Flames of War - 4th Ed Special Rules & Warriors PDF
Flames of War - 4th Ed Special Rules & Warriors PDF
Flames of War - 4th Ed Special Rules & Warriors PDF
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Copyright Battlefront Miniatures Ltd., 2017. ISBN: 9780987668967
This book contains all the updated special rules from the Ears and Disengage are no longer relevant as both these rules
current Flames Of War Intelligence Handbooks available no longer exist.
to create forces from. These books were published for the
previous edition of the rules so not all the rules as printed in WHAT RULES STILL APPLY
the books work with the new rules. While there are a few rules that are no longer used, most
Under the heading of each Intelligence Handbook you will special rules you will find in an Intelligence Handbook
find the modified rules organised under each nation. These will still be used, either in a modified form as found in this
have been organised as they appear in the book, rather than book or the rulebook, or as written as they are found in
alphabetically, so you should find the rules for your force the Intelligence Handbook. A common example of this are
grouped together. groups of Units that are bought together, but are fielded and
Each of these sections also contains updated versions of the operate as separate Units like British Carrier Platoons.
Warrior rules from the same Intelligence Handbook.
Some Teams are no longer are used in Flames Of War. Gun
RULES NO LONGER USED Units, such as Anti-tank gun Platoons and Artillery Batteries,
In each Intelligence Handbooks section you will find a short and Heavy Weapon (Man-packed Gun) Units like Mortar
list of rules that are no longer used. These are no longer used and Machine-gun Platoons, no longer field command
either because of changes to the rules or the ability is availa- Infantry teams, Staff teams, or excess Observer teams. These
ble as part of the main rules. are not deployed on the table. Repeat Bombardments are
For example, Mission Tactics, and any rules that are based on available to all Artillery Units (see page 49 of the rulebook).
it like the Canadian Woodsmen special rule, have no bear- Instead one of the Gun Teams or Heavy Weapon Teams is
ing. All Unit Leaders work much the same as the old Mission nominated to be the Unit Leader.
Tactics rule as you can move your Leader to another team if
Flames Of War also uses less Observer Teams and you have
it is destroyed, effectively giving everybody Mission Tactics.
to pick one of the Observer Teams you have available in your
In another example, changes to how the Missions work force to be your designated Observer Team (see page 8 of
means that Always Attacks and Always Defends related rules the rulebook). All other Observer Teams that appear in your
no longer have any bearing on determining such things. Unit diagrams are not fielded on table.
Another area where special rules are effected is with recon- Because Tank Teams only stop moving if they fail a Cross
naissance related modifiers. Any rule that effects Eyes and test, Recovery Vehicles no longer serve any purpose in the
game. Do not field Recovery Vehicles in your force.
Each of our Intelligence Handbooks have a number of Warriors you can field with your force, whether they are com-
manding a Formation, or a Unit, or just a soldier, you can field them on the table.
You can find all of the Warriors from our Intelligence Handbooks, complete with updated rules, in this book. You can
also download the Warriors in a separte PDF from www.FlamesOfWar.com, or the Flames Of War Digital App (available
on Android and IOS). Each PDF includes their unique stories and rules. Many of the Warriors have their own unique
miniatures that you can find at your local hobby store or from our online store at www.FlamesOfWar.com.
Warriors are outstanding soldiers who perform amazing HIGHER COMMAND
feats. Whether their actions are heroic fights against the odds
Some Warriors were in command of higher level formations
or inspiring leadership in desperate situations, these warriors
like battalions, regiments and even divisions.
can change the outcome of battles by their strength of will
and personal courage. Higher Command Warriors can use the Commanders
Leadership rule (see page 60 of the rulebook) for any Units
Warriors can be any type of team. While some warriors
in your Force.
are infantrymen, others are tank commanders, and some
are even generals travelling in their transport vehicle. Each Warrior Higher Command Teams are always Warrior
Warrior team is unique. There can only be one of each par- Independent Teams.
ticular Warrior in any force.
WARRIOR INDEPENDENT TEAMS Warriors are not supermen and can be wounded or killed
Some Warriors are not part of a Unit and operate as an during a battle like any other soldier.
Independent Team. An personal Transport Team that comes When a Warrior Team is Destroyed the owning player
with the Warrior remains part of the Warrior Independent rolls a die.
Unit. However, unlike normal Independent Teams Warrior On a roll of 3+, the Warrior survives and switches to
Independent Team can Charge into Contact, Counterattack, another Team if there is one available. If there are no
and take Objectives. Teams of the appropriate Type within 6/15cm, the
Warrior is killed.
WARRIORS ALWAYS STAND AND FIGHT Otherwise, the Warrior is killed.
Being heroic, a Warrior Independent Team never has to take
If your Warrior Infantry Team survives, remove another
WHEN SHOT AT friendly Infantry Team from their Formation, or in their
When a Warrior Independent Team is hit, the owning player Force if a Warrior Higher Command Team, within 6/15cm
may select another Unit and use the Mistaken Target rule to and replace it with the Warriors Team.
swap hits between them as if they were the same Unit. If your Warrior Tank Team survives, nominate another
friendly Tank Team from their Formation, or in their Force
WARRIORS IN ASSAULT if a Warrior Higher Command Team, within 6/15cm as the
A Warrior Independent Team can combine with a Unit from new Warrior. The Warrior now uses the characteristics of the
their Formation, or any Unit in their Force if a Warrior Higher new Tank Team.
Command Team, to conduct a joint assault (page 52 of the
rulebook). To do this, the Warrior and the Unit Leader must ONLY ROLL ONCE
be of the same Type (Tank or Infantry) and must start the If a Warrior is Destroyed multiple times by a Units Shooting,
Assault Step within 6/15cm and in Line of Sight of each the Warrior still only needs to roll once to see if they survive.
other. For the duration of the Assault Step, the combined
Unit is treated as a single Unit having the higher of the two
Units Counterattack values, unless otherwise specified by
the Warriors special rules.
Only one Warrior Independent Team may conduct a joint
assault (page 52 of the rulebook) with each Unit Charging
into Contact.
Other Warriors are part of one of your Units, often replac-
ing one of the normal Teams and sometimes becoming the
Unit Leader. These Warriors remain part of the Unit for the
entire game.
Although a Breaching Group is a single Support choice, each
Section operates as a separate Unit. The D7 Bulldozer is an
Independent Tank Team.
Teams from all Sections of a Breaching Group may not
6TH AIRBORNE DIVISION Charge into Contact. However, a D7 Bulldozer may Assault
GAMMON BOMBS Bunkers (see page 76 and 80 of the rulebook).
All SMG, Rifle/MG, and Pioneer Rifle teams in a Parachute BREACHING FORCE
Company HQ, Parachute Platoon, Airlanding Company
Teams from a Breeching Group may not be held in Reserves.
HQ, Airlanding Platoon, or Airborne Assault Platoon carry
Gammon Bombs giving them Tank Assault 3. Anti-tank GUN TANKS FORWARD!
rating of 3, FP 1+, verses Top Armour in Assaults. At the beginning of the game before Deployment, you may
remove any or all AVRE Sections from Breaching Groups,
adding a single Sherman Crab Flail tank to the Groups Flail
Each turn one of the Parachute Platoons Rifle/MG Teams
Section for each AVRE Section removed.
may fire as a Light Mortar Team firing Smoke.
1ST CANADIAN PARACHUTE BATTALION Sherman Crab Tank Teams are fitted with Mine Clearing
ASSAULT TROOPS Devices (see page 78 of the rulebook).
Canadian Parachute Units do not use the British Bulldog AVRE
special rule. Instead, Canadian Units pass Rally Tests on a 2+. See page 82 of the rulebook.
The following British rules from Overlord are no longer
2ND HOUSEHOLD CAVALRY REGIMENT used: Woodsmen, Know the Plan, Assault Force, You are
SANDFROID Not Alone, Dead Men Walking, and Devils Own.
2nd Household Cavalry Regiment Units are Guards. British
Guards Units pass Last Stand Tests on a 3+.
If you have Naval Gunfire Support, your force will field an DUTCH COTA
NGFS Air Observation Post or NGFS Observer Rifle Team. Cota is a Warrior Higher Command Carbine Team rated as
This Observer is an additional Observer to your normal Fearless Veteran.
allocation of one, but it can only Spot for an artillery unit of
Cota may join any Assault Company (page 208 of Overlord)
Confident Trained Naval Guns. Your forces other Observer
for +25 points.
and eligible Spotting Teams cannot Spot for Naval Gunfire
Support. The guns are not deployed on the table, but have GET OFF THIS BEACH
the range to hit any target on the table. Cota starts the game off table. In the Starting Step when you
When firing an Artillery Bombardment with Naval Gunfire would normally roll for Reserves, roll a die for Cota if he is
Support, position the Artillery Template with the sides par- off the table.
allel to the table edges. On a roll of 5+ he is placed adjacent to the Unit Leader
(if present, otherwise any Team in the Unit) of any Unit
RULES NO LONGER USED in an Assault Company anywhere on the table.
The following US rules from Overlord are no longer used: On any other roll, Cota remains off the table.
Master Sergeant, Assault Company, Clear the Skies, Know
The Mission, I Shall Never Fail My Comrades, and Task RANGERS, LEAD THE WAY!
Force. Units with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line of
Sight of Cota pass Motivation Tests on a roll of 3+.
In the Starting Step when you would normally roll for
Reserves, roll a die if Cota is on the table.
FIFTEEN DIVISIONS On a roll of 3+, Cota remains where he is.
Use Fifteen Divisions rule and table as found on On any other roll, Cota has finished what he came to do
page 283 of Overlord. and moves off to another part of the battlefield. Remove
him from the table. Next turn roll for him to return
again using the Get Off this Beach special rule.
FFI Company is a Unit.
Cota always hits on a roll of 2+ in an assault combat.
Teams from an FFI Company Unit are Scouts.
Major Currie is a Warrior Formation Commander
The following French rules from Overlord are no longer
Sherman V Tank Team and is rated as Fearless Veteran.
used: Operation Jedburgh.
Major Currie replaces the Formation Command Sherman
V Tank Team in a Canadian Armoured Recce Squadron
(page 94 of Overlord) for +55points or a Canadian Lorried
Rifle Company (page 104 of Overlord) for +130 points.
Lieutenant-Colonel Pine-Coffin is a Warrior Higher THERE FOR HIS MEN
Command SMG Team rated as Fearless Veteran. Pine-Coffin Canadian Units with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and
can join a British Parachute Company (page 22 of Overlord) Line of Sight of Currie pass Motivation Test on a 3+.
for +50points.
CSM Stan Hollis is a Warrior Unit Leader SMG Team
A Force led by Pine-Coffin may not use the Night Attack
rated Fearless Veteran. CSM Stan Hollis can join an Assault
special rule. Instead, any or all Parachute Platoons (the
Platoon (page 61) or Rifle Platoon (page 144) from the
Combat platoons) and Counterattack Platoon may Deploy
50th (Northumbrian) Division for +55 points, from the
after you and your opponent have Deployed all other Units.
British 3rd or 15th (Scottish) Divisions, or 3rdCanadian
Whether or not they did so, any or all Parachute Platoons
Infantry Division for +45 points, or from a Rifle Platoon
may use the Spearhead rule.
(page144) from the British 51st(Highland) Division for
COUNTERATTACK PLATOON +100points of Overlord.
A Force led by Pine-Coffin may form a Counterattack HANDY WITH A GRENADE
Platoon. At the start of the game before any Combat
Hollis hits on a roll of 2+ in assault combat.
Attachments are made and before any Units are Deployed, a
Force led by Pine-Coffin may take either two or four Heavy FIGHTING SPIRIT
Weapon Teams from any or all Parachute Mortar Platoons Hollis and his Unit pass Motivation tests on a roll of 3+.
and Parachute Machine-gun Platoons, and place them
in a special Counterattack Platoon. Teams placed in the
Counterattack Platoon become SMG Teams equipped with
Gammon Bombs, and are no longer part of their original
Units. Nominate one SMG Team to be the Unit Leader.
Brigadier The Lord Lovat is a Warrior Higher Command Peter Young is a Warrior Higher Command Rifle Team rated
Rifle Team rated as Fearless Veteran. Lovat may join a as Fearless Veteran. Peter Young may join a Commando
Commando (Beaches) (page 44) or Commando (Orne) (Beaches) (page 44) or Commando (Orne) (page 45) of
(page 45) of Overlord and that does not contain Lieutenant- Overlord and that does not contain Brigadier The Lord Lovat
Colonel Peter Young for +25points. for +50 points.
Any Unit within 6/15cm of the Lord Lovat requires one Young uses the US Automatic Rifles special rule (see
extra hit in the Shooting Step and in Defensive Fire to page 69 of the rulebook).
become Pinned Down.
IN THE NICK OF TIME Young and any Commando Unit (marked ) with their
In missions that use the Reserves special rules, the Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line of Sight of Young pass
Commando player may roll one more die in addition to the all Motivation Tests on a roll of 2+.
normal allotment to see if Reserves arrive. This additional die
may only be used for Commando Platoons held in Reserves. CORNFIELDS STOP BULLETS
Young and any Commando Unit (marked ) with their
STAFF SERGEANT LAFAYETTE POOL Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line of Sight of Young
can be Gone to Ground when shooting, as long as they
Pool is a Warrior Independent Tank Team. He is rated as
did not move.
Fearless Veteran.
Pool may join any Medium Tank Platoon or Medium Tank SERGEANT TOM STANLEY
Platoon (76mm) in a Tank Company (page 232 of Overlord)
Stanley is a Warrior Independent OQF 6 pdr (late) Gun
taking over any tank in the Unit, except the Platoon
Team transported by a Loyd Carrier, and is rated as Fearless
Command tank, for +25points.
Veteran. He replaces one OQF6 pdr gun and Loyd Carrier
HARD CHARGER in a Motor Anti-tank Platoon (page 103 of Overlord) or
If Pools Tank Team moved at least 6/15cm towards any Lorried Anti-tank Platoon (page 109 Overlord) from the
enemy Team or objective in its previous Movement Step, 7th Armoured Division (marked ) for +25 points.
and is hit in the enemy Shooting Step, roll a die for each hit MILITARY MEDAL
he is allocated before rolling for Mistaken Target.
Stanley is not a permanent part of the Unit he was bought
On a score of 5+, Pools headlong charge puts the enemy with. He can deploy and operate separately from them.
off their aim and the hit is ignored.
Otherwise the hit is resolved as normal. MACHINIST
Stanley re-rolls failed rolls to hit when Shooting.
Pools tank Shoots using its Stabiliser without incurring the TOM, DICK, N ARRY
normal +1 to hit penalty. Although Stanley is a Warrior Independent Team he can
deploy in Ambush with his Unit if it deploys in Ambush. He
CAPTAIN JOHN TRELEAVEN does not need to be revealed at the same time as the rest of
Treleaven is a Warrior Unit Leader Rifle/MG team. He is the Unit, nor placed in the same location.
rated as Fearless Veteran. Treleaven may join an Assault
Company or Rifle Company replacing the normal Unit LIEUTENANT TURNER TURNBULL
Leader of an Assault Platoon (page 61 of Overlord) or Rifle Turnbull is a Warrior Unit Leader Rifle/MG Team. He can
Platoon (page 144 of Overlord) from the 3rd Canadian replace the Unit Leader in any US Parachute Rifle Platoon
Infantry Division, or British 3rd or 15th (Scottish) Divisions (page 181 of Overlord) for +25 points.
for +25 points, from the 50th(Northumbrian) Division for
+35 points, or a Rifle Platoon (page144 of Overlord) from
the British 51st (Highland) Division for +80points. Rifle/MG Teams in a Unit lead by Turnbull may re-roll any
failed To Hit rolls when conducting Defensive Fire.
Captain Treleaven and his Unit always pass Motivation Tests
on a roll of 3+.
If Captain Treleavens Formation Commander is Destroyed,
and there are no other Teams available to take over in the
Company HQ Unit, Treleaven becomes the Formation
Commander and the player nominates another Team to
be the Unit Leader for his Unit. Treleaven is no longer
part of his Unit and becomes a Formation Commander
Rifle/MG Team.
9., 10., & 12. SS-PANZER DIVISIONS
21. PANZERDIVISION When a 9., 10., and 12. SS-Panzer Division Gepanzerte
48-RAIL LAUNCHER SS-Panzergrenadier Platoon, SS-Panzergrenadier Platoon,
Each S307(f ) R-Vielfachwerfer rocket launcher counts as SS-Panzerpionier Platoon, or SS-Aufklrungs Platoon Unit
two weapons when firing an Artillery Bombardment. If they fails its Motivation Test to Counterattack it can Break
have loading crews, they count as four weapons when firing Off as normal, or continue the Assault. However, if they
an Artillery Bombardment instead. continue the Assault and fail a further Motivation Test
to Counterattack in this Assault, the Unit is immediately
FIELD FORTIFICATIONS destroyed as if they had failed a Last Stand Test.
The fortifications of Field Fortifications are Area Defences
(see page 83 of the rulebook). RULES NO LONGER USED
The following German rules from Atlantik Wall are no
longer used: No Fear Of Tanks.
Panzer IV H in Tank Pits are Turret Bunkers and follow the
Bunkers rules on page 76 of the rulebook.
The Knigtiger Tank of the Radio-control Tank Platoon Oberscharfhrer Barkmann is a Warrior Unit Leader
is so unreliable that it must take a Skill Test every time it PantherA Tank Team rated as Fearless Veteran.
attempts to move.
Barkmann replaces the Unit Leader tank of an SS-Panther
If it passes the Skill Test, it can move as normal. Platoon for +60 points in an SS-Panzerkompanie
If it fails the Skill Test, its transmission fails. The (page 184 of Atlantik Wall).
Knigstiger Tank becomes Reluctant and cannot move
Alternatively, he may join a Gepanzerte SS-Panzergrenadier-
for the remainder of the game.
kompanie (page 188 of Atlantik Wall),
A Radio-control Tank Platoon equipped with a Knigtiger SS-Panzergrenadierkompanie (page 196 of Atlantik
Tank does not have a Tiger Ace skill and is not equipped Wall), or SS-Panzerpionierkompanie (page 200 of Atlantik
with a Borgward BIV demolition carrier. Wall) for +275points in place of an SS-Panther Platoon
1., 2., 9., 10., & 12. SS-PANZER DIVISIONS
Barkmann always re-rolls failed To Hit rolls with his Panthers
A Unit with Panzer Ace reduces the number needed to pass 7.5cm KwK42 gun.
Last Stand by -1. A Tank Team with Panzer Ace reduces the
number needed to pass Remount by -1. This is in addition STALKER
to any modifier for Protected Ammo. If Barkmann is shot at he is counted as Gone to Ground if
he is Concealed and did not move in his own turn, even if he
1. & 2. SS-PANZER DIVISIONS did shoot in his turn.
At the end of an Assault Step in which a 1. SS-Panzerdivision
or 2. SS-Panzerdivision SS-Panzergrenadier Platoon,
SS-Panzerpionier Platoon, or SS- Aufklrungs Platoon Unit
becomes Pinned Down, roll a Rally for it. If it succeeds it
is no longer Pinned Down. Otherwise, the Unit remains
Pinned Down.
When Barkmanns Unit is deployed, place a Workshop in Hauptmann Karl-Heinz Noak is a Warrior Higher Command
your deployment area. The Workshop must be in German Panther A Tank Team. Hauptmann Noak is rated Confident
hands for Barkmanns Panther tank to be repaired. If the Veteran. He may join any Schwere Panzerjgerkompanie
enemy take the Workshop (in the same manner they would (page136 of Atlantik Wall) for +250 points.
take an Objective, see page 94 of the rulebook), they capture
it and the Workshop is removed from the game. KNIGHTS CROSS WITH OAK LEAVES
If Barkmann is Destroyed while mounted in a Panther Tank Hauptmann Karl-Heinz Noaks Panther A Tank Team does
Team, place his Panther tank adjacent to the Workshop (see not suffer any penalty to its ROF for shooting on the move.
above) instead of leaving it where it was destroyed. Noaks Panther A Tank Team still cannot shoot when moving
Dash speed.
His Unit may appoint a new Unit Leader as usual when they
lose Barkmann as their Unit Leader and continue to operate All Tank Teams in a Unit within 6/15cm of Noak re-roll
without him. failed Skill Tests.
In each Starting Step when you would roll for Reserves OBERSTURMFHRER MICHAEL
to arrive, if there are no enemy Teams within 4/10cm of
Barkmanns Panther Tank Team or the Workshop, roll a die. WITTMANN
On a roll of 5+, his tank is repaired and is ready for battle. Obersturmfhrer Michael Wittmann is a Warrior Formation
It is no longer Destroyed. Remove the Workshop when Commander Tiger I E Tank Team rated as Fearless Veteran.
Barkmanns tank is repaired. Barkmanns repaired Panther Wittmann can join any Schwere SS-Panzerkompanie
A Tank Team is no longer part of his SSPanther Platoon (page 172 of Atlantik Wall) and replaces the Formation
and counts a separate Unit for the rest of the game. Commander Tiger I E Tank Team for +100points. As
Otherwise, the repairs are still progressing. Wittmann is a Warrior, he does not use Tiger Ace rules,
instead he uses the rules below.
If the Workshop has been removed or captured, and
Barkmann is Destroyed, leave his model on the Table as a HERO OF THE FATHERLAND
Destroyed Tank Team (see page 40 of the rulebook). If Wittmann is Destroyed during a game the morale of
As a Warrior Barkmann will normally attempt to take over the entire German people takes a heavy blow, despite any
another Tank Team if he survives when his tank is Destroyed. other gains, and the German player loses one Victory Point
You may choose not to do this and have him Destroyed in and their opponent gains one Victory Point at the end of
his own tank to take advantage of the Barkmanns Workshop the battle.
rule if you prefer.
MAJOR HANS VON LUCK Wittmann may be deployed using the Ambush special rule
on page 95 of the rulebook in addition to any other Units
Major Hans von Luck is a Warrior Higher Command
that would normally be deployed in Ambush. Wittmann
SMG team with a Kbelwagen for transport. He is rated
may deploy in Ambush even in Missions that do not nor-
as Confident Veteran. Von Luck may join a 21. Gepanzerte
mally use the Ambush special rule.
Panzergrenadierkompanie (page 56 of Atlantik Wall) or
21.Panzergrenadierkompanie (page 62 of Atlantik Wall) for FOR THE COMMANDER!
+50points. Units with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line of
Von Luck may be mounted in a Panzer IV H tank instead Sight of Wittmann pass Motivation Tests on a 2+.
of being an SMG Team for an additional +65 points. If he
is mounted in a tank, you may not field one of your Panzer
Platoons with more than four Panzer IV H tanks since he Any Team that assaults Wittmann must re-roll the successful
has the fifth one. Skill Test to hit for any hit allocated to his Tank Team in an
assault combat. If they pass this test they get past the tracks
RECONNAISSANCE EXPERT and the tank must make an Armour Save as normal. If the
Unless he is mounted in a Panzer IV H tank, von Luck may re-roll failed, then the assaulting troops have not hit the tank
use the Scout rule. and the hit is ignored for all purposes.
Major von Luck, and any Unit with 6/15cm, may re-roll Wittmanns Tiger I E Tank Team may re-roll any failed roll
failed Skill Tests to make a Blitz movement order. To Hit when it shoots.
Major von Luck always starts the game off table in Reserves. The 8.8cm tank gun of Wittmanns Tiger I E Tank Team has
The German player may re-roll one die each turn when roll- ROF 3 when halted and ROF 2 when moving.
ing for Reserves. When the first Unit arrives from Reserves,
von Luck arrives with that Unit.
If there are no Reserves in the mission, von Luck is still in
Reserves and rolls to arrive as per the Reserves rule with the
exception of re-rolling as above. He arrives anywhere on a
table edge in the German Deployment Area.
See page 6.
If the Unit passes, the whole Unit may Charge into Contact 91ST CAVALRY RECONNAISSANCE
and continue the Assault as normal. The Medal of Honor SQUADRON
team has finished its heroics and reverts to a normal team for
the rest of the assault. MOUNTAIN TRAINING
Otherwise, the Medal of Honor Team Breaks Off, returning All Infantry and Heavy Weapon (Man-packed Gun) Teams
to the platoon and reverting to a normal team. from a Dismounted Cavalry Troop HQ, Dismounted
Cavalry Platoons, and Pioneer & Demolition Platoons are
NISEI Mountaineers.
Sergeant Tommy Prince is a Warrior Sniper Team. He is
FRENCH EXPEDITIONARY CORPS rated Fearless Veteran. A First Special Service Force on
page 160 of Road to Rome may replace a Sniper team with
ASSAULT TROOPS Sergeant Tommy Prince for +15 points.
French Units pass Rally Tests on a 3+.
IT IS A MATTER OF HONOUR If Tommy Prince is Destroyed, he is only Destroyed using the
Tirailleurs Platoons, Tirailleurs Ammunition & Pioneer Driven Off rule on a roll of 5+ (instead of 4+). Otherwise,
Platoons, Tirailleurs Intelligence & Recon Platoons, Tommy Prince slips away and can be placed back on the
and Sapper Platoons reduce the score required to pass a table again from the start of your next turn as an Ambush.
Motivation Test to Counterattack by -1.
MOUNTAIN INFANTRY Sergeant Tommy Prince can also act as a Spotting team for
French Infantry and Heavy Weapon (Man-packed Gun) the 463rd Parachute Field Artillery Battery (page 162 of Road
Teams are Mountaineers. to Rome). If he is used as a Spotting team he may not Shoot
in the same turn.
Gun Teams carried by Pack Mules Transport Teams are SEPOY KAMAL RAM
Mountaineers, see page 68 of the rulebook. Pack Mule
Sepoy Kamal Ram is a Warrior Rifle/MG Team and rated
Transport Teams carry Gun Teams as Passengers and the
Fearless Veteran. Sepoy Kamal Ram may join an Indian Rifle
Gun Team is removed from the table while it is carried by
Platoon of a Indian Rifle Company on page 40 of Road to
the Pack Mule Transport Team.
Rome for +75 points.
ASSAULT TROOPS Rams Rifle Platoon is not deployed until after your oppo-
Goum Units pass Rally Tests on a 2+. nent has deployed their last Unit, even if the rest of your
force deployed first.
Goum Infantry and Heavy Weapon (Man-packed Gun)
Teams are Scouts. Kamal Ram and his Rifle Platoon use the Scout rules (see
page 68 of the rulebook).
Goum Infantry Teams hit on a roll of 3+ in Assaults. PRIVATE ERNEST SMOKEY SMITH
Private Ernest Smokey Smith is a Warrior SMG team. He
is rated as Fearless Veteran. Private Ernest Smokey Smith
Goum Infantry and Heavy Weapon (Man-packed Gun) may join a Canadian Commonwealth Rifle Company on
Teams are Mountaineers. page46 of Road to Rome for +25 points.
Seaforth Highlanders Sergeant
Tank-hunter Platoon Sergeant
SMG Team SMG Team
HQ Section with:
HQ Section
2 Tank-hunter Squads 150 points
Corporal Corporal
Seaforth Highlanders Tank-hunter Platoon SMG
Teams are rated as Tank Assault 3.
Smokey Smith PIAT Team PIAT Team PIAT Team
Warrior Team
Motivation and Skill Tank-hunter Squad Tank-hunter Squad
Seaforth Highlanders Tank-hunter Platoon is rated
Seaforth Highlanders Tank-hunter Platoon
Fearless Veteran.
ELITE TROOPS In Missions that have Reserves of any type (Immediate
Hermann Gring or HG Units pass Last Stand Tests on a 3+. Reserves, Delayed Reserves, Deep Reserves, Scattered
STACHELDRAHT Reserves, etc), the Reserve Panther Platoon must be held in
Reserves and is always the last Unit to arrive from Reserves.
If the defender in a mission that has Minefields, you may
place two Barbed Wire Entanglements in No Mans Land
or your Deployment Area for each of your Panzer III M
Tanks fitted with Concertina Wire that begins the game The following German rules from Fortress Italy are no longer
on the table. Place these Obstacles when you place other used: Infantry Defence, and No Fear of Tanks.
Combat and Weapons Platoons from a
1. Fallschirmjgerdivision (marked ) Formation, includ- An Italian RSI Unit may attempt a second Movement Order
ing when taken in support of other Formations, pass Unit after succeeding in its first Movement Order. The second
Last Stand tests on 2+. Movement Order must be different from the first.
5. GEBIRGSDIVISION Gun Teams carried by Pack Mules Transport Teams are
MOUNTAINEERS Mountaineers, see page 68 of the rulebook. Pack Mule
Gebirgsjger Infantry Teams and Heavy Weapon Infantry Transport Teams carry Gun Teams as Passengers and the
Teams (Man-packed Gun teams) are all Mountaineers, see Gun Team is removed from the table while it is carried by
page 68 of the rulebook. the Pack Mule Transport Team.
An Unknown Hero and any Unit led by him always pass OVERHEAD CAMOUFLAGE
Motivation Tests on a roll of 2+. If the Unknown Hero is The following Units in a Grenadierkompanie (page 54 of
Destroyed while leading a Unit, the Unit will continue to Fortress Italy) with Unit Leaders within 6/15cm of Gosewisch
take Motivation tests as if led by the Unknown Hero. may re-roll failed Skill Tests to Dig In and if successful also
receive Overhead Camouflage.
RSI PARACADUTISTI Motorised Artillery Batteries (page 138 of Fortress Italy)
AVANTI Motorised Heavy Artillery Batteries (page 138 of
Italian Paracadutisti Units pass Motivation Tests for Follow Fortress Italy)
Me Movement Orders on a 2+. Rocket Launcher Batteries (page 145 of Fortress Italy)
HG Heavy Anti-aircraft Gun Platoons (page 48 of
The following Italian rules from Fortress Italy are no longer Grenadier Light Anti-aircraft Gun Platoons (page 58 of
used: Mission Tactics. Fortress Italy)
Teams with Overhead Camouflage are Concealed. In addi-
tion they are also Concealed to Aircraft.
FROSTS PERIMETER FORCE British Guards Units pass Last Stand Tests on a 3+.
All Infantry Teams in a Parachute Company HQ, Parachute See page 72 of the rulebook.
Platoons, Airlanding Company HQ, and Airlanding Platoon
carry Gammon Bombs giving them Tank Assault 3. Anti- 2ND HOUSEHOLD CAVALRY
tank rating of 3, FP 1+, verses Top Armour in Assaults.
SECTION MORTARS British Guards Units pass Last Stand Tests on a 3+.
Each turn one of the Parachute Platoons Rifle/MG Teams
may fire as a Light Mortar Team firing Smoke. SCOTS
All 52nd (Lowland) Division Infantry and Heavy Weapon
STAY WITH YOUR LOAD (Man-packed Gun) Teams are Mountaineers.
At the start of the game, before deployment, you may select
up to one Glider Pilot Platoon to Stay with their Loads. This BAGPIPES
Unit may Combat Attach (see page 7 of the rulebook) one See page 72 of the rulebook.
Team to any or all of the following Units:
Airlanding Mortar Platoons COMMANDO
Airlanding Machine-gun Platoons NO BRITISH BULLDOG
Airlanding Anti-Tank Platoons Commando Units do not use the British Bulldog rule.
Airlanding Anti-tank Platoons, Royal Artillery FAIRBAIRN-SYKES
Airlanding Light Battery, Royal Artillery Commando Infantry Teams hit on a roll of 2+ in Assaults.
All Teams in a Glider Pilot Platoon are equipped with Body Commando Infantry and Heavy Weapon (Man-packed
Armour. When a Team with Body Armour is hit by an Gun) Teams are Mountaineers.
Artillery Bombardment and fails its Infantry Save, immedi-
ately roll a die. On a 6, the Teams Body Armour has saved LONG-RANGE ARTILLERY SUPPORT
it from harm and it is not destroyed. Otherwise, the Team is Unlike normal, a Commando force does not need to first
Destroyed as normal. include a Field Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery in order to
field a Medium Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery.
All SMG Teams in a Glider Pilot Squadron carry Gammon DIVISIONAL AND CORPS SUPPORT
Bombs giving them Tank Assault 3. Anti-tank rating of 3,
FP 1+, verses Top Armour in Assaults.
See page 6.
At the start of the game, before deployment, you may make
any of the following changes to each Glider Pilot Platoon: At the start of the game, place a Full Salvo marker with a
Unit equipped with Mattress rocket launchers. Remove this
Replace up to one SMG Team with a Light Mortar Team.
marker after firing an Artillery Bombardment.
Replace up to one SMG team with a PIAT Team.
If a Unit equipped with Mattress rocket launchers does
Replace up to one SMG Team per Glider Pilot Section
not have a Full Salvo marker when it fires an Artillery
with an MGTeam.
Bombardment, roll a Skill Test for each Rocket Launcher
Replace any or all remaining SMG Teams with able to fire in the Bombardment. Only those that pass the
Rifle/MG Teams. Skill Test can fire as part of the Bombardment.
In addition, all Teams (except for PIAT Teams) in a Glider Place a Full Salvo marker on a Unit equipped with Mattress
Pilot Platoon carry Gammon Bombs giving them Tank rocket launchers at the end of any Shooting Step in which
Assault 3. every Rocket Launcher in the Unit was able to fire an
Artillery Bombardment, but none did so.
Each Land Mattress rocket launcher Team counts as four
weapons when firing an Artillery Bombardment.
CROCODILE TANK PLATOON AND FUEL TRAILER Major Julian Cook is a Warrior Higher Command Rifle
See page 6. Team and is rated Fearless Veteran. Major Cook may join
a US Parachute Rifle Company (page 66 of Market Garden)
BREACHING GROUP from the 82nd Airborne Division for +50 points.
See page 5.
AVRE A Force commanded by Cook may elect use the Spearhead
See page 82 of the rulebook. rule (see page 68 in the rulebook) with any or all of their
Parachute Rifle and Airborne Engineer Platoons.
ASSAULT TROOPS Infantry and Heavy Weapon Teams in a Force commanded
Canadian Units do not use the British Bulldog special rule. by Cook pass a Cross Check on a 3+ (instead of a 4+) to cross
Instead, Canadian Units pass Rally Tests and Remount Deep River terrain.
Tests on a 3+.
RECONNAISSANCE MEN A Force commanded by Cook may ignore the effects of
Canadian Armoured Recce Squadron HQ and Canadian a Smoke Screen under a Template when Ranging In an
Armoured Recce Platoons are Scout Units. Artillery Bombardment.
A PIAT Battery uses the Rocket Launcher rule on page 50 of Cook, and any Units with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm
the rulebook. and Line of Sight of Cook, always pass Motivation Tests on
a roll of 2+.
An Assault Bridge deployed by a Staghound I armoured car MAJOR DAVID V CURRIE, VC
cannot be crossed by fully-tracked vehicles. Major Currie is a Warrior Formation Commander
Sherman V Tank Team and is rated as Fearless Veteran.
RULES NO LONGER USED Major Currie replaces the Formation Command Sherman
The following British rules from Market Garden are no V Tank Team in a Canadian Armoured Recce Squadron
longer used: Fate of the Nation, Perimeter Force, Mission (page 152 of Market Garden) for +35points.
Tactics, Turkey Shoot Patrol, Medium Artillery Support,
Platoon, Debus!, Sangfroid, Devils Own, Know the Plan, THERE FOR HIS MEN
Assault Force, You are Not Alone and Woodsman. Canadian Units with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and
Line of Sight of Currie pass Motivation Tests on a 3+.
A Formation led by Frost may form a Perimeter Platoon. At FOWNES LUTTRELL, MC
the start of the game before any Combat Attachments are Captain Luttrell is a Warrior Unit Leader CromwellVICS
made and Units are Deployed, a Formation led by Frost may Tank Team. Luttrell and his Unit is rated as Confident
take up to half of the Teams from any Combat or Weapons Trained. Luttrell is the Unit Leader of Luttrells Close
platoons in the Formation and place them in a special Support Platoon.
Perimeter Platoon. Nominate one Team as the Unit Leader
Luttrell may join an Armoured Recce Squadron (page 112 of
for this Unit.
Market Garden) of the 15th/19th Hussars (marked ). An
You must leave at least two or three Teams in each of the
Armoured Recce Squadron including Luttrel may not pur-
Combat or Weapons platoons you take Teams from. Teams
chase Cromwell VI CS Tank Teams in the Armoured Recce
placed in the Perimeter Platoon are no longer part of their
Squadron HQ.
original Units.
The Perimeter Platoon may include any HQ Support REGIMENTAL GUNNERY OFFICER
Weapons (including Infantry Teams). Any remaining HQ An Artillery Bombardment that includes Luttrell may re-roll
Support Weapons can be Combat Attached out as normal. its first attempt to Range In.
Luttrell and any Team within 6/15cm may re-roll failed
Brigadier General James Gavin is a Warrior Higher Command
Cross Checks.
Rifle Team and is rated Fearless Veteran. Brigadier General
James Gavin may join a US Parachute Rifle Company
(page 66 of Market Garden) or a Glider Rifle Company
(page 78 of Market Garden) from the 82nd Airborne Division SOSABOWSKI
for +40 points. Major General Stanislaw Sosabowski is a Warrior Higher
Command Rifle Team rated Fearless Veteran. Major General
ISOLATE THE BATTLEFIELD Stanislaw Sosabowski may join a Polish Parachute Company
Immediately after your opponent has rolled all of their dice (page 33 of Market Garden) for +45 points.
for Reserves, you may roll one die for each Combat and
Weapons Platoon from your Force currently held in Reserve. TIMELY REINFORCEMENTS
For each result of 5+, your opponent must ignore a suc- Once per turn, a force led by Sosabowski may re-roll one die
cessful die result to receive Reserves this turn. rolled to receive Reserves.
On any other roll, your opponents Reserves arrive WHAT ABOUT THE GERMANS?
as normal. At the start of the game after you and your opponents
COUNT ON IT Units are Deployed, a Force commanded by Sosabowski
Each time Gavin, or Teams from a Parachute Rifle Platoon may redeploy one of its Units anywhere within its normal
with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line of Sight of Deployment Area.
Gavin, has moved at Dash speed, roll a die: The Unit is treated as if it had been deployed in its new
On a 3+, Gavin and any Teams in the Unit that moved at position originally and still benefits from being in Foxholes.
Dash speed may move an extra 4/10cm,
Otherwise, Gavin and the Teams just move their Dash
speed as normal.
Luttrells Command Cromwell VI CS with: Luttrels Command Cromwell VI CS
Cromwell VI CS
5 Cromwell VI CS 310 points
3 Cromwell VI CS 210 points
1 Cromwell VI CS 110 points Cromwell VI CS Cromwell VI CS
Cromwell VI CS Cromwell VI CS
CS Battery
Major General Maxwell Taylor is a Warrior Higher Command Lieutenant Colonel JOE Vandeleur is a Warrior Humber
Rifle Team and is rated Fearless Veteran. Major General Scout Car Tank Team. Vandeleur is a Higher Command
Maxwell Taylor may join a US Parachute Rifle Company team and is rated Confident Veteran.
(page 67 of Market Garden) or a Glider Rifle Company Vandeleur may join an Armoured Squadron
(page 78 of Market Garden) from the 101stAirborne Division (page 102 of Market Garden) or a Lorried Rifle Company
for +60 points. (page 122 of Market Garden) from the Guards Armoured
Division (marked ).
A Force commanded by Taylor may use the Spearhead rule PRESS ON REGARDLESS!
(see page 68 in the rulebook) with any or all Parachute Rifle If Vandeleur has not moved at Dash speed and is not Bailed
(page 68 of Market Garden) or Glider Rifle (page 79 of Out, he can attempt to push his Units forward using Press
Market Garden) Platoons. On Regardless.
BRING UP THE GUNS! Guards Combat, Weapons, and Brigade Support Platoons
An Airborne Anti-tank Platoon (page 71 of Market Garden) with their Unit Leader within 8/20cm of Vandeleur and are
or a Glider Anti-tank Platoon (page 81 of Market Garden) not Pinned Down may attempt to move again at the end of
with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line of Sight of the Movement Step after all other movement. Roll a die for
Taylor may make a Blitz move. each platoon attempting to move again:
If the result is 5+, the Unit may move up to another
Major General Roy Urquhart is a Warrior Higher Command Otherwise, the Unit remains where it is.
Pistol Team rated Fearless Veteran. Major General The Units may still Shoot and Assault as normal after making
Roy Urquhart may join a British Parachute Company this extra move.
(page 32), an Airlanding Company (page 38), an Airborne Units cannot make this extra move if any of their Teams have
Reconnaissance Squadron (page 48), a Glider Pilot Squadron moved at Dash speed or performed a Movement Order.
(page 44), or a Airborne Field Company, Royal Engineers
Bailed Out vehicles cannot make this extra move.
(page 52) of Market Garden for +25 points.
A force including Vandeleur does not use the Semi-indirect
Urquhart may re-roll failed To Hit rolls with his pistol and
Fire special rule. Instead, Sherman V and Firefly VC Tank
does not suffer the normal +1 To Hit penalty when Moving
Teams that moved in their Movement Step may re-roll failed
with ROF1.
rolls To Hit when shooting their main guns at Teams up to
Team Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower 16/40cm away. Guns Left! does not apply when conducting
Pistol team 4/10cm 1 1 6 Defensive Fire.
Infantry and Heavy Weapon Teams in Units with their Unit A Forward Air Controller team is a Independent White
Leader within 6/15cm and Line of Sight of Urquhart may Scout Car Tank Team rated as Confident Veteran.
move 16/40cm instead of the normal 12/30cm when While the Forward Air Controller Team is within 8/20cm
moving at Cross-country or Road Dash speed. of Vandeleur or a Formation Commander Team, all air
ESTABLISH THE PERIMETER! attacks against targets within Line of Sight of the Forward
Air Controller are under its control.
Units with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line of
Sight of Major General Urquhart may re-roll failed Skill Aircraft under the control of a Forward Air Controller team
Tests to Dig In. may re-roll the first failed attempt when rolling to Range In
an air attack.
Lieutenant Colonel RAF Forward
Add an RAF Forward Air Controller team for JOE Vandeleur Air Controller Team
+10points. Joe Vandeleur Forward air
JOE Vandeleur
6. FALLSCHIRMJAGERREGIMENT & Once each turn, you may re-roll one die rolled to receive
KAMPFGRUPPE WALTHER Reserves for your force. In a mission with the Scattered
Reserves rule, once per turn you may also re-roll one die
KERUTTS PANZERFAUST TRAPS rolled to determine where a platoon will arrive from
Add up to four Panzerfaust Trap Teams to your Veteran Scattered Reserves.
Fallschirmjgerkompanie or Ersatz Fallschirmjgerkompanie
for +25 points per Team. KAMPFGRUPPE VON TETTAU
Infantry Team, Range 4/10cm, ROF 1, Anti-tank 12,
Firepower 5+, and Tank Assault 6. A Panzerfaust Trap
Team cannot shoot in the Shooting Step if it moved in the Grenadier Platoons operate as separate Units.
PANZERFAUST AMBUSH Rifle Teams from SS-Unteroffizier Schule Arheim are Tank
Panzerfaust Trap Teams are never deployed at the start of Assault 4. Anti-tank rating of 4, FP 1+, verses Top Armour
the game. Instead, at the start of any Movement Step, the in Assaults.
owning player may place any of their Panzerfaust Trap Teams TETTAUS LEGION
in any terrain feature in their own Deployment Area or No A Sicherheits Company is a Unit.
Mans Land such that the Panzerfaust Trap Team is not
within 2/5cm an any enemy teams. SECURITY TROOPS
If there are any friendly teams within 4/10cm, Panzerfaust Security Platoons may never be placed in Reserves.
Trap Teams may not fire or Launch an Assault and must
immediately Break Off when assaulted. RULES NO LONGER USED
The following German rules from Bridge by Bridge are no
WELL HIDDEN longer used: Always Defends and Flame-tank Platoon rule.
Panzerfaust Trap Teams are in Foxholes when placed on
the table.
Each Panzerfaust Trap Team is a Unit of one Team. However, SS-HAUPTSTURMFHRER KARL-
they are Always in Good Spirits for the Unit Last Stand. HEINZ EULING
Panzerfaust Trap Teams dont count for Formation Last SS-Hauptsturmfhrer Karl Heinz Euling is a Warrior Higher
Stand or Mission Victory Points. Command SMG Team rated as Fearless Veteran. Euling is
transported in an Sd Kfz 251/1 half-track. Euling may join
107. PANZERBRIGADE SS-Sperrverband Euling (page 58 of Bridge by Bridge) for
+50 points.
This rule no longer applies. DIG IN THE ASSAULT GUNS
Before deployment, you may chose to place all JagdpanzerIV
KAMPFGRUPPE HUMMEL tank-hunters from an SS-Tank-hunter Platoon (see
page 136 of Bridge by Bridge) in Assault Gun Pits. They
become Turret Bunkers, but can only target Teams fully in
Kampfgruppe Hummel Tiger I E Tank Teams do not front of the it when Shooting. The SS-Tank-hunter Platoon
benefit from Tiger Ace or Wide Tracks. However, they are becomes a Fortified Platoon.
A JagdpanzerIV Turret Bunker may still fire its hull-mount-
ed machine-guns, even if their main gun has also fired.
A JagdpanzerIV Turret Bunker is Concealed, so it can bene-
fit from Going to Ground.
SS-Hauptsturmfhrer Viktor Graebner is a Warrior SS-Sturmbannfhrer Hans-Georg Sonnenstuhl is a Warrior
Formation Commander Tank Team. Graebner can be either Rifle Team and becomes the Unit Leader of either a
a Captured Humber Scout Car for +40 points or a Captured Motorised SS-Artillery Battery (page 139) or a Motorised
Humber IV Armoured Car for +55 points. He replaces the Heavy SS-Artillery Battery (page 139) for +75 points. He
Formation Commander Team of SS-Kampfgruppe Graebner may join Sperrverband Harzer (page 68), Kampfgruppe
(see page 86 of Bridge by Bridge) and is rated Fearless Veteran. Swoboda (page 70), SS-Kampfgruppe Brinkmann (page 80),
Kampfgruppe Knaust (page 94), Kampfgruppe Hummel
GRAEBNERS GAMBLE (page 100), or a Schwere Panzerkompanie (page 124) of
Combat Platoons in SS-Kampfgruppe Graebner use the Bridge by Bridge. He is rated Fearless Veteran.
Spearhead rule (see page 68 of the rulebook).
KNIGHTS CROSS Sonnenstuhls Artillery Unit places two Pre-planned Artillery
Graebner and any Unit that he has Joined for an Assault Ranged In markers instead of one (see page 49 of the
hit on 2+. rulebook). After deployment, but before the game begins,
SCHNELL! remove one of these Ranged In markers.
When Graebner and any Combat or Weapons platoon SPERRFEURLINIE
Unit he is within 6/15cm of and in Line of Sight makes Any Artillery Bombardment fired by Sonnenstuhls Artillery
a Blitz move, it may move up to 6/15cm instead of the Battery, may use the US Time on Target special rule on
normal 4/10cm. page 69 of the rulebook.
Oberstleutnant Friedrich Freiherr von der Heydte may join a Veteran Fallschirmjgerkompanie (page 24 of Bridge by
Bridge) or an Ersatz Fallschirmjgerkompanie (page 25 of Bridge by Bridge) for +70 points. Oberstleutnant Freiherr
von der Heydte is a Warrior Higher Command SMG Team rated as Fearless Veteran.
Oberstleutnant Oberstleutnant
Friedrich Freiherr von der Heydte 70 points Oberstleutnant Oberjger
Oberstleutnant Friedrich Panzerfaust Panzerfaust
Add up to four Panzerfaust Trap teams for +25points Freiherr von der Heydte trap team trap team
per team.
Friedrich Freiherr
Von Der Heydte
Panzerfaust Panzerfaust
trap team trap team
Trap teams
761ST TANK BATTALION Instead of placing a Minefield or three Barbed Wire
SUPERIOR FIRE CONTROL Entanglements for a Pioneer Supply Truck (see page 80 of the
rulebook), you may place three Booby Traps (see page 79 of
761st Sherman Assault Gun Platoons decrease the number
the rulebook).
needed to Range In on the First Attempt by -1.
Fearless Trained 761st Tank Battalion HQ, Combat, and NEVER OUT OF TOUCH
Weapons Platoons pass all Skill Tests on a 3+.
Once per turn, you may re-roll one die rolled to receive
Reserves. In a mission with Scattered Reserves, once per turn
99TH INFANTRY BATTALION you may also re-roll one die rolled to determine where a Unit
99th Infantry Division Infantry and Heavy Weapon (Man-
packed Gun) Teams are Mountaineers. In addition they add 101ST AIRBORNE DIVISION
+2/5cm to their Terrain Dash movement. GAMMON BOMBS
SCROUNGE A RIDE All Rifle, Rifle/MG, and SMG Teams in a Parachute Rifle
When building your 99th Infantry Battalion Rifle Company Platoon carry Gammon Bombs giving them Tank Assault 3.
Formation, you must add two Jeep Transport Teams to your Anti-tank rating of 3, FP 1+, verses Top Armour in Assaults.
Rifle Company HQ for +5 points, and two GMC 2-ton or
captured German 3-ton trucks Transport Teams to each of 2ND RANGER BATTALION
your Rifle Platoon Units for +5 points per platoon. GET TOUGH
Ranger Infantry Teams Hit on a roll of 2+ in an Assault.
Ranger Infantry and Heavy Weapon (Man-packed Gun)
2nd Infantry Division Infantry and Heavy Weapon
Teams are Mountaineers.
(Man-packed Gun) Teams add +2/5cm to their Terrain
Add +2/5cm to Ranger Infantry and Heavy Weapon (Man-
CALLIOPE ROCKET LAUNCHERS packed Gun) Teams Terrain Dash movement.
Each T34 Calliope counts as four weapons when firing an US SUPPORT
Artillery Bombardment.
Close Air Support arrives on a roll of 3+, instead of 4+.
At the start of the game, place a Full Salvo marker with a
Unit equipped with Sixty Rockets rocket launchers. Remove RULES NO LONGER USED
this marker after firing an Artillery Bombardment.
The following US rules from The Battle of the Bulge are no
If a Unit equipped with Sixty Rockets rocket launchers longer used: Jumbos Lead the Way, I see em. Well fight
does not have a Full Salvo marker when it fires an Artillery em., Thunder From Heaven, At All Cost, Delaying Action,
Bombardment, roll a Skill Test for each Rocket Launcher Eightballs, Oddballs, and Screwballs, Master Sergeant,
able to fire in the Bombardment. Only those that pass the Know The Mission, and I Shall Never Fail My Comrades.
Skill Test can fire as part of the Bombardment.
Place a Full Salvo marker on a Unit equipped with Sixty
Rockets rocket launchers at the end of any Shooting Step in
which every Rocket Launcher in the Unit was able to fire an
Artillery Bombardment, but none did so.
You may field Abrams in the Tank Company on page 28 or
the Armored Rifle Company on page 32, of The Battle of
the Bulge.
A Force led by Abrams may use the Spearhead rule (see
Commando Infantry Teams hit on a roll of 2+ in Assaults.
page68 of the rulebook) with up to two of your Units.
Commando Infantry and Heavy Weapon (Man-packed
A Unit with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line
Gun) Teams are Mountaineers.
of Sight of Abrams may re-roll failed Skill Tests to make a
Blitz move.
See page 72 of the rulebook. First Sergeant Carwood Lipton replaces a Carbine Team
of a Parachute Rifle Company HQ (page 114 of The Battle
51ST HIGHLAND DIVISION of the Bulge), other than the Formation Commander, for
+25points. He is a Warrior Independent SMG Team with
Gammon Bombs rated Fearless Veteran.
See page 72 of the rulebook.
BREACHING GROUP Combat and Weapons Platoons of a Parachute Rifle
See page 5. Company with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line
of Sight of Lipton may re-roll failed Unit Last Stand.
You may field 2nd Lieutenant Audie Murphy as either a
6TH AIRBORNE DIVISION Warrior Formation Commander Carbine Team (replacing
GAMMON BOMBS the Formation Commander in your Rifle Company on
All Infantry Teams in a Parachute Company HQ, Parachute page80 of The Battle of the Bulge) or as a Warrior Unit Leader
Platoons, and Airlanding Platoon carry Gammon Bombs Rifle Team (replacing the Unit Leader Rifle Team in one of
giving them Tank Assault 3. Anti-tank rating of 3, FP 1+, your Rifle Platoons on page 81 of The Battle of the Bulge) for
verses Top Armour in Assaults. +35points. Audie Murphy is rated Fearless Veteran. He does
not change the Motivation rating of a his Rifle Platoon.
Each turn one of the Parachute Platoons Rifle/MG Teams THREE PURPLE HEARTS
may fire as a Light Mortar Team firing Smoke. If Murphy is Destroyed the owning player must roll a 2+ to
save him, rather than 3+.
ASSAULT TROOPS Murphy may re-roll failed Skill Tests to hit a Bunker in
Canadian Parachute Units do not use the British Bulldog an assault.
special rule. Instead, Canadian Units pass Rally Tests on a 2+.
RULES NO LONGER USED Audie Murphy has Tank Assault 3.
The following British & Canadian rules from The Battle of TWO SILVER STARS
the Bulge are no longer used: Cymru am Byth, Know the Murphy may use the Spearhead rule (page 68 of the
Plan, Woodsmen, and Unconventional. rulebook).
OBJECTIVE Private Eugene Roe may join a Parachute Rifle Company
Instead of fielding 2nd Lieutenant Audie Murphy as a Warrior (page114 of The Battle of the Bulge) for +50 points. He is not
team, you may field him as a Special Objective in your Rifle a team, but rather a marker.
Company (page 48), Engineer Combat Company (page 58), ALWAYS THERE WHEN NEEDED
Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (page 64), or Light Tank
Once per turn, if an Infantry or Heavy Weapon Team from
Company (page 66) of The Battle of the Bulge for +25 points.
one of your Combat or Weapons platoons fails its Save,
After Objectives have been placed, replace any Objective before removing it from play, you may roll a die:
placed in your Deployment Areas with the Audie Murphy On a result of 5+ Roe patches up the men and the
Special Objective. If there are no Objectives in your Infantry or Heavy Weapon Team ignores the failed Save
Deployment Area, you cannot use the Special Objective. The and fights on as normal.
Special Objective retains all of the usual rules of anObjective.
Otherwise, Roe determines that the men need to be evac-
In addition, the Audie Murphy Special Objective is also uated and the Team is Destroyed as normal.
a .50 cal Nest, using the normal Bunker rules found in
In either case, place Roes marker next to that Team to
the rulebook.
remind you that you have used his special rule this turn.
The .50 cal Nest can Spot for Artillery Bombardments. It
cannot prevent the enemy from taking Objectives. TOCCOA SERGEANTS
If the .50 cal Nest is Destroyed, the Objective reverts to Toccoa Sergeants replace any or all Unit Leader Teams
being a normal Objective. from Combat and Weapons Platoons of a Parachute Rifle
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Company (page 114 of The Battle of the Bulge) for +10 points
.50 cal Nest 16/40cm 3 4 5+ per Toccoa Sergeant. They are Warrior Unit Leader SMG
Teams with Gammon Bombs rated Fearless Veteran.
PATTON JR. Combat and Weapons Platoons led by Toccoa Sergeants may
Lieutenant General George S Patton Jr. is a Warrior Higher re-roll failed Motivation Tests to Rally.
Command M20 Utility Car Tank Team rated Fearless
Veteran. You may field Patton for +75 points with the Tank LIEUTENANT RONALD SPEIRS
Company on page 28, the Armored Rifle Company on Lieutenant Ronald Speirs is a Formation Commander SMG
page 32, or the Tank Destroyer Company on page 38 of The Team with Gammon Bombs and replaces the Formation
Battle of the Bulge. Commander Carbine Team of a Parachute Rifle Company
FOUL MOUTH (page 114 of The Battle of the Bulge) for +45points. Speirs is
rated Fearless Veteran.
Patton and any Units with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm
and Line of Sight of Patton pass Motivation Tests on a 2+. IM HERE TO TAKE OVER
THE GREATEST SOLDIER Do not deploy Speirs when you would normally deploy
your Units. Instead, at the beginning of any of your Starting
If Patton is Destroyed during the game American morale
Steps, when Ambushes are normally placed, you may place
at the front and back home suffers a huge loss, despite any
Speirs within 6/15cm of any Teams of a Parachute Rifle
other gains. If this happens, the American player loses one
Platoon, and not within 4/10cm of enemy Teams.
Victory Point and their opponent gains one Victory Point at
the end of the battle. DEFIANT DASH
AN OUNCE OF SWEAT While Speirs is not in Bulletproof Cover, he may re-roll failed
Infantry Saves for each Hit he takes during the opponents
Each turn Patton may re-roll one die rolled to receive
Shooting Step.
Reserves for his company.
Skorzeny Commando Teams may only move during your
opponents Movement Step after all of your opponents
1. SS-KAMPFGRUPPEN Teams have moved. Skorzeny Commando Teams can move
PEIPERS CHARGE within 2/5cm of enemy teams, but can never make a Dash
If a Kampfgruppe Peiper Force is the Attacker in a Mission move. Skorzeny Commando Teams that attempt to Sow
all of their Gepanzerte SS-Panzergrenadier Platoons and Chaos (see page 79 of The Ardennes Offensive) during the
SS-Panzer Platoons are Spearhead Units. Starting Step may not move in the Movement Step that turn.
If a Skorzeny Commando Team ends its Movement Step
ENEMY DISGUISES within 16/40cm of a friendly Team (other than another
A Unit with Enemy Disguises must be identified before Skorzeny Commando Team) it is removed from play.
the enemy can shoot at it or assault it. A Unit with Enemy
Disguises starts the game unidentified. In order to identify a EXPOSED
Unit with Enemy Disguises, an enemy Unit must attempt to If a Skorzeny Commando Team is Exposed (by being
shoot or bombard it. Before rolling To Hit, roll a Skill Test Challenged), it is Destroyed and immediately removed from
for the enemy shooting unit. play. This is the only way a Skorzeny Commando Team can
If they pass the Skill Test, they identify the Unit with be Destroyed.
Enemy Disguises and shoot at it as normal. The Unit with CHALLENGE
Enemy Disguises is now identified to all enemy Units. During your opponents Shooting Step, your opponent may
If they fail, they do not identify the Unit with Enemy Challenge a Skorzeny Commando team with any of their
Disguises, but may shoot at another Unit instead. Unit Leaders within 6/15cm. Instead of shooting, each
If a Unit with Enemy Disguises shoots or assaults, they are Unit Leader that wishes to immediately Challenges the
immediately identified by all enemy Units. Skorzeny Commando Team (the rest of the Unit may shoot
as normal).
SKORZENY COMMANDO GROUPS Each time it is Challenged, the Skorzeny Commando Team
ATTRIBUTES must make an immediate Skill Test:
Skorzeny Commando Teams are unarmed Independent Jeep If successful, the Skorzeny Commando team answers the
Teams. Being composed entirely of Independent Teams, a challenge correctly and is not Exposed.
Skorzeny Commando Group is not a Unit for any purpose If unsuccessful, the Skorzeny Commando team fails to
whatsoever. give the correct answer and is Exposed.
At the beginning of your opponents Starting Step, immedi- At the start of the game, place a Full Salvo marker with a
ately before the opponent rolls for Reserves, this Skorzeny Unit equipped with 30cm NW42 Super-heavy Rockets.
Commando Team may attempt to Reverse Road Signs. Roll Remove this marker after firing an Artillery Bombardment.
a Skill Test for the Skorzeny Commando Team: If a Unit equipped with Super-heavy Rockets does not have
If successful, your opponents Reserves may not arrive any- a Full Salvo marker when it fires an Artillery Bombardment,
where within 12/30cm of this Skorzeny Commando team roll a Skill Test for each Rocket Launcher able to fire in the
during this turn. Bombardment. Only those that pass the Skill Test can fire as
Otherwise, the Skorzeny Commando team does part of the Bombardment.
not succeed. Place a Full Salvo marker on a Unit equipped with Super-
If a platoon cannot arrive on the table as a result of this heavy Rockets at the end of any Shooting Step in which every
special rule, it returns to Reserve instead. Rocket Launcher in the Unit was able to fire an Artillery
Bombardment, but none did so.
At the beginning of your opponents Starting Step, immedi- 5. FALLSCHIRMJGERDIVISION
ately before the opponent Reveals Ambushes, this Skorzeny
Commando Team may Observe Defences. Roll a Skill Test
for the Skorzeny Commando Team: See Stosstaktik under Volksgrenadier Divisions.
If successful, your opponent cannot place Teams from DETROITS FINEST
Ambush within 8/20cm and Line Of Sight of this Skorzeny See page 69 of the rulebook.
Commando Team.
Otherwise, the Skorzeny Commando Team does OPERATION NORDWIND
A Nordwind Panzergrenadierkompanie containing a
PANZER DIVISIONS Flammpanzer Platoon has Night Attack. If a Force with
PUSH TO THE MEUSE Night Attack is the attacker in a Mission where the defender
If a Gepanzerte Aufklrungsschwadron or Panzerkompanie has Minefields, the player may attack at night. If they do
is the Attacker in a Mission, all of their Gepanzerte so, Night Fighting Dawn rules (see pages 90 to 91 of the
Aufklrungs Platoons are Spearhead Units. rulebook) are in effect at the start of the game.
Units from Formations with Night Attack and Support
FHRERBEGLEIT AND Units can move freely from the start of the game. Units from
FHRERGRENADIER BRIGADES other Formations may not move out of their Deployment
Area until morning breaks.
All Confident Units in a Fhrerbegleit or Fhrergrenadier HEAVY ASSAULT HOWITZER PLATOON
Brigade Force (unless otherwise stated) pass Last Stand
Tests on a 3+. All Reluctant Units in a Fhrerbegleit or ROCKET ASSAULT HOWITZER
Fhrergrenadier Brigade Force (unless otherwise stated) pass A 38cm RW61 assault howitzer has a minimum range of
Last Stand Tests on a 4+. 8/20cm. Any Armoured vehicle hit by a 38cm RW61
assault howitzer takes an Armour Save using its Top Armour
VOLKSGRENADIER DIVISIONS rating rather than it Front or Side Armour rating. Do not
add an additional +1 to the target vehicles Top Armour if
the range is over 16/40cm. Any Unit hit by a 38cm RW61
A German Unit with Stosstaktik is a Spearhead Unit, it uses assault howitzer is automatically Pinned Down.
the Spearhead rules (see page 68 of the rulebook) with the
following exceptions. BUNKERFEUER
This German Stosstaktik Spearhead may not take a In addition to the normal Bunker Buster rules, if a 38cm
Team within: RW61 assault howitzer Hits a Team in a large building with
14/35cm (rather than 16/40cm) of an enemy Team it multiple rooms, all the teams in rooms adjacent to the target
is not Concealed from, teams room and those rooms above and below the target
teams room are also Hit.
8/20cm of any enemy Team,
14/35cm (rather than 16/40cm) of the enemy
Deployment Area or any Objective outside your own
Deployment Area. PACK MULES
Gun Teams carried by Pack Mule Transport Teams are
Mountaineers, see page 68 of the rulebook. Pack Mule
Transport Teams carry Gun Teams as Passengers and the
Gun Team is removed from the table while it is carried by
the Pack Mule Transport Team.
MOUNTAINEERS Remer is a Warrior Higher Command SMG Team rated
as Fearless Veteran. Remer can join any FBB Company for
Gebirgsjger Infantry and Heavy Weapon (Man-packed
+70points if in a SdKfz251/1 D half-track for transport, or
Gun) Teams are Mountaineers.
+55 points if in a Schwimmwagen jeep for transport. Remer
uses the Mounted Assault special rule (see page 71 of the
rulebook) while mounted in a SdKfz251/1 D half-track.
Add +2/5cm to 6. SS-Gebirgsjger Infantry and Heavy
Weapon (Man-packed Gun) Teams Terrain Dash movement. Remer and any Unit with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm
and Line of Sight of Remer pass Motivation tests on a
CORPS SUPPORT roll of 3+.
SS-Obersturmbannfhrer Jochen Peiper is a Warrior Higher
Command Panther G Tank Team rated Fearless Veteran. He
may join an SS-Kampfgruppe Peiper company (page 52 of
The Ardennes Offensive) for +235 points.
Once each turn, you may re-roll one die when rolling
for Reserves.
In a mission using the Scattered Reserves special rule, once
per turn you may also re-roll one die rolled to determine
where a Unit will arrive from Scattered Reserves.
which every Rocket Launcher in the Unit was able to fire an
Artillery Bombardment, but none did so.
See page 69 of the rulebook. Close Air Support arrives on a score of 3+, instead of 4+.
See page 69 of the rulebook.
The following US rules from Bridge at Remagen are no
SMOOTH RIDE longer used: Jumbos Lead the Way, Tank Telephones, Task
See page 69 of the rulebook. Force Riders, and Know the Mission.
See page 42 of the rulebook.
When you need to take a Unit Last Stand, instead of rolling
A Tank Team with Carbine Tank Escorts increases its Vehicle a Motivation Test for the entire Unit, roll a die for each Team
MG ROF by +1 at up to 8/20cm (Carbine weapon Range). in the Unit.
A Tank Team with Carbine Tank Escorts re-rolls unsuccess- On a result of 2+ the Team continues to fight on.
ful To Hit rolls in Assaults.
On any other roll the Team is Destroyed and is removed
A Tank Team with Carbine Tank Escorts can Defensive Fire from the table.
against Infantry Teams sneaking up on it (see page 56 of the
Commanders cannot re-roll a result for other Teams using
rulebook) as a Carbine Team. Enjoy the War, however they may re-roll their own result.
Panzerfaust Trap Teams are in Foxholes when placed on the Fighter interception has no effect on High-speed Jet
table. So long as they remain where they are initially placed Aircraft Units.
on the table they always count as Concealed. If a Panzerfaust
Trap team moves for any reason, it no longer benefits from RULES NO LONGER USED
Well Hidden. The following German rules from Bridge at Remagen are no
longer used: Tailor-made Battlegroup, and Defenders of the
Each Panzerfaust Trap Team in a Unit of one Team. However,
they are Always in Good Spirits for the Unit Last Stand.
Panzerfaust Trap Teams dont count for Formation Last
Stand or Mission Victory Points.
507. SCHWERE PANZER PLATOON Otto Carius is a Warrior Formation Commander Jagdtiger
All Knigstiger (Henschel) and Jagdpanther Tank Teams Tank Team or Warrior Unit Leader Jagdtiger Tank Team
from a 507. Schwere Panzer Platoon Unit use the Tiger Ace rated as Reluctant Veteran.
special rule on page 71 of the rulebook. Carius may take command of 2. Kompanie (marked )
LOCAL MILITIA from the 512. Schwere Panzerjgerkompanie (page 48
of Bridge at Remagen). Carius replaces the Formation
A Volkssturm Unit does not use the Stormtroopers special
Commander Jagdtiger Tank Team in the 512. Schwere
rule. Instead, Volkssturm Units always begin the game on
Panzerjagerkompanie Headquarters for +85points.
the table. All Volkssturm Units are counted as having a value
of 0 points when determining how many Units are to be Alternatively, Carius may take command of a 512. Schwere
held On Table and held in Reserves in your force. Panzerjger Platoon (page 49 of Bridge at Remagen) from
2.Kompanie (marked ) taken as a Support Platoon. In
SUPER-HEAVY ROCKETS this case, Carius replaces the Unit Leader Jagdtiger Tank
At the start of the game, place a Full Salvo marker with a Team for +85 points.
Unit equipped with 30cm NW42 Super-heavy Rockets.
Remove this marker after firing an Artillery Bombardment. SETTING UP THE SHOT
Enemy Teams do not benefit from Concealment when shot at
If a Unit equipped with Super-heavy Rockets does not have
by Carius. Furthermore, Carius ignores the normal +1 mod-
a Full Salvo marker when it fires an Artillery Bombardment,
ifier when Shooting at Teams greater than 16/40cm away.
roll a Skill Test for each Rocket Launcher able to fire in the
Bombardment. Only those that pass the Skill Test can fire as HERO OF THE FATHERLAND
part of the Bombardment. If Carius is Destroyed during a game the morale of the entire
Place a Full Salvo marker on a Unit equipped with Super- German war effort takes a heavy blow, despite any other
heavy Rockets at the end of any Shooting Step in which every gains. The German player loses one Victory Point and their
Rocket Launcher in the Unit was able to fire an Artillery opponent gains one Victory Point at the end of the battle.
Bombardment, but none did so.
See page 72 of the rulebook.
SCOTTISH A German force containing Teams with Infra-red Equipment
DIVISIONS may make a Night Attack in any Mission. If a Force with
Night Attack is the attacker in a Mission, the player may
BAGPIPES attack at night. If they do so, Night Fighting Dawn rules
See page 72 of the rulebook. (see pages 90 to 91 of the rulebook) are in effect at the start
of the game.
If any of your Rifle Platoons have an Armoured Personnel Units from Formations with Night Attack and Support
Carrier Section, then all Rifle Platoons in your Formation Units can move freely from the start of the game. Units from
must also have Armoured Personnel Carrier Sections. other Formations may not move out of their Deployment
Area until morning breaks.
All Armoured Personnel Carrier Sections in your force must
be equipped with the same type of vehicle. INFRA-RED VISIBILITY
A Unit with Infra-red rolls two dice on the Night Visibility
BREACHING GROUP Table and chooses the highest score (see page 91 of the
See page 5. rulebook).
CROCODILE TANK PLATOON AND FUEL TRAILER In the Shooting Step a Sd Kfz 251/20 (Uhu) half-track picks
an enemy Team within 24/60cm and in Line of Sight. Any
See page 6.
Teams with Infra-red Equipment that use the selected Team
to calculate their score To Hit are not restricted by their roll
COMMANDO PLATOON on the Night Visibility Table (see page 90 of the rulebook).
NO BRITISH BULLDOG They can see that Team at up to 24/60cm distance, although
Commando Units do not use the British Bulldog special rule. the Team is still concealed. Hits can be allocated to any valid
target in the target Unit within 24/60cm of the shooting
FAIRBAIRN-SYKES Team and within 6/15cm of the target Team.
Commando Infantry Teams hit on a roll of 2+ in Assaults. In the next enemy shooting step, enemy Teams equipped
MIND AND HEART with Infra-red Equipment in Line of Sight can see the Sd
Commando Infantry and Heavy Weapon (Man-packed Kfz 251/20 (Uhu) half-track at any distance, but it is still
Gun) Teams are Mountaineers. add the additional +1 penalty for Shooting at Night.
RULES NO LONGER USED Sd Kfz 2511/20 (Uhu) half-track is an Independent Team.
The following British rules from Nachtjger are no longer
In any game played entirely in Daylight, a Sd Kfz 251/20
used: Platoon, Debus!, and Know the Plan.
(Uhu) half-track is not deployed on the table and takes no
part in the game. In any game played entirely in Darkness, a
Sd Kfz 251/20 (Uhu) half-track remains on the table for the
entire game. A Sd Kfz 251/20 (Uhu) half-track is removed
from play at the start of a turn in which Daylight begins
(see the Dawn rules on page 91 of the rulebook). A Sd Kfz
251/20 (Uhu) half-track is not Deployed at the start of the a
game using the Dusk rules. Instead, it is placed on the table
within command distance of its Unit at the start of a turn
in which night has fallen (see the Dusk rules on page 91 of
the rulebook).
Railway Guns Teams are Large Gun Teams.
A Volkssturm Unit does not use the Stormtroopers and A Railway Gun cannot be towed by any form of vehicle and
Enjoy the War special rules. Instead, Volkssturm Units cannot move.
always begin the game on the table. All Volkssturm Units are A Railway Gun cannot be dug-in.
counted as having a value of 0 points when determining how A Railway Gun with multiple weapons is a single Team. It
many Units are to be held On Table and held in Reserves in retains the ROF for each weapon when shooting and does
your force. not reduce its ROF for having multiple weapons.
The Strelkovy Batalon HQ Anti-tank Platoon operates as
8ya Otdyelnaya Shtrafnoy Batalon HQ, Otdyelnaya Shtraf
a separate Unit. The Teams of the Anti-tank Rifle Platoon
Companies, Shtraf Machine-gun Companies, and Shraf
and Sapper Platoon may be Combat Attached to Strelkovy
Mortar Companies can never attempt to Dig In and never
benefits from Foxholes.
In order to Shoot at or Spot for an Artillery Bombardment
8ya Otdyelnaya Shtrafnoy Batalon HQ, Otdyelnaya Shtraf
a Team from a Pulyemyetno-Artillyeriyskiy Batalon HQ,
Companies, Shtraf Machine-gun Companies, and Shraf
Pulyemyetno-Artillyeriyskiy Company, or Artillery Group
Mortar Companies pass Motivation Tests on 2+.
that is in a Foxhole, Trench Line or Gun Pit and that has
not shot during the game, an enemy Team must be within 8YA OTDYELNAYA SHTRAFNOY BATALON HQ
16/40cm of the Team. 8ya Otdyelnaya Shtrafnoy Batalon HQ Anti-tank Platoon
operates as a separate Unit. The Teams of the Flame-thrower
Platoon must be Combat Attached to Otdyelnaya Shtrafnoy
A Pulyemyetno-Artillyeriyskiy Company reduces the score
Companies. The Teams of the Anti-tank Rifle Platoon and
required to Counterattack by -1.
Sapper Platoon may be Combat Attached to Otdyelnaya
Shtrafnoy Companies.
The Morskaya Pekhota Batalon HQ Anti-tank Platoon 8TH GUARDS RIFLE CORPS
operates as a separate Unit. The Teams of the Flame-thrower
Platoon must be Combat Attached to Morskaya Pekhota HARDENED VETERANS
Companies. Teams from Udarney or Shock Units pass Skill Tests on a 3+.
Add +2/5cm to Partizanskiy Infantry and Heavy Weapon Add +2/5cm to Polish Armia Krajowej Infantry and Heavy
(Man-packed Gun) Teams Terrain Dash movement. Weapon (Man-packed Gun) Teams Terrain Dash movement.
BRIGADA KOMISSAR M A DEDOV Gvardeyskiy Kapitan Dmitriy Loza is a Warrior Unit Leader
Brigada Komissar M A Dedov is a Warrior Independent Tank Team rated as Fearless Veteran.
Tank Team and is rated Fearless Veteran. Loza may join any Perdovoye Otryad (page 104) or
Add Brigada Komissar M A Dedov to a Gvardeyskiy Tankovy Inomarochnikiy Tankovy Batalon (page 138) of Red Bear
Company in a Gvardeyskiy Tankovy Batalon (page96) or and replaces the Unit Leader M4 or M4 76mm tank in
a Tankovy Company in a Tankovy Batalon (page 22) of an Inomarochnikiy Tankovy Company for an additional
Red Bear for +70points. He takes over a Tank Team from +80 points.
a Gvardeyskiy Tankovy Company or Tankovy Company at SECOND IN COMMAND
the beginning of the game before deployment. Dedovs Tank If Lozas Formation Commander is Destroyed, Loza becomes
team is no longer a part of any Unit. the Formation Commander and the player nominates anoth-
YOU OVER THERE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO er Team to be the Unit Leader for his Unit.
If the Formation Commander is Destroyed, Brigada Komissar Loza may Infiltrate his Inomarochnikiy Tankovy Company.
M A Dedov becomes the new Formation Commander.
The Hen and Chicks special rule does not apply to Loza. The
Any Soviet Unit entirely equipped with Tank Teams with rest of his Inomarochnikiy Tankovy Company still obey the
their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line of Sight Brigada Hen and Chicks special rule, but the player may choose to
Komissar M A Dedov may re-roll any Motivation Tests for ignore movement by Loza. If they do not, then the Hen and
Unit Last Stand, to Counterattack and to Remount. Chicks special rule applies as normal.
Brigada Komissar M A Dedov uses the Battalion Komissar
special rules on page 73 of the rulebook to motivate Infantry EMCHA GUNNER
and Gun Units. However, if you roll a 1 for the new The M3 75mm or M1 76mm gun of Lozas M4 or M4
Motivation Test the Unit does not destroy Brigada Komissar 76mm Tank Team has ROF 3 when stationary and ROF
M A Dedov, he instead becomes Bailed Out as he retreats 2 when moving.
back into his tank turret away from the angry soldiers.
Dedov cannot use Comrades Forward! if his tank is KAPITAN V I NEVSKY
Bailed Out. Kapitan V I Nevsky is a Warrior Formation Commander
Tank Team rated as Fearless Veteran.
PODPOLKOVNIK PAVEL KAMNEV Nevsky may join any Inomarochnikiy Tankovy Batalon
Pavel Kamnev is a Warrior Formation Commander Cavalry (page 138 of Red Bear) and replaces the Company Command
SMG Team rated as a Fearless Veteran. He replaces the M4 (M4A2 Sherman) or M4 76mm (M4A2 Sherman) tank
Formation Commander Team of a Gvardeyskiy Kazachiy in the Battalion HQ for an additional +50 points.
Polk (page 114 of Red Bear) for +50 points. SERVED ON THE STAFF
FEARLESS CHARGE After all deployment, but before the game begins, Kapitan
Pavel Kamnev and a Mounted Gvardeyskiy Kazachiy V I Nevsky may move himself and one Combat Company
Company he is conducting a joint assault with makes with its Unit Leader within 6/15cm of him, that is not
saves against hits from Defensive Fire on a 5+ instead of already part of an Infiltration, up to their normal distance in
the usual 3+. any direction within their deployment area as if it was their
Movement Step. This movement may not be Dash speed and
If the Unit is Pinned Down by Defensive Fire, he may take
may not take any Team outside the deployment area.
an immediate Motivation Test. If he passes, the Unit does not
Fall Back from the Defensive Fire and continues the Assault. RESPECT OF THE MEN
MASTER SWORDSMAN Kapitan V I Nevskys Tank Team and any Units with their
Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line of Sight of Nevsky
Pavel Kamnev re-rolls failed Skill Tests to hit in assault combat.
always pass Motivation Tests on a roll of 2+.
Pavel Kamnev can never dismount.
The Hen and Chicks special rule does not apply to Nevksy.
Leytenant AV Pylcyn is a Warrior Unit Leader SMG Team Sergent Aurel Sandu is a Warrior Pioneer Rifle/MG Team.
of one of the Shtraf Companies in your 8ya Otdyelnaya He replaces a Pioneer Rifle/MG team in a Romanian Puscasi
Shtrafnoy Batalon (page 74 of Red Bear). Pioneer Platoon (page 200) or a Pioneer Platoon (page 202)
of Red Bear for +45points.
He served through 1944 and 1945 and can be taken with
Pylcyns Straf Company is not deployed until after your
either a German allied or Soviet allied Romanian force.
opponent has deployed their last Unit, even if the rest of
your force deployed first. LENDING A HAND
RITA MAKARIEVSKAYA One Gun Team within 4/10cm of Sandu may re-roll failed
To Hit rolls if Sandu does not Shoot in the Shooting Step.
Model Rita Makarievskaya on the same base as Pylcyn.
Once per turn, Rita may attempt to save a Infantry or Gun LUCKY AUREL
Team that is in Pylcyns Shtraf Company. If an Infantry or Once per game Sandu may re-roll a failed Infantry Save.
Gun Team within 6/15cm of Pylcyn fails a save, roll a die.
If the result is 5+, Rite manages to save the Team and it
Sandu passes all Skill Tests on a 3+.
continues to fight on unharmed.
Otherwise, the soldiers are too badly wounded and the Team UNSTABLE MINES
is Destroyed as normal. If Sandus Units Pioneer Supply vehicle is used to place
a Minefield in a Mission, you may choose to place two
LEYTENANT V S RAT Unstable Minefields instead.
Leytenant Rat is a Warrior Unit Leader Tank Team who When you place the Pioneer Supply vehicle Minefields,
leads a Guards Heavy Assault Gun Company (page 61 of instead of placing one Minefield, place two Unstable
Red Bear). He takes over the Unit Leader assault gun for Minefields. Roll a dice for each Unstable Minefield you
+45 points. Leytenant Rat and his assault gun are rated placed. On a 2+ they are placed as normal.
Fearless Trained. On a roll of 1 the Unstable Minefield explodes while it is
KEEPEM GUESSING being placed. The Unstable Minefield is removed from the
table and all the Teams in Sandus Pioneer Platoon must
Leytenant Rats assault gun does not suffer the normal +1 To
make an immediate Infantry Save. Teams that fail the
Hit penalty for shooting while moving with a ROF 1 gun.
Infantry Save are removed from the table, but do not count
CRAZY VASILY ZIG-ZAG as casualties for the purposes of Unit Last Stand
All ISU-122 and ISU-152 assault guns in Rats Unit, that are Unstable Minefields count as Minefields for all other
not Bailed Out, who moved at least 6/15cm towards any purposes.
enemy Team or Objective in their previous Movement Step,
and are hit in the enemy Shooting Step, may roll a die for LEYTENANT IVAN ZABOLOTNY
each hit they are allocated. Leytenant Ivan Zabolotny is a Warrior Recce Pioneer SMG
On a score of 6, Rats zig-zag is successful and the hit Team. He replaces the Command Pioneer SMG team in an
is ignored. Inzhenerno-Saperniy Company (page 70 of Red Bear) for
Otherwise the hit is resolved as normal. +70 points. Zabolotny is rated as Fearless Trained.
Zabolotny and his Inzhenerno-Saperniy Company always
pass Motivation Tests on a 2+.
If your Force does not contain another Unit with the
Infiltration special rule you may Infiltrate with Zabolotny.
Zabolotny may Infiltrate his Inzhenerno-Saperniy Company.
See the Infiltration rules on page 73 of the rulebook.
SPERRVERBAND Feldherrnhalle Panzergrenadierkompanie HQ Infantry
TIMES UP Teams and Feldherrnhalle Infantry Team Unit Leaders hit
All Sperr Units Counterattack on 3+ if the enemy Unit enemy Infantry and Gun Teams on 2+ in Assaults.
contains any Armoured Tank Teams.
Sperr Pionier Platoon Pioneer Teams are Tank Assault 5 (see
A 38cm RW61 assault howitzer has a minimum range of
page 57 of the rulebook).
8/20cm. It has Halted ROF 1. Any Armoured vehicle hit by
a 38cm RW61 assault howitzer takes an Armour Save using
ERSATZ PIONIERKOMPANIE its Top Armour rating rather than its Front or Side Armour
In Missions with Minefields you may replace both Pioneer rating. Do not add an additional +1 to the target vehicles
Supply Maultier half-tracks in your Ersatz Pionierkompanie Top Armour if the range is over 16/40cm. Any Unit hit by a
HQ with on Anti-tank Obstacle at the start of the game 38cm RW61 assault howitzer is automatically Pinned Down.
before placing Fortifications. These are placed at the same
time as any other Fortifications. BUNKERFEUER
If you do not do this, both Pioneer Supply Maultier half-tracks In addition to the normal Bunker Buster rules, if a 38cm
must be Combat Attached out to Ersatz Pionier Platoons. RW61 assault howitzer Hits a Team in a large building with
multiple rooms, all the teams in rooms adjacent to the target
PANZERKNACKER BADGE teams room and those rooms above and below the target
Ersatz Pionier Platoon Pioneer Teams are Tank Assault 5 (see teams room are also Hit.
page 57 of the rulebook).
SICHERUNGSKOMPANIE At the start of the game, place a Full Salvo marker with a
Unit equipped with 30cm NW42 Super-heavy Rockets.
FELDGENDARMERIE Remove this marker after firing an Artillery Bombardment.
Feldgendarmerie (Field Police) Platoons must make
If a Unit equipped with Super-heavy Rockets does not have
Combat Attachments to Sicherungs Platoons, Gepanzerte
a Full Salvo marker when it fires an Artillery Bombardment,
Panzergrenadier Platoons, Panzergrenadier Platoons,
roll a Skill Test for each Rocket Launcher able to fire in the
Gepanzerte Panzerpionier Platoons, Panzerpionier Platoons,
Bombardment. Only those that pass the Skill Test can fire as
Sicherungs Infantry Gun Platoons, Sicherungs Anti-tank
part of the Bombardment.
Gun Platoons, Motorised Artillery Batteries or Heavy
Motorised Artillery Batteries with all their Teams. Place a Full Salvo marker on a Unit equipped with Super-
heavy Rockets at the end of any Shooting Step in which every
A Feldgendarmerie Team may Re-roll its Units Last Stand
Rocket Launcher in the Unit was able to fire an Artillery
Test, Rally Tests, and Counterattack Tests as long as the Units
Bombardment, but none did so.
Leader is within 6/15cm of the Units Feldgendarmerie
Team. The player must Destroy a Team from the Unit to
do so. If the re-roll is a 1, the Feldgendarmerie Team is
Destroyed instead. SHOOT AND SCOOT
Veteran Tank-hunter Platoons pass Skill Tests to do a Shoot
ARMOURED TRAINS and Scoot Movement Order on a 2+.
See pages 62 to 64 of the rulebook.
A Panzer Platoon is a Tank Attachment. A Panzergrenadier
Platoon is an Infantry Attachment.
An Artillery Bombardment from a Captured Armoured
Train that has a mix of 7.5cm FK02/26(p) guns and 10cm
leFH14/19(p) howitzers has a Firepower 4+ and Anti-tank 3.
Veteran Tank-hunter Platoons may prepare alternate firing
positions. At the start of the game choose a single piece of
Short or Tall Terrain that provides Concealment. If a Veteran Select one SS-Kavallerie Platoon in a SS-Kavallerieschwadron
Tank-hunter Platoon is placed from Ambush choose the ter- Formation to be a Spearhead Unit.
rain feature at the start of the Starting Step in the turn the
ambushing Unit is placed. The selected terrain feature must FORTIFICATIONS
be at least partially within your deployment area. See pages 75 to 83 of the rulebook.
As long as the whole platoon remains Concealed within or FIELD FORTIFICATIONS
behind the selected terrain feature, they may shoot using The fortifications of Field Fortifications are Area Defences
their full ROF when they move, as if they had not moved. (see page 83 of the rulebook).
If the Unit leaves the selected terrain feature, or is no longer
Concealed from enemy Teams other than Aircraft, they lose RULES NO LONGER USED
the benefit of the Manoeuvre and Fire special rule for the The following German rules from Grey Wolf are no longer
remainder of the game. used: Pakfront, Danish and Flemish Regiments, Following
Orders, and Political Assassins.
Remove an Assaulting SS-Panzerkampfgruppe Totenkopf Teams from a Hungarian Unit with Huszr reduce the
Infantry Team and re-roll a failed Motivation Test to score needed to pass a Motivation Test to do a Follow Me
Counterattack. Movement Order by -1.
A Formation Commander from a 3. SS-Panzerdivision Hungarian Infantry and Gun Teams reduce the score needed
Totenkopf SS-Panzerkampfgruppe is a Panzer Ace. A to pass a Skill Test for a Dig In Movement Order by -1.
Panzer Ace re-rolls any failed roll to hit when shooting
their main gun. LOCAL KNOWLEDGE
Select one nkntes Pusks Platoon in a Hungarian
WIKING Formation to be a Spearhead Unit.
All 5. SS-Panzerdivision Wiking Artillery Units reduce the
score needed to Range In by -1. HUNTERS
Add +2/5cm to Finnish Infantry and Heavy Weapon (Man-
NEDERLAND packed Gun) Teams Terrain Dash movement.
At the end of an Assault Step in which a SS-Freiwilligen-
Panzergrenadierdivision Nederland SS-Freiwilligen- Select one Finnish Artillery Unit to Place two Pre-planned
Panzergrenadier Platoon, SS-Freiwilligen-Aufklrungs Artillery Ranged In markers instead of one (see page 49 of
Platoon, or SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier Pioneer Platoon the rulebook). After deployment, but before the game begins,
Unit becomes Pinned Down, roll a Rally for it. If it succeeds remove one of these Ranged In markers.
it is no longer Pinned Down. Otherwise, the Unit remains
Reduce the score required to pass a Motivation Test to
NORDLAND Counterattack by -1.
11. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadierdivision Nordland The following Finnish rules from Grey Wolf are no
Artillery Units reduce the score needed to Range In by -1. longer used:
TO THE BITTER END Self Sufficient and Automatic Fire Control.
When a 11. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadierdivision
Nordland SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier Platoon,
SS-Freiwilligen-Aufklrungs Platoon, or SS-Freiwilligen-
Panzergrenadier Pioneer Platoon Unit fails its Motivation
Test to Counterattack it can Break Off as normal, or contin-
ue the Assault. However, if they continue the Assault and fail
a further Motivation Test to Counterattack in this Assault,
the Unit is immediately destroyed as if they had failed a Last
Stand Test.
You may replace any or all Unit Leader Tank Teams from
OBERSTLEUTNANT DR FRANZ BKE any German SS-Panzer Platoons in the Wiking SS-Division
with a Panzer Kanone for +65points per platoon. A Panzer
Franz Bke is a Warrior Higher Command Panther A Tank
Kanone is a Warrior Tank Team with the following abilities:
Team rated as Fearless Veteran. He may join a German
Kampfgruppe Bke company (page 22 of Grey Wolf) replac- PANZER KANONE
ing the Formation Commander Panther A Tank Team for At the start of the game roll a die for each Panzer
+60 points. Kanone to determine the medal he has been award-
Bkes combat career was characterised by his intelligence, ed. That Panzer Kanone possesses the skills shown
determination and energy. Bke gained his success not by for that medal in the table below.
fanaticism or bravado, but through his tactical skill. Bke
always has the following abilities:
Knights Cross
ENERGETIC COMMANDER A Panzer Kanone with a Knights Cross may:
Bke, and Units with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Have Tank Teams in their Unit re-roll failed
Line of Sight of Bke, pass their Skill Test to make a Blitz Skill Tests.
Move on a roll of 2+.
Knights Cross
A force containing Bke may nominate one Bke Panther A Panzer Kanone with a Knights Cross with Oak
Platoon or Bke Schwere Panzer Platoon to use the Leaves may:
Spearhead rule. Move and Shoot with full ROF, and
EVERY SHOT COUNTS Have Tank Teams in their Unit re-roll failed
Skill Tests.
Bkes tank may re-roll any failed To Hit rolls when he Shoots.
Knights Cross with Swords
SS-STURMBANNFHRER FRITZ A Panzer Kanone with a Knights Cross with
BIERMEYER Swords may:
SS-Sturmbannfhrer Fritz Biermeyer is a Warrior Unit Re-roll any failed roll To Hit when they Shoot
Leader Panzer IV H Tank Team who leads a Panzer Platoon with their main gun,
in a Totenkopf SS-Panzerkampfgruppe (page 108 of Grey Move and Shoot with full ROF, and
Wolf) or SS-Panzergrenadierkampfgruppe (page 110 of Have Tank Teams in their Unit re-roll failed
Grey Wolf). You must purchase him and his Unit together. Skill Tests.
Biermeyer and his Unit are rated Fearless Veteran. Knights Cross with Diamonds
BIERMEYERS 3 SS-PANZER PLATOON A Panzer Kanone with a Knights Cross with
The Unit is organized as a standard German SS-Panzer Diamonds may:
Platoon as on page 109 of Grey Wolf with Biermeyer as the If Destroyed the owning player must roll a 2+
Unit Leader for the following point costs. to save the Panzer Kanone, rather than 3+,
Re-roll any failed roll To Hit when they Shoot
with their main gun,
Biermeyers Panzer IV Platoon
Move and Shoot with full ROF, and
Platoon Have Tank Teams in their Unit re-roll failed
5 Panzer IV H 325 points Skill Tests.
4 Panzer IV H 260 points
Toivo Ilomki is a Warrior Gun Team who may be
RECKLESS added to upgrade one anti-tank gun team of a Finnish
SS-Sturmbannfhrer Biermeyer and the Teams in his Unit Heavy Anti-Tank Platoon (page 238 of Grey Wolf) for
are hit on a 3+ as if they were Trained. +10 points. He is a Fearless Veteran Team armed with the
same anti-tank gun as the rest of the Unit.
If Biermeyer is Destroyed then the Unit becomes Confident NERVES OF STEEL
Trained for the remainder of the game. Toivo Ilomkis Gun Team is never Pinned Down, regardless
of the Units status.
In the Assault Step, a Unit led by Biermeyer must assault ONE SHOT, ONE KILL
if they can. Toivo Ilomkis Gun Team may re-roll any failed To Hit rolls.
DIETRICH VON SAUCKEN Feldwebel Dietrich Uthoff is a Warrior Independent
General der Panzertruppen von Saucken is a Panzerfaust Assault Rifle Team. He is Fearless Veteran.
Warrior Higher Command SMG Team with a Uthoff may join a German Sturmkompanie (page 52 of Grey
SdKfz250 half-track Transport Team rated as Fearless Wolf) from 78. Sturmdivision for +50 points.
Veteran. Von Saucken may join a German Panzerkompanie
(page 72), Gepanzerte Panzergrenadierkompanie AMBUSH!
(page 76), Panzergreandierkompanie (page 80), Gepanzerte Uthoff may be deployed using the Ambush special rule
Panzerpionierkompanie (page 86), Panzerpionierkompanie (page 95 of the rulebook) in addition to any other Units that
(page 88), Sperrverband (page 94), Ersate Pionierkompanie would normally be deployed in Ambush.
(page 98), or a Sicherungskompanie (page 118) of Grey Wolf While defending, Uthoff may deploy in Ambush even in
for +65 points. missions that do not normally use the Ambush special rule.
All Units with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line Feldwebel Uthoff may move and shoot with his Panzerfaust
of Sight of von Saucken may re-roll any failed Skill Tests to anti-tank launcher.
make a Blitz Move.
PANZERS MARCH Feldwebel Uthoff may re-roll failed To Hit rolls with his
Each turn von Saucken may re-roll one die rolled to receive Panzerfaust anti-tank launcher.
Reserves for his Force.
FHADNAGY ERVIN TARCZAY Windgruber replaces a SMG Team (other than the Formation
Fhadnagy Ervin Tarczay is a Warrior Tank Team is rated Commander) in a German Sperrverband HQ (page 94 of
Fearless Veteran. Grey Wolf) or Grenadierkompanie HQ (page 26 of Grey
Tarczay may join any Hungarian Harckocsiz Szzad Wolf) for +30 points. He is a Warrior Independent Pioneer
(page 192 of Grey Wolf) and replaces the Formation Panzerfaust SMG Team rated Confident Veteran.
Commander Turan II or Panzer IV H tank for GREEN HELL (GRN HLLE)
+40 points, or Tiger I E or Panther A tank for +75 points,
All teams from a Sperr, Sperr Pionier, or Grenadier Platoon
becoming that type of Tank Team.
with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line of Sight of
AROUND THE FLANKS Feldwebel Windgruber hit on a 2+ in Assaults.
Tarczay and Units with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm OLD HARE (ALTER HSE)
and Line of Sight of Tarczay pass Skill Tests to make a Blitz
Feldwebel Windgruber may Charge into Contact from
move on a 2+.
6/15cm away from enemy Teams. He moves up to 6/15cm
AS STRAIGHT AS AN ARROW when Charging into Contact or Counterattacking. Any Unit
Tarczay re-rolls misses with his tanks main gun. he is conducting a Joint Assault with still move 4/10cm in
Tarczay may re-roll any failed Armour Saves when hit by a
Gun Team in Defensive Fire during an Assault.
When you need to take a Unit Last Stand, instead of rolling
a Motivation Test for the entire Unit, roll a die for each Team
A Guards Heavy Tank Company does no use the Hen and in the Unit.
Chicks rule.
On a result of 3+ the Team continues to fight on.
GUARDS HEAVY ASSAULT GUN On any other roll the Team is Destroyed and is removed
COMPANY from the table.
Commanders cannot re-roll a result for other Teams using
GUARDS Enjoy the War, however they may re-roll their own result.
A Guards Heavy Assault Gun Company does no use the Hen
At the start of the game, place a Full Salvo marker with a Unit Vehicles from Headquarters, Combat, and Weapons Platoons
equipped with BM-31-12 Katyusha Super-heavy Rockets. of a Panzer Ausbildungs Verband and Panzer Ausbildungs
Remove this marker after firing an Artillery Bombardment. Abteilung 500 are all rated Unreliable (see page 67 of the
If a Unit equipped with Super-heavy Rockets does not have rulebook) and do not benefit from either Tiger Ace or
a Full Salvo marker when it fires an Artillery Bombardment, Wide-tracks.
roll a Skill Test for each Rocket Launcher able to fire in the
Bombardment. Only those that pass the Skill Test can fire as
part of the Bombardment. Combat and Weapons Units from a Panzer Ausbildungs
Verband and Panzer Ausbildungs Abteilung 500 do not use
Place a Full Salvo marker on a Unit equipped with Super-
the Stormtroopers special rule.
heavy Rockets at the end of any Shooting Step in which every
Rocket Launcher in the Unit was able to fire an Artillery PANZER LEHRER
Bombardment, but none did so. Unlike the rest of the Formation, the Panzer Ausbildungs
Verband HQ Unit and Panzer Ausbildungs Abteilung
HEROES OF THE SOVIET UNION 500 HQ Unit may use the Stormtroopers special rule.
Teams from Hero Units and Formations pass Skill
Tests on a 3+. PLATOONS
Hero Units and Formations do not use the Hen and Chicks A Panzergrenadier Ausbildungs Platoon equipped with Sd
special rule. Kfz 251/1 or Sd Kfz 250 half-tracks may use the Mounted
Assault special rule.
The following Soviet rules from Desperate Measures are no You may replace up to one Pioneer Rifle, Pioneer Rifle/MG,
longer used: Mobile Rocket Launchers, and Luckier. or Pioneer MG Team with a Flame-thrower Team at the start
of the game before deployment.
Rifle Teams in a Unit that uses the Sniper School rule do not
suffer the usual +1 penalty to hit for firing at a moving or
Pinned Down ROF 1 weapon.
At the start of the game, place a Full Salvo marker with a
Unit equipped with 30cm NW42 Super-heavy Rockets.
Remove this marker after firing an Artillery Bombardment. OBERST HANS-ULRICH RUDEL
If a Unit equipped with Super-heavy Rockets does not have Oberst Hans-Ulrich Rudel is a Warrior Ju-87G Stuka
a Full Salvo marker when it fires an Artillery Bombardment, Aircraft Team. He may join a Panzer Kampfgruppe
roll a Skill Test for each Rocket Launcher able to fire in the (page 68 of Desperate Measures) or a Panzergrenadier
Bombardment. Only those that pass the Skill Test can fire as Kampfgruppe (page 72 of Desperate Measures) for
part of the Bombardment. +175 points.
Place a Full Salvo marker on a Unit equipped with Super- Rudel uses all of the normal Ground Attack Aircraft rules
heavy Rockets at the end of any Shooting Step in which every with the following exceptions and abilities.
Rocket Launcher in the Unit was able to fire an Artillery RUDEL ARRIVES
Bombardment, but none did so. Rudel arrives to support your operations on a roll of 3+ each
turn. When Rudel arrives, he always does so as a flight of
The following German rules from Desperate Measures are no
longer used: Tailor-made Battlegroup. CHARMED
If Rudel is shot down, he is not permanently destroyed.
Instead, he and his Ju-87G Stuka have made a lucky escape
and will return the next time you successfully request Aircraft.
Rudel re-rolls unsucessful roll to hit when shooting with his
3.7cm Cannons.
ENJOY THE WAR At the start of the game, place a Full Salvo marker with
When you need to take a Unit Last Stand, instead of rolling each Klienpanzer Wanze tank-hunter in a Bedbug Platoon.
a Motivation Test for the entire Unit, roll a die for each Team Remove this marker from each tank-hunter after firing.
in the Unit. If a Kleinpanzer Wanze tank-hunter does not have a Full
On a result of 3+ a Team with Motivation rated Confident Salvo marker when it fires, roll a Skill Test. Only those that
continues to fight on. pass the Skill Test can fire their Panzerschrecks.
On a result of 2+ a Team with Motivation rated Fearless Place a Full Salvo marker on a Kleinpanzer Wanze tank-hunt-
continues to fight on. er that is not Bailed Out at the end of any Shooting Step in
On any other roll the Team is Destroyed and is removed which it was able to fire, but did not.
from the table.
Commanders cannot re-roll a result for other Teams using ROCKET LAUNCHER BATTERY
Enjoy the War, however they may re-roll their own result. SUPER-HEAVY ROCKETS
Teams with Motivation rated Reluctant do not use the Enjoy At the start of the game, place a Full Salvo marker with a
the War special rule. Unit equipped with 30cm NW42 Super-heavy Rockets.
Remove this marker after firing an Artillery Bombardment.
If a Unit equipped with Super-heavy Rockets does not have
Panzerfaust Teams from a Hitlerjugend Platoon that moved
a Full Salvo marker when it fires an Artillery Bombardment,
in the Movement Step can shoot in the Shooting Step, unlike
roll a Skill Test for each Rocket Launcher able to fire in the
other Panzerfaust Teams.
Bombardment. Only those that pass the Skill Test can fire as
LOCAL MILITIA part of the Bombardment.
A Volkssturm Unit does not use the Stormtroopers special Place a Full Salvo marker on a Unit equipped with Super-
rule. Instead, Volkssturm Units always begins the game on heavy Rockets at the end of any Shooting Step in which every
the table. All Volkssturm Units are counted as having a value Rocket Launcher in the Unit was able to fire an Artillery
of 0 points when determining how many Units are to be Bombardment, but none did so.
held On Table and held in Reserves in your force.
The following German rules from Berlin are no longer used:
Battlegroup Berlin.
A Unit with the Red Banner Unit Leader is Pinned Down on
HEROES OF THE SOVIET UNION eight or more hits even if it has less than 12 Teams.
Attachments to Kawalerii Platoons of a Mounted or
Dismounted Kawalerii Company.
A Pulk Kawalerii Zmotoyzowanej is a Formation. Each Machine-gun Platoon and Cyclist Platoon of a
Kawalerii Cyclist Company operates as a separate Unit. The
HQ Section is not fielded.
Each Kawalerii Platoon of a Kawalerii Zmotorzowanej
The Machine-gun Platoon of a Kawalerii Cyclist Company
Company operates as a separate Unit. The HQ Section is
may make Combat Attachments to Cyclist Platoons of a
not fielded.
Kawalerii Cyclist Company.
Replace first option with:
Add up to one Ckm wz. 30 HMG Team with Polski-FIAT POLISH NATIONAL SPECIAL RULES
508 field car to up to two Kawalerii Platoons for +35 points
per weapon. BYPASSED
Use rule as written from page 48 of Blitzkrieg.
Each Machine-gun Platoon and Taczanka Platoon of a Players commanding a Batalion Piechoty may elect, prior to
Zmotoryzowanej Heavy Machine-gun Company operates as their opponents deployment, to make a night counterattack
a separate Unit. The HQ Section is not fielded. whenever they are attacking in a mission that is a Meeting
Engagement (see page 96 of the rulebook).
Machine-gun Platoons and Taczanka Platoons of a
Zmotoryzowanej Heavy Machine-gun Company may make If they do so, the game starts in darkness and uses the Night
Combat Attachments to Kawalerii Platoons of a Kawalerii Fighting rules (on page 90 of the rulebook) and Dawn Rules
Zmotoryzowanej Company. (on page 91 of the rulebook) until morning breaks.
Once morning breaks the night fighting rules are no longer
ZMOTORYZOWANEJ MOTORCYCLIST PLATOON used, and it is daylight for the remainder of the game.
Use the Motorcycle Reconnaissance rules on page 68 of
the rulebook. DECK TURRET
Guns mounted in deck turrets have an all-round field of fire,
PIECHOTY COMPANY except where their rotation is blocked by the vehicles super
Piechoty Platoons and Machine-gun Platoons of a Piechoty structure or other turrets.
Company operate as separate Units.
SZWADRON KAWALERII See page 67 of the rulebook.
A Puk Kawalerii is a Formation.
MOUNTED KAWALERII COMPANY A Batalion Piechoty is a Formation.
Each Kawalerii Platoon of a Mounted Kawalerii Company
operates as a separate Unit. The HQ Section is not fielded. CAVALRY
See Cavalry rules on page 68 of the rulebook. See the Cavalry rules on page 68 of the rulebook.
Mounted Man-packed Gun Teams are Cavalry Heavy SS-Kradschtzen Machine-gun Platoons use the Motorcycle
Weapon Teams. See page 68 of the rulebook. Reconnaissance rules on page 68 of the rulebook.
A Taczanka is an Unarmoured Tank Team. Its Ckm wz. Light Panzersph Patrols operate as separate Units.
30 HMG is carried Portee (see page 65 of the rulebook) so
the crew can dismount the Ckm wz. 30 HMG and send the MIXED SS-PANZERSPH PLATOON
cart to the rear. A Taczanka may start the game dismounted. Mixed Panzersph Patrols operate as separate Units.
See page 67 of the rulebook.
Char B-1 bis Tank Teams use the Multiple Weapons rule on
A Compagnie de Fusiliers-Voltigeurs must attach out all of
page 67 of the rulebook.
the Renault UE carriers from the Resupply Sections of the
FUSILIERS MOTORCYCISTES PLATOON Company HQ to its Units using as Combat Attachments
Fusiliers Motorcycistes Platoons use the Motorcycle (see page 7 of the rulebook). The Renault UE carriers are
Reconnaissance rules on page 68 of the rulebook. allocated individually, and each Unit can be given up to
three carriers. The carriers can be attached to:
HMG BUNKERS AND BARBED WIRE Fusiliers-Voltigeurs Platoons (page 161 of Blitzkrieg),
Use the Fortifications rules on pages 75 to 83 of the rulebook. Fusiliers-Voltigeurs Machine-gun Platoons (page 162 of
AIR SUPPORT Blitzkrieg),
Air Support is Fighter Interception (see page 44 of the 20mm Anti-aircraft Machine-gun Platoons (page 163 of
rulebook). Blitzkrieg),
Fusiliers-Voltigeurs Mortar Platoons (page 163 of
25mm Anti-tank Gun Platoons (page 164 of Blitzkrieg).
Platoons with Renault UE carriers attached can not be
When a French player places an objective in the enemys
placed in Ambush.
deployment area or in No Mans Land, they may place it up
to 4/10cm closer to their table edge than normal. SUPPLY CARRIERS
TRENCH WARFARE In each players turn a Unit can use one attached Renault
UE carrier to allow it to deliver a burst of fire in a Shooting
French Infantry and Gun teams (except those from Colonial
Step or as Defensive Fire in an Assault Step. The carrier must
platoons) attempting to Dig In succeed on a roll of3+.
be In Command and not be Bailed Out. The carrier is Sent
INTEGRATED DEFENCES to the Rear and removed from the game before any dice are
At the start of the game before deployment, each French rolled. A Unit delivering a burst of fire can either:
Machine-gun Platoon (except Colonial Machine-gun Count as having twice as many weapons when firing an
Platoons) may exchange two HMG teams from the Machine- Artillery Bombardment in this Shooting Step, or
gun Platoon for two Rifle/MG or MG teams from a Combat Roll one extra die to hit for each Team (two extra dice
Platoon Unit. Each Machine-gun Platoon may only make for HMG Teams) that is In Command when shooting
this trade with one Combat Platoon Unit. in this Step.
To do this, both Units must be dismounted and their
Transport Teams Sent to the Rear.
In addition to acting as supply carriers, Renault UE carriers
COLONIAL TROOPS can move guns around the battlefield. A carrier can carry a
Colonial platoons do not use the Trench Warfare and Heavy Weapon Team or tow a Gun Team as Passengers.
Integrated Defences special rules. Instead, they hit in assault
combat on a roll of 3+. RULES NO LONGER USED
The following French rules from Blitzkrieg are no longer
STABILISER JACKS used: Central Fire Control, Heavy Artillery, and Limited
An Unarmoured Tank Team with Stabiliser Jacks counts as Vision.
having a Gun Shield and gets a 4+ Save from shooting.
If there is just one 75mm mle 1897 gun, it must still re-roll
all successful To Hit rolls.
If there are two or three 75mm mle 1897 guns, then the
bombardment does not re-roll To Hit rolls.
If there are four or more 75mm mle 1897 guns, then the
bombardment must re-rell all unsuccessful To Hit rolls.
Plutonowy Podchory Orlik is a Warrior Unit Leader TKS
GNRAL DE BRIGADE CHARLES DE (20mm FKA) Tank Team rated as Fearless Trained.
GAULLE You may field Orlik in any Reconnaissance Tank Platoon
Gnral de Gaulle is a Warrior Higher Command Motorcycle replacing the Unit Leader Team for +35 points. Orliks TKS
Unarmoured Tank Team rated as Fearless Veteran. (20mm FKA) tankette counts as one of the TKS(20mm
FKA) tankettes allowed in his Unit.
You may field de Gaulle in any Compagnie de Combat
(page 142 of Blitzkrieg) for +45 points. Light Tank Platoons AMBUSH
in a force containing de Gaulle must have R-35 tanks. Orlik and his Unit may be deployed using the Ambush spe-
cial rule on page 95 of the rulebook in addition to any other
Units that would normally be deployed in Ambush. Orlik
Units with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line of and his Unit may deploy in Ambush even in missions that
Sight of de Gaulle pass Motivation Tests on a 3+. do not normally use the Ambush special rule.
You may deploy de Gaulle anywhere in your deployment Orlik may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit when it Shoots.
area before deploying any other troops. If you do this, you
may attempt to advance each Light and Battle Tank Platoon Shots from Nowhere: The enemy return fire was wild,
that is deployed entirely within 12/30cm of de Gaulle as shooting everywhere as they tried to locate Orliks tankette.
you deploy it. Orlik counts as Gone to Ground if he is Concealed and did
Roll a die immediately after deploying each Unit: not move in his own turn, even if he did Shoot in his turn.
On a score of 4+, the Unit moves up to 8/20cm towards FIRE AND MOVEMENT
the enemy coming no closer than 12/30cm to any Orlik may elect to fire at full ROF when he moves, but adds
enemy Team. +1 to the score required To Hit.
On any other roll, the Unit remains where it was
deployed, and no further Units may attempt to advance GENERALMAJOR ERWIN ROMMEL
in this way. Generalmajor Erwin Rommel is a Warrior Higher Command
Once you deploy any other type of Unit, you may no longer Panzer 38(t) Tank Team rated as Fearless Veteran.
attempt to advance your Light and Battle Tank Platoons. You may field Rommel for +130points in any Czech
Panzerkompanie (page 72 of Blitzkrieg), Schtzenkompanie
MAJOR-GENERAL BERNARD (page 74 of Blitzkrieg), or Kradschtzenkompanie (page 80 of
MONTGOMERY Blitzkrieg) that includes a Czech Panzer Platoon equipped
Major-General Montgomery is a Warrior Higher Command with Panzer 38(t) tanks.
Pistol Team rated as Confident Veteran.
You may field Montgomery in a Rifle Company (see One German Unit within 8/20cm of Rommel may make
page 124 of Blitzkrieg) for +75points. Montgomery achieved a normal move within its deployment area after both sides
his successes without the aid of tanks or the French far to the have deployed.
south. A force fielding Montgomery may not contain A11 or
A12 Tank Platoons or any allied French Units. ROMMEL AT THE POINT
Units with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line of
Sight of Rommel pass Motivation Tests on a 3+ and may
Before deploying your force you may select one of the Rifle re-roll all failed Skill Tests to make Blitz moves.
Platoons that would normally be deployed on table to be
redeployed. This Unit is not deployed at the usual time.
Instead, it is deployed after both players have completed
their deployment.
Instead of attacking at Dawn using the normal British
Night Attack rules (see page 72 of the rulebook), you may
instead use the Dusk rules (see page 91 of the rulebook) if
the attacker in a mission where the defender has Minefields.
Heavy Panzersph Patrols operate as separate Units.
Compagnia Motociclisti HQ uses the Motorcycle Once per game each Panzer I or Panzer II C (late) tank with
Reconnaissance rules on page 68 of the rulebook. a Demolition Charge may place their demolition charge
MOTOCICLISTI PLATOON against an adjacent Bunker or Obstacle instead of shooting.
Motociclisti Platoons use the Motorcycle Reconnaissance On a roll of 4+, a Bunker is Destroyed.
rules on page 68 of the rulebook. Obstacles are automatically removed at the end of the
Shooting Step.
Motociclisti Machine-gun Platoons use the Motorcycle GERMAN NATIONAL SPECIAL RULES
Reconnaissance rules on page 68 of the rulebook.
For the German rules on pages 94 to 95 of Hellfire and Back
POSIZIONE DI FUCILIERI see page 71 of the rulebook.
A Posizione di Fucilieri uses the Fortification rules on
pages 75 to 83 of the rulebook. RULES NO LONGER USED
The following Italian rules from Hellfire and Back are no
TOBRUK PITS longer used: Luftwaffe and Italian Allies.
Tobruk Pit 47/32 Nests and HMG Nests have an all around
field of fire.
See Portee rule on page 65 of the rulebook and Tip and Run
rule on page 72 of the rulebook. Indian and Gurkha Units do not use the British Bulldog
special rule. Instead, enemy Units must re-roll successful
CARRIER PLATOON tests to Counterattack Indian and Gurkha Units in Assaults.
Each Carrier Patrol operates as a separate Unit. Units entirely equipped with Armoured Tank Teams are not
affected by the War Cry rule and do not re-roll.
See Portee rule on page 65 of the rulebook and Tip and Run NORTH-WEST FRONTIER
rule on page 72 of the rulebook. Indian and Gurkha Infantry and Heavy Weapon (Man-
packed Gun) Teams are Mountaineers.
Each Carrier Patrol operates as a separate Unit. NEW ZEALAND
See Portee rule on page 65 of the rulebook and Tip and Run Enemy Units must re-roll successful tests to Counterattack
rule on page 72 of the rulebook. Maori Units in Assaults. Units entirely equipped with
Armoured Tank Teams are not affected by the Haka rule and
do not re-roll.
A Tobruk Strongpoint uses the Fortification rules on
pages 75 to 83 of the rulebook. AUSTRALIANS
Tobruk Pit 47/32 Nests and HMG Nests have an all around Gun Teams from a Tobruk Bush Artillery Platoon that did
field of fire. not move in the Movement Step may re-roll failed rolls To
PORTEE ANTI-TANK PLATOON, ROYAL ARTILLERY Hit when shooting at Units with all Teams up to 16/40cm
when not firing an Artillery Bombardment.
See Portee rule on page 65 of the rulebook and Tip and Run
rule on page 72 of the rulebook. TOBRUK BUSH ARTILLERY PLATOON
FIELD BATTERY, ROYAL ARTILLERY Tobruk Bush Artillery Platoons equipped with 75/27 guns
can only make one attempt per turn to Range In on any
Gun Troops operate as separate Units.
enemy Unit when firing an Artillery Bombardment.
See Transport Platoons on page 68 of the rulebook. RULES NO LONGER USED
The following British and Commonwealth rules from
Hellfire and Back are no longer used: Charge, Disorderly
Air Support is Fighter Interception (see page 44 of the Conduct, and 4 by 2 and No. 8 Wire.
Capitano Sergio Falletti is a Warrior Formation Commander
BRIGADIER J C JOCK CAMPBELL SMG Team rated as Fearless Veteran.
Brigadier Jock Campbell is a Warrior Higher Command Falletti may replace the Formation Commander Rifle Team
Ford Station Wagon Unarmoured Tank Team rated as in a Posizione di Fucilieri HQ (on page 39 of Hellfire and
Fearless Veteran. Back) for +35points.
You may field Jock Campbell in any Jock Column FIGHT MY BRAVE BOYS!
(page 122 of Hellfire and Back) or other British force con- Units with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line of
taining a Royal Horse Artillery Battery (page 126 of Hellfire Sight of Falletti pass Motivation Tests on a 3+.
and Back) for +60points.
When one of your MG or 47/32 Nests within 6/15cm of
Once per game Jock Campbell may be removed from the table Falletti is Destroyed as a result of enemy Shooting, roll a die.
at the beginning of a turn after Reserves dice are rolled. In the On a 4+ you may instead Destroy a friendly Infantry Team
following turn no Reserves dice are rolled, instead Jock within 4/10cm of that Nest.
Campbell returns to the table with one Reserve Unit, which
is placed on the table as if it had arrived from Reserves. GEFREITER ARNOLD HBNER
THERES THE ENEMY, THERE! Gefreiter (Lance-corporal) Arnold Hbner is a Warrior
Jock Campbell uses the Scout rule (see page 68 of the 8.8cm FlaK36 Gun Team rated as Confident Veteran.
rulebook). Hbner replaces an 8.8cm FlaK36 gun in a Heavy Anti-
Aircraft Gun Platoon (Page 89) in any German company in
INCREDIBLY BRAVE Hellfire and Back for +60points. Since Hbner always has
Units with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line of eight crew and ROF 3 you do not have to spend an extra
Sight of Jock Campbell pass Motivation Tests on a 3+. +10points to upgrade his gun.
If Jock Campbell is within 6/15cm and Line of Sight of Hbners 8.8cm FlaK36 gun has a ROF of 3. Hbners Gun
the Unit Leader of any Royal Horse Artillery Battery that team always has ROF 3 even if his Unit is Pinned Down.
did not move in the Movement Step the battery may re-roll
failed rolls To Hit when shooting their OQF 18/25 pdr or GUNNERY ACE
OQF 25 pdr guns at teams up to 16/40cm away. This rule Hbner re-rolls failed To Hit rolls with his 8.8cm FlaK36 gun.
does not apply to Artillery Bombardments.
CORPORAL JOHN JACK Generalmajor Erwin Rommel is a Warrior Higher Command
EDMONDSON Sd Kfz 250/5 half-track Tank Team rated as Fearless Veteran.
Corporal John Edmondson is a Warrior Rifle/MG team Rommels Sd Kfz 250/5 half-track is called Greif (meaning
rated as Fearless Veteran. both Griffin and Attack). Rommel can join any Leichte
Jack Edmondson may replace a Rifle/MG team in an Panzerkompanie (Page 60), Mittlere Panzerkompanie
Australian Commonwealth Rifle Platoon (marked , (Page62), Schtzenkompanie (Page64), Panzerschtzen-
page 139 of Hellfire and Back) or a Tobruk Rifle Platoon kompanie (Page 68), Kradschtzenkompanie (Page 70),
(page 143 of Hellfire and Back) for +45points . MG-kompanie (page 74) or Leichte Pionierkompanie
(Page76) in Hellfire and Back for +70points.
Edmondson hits on a roll of 2+ in Assault combat.
One German Unit within 8/20cm of Rommel may make
RESOLUTION AND LEADERSHIP a normal move within its deployment area after both sides
have deployed.
Edmondsons platoon may re-roll failed Motivation Tests.
Units with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line of
Sight of Rommel pass Motivation Tests on a 3+ and may
re-roll all failed Skill Tests to make Blitz moves.
Whenever a Greek Infantry Team or Gun Team that is in
8 MILLION BAYONETS Difficult Going Terrain, or assaulting into Difficult Going
Terrain, is Hit in Assault Combat, immediately roll a die for
To reflect the variable quality of Italian officers, Italian pla-
each Hit on that team.
toons are rated as Regular, Elite, Artillery, or Libyan. After
deployment, but before the first turn, roll a die for each On a result of 5+ the team successfully uses the terrain to
Unit and consult the Early-war 8 Million Bayonets table prevent serious casualties and the Hit is ignored.
(page 15 of Burning Empires) to determine their Training On any other result, the enemy out manoeuvre the Team
and Motivation characteristics. and it is Destroyed as normal.
Italian Units pass Motivation Tests for a Follow Me A Tagma Tethorakismeno HQ uses the Motorcycle
Movement Order on a 3+. Reconnaissance rules on page 68 of the rulebook.
All Alpini Infantry Teams, Heavy Weapon (Man-packed Motosikleta Platoons use the Motorcycle Reconnaissance
Gun) Teams, and Gun Teams equipped with Pack Mules, rules on page 68 of the rulebook.
are Mountaineers (see page 68 of the rulebook).
LEGIONS OF ROME Machine-gun Nest use the Fortification rules on pages 75 to
Battaglione Fucilieri is a Formation. 83 of the rulebook.
Each Machine-gun Platoon, Mortar Section, and Fucilieri
The following Greek rules from Burning Empires are no
Platoon of a Fucilieri Company operates as a separate Unit.
longer used: Come and Get Them!
The HQ Section is not fielded.
Machine-gun and Mortar Sections of a Fucilieri Company
may make Combat Attachments to Fucilieri Platoons of the
same Fucilieri Company.
HEROISM For the German rules on page 50 of Burning Empires see
See page 15. page 71 of the rulebook.
Heavy SS-Panzersph Patrols operate as separate Units. Foreign Legion Units pass Last Stand Tests on a 3+.
An Infanterie Scout Platoon with Motorcycle Rifle/ Foreign Legion Infantry Teams and Heavy Weapon Teams
MG Teams uses the Motorcycle Reconnaissance rules on (Man-packed Gun) increase their Cross-country and Road
page 68 of the rulebook. Dash by 2/5cm.
Kradschtzen Platoons use the Motorcycle Reconnaissance A Spahi Platoon uses the Cavalry rules on page 68 of
rules on page 68 of the rulebook. the rulebook.
Heavy Panzersph Patrols operate as separate Units. See the Fortification rules on pages 75 to 83 of the rulebook.
Light Panzersph Patrols operate as separate Units.
The following French rules from Burning Empires are no
longer used: Kpi Blanc.
Wittmann and his Assault Gun Platoon may be deployed
using the Ambush special rule (see page 95 of the rule-
book) in addition to any other Units that would normally
be deployed in Ambush. Wittmanns Unit may deploy in
Ambush even in Missions that do not normally use the
Ambush special rule. WAR CRY
Indian and Gurkha Units do not use the British Bulldog
special rule. Instead, enemy Units must re-roll successful
Stuka Schwerpunkt is Close Air Support (see page 44 of the tests to Counterattack Indian and Gurkha Units in Assaults.
rulebook). Units entirely equipped with Armoured Tank Teams are not
GLIDER ASSAULT affected by the War Cry rule and do not re-roll.
Luftlandesturmkompanie HQ and Luftlandesturm Platoons NORTH-WEST FRONTIER
in your force may use the Glider Assault special rules (see Indian and Gurkha Infantry and Heavy Weapon (Man-
page 85 of Burning Empires) during any mission. Units packed Gun) Teams are Mountaineers.
that are not mounted in gliders follow the normal deploy-
See page 72 of the rulebook.
Use the rule as written on pages 82 to 87 of Burning Empires. RULES NO LONGER USED
The following Britain & Commonwealth rules from Burning
RULES NO LONGER USED Empires are no longer used: Disorderly Conduct.
The following German rules from Burning Empires are no
longer used: Allied Platoons, and Harbingers of Things to
For the Motorcycle Reconnaissance rules on pages 10 to
11 of Burning Empires see page 68 of the rulebook.
See page 46 in the Blitzkrieg section. MALEME SCENARIO
Use all as written on pages 90 to 91 of Burning Empires
except as noted below. SS-STURMBANNFHRER KURT
Use as written except there is no longer Very Difficult Going SS-Sturmbannfhrer (Major) Kurt Meyer is a Warrior
as a terrain type. Higher Command Motorcycle SMG Team rated as Fearless
Veteran. He uses the Motorcycle Reconnaissance special
rules found on pages 68 of the rulebook.
Use as written, except where it reads Company Morale
Meyer leads his battalion from the front in an
Check, read that as Formation Last Stand.
SS-Kradschtzensturm (see page 52 of Burning Empires) or
PREPARED POSITIONS an SS Infanteriekompanie (see page 57 of Burning Empires)
Infantry and Gun Teams start in Foxholes. for +20points.
Units with their Unit Leader within 6/15cm and Line of
The Raiding rules, Missions, Desert Fort, and other updates Sight of Meyer pass Skill Tests to make a Blitz move on a
are available from www.flamesofwar.com as a free PDF roll of 2+.
Any time Meyer gives a re-roll to an SS-Kradschtzen Platoon,
SS-Kradschtzen Machine-gun Platoon, SS Infanterie
Platoon, or SS Pionier Platoon for any Motivation Test and
the Unit fails the re-roll, immediately Destroy one Team in
the Unit within Command Distance of Meyer. The Unit is
now considered to have passed the Motivation Test.
In the Movement Step a Unit that has drawn on its Seishin
and that is not within 8/20cm of either the nearest Objective
you must take to win the game, or the nearest Objective
BUSHIDO you must hold to stop the enemy winning the game, they
BANZAI CHARGE must move their full Tactical Move distance towards either
Whenever an assaulting Japanese Unit (unless it has one or of these Objectives until they are within 8/20cm of it. They
more Tank Teams) is forced to Fall Back by Defensive Fire, may never Move at Dash speed or Dig-in.
immediately roll a Motivation Test. In the Shooting Step a Unit that has drawn on its Seishin
If the platoon passes, it is no longer Pinned Down and must move again as if it is the Movement Step instead
must attempt to carry on with the Assault. The enemy of Shooting.
immediately shoots again in Defensive Fire as if this In the Assault Step a Unit that has drawn on its Seishin
was a new Assault. If the Japanese Unit is not forced to must Charge into Contact if they can. They must always
Fall Back this time, it carries on the Assault as normal. Counterattack rather than Break Off.
If it is forced to Fall Back a second time by the enemys
Defensive Fire, it remains Pinned Down and Falls Back HUMAN BULLET
as normal. If there are enemy Tank Teams within 6/15cm of Nikuhaku
Otherwise, the platoon remains Pinned Down and Falls teams the following rules apply:
Back as normal. If an assaulting Japanese Unit with Nikuhaku teams is
forced to Fall Back by Defensive Fire after the Banzai
KENDO Charge rule is applied, the Japanese Unit does not Fall
A Sword team hits on Infantry and Gun Teams on 2+ Back. Instead the Japanese Unit containing Nikuhaku
in Assaults. Teams continues the Assault. However, all Teams other
than the Nikuhaku Teams immediately move as if the
Unit was forced to Fall Back by Defensive Fire and
When a Japanese Formation is not in Good Spirits at the become Non-Assaulting Teams.
start of a turn, after rolling to Remount Bailed Out Tank
If a Japanese Unit containing Nikuhaku Teams fails its
Teams, it is not Destroyed.
Motivation Test to Counterattack, the Japanese Unit
Instead all Independent Teams are immediately Destroyed, will still Counterattack. However, all Teams other than
and all Units draw on their Seishin (using the Seishin rule) Nikuhaku Teams in the Japanese Unit become Non-
as if they had failed a Unit Last Stand. assaulting Teams and must immediately move as if the
Units in Reserves continue to arrive as normal, but upon platoon was forced to Break Off.
arrival immediately draw on their Seishin. If a Nikuhaku team is within 2/5cm of an enemy Tank
If the Japanese player starts a turn with all Japanese Teams Team when it Rolls to Hit in Assaults they roll 4 dice per
on the table Destroyed, the game ends following the rules for Team. These hits may only be assigned to enemy Tank
No Formations Left on page 61 of the rulebook. Teams. If there are no enemy Tank Teams within 2/5cm,
they roll one dice per team as normal. Nikuhaku teams are
SEISHIN rated Improvised Tank Assault 4.
If a Japanese Unit fails a Unit Last Stand, it is not automat-
ically Destroyed. Instead it draws on its Seishin and remains
on the table and fights on.
When a Unit draws on its Seishin all of its Tank Teams are
immediately Destroyed and its Heavy Weapon and Gun
Teams become Rifle Teams for the rest of the game. All other
teams continue fighting.
A Unit that has drawn on its Seishin automatically passes all
Motivation Tests they are required to take.
The first hit from enemy shooting in the Shooting Step A Japanese Turret MG has an all-round Field of Fire, but
does not count towards Pinning Down a Japanese Unit cannot fire at the same time as the vehicles Main Gun.
with Banners. Likewise, the first hit from an Artillery
Bombardment, Air Support, or Flame-throwers does not ARTILLERY
count for Pinning Down. For example, an enemy Artillery
Bombardment needs to hit two Teams to Pin Down a
Japanese Unit with Banners. When firing two-gun Artillery Bombardments Japanese
Hohei Battalion Gun Platoons, Hohei Regimental Gun
As usual the first hit from an enemy Sniper Pins Down a Platoons, and Field Artillery Batteries do not re-roll hits.
Unit, even if it has Banners. Single gun batteries still re-roll hits.
A Japanese Unit with Banners also does not count the first A Heavy Field Artillery Battery does not use the Fire Bursts
hit from Defensive Fire when determining if it will Fall Back special rule.
(see page 56 of the rulebook).
Manchurian Cavalry Platoons do not use the Japanese spe-
A Unit with the same title as the Company HQ that has cial rules and do not have any special rules of their own.
the Regimental Standard Team within 6/15cm automat-
ically passes all Motivation Tests. For example, only Units FIELD FORTIFICATIONS
with Hohei in their platoon title, such as Hohei Platoons or Field Fortifications use the Fortification rules on pages 75 to
Hohei Battalion Gun Platoons, benefit from being joined by 83 of the rulebook.
a Regimental Standard from a Hohei Chutai HQ.
If the Regimental Standard is Destroyed, immediately RULES NO LONGER USED
Destroy a Japanese Infantry team from a Unit with the same The following Japanese rules from Rising Sun are no longer
title as the Company HQ within 4/10cm instead, leaving used: Type 92 70mm Battalion Gun, and Allied Platoons.
the Regimental Standard unharmed.
If a Japanese Formation is the Attacker in any type of mis- See pages 73 to 74 of the rulebook with the following addi-
sion the Japanese player may choose to use the Dawn rules tional rules.
(see page 91 of the rulebook). WAVE ATTACKS
If the opposing force also uses Night rules on page 90 of Strelkovy Companies can undertake Wave Attacks in
the rulebook, both players roll a die and the player with the which new companies replace the existing ones as they are
highest score uses their Night rules. destroyed.
ENVELOPMENT In the Starting Step after a Strelkovy Company is Destroyed,
Japanese Infantry Teams and Light Gun Teams may Move but before Formation Last Stand is checked, roll a die.
at up to Cross-country Dash at Night (see page 90 of the On a score of 4+ the Strelkovy Company will Wave
rulebook). Attack and is replaced with a new Strelkovy Company
from the next wave.
TANKS On a lesser roll, the company is not replaced and is per-
manently Destroyed and cannot roll again.
You do not need to wait for a Strelkovy Company to be
Bailed Out Japanese Tank Teams are not ignored in Unit
Destroyed. In your Starting Step, immediately before
Last Stand, counting as still fighting. They can shoot their
Formation Last Stand is checked, you may elect to Destroy
Japanese Turret MG and fight in Assaults, but cannot move
any or all Strelkovy Companies that are not in Good Spirits.
to Counterattack or Break Off. They are not required to
You may immediately roll to bring the Destroyed Units on
make a Cross Check if making a Counterattack in terrain.
again as the next wave.
Bailed Out Japanese Tank Teams also prevent enemy
The new Strelkovy Company starts at the original strength
Assaulting Units from Winning if within 4/10cm, as if they
of the Destroyed Strelkovy Company. Only Teams that
were still operational.
are actually part of the Strelkovy Company return in the
In all other respects they are treated as Bailed Out, such as new Strelkovy Company. All Combat attached Teams are
being Captured and Destroyed if their Unit Breaks Off from Destroyed with the Strelkovy Company are permanently lost
an Assault. and do not return.
HIP SHOT Whenever a Unit Leader from a Strelkovy Company is
If they moved in the Movement Step, Japanese Tank Teams Destroyed, mark the location where it was Destroyed.
may re-roll failed To Hit rolls when shooting with their main Place the new Strelkovy Company anywhere on the table
gun, provided the easiest team to hit in the target Unit is such that it is In Command and closer to your closest
within 16/40cm. Deployment Area than the location where the Unit Leader
was Destroyed. If you do not have a Deployment Area, use SHOOTING AT LAND BATTLESHIPS
the closest table edge that your Reserves arrive from instead. If a Land Battleship that is not Damaged becomes Bailed
No Team in the new Strelkovy Company may be placed Out, it becomes Damaged instead (use a Bogged Down
within 12/30cm of an enemy Team or within 16/40cm marker). While Damaged, it cannot move, but can still
of an enemy Scout team. Any teams that cannot be placed shoot, and if assaulted, it can fight.
are removed from the Unit, but are not Destroyed. Ignore If a Land Battleship that is Damaged becomes Bailed Out, it
enemy Independent Teams and any teams that Dashed when becomes Bailed Out as well as Damaged. Any further Bailed
placing the new Strelkovy Company. Such teams do not limit Out results then trigger the Bailed Out a Second Time rule
the placing of the new Strelkovy Companys Teams at all. on page38 of the rulebook as usual.
Treat the new Strelkovy Company as a totally new Unit. If a Land Battleship that is not Damaged is Destroyed by
A Strelkovy Company only counts as Destroyed for calculat- shooting, artillery bombardment, or air attack, the shooting
ing Victory Points once it has failed a roll to Wave Attack. Team immediately takes a second Firepower Test:
In a Mission with the Strategic Withdrawal mission special If it passes, the Land Battleship is Destroyed outright.
rule a Strelkovy Company Destroyed during a withdrawal Otherwise, it is Damaged rather than Destroyed.
cannot be replaced using the Wave Attacks special rule. If a Land Battleship that is Damaged is Destroyed, it is
Destroyed outright with no further tests.
A Command Komissar Team is both a Unit Leader and a If a Land Battleship needs to take multiple saves from an
Komissar Team and follows all the rules for both. enemy Units shooting, take each save in turn, applying the
result before taking the next save.
A Company Command Komissar Team is both a Commander
and a Battalion Komissar Team and follows all the rules for LAND BATTLESHIPS FIGHT ON
both. So a Company Command Komissar team may re-roll A Land Battleship that is Bailed Out cannot shoot or fight in
a Motivation test first as a Commander before attempting a assaults, but can still move.
re-roll as a Battalion Komissar Team. A Land Battleship that is Damaged cannot move, but can
CLOSE SUPERVISION still shoot, and if assaulted, fight. If the Unit moves, it
Battalion Komissar Team uses the Commanders Leadership ignores Tanks that are Damaged for Staying In Command.
rule on pages 38, 42, 58, and 60 of the rulebook. Hits must be allocated to Land Battleships that are Damaged,
but not Bailed Out and therefore able to shoot, before other
DECK TURRETS teams that are Bailed Out and unable to shoot.
Guns and machine-guns mounted in Deck Turrets have an
In Assaults, a Land Battleship that has been Damaged,
all-round Field of Fire, except where their rotation is blocked
but not Bailed Out, prevents the Assaulting Platoon from
by the vehicles superstructure. Ignore the facing of Deck
Winning if within 4/10cm, and is counted as still opera-
Turrets when determining if a shot hits the Front or Side
tional for Unit Last Stand.
armour (see page 36 of the rulebook).
If a Land Battleship is Damaged and Bailed Out, it rolls to
TURRET-FRONT MG Remount and to repair itself separately in the Starting Step.
A Turret-front MG has an all-round Field of Fire, but cannot This can result in a Land Battleship that can move but not
fire at the same time as the vehicles Main Gun. shoot because it is Bailed Out, but not Damaged.
TURRET-REAR MG At the Start of a turn when before rolling to Remount Bailed
Out Tanks, roll to repair Damaged Land Battleships. Roll a
See page 67 of the rulebook.
Skill Test.
LAND BATTLESHIPS If it passes your Tank is no longer Damaged.
Land Battleships like the T-35 use the Multiple Weapons, Otherwise the Tank remains Damaged.
Shooting at Land Battleships, and Land Battleships Fight TWIN MG TURRETS
On special rules below. Twin MG Turret are Deck Turrets. Both turrets can fire at
MULTIPLE WEAPONS their full ROF 3 at the same time, either at the same Unit or
A Land Battleship may fire its additional weapons (other each at a different enemy Unit.
than MGs) at ROF 1 at the same time as its main gun. If TOW HOOK
they do this, the additional weapons suffer +1 penalty to hit. See page 72 of the rulebook.
Each may fire at a different target. As Soviet tanks they must
also add +1 to the score needed to hit with main guns when RULES NO LONGER USED
they move due to the Hen and Chicks special rule.
The following Soviet rules from Rising Sun are no longer
used: Offensive Doctrine.
In the Shooting Step instead of shooting with a Sissi Platoon
HUNTERS you may attempt to remove it from the table and hold it in
Motti Ambush. To do this it must be in Good Spirits, not
Add +2/5cm to Finnish Infantry and Heavy Weapon (Man-
have moved at Dash speed in the Movement Step, and not
packed Gun) Teams Terrain Dash movement.
have teams:
SISU within 16/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of
Finnish Units reduce the score required to pass a Motivation Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, or
Test to Counterattack by -1. within 4/10cm of any enemy Team, or
MOTTI AMBUSH within 8/20cm of any enemy Scout Team that is in Line
of Sight (apart from Scout Teams that are Bailed Out, or
A Finnish player may elect to hold any Sissi Platoons (includ-
moved at Dash).
ing any teams Combat Attached to them) in their force in
Motti Ambush in any Mission, whether it uses the Ambush Make a Skill Test before removing the teams.
mission special rule or not. If the Sissi Platoon passes, they are successfully removed
Other Units can still be placed in Ambush in Missions using from the table and are held in Motti Ambush. They can
the Ambush mission special rule in addition to those that be placed again, less any teams destroyed in previous
have been allocated to be placed from Motti Ambush. turns, from Motti Ambush from the beginning of the
next or subsequent turns.
Sissi Platoons that are held in Reserves may instead be
If they fail they remain on the table and can not shoot
placed from Motti Ambush on the turn they arrive on table
this step.
from Reserves.
At the start of your turn, in the Starting Step, before reveal- RULES NO LONGER USED
ing Reserves you may place any or all Sissi Platoons you The following Finnish rules from Rising Sun are no longer
have been holding in Motti Ambush. You must place an used: Self Sufficient.
entire Unit at a time and the Unit must be placed so as to be
In Command.
You may place a Team from Motti Ambush anywhere in
your Deployment Area or No Mans Land provided that it ALIKERSANTII SIMO HYH
is within 12/30cm of at least one enemy Team and that Alikersantti Simo Hyh is a Warrior Sniper Team rated
it is not: Fearless Veteran. Hyh may join a Jalkavkikomppania
within 16/40cm of any enemy Team within Line of (page 94 of Rising Sun) and replaces a Sniper Team for an
Sight, unless Concealed by Terrain from it, or additional +15points.
within 4/10cm of any enemy Team.
You do not have to decide where your Unit will be placed
If Hyh is Destroyed, he is only Destroyed using the Driven
until you place it.
Off rule on a roll of 5+ (instead of 4+). Otherwise, Hyh
A Unit placed from Motti Ambush can move and shoot as slips away and can be placed back on the table again from
normal, but cannot Charge into Contact in Assault in the the start of your next turn as an Ambush.
turn in which it is placed.
A Unit placed from Motti Ambush does not benefit from HANDY WITH A SUBMACHINE-GUN
being in Foxholes at the start of the game. If Hyh is assaulted, he conducts Defensive Fire as
a SMG Team.
If Hyh destroys all enemy teams within 4/10cm with his
shooting he is automatically removed from the table and can
be placed back on the table again from the start of your next
turn as an Ambush.
Guns and machine-guns mounted in Deck Turrets have an
all-round Field of Fire, except where their rotation is blocked
GERMAN NATIONAL SPECIAL RULES by the vehicles superstructure. Ignore the facing of Deck
For the German rules see page 71 of the rulebook. Turrets when determining if a shot hits the Front or Side
KRADSCHTZENKOMPANIE HQ armour (see page 36 of the rulebook).
Kradschtzenkompanie HQ uses the Motorcycle TURRET-FRONT MG
Reconnaissance rules on page 68 of the rulebook. A Turret-front MG has an all-round Field of Fire, but cannot
KRADSCHTZEN PLATOON fire at the same time as the vehicles Main Gun.
Kradschtzen Platoons use the Motorcycle Reconnaissance TURRET-REAR MG
rules on page 68 of the rulebook. See page 67 of the rulebook.
Kradschtzen Machine-gun Platoons use the Motorcycle LAND BATTLESHIPS
Reconnaissance rules on page 68 of the rulebook. See page 59.
OBERFELDWEBEL HERMANN BIX Leytenant Konstantin Samokhin is a Warrior Unit Leader
Oberfeldwebel Hermann Bix is a Warrior Formation BT-7 Tank Team or Warrior Formation Commander T-34
Commander Panzer III G Tank Team and is rated Confident obr 1941 Tank Team and is rated Confident Trained. If
Veteran. Bix replaces the Formation Commander Panzer Samokhin is in a BT-7 tank he may join a Tankovy Batalon
III F (late) or G in a Panzer III Platoon for an additional and replaces the Unit Leader BT-7 Tank Team in a BT-7
+50 points. equipped Light Tankovy Company for an additional
+40 points.
LEADING THE WAY! If Samokhin is in a T-34 obr 1941 tank he may join a
Bixs Panzer III Platoon may use the Spearhead rule (see Tankovy Batalon and replaces the Formation Commander
page 68 of the rulebook). T-34 obr 1941 Tank Team in a Tankovy Batalon HQ for an
KV KILLER additional +125 points.
If an enemy Tank Team passes an Armour Save when hit by SURPRISE ATTACK!
Bixs main gun at a range of up to 8/20cm, roll a die. Samokhin uses the Spearhead rule (see page 68 of the
On a roll of 6 the enemy Tank Team is destroyed. rulebook).
On any other roll the shot is saved and has no effect.
Samokhin may re-roll any failed To Hit rolls when he shoots
with the main gun of his tank.
BANZAI CHARGE HQ Platoon and Sensha Platoons of a Sensha Company
See page 57. operate as Units.
See page 57. HQ Platoon and Sensha Platoons of a Light Sensha
Company operate as Units.
SEISHIN If you have Naval Gunfire Support, your force will field an
See page 57. NGFS Observer Rifle Team. This Observer is an additional
Observer to your normal allocation of one, but it can only
HUMAN BULLET Spot for an artillery unit of Confident Trained Naval Guns.
See page 57. Except Nikuhaku Teams from Banzai are rated Your forces other Observer and eligible Spotting Teams
Improvised Tank Assault 5. cannot Spot for Naval Gunfire Support. The guns are not
deployed on the table, but have the range to hit any target
on the table.
See page 58.
When firing an Artillery Bombardment with Naval Gunfire
REGIMENTAL STANDARD Support, position the Artillery Template with the sides par-
See page 58. allel to the table edges.
If you have Naval Gunfire Support, your force will field an
BAR AUTOMATIC RIFLES NGFS Observer Rifle Team. This Observer is an additional
A moving BAR Team can fire at its Halted ROF, but adds a Observer to your normal allocation of one, but it can only
penalty of +1 to the score needed to hit. Spot for an artillery unit of Confident Trained Naval Guns.
Your forces other Observer and eligible Spotting Teams
SEMPER FI cannot Spot for Naval Gunfire Support. The guns are not
Marine Units reduce the score needed to pass a Motivation deployed on the table, but have the range to hit any target
Test to Counterattack by -1. on the table.
WAR DOGS When firing an Artillery Bombardment with Naval Gunfire
Support, position the Artillery Template with the sides par-
Teams placed from Ambush (see page 95 of the rulebook)
allel to the table edges.
must be more than 8/20cm from all Dog Handler Teams.
The Dog Handler teams do not have to be in Line of Sight.
CANISTER Depending on your level of Naval Air & Sea Support you
A weapon equipped with Canister ammunition may fire this gain a die with the following scores needed to succeed:
instead of normal ammunition. Priority Naval Air & Sea Support succeeds on a 3+.
Unlike normal ammunition, the ROF of Canister is not Limited Naval Air & Sea Support succeeds on a 4+.
reduced when the firing team moves or is Pinned Down. Sporadic Naval Air & Sea Support succeeds on a 5+.
Instead it increases the score needed To Hit by +1. In your opponents Starting Step, before they roll for Air
IMPROVISED TANK ASSAULT ARMOUR Support, choose whether you will allocate your die as Fighter
Interception (see page 44 of the rulebook), or disrupt your
If a Tank Team with Improvised Tank Assault Armour fails an
opponents Naval Gunfire Support in the Shooting Step.
Armour Save against an Infantry weapon with a Firepower of
Once you have allocated your Naval Air & Sea Support die
5+ or 6, or against an Assaulting Infantry Team, roll a special
it can only be used in that role for the rest of the turn.
5+ Improvised Tank Assault Armour save:
If the save is successful the Improvised Tank Assault DISRUPTING NAVAL GUNFIRE SUPPORT
Armour protects the tank. A successful die roll disrupts your opponents Naval Gunfire
If the save fails the shot penetrated the Armour as normal. Support. They cannot use their Naval Gunfire Support this
Shooting Step.
AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT Otherwise, you opponent may use their Naval Gunfire
Use as written in Gung-ho pages 16 to 23. Support as normal.
Rules for Using Warriors from Intelligence Updated Special Rules from all of the
Handbooks in Flames Of War. Flames Of War Intelligence Handbooks.
Updated Warrior Special Rules from all the
Intelligence Handbooks.
A copy of the Flames Of War, 1939-41 and 1944-1945 rulebook is necessary to use the contents of this book.
Product Code FW008-W
Copyright Battlefront Miniatures Limited, 2016.
All rights reserved.