOOJ Ghost ts u"Que sn that it is an
--..; combat vehtcle. It is a non-variable UAV
Model Type..,. Non-Variable Unmanned
Aerospace Vehicle Weapon Systems:
MDC ... 9 ARLEN Mk.7 30mm Auto-cannons
SPD: 10, PIL: 1, GN: 1, OF: 6 RG: 24, MD: 12
. Dual MDS-RF-5 Missile Launchers, Short-Range* -
Afterburner, Aircraft, Flight RG: 18, MD: 6 per missile, Ammo 10,
Missile, Volley 4
The Dual MDS-RF-5 Missile Launchers corry both Dual MDS-RF-5 Missile Launchers, Medium-Range - .
short- and medium-range missiles in their internal RG: 24 MD: 9 per missile, Ammo 5, Missile, Volley 4
magazine, and con fire either. Only one Missile weapon
system may be used in a turn. Hand to Hand Attacks: None
. The SF-3A Lancer was built around its deadly guns .
. Following a tradition started by the venerable A-10
. Thunderbolt, UEDF Aerospace engineers designed
the biggest weapon they could, slapped on some .......
engines and wrapped a fuselage around it. The
Lancer was designed to carry a double-barreled SF-3A LANCER II
pulse beam cannon, built to kill Zentraedi Model Type..,. Space Attack Fighter
sub-capital ships and heavy aerospace mecha. MDC ... 11
Lancers served well as part of the ARMD "Armor" SPD: 11, PIL: 2, GN: 2, OF: 5
. class carrier groups. While deadly at long ranges
against larger, sub-capital ships, the Lancer is Afterburner, Aircraft, Flight
ill-equipped to handle smaller, faster vessels like
the Zentraedi Gnerl Fighter Pods. SF-3A Lancer /Is con only be included in .
on army in games that take place on .
a space battlefield. .
Weapon Systems:
Double-Barreled Plasma Beam Cannon -
RG: 48, MD: 10
MDS-L-12 Short-Range Missile Launcher
RG: 18, MD: 6 per missile, Ammo 6,
Anti-Missile, Missile, Volley X
S <M
. T A C T I C
Model Type ..,. ADR-04-Mk.X Defender
MDC .... 11
SPD: 6, PIL: 2, GN: 2, DF: 5
Dual M-996 78mm Anti-Aircraft Auto-Cannons
RG: 36, MD: 8, Accurate, Anti-Missile, Rapid Fire,
Rear Fire, Split Fire
Model Type..,. MBR-04-Mk.Vl Tomahawk
MDC .... 19
SPD: 5, PIL: 2, GN: 2, DF: 5
Focus Fire
Dual HPC-155 Heavy Particle Accelerator Cannons
RG: 36, MD: 8, Overwhelming, Split Fire
Dual TZ-IV Gun Clusters -
RG: 9, MD: 8
Dual MDS-L-12 Multiple Missile Pods -
RG: 18, MD: 6 per missile, Ammo 6, Anti-Missile, Missile, Volley 4
MDS-M-6 Six-Pack Air Defense Missile Pod -
RG: 18, MD: 6 per missile, Ammo 6, Anti-Missile, Missile, Volley X
Quad RDS-2 Rocket Launcher Boxes -
RG: 12, MD: 2 per missile, Ammo 8, Anti-Missile, Missile, Volley X
Dual GAU-20A1 .SO cal Machineguns
RG: 9, MD: 4
Hand to Hand Attacks: Body Block, Kick, Jump Kick, Punch, Stomp
Weapon Systems:
Dual MD$-H-22 Derringer Missile Launchers -
RG: 48, MD: 9 per missile, Ammo 11, Blast, Missile,
Rear Fire, Volley 4
SPARTAN WeaponSystems:
Model Type ... . MBR-07-Mk.ll Spartan Dual MDS-L-12 Multiple Missile Pods
MDC .... 16 RG: 18, MD: 6 per missile, Ammo 6,
SPD: 7, PIL: 2, GN: 2, DF: 6 Anti-Missile, Missile, Volley 4
TZ-IV Gun Cluster-
Focus Fire, Hands RG: 9, MD:4
LWS-20 Point Defense Laser Turret
Brawler.,.. A Spartan may make an RG: 9, MD: 2, Anti-Missile, Rear Fire
additional hand to hand attack each Hand to Hand Attacks: Body Block, Grab,
turn for free. Further, all of the Spartan's Kick, Jump Kick, Punch, Power Punch, Stomp
hand to hand attacks do an additional (and Club if the Spartan is equipped with
+2 MD, but are otherwise as normal. either ofthe two Built-in Spartan Upgrades)
The largest Destroid ever produced,
the HWR-00-Mk.ll Monster is aptly named
for it truly is a beast of a mecha. The Monster
s primarily an artillery support unit that uses
1ts big M-400 40cm artillery cannons
to pound the opponent into submission.
The Monster's only real weaknesses
are its slow speed and lack of
secondary short-ranged weapons,
as this can leave it vulnerable
to quick counterattacks.
Model Type.,.. HWR-00-Mk.ll Monster
MDC... 24
SPD: 3, PIL: 2, GN: 2, OF: 7
Weapon Systems:
Quad M-400 40cm Artillery Cannons-
RG: 60, MD: 12, Ammo 16, Accurate, Blast, Overwhelming
Dual MMDS-12 Multiple Missile Launchers-
RG: 24, MD: 9 per missile, Ammo: 12, Missile, Volley X
Hand to Hand Attacks: Body Block, Kick, Punch, Power Punch, Stomp
T A C T I C S-
Mecha Available.,.. VF-1S: 10pts
Standard/Armored/Super/Jotun. Mecha Available.,.. VF-lA:
1 GIV, +1 Leadership VF-lJ: Standard/Armored/Super/Jotun,
Double Ace Roy may attempt to Dodge twice per turn VF-lS: Standard/Armored/Super/Jotun_ Spartan.
ro ut paying any Command Points.
Iron Will When Roy's mecha runs out of MDC, roll a +1 PIL
D6 On a roll of 4+, Roy isn't destroyed until the end of Natural Pilot Rick can boost his SPD once
the next turn, and will remain on the board, even if he automatically each turn without paying Command Points
suffers more damage, until then. or making a Piloting roll.
.- .
Standard/Armored/Super/Jotun. 10pts
Mecha Available.,. VF-lA:
Selfless.,. When a mecha within 4 inches of Ben's Standard/Armored/Super/Jotun,
VFlA is hit, his player may choose to have Ben take the VF-lJ: Standard/Armored/Super/Jotun.
hit instead.
than once. .
T A C T I C s
The young pilot known as Magnus is an oddity in the
UEDF Spacy. He is an ace pilot who gained over 96% of his
confirmed kills in an Armored Valkyrie. While he barely
passed flight school and is considered a below average
pilot, Magnus has the magic touch when it comes to
missile targeting and tracking. Often seen locking onto
. seven to eight targets simultaneously and scoring nearly
as many kills with those missiles. Two different Armored
VF-1As have been set aside for his exclusive use.
1 Mecha Available..,. Armored VF-1A.
:Y.ench can fire 1 additional weapon
--=- t'Jm for free. Slow and Steady..,. If Magnus hasn't moved yet during
a turn, his PIL is 3. This only applies while in Armored
VF form.
.... Da doff is an area denial specialist in the UEDF
n es. Originally stationed aboard the Daedalus,
:,man found himself serving aboard the SDF-1 after
ts asastrous warp jump. Then, he saw his Defender
ciStllantled to serve as a point defense turret for the
snp. After stellar service as an air-defense operator,
After marrying Max Sterling, Miriya-Parina changed her
n 42 confirmed interdictions, he was granted his
last name to Sterling and joined the UEDF Spacy to fight
eouest to have his Defender reassembled and
alongside her husband. Together, they represent the
reassigned to an area denial squadron where he could
most lethal aces within Skull Squadron. Miriya is an
see battlefield action. aggressive and deadly combatant, always willing to push
her mecha to its maximum performance in order to
5pts outmaneuver her opponent and gain the decisive
: Mecha Available..,. Defender. advantage in a dogfight. She has a tendency to unleash
overwhelming firepower to ensure a kill.
Itchy Trigger Finger..,. Freeman's Defender's Dual M-996
78mm Anti-Aircraft Auto-Cannons may be fired one
additional time as per Rapid Fire each turn. So he can
Mecha Available..,. VF-lA:
attack with the weapon system a total of 3 times per
rurn, at the standard cost of one Command Point per
VF-1J: Standard/Armored/Super/Jotun.
. additional attack.
Aggreslve..,. Miriya may re-roll all of her Strike rolls.
Remember, no single roll can be re-rolled more than once.
True Love..,. While Miriya is within 4 inches of Max, and
lance Corporal Kain Weller is a natural ace Destroid pilot
they are in the same army, she gains his Prescient
n the UEDF Marines' close combat group. His unit
: ability as well.
specializes in peace-keeping, military policing and
close-quarters combat. Weller likes to get in close with
his Spartan and mix it up with his opponents in hand to
1-aand combat. He uses two Spartan Shock Batons as
pa,red weapons for kicking butt and smashing heads.
T A C T I C s
From the first moment of our cloning we are gifted with the purpose
and determination of the Robotech Masters. Engineered, programmed and
ingrained with all the knowledge and skills needed to carry out their will. We
are the perfect warriors. Shaped over the course of millennia.
We are flawless, adapted for war and made without equal.
We are the fist that crushes all resistance, eliminates all opposition and
The battle litany recited by the clone warriors
of the Zentraedi Imperial Armada before their
assault on the SDF-1 and Earth.
To understand the Zentraedi you must understand their pilot. They are programmed to be fearless, obey, fight
nattJre. The Zentraedi are living weapons genetically and not ask questions. They have little sense of self, and
engineered by the Robotech Masters to dominate the individuality and personal expression are punished and
universe. They are bred to be devoid of empathy, squashed at every turn. Loyalty, obedience and
remorse, and mercy. They know little of human emotion self-sacrifice are among the traits most valued. So are
and find happiness and fulfillment in the execution of ruthlessness, cunning and brutal efficiency. They are
their duties and war. In many ways, the Zentraedi are as cold-blooded fighting machines unafraid of dying and
cold and efficient at combat and killing as the mecha they programmed to kill and destroy.
- s
It is these bloodthristy warriors that the Robotech Zentraedi soldiers to fight for prolonged periods in the .
Masters have sent to Earth in search of the'r lost vessel "e d. This has led the Zentraedi to master the use of .
-the newly rebuilt SDF-1- and ts "'idde" Pro:ocu :ure asers and oartide acceleration technology and dabble
Matrix. Indeed, the fact mat t)'\e st- p erasned o, Earm i.s t."e .Jse of plasma weapons. That said, their projectile
of little concern to the zerraea -r-e, ...-o..a 1'1ae eaoons a"d ...., sse technology are easily on par with
assaulted ary plane: that: e .esse 'laCl eras"'eo on w"L" t.'lose o tne UEDF. .
equal zeal. 1-iuma.,ty is )..tst a bu"c o& ...-o"' ess
"micronians: Ins gnificant nsects to De brushed as'de in Mecha swarms. Each ..varship of the Zentraedi Fleet
the Zentraedi's e'fort to ful"'ill the wtll of the Robotech carries thousands of ready Zentraedi warriors in stasis
Masters. Nothing, not humanity, not anything will and has the cloning facilities to create millions more as .
. prevent them from carrying out their duty. needed. Likewise, these vessels carry tens of thousands .
. .
of Battlepods and other combat mecha, and there is
. The very nature of the Zentraedi should scare even the always an ample supply of new mecha that can be
. most seasoned war veteran. The giants are a relentless created at massive Robotech Factory space stations, as
horde willing to die en masse in the name of the well as those mecha recovered from the battlefield,
Robotech Masters' empire. For them, life is cheap and to repaired and refurbished for combat. This has led the
die in combat an honor. And stopping these warriors is Zentraedi to develop and master swarming combat
no easy task. Earth would have been doomed if not for tactics that make the most of their superior numbers
the Robotechnology learned from the crashed battle and their soldiers' aggressive nature.
fortress. Technology the Zentraedi warships and soldiers
. .
. have also used to wage war across the universe for Swarming allows the Zentraedi to overwhelm their .
. .
. millennia. For the Zentraedi, Earth is just one more .
target with their weight of numbers. While Zentraedi .
. .
. beachhead for them to conquer. losses can be steep, battles are short and decisive,
almost always in the giants' favor. Regults (more
. ZENTRAEDI MECHA commonly known as Tactical Battlepods) of all models .
In contrast to the mecha of the UEDF, who rely upon and armored infantry soldiers attack the enemy in
tough as nails fighting machines to give their soldiers the waves with new Battlepods and troops reinforcing the
greatest chance of surviving an engagement, the mecha front-line as needed. The Gnerl Fighter is a one-man
of the Zentraedi tend to have much lesser armor in favor aerospace fighter that provides aerial support and
of raw firepower. Battlepods, for example, are able to strafing runs. All Zentraedi units rely on speed and
dish out considerable damage in combat, but cannot firepower to outmaneuver, outrun and outshoot their
handle much punishment. This is due, in part, to the opponents. However, their light armor means Regults
. Zentraedi's reliance upon their massive space fleet to
. and infantry soldiers who get separated from the swarm
decimate a planet before sending in "the troops." The or pinned down by Earth mecha can be quickly
Zentraedi's low regard for life also plays a role. To the dispatched by their more heavily armored enemy. Of
Zentraedi High Command and their Robotech Masters, course, most Zentraedi opponents do not wield war
life is cheap, and (as long as there is Protoculture to be machines based on their own Robotechnology.
had) combat losses are easily replaced with new clone
warriors and mecha. Moreover, combat strategies Only the superior armored elite units of the Zentraedi
designed to decimate planetary defenses and army, like the the Glaug Officer's Battlepod and
overwhelm survivors often lead to the quick conquest of Nousjadeui-Ger and Queadluun-Rau power armor
most worlds. In parts of the universe where the units, can stand toe to toe with UEDF mecha. These elite
Zentraedi and Robotech Masters are known and feared, units fulfill all leadership and covert roles in the .
many civilizations surrender moments after the .
Zentraedi Fleet. The elite Zentraedi mecha are manned .
Zentraedi armada makes its appearance. by the Warlords and Warrior Elite castes which are both .
physically and mentally superior to the lesser Zentraedi .
The Zentraedi mecha designs favor energy weapons Infantry clone troops. This makes them far superior to
. over projectile weapons. While they do mount a few the other Zentraedi units, and such leaders are often the
. slug-throwers and missile launchers on some mecha, an key to a Zentraedi victory .
energy weapon will never run out of ammo and enables
. "It's hard to believe that's how Micronians are made.
Why don't we see it right now by having you
both kiss one another?" .
Dolza, Zentraedi Supreme Commander .
UEDF Designation..,. Tactical Battlepod .
MDC .... 5
. SPD: 5, PIL: 2, GN: 1, OF: 6
Weapon Systems:
Dual Heavy Particle Cannons
RG: 18, MD: 4, Accurate
This variant Battlepod replaces the Regult's light The Light Artillery Battlepod is much rarer than the
air-defense lasers with a pair of medium-range missile standard Regult, with only one out of every 10 Regults
launchers that provide the Gluuhaug-Regult with being a Gluuhaug-Regult, meaning that they must be
superior anti-armor and anti-mecha capabilities. carefully deployed in the field of battle.
UEDF Designation .... Light Artillery Battlepod
MDC .... 5
. SPD: 4, PIL: 2, GN: 2, OF: 5
Focus Fire, Leap
Weapon Systems:
Dual Heavy Particle Cannons
RG: 18, MD: 4, Accurate
. Dual 22.3mm Auto-Cannons
RG: 12, MD: 2
Dual 313mm Medium-Range Missile Launchers
Hand to Hand Attacks: Body Block, Kick,
. Jump Kick, Stomp
The Serauhaug-Regult is the Heavy Arul ery Sa- e:xx:. COI"!loat nnges o: otner Battle pods As a general rule,
UEDF Designation,. Heavy Artillery Battlepod
SPD: 4, PIL: 2, GN: 2, OF: 5
Dual Heavy Particle Cannons
RG: 18, MD: 4 Accurate
Dual 22.3mm Auto-Cannons
RG: 12, MD: 2
Dual 791mm Tactical Ballistic Missile Launchers
RG: 48, MD: 9 per missile, Ammo 4, Blast, Missile,
Volley X
.. -- o:::cer s Bartlepod, or Glaug, is reserved for male
.. c=cers commanding units of Regults or other infantry
.. :oo:>s n battle. The Glaug has thick armor and better
weapons than Tactical Battlepods, but its real strength
1es m its superior electronics and sensors that allow it to
share battlefield data with the Regults in its squadron.
This provides a greater level of leadership on the field of
battle and enables the officer to quickly call upon
. reinforcements when his squadron suffers losses.
. UEDF Designation..,.. Officer's Battlepod
. MDC .... 9
. .
. SPD: 7, Pll: 3, GN: 3, OF: 7 .
. .
. .
Focus Are, Leadership 4, Leap .
The Glaug-Eidare is a bolt-on, trans-atmospheric .
aerospace booster that turns the Glaug into a rather .
Weapon Systems:
capable aerospace fighter. With the Eldare attached, the
128mm Charged Particle Cannon
RG: 24, MD: 6, Accurate, Inescapable, Overwhelming Glaug can keep up with, and lead, flights of Gnerl .
aerospace fighter pods into combat. The Glaug-Eidare
Dual Forearm Heavy Particle Cannons
(booster) provides additional armor protection, a larger .
RG:18, MD: 4, Split Fire .
complement of missiles and vastly increased speed.
Dual Forearm 44mm Electromagnetic Rail Cannons
RG:18, MD: 8, Anti-Missile, Split Fire
. Dual 22.3mm Auto-Cannons GLAUG-ELDARE
Hand to Hand Attacks: Body Block, Kick, Jump Kick, Afterburner, Aircraft, Flight, Leadership 4,
Punch, Power Punch, Stomp Jettison to Glaug (10 MDC)
128mm Charged Particle Cannon -
RG: 24, MD: 6 Accurate, Inescapable, Overwhelming
Dual Forearm Heavy Particle Cannons
RG:18, MD: 4, Split Fire
Dual Forearm 44mm Electromagnetic Rail Cannons
RG:18, MD: 8, Split Fire, Anti-Missile
Dual 22.3mm Auto-Cannons
RG:12, MD: 2
150mm Short-Range Missile Tubes
. RG:18, MD: 6 per missile, Ammo 6,
. Anti-Missile, Missile, Volley X
. Dual103mm Mini-Missile launchers
RG:12, MD: 2 per missile, Ammo 4,
Anti-Missile, Missile, Volley 6
Dual178mm Short-Range Missile launchers
RG:18, MD: 6 per missile, Ammo 8,
Anti-Missile, Missile, Volley X
Hand to Hand Attacks: Body Block, Punch, Power Punch
.- -.
T A C T I C s
A fast and rugged aerospace fighter, the Gnerl forms the
backbone of the Zentraedi Fleet's air wing. With full
trans-atmospheric capabilities, the fighter is equally at
home in the air or space, making strafing runs against
ground opponents, air to air interceptions or engaging in
space combat. The Gnerl is deadly, with 18 short-range
missiles and a 32mm rotary particle cannon for combat.
UEDF Designation.,.. Aerospace Fighter Pod
MDC .... 6
SPD: 12, Pll: 2, GN: 2, DF: 7
Weapon Systems:
PZ-32 32mm Rotary Particle Cannon
RG: 18, MD: 4, Rapid Fire, Overwhelming
MZ18 Air to Air Missile Launchers
RG: 18, MD: 6 per missile, Ammo 3,
(RECOVERYPOD) Anti-Missile, Missile, Volley 6
The Quei-Gulnau fulfills a vital battlefield role, that of Hand to Hand Attacks: None
: recovery and retrieval of downed mecha in the field of
battle. Recovered mecha are either repaired and sent
back into battle or salvaged for parts and recycled. Only
by doing so can the Zentraedi hope to keep up a ready
supply of battle-ready mecha. Recovery Pods are
unarmed, but capable of hand to hand combat.
UEDF Designation .,.. Recovery Pod
MDC .... 9
SPD: 9, Pll: 2, GN: -, DF: 5
Weapon Systems:
.,e ...,echa of the UEDF. Such elite pilots are organized
o special mechanized infantry squadrons, where they
Weapon Systems:
. Shoulder Mounted Charged Particle Cannon -
RG: 18, MD: 4
UEDF Designation Female Powered Armor
MDC 12
SPD:12, Pll: 3, GN: 3, DF: 6
. Flight, Focus Fire, Hands, Hover, Leadership 2
Weapon Systems:
Dual Three-Barrel 64mm Grenade launchers
. .
. RG:12, MD:12, Ammo10, Blast .
Dual Triple-Barrel Medium Particle Cannons
RG: 9, MD: 4, Inescapable, Split Fire
. .
. .
Quad103mm Mini-Missile launchers .
. .
RG:12, MD: 2 per missile, Ammo16, .
Anti-Missile, Missile, Rapid Fire, Volley 8 .
. .
Hand to Hand Attacks: Body Block, Grab, .
. 6ool3
Kick, Jump Kick, Punch, Power Punch, Stomp .
. -.
T A C T I C s
T-e Serau-Ger or Heavy Armored Infantry soldier is clad
. - ooay a,-.,or nearty equal in protection to that of a
Regut Battlepod. Lke a I infantry troops, these soldiers
are front-line combatants sent into the t hick of battle.
They can be armed and equipped with a variety of
man-portable weapons, including a particle beam
assault rifle, flechette cannon or shoulder fired missile
launcher. Zentraedi infantry operates en masse, relying
on their overwhelming numbers to defeat the enemy.
UEDF Designation ..,. Heavy Infantry Armor
MDC .... 5
. -.
mecho 11cmonts and upgrades only started appearing
_ ,;:;
_ ;,...
- .. rs in Zentroedi formations after Dolza's fleet entered the solar system
Hand to Hand Attacks: Body Block, Kick, awakening. Reserved for Zentraedi commandos and ace
Jump Kick, Stomp pilots among the males, the Nousgarma-Ger are most
commonly deployed on commando strikes, acts of
sabotage, and special forces missions.
UEDF Designation ..,. Upgraded Male Powered Armor
MDC ... 10
SPD: 10, Pll: 3, GN: 2, DF: 6
. Flight, Focus Fire, Hands
Weapon Systems:
Dual 313mm Medium-Range Missile launchers
. RG: 24, MD: 9 per missile, Ammo 4, Missile, Volley 6
Three-Barreled 64mm Grenade launcher
RG:12, MD: 6, Ammo10, Blast
32mm Plasma Machine Pistol -
. RG: 9, MD: 8, Rapid Fire
' .
T A C T I C S-
- -
.-ariant female powered armor enemies in front, above and behind the Queadluun-Gult,
o! the s:gnature array of missiles with four and their payload is effectively unlimited (they draw upon
de beam cannons mounted behind the the energy supply of the armor). The Queadluun-Gult is
ts missile payload is less than half of the piloted by elite, female Zentraedi aces and usually
_...; _
_eaoluun-Rau's, the Gult's heavy cannons give deployed in special, all female air-cavalry squadrons. May" at 1onger range, making the Queadluun fight in squads composed entirely of Queadluun-Gult or
a=: -... m1d-range combat with enemy mecha and with the traditional Queadluun-Rau. All Female Power
'ighters, as well as dogfights and boarding Armor pilots are among the deadliest adversaries one will
"os. Best of all, the cannons can rotate to fire upon ever face.
UEDF Designation ..,. Quad Particle Cannon
Cema e Powered Armor
MDC._ 12
SPO: 12, PIL: 3, GN: 3, DF: 6
Weapon Systems:
Dual Three-Barrel 64mm Grenade Launchers
RG: 12, MD: 12, Ammo 10, Blast
Dual Triple-Barrel Medium Particle Cannons
RG: 9, MD: 4, Inescapable, Split Fire
Dual 103mm Mini-Missile Launche r s -
RG: 12, MD: 2 per missile, Ammo 6, Anti-Missile,
Missile, Rapid Fire, Volley 8
. Quad Heavy Particle Cannons -
RG:18, MD: 8, Accurate, Split Fire, Rear Fire
.- .
. .
re are many special and heroic individuals become the pilot of that mecha. The character will
-rcag-o..r. Robotech. Some of these characters are operate with the profile of the chosen mecha along with
repesented by the Special Character Profiles below. any modifications outlined below, as part of the
S;>eca Characters can have access to many different squadron that the mecha is in. The points listed below
-voes of Mecha, and will have an entry in their profile are how much it costs to include the Special Character in
:el ng you which mecha they can pilot. When you your army, not including the cost of the mecha the
&nc ude a Special Character in your army, choose a character pilots.
mecha that is available to them in your army and they
. .
. .
The highest ranking warlord of the female Zentraedi, High lord Breetai is the most decorated warlord of the
Azonia is a cunning and vengeful leader. When she takes Zentraedi armada. Sent to Earth to recover lor's flagship
to the field, it's usually in a Queadluun-Rau powered (the SDF-1), he eventually sided with the U EDF against the
armor. Azonia favors aerial combat and up-close hand to main Zentraedi Fleet. As a fleet commander, Breetai
hand combat over trudging along on the ground. Known rarely takes to the field, but when he does he shuns
for her cool head in combat and excellent leadership, mecha in favor of simple heavy infantry armor. In the
she was even given command of Breetai's Fleet for a field, Breetai's leadership is without equal, and his own
. short period of time. fighting skills are unparalleled; as Rick Hunter found out
when he tried to go hand to hand with him with his
. Spts Valkyrie, only to be beaten by an unarmored lord Breetai
Mecha Available.,.. Glaug, Queadluun-Rau . using his bare hands.
. +1 Leadership
Mecha Available.,.. Serau-Ger, Gluu-Ger.
Malcontent Special Character Note: While most
heroes would never become Malcontents, many +2 PH, +2 GN, Leadership 5
Special Characters can be used as templates for High Lord Whenever Breetai is taking damage, any
creating Malcontent aces with the same attributes amount of it may be redirected to friendly mecha
and point cost. Breetai and Miriya-Parina cannot be within 4 inches of him in any combination his player
used as templates in this manner. Azonia and Khyron chooses. Hand to hand attacks made by Breetai do
themselves actually did become Malcontents in the TV double their normal damage, and Breetai can make 2
show and can be used in that faction. additional hand to hand attacks per turn for free.
T A C T I C S-
Zentraedi Warlord Khyron is an arrogant and Miriya-Parina is the top scoring Zentraedi female elite ace
power-hungry schemer. He is consumed with hate for pilot of all time. Miriya and her Queadluun-Rau powered
micronians" (humans) and has become obsessed with armor suit are responsible for more UEDF combat losses
vengeance and the destruction of the SDF-1. While than any other single Zentraedi pilot. She is remarkably
Khyron is a skilled Glaug pilot and adequate leader, his cool under fire and has a head for aerial strategy and
lust for glory, hotheadedness, and rash, unpredictable tactics. Miriya was undefeated until she came up against
behavior on the battlefield hold him back from the UEDF Valkyrie pilot Max Sterling. After a heated aerial
recognition he so desires. The infamous Zentraedi dogfight that ended in a draw with Max, Miriya was
warlord repeatedly underestimates the UEDF heroes micronized and attempted to track him down and kill him
and humans in general. Despite this, Khyron is a deadly in hand to hand combat. Instead, the pair fell in love and
warrior who excels in hand to hand mecha combat, married aboard the SDF-1. Miriya-Parina became Miriya
brutality and ruthlessness. Sterling and a hero of the UEDF at the controls of a
Mecha Available ... Glaug, Glaug-Eidare, 10pts
Nousjadeui-Ger, Serau-Ger, Gluu-Ger. Mecha Available ... Queadluun-Rau.
+1 PIL + 2 Leadership
The Backstabber When Khyron's squadron activates, his Aggressive Miriya can re-roll all of her Strike rolls.
player may destroy a Mecha from his squadron, within 8 Remember, no single roll can be re-rolled more than
inches of him, to gain 3 Command Points. Regults once.
destroyed in this way cannot be set aside to possibly
return as Reinforcements.
. ,
o .
GRELL 20 pts
Mecha Available..,. Regult.
Sub-Commander Grell is Khyrons right-nano man and
lackey. While he is underesomateo by Khyro, Gre1 s
Swarm Once per game, when Pirion-Galarr's squadron is
actually an excellent Feld o7ficer Gre s a compeent
activated, all of the mecha in the squadron can
Glaug pilot but h1s rea hren.gtl' es n ead.,g the Regu t
automatically boost their SPD once that tum without
infantry forces. Grell seems to have a s'xtn sense about
paying any Command Points or making Piloting rolls.
when his sq.Jadron s osmg Tactical Battlepods and
often calls for reinforcements based on his personal
hunches instead of verifying the loss of a pod.
. A Nousjadeui-Ger pilot known for his skill in close
. S pts
combat, Polus-Mjor likes to mix it up with his
Mecha Available..,. Regult, Glaug, Glaug-Eidare,
opponents in hand to hand. Polus-Mjor's favorite
Nousjadeui-Ger, Serau-Ger, Gluu-Ger.
weapon is a UEDF Shock Baton he took as a trophy from
a defeated Spartan during the attack on Macross City.
Calling for Reinforcements Regults from Grell's
. His hope is that he will get the opportunity to go toe to
. squadron destroyed within 8 inches of him may be put
. toe with a Mk.ll Monster one day. Easily the best hand
. aside to return as Reinforcements even if he doesn't
. to hand combatant among the male Zentraedi of the
. have line of sight to them. Grell may set aside Regults
Warrior caste, even many Warrior Elites respect his
from his squadron as Reinforcements no matter what
fighting skills. The only Zentraedi who is his better is
mecha he is piloting.
lord Khyron.
Up and coming male ace Zentraedi pilot Maloquinn Mecha Available..,. Nousjadeui-Ger.
favors the Nousjadeui-Ger powered suit in battle. With
quick reflexes and ambidexterity, he fights with two +1 PIL
32mm Plasma Machine Pistols and often takes on Up Close and Personal Polus-Mjor may make an
multiple targets in simultaneous combat. Maloquinn is additional hand to hand attack each turn for free.
out to prove that male pilots are as lethal and fearsome
. as the Zentraedi elite female aces, and is closing in on Pulus-Mjor's Nousjadeui-Ger has a UEOFSpartan Shock
the famous Miriya-Parina's record for the most kills Baton that can be used to make clubbing hand to hand
made in a powered armor suit. attacks. In addition to the normal MDfor the Club attack,
the Shock Baton reduces the enemy mecha's SPD to zero (0)
S pts and prevents ti from spendn i g any Command Points to .
Mecha Available..,. Nousjadeui-Ger. leave hand to hand combat. These penalties last until the
enemy mecha's next activation ofthe subsequent turn.
+1 Leadership
Watch the Skies Maloquinn's 32mm Plasma Machine .
Pistols get the Anti-Missile ability. SULREEN-TEHR .
. -
- ..
They must be made to pay for this indignity, but instead, Lord
Breetai has declared us free, and invites us to live among the
Earthlings. The idea is madness. We say, no. We are warriors, born
and bred. We are war-bringers and conquerors. If we no longer
serve the Robotech Masters, then we should conquer and rule this
planet. Conquer or destroy them. So we defy the edict of Lord
Breetai. We live by our own rules now. Not by the rules
of Breetai nor the Robotech Masters, and certainly
not the micronians. We answer to no one.
Malcontents are all of the above and worse. Many What started out as a Zentraedi rebellion within the
Zentraedi are like "ronin" - warriors without a master to surviving forces of the alien armada, has become a
serve. With the Robotech Masters' empire crumbling call to all rebels, anarchists and brigands. Anyone
and the once unstoppable Zentraedi armada shattered, willing to accept the Zentraedi as their leaders and
the Zentraedi are on their own for the first time ever. fight the UEDF and world government are welcomed
The concepts of freedom, self-expression and the many to join. This includes deserters of the UEDF and their
nuances of human civilization are completely alien to mecha, anti-unification rebels, bandits with stolen
trem. Though many Zentraedi have embraced such mecha and military hardware, and brigands who see
'deas and have flocked to join human society, there is this as an opportunity to fight and plunder. This
another, smaller faction that refuses to do so. These mixed mecha group of blackguards are out for
Zentraedi Malcontents reject this cataclysmic change themselves and a danger to the UEDF and Zentraedi
and want nothing to do with it or the micronians, whom alike.
they still consider the enemy. Many even see this as a
betrayal of who and what the Zentraedi represent.
, .
T A C i I C S-
lynn Kyle
a.-xi battle is about to be does the same, but he must use the long board edge
"'-:o=-e-: "CJ\Ie built and painted up directly opposite from the board edge that was chosen
e:::::es -.- :=e -::: ready to play. This section by the first player.
pese::::s .:.-_-e-: pes of scenarios intended to
f o'" Robotech RPG Tactics"'. The Game length: This scenario lasts until one player has
-;;e :-e ntroductory Scenarios, which are won the game.
e ara overview of how to play the game
'!""::.:.:: -o g:..
- : ::sc i.-e game pieces that are included in the basic Victory: If a player destroys all of his opponent's mecha,
:a:-:. "'Oe second type is the Standard Scenarios he immediately wins the game.
-: a-c tended to be played with known or unknown
=:::-oc-ents using forces of like points value and the army Special Rules: None.
x ;::ng rules outlined in these rules. Each scenario
c...-: nes many different variables and any special rules Nil apply throughout the game. 2). Onward..,. The Zentraedi have deployed more troops
into Macross City in an attempt to reach the SDF-1 and
INTRODUCTORY SCENARIOS take control of it.
he Introductory Scenarios are meant to be played in
order. They build up as they go, allowing players to Terrain: Set up enough terrain to cover one quarter of
gradually ease their way into a larger game. Since the board with elements that significantly block line of
forces are pre-determined for these scenarios, don't sight. Each player rolls a D6 and the player who rolled
use the Faction Force Cards for each side (you will learn highest places the first terrain element. Take turns
about these later). Since the squadrons and mecha placing one element at a time, alternating with your
used for these scenarios don't exactly match any of the opponent until all elements have been placed.
Force Cards in the game, use whatever Force Cards you
like to keep track of damage. Additionally, mecha with Forces: The UEDF player has 1 squadron of 2 VF-1As and
the Life is Cheap special ability do not have that ability 1 squadron of 1 VF-1J and 1 VF-1A. The Zentraedi player
for these scenarios. has 2 squadrons of 6 Regults each.
1). First Contact..,. It is the launch day of the SDF-1 and Deployment: Determine which player will activate a
all of Earth is watching. Anomalous readings have come squadron first for the first turn as per Step 2: Determine
in and 2 Valkyries are dispatched to check them out. Initiative. The first player must choose one of the long
edges of the board as his Deployment Zone and set up
Terrain: This scenario is played with no terrain on the all of his mecha. He may deploy his mecha anywhere
board as it is mainly to allow players to gain an within 12 inches of his board edge. Then the opponent
understanding of the game, the sequence of the turn, does the same, but he must use the long board edge
and how to move squadrons. directly opposite from the board edge that was chosen
by the first player.
Forces: The UEDF player has 1 squadron of 2 VF-1As,
while the Zentraedi player has 2 squadrons of 3 Game Length: 5 turns.
Regults each. Victory: The Zentraedi player wins if he can move at
least 5 of his Regults off of the UEDF player's board edge.
Deployment: Determine which player will activate a The UEDF player wins if he destroys all enemy mecha, or
squadron first for the first turn, as per Step 2: Determine if the game ends without 5 or more Regults leaving off of
Initiative. The first player must choose one of the long the UEDF player's board edge.
edges of the board as his Deployment Zone and set up
all of his mecha. He may deploy his mecha anywhere Special Rules: None.
within 12 inches of his board edge. Then the opponent
, -
of Nyan Hyan ..,. Rick Hunter has crashed the Additional Rules: The Zentraedi player may bring on the
.. _ -
"' -:: e IS p.lonng into Lynn Minmei's Aunt and
s res:a--a:'lt, ptcked her up, and carried her away
squadron he must hold back for Strategic Deployment in
the 3rd turn as normal (it cannot be brought on in the
: - = ooect her from the Zentraedi rampaging 2nd turn by spending a Command point due to the
--"'0-5- -er neighborhood. Can he keep her safe? "rounding down" clause of the rules). Instead of using
the normal Strategic Deployment rules, the UEDF player
Forces: The UEDF player has 1 squadron of 1 VF-1A, 1 all of their forces to bear and are closing i n on the SDF-1
squadron of 1 VF-1J, and 1 squadron of 2 VF-1As. The in the middle of the city. The UEDF has been fully
.. Zentraedi player has 1 squadron of 6 Regults and 1 deployed and must repel the alien invaders !
squadron of 6 Regults and1 Glaug.
Terrain: Set up enough terrain to cover one quarter of
the board with elements that significantly block line of
Deployment: The Zentraedi player chooses one board
edge. The Zentraedi player then must deploy his sight. Each player rolls a D6 and the player who rolled
squadron of 6 Regults within 6 inches of his chosen highest places the first terrain element. Take turns
board edge. The UEDF player then deploys his squadron placing one element at a time, alternating with your
of1 VF-lA within 3 inches of the building in the middle opponent until all elements have been placed.
of the board. The deployed V F-1A must be in Guardian
mode and cannot use its Variable Fighter ability during Forces: The UEDF player has 1 squadron of 1 VF-1J, 1
the game, has Leadership 1, its PIL is 4, and it can't use VF-1S, and 2 VF-1As, and 1 squadron of 2 Tomahawks.
its Wing Mounted Articulated Missile Hardpoints The Zentraedi player has 1 squadron of 1 Glaug and 6
weapon system during the game. Additionally, the Regults and1 squadron of 6 Regults.
Guardian VF-1A cannot end any of its Activations more
than 24 inches away from the building at the center of Deployment: Determine which player will activate a
the board. The other UEDF squadrons are held back for squadron first for the first turn as per Step 2:
Strategic Deployment. The squadron of 6 Regults and a Initiative. The first player must choose one of the short
Glaug are also held back for Strategic Deployment. edges of the board as his Deployment Zone and set up
When the UEDF player strategically deploys his all of his mecha. He may deploy his mecha anywhere
remaining squadrons, they must enter play from the within 12 inches of his board edge. Then the opponent
table edge opposite the Zentraedi player's table edge. does the same, but he must use the short board edge
When initial deployment is finished, determine which directly opposite from the board edge that was chosen
player will activate a squadron first for the first turn as by the first player.
per Step 2: Determine Initiative.
Game Length: This scenario lasts until one player has
Game Length: 5 turns. won the game.
Victory: The UEDF player wins the game if the VF-lA that is Victory: If a player destroys all of his opponent's mecha,
stuck in Guardian mode hasn't been destroyed at the end he immediately wins the game.
of 4 turns. The Zentraedi player wins the game immediately
if he destroys the VF-1A stuck in Guardian mode. Special Rules: None.
, ..
. -.
Built-in U pgrades ... While some upgrades are
represented by Support Force Cards, others will be
listed on the back of a Force Card along with their
point value. If you wish to take the listed upgrade,
you must pay the additional points, adding them on
to the total cost of the Force Card. If a built-in
- -g a oo when building your own army is to upgrade is bought, every mecha on the Force Card
'"' Eac.on you will play. Pick a Faction Card to it was bought for gets that upgrade. This will
are only three of them included in the basic normally represent things like the SDF-1 Valkyrie
so t"'e choice is whether you want to play the Air Wing LPWS-12 Nose Lasers, or the Air-Bu rst
- Earth Defense Force (UEDF), Zentraedi Armada, Munitions for the Defender.
e Malcontents (which is a combination of rebel
::!l: and Zentraedi forces). The Faction Card chosen
:.eer::Unes what Force Cards you will be able to recruit POINT VALUES
your army. Force Cards outline what mecha are in The front of each Force Card shows what mecha it
... sq\ladron and how much the squadron costs for
includes. You will notice that a number of points are also
r faction to recruit. You may only include Force Cards listed at the bottom of the card. These points are a
- or army that have the same faction symbol on representation of how costly the Force Card is for your
:..nem as your Faction Card. faction to field. When you play a game of Robotech
RPG Tactics"', you must first agree with your opponent
FORCE CARDS how large the game will be by deciding how many points
rce Cards represent the many combat formations you each side will have to spend on their army. The total
may wish to include in your army. There are a few points of all the Force Cards included in your army must
different types of Force Cards: be equal to or less than the total that you and your
opponent agreed upon beforehand. Larger point games
Core ..,. Core Force Cards are the main squadron will take longer to play, so set aside quite a bit of time if
formations fielded in battle by your faction. For you and your friends want to bring your whole
example, a Core Force Card might be a squadron of collections to the battlefield.
our Valkyries. The groups represented by the Core
Force Cards are the basic building blocks of an army
and represent the common and regularly fielded MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS
squadrons. You may include any number of Core Force To prevent a player from fielding a single, incredibly
Cards in your army. huge and unbalanced squadron as his entire army, there
are two simple requirements beyond the point limit that
Support..,. Support Force Cards are mecha, or upgrades, must be followed when putting together an army for
that can be added on to the squadrons on the Core Robotech RPG Tactics"'.
Force Cards. You may add up to two Support Force Cards
to each Core Force Card in your army. Any mecha on a 1. You must field a minimum of two Core Force Cards
Support Force Card are added to the squadron on the for a standard game.
Core Force Card they are bought with, and any upgrades
added to mecha in that squadron are added to the 2. For every 150 points you field, you must have at
. additional mecha at the additional cost listed on the least one Core Force Card. Note: The minimum two
. card (added support mecha must take the same built-in Core Force Cards in a standard game are included in
upgrades that the core mecha have). this calculation, so a 450 point game would require
three Core Force Cards total per side.
Special ... Special Force Cards represent unique, non
standard, or especially rare mecha that can be fielded by
your faction. You may include one Special Force Card for
each Core Force Card in your army. Just like the Support ARMIES
Force Cards, Special Force Cards add new mecha or The first step to fighting a battle is to agree on a point
upgrades to the squadron of the Core Force Card they value. We recommend 300 points for a quick, standard
are bought with. game. Then each player builds an army with a total point
, .
value equal to or less than the agreed upon point value. Standard Scenarios: (See below, pg 78, for the
Please refer to the previous "Building an Army" section scenario descriptions)
for the exact rules for choosing a force. Once you have
both finished building your armies, your army oste,. s 1 Dogfight
public knowledge and its information must be snareo 2 Take and Hold
with your opponent whenever he asiCS tor or 3 Pitched Battle
whenever it is relevant. For those who" to o a. sr..a 4 lill- Demolition
skirmish level games or extremel\ a'5e ao. e1e 5 lill- Recovery
games, special rules are nduoeo ro 'e-- -e 6 lill- Convoy Defense
Common Scenario Special Rules semo.
THE BATTLEFIELD Now that you have chosen the scenario, you must
After having determ neo "-,r- s:a"'::ara scenar"o will be choose Deployment Zones. There are three basic types .
played and whi o;r:er ""' u: "' or ant rores necessary of deployments to choose from. Players may either
in the scenario p'a-
,ers must set 1.1p the battlefield or mutually agree upon which type of Deployment Zones,
"board" that t"
e . ola; me game on, using the or randomly determine which to use by rolling on the
terrain ava aoe :.e .ou d recommend that at least
.. following chart:
one quarter or :re ooard be taken up with substantial
terran ,,at oQCl(S ..,e of sight. This will break up the Deployment Zones:
board a ow rg cor more tactical decision making and 1-2 lill- Head to Head
interes:::rg s.tuations. The scenarios presented here 3-4 .... Distant Engagement
assurrte that games will be played on a 6 foot x 4 foot, or 5-6 .... Face Off
larger area. Players may either set up the board in an
agreeable configuration or roll off and take turns placing Deployment: Determine which player will activate a
terrain elements until the aforementioned 25% worth of squadron first for the first turn as per Step 2: Determine
the board i.s covered with terrain pieces. Initiative. The first player must choose one of the
Deployment Zones, either A or B, and set up all of his
SELECTING THE SCENARIO mecha in that zone. The opponent then does the same
Having selected armies, it is now time to determine in the other Deployment Zone. When both sides are
which standard scenario will be used for the game. deployed, carry on with the first turn as normal.
Players may play a mutually agreed upon scenario, or
they may randomly determine which scenario to play by
rolling on the following chart:
....... .
Deployment Zone 8 .
Head to Head Deployment Zones
, .
0 .
T A C T I C S-
i Engagement Deployment Zones
- :! -a-. c: ::"'e Standard Scenarios have specific 1 ..,.. Airborne Assault (includes Strategic Deployment)
:pee.:: =_es t..""at they must be played with, if both of 2 ..,.. Hidden Demolitions
--= :;-,
;e-s agree, they may pick or roll for additional 3 ..,.. Orbital Bombardment
:>eca ::tu es for their game. The players may pick, or roll 4 ..,.. Poor Visibility
::-. as ...,any of these additional rules as desired. These 5 ..,.. Space Battlefield
:: ::no na ! Special Rules are in addition to those that are 6 ..,.. Unusual Gravity (either light Gravity
s:Jea'ied by the scenario being played. or Heavy Gravity)
Victory: The player with the most Victory Points at the Deployment: Choose Deployment Zones as normal.
, .-.
T A C T I C s-
anab e Game the mecha that i s carrying the loot marker i s destroyed,
place the loot marker on the board where the mecha
carrying it was destroyed. Any mecha that moves on to
the loot marker picks it up and may continue moving.
While a mecha is carrying the loot marker, it can only
attack with a maximum of one weapon system per turn.
In this scenario, one player has been ordered to guard a
strategic bunker, or ammo dump, while the other player
-oi'T"lanon or materials of some kind, or possibly a has been sent to destroy it!
mea p ot, is lost in no man's land. You must recover
.a objective; unfortunately the enemy wants it too. Forces: Each player chooses an army as outlined under
"Building on Army." (pg 75}
forces Each player chooses an army as outlined under
am7d rJg on Army." (pg 75) Deployment: Choose Deployment Zones as normal. The
first player to activate will be the defender. In addition to
Deployment: Choose Deployment Zones as normal. his mecha, he has a piece of terrain that he must defend,
eo players take turns placing loot markers, starting hereafter referred to as the bunker. He may place the
th the player who will activate first, until there are 6 bunker wherever he likes on the board, except for in the
loot markers on the board. loot markers can't be placed opponent's Deployment Zone. Then he must deploy at
wth n either player's Deployment Zone, and can't be least, but not limited to, his largest squadron of mecha
placed within 6 inches of another loot marker. The first within 12 inches of the bunker. Mecha deployed near
player sets up all of his mecha within his Deployment the bunker cannot be in the enemy Deployment Zone.
Zone, and then his opponent does the same. Any remaining mecha are deployed in his own
Deployment Zone as normal. The opposing player will be
Game length: 6 turns. the attacker and he must destroy the bunker to win. The
attacker deploys his mecha as normal.
Victory: If a player has one of his mecha carrying the
lOot in his Deployment Zone at the end of the game, he Game length: 5 turns.
wins. If a player destroys all of his opponent's mecha, he
immediately wins the game. If no player has Victory: The defender wins if the bunker is still intact at
accomplished either of these objectives by the end of the end of the game. The attacker wins immediately if
the game, the game is a draw. the bunker is destroyed.
Additional Rules: Each loot marker represents a possible Additional Rules: The bunker cannot attack, but it is a
location of the prized object that the players are trying fortified military structure (as per the Buildings and
to recover. When a mecha moves on to a loot marker, it Structures section) with 100 MDC per Core Force Card in
may pause and search the loot marker. Roll a die; on a the opposing army (25 per card in a Skirmish). The
result of 1-4 the loot marker isn't the loot and it is bunker should be at least 5 by 5 by 5 inches in size, but
removed from the board, on a 56 the marker is the loot should be twice that for games over 300 points,
and the mecha that searched the loot marker picks it up although it is still smaller than most fortified military
and may continue moving. If there is only 1 1oot marker constructions. like all military structures, the bunker has
left on the board, it will automatically be the loot when a DF of 4, but cannot Dodge or Parry. The Defender may
it is searched. If the loot is found, all of the other loot pay Command Points to have the Bunker Roll with
markers currently on the board are removed. Once the Impact, or "Reinforce" in the bunker's case. Additionally,
loot is found, it must be carried by the mecha who found the bunker has an Anti-Missile system that can be used
rt and will only be dropped if that mecha is destroyed. If in every direction since the bunker has no facing.
:e sc
r.ce right? Watch out, because things Special Rules: Strategic Deployment.
'""e' c::CU: se: nteresting.
Additional Rules:
"'teS: Eac11 o'ayer chooses an army as outlined under CONVOY VEHICLE
c....g on Army." (pg 75) Additionally, the defender MDC .... 6
-as : squadron of 2 Convoy Vehicles for every 300 points
SPD: 8 Pll: 2 G N : - OF: 6
o 'raction thereof) being played (so a 900 point game
ou d have 1 squadron of 6 Convoy Vehicles). Convoy
.ehicles can be represented in any way that is agreeable
to both players. In space missions these may be cargo
Complete the Mission .,.. When a Convoy Vehicle is hit
shuttles, on Earth these will be cargo trucks, etc., but
with a weapon system, its player can opt to have one of
their stats remain unchanged.
his mecha within 3 inches of it take the hit instead.
Flee.,.. Once per game, Convoy Vehicles can boost their
Game Length: 5 turns. .
SPD automatically for free. .
Airborne Assault .,.. Mecha with the Flight, Hover or Attrition Games.,.. Some players will want to play truly
. leap special ability can arrive from Strategic large games that fall outside of the scope of the
Deployment by an Airborne Assault. To make an Standard Scenarios. We're talking about games of 80 to
Airborne Assault, the player places the Blast template over 100 mecha on a side! Games of this size are more
anywhere on the board in open terrain. The player then complicated and take much longer to play, but are still
makes a single 06 roll and adds the best Piloting very enjoyable. Instead of using the Standard Scenarios,
attribute of all the mecha making the Airborne Assault. use the following scenario (or one of your own design):
If the result is a 6+ the Airborne Assault is successful,
and the mecha are placed on the Blast template in any Forces: Each player chooses an army as outlined under
. formation desired. If more mecha arrive by Airborne "Building on Army." (pg 75)
. Assault than can be placed in their entirety on the Blast
template, continue placing mecha out from the Deployment: Choose Deployment Zones as normal.
template in contact with the base of one of the mecha The first player sets up half of his squadrons in his
that is on the template or closer to the template than Deployment Zone, and the rest of his squadrons are
the mecha that is being placed. The spillover mecha held back for Strategic Deployment. Then the .
must always be placed as close to the template as opponent does the same in the remaining Deployment .
. possible. If the player fails to get a 6+, the Airborne Zone, including holding back half of his forces for
Assault scatters as per the Blast special rules, and the Strategic Deployment.
mecha are placed on the Blast template in that location.
If the Blast template scatters over other mecha (friendly Game length: The game continues until one player has
or enemy), buildings or another place on the board that lost over 75% of his total mecha, or until a player has
the mecha cannot be set up on, the Blast template lost all of his mecha with the leadership special ability.
scatters again from that new position until the Blast
template can be placed in open terrain as the mecha Victory: The player who lost over 75% of his total
correct their landing. mecha or had all of his mecha with the leadership
A C T C S-
Objectives Some scenarios rely on objectives to 4. Poor visibility: a -2 penalty to Strike in ranged
determine who has won the game. The scenario being combat for all mecha .
be represented by a marker at a point on the board, or a combat for all mecha, and no mecha can target/attack
building or other piece of terrain - anything that is targets at ranges greater than 24 inches, due to the
acceptable to both players. If you have a mecha within 4 extreme conditions.
also has a mecha within 4 inches of the same objective, 6. Zero visibility: a -3 penalty to Strike in ranged
then that objective is contested and no player controls it. combat for all mecha, and no mecha can target/attack
. - :: --ages greater tnan 18 inches, due to the half, rounded up, of the squadrons that are remaining in
ec. :c ons Al open terrain on the gaming
::: ..- reserve to be strategically deployed must enter play, and
f:;oo;!,..: .s :.aed as rough terrain due to the hazardous squadrons no longer cost Command Points to deploy.
-co-::t;QI:lS (this does not apply to mecha with the During the 4th turn of the game, any remaining
Cwmoersome special ability, pg 24). squadrons held back must enter play.
Space Battlefield Many battles in Robotech take When a squadron that is to be strategically deployed is
:>ace in the unforgiving depths of space. If a scenario activated, the mecha in it must move on to the board
uses a Space Battlefield, then there are some from a point along a board edge in the controlling
restrictions on what mecha can be taken i n the battle. player's Deployment Zone. They must move on to the
Zentraedi Infantry, both Gluu-Ger and Serau-Ger, cannot board in the turn they enter play, so they cannot stay
be taken into a space battle, nor can the UEDF Destroids, stationary and not move. Some scenarios or squadrons
including the Defender, Monster, Phalanx, Spartan and will have special rules that allow squadrons to enter play
Tomahawk. All other mecha taken into space gain the through Strategic Deployment in a non-standard way.
Flight special ability if they didn't already have it (pg 24). This will be outlined in the relevant squadron or scenario
Due to the three-dimensional nature of most terrain in special rules.
. space, Rough, Deadly, and Area Terrain Will affect
mecha with the Flight ability instead of being treated as Skirmish Games..,.. Skirmish games use the Standard
Open Terrain. Finally, to represent the dangers of Scenarios and are intended to be played with small
decompression, when a mecha is damaged in a space forces. The set up for a skirmish game is performed in
battle it cannot Roll with Impact to reduce the MD done the normal way outlined earlier in these rules, except for
to it. Any terrain used will represent the broken hulls of the forces used. Instead of using the Faction Cards, Core
spacecraft, satellites, asteroids or similar debns, but Force cards or points, each player simply chooses a
otherwise a space battle is conducted in the same single Support Card or Special Card and uses those
. manner as any other battle. mecha. Normally it will be best if the two cards chosen
. cost close to the same amount of points. Mecha with the
. Alternatively, a Space Battlefield may be the surface of a
. life is Cheap special ability do not have that ability in
planet or moon with no atmosphere, or the hull of a ship skirmish games. Some sample skirmish squadrons that
in space. In these cases, the aforementioned restrictions could face off against each other are:
on mecha choice are not applicable, everything does not
gain Flight due to the gravity (artificial or normal), and 2 Nousjadeui-Ger.
1 VF-1S VS.
terrain functions normally, but mecha still cannot Roll 6 Regults.
2 VF-1As VS.
with Impact due to the vacuum. 2 Tomahawks VS. 3 Gnerls.
Strategic Deployment Sometimes a commander will Unusual Gravity The battles in Robotech can take
hold a portion of his forces in reserve so that he can call place on Mars, the Moon or under the effects of
them up when reserve forces are needed in a specific powerful gravity mines that increase the natural pull of
area. In scenarios that include this rule, when a player is gravity.
deploying his army, he may choose to keep up to half
. (rounded down) of his squadrons in reserve. Such Ught Gravity Under the effects of light gravity, all
squadrons are held back to be strategically deployed mecha without either the Flight or leap ability, except
later, and are put to the side and not deployed on the for those with the Cumbersome ability, gain the leap
table at the beginning of the game. Both players must special ability for the duration of that battle.
declare which of their squadrons they are holding back
so that it is clear what forces will eventually be showing Heavy Gravity Under the effects of heavy gravity,
up to reinforce each player's army. like a gravity mine, all mecha have their SPD reduced
. by half (to a minimum SPD of 1). Mecha with the Flight
During the 2nd turn of the game, the players may deploy special ability lose it and gain the leap special ability,
. up to half, rounded down, of the squadrons that were while those with the Hover or leap ability lose it for
held back. One Command Point must be spent for each the duration of that battle.
squadron to be deployed in this way. These points are
spent during the Command Phase in the Pre-Action Variable Game length Some scenarios won't always
Effects Step. The player who will activate the first last the same number of turns. If the scenario uses
squadron decides how many Command Points he will variable game length, it will start out at a base number
spend in this way first. During the 3rc1 turn of the game, of 4 turns. At the end of turn 4 and each subsequent
[J _
ers to see i& the destroying all of or part of an enemy squadron is worth
-e.::-a '1a"e finished Victory Points. Squadrons are worth a number of Victory
Points equal to the total point cost of all the Force Cards
that make up the squadron and any built-in upgrades
taken, divided by 10, rounded up. If all of the mecha in
the squadron are destroyed at the end of the game, the
VP that the squadron is worth is scored by the opposing
player. If half or more ofthe mecha in the squadron have
been destroyed, the player who caused the squadron to
n=r. - -:s ,'f> to determine who has won the game. drop below half strength scores a number of Victory
s::-:10 that uses Victory Points will tell you how Points equal to half of the total VP that the squadron is
ore for achieving certain goals during the
- sc worth, rounding up.
-e ;.,
c cftionally, when Victory Points are used,
- ,
T A C T I C S-
-=:ap: e " tilts case, each forth for awhile. In real life, there are many bloody
---.- X"- :: r eoresent a boctlefield leader battles throughout history in which a position was won
uoc:.s as one of the squad leaders. and lost many times until one side could hold it. We'd
......... g character needs to survive to
rec suggest that the side that can take it and hold the
-e "ext battle in the campaign. This can position in the next game wins and it's time to move on
-. .-
--...xa ec with a special rule that allows the to a new battlefield and objective in the next game. Have
_-:!'1 ecaer to break off and return to base fun with the possibilities. Use the Robotech anime,
'1 a penalty for failure, say, one less
other TV shows and movies, real-life history and
u;:;;;::;;:::.;;-;;J:: ?o ot next game, with cumulative effect as whatever else, to give you ideas for military campaigns.
a !)GLgn goes on) at any point in the game. This
e can return and lead forces in the next battle. Of
r.r'.1!5e t"e moment this leader leaves the board, any
:en Command Points and bonuses his presence MAP-BASED CAMPAIGN
'ave given the mecha under his command, are also While map-based campaigns take the most preparation
removed. Once removed from the board, the character and pre-planning, they can be engaging and immersive,
feader cannot return during this game. ongoing campaign experiences. Map-based campaigns
add many new and different levels to Robotech RPG
3. The surviving field leader alternative. This is a special Tactics"', and they require players to operate on a more
rue that allows the player's "character" to survive after strategic level rather than the tactical level of the
tS mecha is destroyed. In this case, it is presumed the standard games.
character" is able to eject from his mecha, escape
detection by the enemy and survive in order to return to The map is the game plan. The map serves as the
base to lead the next battle in the campaign. None of blueprint for the theater of operations, be it a particular
this is played out, it is just the game device that lets the region, continent or string of planets or space outposts.
leader return for the next game. In the case of abject But first, someone needs to generate the map.
defeat, this could mean repeatedy trytng to take an
enemy defended position becore the campaign can One, make the map. This task usually falls upon the
progress to the next batt'e. ukewise once a position is person proposing and setting up the map campaign. This
i IS possbe that the enemy tries to take it back in
taken, t can be a player, a few players, an entire group of players,
a future game w'thin the campaign. Of course, this or a referee/Game Master. Unless one of you has a lot of
surviva rue only applies to player characters; the rest of artistic talent or a knack for cartography, it is probably
the mecha can be blasted to pieces. easiest to download a map from the internet or use a
page from an atlas, rather than draw your own map
The interconnected games that follow. As you can see, from scratch. Then again, as long as the map is legible
by having a surviving, returning character, you can and understood by all the players, it doesn't really
quickly and easily create subsequent games that involve matter what it looks like. This can be a map of a city,
retribution or a vendetta, especially if the players or state, province, country, continent, the moon, solar
G.M. playing the opposing side have one or more similar system, and so on.
'1eader characters" who may taunt, belittle or chide
their opponents. "Bah, you incompetent humans. You Two, divide the map into a grid or network of locations.
are nothing before the Zentraedi Armada. We will crush You can do this by drawing a large-spaced grid over it, or
you every time." All of this invests the players' emotions otherwise delineating sections to create a dozen or two
and wits into the campaign. dozen locations. Then name each place. The more
evocative the name, the better for dramatic
All these related games will branch out from one atmosphere. Do this across the whole map until every
another to form a tree. To make sure there are a location is named.
sequence of battles, at the beginning of the campaign,
the players or the Game Master may outline a "tree" of Three, modify the map to indicate a variety of
battles and combat objectives that should progress in a resources at various locations. Forests (lumber and
logical order. Things like: Take position A. Next game, the places to hide and hunt), farmland, lakes, rivers, sea
enemy may try to take it back. If the position is held, ports, mountains, a mining operation (what kind of
move on to the next battle, which is likely to be to strike minerals), oil field/petroleum refinery, factory (what
at another enemy position or destroying an enemy kind), military supply depot, abandoned military base or
resource. If the enemy took back the position they lost, town, a town or small city populated by civilians
the next game will be to regain it. This could go back and (identify population and resources of the community),
. Five, each player picks one location as his own. This is This type of campaign can be played between two
. the player's home territory and starting point for his players or two groups of players, or players vs G.M., but
. combat forces. When choosing a starting point, we is especially interesting when all three factions are in
. recommend players should spread out and NOT be play with three groups of players, each out to win for
clustered too close together or border one another. their side. Whoever manages to take and hold the most
land, after a given number of campaign games, wins the
Six, rival factions. Each player is his own force. Each campaign. This can be a set number, or go on until the
player is out to win and conquer the map, or the participants get bored with the campaign or there is a
majority of it. This is why players should put some clear winner. A map-based campaign is usually quite
distance between each other when picking their lengthy, but that's the idea of a campaign. It can last
. locations, because each is a rival out for himself. months, a year, or longer.
. .
T A C i I C S-
::lE ous battles), and can't reduce squadron gains, roll on the following table or pick one
oelow t n e total that it had spent desired result. Unless stated otherwise, the bonus lasts
for the entire next game in the campaign. After that
game, the bonus is lost, but it or others can be .
Y.: _;acror comp etely destroyed: -1D6x10. This is purchased as new experience is earned. Experience can
=::l!cted from the experience points the squadron be gathered and left unspent over one or more .
gans 'rom the current battle (and any unspent campaign games, until desired. This can give a squadron
::lo.nts remaining from previous battles), and can't more than one of the bonuses below for a major
. reduce the squadron below the total that it had campaign battle, but unspent experience can also be
spent before the battle. lost, so be careful.
These gains or losses are all cumulative. For example, a 1. Maneuverable.,. Mecha in the squadron get +2 SPD
squadron that fights in a battle (+5), is on the winning for the next game. Cannot be taken by the same
side (+10), completely wipes out an opposing squadron squadron more than three times per game, and is lost at
(+15), and is reduced to half strength (rolling a 2 for 20), the end of that game.
earns a total of 10 experience points for the battle.
2. Hand to Hand Specialists .,. Mecha in the squadron
0. .-.
_ ._.
I A C T I C S -
rosters for each side that can be used. Feel free to use
other rosters if you so choose .
Regult Attack Squadron "Gadras," Veteran Warriors
Core 100 pts.
:.s ames Sta ker"' Stark, SDF-1 Air Wing Nose Regult Recon Squadron "Utomi," Veteran Warriors
...iSe:"! _. Speca . :>art of Stalker Squadron 41 pts. Core 80 pts.
'l'i'2.._..,. Squadron "Hawk," SDF-1 Air Wing Nose Lasers Queadluun-Rau Squadron "Kelkasuta" Core 100 pts.
Gx"e ::s
Total: 280 pts.
Squad "Hawk," SDF-1 Air Wing Nose Lasers
:Xlrt part of Hawk Squadron 42 pts.
. .
ose of you already familiar with Palladium's Glaug and a trio of Regults and says, "Zentraedi forces
Robotech Role-Playing Games will have noticed many are coming in fast from the west to cut you off." Both the
of the same game terms and rules elements in this rule player and G.M. move the game pieces to clearly
book. However, the focus of Robotech RPG Tactics"' is illustrate the action, direction and position of the
"tactics" and "combat," not role-playing. Wargamers opposing forces. Meanwhile, the other players can do
and players of tabletop games want games about likewise to illustrate where their characters' mecha are
combat action and simulation. Role-players, on the located and what they are doing. ("I'm watching from
other hand, place their emphasis on characters and over here." "My mecha is taking cover." "I'm preparing
story. You still can. There is nothing preventing you from to launch a missile volley at the Glaug." And so on.)
bringing your characters and role-playing sensibilities For traditional role-players, combat can be resolved as
into Robotech RPG Tactics"' in a variety of ways. per the usual RPG rules (more M.D.C. and different style
of combat and rules considerations) or, as noted earlier,
You can combine the Robotech RPG Tactics rules by ncorporating the more formal rules of Robotech
with the role-playing rules for combat reso.t.:-Jon ,., s is RPG Tactics"". Either way works, though the rules in RPG
done on the tabletop wth terrain and panted mecha to Tactics"' are much more deadly, so beware.
. represent your characters alies and enemy forces, but
otherwise role-played ke always. That means you can Mass combat. The tactical rules and the use of the
engage in dialogue, b uff, use subterfuge, sneak around tabletop with terrain elements are perfect for resolving
and use all the other RPG storytelling elements of play mass combat. Most role-playing games are set around
. you know and love. Only now you have a defined playing the small squad operations of 3-12 player characters.
field and physical game pieces to mark your characters' Role-playing game rules work great for such small-squad
locations and movement, and, if desired, alternative skirmishes and character-based games. Mass combat,
ru e.s for playing defined and deadly tabletop combat. however, with dozens and dozens of fighting forces to
One of the cool things about the tabletop gaming whole companies of troops, is not feasible in traditional
surface is that you can change it as necessary to RPGs. Such battles are the backdrop for the role-playing
represent each new location in the role-playing game by group of characters. But now, role-players can, if they so
changing the terrain elements. choose, step outside the RPG medium to play a mass
combat battle via the rules of Robotech RPG Tactics"".
If you are a dyed-in-the wool, hardcore role-player,
continue to game strictly by the RPG rule books and use Whether the players want to bring in their RPG
the game pieces from Robotech RPG Tactics"' to mark characters (see Conversions below), or not, should be up
your character's movement, or as an icon that sits next to them. Regardless, each player can take command of a
to you on the table during game play. These physical squadron of mecha and play out full-scale battles. If they
"icons" are especially handy when trying to imagine the bring their characters into a Robotech RPG Tactics"" .
marching order of characters and their positions relative game, each character may command his or her own .
to each other and the enemy. Then, rather than try to squadron of mecha, or the player group can function as
simply describe what your mecha pilot is doing, you can an independent, special squadron of combat aces or
pick up the game piece and move it around as you special forces (perhaps assigned to handle a specific
verbally explain your next course of action. mission objective within the larger field of battle). Or
. after their special mission is complete (capture so and
Having 30 game pieces to represent your characters can so, destroy the weapon bunker, capture the
be a helpful and fun touch to your role-playing game Protoculture generator, rescue the innocent captives,
sessions. "I blast off toward the ravine," says the player etc.), the group can elect to play to see which side wins
as he picks up the Valkyrie game piece representing his the larger battle. To this end, players can either pick a
character and moves it toward the table's edge that side and play those forces against each other, or the
represents the ravine. The Game Master picks up a players can be on one side and the Game Master can
T A C T I C s
i'"'e ...-
o e idea here is fun. Merge elements of Robotech In the Robotech RPG, a character may be able to pilot
;o:e-pa(ing and RPG Tactics, or keep them completely several different mecha, but the player must pick just
se::arate. Do whatever is most comfortable and fun for one to use in any Robotech RPG TacticsM battle
"Ou and your players. I just encourage you to consider scenario. If the player is allowed to play, or have ready,
<..e oossibilities. The suggestions above and below are more than one mecha, repeat the conversion process
JI.ISt some of the game applications to consider. As for each. However, in most cases only one mecha can be
a'ways, unleash your imaginations and explore the chosen for use in any particular tactical game. Each
possibilities that come from blending these two related mecha conversion uses the full amount of AP available
genres of game play- or not- and have a blast. - Kevin to the character based on the number of experience
Siembieda, Publisher & Game Designer levels. (See above.)
STEP ONE: MECHA PURCHASE The more powerful the mecha, the greater the AP cost.
or Advances are powerful and can only be than once.
=--.rcnased once. Moreover, a character can only ..,. May re-roll all Dodge rolls once, when the initial .
:lurchase one Major Advance for every five levels of result is less than desired. Note: This advance allows
experience. Thus, a 9th level RPG character can only ALL Dodge rolls to be re-rolled rather than just one a
purchase one Major Advance, while a lOth level turn. Remember, no single roll can be re-rolled more
character can purchase two, provided he has the than once. .
Advance Points (AP) to do so. ..,. May re-roll all Parry rolls once, when the initial .
result is less than desired. Note: This advance allows
Minor Advances ... 5 AP each
ALL Parry rolls to be re-rolled. Remember, no single roll
+1 GN (Gunnery). Maximum oftwo purchases.
can be re-rolled more than once.
..,. +1 PIL (Piloting). Maximum of three purchases.
..,. +1 DF (Defense). A one-time purchase.
A converted RPG character is a Special Force Card and
..,. May re-roll one Strike roll per turn.
costs a number of points equal to the number of
. ..,. May re-roll one Dodge roll per turn.
. Advance Points spent. Note: Any Advance Points {AP)
. ..,. May attempt to Dodge for free once per turn .
not spent do not count toward the Special Character's
..,. Gain Focus Fire if the mecha doesn't already have
point cost.
it. A one-time purchase.
..,. Add Accurate to one of the mecha's weapon .
Converted RPG characters in a UEDF army are officer .
systems that doesn't already have it. .
mecha i n relation to the UEDF Faction Card, and benefit .
..,. Add Overwhelming to one of the mecha's weapon .
fromEsprit de Corps. Converted RPG characters in a .
systems that doesn't already have it. .
Zentraedi army may call in Reinforcements, just like a
..,. May attack one additional time in hand to hand
Glaug in relation to the Zentraedi Armada Faction Card,
combat each turn for free.
regardless of which mecha the character is piloting. RPG
..,. Add Split Fire to one of the mecha's weapon
characters converted to Robotech RPG TacticsTM
systems that doesn't already have it.
Special Force Cards should not be used unless all players
..,. May attack with an additional weapon system once
agree to allow them.
per turn for free. Maximum of two purchases.
..,. May boost the SPD of the mecha automatically
These guidelines are just one way to convert role-playing
once per game for free.
game characters to Robotech RPG TacticsTM as Special
Major Advances..,. 35 AP each Characters. There can be other ways to integrate the
Note: All Major Advances can only be purchased once. two games' mechanics, and we encourage players to
freely experiment on their own to create house rules
..,. Leadership 2 (or +2 Leadership), provides 2 tailored to their own style of gaming. Have fun and fight
Command Points. the good fight.
[J IJ EE 8
. . 495140
737373 212121
o a....
.. o -==;. l 0--- -=3J
- ....
.. Note..,. Valkyries in Guardian mode
have a combination of Fighter and
, 0u
.- ___,
_ 1
11 Battloid elements, and those two
modes should show you everything you
need to paint the Guardian mode. Here
is the VF-15 "Skull One," for example.
T A C T I C s-
Note ..,. Armored VF-lA, VF-10, VF-1J and VF-15 mecha should use one of the color schemes shown here for the armor
pieces, with the standard colors for the VF-1A, VF-10, VF-1J or VF-15 underneath, as indicated on the previous pages.
. -
. . .-.
T A C T I C S'
,. 333338
. .-. .
. - .
. --
T A C T I C s-
3C221 E
'-' ='
& 9 9
898161 5BAD31
85C880 3E88A1
58A031 000000
000000 5F7F86
. .u
. '-' .
000000 000000
262626 424E6A
OOA651 OOA651
898E93 999999
000000 000000
006485 OC5F26
262626 262626
OOA651 OOA651
. .
_. -
898E93 999999
006485 OC5F28
000000 002157
7B2EOO 000000
131313 790000
9EOBOE 262626
. .-..-
. -0
82923F 253517
C48548 793528
818387 FFOOOO
FFF568 000000
. .-.,
' - '
364F3A 3A5741
6C87AA 5981A6
010202 9FB5B2
000000 000000
804546 294B9C
51555C 03E5E8
E400A8 E6A447
000000 000000
C3E308 458E4F
A90600 506B7F
E400A6 FAE051
212121 E05324
000000 FFOOOO
. '-' -'
T A C T I C s
Flight 24
Focus Fire 25
14 Hands 25
Hover 25
Jettison 25
Leadership 25
Leap 25
:r:,gs a"'' Structures 23 Ufe is Cheap 25
c & h,en Destroyed 23 Variable Modes 26
Turn Sequence
Terrain: Buildings & Structures 23 Command Phase 13
Turn, The 13 Step 1: Refill Command Pools 13
Weapon Attributes 10 Step 2: Determine Initiative 13
Mega-Damage (MD) 10 Step 3: Pre-Action Effects (Weather, Specials) 13
Range (RG) 10 Pay for Reinforcements 13
Weapon Systems 10 Place Reinforcements 13
Weapon System Special Abilities 27 Action Phase 13
Accurate 27 Step 1: Activation Step 14
Ammo 27 Pass Activation 14
Anti-Missile 27 Steal Activation 14
Blast 27 Step 2: Movement Step 15
Fly Over 28 Boost Movement with Command Points 15
Inescapable 28 Step 3: Combat Step 15
Indirect Fire 28 Ranged Combat 16
Missile 28 Choose Weapon System 16
Overwhelming 29 Choose Targets 16
Rapid Fire 29 Determine Roll to Strike 16
Rear Fire 29 Different modifiers (top of page) 16
Split Fire 29 If firing several weapons 16
Volley 29 Targeting a specific spot on ground 16
Volley X 29 Bonuses 16
Zentraedi Armada 54 Attempt to Dodge 16
Zentraedi Special Characters 66 Roll with Impact 16
Taking Damage (Record Damage) 17
Mecha Stats Hand to Hand Combat 19
Destroid Mecha Stats 47 Step 4: Resolution Step 15
Defender Destroid 47 Units with Afterburner Move 15 & 24
Monster Destroid 49 Combat Tactics 16
Phalanx Destroid 48 Using Ground Cover 17
Spartan Destroid 48 Cover 17
Tomahawk Destroid 47 Cover comes in two different forms 17
Ghost Space Fighter 46 If a target is in cover (Modifiers) 17
Lancer II Aerospace Fighter 46 Also see Terrain 22
UEDF Mecha Paint Guide 95 Close Formation 18
Valkyrie Veritech Fighter 34 Example of Close Formation 18
Armored Valkyrie 38 Back Strike 19
Jotun Armored Valkyrie 43 Crossfire 19
Super Valkyrie 40 Example of Crossfire 19
Valkyrie VEF-1 37 Hand to Hand Combat 19
Valkyrie VF-1A 35 Engaging in Hand to Hand Combat 19
Valkyrie VF-lD 36 1. Choose Attack 19
Valkyrie VF-1J 35 2. Choose Target 20
Valkyrie VF-1R 37 3. Roll to Strike 20
Valkyrie VF-1S 36 4. Roll to Parry 20
YF-4 Prototype Veritech 45 5. Roll with Impact 20
Zentraedi Armada 54 6. Record Damage 20
Zentraedi Mecha Stats 58 Outnumbered in Hand to Hand Combat 20
Glaug, Officer's Battlepod 60 Back Strike 20
Glaug Eldare, Booster 60 Example of Back Strike 20
Gluuhaug-Regult, Light Artillery Battlepod 58 Hand to Hand Attacks 21
Gluu-Ger, Ught Armored Infantry Soldier 63 Body Block 21
Gnerl Fighter, Aerospace 61 Club 21
Nousgarma-Ger, Male Power Armor Variant 64 Grab 21
Nousjadeui-Ger, Male Power Armor 62 Kick 21
Queadluun-Gult, Female Power Armor Variant 65 Jump Kick 21
Queadluun-Rau, Female Power Armor 62 Punch 21
Quei-Gulnau, Recovery Pod 61 Power Punch 21
Quei-Regult, Recon Battlepod 59 Stomp 21
Regult, Tactical Battlepod 58 Leaving the Battlefield (remove mecha) 23
Serauhaug-Regult, Heavy Artillery Battlepod 59 Mecha Special Abilities 24
Serau-Ger, Heavy Armored Infantry Soldier 63 Terrain 22
Telnesta-Regult with Particle Beam Cannons 64 Falling 23
Zentraedl Mecha Paint Guide 105 Weapon System Special Abilities 27
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