Robotech Macross Saga-RPG
Robotech Macross Saga-RPG
Robotech Macross Saga-RPG
Welcome to Robotech.
Robotech: The Macross Saga
The Roleplaying Game
1st Edition - Version 1.1
First Time
I’ll be honest, I wasn’t impressed the first
time I saw a Veritech. It was back at the Launch Day • What is Robotech: 8
event my big brother had invited me to. I didn’t
even want to go. Why would I? It was just a big • Game Basics: 10
parade for the war we’d be fighting all over again
if my guesses were correct. Being from the circus, • Robotechnology: 12
I thought I’d upstage those clowns with a simple
booster climb in my fanjet. I did, but that wasn’t the
point. When Roy decided to show me the inside of
• Creating a Hero: 14
one of those Veritechs, I knew that it was a lot more
complicated than I realized. When the Zentraedi
• Careers: 18
attack happened, I was scared stiff.
I still give Lisa hell for sending me into battle • Nature: 26
that day, but I had a new respect for Robotechnology
and what it could do, even if I didn’t quite realize it • Rank & Fame: 27
right then. It’s been years and years, but every time
I mention Launch Day, Lisa is still mortified. It’s the • Hero Progression: 30
best way to tease her.
Since that fateful day when Breetai’s force • Stress: 33
arrived, I’ve learned what an awesome force it is...
awe-inspiring. You can’t look at a Robotech ship and • Iconic Characters: 36
not have your breath taken away.
And really, it was Robotech that saved
humanity. It’s the only thing that kept us alive
through the dark years, on the run from the Zentraedi
and fighting them as Malcontents.
What I tell new pilots under my command
is to learn what makes Robotechnology tick. Gain a
respect for it. Because if you don’t, you’re going to
be a sitting duck. And who knows what waits for us
as we embark on our journey to Tirol; we need to be
ready for anything.
What is Robotech?
Your First Steps
For those of you taking your first step into the world of Designer Note
Robotech, welcome. For the rest of you: welcome back, old
friends. Robotech is a hugely popular animated television Thank you for supporting the Robotech: Macross Saga
show from the 1980s that brought a love of mecha combat to Roleplaying Game. We hope you enjoy your stay. Robotech
the United States. It ran for three seasons and was rewritten was ahead of its time. It was the first real anime brought to
and reformatted by Carl Macek and Harmony Gold from three the US market that had a deep story, gritty action, and a focus
pre-existing and unrelated animated series from Japan. on interpersonal relationships. We watched in amazement as
we saw the characters in the series grow, flourish, change,
and even die. As kids, this type of show was what we’d
been waiting for. Now, the series has returned and is widely
available so younger generations are now learning what
Robotech is, and learning to love it. The show’s story and
animation still hold up, even though it originally aired in the
mid-1980s. There’s no other explanation for why it’s still a
cultural phenomenon.
It tells the story of the survivors of a war-torn Earth after an
alien spaceship crash lands on the planet. All the countries
of the world spend a decade putting aside their differences
and devoting their resources to repairing the ship and reverse
engineering all of its strange technology. But they knew that
an alien invasion was imminent. The ship, referred to by the
people of Earth as the SDF-1 – Super Dimensional Fortress 1 –
had been involved in a battle and it had been chased to Earth.
It would only be a matter of time before the alien aggressors
Game Basics
Game Design
• Heroic Move: This is a special event that allows you to • Robotech Expeditionary Force - REF: This is the force
alter certain aspects of the game or world to a great that goes into space searching for answers regarding
extent. robotechnology. It is led by Admiral Rick Hunter.
• Mecha: This refers to any mechanized robot. Several • Robotechnology: Robotechnology is the science that
types can transform. was reverse engineered by Humans that made their
• Macronization: The process of being enlarged using the ability to fend off the Zentraedi possible.
protoculture chambers. • SDF-1 - The Super-Dimensional Fortress One: This
• Micronian: The Zentraedi refer to Humans as is the ship that Humans reverse engineered based on
“Micronians.” It’s a catch-all term for Human-sized Zor’s Battlefortress and was key in their defense of the
beings. Zentraedi attacks. (See also: Zor’s Battlefortress.)
• Micronization: This is the process by which full-size • Stress: Stress is a measure of the mental and physical toll
Zentraedi can be shrunk to Human sizes for covert a character endures. Stress is gained through Drama and
missions or other purposes. Fatigue.
• Naval Ship: These often refer to large space or sea • United Earth Defense Forces - UEDF: This is the military
vessels, larger in scale than a Veritech fighter or Zentraedi branch of the United Earth Government.
Battlepod. For example: the Daedalus, the Prometheus, • United Earth Government: In the wake of the arrival of
the SDF-1, Breetai’s command ship. Zor’s Battlefortress, the disparate component countries
of Earth united under one unified government.
• U.N. Spacy: This was the space-based branch of the
United Nations’ peacekeeping forces. The UEDF was
born out of this organization. The U.N. Spacy logo can
still be seen in places.
• Valkyrie: This is the designation given to generation I
Veritechs. During the First Robotech War, some used
Valkyrie and Veritech interchangeably. (See Veritech.)
What is Robotechnology? • Video Phones: Robotech engineers were able to find
a way to transmit large amounts of data cheaply and
Simply put: Robotechnology is the technology Earth reverse- quickly. This was crucial for monitoring all systems of
engineered from Zor’s Battle Fortress, known as the SDF-1 to the SDF-1, but it has also been used for making high-
humans. This technology allowed Dr. Emil Lang and the other resolution video calls a reality. These days, almost all
foremost experts in this technology to create transformable phones have the ability to transmit two-way video feeds.
fighters that were capable of standing toe-to-toe with giant
aliens like the Zentraedi, as well as face off against enemies • Hairstyling: One unexpected application of
on land and in space. Robotechnology was the creation of advanced tools
for hairstyling. The origin of these are the automated
Robotechnology is behind every major scientific haircutting devices found on the SDF-1 that were used
advancement that keeps the UEDF running, from the modular by Zentraedi soldiers to keep their hair conforming to
transformations and barrier systems to the hyperspace fold regulations. With these tools, you could get impressively
system. There’s a bit of mystery behind all of it and it doesn’t puffed-up and wavy hairdos almost effortlessly. As a
always work the way it’s supposed to, but it’s the only thing result, modern hairstyle fashion is moving toward even
that saved Earth from the initial Zentraedi advance on Launch more outrageous styles and colors.
• Holo Sky: To keep up morale among the civilians
Here is a list of how Robotechnology has been used to trapped within the SDF-1, the Robotech research
enhance everyday life and power the military: group developed a holographic sky under the roof of
the gigantic compartment that was used for rebuilding
Everyday Life Macross City. This sky is almost indistinguishable from
• Robotics: Robots have taken over some basic tasks, like the real thing and changes color as the day progresses. It
public cleaning or other maintenance, but there are also can even show different types of weather, from clear and
commercialized robots that offer services to people, sunny to dark rain clouds (though actual precipitation
e.g. delivery services, communication, drink vending, was deemed too problematic to implement).
shoe polishing, or even taking pictures for couples in the
park. Robotics have helped to automate the mundane
functions of everyday life.
• Protoculture: Protoculture is an advanced fuel source that radiant energy the weapon releases. The basis for Reflex
is used to power Robotechnology. It is self-propagating, weaponry is tied to protoculture. Since the energy can be
clean, and provides tremendous power output. Reports manipulated in very discrete ways, it is easily adapted to
indicate that it responds to intent, emotion, and thought. different weapon systems.
It can be used in many different ways, which yield
different results. It can even be processed to interact While the Reflex Cannon is only found on the SDF-1,
differently when associated with different systems. Its Beam Cannons and Reflex Missiles are more widely
immense power potential and adaptability allow it to be used. Beam Cannons take protoculture energy and
used universally. form it into a cohesive bolt that is propelled at near light
speeds. The energy bolt has a similar effect to plasma,
Military and rips through armor with ease. Beam cannons are
• Artificial Intelligence: Once the programming language expensive to manufacture, but are very effective. They
from Zor’s fortress was deciphered, researchers unlocked are fitted on mecha and vehicles with specialized roles.
advanced machine learning. These advancements in Reflex Missiles use stored protoculture energy to create
artificial intelligence led to the development of the Ghost immense explosions. The protoculture is tightly woven
drone, navigation assistance, and automated defense into a packet ready to explode. When the proper charge
responses. The AI is also used to guide advanced missiles is introduced, the energy is released, and is capable of
and assist pilots of Veritechs and Destroids. vaporizing solid material.
• Energy Weapons: Robotechnology has allowed for • Energy-Based Barriers: By channeling the energy
powerful energy cells to be created that are strong protoculture creates, near impenetrable protective
enough to create laser weaponry. Naval vessels are large shielding can be created. The shielding can be made into
enough to carry fearsome particle cannons. Advanced a bubble large enough to protect a spaceship the size of
mecha are outfitted with perhaps the most powerful the SDF-1. The shield may also be projected into small
small energy weapons - beam cannons, which can discs that can protect vital areas. The projected energy is
penetrate almost any thickness of armor plating. razor thin, but is strong enough to withstand the damage
a solar flare can produce.
As Stress builds up, track it on your character sheet. If the Mecha Upgrades: Upgrades are used enhance the
Stress Tracker fills, you suffer a mental break. See page 33 capability of a mecha craft.
for more details on Stress.
• Rank: Rank describes how much military authority you Space Vehicles: These vehicles can operate in space
have. The higher the Rank, the better equipment, mecha, environments. Some are also able to fly in an atmosphere.
and officer stations you may requisition and the more
authority you possess. A high Rank also provides you
with more wealth. As your Rank increases, so does your
responsibility. Read more about Ranks on page 27.
1. Review the Story You have allies on the SDF-1 and choose to use your
The GM should tell you about the type of game they plan to piloting skills to defend them. You receive six Skills. You
run. The game type will determine the type of hero you need choose the Pilot Career and select the following Skills:
to make. They may choose to run a game in either heroic or Cover Fire
lethal mode and decide to run it centered around Humans Man-at-Arms
of the UEDF, or the Zentraedi. The GM will also describe the Rapidfire
scenario, time frame, and any changes they wish to make to Flash Move
Robotech’s canon. Close Quarters
Rally Cry
2. Choose Your Race - Page 17
Choose to play either a Human or Zentraedi. You may choose 5. Apply Skill Points
either race regardless of the type of campaign being run. Starting heroes receive points to place into Skills. Choose
from one of the three arrays below and distribute the values
across your six Skills:
Even though you want to be a pilot and fly Valkyrie mecha,
you choose to play a Zentraedi who has been micronized • Specialized: 4,4,3,2,1,1
and has defected to the UEDF, just like Miriya. • Focused: 4,3,3,2,2,1
• Versatile: 3,3,3,2,2,2
3. Choose a Career - Page 18
Select the type of hero you want to play. Choose from Free Form – optional: Instead of choosing an array, you may
Entertainer, Marine, Officer, Pilot, Spy, Technician, or take 15 points to spread as you see fit. Each Skill is required to
Volunteer. Each Career offers different equipment, have a minimum score of 1 and may not exceed 4.
proficiencies, and Talents. Variable Rolling – optional: Another option is to start with
8 Skill points, then roll 2D6 and add the rolled result to the 8
• Record Rank and Fame – Page 27 and 151: The selected Skill points to obtain your total. Each Skill is required to have
Career will provide you with a military Rank or Fame a minimum score of 1 and may not exceed 4.
score. Record these on your character sheet. Hardcore Rolling – optional: Roll 1D6-2 a total 6 times and
assign them to your Skills in the order they are listed from top
• Record Your Equipment – Page 84, 121, and 148: Each to bottom. Each Skill must have a minimum score of 1.
Career lists the equipment that you have access to.
Record the provided items and choose items if you are
given a choice. You choose to use the Focused Array:
Cover Fire: 4
• Record Proficiencies – Page 15: Each Career provides Man-at-Arms: 3
a list of mecha, vehicles, or naval vessels you may Rapidfire: 3
choose proficiencies in. Also listed is a total number of Flash Move: 2
proficiencies you may select. Close Quarters: 2
Rally Cry: 1
• Select your Element – Page 63: There are three Element
options for each Career. Select one of the three options 6. Create Your Nature – Page 26
listed to use as your Element. If you choose to be a Choose two terms to describe your Nature, one for your
Volunteer, you will have to create your own Element with Disposition and one for your Demeanor. These terms drive
the GM’s guidance and approval. how you act and are perceived by others and may help you
gain a reroll when attempting Challenges.
• Officer: As an Officer, you have the hefty responsibility • Talent: Choose one Piloting Talent plus the one granted
of making the hardest decisions, knowing that your when you select your Element.
subordinates are trusting you with their lives. Your • Rank: The starting Rank of a pilot is based on your
decisions can save or doom thousands. selected Element – see below.
• Equipment: Any suitable to support flight command:
1 Kit, 1 Armor – Flight Suit, 1 Hand Weapon – Combat
Knife, and 1 Pistol.
• Select 1 Mecha + Variants
• Select 2 – the same option may be taken twice: Any
Single Mecha + Variants, Any Single Space Vehicle, All
Aerial Vehicles, Any Single Ground Vehicle, or Any Single
Mecha Upgrade.
Ace Pilot
• Pilot: Pilots live on the rush of controlling massive war You’re not just any pilot, you’re the best. Your reflexes and
machines. The faster and the more firepower available, battlefield awareness are second to none. Your peers want
the better. your skills and kill count while your enemies want a reprieve
from continual defeat. You’re in your Element when you are in
• Spy: Spies learn to assimilate and adapt. You can become direct engagement with enemy mecha.
anyone at any time, and have the ability to infiltrate
facilities and hack networks. Rank: Corporal [R1]
• Volunteer: Volunteers answer the call to duty. As a Once per engaged enemy target, choose a location to place
Volunteer you join the UEDF in order to help save damage when attacking. All of your damage from an attack
Humanity or find the ultimate experience. may be applied this way once per enemy you face. This may
used to target specific hardware or systems. See page 161.
Squadron Leader Wingmate
You have been assigned to lead a small mecha squadron You have been trained to cover your squad mates and ensure
and are responsible for the lives of those assigned to your that they are protected. You’re in your Element when you
unit. You’re in your Element when you are ordering and focus your efforts on controlling the surrounding area and
coordinating your squadron’s efforts. defending and supporting your friends.
When piloting mecha, you may support those under your At any time during mecha combat, gain a bonus Action as
command. During an engagement, the Squadron Leader can well as an additional half-move to aid an ally. This may be
forgo using their equipment suite each round. This allows a used to take assist, inhibit, or redirect Actions. You must be
squad member piloting a mecha to use an extra equipment within Short range of your ally to use this Talent, which is
suite during their turn - the same equipment suite cannot be determined after taking your bonus movement. You may use
used twice in the same turn. this Talent once per round.
• Equipment: Any suitable to support your role as a leader,
diplomat, noble, or negotiator: 2 Kits, 1 Armor, 1 Hand
Officer Weapon – Combat Knife, and 1 Pistol.
“We must resolve this and put an end to this bickering. It’s bad Proficiencies
for the morale of the men, sir.” -Minister Exedore, restoring • Select 1 Naval Vessel
order after Micronian culture began disrupting Zentraedi • Select 2: Any Single Mecha + Variants, Any Single Space
culture on Breetai’s command ship. Vehicle, All Aerial Vehicles, All Ground Vehicles, All
Surface Naval Vessels, Any Single Naval Vessel, or Any
Single Mecha Upgrade.
• Exemplar: As a leader, you believe that the path of true
leadership is performed through example. You lead at
the front, without fear, and show your subordinates how
it’s done. You are in your Element when commanding
through example.
simple Petite Cola vending machine is a complex automaton. Elements
Beyond repair, engineers use sensors and weapons built with • Doctor: You have spent of lifetime of training learning
technology salvaged from the SDF-1. Technicians may be how to heal others. You specialize in the medical arts. You
found in many capacities aboard naval ships, in repair bays, are in your Element when treating others or investigating
or in the back seats of Veritechs and Cat’s Eye recon jets. organic systems.
They make up the bulk of the UEDF Medical Corps as doctors,
nurses, and in other fields, and serve as scientists, evaluating Rank: 2nd Lieutenant [R3]
distant planets and captured technology. An engineer may be
an enlisted crew member or an officer. • Engineer: Engineers have a talent for creating and
repairing hardware and software systems. You are in
your Element when you are working with technology or
mechanical systems.
“No, Minmei, this is not the end. We still have our lives. It’s not
over yet. Listen, Minmei I want you to do something for me. I
want you to go now and sing for everyone!” - Rick Hunter to
Lynn Minmei, before Dolza’s bombardment.
Through song, you’re able to inspire those around you. You
may focus your performance toward a squad or an individual
you are familiar with. Grant an Edge to friends or allies who
are fighting for freedom. This bonus lasts for 1 round and the
recipients must be able to hear you either directly or through
comms. You may use this Talent once per engagement.
• Shade: Shades work from the shadows.You’re never seen
or known until you make your mark. Then, you disappear Marine
into the aether. You are in your Element when stalking,
sneaking, or working out of view of your assigned targets. “But, I don’t have a battle pod.”
“Use mine, Azonia.” -Azonia and Khyron, plotting an attack.
• In Plain Sight: With a gentle smile and nondescript A Marine helps keep the peace and stands at the ready to
appearance, you get the job done hiding in plain sight. keep civilians safe. At times, Marines may pilot Destroids to
Where others may need to skulk or get all the attention, defend the SDF-1 against enemy attack. A Zentraedi Marine
you get things done without swagger. You are in your is a heavy trooper that does not need a Pod to bring terror
Element when you operate in plain sight, using the noise to the battlefield. Human Marines may use heavy weapons,
of the world to mask your presence. tanks, and other ground vehicles and towed weapons as
well. Teams of Marines may be used for special operations,
• Copycat: A Copycat is a master of everything. You learn reconnaissance, combat search and rescue, or as field medics
to be anyone at any time and do anything. You take over in rescue ships.
people’s lives and even impersonate them. You are in
your Element when you disguise, impersonate, and copy Zentraedi foot soldiers often seem to be inconsequential
others’ skills to get the job done. enemies to Veritech pilots, who learn too late the error of
Career Talent: Unseen
“No, sir. I didn’t get a look at who knocked me out. You say the While infantry has a smaller role in Robotech combat, soldiers
video feeds were down as well?” can be found everywhere.
When infiltrating or operating under disguise, you may treat • Talent: Choose one Tactical Talent plus “Tactical Action”
any failed Challenge as a Sticky Challenge. This Talent may listed below.
only be used as it relates to subterfuge-based attempts. See • Rank: Corporal [R1]
page 59.
• Equipment: Any to support your role as a soldier, police With the SDF-1 originally taking on 76,000 refugees from
officer or guard: 1 Kit, 1 Hand Weapon – Combat Knife, Macross Island and remaining ground zero throughout the
1 Armor – Combat Suit, and 1 Assault Rifle and 1 Pistol. war, many civilians involved themselves any way they could to
support those defending their new homes. Those who joined
Proficiencies the UEDF received training and assumed one of the military
• All Ground Vehicles careers. Others donated blood, collected scrap metal, or even
• Select 1: Any Single Mecha + Variants, Any Single Space just served hot coffee and doughnuts to aviators returning
Vehicle, All Aerial Vehicles, or Any single Mecha Upgrade. from a combat air patrol. Others, like Lynn Minmei, provided
friendship to UEDF personnel. Some served in civil defense
Elements capacities, helping other civilians in shelters or used their
• Lone Wolf: You respect the ability of your military peers, occupational skills to support the ongoing war action.
but you believe you can do it better alone. You operate
without support and often enter dangerous situations so
your friends do not have to. You are in your Element when
you operate without reliance on a squad for support.
Elements • Company CEO: You are the rich and powerful head of
Choose an Element that fits your background. The Element a major company. You dine with dignitaries, schmooze
must be approved by the GM. Here are 3 examples of what a high ranking officials, and always have something new to
Volunteer Element may look like: sell to the military. Use the Officer or Technician Career to
make this character.
• Introvert: You are so focused on a favorite topic that
you fail to notice the outside world. You keep your nose • Drifter: You move from place to place. Staying
in the books, or crafting a machine, or fighting against somewhere too long leaves you feeling uneasy. You meet
an enemy. You are in your Element when you can focus lots of people and are always learning something new
intently on a topic or task. through your travels. Use the Spy or Pilot: Wingmate
Career to make this character.
• Caretaker: You are driven into service due to your
empathy. You want to help or support others and are • Investigator: You make a living tracking information.
more than willing to sacrifice yourself in the process. You This means following people, searching for evidence,
are in your Element when you can care for others through and planting bugs. You may work for a police force or for
assistance or sacrificing yourself. yourself. Use the Spy or Technician Career to make this
• Adrenaline Junkie: You answer the call to live on the
edge where excitement exists in its purest form. You seek • Journalist: The truth is out there, and you seek to uncover
to find the next rush and you never stopped looking. You it. The military keeps secrets and there are always dark
are in your Element when you are in danger and ride the dealings inside the government. You must be willing to
razor’s edge of death. travel and place yourself in danger to get what you need
to make the front page. Use the Spy or Pilot: Wingmate
Career Talent: Adaptable Career to make this character.
“I learned this after spending a few months working on a
freighter.” • Mobster: You work for or run an underground
organization. You work outside the law, skirting rules
Choose any Career Talent for your own. It must be from a where possible and breaking them if you have to. Running
different category from your first Career Talent. an illegal operation isn’t easy. You have to intimidate,
bribe, and fight your way to the top. Use the Officer or
Marine Career to make this character.
Archetype Suggestions • Noble: You are a noble from a well-known family. You
strive to ensure your family has a place in an ever-changing
There are many different types of characters in the Robotech world. This means looking out for the best interests of
Universe. The Careers listed above provide an overview of your family is your main concern. You manage business
common character types. However, there are many different dealings, social functions, and interact with other noble
types of characters you can play. Here is a list of a few houses and organizations. Use the Entertainer or Officer
concepts that you might find more interesting than the ones Career to make this character.
listed above:
• Shopkeep: You are a small business owner and leader
• Acolyte: You follow the calling to a higher power. Your of the community. You may own a corner store selling
faith is unwavering and you seek to enlighten others. groceries or a restaurant. The people in the neighborhood
You operate or are a follower of a temple, church, or cult. rely on you to give them a voice and protect their
Serving your authority means praying, studying, and interests. Use the Technician or Officer Career to make
converting new members. Use the Entertainer or Officer this character.
Career to make this character.
• Test Pilot: You have been trained to evaluate the
• Assassin: You’re a hired gun for the mob, work for capabilities of newly created air and space craft. Only
military intelligence, or otherwise operate as a hitman. veteran pilots with a strong history of leadership are
In any case, your specific set of skills is geared toward chosen for this coveted role. Choose the Ace Pilot or
stalking a target and ending their life. Use the Spy or Squad Leader to serve as the basis for this character.
Marine Career to make this character.
• Solemn: You are reflective and quiet, leading many to
think you are shy. However, you feel it is best to know
Nature the lay of the land before stepping foot into the swamp.
Your Nature encompasses how you act and present yourself • Terse: You are short with words, but precise with
to others. You are allowed to choose two terms that describe commands. You feel too much talk gets people into
your Nature, one for Disposition and the other for Demeanor: trouble and can be confusing.
Here is an example list of Natures that you may choose from: • Unstable: You don’t always think clearly or make the best
decisions. This can lead to miscommunication, flaring
• Analyst: You study, absorb, and seek information. You tempers, and placing yourself in dangerous situations.
believe that thorough analysis is the best way to deal
with any problem. Using Nature
When you are able to employ either Nature term to a Skill
• Backstabber: You’re obsessed with your own Challenge, you can make a reroll if you fail the Challenge.
advancement and agenda. You enjoy pitting rivals against Declare you want to make a reroll and the GM may ask you
each other, especially if it helps you in the long run. to describe how you use your Disposition or Demeanor to
support your idea. You may reroll any or all dice you rolled.
• Brash: You act quickly and with little thought. You allow
your instincts to kick in and carry you through a challenge. Once you use a Nature to reroll, check the adjacent box on
the character sheet. Once the Nature box has been checked,
• Calm: You react steadily and with clarity. While the world it may not be used again for the engagement or encounter.
may be on fire, you take care of things with a cool head. With each concerted time of rest, you can replenish one of
the reroll boxes.
• Cowardly: You’re terrified of being hurt from physical
violence. This leads you to hang back in a fight or run
when the fighting gets tough. You have chosen the term Unstable for your Demeanor.
As you turn a corner, you’re faced with two enemies
• Fearless: Fear for your own safety does not stop you standing right in front of you. You choose to throw down
from taking risks. You don’t waver in the face of danger, your gun, grab your knife, and attack. You have a pool
but must take care not to lead your friends into it as well. of 5 dice and only roll 1 success with a 5. Therefore you
invoke your Unstable Nature and reroll 4 dice to attempt
• Jovial: You like to tell jokes and look on the brighter side to gain more successes.
when things get tough. Not taking things too seriously is
the best way to work through a predicament. For the reroll to occur, you should already be performing an
Action that fits the definition of one of your terms.
• Reckless: You want to get the job done, but all that
planning is for suckers. You’re a real “ready, fire, aim” Designer Note: The idea of the reroll is to help a players stay
personality. in character and make decisions their character would make.
Doing so allows you to take advantage of the reroll when
• Showboat: You are a natural show-off. You are most needed. Not following a character’s Nature is fine too, but will
comfortable when all eyes are on you. not garner the ability to reroll.
Rank & Fame
UEDF Ranks
Rank • Civilian: Civilians may work for the military, but have no
authority to order or be ordered. In dire times, civilians
A higher military Rank means you have more authority and form militias to support their nation’s cause.
responsibility within the UEDF or Zentraedi. Your initial Rank
is obtained through your chosen Career and may progress • Private: A private is the lowest enlisted rank. Privates
during the course of the game. The chart below describes the are expected to follow orders and, other than carry those
Rank value and title. orders out, they have no ability to make decisions.
• Value: A Rank’s value ranges from 0-6. Higher values • Recruit: The recruit Rank is only used by those entering
are associated with higher Ranks. The value describes into the military to gain special training. This Rank has no
what type of equipment you generally have access authority – though older Recruits will outrank younger
to. Typically, the higher your Rank, the better mecha, ones, and those entering are considered students.
upgrades, or weapons you may requisition. You will find
Rank values listed in the descriptions of mecha and • Corporal: Corporals are expected to command small
equipment description. teams. Usually these teams are a part of a larger squad.
Corporals have the authority to command, as it directly
• Title: Title is the name of the Rank you hold. There may relates to a superior’s orders. Elite squads may be made
be several Titles that hold the same value. This means up entirely of corporals.
you must progress through all the titles listed in a value
bracket, before moving to the next bracket and obtaining • Cadet: The cadet Rank is only used when jumping from a
a higher value. Rank lower than sergeant. Cadets are officers in training
and, though they have little authority, they are on the
Responsibility fast track to a higher rank.
Each Rank holds an authority and with it comes responsibility.
UEDF Ranks use a more complex ranking structure, while • Sergeant: Sergeants are the lowest Rank that have
the Zentraedi offer fewer Ranks, but grant titles of nobility authority over a squad. A sergeant is given orders and
or honor to distinguish heroism. Here is a description of the is expected to delegate responsibility within the squad.
expectations each Rank holds: They have no agency to operate outside of those orders.
rank uedf naval title uedf army title Zentraedi rank title
• 3rd Lieutenant / Master Sergeant: This rank exists • Soldier: Soldiers make up the majority of the Zentraedi
for those who have stepped above and beyond the call warriors. Soldiers are trained for general combat and are
of duty. While they outrank sergeants and may lead usually specialized in one type: space, aerial, ground, or
squads, they have no additional authority at a strategic patrol.
level. Their main responsibility is to ensure troopers are
combat ready. • Elite Warrior: Elite warriors have proven their ability
and courage. They receive additional training and the
• 2nd Lieutenant / Lieutenant: This rank is the lowest for opportunity to use rare and powerful equipment. Elite
officers. Their main responsibility is to command several warriors are not typically tasked with leading others or
squads, providing the squad leaders strategic orders and making tactical decisions.
tactical suggestions. They are also expected to step in and
take over direct command if a squad loses its sergeant. • Squadron Leader: Some Zentraedi do have a tactical
mind. Of the few elite warriors, those with leadership
• 1st Lieutenant / Captain: At this rank, the officer potential are promoted to squadron leader. A squadron
commands a company of squads. They provide orders to leader commands a unit of warriors. Their objectives
lower ranking officers in regard to strategic goals. They are provided from orders, but they make the tactical
also work to ensure those under their command have decisions.
support and supplies.
• Warlord: Warlords are charged with commanding
• Lt. Commander / Major: This rank is the highest that a portion of the Zentraedi fleet. Usually a warlord
takes a direct role in military operations. The officer is commands several naval ships and many thousands of
expected to ensure that all lower-ranking officers and warriors. Strategic orders come from above and warlords
troopers are battle ready. They are also tasked with are usually tasked with a specific goal.
directly overseeing all operations in the field.
• Commander: Commanders have the responsibility of
• Commander / Lt. Colonel: An officer of this rank moves a large part of the Zentraedi Fleet. This would include
out of direct combat and supports operations at a several thousand naval vessels and millions of warriors.
strategic and logistical level. They may command smaller Commanders also have the agency to execute their own
operations directly and will be a cog in larger operations. strategic decisions within broad orders.
• Captain / Colonel: An officer of this rank oversees one • General: Zentraedi generals only take orders from the
key strategic objective. They ensure that those under Supreme Commander. Each is given a massive portion
their command are managed effectively and are properly of the fleet and has complete authority to use their
supplied. The officer may step onto the battlefield, but resources as they see fit. Generals are usually given an
usually leaves tactical decisions in the hands of the unit objective, each having a different goal to accomplish for
commanders. the good of all Zentraedi. Generals only work together in
the most dire of circumstances.
• Admiral / General: Only a select few of the most brilliant
military minds can reach this rank. The officer dictates • Supreme Commander: All Zentraedi are ruled by one.
all strategic operations. They will also interface with The Supreme Commander has the responsibility for
politicians and act as a voice of the military. sealing the fate of the Zentraedi. They have ultimate
authority and set all strategic goals for the entire race.
Zentraedi Ranks Designer Note: Not every rank that is typically found
• Worker: Zentraedi workers are bred to perform low in a military system is listed here. The list was made as
skilled tasks that are deemed beneath warriors. At times, comprehensive as possible to provide enough of a game
workers are called to combat, where they are led nearly play feel without demanding an entire section just to list and
blind into the jaws of the opposing force. describe them. If there’s a rank that is missing and you wish to
use it, just add it or ask your GM to include it.
Fame A Star is Born
Hero Progression
The GM may also decide to grant additional XP for interaction
between sit-down game sessions or innovating roleplaying.
Experience This interaction may occur online in posts or messages. XP
may be granted for creative background stories or write-ups
As you are involved in operations, investigations, and that enhance the campaign.
interpersonal struggles, you will gain experience points – XP.
Experience is how your hero grows and becomes ready to
take on new challenges. Experience is rewarded after each You’ve just completed a game night with your friends.
game session. The GM determines the amount of experience The game lasted about four hours so the GM rewards
received based on what you and your team have accomplished each player with 20 XP. During play, you also found your
during a session. Use these guidelines to determine the lost sibling and saved another hero’s life during a space
amount of experience gained: battle which is rewarded with 20 XP. The GM awards you
an additional 10 XP for completing a personal goal and
• Each Hour of Game Play: 3 XP overcoming a difficult Challenge. You gain 50 XP in total.
• Defeating a Weak Enemy: 1-10 XP
• Defeating a Strong Enemy: 10-15 XP Leveling
• Defeating a Key Villain: 5-20 XP For every 100 experience points gained, you attain a new level.
• Overcoming an Easy Challenge: 1-5 XP Starting characters usually begin a game with 100 experience
• Overcoming a Difficult Challenge: 5-10 XP when starting off at level 1, but the GM may decide to start
• Progressing a Story: 5-10 XP the play group off at any higher level.
• Completing a Minor Story Arc: 5-15 XP
• Completing a Story Arc: 15-25 XP
• Completing a Major Arc: 25-50 XP The GM grants all players 300 experience to start play.
• Saving a Hero’s Life: 10-15 XP Therefore the heroes start playing at level 3.
• Sacrificing Yourself for the Benefit of Others: 1-10 XP
• Roleplaying Nature to your Detriment: 1-10 XP
• Overcoming a Drama: 5-15 XP
0 0 - See Page 32
Build Points - BP Obtain a New Skill - 3 BP
Each time you level, you are awarded with Build Points or Learn a new Skill from any Category. The Skill starts with 1
BP. These points may be used to increase existing Skills or point in it. This costs 3 BP. You start with 6 Skills and have the
purchase new Talents and Skills. The total number of BP ability to learn new Skills at Levels 2, 3, 5, and 9 for a maximum
acquired is based on the level obtained. Increasing your level of 11 known Skills (including 1 from character enhancement).
from 6 to 7 would award you with an additional 8 BP.
• Unlocks: Unlocks allow you to enhance specific aspects You want to have access to the “Flash Move’” Skill. This
of your hero. When each level is attained, you are able to costs 3 BP and you start with 1 point in it.
select new options or upgrade existing ones. Here are the
unlock options:
• Burnout: Increase your Burnout by +1 when this Learning a New Talent: Add a Talent – 4 BP
option is taken. Learn any new Talent. This costs 4 BP. This may be done at
• Career: Your Career is gained when you build your each even level: 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.
• New Skill: Learn a new Skill, starting with 1 point in
it. You want to learn the “Always Shot Down’” Talent.
• Skill Max: You are able to increase the Skill cap on Purchasing it costs 4 BP.
your hero.
• Talent: Learn a new Talent.
Replacing an Existing Talent: Change a Talent – 1 BP
Unlocks are always purchased with Build Points. Exchange a Talent you own for one you don’t. This requires
GM approval and costs 1 BP.
Saving XP
You wish to be able to roll 6 dice when taking an Action, You may choose to not spend all of your XP; however, you may
without suffering Fatigue. Increasing your Burnout to 6 only hold a maximum of BP based on what the GM allows.
allows you to roll 6 dice while avoiding Fatigue. The GM may require BP to be spent, but cannot dictate how
it’s spent.
New Careers
It is possible to change Career Paths. You may do so at any
time as long as you have spent at least 1 level in each Career. Optional Build Rules
When you want to switch Careers, you must spend 12 Build
Points. By gaining the new Career, you receive the following: Partial Progression – Optional Rule
The GM may convert a portion of your XP into BP. The
• Select the higher Rank between your existing and new conversion cost is 10 XP for every 1 BP. This allows you to
Career spend some of your BP between levels, or before reaching
• Second Career Talent your next level. However, you are not allowed to contribute
• Access to that Career’s Equipment these BP toward the next level’s unlocks.
• One new Skill with 2 points
Open Progression – Optional Rule
You and the GM should take time in the game to make the You may choose to eschew the level-based progression rules.
Career transition something that fits with the story. Using open progression, you are awarded BP directly from
the GM at the end of each game session. Spend this BP as
Military Rank you see fit on any of the enhancements lists above. With open
Your Rank determines your military responsibility. You may progression all unlocks are available from beginning play.
be charged with commanding soldiers in the UEDF and will
gain access to powerful military equipment – see page 84 for High Level Play – Optional Rule
more details. A civilian may work for the military but is not Standard play occurs between levels 1 and 10, but you may
recognized in the command chain. See page 27 for the rank play beyond level 10. When this occurs, you still need to meet
system chart. the same requirements to attain the next level, but only
receive 5 BP for doing so. Once level 11 is reached, all unlocks
Lower ranked heroes are expected to follow the orders of a are available.
higher ranking hero and there may be benefits for following
orders. However, orders do not have to be followed. This may
well lead to tension between the heroes or require disciplinary
• Drama: You gain Drama from interacting with PCs or • Blackmailed: Someone has caught you doing something
NPCs. Drama is an obstacle that you must deal with and wrong or knows something you don’t want revealed.
take care in resolving. They blackmail you for money or favors. You need to find
a way to extricate yourself from the situation.
• Fatigue: You gain Fatigue from fighting the enemy and • Dark Secret: You have a deep secret that no one knows.
watching your friends get hurt. Fatigue is easy to accrue, If it gets out, your career and relationships may be
but is also easily alleviated. destroyed. The secret is in plain sight, and you must
constantly try to keep it hidden so that those around you
Gaining Stress do not find out the shocking truth.
When you gain a point of Stress, track it in the Stress Tracker • Disapproving Superior: No matter what you do, you
area of your character sheet. Indicate the type of Stress by have a superior who does not approve of you. This many
writing a “D” for Drama and an “F” for Fatigue. There are a hurt your career, as they keep you from getting the best
total of 5 Stress boxes in your Stress bar. When all the boxes assignments and gear. You need to resolve this before
are filled, you have a mental break, and must take some time you get demoted or suffer some other serious setback.
to recover (see below). • Large Debt: You owe someone a payment of some sort.
You may owe a large amount of money or a valuable
favor. The longer it takes to pay back what you owe, the
higher the amount becomes. If you don’t pay quickly
Drama enough, some rough looking people will come to collect.
You gain a point of Drama from social interactions that • Love Triangle: You love them, but they love someone
cause you to become emotional or confused. Drama causes else, and that someone else loves you… At least that’s
problems when interacting with characters. Getting into a how you have it figured. All this confusion keeps you
fight with someone may have consequences. They may not from focusing on the important tasks at hand.
issue you functioning gear, refuse to work with you, or may • Old Crush: Your old crush comes around and shakes
even attack you when no one else is around. To remove things up. Your significant other gets jealous and wants
Drama, you must spend time attending to the issue. This to know why you want to hang around this old flame
involves speaking with their friends, doing them a favor, or so often. How can you perform with someone always
even getting them out of a jam. looking to take advantage or looking over your shoulder?
• Unhealthy Rivalry: You have a rival who must always
Dramatic events may come about from chance or interactions best you at everything. They can’t stand to see you get
with others. The GM may initiate an Event that leads to Drama one over on them. The thing is, you don’t want them to
occurring. Be prepared to cope with a dark figure from your win either. This competition can put you both in danger.
past, an argument with a superior, or a passed friend’s secret
that’s come to haunt you. Drama Move
If you like, you may choose to gain a new Drama in exchange
Track each instance of Drama in the Stress Tracker. Also, for a Heroic Move. The Move can be used without restriction;
record a short description in the Drama portion of the however, you receive an instance of Drama for using it. The
character sheet. This area tracks the progress of your drama, Drama gained must be associated with the Heroic Move.
and may help you to resolve it. In most cases, Drama is not A Drama gained this way is in all respects similar to Drama
easily resolved. It may take interacting with several people, gained in any other manner. You do not need to have spent
or going through multiple steps to resolve the Drama your existing Heroic Move to take advantage of this rule.
Max Sterling is going head-to-head with an elite Fatigue
Zentraedi pilot. He takes a devastating hit and attempts
to defend but receives no successes. The player decides Fatigue indicates the wearing down that combat inflicts on
to take a Drama and changes the failed roll into a Heroic your mental health. Fatigue is easy to obtain, but also easy to
Move. The player describes how he quickly maneuvers remove. There are several events that contribute to Fatigue,
out of the way of the attack and escapes. The GM and the and each has a different weight it imposes on you. Fatigue
player determine what the new Drama is, and decide on can stack as determined by the GM.
“Zentraedi Elite pilot is looking for revenge.”
• Death or Serious Injury of an Acquaintance – 1: When
those you know are harmed or killed, it affects you in a
Minmei decides to sing at the Miss Macross contest and deep way.
gains a moderate success. However, Minmei’s player • Serious Injury to a Friend – 2: Knowing a friend has been
really wants to wow the crowd and decides to take a seriously injured and may never completely recover is a
Drama, changing the failed roll into a Heroic Move! The hard thought to put to rest.
crowd goes wild, guaranteeing Minmei’s stardom. The • Death of a Friend – 3: Typically, the death of a good
GM and Minmei’s player quickly discuss what the new friend can send even the most hardened warrior over the
drama is and decide on “People will try to control and use edge.
my stardom.” • Sustained Combat – 1: Having to fight multiple battles
in a short period of time. This is problematic because the
Backlash constant fighting keeps you from recovering.
The GM may use story elements related to your Drama that • Unable to Recover a Body – 1: Not being unable to bring
serve as an obstacle. A Backlash should continue to surface back your friend for a proper burial leaves you unable to
if the Drama is not resolved. The more Drama you have resolve the events of their death.
accrued, the more Backlash you encounter. This may lead to • Under Assault – 1-2: Being in a position that is constantly
injury, loss of a contact, or damaged equipment. bombarded over a day causes fear and Fatigue to build.
• Your Fault – 1: Knowing that your actions or decisions
• Lynn Kyle: He’s jealous of your relationship with Minmei. are what caused a major problem or a casualty weighs
He constantly berates you and may even try to fight you heavily on the soul.
if you don’t resolve your Drama with Minmei. • Leaving a Friend Behind – 1-3: Knowing that you have
• Jaded Comrade: When Ben dies, his good friend blames left someone to die will leave a deep guilt on your soul for
you for his death. They are relentless in their misplaced the rest of your life.
blame. You encounter them in public at the worst times.
• Unhealthy Competition: You have a rival who takes
things too personally. They fire across your mecha in a
reckless manner and use dangerous maneuvers to cut Burnout
you off during a fight.
• Sabotage: A pilot is injured during a patrol. Their uncle Operating in stressful situations can cause Fatigue. Pushing
is a mechanic and blames you for their injury. They have yourself too hard in an attempt to get through a trial causes
access to your mecha and may sabotage it to get revenge. Fatigue. The limit at which you can use your Skills it called
• Vindictive Superior: You have a superior who has it in for Burnout. The starting Burnout value you have is set at 5. At
you. You may be sent on dangerous missions, provided 3rd level, you unlock the ability to increase it to 6 and further
sub-standard equipment, given grunt work, or grounded at higher levels.
entirely. Find a way to get back in their good graces.
• Blacklisted: The neighborhood you live in thinks you are In stressful situations, such as combat or a singing competition,
a pariah. You are blacklisted in the community. Shops will rolling a number of dice greater than your Burnout results in
not take your business and people on the streets ignore Fatigue. You take 1 point of Fatigue for every die rolled over
you. Rough characters may try to fight you. the Burnout value. You are allowed to limit your own dice
pool, reducing the values of the Skills being used to keep the
Drama Armor – Optional total under the Burnout threshold. There are also Talents that
For each Drama accrued, increase a hero’s brawl wound total allow you to ignore the Burnout penalty.
by 1. Also, if you would like to use the High Lethality Mode
Physical Damage chart (found on page 168) reduce the d6
roll result by 2 for each Drama accrued. The idea is, the more You choose to use two Skills to shoot at an enemy mecha.
Drama you have, the more important you are to the story. Each of those Skills has a value of 3, providing you with a
Some may consider using this to create more cinematic play. total of 6 dice. Since your Burnout is 5 and you choose to
roll 6 dice, you take 1 point of Fatigue.
Equipment Suite combat. This includes refusing to have someone repair
Using an equipment suite in tandem with other Skills does your mecha or anyone trying to help you out.
not contribute to Burnout. See more on Burnout in Conflicts
on page 158.
Mental Break You are able to invoke and interact with your Drama during
downtime. When the GM provides you time to advance your
When your Stress boxes are completely filled, you suffer a personal story, you may interact with your Drama. This means
mental break. Once this happens, erase all the boxes that are you are able to spend time trying to resolve the issues causing
marked as Fatigue (F), but leave those marked for Drama (D). it. It may take several encounters to resolve the Drama.
The mental break resolves over time, and as long as you are
in the process of resolving it, you do not accrue more Fatigue. You are also able to integrate your Drama with the storyline
However, Drama is gained as normal, and the mental break presented by the GM. As the game and story unfold, you can
may exacerbate your ongoing Dramas. insert aspects of your Drama into it. This potentially helps you
resolve your Drama faster as it provides you more instances
When the mental break occurs, you act irrationally. The GM to interact with your Drama. Once the Drama has been
may compel you to act in certain ways if they feel you are not resolved, erase the indicators from the Stress Tracker on the
roleplaying the break with enough gusto. The mental break character sheet.
lasts for several days and then resolves on its own, returning
you to your previous mental state. Below are some examples
of mental breaks you or the GM may choose to give you. You are a Marine and get into a bar fight with two pilots.
The next day, you are called to go on a rescue mission
• Revenge: You immediately desire to seek out revenge to recover a downed shuttle. You invoke your Drama and
against those who hurt you or your friends. You do ask the GM if the pilots of the shuttle are the ones you
not take time to prepare or make plans. You are had a fight with.
unable to requisition equipment or participate in the
Communication Phase of combat. Fatigue
• Melancholy: You become depressed from your Fatigue can be reduced through rest or participating in an
experiences. You have a hard time concentrating and take activity that makes you happy or content. There are many
a Hindrance to all Actions. While depressed, you arrive options, but each instance may only be applied once a day.
late to meetings and are unable to find the motivation to This means that 1 point of Fatigue may be removed each day,
start new projects. as long as you have taken the time to address it. This includes
• Reckless: You ignore common sense and strike out the following:
without concern for your own safety. You are unable to
take defend or maneuver Actions in combat. You start to • Attending a Funeral: Paying respects to the departed
care less for your life and may place those around you in helps heal the wounds of their loss.
danger as well. • Competing: Positive competition and physical
• Cautious: You are wary of engaging in combat and movement is both mentally and physically healthy.
dealing with superiors. You are unable to follow orders • Creating Something: Creative projects help you feel a
that place you in danger, and when in combat you must sense of accomplishment.
always save one of your Actions for defense. You are also • Helping Someone Out: Helping others helps you feel
unable to order those under you into harm’s way. better about yourself.
• Lash Out: You push away those close to you. You don’t • Resting: Rest helps you remain centered and allows you
seek help and cannot use or accept assists during to focus on you.
Iconic Characters
Azonia – Commander
She allied for a time with the UEDF, but joined with Khyron
as his lieutenant in the Malcontent Uprisings. She would die
at Khyron’s side in their suicide mission against the SDF-2 in
Ben Dixon – Wingman
Ben Dixon was a citizen of Macross City and joined the UEDF
after the SDF-1 had taken its fold into space. He became
wingmates with his best friend, Max Sterling, and they were
the first two pilots under the command of Rick Hunter in
Vermillion Squadron. He was a gregarious friend to all around
him and a consummate lover of food.
Career: Pilot
• Element: Wingmate
proficiencies equipment
Rank: 1 -Corporal
Fame: 0 VF-1 Flight Suit
All Aerial Vehicles Combat Knife
BP Unspent: 2 Jeep - MPV Pistol
Survival Kit
Breetai – General
Breetai was one of the oldest, best, and brightest minds the
Robotech Masters ever created in a Zentraedi. Though he
was subordinate to Supreme Commander Dolza, Breetai was
revered as a brilliant leader. When civil unrest broke out on
the planet of Tirol, home of the Robotech Masters, Breetai
was among the first ordered to quell the riots. Breetai served
on Zor’s Battle Fortress for a time under Zor’s command and
they traveled the galaxy working to seed the Flower of Life in
as many places as possible. When the Invid attacked, Breetai
was wounded, losing an eye in the process of protecting Zor’s
Claudia Grant – Second Officer
Claudia Grant joined the service during the Global War and
was quickly posted to an airbase in Wyoming. That’s where
she met Roy Fokker, who she would eventually become
romantically involved with. After working her way up the
ranks in the United Earth Defense Force, Claudia would be
given the rank of Lieutenant Commander and become third in
command of the SDF-1 for its maiden flight as an Earth ship.
Dolza – Supreme Commander
Dr. Emil Lang – Scientist
Career: Technician
• Element: Scientist
• Element: Engineer proficiencies equipment
Exedore – Advisor
Career: Officer
• Element: Coordinator
proficiencies equipment
Rank: 4 - Warlord
Fame: 0 All Zentraedi Naval Vessels Power Blade
Science Kit
BP Unspent: 0 Engineering Kit
Grel & Gerao – Lieutenants
Gerao was Khyron’s most trusted field officer and was often
assigned to perform the most important tasks when it was
time to execute Khyron’s normally ruthless plans. Despite
these perilous tasks, his skills as a fearless warrior – and a
degree of luck – got him back every time. Grel and Gerao
survived the war and helped Khyron start his rebellion. Both
died, however, aboard Khyron’s gunship in the Battle of New
Macross City, following their master to the very end.
Career: Pilot
• Element: Squadron Leader
proficiencies equipment
Rank: 2 - Squadron Leader
Fame: 0 Officer Pod Battle Armor
Tactical Pod Plasma Pistol
BP Unspent: 0 Fighter Pod Combat Knife
Survival Kit
Henry Gloval – Captain
Jack Archer – Mercenary/Squad
Jack Archer was a natural born pilot and began his career as
a fighter pilot for his home country during the Global War.
When the government was dissolved half-way through the
war, Archer became a mercenary pilot. He fought for the
highest bidder and did his best to remain neutral. He often
flew with and against Roy Fokker in various engagements and
he gained the respect of the ace pilot. So when Roy Fokker
was tasked with recruiting people into the UEDF for work on
the new experimental Robotechnology, Jack Archer was one
of the top names on the list. Since the mercenary business
dried up in the wake of the end of the Global War, Roy’s
overtures worked and Jack signed up.
Over the years, Jack became the leader of Wolf Squadron and
fought with distinction against the Zentraedi at the first battle
of Macross City. When the SDF-1 made its desperate fold
maneuver, Jack was outside the fold area and left on Earth.
He worked to protect Earth during the years of the SDF-1’s
absence, and then was vital in defending settlements in the
wake of the Zentraedi Rebellion and Malcontent Uprisings
in the years after Dolza’s Rain of Death. It is presumed that
he died drifting in the vicinity of Saturn after a lengthy
engagement with the Zentraedi Malcontent leader Zeraal.
Khyron – Warlord
Lisa Hayes – First Officer
Lynn Kyle – Government Critic, Movie
Star, then Manager
When his cousin, Lynn Minmei, was suddenly found alive and
well after being reported dead in an attack on Macross City,
he insisted on heading back to the SDF-1 with her. There, he
had trouble fitting in, finding himself in constant friction with
the military personnel around at all times. For a time after
Dolza’s destruction of Earth, Lynn Kyle worked as Minmei’s
manager, but the two eventually parted ways. He got involved
in his previous anti-war activities and rallied peace activists in
New Detroit to kick Rick Hunter’s forces out of the city. Lynn
Kyle and his activists took control of the Protoculture Matrix,
but since they were pacifists and had no weapons, it made
the matrix a compelling and easy target for Khyron. He would
later follow Minmei on the SDF-3 and was killed on Tirol during
TR Edward’s rebellion against Rick Hunter’s REF forces.
BP Unspent: 0
Max Sterling – Ace Pilot
Max Sterling might have been the best pilot ever produced
by the UEDF, and he handily, repeatedly defeated the best
the Zentraedi had to offer: Miriya. When she vowed to kill
him for disgracing her abilities, he foiled those attempts as
well and asked for her hand in marriage. Miriya consented to
this and Max and Miriya were married; the first human and
Zentraedi to join in such a union. They also conceived a child
together, Dana Sterling, the first child born of a Zentraedi and
Human parent. Max and his wife worked across the Earth for
a time, helping to put down the Malcontent Uprisings, and by
the time the SDF-3 was ready to depart, Max was leader of
Skull Squadron and one of Rick Hunter’s closest confidantes.
During the twenty-two year long Pioneer expedition, Max
and Miriya had one more child.
Miriya Parina – Ace Pilot
Rick Hunter - Stunt Pilot, Squadron
Leader, then Vice Admiral
Rick Hunter was born into a family of fliers. His father, known
to everyone as Pop, had flown in the Gulf War alongside Dan
Fokker, who was shot down by the enemy. Pop adopted the
new orphan, Roy Fokker, and that’s how Rick got a big brother.
Alongside Roy and his father, Rick learned every flying trick in
the book at Pop Hunter’s Flying Circus. Rick was heartbroken
when his big brother joined the military to fight in the Global
War, but he turned his attention to flying and won a series
amateur flying competitions. Rick accepted the invitation of
Roy Fokker to visit Macross Island on Launch Day, but he was
quickly swept up in the fighting.
Roy Fokker – Squadron Commander
Lynn Minmei – Teen Girl, Winner of Miss
Macross, then Pop Idol
Terrible Trio: Bridge Officers –
Sammie Porter, Vanessa Leeds, &
Kim Young
Career: Officer
• Element: Coordinator
• Watchdog proficiencies equipment
Zentraedi Three: Infiltrators
– Rico, Konda, & Bron
Skills & Talents
True Genius
It’s said that everyone has a talent and, as
one dives through the history of the First Robotech • Challenges: 58
War, it’s apparent that some had better talents than
others. There’s no question that the most talented
pilots were Max Sterling and the Zentraedi ace Miriya
• Heroic Moves: 61
Parina. The two of them had the uncanny ability to
avoid being shot down in almost every situation. They • Skills: 62
walked out of the most absurd situations unscathed.
Some began to think they’d made a pact
with a devil.
• Skills Quick List: 64
It’s an entertaining exercise to sort through
the heroes of the First Robotech War and wonder • Skill List: 66
what their special talent might be. Rick Hunter might
have had a talent akin to “optimistic stubbornness.”
Roy Fokker? In a Veritech, he had the grace of an
• Talents: 76
angel. Sometimes those talents weren’t beneficial to
those heroes, though. Ben Dixon, for instance, had a • Gear & Kits: 84
talent for getting shot up pretty much every time he
took a Veritech out into combat.
When you say the word “Talent,” the first
• Environments: 86
person that comes to mind—that comes to everyone’s
mind—is Lynn Minmei. She was as talented as they
came. Not only could she keep a crowd mesmerized
for the length of any concert and beyond, her singing
could get into the heads of the enemy. I’ve never seen
anything like it.
Can you even imagine what the world would
be like today if it hadn’t been for Minmei’s singing?
I mean, things are bad, generally. The rain of death
didn’t really do much good for the Earth, you know?
But we’d have had a much harder time surviving if it
weren’t for her talents.
It’s harder to do as days go but we work to
rebuild. Brick by brick.
Of course we’ll survive.
That’s humanity’s talent.
Challenges represent the obstacles you must overcome Things don’t always go as planned. When a Challenge is failed,
during play. The GM decides when to present Challenges and there are different outcomes that may occur. There are six
you must determine a way to deal with them. There are three failure conditions chosen by the GM based on the situation:
types of Challenges – Combative, Static, and Basic:
1. Partial Success: If you do not meet the result required,
you are considered to have achieved a partial success.
When a partial success is granted, the GM provides some
benefit from the effort such as partial information or
limited progress. This may be as a reward for a creative
idea or strong roleplaying. A partial success may make
subsequent checks easier.
• Combative: A combative Challenge is presented when 2. Hard Failure: A hard failure means that further progress
you are opposing or working against another person or cannot be made on the attempt.
system capable of dynamic decision making or action.
Physical combat, playing chess, and hacking a heuristic
AI would be examples of combative Challenges. You attempt to hack a computer terminal and fail. This
means that you are unable to continue hacking or make
Designer Note: The GM may choose to not roll for bypass attempts of any nature, on this terminal and
combative Challenges. They will assign a value similar to possibly all others.
one for static Challenges.
• Static: A static Challenge is presented in a situation 3. Soft Failure: A soft failure means that you may make
where you must succeed at a task where there is no entity further attempts to succeed the Challenge. You may be
capable of consciously opposing you. Jumping a wall, allowed to try again or be forced to use a new Skill.
repairing damage to a Valkyrie, and cooking a delicious
meal are examples of static Challenges.
You are trying to hack a computer terminal and have
• Basic: Basic Challenges are considered easy to succeed. failed, but are allowed to continue attempts on the
In this case, you have enough time to complete the task same terminal. The GM may also allow you to try again,
without stress and are prone to making fewer mistakes. bypassing the terminal electrically or through a different
In these instances, no roll is required and you are creative option.
considered to succeed automatically.
The GM determines that the Gunnery Chief is gruff and Timeframes
doesn’t like people they don’t know well. The GM sets
the Challenge to risky. If you fail to get enough successes, Completing Skill Challenges requires varying amount of time.
there will be a penalty imposed. You roll and don’t gain Breaking down a wooden door may only take a quick moment,
enough successes to make friends with the Gunnery while completing a complex surgery could take hours. The
Chief. The penalty imposed is that they ignore orders to GM should follow the timeframe guidelines below and may
provide your squadron with cover fire during the next hone the time as they see fit to the nearest increment.
• Instant: The action takes an amount of time so quick that
5. Sticky Challenge: A sticky Challenge occurs when it is perceived as instantaneous. The time it takes for an
something bad is associated with attempting or electrical signal to travel across a ship would qualify as
completing a Challenge. In all cases, a consequence is instant.
applied to you after an attempt has been made. Typically,
a sticky Challenge is automatically passed. You receive an • Moments: A moment describes an amount of time that
outcome as you intend. Rolling provides successes that takes less than a second to accomplish. The time it takes
mitigate the consequences, and, with enough success, for you to aim your gun at a new target is just a moment.
the consequences may be eliminated completely.
• Seconds: An action that takes 1 to 60 Seconds would be
considered seconds of time. The time it takes to hack a
To get to your destination as quickly as possible, you keypad would be seconds. A standard combat round
must navigate through an asteroid field. The field is takes place over seconds of time.
dense and it is impossible to avoid all the debris. You roll
a navigation check to avoid as many as possible and gain • Minutes: An action or event that takes between 1 and 60
3 successes. The GM determines that your mecha takes 2 Minutes is considered a to take minutes of time. The time
damage. If you didn’t get any successes, you would have it takes to refit munitions on a mecha is minutes.
received 4 damage.
• Hours: Hours equates to a period of 1 to 24 hours of time.
Rebuilding or exchanging Veritech parts would generally
To obtain information on an escaped prisoner, you take hours of time.
speak to a mob boss. You know they’ll exact a price for
this knowledge, but you attempt to mitigate the cost. • Days: Days equates to a period of 1 to 7 days of time.
You negotiate and gain 4 successes. The boss demands Repairing a heavily damaged area of armor on the SDF-1
a small favor in return. With fewer successes, the favor would take days of time.
would have been more costly.
• Weeks: Weeks equates to a period of 1 to 4 weeks of
6. Mixed Success: Achieving what you want at a cost is time. Building or upgrading a section of the SDF-1 would
called a mixed success. This happens when you receive take weeks of time.
enough successes to succeed, but not enough to avoid
taking a penalty. A mixed success is related to a risky • Months: Months equates to a period of 1 to 12 months
failure or a sticky Challenge – see above. However, there of time. Designing and building new Robotechnology
is no guarantee of a penalty and no guarantee of success. would take months of time.
The GM must set two values, one for the success and one
to avoid a penalty. A mixed success should be employed If the proper tools or resources are not available, timeframes
when your Skill allows you to escape risk, but the risk is may increase. Also, if additional labor or special tools are
present. available, the timeframe may decrease. The GM may alter
time required to complete a task as they see fit.
Heroic Successes – Optional Rule
When a Challenge is attempted, if the success achieved is
Special Challenge Options sufficiently great, something amazing may occur. When you
attempt a Challenge and gain at least 5 successes over the
Sacrifice requirement, you may add a free Heroic Move (see page 61)
Sacrificing allows you to increase the number of successes to the effort. An additional burden is that the attempt must
you achieve during an Action. If you do not have enough be creative within the play space and fiction. The GM has final
successes to meet the Challenge, you can take a penalty decisions regarding if a Heroic Move is added to the effort.
to gain automatic successes. When you want to Sacrifice,
declare it after reviewing your rolled result. You must explain
to the GM what you are sacrificing to gain the successes. If A mechanic is repairing a Valkyrie Fighter and requires 3
they approve, you’ll lose something to gain the successes. If successes to complete the repairs on time. They decide
they don’t approve, your sacrifice may be in vain, meaning to convince a romantically interested mechanic into
that you lose something but gain nothing in return. helping. They roll and gain 7 successes. The GM likes this
approach and grants a Heroic Success. They decides to
add an experimental targeting system to the Fighter
A civilian shuttle is under attack. There is no way for you which provides +1 die to all targeting.
to make it in time without taking extreme measures. You
must make it within range of the shuttle and attack the Designer Note: There is no one “best way” to handle skill
Zentraedi. You roll 4 successes to damage the Zentraedi checks or Challenges. The GM should use their best judgment
but need more. You choose to sacrifice your Engines and and employ any of the options. Over the course of a longer
use your mecha to run straight at the enemy. The GM game, all these types should be experienced by the players.
finds this acceptable and grants an additional success,
allowing you to take 1 damage to your Engines for over
burning them and 1 damage from the enemy.
Challenge Difficulties
Challenges Over Time As the Challenges you are attempting gain difficulty, you
Occasionally, you may be the midst of an enduring Challenge. will need more successes to complete them. A Challenge’s
When a check is made continuously, the GM may impose a difficulty may depend on how much time you have to
check over time. This means with each roll taken, you use an complete it. Use this as basic guidelines for successes:
amount of time specified by the GM. You continue to roll until
you meet the check or time runs out. See more on Reasons for • Easy - Basic: 1
Rolling on page 175. • Moderate - Professional: 2
• Hard - Expert: 3
• Very Hard - Adept: 4
Disarming a complex bomb takes time. The GM requires • Astonishing - Ace: 5
a Skill check of 3 to disarm the bomb. Each attempt takes
15 seconds. There are 60 seconds left on the bomb’s
clock. Therefore, you have 4 attempts to disarm the Action Difficulty Time
bomb to gain 3 successes.
Asking Your Crush Out 1 Minutes
- Social -
only be used in a related or continuing Challenge. Climbing a Razor Wire Fence 2 Moments
Piloting an Asteroid Field 3 Minutes
Shoot a Penny a Mile Away 4 Moments
A Mechanic performs repair to your Veritech. They roll Survive a 100’ Fall 5 Moments
extra successes on their repair and the GM determines
that the Mechanic learns your Veritech so well that next Hacking a Digital Lock 1 Moments
- Technical -
time they can fix it more easily with the extra successes. Hacking a Database 2 Minutes
Navigating a Quasar 3 Minutes
Performing a Heart Transplant 4 Hours
Performing a Brain Transplant 5 Hours
Heroic Moves
• Temporary Fix: You may use something that was
inoperable, or keep something running that was severely
Being Heroic damaged.
• Gain a Contact or Ally: As you talk to people, you find
As a hero, you have luck, experience, and moxie on your allies and enemies of enemies.
side. You’re able to pull through when others fall back. You’re
able to succeed when others fail. You’re able to survive when See more on using Heroic Moves in combat on page 159.
others die.
Move Limitation
All heroes and villains are able to create Heroic Moves. A • No Extra Damage: You cannot inflict additional damage
Move occurs when you spend a Heroic Move point. Doing so to a lieutenant or villain by using your Heroic Move.
allows you to change the world or environment that benefits
you in a meaningful and heroic way. There are two ways to
initiate a Heroic Move: Heroic Move Examples
1. Use Your Move: Each hero has the ability to active one
Heroic Move at any time. Mark the Heroic Move box on You are playing a spy and are on a mission to steal
your character sheet and inform the GM that you intend information from the enemy. You are sneaking through
to use a Heroic Move. Your Move must fall within the the enemy ship and come across a couple of guards. You
purview of your Element. A pilot could use a Move to decide to use the Ambush Tactics and Infiltration Skills
stabilize a dying friend, but could not perform open heart together to create a Heroic Move. The goal is to surprise
surgery. Likewise, a doctor would not be expected to the guards and knock them out before they can call for
make a tight called shot on an enemy mecha. help. The GM agrees that this is a good idea. They set
the Challenge at 4 successes. This Move bypasses the
2. Create a Drama: Voluntarily gaining or accepting a standard combat procedure and produces a result that is
Drama will allow you to create a Heroic Move, without not covered in the standard rules.
the need to spend a marker. The Drama does not have
to be decided upon immediately, but once the encounter
or engagement is over, you and the GM need to create
a Drama that is associated to the Heroic Move. You may You are at a dinner party and so is a rival of yours who is
take a Drama to create a Heroic Move once per encounter. promoting military action. You disagree with them. You
See page 33 for more details on Drama. choose to use the Machinations and Change the Tides
Skills to create a Heroic Move. The goal is to determine
Move Guidelines those in the room backing his plans and change their
Use the following guidelines to help create Heroic Moves. views by giving a speech to the crowd. The GM agrees
This list is not comprehensive. Feel free to create new ideas and sets the Challenge at 3 successes. This is a Heroic
and ways to use Heroic Moves: Move as it allows you to accomplish two goals across
one Challenge and send your rival away with their tail
• Area Effects: You may create an area effect, allowing you between their legs.
to apply your successes to allies or enemies over an area.
• Reposition: You may move something else, or move Optional Rule – Hapless Heroes
yourself. Many enjoy employing a tongue-in-cheek style of play, in
• Modifier: You may apply a modifier to an enemy or which characters could be considered pulp, lucky, or hapless
remove a modifier on yourself. heroes. In this case, do not restrict a Heroic Move to being
• Work Faster: You may choose to get more accomplished within your Element. You can attribute a medical doctor’s
during your turn. perfectly placed shot with hapless luck.
Creating Actions
Using Skills Actions are created from using Skills. Each turn you may use a
total of the following to create Actions:
Skills represent the expertise you exhibit in everything from
maneuvering your Veritech and lying to a superior to sneaking • Skills: 2 Skills may be used to create 2 Actions.
past an enemy guard. When the GM presents a Challenge, • Equipment Suites: 1 equipment suite may be chosen
you must choose a method by which to succeed. Skills serve each turn.
as guidelines or approaches for meeting a Challenge. Once • Bonus Skills: Any number you can create from Heroic
the Challenge has been presented and you provide a solution, Moves, Talents, or other sources.
the GM determines the Difficulty based on the approach.
After rolling, If your successes are equal to or greater than the Each Skill may be used to create the following Actions:
Difficulty, then you succeed.
• Assist: Grant the successes you receive to an ally. They
Each Skill has two descriptors to help you understand how it may apply them to either of their methods. The only
works and what you can get out of it: way to directly help an ally accomplish a task is through
• Benefit: The listed benefit is a word or short term that
indicates what the Skill does or provides to you. Rapidfire, • Inhibit: Hinder an opponent’s attempts to take Action.
for example, has the “Deluge” benefit. That means when
you use Rapidfire, you get a lot of something. If firing a • Observe: Search the nearby area for obscured threats or
gun, it means you spray your target with a hail of bullets. interesting elements.
In an argument, you could use Rapidfire to launch
insulting quips in rapid succession. • Obscure: Hide yourself, an ally, or an object.
• Cost: The cost is a limitation or contingency that must • Attack: Apply successes to damage a target. Attacking is
be met to use the Skill effectively. Rapidfire has the the only way to inflict damage.
“inaccurate” cost. This means that the Rapidfire Skill does
not produce accurate results. In a long ranged firefight, • Defend: Apply successes to defend yourself, an ally, or an
Rapidfire may not be very effective as using it close object in range. Defending reduces damaging successes
ranged. During a debate, Rapidfire may not be the best you sustain.
choice as it may produce a less than cogent argument.
• Redirect: Create an effect that moves yourself or an
Several of the Skills have overlapping capability and some opponent’s position.
Skills work better in particular situations even if several have
the potential to work. Choose the Skills that support your • Interact: Apply successes toward a goal in the world.
ideal play experience, Career, or the ones that seem the most This typically refers to an interaction with an NPC or
fun to play. environment.
• Equipment Suites: Equipment suites are Skills that are See page 154 for a detailed description of each Action.
dictated or controlled by external forces. This means that
you have little agency over how well an equipment suite
functions. Hardware or weapon systems are common
types of equipment suites. When you send a volley of
missiles flying, you generally have little control over their
behavior. These Skills are used just as your hero’s Skills
are. However, each equipment suite describes how it can
be used. Not all can be used to take all Actions. Some may
only be used to attack or defend while others are limited
to scanning. See more on equipment suites on page 158.
Describe how you intend to use the Skills to perform the Modifier effects are cumulative when they can be used
Action. Then, roll a number of D6 equal to the total value of together. If you receive both positive and negative modifiers
the Skills you are using and count your successes. Since you at the same time, they cancel each other out. The GM
are able to use 2 Skills and 1 equipment suite, along with any determines if a modifier stacks with another. Typically, a
number of bonus Actions, you may be rolling lots of dice. positive and negative modifier will cancel each other out,
but there is no guarantee that two Edges will stack into an
Advantage. The GM should use their best judgment based on
The GM describes the scene and presents a Challenge. the type of effects being created and if they’re able to raise
You must ingratiate yourself with the SDF-1’s Gunnery the overall bonus to the next level.
Chief. You choose to use your Silver Tongue and I Can Fix
It Skills, and describe how you intend to seduce them Ultimately, any modifier the GM assigns is a based on a
through nerd-speak about the technical capabilities of subjective decision. As a rule, creativity should be rewarded.
the guns. The GM determines that you need 2 successes. The more creative and special the decision, the larger the
You roll the total pool from both skills and if you gain 2 or bonus should be. Use the following as a guideline:
more successes you succeed and gain their favor.
• Long Shot: Disadvantage
In the case of combative Challenges, the GM rolls the Skills of • Out of Your Element: Hindrance
the opposing party. In the case of a static Challenge, the GM • Taking a Sensible Course of Action: Nominal
chooses a number you must meet or exceed. As long as you • Working as a Team, in your Element, and taking a
exceed the value presented or rolled, you are successful. See creative Action: Edge
page 58 for more on Challenges. • Working as a Team, in your Element, inside the Fiction
taking uniquely creative Action: Advantage
The GM has full discretion regarding the allowance of Skills
to be used for a task. “Rapidfire” as a Tactical Skill may not be
suited for delicate engineering repair work. If you attempted
to use Rapidfire in this manner, the GM may not allow the Skill
to be used or impose a heavy penalty to the attempt.
Skill Modifiers
Events may occur during the game that inhibit or boost your Element
hero. Advantages may be gained from tactical positioning, You are at your best when acting in your Element. Being in
having detailed information, or wielding a powerful weapon. your Element means you are doing what you are best at; you
Hindrances may occur due to taking damage to yourself or are in a situation where you can shine beyond all others. When
equipment, someone having sorted information about you, you choose your Career, you are able to select one of the listed
or being out of your element. Elements or you may create a new one with GM approval. The
Entertainer only has one Element to choose from.
The following chart describes how a modifier affects obtaining
successes: When you take Actions, if you are not in your Element, you
may take a penalty. The exact modifier the GM hands you is
• Disadvantage [-2]: Rolled 6’s only grant 1 success instead based on the following:
of 2.
• Hindrance [-1]: 5’s cannot be used to gain successes. • Situation: This refers to the fiction of the Conflict you are
• Nominal [0]: Standard rolling. participating in. If the situation isn’t perfect for you to act
• Edge [+1]: Rolled 4’s count as 1 success. in your Element, you need to find a way to operate within
• Advantage [+2]: Rolled 5’s count as 2 successes. it so you don’t take a penalty or you have a chance to get
a bonus.
• Action Taken: The Skills you choose need to work with
You have the Flash Move Skill but your Element is Ace the fiction and place you in a position where you are
Pilot. You choose to use the Skill during a dance-off operating in your Element.
competition. The GM thinks this is a great idea and allows • Creativity: If you use your Skills and operate within the
it, but associates a Hindrance to the roll because the Skill fiction in a creative way, the GM is encouraged to grant
is being used outside your Element. a bonus.
Designer Note: In brackets are values ranging from -2 to Designer Note: We want to encourage people to take action
+2. This is a shorthand for the skill modifier. A -1 equates to based on their Element and use the fiction to drive the story.
a Hindrance while a +2 equates to an Advantage. A GM can The GM should work with players to help achieve this goal.
use the values listed as a quick way to figure and describe the Bonus and penalties should be based on how several factors
level of modifier they wish to employ. come together to make something truly special.
Skill Quick List
Terms in parentheses are (Benefit / Cost).
Escape Artist (Escape / Awareness)
Adept Negotiator (Compromise / Compromise) No one is ever going to hold you back. You can always get
You have the ability of a diplomat; you can compromise and free, whether being pinned back in a debate or chained up in
debate under the most stressful circumstances. a jail cell.
Infiltration Specialist (Obscure / Cover) Rapidfire (Deluge / Inaccurate)
With a keen eye for security systems and double joints, you Once you engage, you give it all you’ve got. In a debate you
are able to move past the guards, work through tight vents, fire off quip after quip. When handling a machine gun, you
and get to your target unnoticed. don’t go easy on the trigger.
Skill List
“Your terms are ridiculous. We could never agree to such “As I bask in the princess’s presence, I feel calm and warm.”
You don’t walk, you glide across a floor. Those around you,
You know how to use leverage and avoid topics of weakness to even savage beasts, calm in your presence. The grace you
gain the upper hand. Use this Skill to help get what you want possess is almost supernatural and can be a powerful tool in
when you are in contention with others. To get something, the right circumstances.
you must be willing to give something up.
• Benefit – Poise: You act with grace under fire in any
• Benefit – Compromise: You get something you want. situation.
• Cost – Compromise: To get what you want, you must • Cost – Inflexible: Once initiated, your choice of approach
have something of value to give up. cannot change or the poise will be broken.
• Physical: During a prolonged dogfight, after you see your • Physical: During a fight, you are able to navigate a
opponent’s moves, you open yourself to take damage in treacherous course using a high level of efficiency.
order to land the killing blow. • Social: The two negotiating parties are starting to get
• Social: During discussions, you manage to acquire the angry. You use your grace to ensure the talks continue on
rare parts needed to build more mecha, but give up smoothly.
exactly what you intended. • Technical: You research a new artifact quickly and calmly,
• Technical: You are fixing a system and don’t have the never making a mistake as you translate the ancient text.
proper tools. You short out one aspect of the system to
get the other up and running.
Blend In
Ambush Tactics
“To ensure proper obfuscation, walk two steps left and stay
“Ok men, we are going to storm the terrorists’ HQ. Hold fifteen back from your mark.”
nothing back, we will take them by surprise and quickly.”
You have the uncanny ability to seem to belong in the eyes of
You can smell an ambush a mile away. You’re also a master others. This helps you blend into a crowd or sit at an officer’s
at setting ambushes and surprise attacks. Strike a target dinner pretending to be one. In most cases those around you
when they least suspect, extricate your team from an attack will not question, or readily accept a reason, regarding your
no one could see coming, and take advantage of cover on a presence. In battle, enemies seem to ignore you for other
battlefield. more apparent targets.
• Benefit – Surprise: You surprise your enemy with an • Benefit – Unsuspecting: Blending in makes you seem
attack or argument they don’t see coming. inconsequential, normal, or unassuming.
• Cost – Hidden: To take your opponent by surprise, you • Cost – Crowd: To go unseen in plain sight, there must be
must come from a position of hiding. a crowd or visual noise that you can disappear into.
• Physical: Hostages are being held in a local restaurant. • Physical: You make your way across the battlefield with
You crash through the store’s front window and take the the intention to attack the boss. You slip past the guards
criminals by surprise. almost unnoticed with a properly timed distraction.
• Social: As your rival speaks about a dark time in your • Social: You insert yourself into a conversation almost
past, you prepare for it and launch a verbal attack of your unnoticed. You place a rumor into the talk, then slink
own. away. No one remembers how the rumor started.
• Technical: There are vulnerable systems that could blow • Technical: You know how to use mundane existing parts
at any moment. You bypass them and get to the core of to supplement when you are out of the specialized parts.
the problem before the whole system goes up. It might not be as good, but it will due in a pinch.
Close Quarters Cover Your Buddy
“You’re not so tough when you can’t dance around that “Don’t worry, buddy, I got that bogey on your six distracted.”
asteroid field.”
Contacts Everywhere
Counterposition Exology
“Moving in on me, won’t work that way.” “Well, what do we have here? We don’t see this type of
intricate carving often, unless this was a king’s tomb.”
As an opponent engages, you’re able to respond by
repositioning to maintain an advantage. You may use this As Humans extend their reach into the stars, they have
Skill as both a Reaction and on your turn. You may use continued experiences with new races. Exology is the study of
Counterposition on your turn as a response to an Action taken alien culture, history, and technology. Use this Skill to identify
by an enemy last turn. This Skill is important as it allows you alien technology and how to operate it. It may also be used to
to keep your vessel in a more advantageous position. gain information on alien religion, customs, and history.
• Benefit – Respond: You respond quickly and intuitively • Benefit – Familiarity: You gain a familiarity about
to an opponent’s maneuvering. something esoteric or alien.
• Cost – Recognize: In order to respond, you must be able • Cost – Narrow: The information you have is very narrow
to witness and understand your opponent’s intent. and may not be applied to many situations.
• Physical: The enemy mecha moves in to engage in hand • Physical: After rigorous study of the aliens’ vessels, you
to hand combat. You think it’s better to stay back and fire uncover flaws in their design. You know right where to
your weapons, so you glide back as they rush in. strike.
• Social: Intuiting what your enemy will say, you cut them • Social: You understand the enemy only thinks of war.
off and deliver a cutting remark that keeps them silent. Use this to your advantage during negotiations.
• Technical: As you work on a delicate system, you prepare • Technical: While most engineers could never reverse-
yourself for a systematic overload and change repair engineer this ancient alien technology, you have years of
priority. study in this field.
“See that vent? You better be prepared to get cozy.” “Ha! Now I am over here! Bet you didn’t see that coming!”
You are good at getting yourself out of a jam. You can slip You identify a tiny window of time to move your mecha.
bonds, crawl through a tight vent, or hide behind the smallest You flare the thrusters and jaunt a short distance, taking the
of obstacles. Use this Skill to wait in ambush, escape an enemy enemy completely by surprise. The best pilots can use this
grapple, or fit through a tiny area to assassinate your target. Skill to reposition, avoid attacks, or take advantage of an
Spies tend to get themselves caught in sticky situations and enemy weak point.
escape artist makes infiltration or exfiltration possible.
• Benefit – Unpredictable: You make a move that happens
• Benefit – Escape: Escape Artist allows you to remove quickly and is hard to predict or intuit.
yourself from a trapped position. • Cost – Short-Ranged: The move is quick and doesn’t get
• Cost – Awareness: You can only get away if you are able you very far.
to find or create an opening to do so.
• Physical: You are surrounded by the enemy who attacks
• Physical: You become grappled by an enemy, but are at once. You move quickly out of the way, and they shoot
able to slip out of their grasp and turn their attack against each other in a crossfire.
them. • Social: You enter a dance competition, and with your
• Social: You get dragged into a deep conversation about wiles and signature flash-like moves you stun the crowd
politics. Taking a side could make you look bad, but you and win the trophy.
manage to find a good excuse to duck out. • Technical: There isn’t much time to disarm a bomb, but
• Technical: You are hacking a database and are discovered with your flash-like instincts you move quickly, cutting
by an admin. You find a way to leave the system without the wires in rapid succession.
leaving a trace.
Grand Presence Hunker Down
“Behold, the host of tonight’s ball…the Admiral themself!” “We have incoming missiles! Move into a defensive position
When you enter a situation, everyone is taken by your
presence. Those around you want to come closer and hear As enemy fire and missiles fly toward your mecha, you find
what you have to say. You may use this Skill to inspire, nearby cover or twist your mecha to shield it from damage.
intimidate, and mesmerize those who can see you. You garner Using intervening terrain is the best way to mitigate damage,
the attention and respect you deserve, both from allies and but if there is nothing to use, the mecha itself can absorb
enemies alike. impacts when maneuvered properly.
• Benefit – Attention: When you come into view, others • Benefit – Resist: By moving into a defensive stance you
stop and gaze in wonder, fear, or admiration. are able to resist damage or humiliation.
• Cost – Recognition: It helps for those who gaze upon • Cost – Immobile: This defensive act keeps you from
you, know who you are or be aware of your presence. moving.
• Physical: When you enter the battlefield, the enemy • Physical: A wave of enemy missiles streaks in. You have
becomes intimidated by your presence and distracted. nowhere to go, so you hunker down to mitigate the
• Social: You gain attention when entering a great damage.
ballroom room and garner inquiries and respect. • Social: You are challenged by another company for
• Technical: When you work on equipment, you are able to control of processing ore. The UEDF wants to negotiate,
get things working in ways that you wouldn’t expect…as but you stand your ground and win the contract.
if the parts want to work for you. • Technical: You are designing a new piece of
Robotechnology and hit a technical problem. You allow
one system to overload so you can assemble another
much more complex system.
“I need just fifteen more seconds to crack it. Can you hold the “Well, there’s no good news here, but I can get this Valkyrie
Zentraedi off for just a bit more?” back up on her wings again.”
The encryption of messages to and from friendly units is vital No matter how damaged, broken, or exploded something
to the safety of a military organization. You have the ability is, you can fix it. You must choose your area of expertise:
to encrypt and decrypt messages. Use this Skill to ensure the Medical, Robotechnology, or Structural. Use this Skill to
enemy does not have access to your information. You may perform surgery on fallen comrades or fix damaged mecha or
also use this Skill to protect – or crack into – stored files in a the SDF-1. You can also oversee others making repairs for you
database. if you have competent technicians available.
• Benefit – Lock: You have the ability to lock something • Benefit – Repair: You are able to fix an object or make a
down so others can’t gain access. friend feel better after a breakup.
• Cost – Key: Anyone hoping to open what you have locked • Cost – Time: To do the job right takes time, and the more
must have or create a key. of it you have the better of a job you can do.
• Physical: As you attack, you mask your moves to make it • Physical: You have the training to heal injuries and tend
harder for your target to defend. wounds.
• Social: As you seduce a young socialite in front of • Social: You are a natural at repairing relationships or
their father, you use subtle innuendo to ensure they getting a disagreement resolved.
understand your intent, but their father does not. • Technical: You have the knowledge to fix equipment and
• Technical: As you send an important message to ground troubleshoot software.
forces, you make sure the signal is secure and unable to
be intercepted.
Infiltration Specialist Ironclad Strategy
“I know that vent looks small. I hope you aren’t claustrophobic.” “We have cruisers covering our flank and destroyers in
position for an assault. Get the mecha out there when the
When trying to break in somewhere, you must avoid guards, enemy is in range of bombardment.”
detection systems, and barriers. You know how to deal with all
of these. This Skill will help operatives get to their target, stalk
a person of interest, and know the guard’s patrol patterns.
You may need to scout the area or get additional information
to make a successful infiltration.
The Devil
I’ve taken it upon myself to confront the
Micronian devil who continues to challenge my
I want to see what makes them so
When you form a plan, it never goes wrong. Your mind
formidable. If I can understand how they operate, calculates all the possibilities when given enough information
it could help me understand how to defeat them. and time. When you make a plan roll this Skill, and successes
Azonia has arranged for my delivery into the may be used by those taking part in the plan. Each turn, a
Battle Fortress and place me inside. Once there, comrade may take one of the successes for themselves as
I will integrate with the Micronians. I will learn to long as they follow the plan.
live as one while searching for the devil.
• Benefit – Plan: You create a foolproof plan that can get
I have reviewed the report given by the you through anything.
former infiltration mission and I think I have some • Cost – Execute: For the plan to have benefit, those
ideas on how to find the one who would dishonor involved must be able or willing to follow it.
my abilities and status as the best. Apparently,
there are combat flight training simulators in • Physical: Based on your observations, you create a plan
that allows you to engage the enemy while taking few
a place called an ‘arcade.’ It will be no trick
to dominate the most complex levels of the • Social: You enter a party and know who likes and trusts
simulators and when that happens the source of each other. You use this information to formulate a plan
my dishonor is sure to confront me. which allows you to start a feud between rival companies.
• Technical: Lots of repairs need to get done after a battle.
Mission briefing: Miriya Parina You form a plan to tackle the problem as another wave of
Zentraedi attack.
Machinations Multi-Process
“That Major over there is working with that lieutenant, and “We have threats everywhere – we need to charge the Reflex
the ring leader? It’s that slummy looking Private...” Cannon, reposition Destroids, and focus fire on that Cruiser.”
“We can’t move to cover, because they have us cut off. “Do your nightmares ever include the friends you lost in
However, they are clustered and sitting pretty for an airstrike.” combat? You might need to resolve things within yourself
before moving on.”
Your ability to surveil a battlefield and track your teammates
is unparalleled. Awareness and insight of the region around Through years of study, you have learned to identify and treat
you is extremely important to your survival. You seem to mental disorders. This includes treating UEDF personnel with
see around corners, hear the silent, and smell across space. PTSD, recognizing mentally unstable behavior, and reading
Use this Skill to spot an enemy sniper, keep track of your another’s intentions after studying their actions. This Skill is
squadmates, or determine how much damage an enemy has important as it allows you to treat a comrade’s Stress and
taken. gain insight regarding a villain’s behavior.
• Benefit – Awareness: You see, hear, or smell everything • Benefit – Insight: You become aware of an intent or
in your sensory purview. thought in another, or something that was created.
• Cost – Proximity: To gain awareness, you need to be in • Cost – Analysis: You must be able to analyze and
sensory proximity to the potential concerns. understand what you are looking into.
• Physical: An enemy sneaks up behind you, but you know • Physical: You read the emotions of your enemies and see
they’re there. You fill them with lead after you turn and that they are scared and ready to flee. You use this to take
fire. advantage of the situation.
• Social: At a large party, you are aware of who is speaking • Social: During a tense negotiation, you realize that what
with whom. When you talk to a major, you know that the opposition is asking for is not really what they are
they had been speaking with the gunnery chief. interested in.
• Technical: You are tasked with fixing a system but don’t • Technical: You notice that a member of your repair crew
have the proper parts. You have a strong knowledge of is exhausted. You remove them from the team before
electronics and build a new piece that works perfectly. they make a mistake and blow the place up.
“I am transforming to Battloid mode and deploying the G-11 “All right, men, today we make our stand. Let’s show those
for maximum effect.” giants who’s boss!”
With a calculated drive for battle, you carefully place your Using resolve and charisma, you are able to boost those under
attacks one after another. You cut down the enemy at range your command. You have the ability to inspire troops fighting
with unparalleled efficiency. With precise targeting you are with fury and rally those that are fleeing. Giving an inspiring
able to snipe a target at range or shoot a mecha’s power core speech before a battle can encourage troops and help their
with minimal effort. resolve under fire.
• Benefit – Accurate: With an eagle eye, you tackle the • Benefit – Embolden: Through example and your driving
problem and achieve what you want. spirit, you are able to inspire those around you.
• Cost – Slow: It takes a little extra time to get that perfect • Cost – Communication: For troops to become
solution dialed in. emboldened, they must be able to hear you, see you, or
read what you have written.
• Physical: Your enemy is ducking between asteroids,
strafing you as they do so. You take careful aim and shoot • Physical: Your soldiers are about to engage an enemy.
just as they expose themselves, knocking them out. You whip them into a fervor and they attack with a fierce
• Social: You are haggling with a store owner and swiftly bloodlust.
interrupt them at the exact right moment to bring up a • Social: Your team is falling behind in a trivia competition
point they can’t deny. You gain the leverage. but you give a rousing speech and lift their spirits.
• Technical: As you fix a highly complex piece of • Technical: The engineers are falling behind in repairs
Robotechnology, a gear breaks loose. You must dart in before the big battle. You convince them that they cannot
with a tool at the right moment to extract the gear. give up because the entire SDF-1 is counting on them.
Rapidfire Scanning Sweep
“More… more… more… firepower!” “Sir. We have incoming Zentraedi targets coming in from our
aft flank.”
Using a strategy that inundates a problem, you are able to
succeed by overwhelming it. For combat, this could mean You are adept at using mecha and ship sensors in creative
rapid and successive attacks or rapid gunfire. In social ways. You know how to increase your sensors’ range, find
situations you stay on topic and use the information you have hidden signals, nullify enemy sensors, and create ECM effects.
to keep your opponent from responding. You are able to get more from your sensors than most can.
Use this Skill in combat to detect enemy craft or hide your
• Benefit – Deluge: This Skill enables you to do a lot of one own signals. See more about sensors in combat on page 162.
specific thing.
• Cost – Inaccurate: It’s hard to know you’ll hit for effect • Benefit – Details: With a keen eye, you focus your
when you are going for saturation. awareness and learn details about your surrounding area.
• Cost – Focus: You must focus with intent to really see
• Physical: You notice an enemy on your wingmate’s six. what others cannot.
You fire a long stream of shells toward their position. This
causes the enemy to break off. • Physical: You survey the field to determine the enemy’s
• Social: You are debating a rival at a party and ask formation and devise a plan to counter it.
questions so fast that your rival doesn’t have time to • Social: You talk to the street people to get an idea for
recover or answer. how the smugglers are operating.
• Technical: A terminal has locked you out and you need • Technical: You activate a Cat’s Eye sensor array to scan
access. You rapidly try different hacking techniques to the area around the SDF-1 and detect something active
break into the system. in the nearby asteroid field.
Science That Star Quality
“Gain the extra power you need by lowering the containment “And now…the one you’ve been waiting for…Minmei!”
field by 1.5%.”
Only the brightest can attain the fame of a true star. You have
After years of studying and experimentation you have learned that charisma, talent, and drive. Being a star is hard work.
the ways of science. You are able to identify new strains of You must perform entrancingly, deal with doting fans, and
microbes, calculate a black hole’s mass, and study tectonic practice frequently. Those who watch you perform become
movement, among other things. Use this Skill to find creative inspired and may lose their sense of time. This Skill allows you
ways to solve problems with the equipment and materials to capture attention and bring out the best in those around
you find on hand. you.
• Benefit – Solution: Using your extensive knowledge of • Benefit – Guile: You know how to charm those around
science you understand and solve problems. you, make up a believable story, or misdirect others.
• Cost – Expertise: Your ability to solve problems goes • Cost – Attention: This doesn’t happen instantly. You
only as far as your expertise in a science-based subject. need those you want to engage with paying attention to
• Physical: You use your knowledge of science to lure an
enemy near a dangerous space anomaly. It inhibits their • Physical: You use showmanship and flashy moves to not
sensors and you take advantage of the situation. only dazzle your opponents, but inspire your allies.
• Social: You know that alcohol causes people to become • Social: You get people’s attention through your radiant
inhabited, so you get your mark to drink more. He personality. People want to be near you and support your
eventually spills the information you need. efforts.
• Technical: You don’t have all the right parts to fix the alien • Technical: Technical problems seem to solve themselves.
comms system. With science, you find a workaround You make a solid effort and things fit and come together
after studying how the exotic system works. nicely.
“Hey, hey…Why not just stop by and see our facilities? I am “All right, squad, let’s get in formation to make a run at that
sure we can accommodate any project that you have in mind.” scout ship.”
A silver tongue and the right attitude can open doors or get Strafing Run allows you to fire as you are moving, letting you
you out of trouble quick. Saying the right thing in the right move from and back into cover, or take defensive maneuvers
way at the right time can be as powerful as any weapon. You as you move closer or farther away.
can use this Skill to gain people’s confidence, tell a convincing
lie, or get others to believe a far-fetched excuse. This is a • Benefit – Skirmish: You fight on the move, keeping your
valuable skill if you want to get into areas you normally can’t opponents guessing.
and make up the perfect excuse for being there. • Cost – Movement: To be effective, you need to keep
moving. Without enough displacement your attacks are
• Benefit – Efficiency: You are able to eke out the most ineffective.
benefit from the smallest effort.
• Cost – Intuition: Seeing through your goal and • Physical: You are behind cover and being shot at by
accounting for missteps is crucial. enemies. You dash from boulder to boulder as you fire
back at the enemy.
• Physical: You coax your enemies into a false sense of • Social: As you investigate a shady character suspected of
security as you feign strength or weakness. This could get robbery, you also question them on other crimes as you
you out of a jam or gain an advantage. gain information on the robbery.
• Social: Your way with words can be used to convince • Technical: As you work on the primary power system of
people of things that are not true. This can help get you a Veritech, you use short periods of down time to check
something you want or get you out of trouble. other, smaller systems.
• Technical: You are able to get parts to operate in ways
they were not intended to be used or keep parts from
functioning based on their design.
Survival Expert Tradecraft
“When the wind blows like this, it’s best to head for the closest “Thanks for the information – I know it didn’t come without
cover. Something worse is coming!” cost. This could save a lot of good Zentraedi lives.”
• Benefit – Endure: You have the skills to endure a hostile • Benefit – Luck: You succeed based on luck. It isn’t
environment. completely blind, you choose the best course and go.
• Cost – Familiar: You need to know your surroundings to • Cost – Desperate: You must be in a situation where your
be able to survive. skill isn’t enough to help you though.
• Physical: As you fight in a strange alien environment, • Physical: You are pinned down by the enemy. There’s no
you have experience with the terrain and know where to tactical solution to getting you out of this jam. You spray
engage the enemy. and pray with your assault rifle.
• Social: You encounter an indigenous people who point • Social: Your reputation is on the line and this politician
their weapons at your group. You know they are not a is giving you trouble. You talk about him embezzling
threat as long as you keep moving. money from the orphan’s fund. Maybe he actually did it.
• Technical: You need to install a satcom to communicate • Technical: You can’t get the engines restarted again. So,
with your forces in space. You know exactly when and you start hitting the side case with the largest wrench
where to place it to get the message out. you can find. This will surly fix the issue.
Coffee Break
Using Talents “Anyone want some coffee?”
Talents are special tricks or capabilities that heroes develop You enjoy a nice cup of coffee to help you relax. Each day,
or possess. Talents may be used periodically to help you gain if you have minutes to relax and drink coffee, you reduce
an edge if you happen to find yourself in a tight spot. Heroes Fatigue by 1. You can only do this once per day and this counts
start with a total of three Talents, but more may be purchased toward the maximum of 1 Fatigue that can be recovered each
through Hero Progression. See page 30 for more details. day.
Munitions Strike
“Brace for impact in ten seconds! Cover those ears…this is
gonna be messy!”
Fast Planner Station Overload
“All right squadron, this is the plan…” “I don’t care what this reading says, we have to increase
output…reroute the overload to another system!”
You are able to survey a situation and act quickly. You are able
to increase the time and amount of interaction that occurs
during the Communication portion of a round. Every hero can
go around twice to clarify a plan. Also, gain “Fast Planner” as
an Element.
You are well-loved by the common folk. They buy you drinks
when you are out on the town and always greet you with a
smile. They may even band together to help or protect you
if you get in trouble. Gain an Edge when rolling to deal with
civilians in social situations. Also, gain “People’s Hero” as an
Lead the Charge In emergency situations, you use all the resources at your
“Let’s go, squad! Right into the center…all form up on me!” disposal. You may use 2 equipment suites from a station, or
double the effectiveness of 1. When this occurs, a system on
When you charge into combat, you inspire a righteous fury your mecha, ship, or base takes a total of 2 system damage.
in those who follow your lead. In the first round of combat, if You may choose to damage your station’s equipment suites,
you are the first one to enter or initiate it, half of those under rendering them inoperable instead.
your command can make rerolls to any or all Actions.
Supply Drop
Mad Thinker “We’re pretty banged up down here. Do you think we can get
“That’s so crazy…it just might work!” some support?”
You see things in your mind’s eye that others cannot conceive; You prepare to support your people in the field. Once per
an instant later you’re attempting something no one thought mission, you are able to call in supplies to a specified location
possible. Once per engagement or encounter, you are able via transport aircraft or space shuttle. It takes minutes to get
to use Skills to enact a plan that is so crazy it just may work. the supplies once called for. The drop includes:
When attempting this plan, do not take penalties due to
difficulty. • Any 6 Kits.
• Enough ammunition to completely reload mecha
Pride of the Fleet guns and all light weapons.
“We will not succumb to this superior force. We will fight and • Tools and materials needed to repair 4 points of
be victorious.” mecha damage or all light-class armor damage.
Through your indomitable presence, you stun those who The above listed items are the standard drop. You may request
would do you harm. When in the presence of an enemy, special drops for mecha weapons, missiles, light equipment,
your spirit and resolve stuns them. Once per encounter or camp buildings, or MPV.
engagement, you may negate one enemy Action at any time.
The enemy must be able to see you, your mecha, or your Watchdog
naval vessel to make this happen. “Stay vigilant on those sensors; we need to ensure our flanks
are covered.”
“This admin is almost as good as me. They’re blocking You are always keen to keep your eyes on the sensors,
everything I try, but they can’t stop this.” knowing that early detection of a threat can save lives. Once
per encounter, during the Support Phase, you may treat a
You think and process information much faster than most. Targeted Scan as an Area Scan. This means you don’t halve
You win all ties against heroes or villains when opposing them your result when determining your successes, but gain the
mentally. In the case of a tie, you are considered to have at ability to see the Area. See page 155 for more on Observing
least 1 success against your opponent. Actions. Also, gain “Watchdog” as an Element.
Fast Transform
Piloting “Battloid to fire, Guardian to dodge, and Fighter to
All the Missiles You are a master at controlling your Veritech. You can
“It’s a beautiful thing, watching a hundred Mini-Missiles transform between modes quickly and confidently. When you
streak toward the enemy.” use a transformation equipment suite the Action is considered
to be enhanced. Based on your creativity, the situation, and
Once per encounter, double the Skill dice of a missile the fiction, the GM is to consider a bonus for the Action. Once
equipment suite. However, when using this Talent you must per Encounter you may use two equipment suites instead of
expend 2 ammo uses of the equipment suite. one during your turn. Both suites used must be related to the
transformation modes used.
Always Shot Down
“I almost never bring a Veritech back after an engagement. It Fly Anything
seems I’m always getting shot down.” “Zentraedi, Veritech, or prototype, it doesn’t matter. You feel
at home in any mecha.”
Any mecha you pilot loses 1 armor. However, you never take
physical damage and are always recovered when your mecha You have the expertise to pilot any type of advanced or flying
is destroyed. craft. This includes Aircraft, Mecha, Mecha Upgrades, Space
Vehicles, and Shuttles. Assume you have proficiency in any
Seek the GM’s permission before taking this Talent if using light or mecha-sized vehicle. You may also pilot naval vessels
High Lethality Mode. See page 168. at a penalty.
Machine Ghost
“Come on baby…I know what you can do…let’s make this
happen.” Social
“No, no. If you want to get this done efficiently, you need
form 1192-z.”
“Don’t worry, I’m a doctor…on TV.”
Dead Inside
“After a few dozen sorties, I don’t feel much of anything
Even if a mecha you are piloting loses all its structure, you You have a personal friend who outranks you. From time to
are able to bring it back to base. The mecha is unable to take time they help you gain information, equipment, or support
Actions for combat purposes and must immediately leave the in combat. You can use their help once per game session, or
vicinity. If your mecha’s structure is reduced to 0, it can make as often as they are available. Take care of this relationship.
it home, but you will take 2 brawl damage from the attack Acting rude or ungrateful may have your connection turn
that inflicts the crippling damage. their back on you for a while.
Sympathetic Damage Friends in Low Places
“Target those Mini-Missiles on their port side. The armor is “I can tell that mechanic likes me…my Veritech is always in
ripped up there.” top shape!”
When attacking with a mecha-based area effect weapon, if You have a connection that is below your rank. This person
you damage an enemy mecha, you may choose to inflict 1 is a friend who will help you out to the best of their ability.
level of damage to a specific system. Blast weapons must They’re willing to go outside of the command structure to
have a radius of at least 3 m to receive this benefit. See page offer you aid. Take care not to push this connection too far,
162 for more on system damage. as they might get in trouble for overstepping their authority.
Hideout Mysterious Past
“Quick, I know a place that we can go to where MPs will never “We tried to look them up in the ID system, but there’s
find us.” nothing there.”
You have a place that is hidden that only your most trusted You may not be who you seem. Others looking into you
friends are aware of. This is a safe place where you can rest or cannot learn much. There is little information on where you
hide if things become dangerous. If you lose the hideout or were raised, your ID numbers, or your medical records. Any
move away from it, you can get another. It takes days to find time you can use your mysterious nature, gain an Edge. Also,
or create a new hideout. gain”Mysterious” as an Element.
You have a small and secret place to hide valuables. The space
is well hidden and not easily found. Only someone performing
an exhaustive sweep using high tech devices can find it. If it is
located, you can take time to find or create another stash.
“Unlike those trust fund kids, you got here all by yourself.”
Gain one extra Heroic Move. You may allow an ally to use this
Move at no penalty. The second Move recovers as per the Gain one level of Wealth above your current rank to a maximum
normal rules and separately from the original Move. See page of Ultra-Wealth. Also, gain an Assistant, Bodyguard, or a Co-
159 for Heroic Move recovery. pilot. See page 125 for more information companions.
“He looks small, but no one is stronger than Ben.”
You are physically exceptional in some way. Choose 1:
Built Tough Strength, Endurance, Agility, Willpower, Intellect, or
“I have been built more sturdy than the average Zentraedi Charisma. Gain an Edge once per encounter, engagement, or
Warrior.” day (GM’s choice) when using your selected aspect.
Counterattack Soldier Up
“I won’t go down so easy!” “I’ll get the job done. No one else needs to get hurt”
Even without a tool kit, you always seem to have a useful tool Exploding Tech
on you. Even if checked, patted down, or moving through “So, I rigged a backup power source to the floor’s gravity
security you somehow retain your tool. Your tool can be used plates. Stand back, this is going to be messy.”
as a Hand Weapon.
You know how to combine systems in volatile ways. Any time
Computer Head you have access to different electronic systems or items,
“Don’t worry, sweetie…I’m not going to mess with too many you can hack them into a weapon. You cause the objects to
of your 0s and 1s.” interact and create a damaging effect. The result destroys the
systems or items. Also, gain “Exploder” as an Element.
Field Medic
“Stay calm. Think of happy things. Do you have a cat? I got
this, you’ll be fine.”
Hiding Hole
“Where is that nerd? If we don’t find them, the Commander is
gonna have our hides.”
Some are not cut out for direct combat. When the going gets
You are a master of computer repair, operation, programming, tough, you hide. You always manage to find a safe place to
and virtual intrusion. Gain an Edge when fixing, programming, hide for a while when someone is looking to hurt you. This
or hacking computer or virtual systems. Talent extends to awkward social situations as well as playing
Dangerous Exposure
“I promise, this is not a good idea. However, it’s going to be a Navigator
whole lot of fun.” “Maneuvers and calculations…that’s all I do. Go around the
nebula, avoid that asteroid…sheesh.”
You have been exposed to all sorts of technical dangers
including: electricity, cold, and fire. You have gained a limited You are at home in space. You gain an Edge to navigation
resistance to these effects. You are assumed to have +1 armor of a spacecraft including: calculations, survival, launching,
when being damaged by them. reentry, gravity wells, and plotting a course.
“Charge the system to 120% capacity. I know we are going to
lose it, but we need it operational now!” Engagements & Encounters
Inflict damage to a system to get increased benefit from it. The Talents and Heroic Moves – as well as other opportunities the
system takes 2 levels of damage, but you gain an Advantage GM provides – may be tied to an engagement or encounter.
when using it. Light weapons and personal equipment are An engagement is a fight or specific span of combat that you
destroyed when using this Talent. participate in. The length of an engagement or encounter
will be based on the importance of the associated event. See
Pack Rat more on Plot Events on page 176.
“Corporal, I need you to sign these papers saying that the
requisition was lost in combat.” Engagement
An engagement refers to a combat-based span of time. The
You always store extra equipment and ammunition for hard time it takes to make or defend from an attack, then return
times. You are able to carry an additional item over standard to base, would be an engagement. If you were deployed on
maximums. You also gain ownership of an additional kit, a long mission, the time between resting and refitting would
beyond typical loadout. be an engagement.
Refitting refers to reloading or recharging equipment or
weapon systems. Usually, this can only occur when you are
between engagements. You, a technician, or a maintenance
crew use specialized equipment to reload the missiles or
recharge a battery bank. Once this occurs, the equipment
may be used again.
Gear & Kits
Obtaining Gear
Gear Basics Every hero Career comes with a standard equipment loadout.
Record the gear and mecha you are provided on your character
Gear is used to survive the wilderness, fix machines, and sheet. The higher your rank is, the more access to equipment
provide defense. Each hero Career provides you with a you have. Gear may be provided for missions as special
standard loadout of gear. You may also acquire additional loadout. You may gain access to additional or advanced gear
gear as rewards, spoils of war, or from as a consequence of as the game’s timeline progresses, as you gain rewards, or as
increasing your rank. There are 6 types of gear: you uncover or develop new technology.
• Weapons: Weapons are light arms carried for defense. • Requisition: Rising in rank grants you access to a greater
They range in size from a pistol to a machine gun and are selection of gear. Each piece of gear has a requisition
considered portable by an individual. number. If the rank value you have equals or exceeds the
• Armor: Armor protects you from harm. This includes the requisition number, then you have access to the gear or
rigor of mecha piloting, the vacuum of space, and enemy mecha.
• Kits: Kits are tool bags or boxes that provide everything After the name of each piece of gear or mecha, you’ll find
needed to do a specific job. Each kit includes tools, a number that follows the letter “R.” This the requisition
sensors, or chemicals to get the job done. value needed to command or take possession of the
• Mecha Upgrades: Mecha Upgrades are special features item. If this designation is not present then the item may
that you can add to you mecha. These include special be obtained at any rank.
one-shot weapons and armor packages.
• Companions: Companions are not literally gear, but • Owning Gear: All items provided to you are the property
are allies that help protect you or offer assistance. of the UEDF, Zentraedi, or other organization. When you
Companions must be treated well or they are likely to are finished using the items, uniforms, or mecha, they
leave you until you can make amends. must be returned to the organization that provided them
• Wealth: Wealth relates to the amount of money you to you. Occasionally, gear may be gifted to a hero for
possess or have access to. Most heroes have a basic valorous deeds or acquired via adventuring. Sometimes
income, but some are homeless and others are ultra-rich. a Volunteer will enter service using their own mecha or
Wealth is based on your hero’s rank, Career, and Talents. equipment.
Wealth – Optional • Fragmentation: Frag charges inflict 2x light damage
Wealth determines how much money or funding you have to a 5 m radius blast area. [B5]
access to. Wealth can be determined in two ways: based on
Leadership or Social Skills. Choose whichever givers you the • Engineering: Engineering kits contain tools and
higher amount. Wealth is broken into four categories. Each parts needed to fix complex Robotechnology-based
describes the type of resources you have access to. equipment. They can be used to repair complex objects
such as advanced sensor arrays or build simple ones like
• Low: You have little means and no steady income or a radio transmitter.
work. You have a hard time getting food and cannot
afford more than the most basic products. Many of • Medical: Medical kits hold complex diagnostic and life-
Macross City’s refugees have a hard time getting work. saving equipment. The kit has everything needed to
• Standard [R1-3]: You have a job and a steady stream perform a lengthy surgical operation, evaluate bodily
of income. You live comfortably, but are not able to injury, and diagnose known illnesses. They can also, in
easily purchase luxury items. You are able to splurge on part, be used to analyze new biologies, though a science
nicer things about twice a month. Enlisted troopers, kit may be needed as well.
technicians, and business owners earn a standard living.
• High [R4-5]: You are a leader in your field and are paid • Modular Camp - counts as two kits : This compact camp
well for your expertise. You live comfortably and are able kit provides the basis for a mobile station. Multiple kits
to own a few luxury items. You have access to nice objects may be combined to create a full mobile camp. There are
on an everyday basis. Officers, scientists, doctors, and several camp kits:
company managers have a high standard of living. • Barricade: This small wall is 1 m tall and 3 m wide. It
• Ultra [R6]: You are very wealthy. You may own a has an Armor of 3 and 8 light wounds.
company or might be the recipient of a large inheritance. • Bunks: This lightweight tent has enough room to
You have access to the most luxurious of items and gain sleep and house a six man team.
VIP treatment in restaurants and clubs. UEDF admirals, • Mess Station: The station contains a small kitchen
celebrities, and corporate managers have access to ultra and enough to feed twelve for one week.
levels of wealth. • Power Station: This power unit can supply power to
up to 20 camp kits.
Designer Note: Wealth is not meant to be a defining aspect of
the game. It exists to demonstrate that some characters may • Science: Science kits are used to investigate the physical
have access to resources that others do not. universe. This includes interstellar and geological objects
of interest. These kits contain the equipment to analyze
Kits particles, waves, and chemical compositions.
Kits are comprehensive bundles of equipment used to
perform a certain task. The kit is usually packaged in the • Scout: A Scout kit helps you hide and blend into natural
form of a pack or carrying case. Kits are specialized to assist terrain. An Observing opponent must gain 2 successes to
with one type of work or operation. You may trade a Kit for detect someone standing still and 1 to detect someone
extra ammunition, enough to double the ammo for six small moving slowly.
arms, or one explosive. Kits count as Hardware, and may be
destroyed in place of taking a wound. [H] • Survival: Survival kits come with the equipment to keep
you alive in hostile terrain. They come with exposure
• Communications: While all members of the UEDF protection, a distress beacon, simple repair tools, rations,
have a personal communicator, this kit sets up a and maps.
powerful comms station. The kit comes with a mini-
dish, frequency adjuster, automated encryption key, and • Infiltration [R2]: Infiltration kits are created for spies or
laser communication tools. It can cut through weak ECM scouts who go behind enemy lines for extended periods
jammers and poor weather. of time. An infiltration kit includes sensor equipment,
encrypted comms, recording devices (bugs), and
• Demolition [R2]: Demolition kits contain charges that disguises or camo nets.
can penetrate thick armor or cause damage to a large
area. They may be placed on specific locations or set Equipment Suite
as traps. Explosives may be set to detonate via remote The Proper Gear: Kits are created to support a specific
trigger, timer, or trip wire. Setting a charge requires 2 purpose. When using a kit to help you solve a Challenge, gain
Actions. Each kit carries a total of 3 charges. There are the benefit below as long as you are using the kit within its
two types of explosives: designed intent. Kits with consumable components may be
limited by a number of uses.
• Shaped Charges: Shaped charges inflict 2x mecha • Uses: 1-4 or Unlimited
damage to a 1 m area when detonated. [B1] • Skill: 3
• Tactical: You are able to fire a naval vessel’s weapons and
provide security assistance to teams fighting boarders.
Use the World You are also able to view enemy weapon information and
monitor enemy vessel positions.
As you move through the Robotech Universe, you will be
able to use the world and environment around you to your • Navigation: At these stations you control the movement
advantage. Using the environment to support your actions of a naval vessel. You also have the systems to investigate
may be done in the same way as using equipment suites. This space and planetary bodies.
allows you to leverage the situation you are in and aspects
of the world itself. You may use the following environmental • Operations: Officers use the systems of operations
effects – and more – at any time when they are present: stations to command friendly combatants. The
Officer Stations: Officers have a bevy of information to systems track target and ally positions and provide
process and send orders to action. They use stations to help communications capabilities.
direct tactical, strategic, and logistical operations.
Entertainment Venues: Entertainers perform in venues to • Command: Only the highest-ranking officers can
spur on the brave soldiers fighting and keep civilian morale use command systems. These systems provide
high. These heroes gain assistance from their venue or station comprehensive information about the ship itself and the
they are assigned to. crew operating it.
After getting lost inside the SDF-1, you find a long lost
Officer Stations room built by Zor himself. The room has a station that
allows you to operate all aspects of the ship. As you slip
Officers are able to operate aspects of a naval ship based into the command chair, you feel connected to the entire
on their position and station. Here is an overview of a ship’s vessel and gain complete control.
aspects that can be modified based on role:
Stations are designed specifically for the officer using them.
• Engineering: You manage scanners, sensors, and If you are standing at a comms station, the information being
automated repair systems. You also assist teams in sent to you will focus on communications. At a comms station
damage control. you will receive little information regarding your ship’s
weapon power levels. You are assumed to have proficiency
with any station at or below your Rank.
station rank equipment suites
Designer Note: The ranks listed in the chart below are for reference only. It’s
completely reasonable for a low-ranking officer to have or gain access to all types
of Stations.
Vectored Thrusters Stage
You tap into the reserve power of your naval vessel’s thrusters. Stages are found in bars, parks and festivals. A stage is a
Use this Skill to defend against attacks. To activate vectored small, raised area where the entertainer can perform in front
thrusters, you may only use this when you’ve use thrusters to of a small audience. Usually a couple dozen people are on
make a defend Action in the same round. hand to see the performance. While not many people go out
• Uses: Unlimited to see a stage performance, the venue is intimate with the
• Skill: 1-3 fans getting an up close and personal experience. Stages are
simple from a production standpoint - some don’t even have
War Sight spotlights.
Using your system’s powerful sensors, you achieve complete
perspective over the space around your vessel. Use this Skill Equipment Suite
when assisting or interacting with friendly mecha or marines Intimate Setting: Performing for a small crowd allows you
within Long range. to be close to them and feel their energy. When you focus
• Uses: Unlimited your performance on a single person or small group to form a
• Skill: 1-3 bond, use this Skill. Your attention and the setting helps make
them feel special.
Note: If you are running a naval vessel as a Captain or • Uses: 1
commanding officer, you can use a sensor-based equipment • Skill: 1-3
suite listed in the vessel’s profile. The stations listed above are
for officer type heroes to use. Amphitheater
An Amphitheater has a large stage and a large sitting area.
The performing area sits lower and the crowd gathers around
by sitting on the ground or in chairs. These are usually
Entertainment Venues constructed around the natural terrain. Amphitheaters
are permanent and have a few high production options
Venues are places where an entertainer can perform in front including spot and colored lighting, limited holographics, and
of an audience. Venues range in size which allows more projection video.
people to see the entertainer. The larger the venue, the
more technical and special effects it offers. Entertainers who Equipment Suite
are very famous are able to perform over the radio, military Brilliant Performance: While not as intimate as a stage or
comms, or television. Each of these offers the viewer or as Impactful as an Arena, the Amphitheater has a technical
listener a different experience. You are assumed to be able to kick the others can’t provide. An Amphitheater is built for the
gain access to a venue at or below your Fame. However, if you sole purpose of staging performances. As such, it provides
do gain access to a venue, you may use it even if your Fame is the most pure form of performance. When you attempt to
lower than the venue normally allows. change the audience’s mood, use this Skill.
• Uses: 1
These venues may also serve engineers, professors, or • Skill: 1-4
politicians in the same way they work for entertainers. Instead
of a literal stage or arena, a politician could use the steps Radio
of a government building to sway his voters. A university The Radio has the ability to reach the most people. Even
professor would use a campus park as an amphitheater. Even pilots taking part in operations can tune in and listen to a live
a company provided cookout could serve as an arena for a performance over the Radio. The Radio is the best way to
CEO to push his agenda and everyone onboard. spread a short message to the most people. Everything and
anything may be broadcast including: concerts, speeches,
commercials, political rhetoric, and talk programs. If you are
fame venue equipment suites able to gain access to a broadcast, you can send a poignant
message to your listeners.
1 Stage Intimate Setting
Equipment Suite
2 Amphitheater Brilliant Performance Captive Audience: You can use the Radio to send a deep and
meaningful message to your listeners. When you are trying to
3 Radio Captive Audience encourage a group via assist, if you use the Radio, then you
may activate this Skill. Your short performance is heard by all
3 Arena Radiance those listening.
• Uses: 1
4 Video Striking Image • Skill: 2-3
Arena Vault Off: Using a wall, rock or other vertical hard surface,
One of the best ways to experience a performance is to see it you propel yourself up into the air or thrust back toward
live in an Arena. Only the brightest stars have the draw to fill the enemy unexpectedly. Due to the quick movement, this
an Arena completely. Here, you have access to the best real tactical action is tough to track and can be used in many ways.
time, technical tools. This includes high definition lighting, • Uses: Unlimited
holo-effects, fireworks, stage doubles, and dynamic sound • Skill: 1 to 4
effects. After such a dynamic performance, the audience will
remember their experiences for years. Slingshot: The gravity well of a planet helps speed up your
fighter helping you to escape or engage quickly. In a jungle,
Equipment Suite use a vine to swing around, picking up momentum as you go.
Radiance: Those watching your performance in an Area will Any object that may be used to speed up your action can be a
be mesmerized. When you are able to employ an Arena’s great benefit to you tactically.
effects and you want to sway the audience’s opinion on a • Uses: Unlimited
subject, use this Skill. Each use of this Skill may be used as • Skill: 1 to 4
part of an act of the show.
• Uses: 2 Other Environment Ideas
• Skill: 2-4 Since anything in the environment or story could potentially
be used as an equipment suite, here are some ideas that may
Video come in handy.
It’s every star’s dream to be on the screen, whether it’s in the
movies or television. Being heard is good, but being seen and • Dead Comrades: In a pinch, using the memory of a dead
heard is better. Once you’ve made it here, you’ve made it. ally can give you lots of leverage. Be careful, overdoing it
Also, once captured on film, your image can be shown over may come off as morbid.
and over. Video is the best way to get people to feel the way
you do about something important. Live video shows the • Debris: In deep space, a forest, or the corridors of a
audience your emotions in real time, while recorded allows ship, debris can be used in several ways. Hide behind it
you to do retakes until you get the scene perfect. to obscure or defend yourself against attacks. Use it to
obfuscate your position or for the basis of a sneak attack.
Equipment Suite You may even be able to trick your enemy into slipping
Striking Image: With the dedicated focus and ability to on it, or harming themselves as they move through it.
manipulate the picture, video can transform or enhance your
image. When you are attempting to sway someone’s opinion • Enemy Injury: If you are aware of your enemy’s injury,
on a topic and change their view of you, use this Skill. you can use it in subsequent attacks. Melee or close
• Uses: 1 quarters will be more effective to use it this way.
• Skill: 4-5
• Furniture: Even a small piece of furniture can come in
handy. Similar to debris, you may use furniture to hide
or take cover. You can also use it to stand on, giving you
Terrain Tactics higher ground for attacks or a better stage to speak from.
Just as an entertainer or officer can take advantage of • Hazards: When the ship takes heavy damage and starts
their environment, so can those in combat. The type of falling apart, live wires and sharp shards of metal may
environmental conditions can play a large role in battles. protrude from the walls. Fires or floods may break out
Smart combatants seek out tactical advantages by using as well. Ram an enemy into these dangers, or use the
terrain in smart and innovative ways. Below are a few smoke as cover.
examples of to employ terrain as an equipment suite. The
exact Skill value provided may vary based on the viability of • Loudspeaker: Having a big voice can get a message
the terrain to be used for a benefit. across far more efficiently. A loudspeaker can come in
handy to intimidate, distract, or manipulate someone
Equipment Suites without you needing to be right there.
Obscured: Out of the dust of a destroyed Valkyrie Fighter,
your Power Armor flashes into the enemy, catching them • Personal Knowledge: Knowing a secret or the right
off guard. When your position is obscured, in the previous or phrase to push someone’s buttons is very useful. Esoteric
during your turn, you may activate this Skill. You must be able information can help you get the leverage you need over
to catch the enemy by surprise. a rival. The more intimate the knowledge, the bigger the
• Uses: Unlimited bonus you receive.
• Skill: 1 to 4
The infiltration into the Micronian society
aboard Zor’s battle fortress has proven to be a great • Robotech Vessels: 92
benefit for Zentraedi intelligence. In addition to
learning significant amounts about their culture,
we’re also learning about their military and how it is • UEDF Vessels: 94
For example, they refer to their overall • The SDF-1: 94
military as the United Earth Defense Force.
It seems as though they are fighting for
their way of life, hence the use of the phrase “Earth • UEDF Naval Vessels: 97
Defense” in that name. If only they knew that
their planet was of no consequence to us and our • Veritechs: 98
only aim was the ship they’ve named the SDF-1.
They could have surrendered easily and avoided
all of this nonsense. But, from other reports from • Destroids: 108
our embedded assets reveal that these particular
Micronians are not easy to surrender. They’re almost • Space Vehicles: 114
as warlike and ruthless as Zentraedi.
If you remember from the engagement
outside of Saturn’s rings. They brought to bear a • UEDF Ground Veritech: 116
terrifying trap and completely annihilated the force
we dispatched to capture them. They’ve also been • Ground Vehicles: 117
known to risk the lives of those in their command and
use their own ship as a weapon. One need not remind
you of their favored tactic of ramming Zentraedi • UEDF Gear: 121
capital ships with the arm of their space fortress and
blowing them up from the inside. It is quite effective • Basic Light Gear: 121
and if it weren’t being used against us I might admire
the tactic much further.
Therefore, Lord Breetai, my • Mecha Upgrades: 123
recommendation would be to study their motives.
So far, we’ve been foiled in the opaque nature of • Companions: 125
Micronian thinking. Only by better understanding
every aspect of their culture and their ability to make
war will we be able to prevail in our task.
Robotech Vessels
Robotech universe has many types of naval vessels, mecha, Most naval vessels have similar basic functions. These
and vehicles. Each has a unique purpose, fitted with specific loadouts are listed here, with specific features and weapons
equipment and weapons. There are 3 types of vessels: listed under each naval ship’s entry in the UEDF and Zentraedi
chapters below.
• Naval Vessels: These are large ships, also known as
capital ships. They may be many thousands of meters General Naval Weapons
long and have weapons that can annihilate an entire city All naval vessels are equipped with the following weapons:
in one shot. Naval vessels typically have a large crew and
house hundreds or even thousands of mecha-sized craft. • Particle Cannons: Naval vessels are outfitted with
Particle Cannons as a standard armament. These
• Mecha: Mecha are very large robot-like craft. They powerful weapons fire at Medium range. Naval, ship-
are usually limited to a crew of three and are deployed based Particle Cannons are naval weapons and may only
from naval vessels or a hangar. These vessels are heavily target naval vessels. [B20]
armed, carry powerful weapons, and have advanced
equipment. Mecha are usually able to operate in space
and atmospheric environments.
• Thrusters: Thrusters are used to orient a naval vessel. • Basic Sensors: Mecha require sensors to survey the
They also assist with atmospheric maneuvering and surrounding environment and keep in communication.
flight. Each ship is equipped with several thruster banks Radar is used to search for objects and electrical sensors
located around the hull. If these become too damaged, seek signals.
the vessel is unable to maneuver or evade enemy fire.
• Escape: UEDF Valkyries are capable of escaping a
• Weapons – Offensive: Offensive Weapons are used celestial body up to a gravity index of 1.2. Zentraedi
to target and destroy enemy naval vessels. These mecha may escape gravity conditions up to an index of
weapons are unable to target mecha size craft in space 3.0. Valkyries may escape gravity indexes of up to 3 by
engagements. They can be used to bombard ground using an Atmospheric Booster.
UEDF Vessels
SDF-1 The SDF-1 is a massive ship and as such has several areas that
specialize in keeping the craft operational:
The Super Dimensional Fortress 1: Also known as the SDF-
1, this is the flagship of the UEDF. It is the most advanced • Bridge: The bridge is where the commanding officers
weapon system in this region of the galaxy. It is the essence direct SDF-1 operations. Damage to the bridge may
of Robotechnology and was constructed by Zor, the brilliant injure the officers and leave the SDF-1 in secondary
and enigmatic Robotech Master Scientist. It took most of command or in disarray.
the world’s military budget to reconstruct the Battle Fortress • Engines: The SDF-1 has two large primary reactor
after its crashed remains were discovered on Earth. It is engines at the aft as well as multiple thrusters. These
1200 m long and 500 m wide, brimming with advanced alien keep the SDF-1 aloft in atmospheric conditions and allow
technology. it to maneuver in outer space.
• Guns: The SDF-1 is fitted with many weapon systems.
Even though Humans reconstructed it, much about the SDF-1 These must be maintained by engineers and operated
and the technology inside remains a mystery. Since it took so by gunners. If the Guns take damage, the SDF-1 may find
long to reconstruct, many of the internal compartments are itself unable to fight off Zentraedi attacks.
maze-like and have not been documented well. It would be • Hangar: There are several hangars on the SDF-1. This
quite easy to get lost in these older and forgotten areas. is where the Veritechs and Destroids are deployed into
combat from. The SDF-1 also has large offloading ramps
The SDF-1 can fly through space at a light speed factor to deploy forces onto the ground.
of .2 and through Earth’s atmosphere at several hundred • Macross City: This is where the hospital and concert
kilometers an hour. It holds hundreds of Veritech, Destroids, pavilion are located, along with the majority of the
utility craft, and Ghost Fighters. It also has the ability to Macross Island refugees.
maintain, repair, and construct new mecha. • Production: Production is where mecha are constructed
and repaired. Also, materials for repairing the SDF-1 and
The SDF-1 defends itself with multiple short-ranged missile Macross City are manufactured here.
batteries, massive Rail Cannons, high energy Particle • Reflex Furnace: The Furnace is where the SDF-1 gains
Cannons, and the most powerful ship-mounted weapon: the most of its power from. The Reflex Furnace utilizes
Reflex Cannon. Throughout the First Robotech War, the SDF- Protoculture to create a near limitless supply of energy.
1 alone destroyed dozens of Zentraedi cruisers and many However, the UEDF does not completely understand how
more smaller attack craft with the Reflex Cannon. this energy works and still works at slowly uncovering its
The SDF-1 is equipped with heavy armor and defensive • Science: There are several areas that are designated for
fields that can absorb any attack, no matter how powerful. scientific research. Here scientists and engineers work to
However, the Human occupants struggle to control the uncover the SDF-1’s secrets and learn how to harness the
advanced defensive systems. On more than on occasion, the power of protoculture.
advanced systems overloaded and killed crew or civilians.
With her armaments, complement of mecha, and defensive Weapons
advantages, the SDF-1 is the heart of Earth’s defense against The SDF-1 employs an array of the most advanced weapons
the Zentraedi’s invading armada. humanity has ever utilized. They are designed to tear through
enemy armor with ease and force back encroaching small
• Required Rank: 5 craft.
• Class: Battle Fortress
• Designation: Super Dimensional Fortress 1 • Rail Cannons: The SDF-1 is fitted
• General Stats: with 4 Rail Cannons, two
• Armor: 4 / 6 with Pinpoint Barrier; also see Omni- mounted
Directional Barrier below on the
• Structure – Naval: 10
• Engines: 2100 km/h / 3.5 km / 7 Space Units
• Locations: Bridge, Engines, Hangar, Macross City,
Production, Reflex Furnace, Science, and Weapons –
Defensive and Offensive.
port side and two to starboard. These have a standard • 1-3: All the crew operating the barrier are killed, and the
range of Long, but may fire farther. These are designed barrier’s system is heavily damaged. It cannot be used
to punch through naval armor at long ranges. Halve again until repaired.
your target’s naval armor as when attacking with Rail • 4-5: The overload places a serious burden on the SDF-1’s
Cannons. You cannot target mecha-class vessels with systems. Except basic propulsion, all the SDF-1’s Reflex-
Rail Cannons. [E] [B10] [H] based systems are down.
• Weapon Banks: The SDF-1 is fitted with three banks of • 6: Nothing bad happens to the SDF-1. The overload is
Particle Cannons, two banks of Torpedo Tubes, and two contained and only the exterior 25 km radius destruction
banks of Rail Cannons. remains.
Features Battle Mode: The SDF-1 is battle capable and has the
Complement: The SDF-1 is a massive ship. It serves as a amazing ability to transform. The fortress twists and changes
major base of operations for the UEDF. It carries the following into a mecha form. Only in Battle Mode can the SDF-1 fire the
vessels and mecha: Reflex Cannon and use the Daedalus Maneuver. As the Rail
• Veritechs: 200 Cannons are mounted in a plane with the vessel, they may
• Destroids: 150 not be used in Battle Mode.
• Ghost: 120
• Support Craft: 50 When the transformation takes place, the rebuilt Macross City
is caught and suffers damage. Every time a transformation
Pinpoint Barrier System: In the beginning of the First occurs, dozens of civilians are injured or killed. Replace
Robotech War, the SDF-1 scientists developed a barrier the existing stats with those below for the duration of the
system that provided a strong but non-comprehensive transformation.
defense for the fortress. As long as the Pinpoint Barrier is
active, the SDF-1 cannot take more than 2 damage from an Stats:
attack and its armor is increased from 4 to 6. • Engines: 900 km/h / 1.5 km / 3 Space Units
Fire the Reflex Cannon – Attack: The Reflex Cannon is
the most powerful weapon in this region of the galaxy. The
SDF-1’s Reflex Cannon is far superior to those employed
by the Zentraedi forces. It fires a 100 km wide beam at
100,000 km distance. Even if targets are not hit directly, the
radiant energy from the weapon is still powerful enough to
annihilate any ship. However, firing the gun comes at a price.
It may overload the SDF-1, wreaking havoc on her systems
and causing damage to the fortress. This attack allows the
commanding officer of the SDF-1 to fire the Reflex Cannon. To
make this attack, the SDF-1 must be transformed into Battle
Mode. This attack annihilates all vessels within 100 km of the
attack, up to 100,000 km away. [L 100 km] [H]
their complement of fighters can attack. Make an attack with
these anti-ship missiles up to Extreme range. Reflex Missiles
UEDF Naval Vessels inflict naval damage and are typically ineffective against
mecha-sized vessels. [B50]
Armor-Class Carrier • Uses: 3
• Skill: 3
Armor-class Carriers were the first Earth-built capital ships
to utilize Robotechnology. Since human knowledge of Unmanned Assault: The Armor Carrier can coordinate
Robotechnology was still in its infancy at the time of their maneuvers of the Ghost Fighters. Depending on the situation,
construction, these vessels fall well short of the capability the Captain can order the Ghosts into formations or focus on
required to engage Zentraedi ships. Armor-class Carriers hold specific tasks. A swarm of Ghosts gains the following as an
a full complement of space fighters and are heavy enough to assist. The size of the swarm is determined by the GM.
square off against Zentraedi ships for only a short time. • Uses: Unlimited
• Skill: 2
• Required Rank: 4
• Class: Carrier
• Designation: ARMD-Series Space Platform [1-10] Oberth-Class Destroyer
• General Stats:
• Armor: 2 Oberth-class Destroyers were built to take on enemy capital
• Structure – Naval: 3 ships. They are equipped with multiple Torpedo Tubes capable
• Engines: 1200 km/h / 2 km / 4 Space Units of launching Reflex Missiles. Oberth Destroyers are more
• Locations: Standard maneuverable than Armor Carriers, but lack the structure
and armor. Historically, they were ineffective when squaring
Weapons off against Zentraedi Destroyers, but they fared better when
• Weapon Banks: The Armor-class Carrier has 3 banks of used in numbers.
Particle Cannons and 1 bank of Torpedo Tubes.
• Required Rank: 4
Features • Class: Light Cruiser
• Crew: Armor Carriers house over 1500 naval crew and • Designation: Oberth-Class Space Destroyer
600 pilots. • General Stats:
• Compliment: Armor Carriers hold a large number of • Armor: 2
space fighters. • Structure – Naval: 2
• Ghosts: 270 • Engines: 1800 km/h / 3 km / 6 Space Units
• Lancer II: 100 • Locations: Bridge, Engines, Reactor, Weapons –
• Veritechs: 12 Defensive and Offensive
• Support Craft: 10
Equipment Suites
Launch Torpedoes: The Armor Carrier launches Reflex
Missiles to soften enemy targets before
• Weapon Banks: The Oberth Destroyer has two banks of
Particle Cannons and two banks of Torpedo Tubes.
• Crew: Oberth Destroyers have a standard crew of
• Compliment: Oberth-Class Destroyers do not carry
fighters but rely on two support craft to assist with
transferring supplies and crew.
• Support Craft: 2
Equipment Suites
Torpedo Launch: The Oberth can deploy several Reflex
Missiles in an attempt to destroy enemy vessels. Make
an attack with these anti-ship missiles up to Extreme
range. Reflex Missiles inflict naval damage and are
typically ineffective against mecha-sized vessels.
• Uses: 4
• Skill: 2
• Required Rank: 1
• Designation: VF-X Valkyrie Prototype Fighter
UEDF Space Veritechs • General Stats:
• Armor: 2
Prototype Veritech Fighter • Structure – Mecha: 2
• Hardware Points: 3
The VF-X Valkyrie • Speed – Fighter Mode: 2400 km/h / 4 km / 8 Space
The VF-X is a non-transformable experimental testbed for
what would become the VF-1. It was born out of Project Weapons
Valkyrie, which was led by Dr. Emil Lang on an island adjacent • Gun Pod: The VF-X is fitted with a lighter weight GU-9
to Macross Island. The VF-X is visually similar to the Valkyrie 20 mm Autocannon housed in a Gun Pod. This standard
VF-1 in fighter mode except that the underside is smoother weapon was adopted for use with the Valkyrie in pod
and lacks a head unit. While the unit cannot transform like form. It holds 300 explosive rounds. If the Gun Pod is lost
antecedent versions, the aerodynamics and structure were or runs out of ammunition, the mecha must fall back on
duplicated almost exactly. its lasers. It has a range of Medium. [B1] [H]
• Integrated Light Lasers: There are laser points mounted First Generation Veritech Fighters
on the craft’s nose. These provide a complementary
weapon source to the Gun Pod since they are tactically VF-1 Valkyrie
limited. The lasers have a maximum range of Short. [H]
• Missile Hardpoints: The VF-X is able to carry a small
complement of missiles – see equipment suites below.
• No Melee: The VF-X may only make ramming attacks in
• None of Note
Equipment Suites
Long Burst: The Gun Pod may be used to fire a long burst
of rounds. At Short range, the long burst causes increased
effect, but risks depleting the weapon’s rounds. When all
uses of this Skill have been used, the GU-9 is considered out
of ammunition and cannot be used until refitted with more
• Uses: 2
• Skill: 2
• Required Rank: 1
• Designation: VF-1 Valkyrie Fighter
• General Stats:
• Armor: 2
• Structure – Mecha: 2
Choose One Missile Type • Hardware Points: 4
Mini-Missiles: Mini-Missiles are close-ranged, carry a small • Speed – Jet Mode: 3000 km/h / 5 km / 10 Space Units
payload, and are fired in large salvos to ensure effectiveness. • Speed – Guardian Mode: 1200 km/h / 2 km / 4 Space
They are tactically limited, but are inexpensive to produce. Units
Make an attack with Mini-Missiles missiles up to Medium • Speed – Battloid Mode: 600 km/h / 1 km / 2 Space
range. [B3] [H] Units
• Uses: 3
• Skill: 3 Weapons
• Gun Pod: The GU-11 Gun Pod is one of the most powerful
Tactical Missiles: Tactical Missiles have advanced tracking weapon systems deployed on a mobile assault craft. It
systems and carry a larger payload. They have increased holds 200 55mm exploding rounds with a high rate of fire
range and force over Mini-Missiles. Make an attack with and velocity at Medium range. The Gun Pod may be used
Tactical Missiles up to Long range. [B5] [H] in all transformation modes. If the GU-11 is lost or runs
• Uses: 2 out of ammo, the mecha’s weapon range is limited to
• Skill: 4 Medium (see Integrated Lasers below). [B1] [E] [H]
• Integrated Lasers: These are mounted on the craft’s • VF-1A Valkyrie: This is the standard assigned
nose. The lasers provide a complementary weapon Veritech for new and lower ranking pilots. Its square-
source to the Gun Pod since they have tactical limitations. shaped head has one built-in laser and standard
The lasers have a maximum range of Short. [H] sensor array. The VF-1A served the UEDF until it was
• Head Lasers: Each Veritech variant has small lasers phased out by the introduction of the VF-1R.
integrated into the head. They are used to clear debris • VF-1J Valkyrie: The VF-1J is assigned to squad
and attack weak points on enemy mecha within Short leaders. It features a more comprehensive sensor
range. Damaging the Head Lasers eliminates the FLTA as package and dual lasers mounted to the head.
well (see equipment suites below). [M] [H] • VF-1D Valkyrie: A variant with a tandem double-
• Missile Hardpoints: The VF-1 is able to carry a small seat cockpit used for training new pilots. The head
complement of missiles (see equipment suites below). has additional sensors that allows the instructor in
[H] the back seat to have a full overview of the situation.
• Punch: In Battloid mode, the Valkyrie may make punch This variant is usually painted orange and not
attacks in melee. outfitted with weapons.
• VF-1R Valkyrie: The VF-1R is an evolution of the 1A
and 1J. It was brought into service toward the end of
the First Robotech War. Its head features a dual laser
with a third autocannon mounted for anti-missile
defense purposes. As more of these variants were
made, they replaced the VF-1A and 1J.
• VF-1S Valkyrie: Few of these special variants were
constructed. The heads were more natural looking
and mounted a quad laser array. It also featured the
most advanced sensor package. The VF-1Ss were
only assigned to squadron commanders.
Equipment Suites
Transformation: Transforming allows the pilot to choose the
most optimal fighting position regardless of the situation.
• Uses: Unlimited
Features • Skill: 2
• Transformation: Veritechs may transform between • Battloid: In the robotic mode, you can focus your
three states. This allows the pilot to choose the firepower more effectively. Use this Skill when attacking.
best configuration for the circumstances. See how • Fighter: When transformed into a jet, you are faster
transforming affects combat below and on page 165. and more maneuverable. Use this Skill when defending
• Fighter: This is the fastest and most maneuverable against ranged attacks.
mode. The Veritech’s wings and legs sweep back as • Guardian: In the hybrid state of transformation, you
the head tucks under. The Veritech turns into a sleek have the most discrete maneuverability. Use this Skill
jet fighter. when you are maneuvering, at Short range, between
• Guardian: Guardian is a hybrid mode between a objects or other mecha.
robot and a jet. The wings stay back, the head stays
down, but the legs and arms swing out. Guardian Head Lasers: Each Valkyrie variant has a Head Laser that
offers the best mix of speed and firepower. can be fired in any Mode. The number of lasers mounted is
• Battloid: Battloid mode offers the most firepower associated with the variant. Veritechs with more Head Lasers
but least speed. In Battloid mode, the Veritech turns are reserved for officers or commanders. Head Lasers have a
into a giant robot and has the most discrete agility of Short range and equipment suite associated with each type.
all the modes. • Uses: Unlimited
• Indexing Hands: Veritechs are designed with large hands • Skill: By Type
and fingers that function fully. They can be used to pick
up objects and have as little as .5 kg of sensitivity. • VF-1A [R1] - Single Head Laser
• Detachable Cockpit: Veritechs are able to detach the Use in a variety of tactical ways.
cockpit portion of the mecha from the rest of the vessel. • Skill: 1
The cockpit may then be carried by another Veritech via
mount on the underside of the Veritech. • VF-1J [R2] - Dual Head Laser
• Variants: Veritechs come in a few different variants. Use as a VF-1A Head Laser or gain the value below when
These variants are assigned to pilots based on rank. cutting through a bulkhead or other type of engineering
The variants are similar, except each is equipped with a cutting work.
different type of head and laser layout. • Skill: 2
• VF-1S [R3] - Quad Head Laser Choose One Missile Type
Gain the value below when used in a tactical manner or Mini-Missiles: Mini-Missiles are close-ranged, carry a small
any type of engineering work involving cutting. payload, and are fired in large salvos to ensure effectiveness.
• Skill: 2 They are tactically limited but are inexpensive to produce.
Make an attack with Mini-Missiles missiles up to Medium
• VF-1R [R1-2] - Dual Head Laser with Defensive Cannon range. [B3]
Use as a VF-1A Head Laser or gain the value below when • Uses: 3
performing engineering cutting work or defending • Skill: 3
against missiles.
• Skill: 2 Tactical Missiles: Tactical Missiles have advanced tracking
systems and carry a larger payload. They have increased
• VF-1D [R3] - Dual Head Laser range and force over Mini-Missiles. Make an attack with
Use as a VF-1A Head Laser or gain the value below when Tactical Missiles up to Long range. [B5]
cutting through a bulkhead or other type of engineering • Uses: 2
cutting work. • Skill: 4
• Skill: 2
Reflex Missiles: Reflex Missiles are the most powerful
FLTA: The VF-1J/D/R and VF-1S have a Forward Looking missiles employed during the First Robotech War. They house
Targeting Array that help the vessels target the enemy. You a small reflex reactor that explodes with magnificent force.
may choose to activate this equipment suite any time you Make an attack with these anti-ship missiles up to Extreme
take an action that uses the mecha’s Sensors. The package is range. Reflex Missiles inflict naval damage and are typically
located in the mecha’s head unit. Destruction of the head unit ineffective against mecha-sized vessels. [B50]
also destroys any Head Lasers. • Uses: 2
• Uses: Unlimited • Skill: 4
• Skill – VF-1J/D/R: 1
• Skill – VF-1S: 2
Heavy Burst: The Gun Pod may be used to fire a long burst
of rounds. At Short range, the long burst causes
increased effect, but risks depleting the
weapon’s rounds. When all uses of this
Skill have been used, the GU-11 is
considered out of ammunition and
cannot be used until refitted
with more ammo.
• Uses: 2
• Skill: 2 & ignore
1 point of Armor
with each use
Valkyrie Upgrades Equipment Suites
Scan Everything: The top of the vessel houses a large sensor
The Veritech was found to be a versatile platform. The mecha array that allows for deep space scanning. By focusing on the
can be modified in several ways. These provide enhanced VEF-1’s ability to scan, an operator can gain awareness of the
offensive, defensive, and sensor capabilities. The following local area. This Skill enhances a normal scan operation. To
upgrades are used to modify the Veritech rules found above. use this skill to full effect, the Advanced Sensor or the Sensor
Arms must be operable.
VF Tactical Array • Uses: Unlimited
• Skill: 1+2 - the Arms Provide +1 and the Dish +2
• Battloid Mode: To take advantage of the extra
armor and weapons employed by this assault
Upgrade, the Veritech is unable to transform,
and must remain in Battloid mode.
• Enhanced Armor:
Comprehensive armor panels
cover the entire mecha which
increases its armor value. The
armor may be ejected, allowing
the Veritech to operate as a
standard variant.
• Reduced Mobility: Due to the weight
of the armored system, the Veritech’s
mobility is reduced. (Applied in stats
• Missile Boat: The armored suit
has integrated launchers on each
armored piece housing Mini-
Missiles. There are 2 banks for
mini and 1 for penetrating
missiles. [H] [H] [H]
• Ejectable: The Armored
Upgrade can be
ejected, reverting
the vehicle back to its
standard loadout. This
includes losing the
extra armor and all
missiles listed below.
Jotun Armored Variant • Tactical Shield: The shield utilizes a special
electromagnetic-based reactive technology. The shield
is capable of absorbing large amounts of damage before
destruction. The shield may be destroyed to negate all
incoming damage from one attack. This assumes the
pilot is aware of the attack and Shield can be used to
block. The shield must be held by an indexing hand, but
may be stowed, allowing the hand to be freed up. [H]
• Integrated Missiles: The Jotun replaces the VF-1 missile
hardpoints with integrated penetrating missiles. [H]
Equipment Suites
Penetrating Missiles: The Jotun is fitted with the highest
standard compliment of Penetrating Missiles. Make an attack
with Penetrating Missiles up to Medium range. The attack
ignores 1 point of the target’s armor. [B1]
• Uses: 4
• Skill: 3
VF Super Valkyrie
• Required Rank: 3
• Designation: JBP-2R
• Stats: Replace the Valkyrie’s existing stats with the one
listed below:
• Armor: 3
• Structure – Mecha: 2
• Hardware Points: +2
• Speed – Battloid Mode: 1200 km/h / 2 km / 4 Space
• Armored Unit: Use the Features from Armored Valkyrie
found above.
• DBMU – Directional Booster and Maneuvering Unit: Armored Veritechs were successful in some operations,
The DBMU is a specialized feature of the Jotun Armor. It but were too slow to reposition and the extra armor did
houses a powerful engine and vernier thrusters. The unit not increase survivability enough to justify the high cost.
attaches to the back of the Jotun allowing it to move in The Super Veritech program was developed to increase
space and atmospheric conditions. [H] the Veritech’s tactical capabilities through mobility and
firepower. This was accomplished by incorporating advanced
engine packs on the back of the Veritech. Each pack was also • Ejectable: The Super Upgrade can be ejected, reverting
supplied with a rapid deploying missile launcher. the vehicle back to its standard loadout.
• Missile Hardpoints: The MVAS-1 stores Mini-Missiles
• Required Rank: 3 in the FAST Pack, therefore the hardpoint mounts are
• Designation: MVAS-1 reserved for Reflex or Tactical Missiles. Choose either
• Hardware Points: +2 type found on page 101. Note: This is not an additional
• Stats: Replace the Veritech’s existing stats with those hardware, it is the same missile hardware found on the
listed below: VF-1.
• Speed – Fighter Mode: 4500 km/h / 7.5 km / 15 Space
Units Equipment Suites
• Speed – Guardian Mode: 1800 km/h / 3 km / 6 Space Release the Hounds: The Super Veritech’s FAST Pack rapidly
Units deploys Mini-Missiles more precisely which makes them hard
• Speed – Battloid Mode: 900 km/h / 1.5 km / 3 Space to defend against. Deploy Mini-Missiles up to Medium range.
Units [B3]
• Uses: 2+2
Features • Skill: 3
• Enhanced Boosters: Each leg of the Veritech is fitted
with a modular pod containing vernier thrusters. This Massive Power: The additional high-powered vernier
increases the response and precision the Veritech. thrusters allows the Super Veritech to maneuver precisely and
• FAST – [Fuel / Armor / Sensor / Tactical] Pack: Mounted quickly. While in Jet or Guardian modes, use these thrusters to
to the back of the Veritech is a modular engine and maneuver out of a tight jam or avoid enemy fire.
weapon system. Two engines with independent reactors • Uses: 2+2
each house a rapid-firing missile launcher. Destroying a • Skill: 2+2
FAST Pack eliminates half the Release the Hounds and
Massive Power equipment suites below. [H] [H] Power of Odin: The MVAS-1 package is a terrifying weapon
• Space Limited: Due to the FAST Pack and boosters, platform for an enemy to face. When transforming out of
many of the aerial tail components have been folded. guardian or jet mode into battloid mode, the pilot can unleash
The Super Valkyrie enhancement reduces the ability for a torrent of missile, laser, and ammunition fire. The attack
a Veritech to fly in an atmosphere in Jet and Guardian strikes out in a conical patter up to short range. [C]
modes. • Uses: 1
• Skill: 4
Second Generation Veritech Fighters velocity at Medium range. The Pod is under slung and if
used, negates the YF-4 Stealth Profile. [B1] [E] [H]
YF-4 Prototype • Punch: In Battloid mode, the YF-4 may make punch
attacks in melee.
• Missile Bay: The YF-4 is fitted with one bank of
penetrating missiles in an internal bay. Additional missile
packages may be fitted under its wings. However,
if this is done, the mecha loses 1 point of speed
and its Stealth Profile. Choose a missile
option on page 101. [H]+[H]
• Transformation: As a Veritech,
the YF-4 has complete 3-stage
transformation capability. Gain the
benefits found on page 165.
• FLTA: The YF-4’s head is not
equipped with lasers. Gain the VF-1S
sensor equipment suite. [H]
• Stand Alone: The YF-4 is not capable
of accepting Upgrades.
The YF-4 Prototype was • Stealth Profile: The YF-4 is
designed using parameters derived from extensive Valkyrie not a true stealth craft, but is crafted
service records. While few units were produced before the with radar-evading materials and
reconstruction period, several dozen YF-4 units were created a radar-confusing profile. For
after it demonstrated remarkable capability. The YF-4 design the YF-4 to be detected,
was streamlined for its expected future role including removal the enemy must achieve
of the small head lasers and an emphasis on Battloid speed 1 Sensor success each
and maneuverability. Since the VF-1 suffered heavy loses to round.
missile fire, the YF-4 was designed with a low radar profile. • Indexing
Hands: The YF-4
Ultimately, due to high production costs the YF-4 was is designed with
replaced with the VF-6 series Alpha Fighter which employed large hands and
a less complex design. fingers that function
fully. They may be used to
• Required Rank: 4 pick up objects and have as little as .5 kg of sensitivity.
• Designation: YF-4 Prototype Veritech Fighter • Enhanced Armor: Against light weapons and AoE
• General Stats: attacks, the YF-4 is considered to have 1 additional point
• Armor: 2 of armor.
• Structure – Mecha: 2
• Hardware Points: 4+2 optional Equipment Suites
• Speed – Fighter Mode: 3600 km/h / 6 km / 12 Space Optional – Heavy Burst: The Gun Pod may be used to
Units fire a long burst of rounds. At Short range, the long burst
• Speed – Guardian Mode: 2100 km/h / 3.5 km / 7 causes increased effect but risks depleting the weapon’s
Space Units rounds. When all uses of this Skill have been used, the GU-
• Speed – Battloid Mode: 1500 km/h / 2.5 km / 5 Space 11 is considered out of ammunition and cannot be used until
Units refitted with more ammo.
Weapons • Uses: 2
• Beam Cannons: The YF-4 is equipped with advanced • Skill: 2 & ignore 1 point of armor with each use
beam weapon technology. These cannons fire a coherent
bolt of energy that rips through enemy armor. The Beam Penetrating Missiles – Internal Bay: The YF-4 is fitted
Cannons have a range of Medium, but can be extended. with Penetrating Missiles. Make an attack with Penetrating
Firing the Beam Cannons at Medium or Short range Missiles up to Medium range. The attack ignores 1 point of
reduces a target’s armor by 1. [E] [H] [H] the target’s armor. [B1]
• Weapon Banks: The YF-4 is fitted with two banks of • Uses: 2
Beam Cannons. • Skill: 3
• Optional – Gun Pod: The GU-11 Gun Pod holds 200
55mm exploding rounds with a high rate of fire and
VF/A-6H Alpha Fighter weapon is lost or runs out of ammunition, the Alpha must
rely on its lasers and missiles to attack. [B3] [E] [H]
• Integrated Light Lasers: The Alpha has two small lasers
fitted on the nose. These provide a complementary
weapon source to the Gun Pod. The lasers have a
maximum range of Short. These lasers cannot be fired in
Battloid mode. [H]
• Head Missile: The Alpha is not equipped with lasers on
the head as the older VF-1 models are, but does have
the ability to deploy Mini-Missiles. Head-launched Mini-
Missiles may be fired at Melee range. [M] [H]
• Weapon Banks: The Alpha has two Mini-Missile banks
stored in internal bays [H] [H]
• Punch: In Battloid mode, the Alpha may make punch
attacks in melee.
• Transformation: As a Veritech, the Alpha has complete
3-stage transformation capability. It may take advantage
of benefits found on page 165.
• FLTA: The Alpha has an advanced array and gains the VF-
1S sensor equipment suite.
• Stand Alone: The Alpha cannot accept any Upgrades.
• Indexing Hands: The Alpha is designed with large hands
and fingers that function fully. They can be used to pick
The VF/A-6 was a competitor to the YF-4 to replace the aging up objects and have as little as .5 kg of sensitivity.
Valkyrie fleet. The Alpha was designed to be cost effective
and battle ready. While it did not fit many of the advanced Equipment Suites
Robotechnology features of the YF-4, it was specialized to be Punishing Burst: The Gun Pod may be used to fire a long burst
a strike fighter with a heavy missile payload. The Alpha also of rounds. At Short range, the long burst causes increased
received an enhanced Gun Pod with more ammunition and effect, but risks depleting the weapon’s rounds. When all uses
greater kinetic effect. Ultimately, the Alpha won the 2nd Gen of this Skill have been used, the GU-13 is considered out of
Veritech contract and replaced the Valkyrie as the standard ammunition and cannot be used until refitted.
strike fighter craft of the UEDF, which later evolved into the • Uses: 3
Expeditionary Forces. Once formally adopted, it was fitted • Skill: 2 & ignore 1 point of armor with each use
with a energy-based version of the Gun Pod and a head-
mounted Mini-Missile Launcher. Mini-Missiles – Internal Bay: The Alpha is fitted with a large
loadout of Mini-Missiles. These missiles are stored in several
• Required Rank: 4 forward facing internal bays. Mini-Missiles have a range of up
• Designation: VF/A-6H Alpha Fighter to Medium. [B3]
• General Stats: • Uses: 3+3
• Armor: 2 • Skill: 3
• Structure – Mecha: 2
• Hardware Points: 5
• Speed – Fighter Mode: 3600 km/h / 6 km / 10 Space
• Speed – Guardian Mode: 2100 km/h / 3.5 km / 6
Space Units
• Speed – Battloid Mode: 1500 km/h / 2.5 km / 4 Space
• Gun Pod: The Alpha is fitted with the updated GU-13 Gun
Pod firing up to 500 50 mm explosive rounds. The barrel
is fitted with a magnetic accelerator capable of firing
the rounds with a speed at exceeds the GU-11 by 30%.
When attacking with this weapon, gain an Edge. It has a
range of Medium but has the option to fire farther. If the
04 Destroid Line
From what was found within the SDF-1 after its crash, it The Tomahawk was the competing design to Spartan. It
was quickly deduced that at least part of the alien crew had stands 13 m tall, is heavier, and carries more weapons. It also
been giant-sized. The United Earth Government also easily takes more time to build. Tomahawks take on the heaviest
figured that these aliens, with all their advanced weaponry, enemy formations. The powerful beam cannons work at long
might not necessarily be friendly to humans. The Excalibur range to tear up the enemy while their cannons make short
Project, headed by Colonel Anatole Leonard, was therefore work in close combat.
commissioned to develop means to combat the aliens, should • Required Rank: 2
the need arise. Robotech scientists, led by Doctor Emil Lang, • Designation: MBR-04-Mk VI
were able to develop new, powerful weapon systems, such as • Stats:
particle and beam cannons and miniaturized missiles. These • Armor: 2
weapons were then put onto large humanoid robotic frames. • Structure – Mecha: 3
It was humanity’s first attempt at producing giant, piloted • Hardware Points: 5
combat mecha. The basic concept of a humanoid mecha • Speed: 120 km/h / 200 m / 20 Ground Units / .5 Space
was termed a Battloid. However, the fierce mecha that was Units
the result of the Excalibur project had to get
a more intimidating name. Their name Weapons
became Destroids, short for Destroyer • Beam Cannons: Beam Cannons are powerful and
Battloids. accurate energy weapons. They were developed using
the technology discovered on the SDF-
Three different lines of Destroids 1. Beam Cannons have a standard
would be officially deployed – the range of Medium, but can shoot
00, 04, and 05 Destroid line. They farther. The Beam Cannons
are essentially walking tanks, often ignore 1 point of enemy armor.
bristling with heavy weapons, and [E] [H] [H]
form the base of the UEDF’s mechanized
ground forces. The first Destroid
deployed was the Tomahawk, which
was also the first in the 04 line.
The 04 line is characterized by
its modularity, which has
led to different models
and configurations
based on the
same basic frame,
most notably the
Defender and the
Phalanx. The Monster
was the only Destroid to
come out of the 00 line. It’s
different from the rest by being
considerably larger and not
particularly humanoid in shape.
The sole Destroid in the 05 line
is the Spartan, which started
out as a competitor to the
Tomahawk. It is the only
Destroid with actual
articulated hands; all
the other Destroids
replaced their hands
– or sometimes whole
arms – with built-in
• Gun Clusters: In each side torso section of the Destroid is Weapons
a cluster of autocannons and lasers comprising different • Heavy Autocannons: The Defender is fitted with four
calibers along with a flamethrower. These guns are high-velocity anti-aircraft guns with a Long range.
effective at engaging both hard and soft targets but are While they are similar to traditional Autocannons, the
limited to Medium range. [B2] [H] [H] Defenders fire at high velocity, providing it with extended
• Weapon Banks: The Tomahawk is fitted with two banks range. When the shells impact a target, they fragment
of Beam Cannons and Gun Clusters. Destroying both with armor piercing flechettes inflicting considerable
Autocannons will remove the Pepperbox equipment damage. [B5] [E] [H] [H]
suite. The Gun Clusters share banks with the Mini-Missiles • Weapon Banks: The Defender has two banks of Heavy
– when a Gun Cluster is destroyed, so is a Mini-Missile. Autocannons.
• Tactical Missiles: The Destroid has a small pod over its
right shoulder that is filled with Tactical Missiles. [H] Features
• Targeting Fin: The Defender is fitted with an advanced
Features array on its back which aids in long-ranged targeting. [H]
• None of Note
Equipment Suite
Equipment Suites Mobile Flak: The Defender’s guns fire a spread of shells across
Mini-Missiles: By sending out a flurry of small missiles, The the sky. Make an attack in
Tomahawk saturates its target’s ability to defend. Make an a 2 space unit radius blast
attack with Mini-Missiles up to Medium range. Each bank area up to Long range. [B
may fire twice. [B2] 1 km]
• Uses: 2+2 • Uses: Unlimited
• Skill: 3 • Skill: 2
Hail Fire: The Defender can take reloading safety limits Equipment Suite
offline for a short time to increase the rate of fire. This reduces Torrent of Missiles: The missile batteries on the Phalanx are
accuracy but greatly enhances firepower. Use this to engage a loaded with advanced Tactical Missiles. They are fired up to
single target at Medium or Short range. [B5] Long range into an enemy advance. Each Missile Bay has 2
• Uses: 2 uses, and If they are destroyed this Equipment Suite can’t be
• Skill: 3 & ignore 1 point of armor with each use used. [B5]
• Uses: 2+2
Targeting Fin: The Defender has an advanced sensor package • Skill: 4
that helps the vessel target the enemy. You may choose to
activate this equipment suite whenever you take an action Jink and Jive: The Phalanx can fire its Heavy Thrusters
that uses the mecha’s Sensors. to move quickly over a short distance. It can use this quick
• Uses: Unlimited maneuver to defend or maneuver against an enemy in close
• Skill: 2 proximity. If the Heavy Thrusters become destroyed, this
Equipment Suite can’t be used.
Phalanx • Uses: 2
• Skill: 3
The Phalanx is a heavy support Destroid, standing 13 m tall and
armed with two large missile batteries in place of arms. Each
arm has a large thruster integrated; this allows
the Destroid to have greater mobility in
space and in atmospheric conditions.
Like the Defender, the Phalanx’s
chassis has a lot in common with the
Tomahawk. The Phalanx was often
fielded in groups for massive missile
bombardment against enemies or
mixed in with other Destroid types as
• Required Rank: 1
• Designation: SDR-04-Mk XII
• Stats:
• Armor: 2
• Structure – Mecha: 3
• Hardware Points: 4
• Speed – Thrusters: 620 km/h /
1 km / 100 Ground Units / 2 Space
• Speed – Walk: 120 km/h / 200 m / 20
Ground Units / .5 Space Units
• Missile Bays: The Phalanx is a fire support mecha. As
such, it is only armed with two missile bays. The missiles
may be used as standard weapons, and not just as
Equipment Suites. The missiles have a range of Long.
[B5] [H] [H]
• Weapon Banks: The Phalanx is equipped with two large
Missile Bays.
• Heavy Thrusters: The Phalanx is fitted with two banks
of heavy thrusters that provide it with enhanced
maneuverability. If the Thrusters are destroyed, they
cannot be used for movement, and the Phalanx
must walk. [H] [H]
Phalanx Reflex - Variant Equipment Suite
Lightweight Reflex Missiles: This replaces the Tactical
Shortly before the last battle against Dolza, Robotech Missiles of the standard variant with Long-range missiles with
engineers aboard the SDF-1 finished a new version of the high destructive power, yet considerably weaker than larger
Phalanx capable of firing miniaturized Reflex Missiles. Its Reflex weapons. They are fired in volleys to make them more
main distinguishing feature is a new head unit with enhanced difficult to intercept. Suitable for use against naval targets or
Sensors. To avoid the spread of reflex weaponry after the war, groups of enemy mecha. These inflict 5x mecha damage to
this newer model was never produced in high numbers. naval targets and 2x against mecha targets. [B30]
• Uses: 4
• Required Rank: 2 • Skill: 4
• Designation: SDR-04-MK XIV
• Hardware Points: +0
05 Destroid Line
• Anti-Aircraft Lasers: In the upper torso of the Spartan
Spartan is a linked pair of rapid firing lasers. These lasers are
intended to defend the Spartan against airborne threats.
The Spartan forms the backbone of the Destroid corps. Their range is Short range, but can be extended. The
These tough machines are versatile, bringing mobility and lasers inflict 2x Light damage. [E] [H]
firepower to an engagement. They stand 11 m tall and have
fully-functioning hands, allowing them to be equipped with
weapons that otherwise could only be used by Valkyries. They
are easy to construct, so Spartan numbers remained high
during the First Robotech War.
• Required Rank: 1
• Designation: SDR-04-Mk XII
• Stats:
• Armor: 2
• Structure – Mecha: 3
• Hardware Points: 4
• Speed: 120 km/h / 200 m / 20
Ground Units / .5 Space Units
• Gun Cluster: In the center torso
section of the Destroid is a
cluster of autocannons and lasers
comprised of different calibers,
along with a flamethrower. These
guns are effective at engaging both
hard and soft targets but are limited
to Medium range. [B2] [H] Destroying
the Gun Cluster will eliminate the Pepperbox
equipment suite.
• Punch: The Spartan has large and sturdy
hands that may be used to punch into
enemy mecha. It may make melee
attacks without penalty.
• Mini-Missiles: The Spartan is
equipped with two bays of Mini-
Missiles. [H] [H]
Features • Required Rank: 3
• Indexing Hands: Spartans are designed with large hands • Designation: HWR-00-MK II
and fingers that function fully. They can be used to pick • Stats:
up objects and have as little as .5 kg of sensitivity. • Armor: 3
• Structure – Mecha: 5
Equipment Suites • Hardware Points: 5
Mini-Missiles: The Spartan holds a compliment of Mini- • Speed: 30 km/h / 50 m / 5 Ground Units / .125 Space
Missiles in its shoulders. These may be released when the Units
Destroid becomes overwhelmed with targets. Engage a
target by using Mini-Missiles up to Medium range. Each bank Weapons
may fire twice. [B3] • Bombard Cannons: The cannons on the Monster are so
• Uses: 2+2 heavy they ignore 2 points of the target’s armor. These
• Skill: 3 cannons have a standard range of Long, but may fire
farther. [E] [B10] [H] [H]
Pepperbox: The Gun Cluster has a versatile array of weapons • Arm Cannons: The Monster has large arm cannons that
making it effective against soft targets. Make a Cone Area may be fitted in two ways:
attack against Soft Targets at Short range. This attack causes • Reflex Missiles: The Arms are loaded with anti-ship
double damage to soft targets. [M] [C] missiles. See the Reflex Missile equipment suite
• Uses: 2 below. [B50] [H] [H]
• Skill: 2 • Heavy Autocannons: The arms fire large cannon
rounds up to Long range. [B10] [H] [H]
Defensive Cone: The Spartan may use its head Anti-Aircraft • Weapon Banks: The Monster has two banks of Bombard
Lasers to defend against incoming munitions fire, such as Cannons and two banks of Arm Weapons. To disable
missiles or grenades. The effect can target any missiles fired Reflex Missiles, both arms must be damaged.
into the Laser’s cone at Short range. It may only be used when
defending against missiles or similar projectiles. [C]
• Uses: Unlimited
• Skill: 2 Big Good Monster
Options We could hear the big booms right
Optional Gun Pod: The Spartan may be equipped with a GU- outside the walls. Our camp house is right near
11 Gun Pod, typically found on the Veritechs. This provides the
the side of the SDF-1.
Spartan with additional firepower, providing an Edge when
engaging up to Medium range. [B1] [E] [H] The booms were so loud, we had to
cover our ears; they made the whole camp
Optional Mace Hand Weapon: The Spartan may be equipped shake.
with an optional hard weapon used to assist in close quarters It was scary because I was worried that I
combat. If equipped, ignore 1 point of enemy armor when would get sucked into space like my friends did.
making Melee attacks. [H]
When a blast made a hole in the wall open, they
Note: Destroying the Mace also destroys the Spartan’s hand.
went into space. We almost did too, but the big
heavy door closed really fast.
00 Destroid Line But Mommy said the booms were from
the big Monster. It wasn’t a mean monster. It
Monster was a nice Monster that was keeping us safe
from the real monsters.
The Monster is the UEDF’s heaviest and most advanced fire
support Destroid. It houses naval-class Reflex Missiles in its So even though I was scared, I smiled
arms and is fitted with four large cannons on its back. The when I heard the booms, because I knew that
cannons are so powerful that the Monster must brace before big good Monster wasn’t going to let anything
firing them. Once in position, this beast brutalizes the enemy happen to us.
with long-ranged missiles and its massive battleship-sized
guns. The Monster is 23 m tall and wide, making it at least ten
An interview with a girl from one of the
times the mass of other Destroids.
settlement camps
Features Equipment Suites:
• Crew: The Monster requires a crew of three to operate Reflex Missiles: The Monster’s arms contain anti-ship
the vehicle. It is assumed that you pilot the Monster missiles. These are used to support naval action. Make
as the other two assist with targeting and operation. If an attack with Reflex Missiles against naval vessels up to
the assist crew become injured or are not present, the Extreme range. If the Monster’s Arms are destroyed, it cannot
Monster operates with a hindrance for the first missing fire Reflex Missiles. [B50]
crew member, then a disadvantage for the second. • Uses: 2
• Heavy Armor: To ensure the system can continually • Skill: 4
deliver its payloads, it is outfitted with the UEDF’s
thickest armor. This is considered to be a hardware point. Bombard: By firing the Monster’s Bombard Cannons in
[H] rapid succession, you are able to pound an area to dust. This
• Bruiser: The Monster is so large it may make melee attack may be performed up to Long range and inflicts naval
attacks without penalty as long as it has at least one damage. [E] [B30]
operational weapon arm. • Uses: 1
• Bulky Backhand: When the Monster attacks in Melee • Skill: 5
combat, it ignores 1 point of the target’s armor. This
assumes its arms are functional. Push Through: The Monster is so large and intimidating that
• Braced Firing: To fire the Heavy Cannons, the Monster once it starts moving, it cannot be stopped. Use this Skill
must deploy an anchor against stable ground. If this is when pushing past or though debris or enemies.
not possible, firing the Bombard Cannons is performed • Uses: Unlimited
at a Disadvantage. • Skill: 5
• Limited Sight: The Ghost’s AI operates on orders from
a tactical officer. When operated in this way, it takes a
UEDF Space Vehicles Disadvantage using sensors.
• Pilot Capable: A Ghost may be modified to fit a cockpit
Ghost Drone and be flown by a pilot. If this is the case, increase the
Sensor Stat to Nominal.
The Ghost is an uncrewed fighter, built using Robotechnology.
The SDF-1 holds over 100 of these craft. They are used for Equipment Suites
missions that are deemed too dangerous for Human pilots. In My Sights: By focusing on a target without having to
Ghosts operate in small groups controlled by the officers on use deflective shooting, you are able to bring all six guns
the SDF-1’s bridge or a squadron commander. Ghosts are Autocannons to bear. Make an attack against an enemy
inexpensive to manufacture due to the simplicity of their coming straight at you or one that is not moving at all.
arms and light-weight armor. • Uses: Unlimited
• Skill: 2
Lancer II
Equipment Suites
Anti-Aircraft Missiles: Anti-aircraft missiles
are designed to target and destroy enemy Weapons
mecha-sized vessels. Make an attack None of Note: The Cat’s Eye has no Targeting
against mecha or fighters with these system and only may make ramming attacks in melee.
advanced missiles up to Long
range. [B5] Features
• Uses: 2 • Advanced Sensor: The Cat’s Eye carries a large circular
• Skill: 4 sensor array. It is many times stronger than a ship’s
typical sensors. The sensor counts as 2 hardware points.
[H] [H]
• Crew: If a co-pilot is present, they may use “Scan
Everything” equipment suite each turn in addition to
using their own Skill.
• Stealth: The Cat’s Eye is built using advanced radar-
deceiving materials and is assumed to have the Stealth
Upgrade. It requires 2 successes during a scan to detect.
Strafe: The Lancer has a small profile. See the Stealth Upgrade on page 150.
When the Lancer has room to move to the
sides, it enhances its ability to avoid direct fire. Gain the Equipment Suite
following benefit from dodging. Scan Everything: The top of the vessel houses a large sensor
• Uses: Unlimited array that allows for deep space scanning. By focusing on the
• Skill: 3 Cat’s Eye’s ability to scan, an operator can gain awareness of
the local area. This Skill enhances a normal scan operation.
• Uses: Unlimited
• Skill: 2 and gain 1 automatic success
Cat’s Eye Recon
The Cat’s Eye was the primary scouting craft used at the start
of the First Robotech War. It is a double-crew jet craft that
uses advanced sensors to scan
over a wide area. It provides an
eye over the environment that
UEDF commanders can take
advantage of. It carries no
weapons, but utilizes stealth
capabilities to help keep it
hidden during operations.
• Required Rank: 2
• Designation: ES-11D
• General Stats:
• Armor: 0
• Structure – Mecha: 4
• Hardware Points: 2
• Speed: 600 km/h /
1000 m / 2 Space
Star Goose Space Shuttle
This versatile shuttle was designed to bring supplies from UEDF Ground Veritech
Earth to both the Moon Base and space vessels. It may also
be converted to a passenger shuttle for officers or dignitaries. Centaur Hover Tank
The SDF-1 was assigned several of these vessels and Lisa
Hayes used one to leave the SDF-1 and return to the Earth The Centaur is an extensive Robotech-refit of the old Global
to meet with the UEDF command. There are two versions War tank Stridsvagn 134. In a simple transformation, it turns
of this craft. One is used for carrying cargo, the other from a swift battle tank fitted with the new hover technology
for passengers. into something similar to a lightweight Destroid. This Centaur
mode is formed by having the main hull and gun turret
telescope up, while a pair of weapon-equipped arms are
revealed. A common tactic is hiding the tank behind cover,
then raising it up by transforming to fire or scout,
and then immediately return to hiding.
• Required Rank: 1
• Designation: VBT-1 Centaur
• General Stats:
• Armor: 2
• Structure – Mecha: 2
• Hardware Points: 4
• Speed – Tank: 200 km/h / 320m / 32
Ground Units
• Speed – Centaur: 100 km/h / 160m / 16
Ground Units
• Required Rank: 1
• Designation: SHC-08
• General Stats:
• Armor: 1
• Structure – Mecha: 5
• Hardware Points: 2
• Speed: 600 km/h / 1000 m / 2 Space Units
• None of Note: The Star Goose has no Targeting
system and may only make ramming attacks in
• Crew: The Shuttle requires a two-pilot team. If one is Weapons
missing or injured, it may still fly, taking penalties to • Main Cannon: The Centaur’s Main Cannon fires a
maneuvering and sensors. massive 120 mm round at an incredible speed. It has
• Armored Passenger Compartment: The Shuttle may Medium range but can target objects at farther ranges.
hold up to 30 people inside an armored compartment. Due to Robotechnology, loading is handled robotically.
If the Shuttle is destroyed, the passengers will remain The Cannon reduces a target’s armor by 1. Destroying
safe and may be rescued. Additional damage after it is the Cannon eliminates the Rapid Barrage equipment
destroyed places the lives of those inside in jeopardy. suite. [B5][E][H]
• Flares: The Goose has a 2 banks of flares. [H] [H] • Gun Cluster: In each of the Centaur’s arms is a cluster of
autocannons and lasers comprised of different calibers,
Equipment Suite along with a flamethrower. These guns are effective at
Flare My Backside: The Star Goose is fitted with a engaging both hard and soft targets but are limited to
countermeasures system to destroy or confuse incoming Medium range. Destroying the Gun Cluster will eliminate
missiles. Deploy the flares to defend against Missiles. the Pepperbox equipment suite. The Gun Clusters may
• Uses: 2 only be fired in Centaur mode. [B2] [H] [H]
• Skill: 5
• Weapon Banks: The Centaur has two banks of Gun Main Battle Tank
Clusters. MBTs are tough, reliable, and easy to construct. While they
• No Melee: Other than ramming, the Centaur does not do not excel in space combat, they are quite formidable on
have an ability to engage in Melee combat. the ground. MBTs are equipped with large bore cannons that
fire high velocity armor penetrating rounds. They are heavily
Features armored and resilient.
• Transformation: The Centaur can transform between
two states: Tank and Centaur. The Sleipnir served as the main battle tank of the ground
• Tank: A swift all-terrain hover tank. forces until the Destroid production caught up with the
• Centaur: An upright semi-robotic form with demand. The Sleipnir is a result of mixing Robotechnology
articulated arms, but less agile than tank mode. with a traditional tank design. They’re lightweight and fast,
• Hover: The Centaur’s propulsion systems allow it to while still having the armor strength and firepower of a much
hover over terrain. If the system is damaged, it has small heavier tank. Its top-mounted cannon is an earlier version of
wheels it can move on at half rate. [H] the heavy beam cannon found on the Tomahawk Destroid
and on the side of the turret sits a 3-tube mortar. The Sleipnir’s
Optional Configuration performance against Zentraedi mecha is subpar, due to its
• Claw: One or both Gun Clusters may be replaced with poor maneuverability and low speed.
extendable claw hands if the mission requires it. The
claw hands are useful for many kinds of manual labor, for Armored Personnel Carrier
example clearing rough vegetation or carrying objects. APCs are armored transports that take UEDF troops right into
the fight. They have the ability to shrug off light arms fire and
Equipment Suites can dish out heavy amounts of return fire. Even if the APC is
Rapid Barrage: The Centaur’s Main Cannon can rapidly fire destroyed, the armored compartment has double-layered
its heavy rounds for a short period of time. At Medium range, armor to protect the occupants.
the firing rate increases, but risks depleting the weapon’s
rounds. When all uses of this Skill have been used, the Cannon The Bradley III is the primary APC of the United Earth ground
is considered out of ammunition and cannot be used until forces. It’s an armored six-wheeled vehicle primarily used for
refitted with more ammo. [B5] infantry troop transports. It has a rapid-firing autocannon and
• Uses: 3 a heavy machine gun mounted on top which is suitable for
• Skill: 3 fighting infantry and lightly armed vehicles. The Bradley III
has all-terrain capabilities and micro thrusters, allowing it to
Pepperbox: The Gun Cluster has a versatile array of weapons traverse formidable obstacles.
making it effective against soft targets. Make a Cone Area
attack against Soft Targets at Short range. This attack causes • Required Rank: 1
double damage to soft targets. [M] [C] • Designation – MBT: M2-AA Sleipnir
• Uses: 2 • Designation – APC: LACV-60 Bradley III
• Skill: 2 • General Stats:
• Armor: 2 Tank / 1 APC
Float like a Bee: The Centaur’s hover capability allows it to • Structure – Basic: 3
move easily over rough terrain, and even land gently from a • Speed: 100 km/h / 160m / 16 Ground Units
short fall. Use this when navigating heavy terrain.
• Uses: Unlimited Weapons
• Skill: 2 • Light Beam Cannon – Tank: The Sleipnir’s main cannon
is a high energy Beam Cannon. It’s an early version of the
Tomahawk’s main weapon. It is limited to Medium range
and ignores 1 point of the target’s armor. [H]
• Mortar - Tank: The Sleipnir can launch grenades which
UEDF Vehicles inflict 3x light damage and fire up to Short range. [B3] [H]
• Autocannon – APC: The APC is fitted with a rapid firing
Armored Vehicles Autocannon. The Autocannon is limited to firing at
Medium range. [B2] [H]
The UEDF utilizes tanks and APCs for many operations, as • Machine Gun: Each Armored Vehicle is equipped with
they are tough and inexpensive to manufacture. While tanks light-class Machine Guns for basic defense. A Machine
are far weaker than Veritechs and Destroids, in numbers they Gun ignores 2 armor when engaging light targets and
can be quite powerful. APC are used to transport marines, inflicts double damage to mecha. [H]
civilians, or pilots from base to base. • No Melee: Ground Vehicles don’t have an ability to
engage in Melee combat other than ramming.
Features • Recoilless Launcher – Optional: Some operations call
• Crew: Typically, 2 crew are required to operate an for heavier weapons to be fitted on an MPV. A Launcher
armored vehicle. One drives it, while the other operates inflicts 5x light damage to targets at the impact point, 2x
the weapons. It is possible to add up to 2 more crew to damage to mecha, and has a radius of damage of 5 m.
Armored Vehicles who can operate additional weapons, [B5]
load ammunition, operate comms, or help detect threats. • Targeting Systems: MPV without weapons have no
• Transport: An APC can hold 12 passengers along with Targeting system.
the crew.
• Basic: Ground Vehicles are considered basic. As such,
they do not have locations like mecha. Tanks and APC
each have 3 damage capacity.
• Smoke: UEDF Armored Vehicles come equipped with
smoke mortars. These help obscure the vehicle. [H[
Equipment Suite
Smoke Mortars: UEDF Armored Vehicles come equipped
with the ability to launch smoke. This helps them advance
into or leave a combat zone. Use this benefit to defend
against enemy fire.
• Uses: 2
• Skill: 3
Aerial Vehicles
• Machine Gun – Optional: Some MPVs are equipped with
Machine Guns for basic defense. A Machine Gun ignores 2
light-class armor when engaging light targets and inflicts
2x damage. The weapon can fire up to Long range. [H]
Dragon II: The Dragon II first saw action in the Global War. It Tiger’s Eye: The Tiger’s Eye is like a larger, atmosphere-
was the main air superiority fighter of the United Earth forces locked sibling to the Cat’s Eye. While fulfilling the same
until the VF-1 was introduced. After that, most were kept scouting and early warning roles as the Cat’s Eye at a larger
around as a complementary fighter. It’s been retrofitted with scale, it can also act as a mobile command center for directing
minor Robotech enhancements. friendly forces.
• Required Rank: 1
• Designation – Attack Fighter: A-12 Avenger II, F-203
Sea Sergeant: The Sea Sergeant is a general purpose Dragon II, F-200A Mistral, MiM-31 Karyovin
helicopter that is used for a wide range of tasks, from • Designation – Transport Jet: VC-27 Tunny, EC-33 Mom’s
submarine hunting, search and rescue missions, naval Kitchen
reconnaissance, lifting heavy cargo, or even personnel • Designation – AWACS Jet: EC-33B Tiger’s Eye
transportation. • Designation – Attack Helicopter: AH-72 Comanchero,
RK-14 Flying Lynx
• Designation – Transport Helicopter: SH-62 Sea Sergeant
• General Stats: Tactical Missiles: Jets are tasked with engaging fast-moving
• Armor – Light: 2 targets at long range. Their role as an interceptor necessitates
• Structure – Basic: 15 (Fanjet – 8, Transports – 20 ) the use of Tactical Missiles. Make an attack with these
• Speed – Helicopter: 600 km/h / 1 km / 100 Ground advanced missiles up to Long range. [B5]
Units / 2 Space Units • Uses: 2
• Speed – Jets: 2400 km/h / 4 km / 400 Ground Units / • Skill: 4
8 Space Units
AWACS: AWACS versions of aircraft have advanced sensors
Weapons that help the vessel identify threats. You may choose to
• Mini-Gun: Aircraft cannons are light in comparison to activate this equipment suite when taking an action that uses
most larger vehicles. To ensure that they have enough the vessel’s Sensors. [H] [H]
firepower, the cannons are designed with a high rate of • Uses: Unlimited
fire. They inflict 3x light damage to targets. Mini-Guns • Skill: 2
have a range of Long. [L1] [H]
• Targeting Systems: Aircraft without weapons do not Naval Vessels
have a Targeting system.
• No Melee: Aerial Vehicles cannot engage in melee except The UEDF still maintains large naval fleets. The fleets usually
to make ramming attacks. are called upon for peace keeping or humanitarian missions.
• Missiles: Aircraft are fitted with Missiles based on their Naval vessels also allow the UEDF to maintain defensive
assigned roles. Helicopters are fitted with Mini-Missiles, points across the planet.
while the Jets are fitted with Tactical Missiles. [H]
• Submarine - SSGN: Submarines are able to submerge
Features for months at a time with enough supplies for the crew.
• Basic: UEDF Aircraft are considered basic. As such, They can be deployed stealthily to any point in order to
they do not have locations like mecha. Attack Jets and survey or perform a sneak attack.
Helicopters each have 2 damage capacity. • Warship - CVN, DDGN, CCGN, FFN: The types of ships
• Atmosphere Only: Aircraft are unable to escape a gravity that comprise this category include frigates to carriers,
index over .7. Airplanes have the capability to reach low though the UEDF mainly operate Destroyers and
Earth orbits, helicopters have a maximum altitude of Cruisers.
about 11 km. • Fast Patrol - PTG: These are small boats that hold a
• Variants: couple torpedoes and light arms. They are used to patrol
• Attack: Attack Aircraft have the task of engaging tight areas or make attack runs on larger ships.
enemy targets. Use all the listed stats above for
attack-based Aircraft. • Required Rank: 1
• Transport: Some aircraft are tasked with moving • General Stats:
troops and supplies as their primary purpose. These • Armor: 1
vehicles are heavier and larger. As such, they have • Structure – Basic:
a damage capacity of 5 but have limited ability to • Submarine & Warships: 1-3
maneuver (reduced thrusters). Transport aircraft are • PTG: 20 light
not fitted with Mini-Guns. • Speed – Submarine: 60 km/h / 96 m / 10 Ground Units
• AWACS: AWACS craft’s primary role is to scout for • Speed – Warships: 80 km/h / 128 m / 13 Ground Units
airborne targets and relay information to nearby • Speed – Fast Patrol: 120 km/h / 192 m / 19 Ground
forces. Sometimes these aircraft operate as mobile Units
command bases. These aircraft carry no weapons,
but have their Sensors level increased to Advantage Weapons
and gain a damage capacity of 5. • Deck Gun - light: Deck guns attack rapidly with multiple
• National Types: During the Global War, nations created small munitions. They inflict 5x damage. Deck guns have
their own types of aircraft. They have small differences, a range of Medium. [B5] [H]
but operate with the same general level of effectiveness. • Heavy Cannon - mecha: These rely on massive shells to
tear through enemy armor. They have a range of Medium
Equipment Suits but can fire at extended ranges. [B15] [E] [H]
Mini-Missiles: Helicopters have 2 large missile pods mounted • Torpedoes - mecha: Torpedoes are slow but an enemy
on hardpoints under winglets and can unleash a torrent of target takes a hindrance to defend against them. They
missiles on their victims. Make an attack with Mini-Missiles move only a Short distance each round, but have a range
up to Medium range. [B3] of Long. [B15] [H]
• Uses: 3
• Skill: 3
Shotgun: A Shotgun fires a spread of fragments. They are
used for close range combat such as breaching operations.
Basic Light Gear A Shotgun affects all targets at Short range within a cone.
It cannot affect targets beyond Short range. The Shotgun
Listed are a mix of weapons, armor, and equipment used by increases light-class Armor effectiveness by +1. [M] [C]
REF and UEDF ground forces.
• Holden Mark-1 Shotgun: A pump-action 12-gauge
Light Arms shotgun which is highly effective in close quarters
Light Arms are carried by Humans and micronized warriors. combat. It’s designed to have low recoil and is very easy
They are easy to use, effective in battle, and require little to use. The magazine holds 8 shells.
maintenance. Only Pistols and Hand Weapons fit comfortably
in a cockpit with a pilot. Light arms inflict light-class damage. Assault Rifle: Assault Rifles are the standard weapon provided
to marines. This is a rapid firing weapon that is easy to use
Hand Weapon: A Hand Weapon is a combat knife, baton, and maintain. Assault Rifles reduce the light-class Armor of
or sword. It is a basic utility item or weapon. Knives may be the target by 1. They have a maximum ground range of Long.
thrown short distances by a trained user.
• FAL-2 Pulse Rifle: A heavy laser rifle, designed for
• K2 Billie Baton: The K2 is a less lethal, defensive hand conscription after the First Robotech War. It’s able to
weapon. It is standard issue for marines. effectively punch through light-class armor. The energy
pack lasts for 30 shots per charge.
Pistol: Pistols are easy to use and often the weapon provided
to pilots and officers. They are small and unobtrusive, making
them easy to bring along in a cockpit or an officer’s dinner
party. Pistols have a range of Medium.
Sniper Rifle [R1]: A Sniper Rifle is a high caliber firearm with • D-10 Cobalt Grenade: A hand-thrown lightweight
sensors that allow it to fire at very long ranges. The weapon concussion grenade. Uses a cobalt catalyst for a powerful
has a maximum range of Extreme. The Rifle reduces the explosive reaction that gives an effective kill radius of
target’s Armor by 1. However, firing the Sniper Rifle at Short 3.5 meters. It was originally designed for use against
range incurs a Disadvantage. It cannot be fired the turn the Zentraedi ground troops, but it was not very effective for
wielder has been in Melee combat. this task. The grenade may be thrown 40 m or about 4
Ground Units but has an Extended range. [E]
• MS-22 “Marten” Sniper Rifle: A standard issue shoulder-
fired, high-precision sniper rifle for use at extreme Mini-Missile Launcher [R2]: This weapon is heavy for a
ranges. Comes with an advanced optical gunsight. It can Human to carry. It fires mecha-class Mini-Missiles. It has a
also accommodate a flash suppressor. 7.64 mm caliber, 5 blast radius of 3 m and a Space range of Medium and comes
rounds magazine. with 3 missiles. [B3]
Machine Gun [R1]: A Machine Gun is a heavy caliber rapid • RL-2 Missile System: A personally portable mini-missile
firing weapon. It must be set up or stabilized to fire without system intended for anti-tank or anti-mecha use that was
penalty, which requires 1 Action. The Machine Gun ignores 2 developed during the First Robotech War. The missiles
light-class Armor, inflicts 2x damage, and has a range of Long. are either heat-seeking or guided by laser.
Less Lethal Weapons: These are Hand Weapons or firearms
• ZJY-95 Machine Gun: An old machine gun used during that do not inflict life-threatening injuries. They are usually
the Global War that still packs a punch. Possible to mount used by police and anti-riot forces. A Less Lethal weapon is
on vehicles or use with a bipod set on a stable surface. ineffective against any Armored target. Damage inflicted
The drum magazine holds 100 rounds of 7.62 mm caliber. from a Less Lethal Weapon is recovered in minutes.
• FT12 Flamethrower: A hand-held flamethrower that can • K4-A Stun Baton: This Melee weapon delivers a shock
propel a stream of fire with an adjustable length up to 20 to the victim which interacts with their nervous system,
meters. After the war, it was mainly used for scare tactics temporarily shutting them down. A person affected feels
against full-size Malcontent Zentraedi. The FT12 has weak and loses coordination.
a range limited to Short, but inflicts 3x damage to light
targets and cannot harm mecha targets. [C] Light-Class Armor
Light-Class Armor provides protection to pilots and soldiers.
Explosives [R1]: Recoiless Launchers are designed to engage These suits are inexpensive to construct and are custom fit
light-class vehicles and fortified troops. They inflict 10x light to the owner. All light-class Armor will keep you alive in the
damage to targets at the impact point. This launcher has a vacuum of space for hours and comes with integrated mini-
ground range of Medium and comes with 6 rockets. Hand repair kits. They also come standard with a full suite of comms
Grenades inflict 3x light damage to a 3m blast and have and visual sensors.
a range of 100 m with 4 units typically held by soldiers.
Explosives inflict standard damage to a 5 m radius. [B5] All light-class Armor counts as ablative. Any damage inflicted
that exceeds the Armor and would incapacitate the wearer
• RL-1 Rocket Launcher: A light and manageable anti- may be ignored. However, this destroys the Armor. This
tank weapon, originally designed during the Global war benefit may only be used against light damage sources,
and later issued as an emergency sidearm to mecha except for Heavy Armor (see below).
pilots. Unfortunately, it was sorely inadequate against
Zentraedi mecha, but it found success against Zentraedi Flight [R1]
infantry. The magazine holds 5 rockets. A Flight Suit is standard issue protection
for pilots. It offers a small amount of
impact and energy protection and is fully
environmental. The suit is self-healing in
the event of small punctures. Flight Suits
have an Armor of 1 against energy or
blunt impact damage.
Uniform [R1]
An UEDF Uniform Armor is worn
during basic patrols and in peacetime. Mecha Upgrades & Options
It provides the wearer with an Armor
of 1. An UEDF Uniform is not self- Mecha may be enhanced or have their roles altered through
healing, but may be repaired with a the integration of Upgrades. Upgrades are considered
self-contained kit requiring 2 actions. experimental until they are proven and are mass-produced.
This armor is lightweight but does not Upgrades may be supplied for special missions or requisitioned
protect comprehensively or sustain based on rank.
Armored Valkyrie [R3] – upgrade: The Armored Valkyrie is
a kit designed for the VF unit. It provides enhanced armor
which incorporates Short ranged missiles. When the armor
is installed, the Veritech cannot transform and is limited to
Battloid mode. You may choose to eject the armor, allowing
the Veritech to operate as normal. See page 103 for more
details on the Armored Valkyrie.
Light [R1]
Light Armor is distributed to marines
who are engaging in repelling boarders
or patrolling an area. It offers an
Armor of 2. It is not self-healing, but
may be repaired with a self-contained
kit requiring 2 actions. Performing
discrete dexterous Skills confer a
Hindrance when wearing a Light Armor
(this includes piloting).
Heavy [R3]
Heavy Suits are the most durable
and formidable armor distributed to
UEDF marines and technicians. These
are outfitted when heavy combat or
fire control conditions are expected.
A Heavy Suit has an Armor of 2 and Arms & Indexing Hands [R2]: Certain operations call for
ignores 1 point of Armor reduction. It mecha to directly manipulate objects. Any mecha that does
is not self-healing, but may be repaired not have arms with Indexing Hands may be fitted with a set.
with a self-contained kit requiring 2 The hands have fingers with sensor resolution of .5 kg. The
actions. Performing discrete dexterous arms and hands may be used as normal.
Skills confers a Disadvantage when
wearing an Heavy Suit (this includes Atmospheric Booster [R2]: Atmospheric Boosters allow a
piloting). VF unit to escape a gravitational index of over 1.2 and up to
3. The booster is quite large and once used it is ejected and
Heavy Armor may take 1 ablative hit recovered for future launches.
from mecha class weapons.
Club [R2]: Clubs may be used by mecha with indexable hands. Jotun Armored Variant [R3] – upgrade: The Jotun Armored
A Club is used as a backup weapon when Melee fighting Upgrade fuses the best of the Armored and Super Valkyrie
becomes an option. [M] Upgrades. While the unit must remain in Battloid mode, it
utilizes a high-powered directional booster, increasing its
DBMU – Directional Booster and Maneuvering Unit [R1]: speed. It also is fitted with vernier thrusters on the legs. For
The DBMU is a specialized Upgrade for Destroid mecha. It armaments, it is equipped with a GU-11 cannon and also
houses a powerful engine and vernier thrusters, similar to holds a Tactical Shield.
the FAST Pack. The unit attaches to the back of a Destroid
allowing it maneuverability in space and atmospheric
conditions. It provides the following speed profile for the
following mecha:
GU-11 Gun Pod [R2]: The G-11 is the primary weapon of the
Valkyrie Fighters. It fires a large exploding shell at high speeds
and rate of fire. It has a Medium range and may be equipped
to any mecha that has indexing hands. [B1] [E]
Super Valkyrie [R3] – upgrade: The Super Valkyrie modular
upgrade is an evolution of the armored upgrade. It increases
the mecha’s speed and firepower, providing increased Companions
flexibility and capacity on the battlefield. The upgrade can be
ejected by the pilot and does not allow the Veritech to operate Companions are not literally Gear, but are options your hero
in atmospheres in Jet or Guardian modes. See page 104 for may take advantage of. Companions work to assist the hero
more details. and look out for their best interests. All companions have
access to 1 Skill with 3 points. See page 167 for details on how
to play with Companions.
An Assistant helps you with tasks related to your job. It may
be a manager, agent, or understudy. They’re able to act on
your behalf when away from you and have your best interest
at heart. Gain a bonus redirect or interact Action with a Skill of
2 whenever the Assistant is within Short range of you.
A Bodyguard serves to protect you. Wealthy, high-ranking
military officers and celebrities often use Bodyguards to keep
angry civilians or zealous fans in check. If you take a second
critical wound, incapacitate the Bodyguard instead. Gain a
bonus defend Action with a Skill of 2. Both of these assume
the Bodyguard is within Short range of you.
VEF Upgrade [R2] – upgrade: The VEF Upgrade transforms
the Valkyrie into the VEF-1 fighting scout. Enhanced sensors Co-Pilot
are fitted to a VF unit, allowing the VEF to scan over vast A co-pilot helps you operate a mecha or vehicle. Larger mecha
ranges of space. The upgrade takes the place of the Gun Pod, may require more than one co-pilot to operate. Officers often
which means a Gun Pod cannot be fitted to a VEF. See more requisition co-pilots to fly them in a Cat’s Eye or a Shuttle. Co-
on the VEF on page 102. Pilots have two piloting Skills rated at 3 each.
The Zentraedi
Captain Gloval, I’ve compiled a report
on the Zentreadi threat based on the new • Zentraedi Vessels: 128
information since the tragedy at Launch Day
as requested. Now that we’ve had prolonged • Way of Life: 128
exposure to the alien menace and their tactics,
we’ve been able to put together a complete • Zentraedi Naval Vessels: 129
dossier of their ships, their crew, and their
capabilities. Our information is not yet perfect, • Zentraedi Base Ship: 134
but this is what we’ve managed to put together.
First, it appears that the enemy has an
almost inexhaustible supply of ships. No matter
• Zentraedi Pods: 138
how many we might destroy on our sojourn
back to Earth, they will have the capability of
• Zentraedi Power Armor: 143
reinforcing themselves like the heads of a hydra.
Second, it appears as though the commander, • Zentraedi Utility Craft: 144
Breetai, doesn’t have supreme control over the
troops like we had guessed. Based on the attack • Malcontent Stingers: 146
at Mars, we determined that it was a subordinate
under his command that was not following • Zentraedi Gear: 148
orders. Based on intercepted communications,
we believe his name to be Khyron. The flagship • Weapons: 148
that had been chasing us hasn’t been seen
recently, and a new one has appeared. We’ve • Armor: 149
intercepted chatter that implies that a Zentraedi
named Azonia is now in command of the fleet.
It makes it difficult to fight against an
• Mecha Upgrades: 150
enemy you don’t know, but I assure you, sir, that
we’re doing everything we can to learn about
• Zentraedi Stress & Fame: 151
our enemy so you can make more informed
Zentraedi Vessels
Equipment Suite
Missile Box: When Zentraedi foot soldiers are threatened
The Zentraedi by attack from mecha, they use a mini-missile launcher for
defense. Extra ammunition may be carried as a Kit (see page
The Zentraedi are a species bred for only one thing: war. Since 85). [H]
they are cloned and don’t reproduce through normal means, • Uses: 2
troops are always separated by gender and any displays • Skill: 3
of affection amongst Zentraedi of any sex is viewed with
disgust and contempt. They are hardy warriors and brilliant
pilots and they have incredible tacticians among them. They
can also be relatively young and naive, since they’re cloned
and awakened at full size. They are exceptional warriors and
rarely disobey orders.
• Stats:
• Armor: 0 – Without Armor or Flight Suit / 5 Light –
Patrol Armor / 1 Mecha – Battle Armor
• Structure – Light: 15 (see below)
• Speed: 80 km/h / 130 m / 13 Ground Units
• Battle Rifle: Zentraedi Soldiers are outfitted with a
Battle Rifle as standard. This rifle is less powerful than a
mecha mounted Particle Cannon. It inflicts 5x light -class
damage. The Battle Rifle will not fit inside a mecha. It
may be fired up to Short range. [B1] [H]
• Armor: Unless a Zentraedi soldier is resting, they are
always found in body armor or a flight suit. Find details
on body armor on page 149.
• Light Structure: A standard Zentraedi soldier is
considered to have 15 points of Light Structure. Every
5 light damage counts as a wound. The first 10 damage
inflicts 2 brawl wounds and the last 5 inflicts a critical
• Basic: A Zentraedi Soldier who gains mecha level
structure is considered basic (see pages 161 and 163). As
such, they don’t have locations similar to mecha.
• Mecha Armor: The Dropship is lightly armored and
cannot stand an attack from naval-class weapons. It is
Zentraedi Naval Vessels considered to have mecha-class armor and structure
• None of Note
• Crew: 5 Zentraedi are required to operate the Dropship.
• Complement: The Dropship can carry 50 mecha.
• Hangar: The Dropship has one central hangar with a
large door that acts as a ramp for the launching and
recovery of mecha.
Weapons • Required Rank: 4
• Total Weapon Loadout: 14 General Purpose Particle • Class: Heavy Cruiser
Cannons, 10 Torpedo Tubes, 24 Anti-Mecha Missile • Designation: Thuverl Salan
Turrets. • Stats:
• Weapon Banks: The Scout Ship has two banks of Particle • Armor: 2
Cannons and one bank of Torpedo Tubes. • Structure – Naval: 5
• Speed: 1200 km/h / 2 km / 4 Space Units
Features • Locations: Standard
• Crew: Scout Ships have 70 crew that operate the vessel
and 40 soldiers that stand ready to repel boarders. There Weapons
are also a handful of pilots assigned to operate support • Total Weapon Loadout: 3 Large Particle Cannons, 48
craft. General Purpose Particle Cannons, 22 Torpedo Tubes, 70
• Complement: Scout Ships are not assigned mecha, due Anti-Mecha Missile Turrets.
to their surveillance role. • Heavy Particle Cannons: The Thuverl Salan is armed
• Fighter Pods: 50 with three long-ranged Particle Cannons on the forward
• Cyclops Recon Ship: 1 section of the ship. These are more powerful than typical
• Recovery Pods: 2 Particle Cannons and can engage at Long range. [B30]
• Long Ranged Sensors: The Scout Ship is fitted with [H]
sensors that were designed to scan over vast ranges. They • Weapon Banks: The Cruiser has one bank of Heavy
are able to detect signals over light-years of distance. Particle Cannons and two banks of the standard variant.
These signals are relayed to other Scouts, Flagships, or It also has two banks of Torpedo Tubes.
Command Ships.
Equipment Suites • Crew: Zentraedi Destroyers have a crew of 600 to
Relay Data: The Scout Ship has an advanced sensor package operate the ship and 400 pilots to operate support craft
that helps the vessel act as a mobile command station. You and stationed Fighter Pods along with 2000 troops.
may choose to activate this equipment suite when an action • Complement: Thuverl Salan are assigned up to 1350
that uses the vessel’s Sensors. mixed ground mecha:
• Uses: Unlimited • Power Armor: 300
• Skill: 3 • Fighter Pods: 250
• Tactical Pods: 500
Launch Torpedoes: The Scout Ship attacks by launching a • Artillery Pods: 200
salvo of Reflex Missiles. Make an attack against enemy naval • Reconnaissance Pods: 50
vessels up to Extreme range. Since Scout Ships are smaller, • Cyclops Recon Ships: 2
they are fitted with fewer Reflex Missiles. [B50] • Recovery Pods: 10
• Uses: 1
• Skill: 3 Equipment Suite
Drill Down – Attack: If the Zentraedi Cruiser did not attack
Destroyer any naval vessels in the previous turn, it can synchronize its
main Particle Cannons and attack at Extreme range without
At 2200 m long, these heavy naval vessels are nearly twice penalty. [B50]
as long as the SDF-1. The Thuverl Salan is the workhorse of • Uses: Unlimited
the Zentraedi Fleet. Over a million of these vessels went into • Skill: 5
action on Dolza’s orders during the First Robotech War and
were found widespread throughout the galaxy. The Thuverl
Salan is a formidable ship with heavy armor and particle
cannons designed for long ranged combat. It could also
be used to ram when the situation became
Assault Carrier Features
• Crew: The Carrier is operated by 1200 crew along with
The Assault Carrier is the largest naval vessel ever mass- 400 soldiers and designated pilots.
produced. It stretches over 3000 m long and bristles with • Complement: The Carrier holds more mecha than any
defensive turrets. It holds massive amounts of Zentraedi other Zentraedi naval vessel. It can be assigned 12,000
light craft, waiting to wage war. The Carrier can operate invading troopers:
in atmosphere, enabling it to land and discharge the war • Fighter Pods: 250
machinery it holds inside. Carriers can be fitted with different • Tactical Pods: 9600
complements depending on their assigned roles. However, • Power Armor: 2400
refitting so many troops and vessels could take weeks. In • Cyclops Recon Pods: 6
the years leading to the First Robotech War, the Zentraedi • Recovery Pods: 40
resources were stretched thin and many of these Carriers
were not fully outfitted. Equipment Suite
One Hundred Launchers: The Carrier unleashes a fury of
anti-mecha missile fire. All mecha in Short range of the
Carrier are affected as an area attack. [B2]
• Uses: 4
• Skill: 3
• Required
Rank: 4
• Class: Carrier
• Designation: Quiltra Queleual
• Stats:
• Armor: 1
• Structure – Naval: 6
• Speed: 900 km/h / 1.5 km / 3 Space Units
• Locations: Standard
• Total Weapon Loadout: 24 General Purpose Particle
Cannons, 10 Torpedo Tubes, 100 Anti-Mecha Missile
• Weapon Banks: The Assault Carrier has two banks of
Particle Cannons and one bank of Torpedo Tubes.
Gunships are the only Zentraedi naval vessel equipped with a Command Ship
Reflex Cannon. They were constructed to offer a high mobility
and damage platform to support the larger and slower ships. At around 3000 m long, the Zentraedi Command ship oversaw
Gunships were also tasked with strategic bombardment. the actions of a small fleet of ships. Due to the limited sensor
They are capable of wiping out an entire city with one Reflex capability of most mainline naval vessels, the Command Ship
Cannon shot. Gunships are 1200 m long, making them about was tasked with providing its fleet with orders. The Command
the same size of the SDF-1, but they are much more limited Ship also was constructed with one central hangar capable
in capability. of rapid deployment of mecha and troops. The Queadol
Magdomilla is amphibious, similar to the Carrier, and can
• Required Rank: 4 deliver its forces in atmosphere or after landing.
• Class: Destroyer
• Designation: Rineunadou Lojmeuean • Required Rank: 4
• Stats: • Class: Battlecruiser
• Armor: 3 • Designation: Queadol Magdomilla
• Structure – Naval: 3 • Stats:
• Speed: 2100 km/h / 3.5 km / 7 Space Units • Armor: 3
• Locations – Standard Except: • Structure – Naval: 4
• Reflex Cannon: The weapon system takes up a • Speed: 1500 km/h / 2.5 km / 5 Space Units
considerable amount of the Destroyer’s length. • Locations – Standard Except:
• Hangar: The Gunship is outfitted with one small • Hangar: The Command Ship has one central
hangar where Pods and support ships launch Hangar where all the forces must deploy from.
from. This is both a limitation and advantage as the
large hangar allows mecha to deploy rapidly; if
Weapons disabled, the complement may not be able to
• Reflex Cannon: The Gunship is equipped with a small disembark.
Reflex Cannon. While not as powerful as the SDF-1’s it is • Detachable Command Center: The front of
far more reliable and can fire periodically without risk of the vessel can detach and move on its own. Use
damage to the ship itself. The small Reflex Cannon has Scout ship stats, 129, for the Command Center.
Extreme range. [L .5 km]
• No Torpedo Tubes: The Gunship is not outfitted with Weapons
Reflex Missiles. • Total Weapon Loadout: 5 Large Particle Cannons, 85
• Weapon Banks: The Gunship has two banks of Particle General Purpose Particle Cannons, 45 Torpedo Tubes,
Cannons. 145 Anti-Mecha Missile Turrets.
• Weapon Banks: The Command Ship is outfitted with
Features three banks of Particle Cannons and three banks of
• Crew: The Gunship is crewed by 300 Zentraedi and holds Torpedo Tubes.
60 soldiers for missions, patrols, and defense. It is also
assigned 100 Pods and support craft. Features
• Crew: The Command Ship requires 1500 crew to operate
Equipment Suites effectively. It is assigned approximately 2000 pilots and
Open Fire – Attack: Fire the Gunship’s Reflex Cannon. It fires 3500 troops.
in a line up to Extreme range. All targets within 2 Space Units • Compliment: The Command Ship can be fitted with
in the line are affected by the attack. Mecha-sized craft are around 3500 mecha. Typical breakdown is as follows:
instantly destroyed, and successes ignore armor and inflict 2x • Power Armor: 700
damage to naval vessels. [L 1 km] [H] • Fighter Pods: 1300
• Uses: 1 • Tactical Pods: 1100
• Skill: 6 • Artillery Pods: 300
• Reconnaissance Pods: 100 • Required Rank: 5
• Cyclops Recon Ships: 3 • Class: Dreadnought
• Recovery Pods: 10 • Designation: Nupetiet Vergnitzs
• Detachment: Command Ships often find themselves in • Stats:
the thick of battle. As such, they have been designed to • Armor: 3
allow the front portion of the vessel to detach, allowing • Structure – Naval: 18
high-ranking officers to escape a downturn in events. • Speed: 1200 km/h / 2 km / 4 Space Units
• Locations: Standard
Equipment Suites
Blitz Maneuver – Defense: The Command Ship increases its Weapons
speed and moves past incoming fire swiftly. You may use this • Total Weapon Loadout: 6 Heavy Particle Cannons, 200
Skill if it allows you to move past an enemy naval vessel. Gain General Purpose Particle Cannons, 60 Torpedo Tubes,
+3 space units of speed to perform this Skill. 240 Anti-Mecha Missile Turrets.
• Uses: Unlimited • Heavy Particle Cannons: The Flagship is equipped with
• Skill: 3 Heavy Particle Cannons meant to engage enemy naval
vessels at longer ranges than standard Particle Cannons.
Command Support: The Command Ship has an advanced These are able to engage out to Long range. [B30] [H]
sensor package that helps the vessel act as a mobile command • Weapon Banks: The Flagship is equipped with four
station. You may choose to activate this equipment suite Banks of Heavy Particle Cannons, eight banks of Particle
when taking an action that uses the vessel’s Sensors. Cannons and three banks of Torpedo Tubes.
• Uses: Unlimited
• Skill: 2 Features
• Crew: The Flagship must be operated by at least 3100
Flagship crew. It also is assigned 6500 pilots and 8000 troops.
• Complement: The Flagship has a maximum capacity of
The heaviest and most prestigious of Zentraedi vessels is the 6500 troopers and mecha.
Flagship. These massive naval ships were only given to the • Power Armor: 900
highest ranking Zentraedi officers. At 4000 m long, a Flagship • Fighter Pods: 1500
was a formidable sight. Along with its size, it was given the • Tactical Pods: 2500
heaviest armor and was assigned a large complement of • Artillery Pods: 1000
forces. Usually, only one Flagship would be assigned to fleet • Reconnaissance Pods: 500
of 250,000 ships. UEDF forces faced Commander Breetai • Cyclops Recon Ships: 30
and his venerable Flagship. This Flagship survived the First • Recovery Pods: 50
Robotech War and was adopted by the UEDF. • Recall System: The Flagship is equipped with an
advanced and highly encrypted system that can force
a recall on units under the ship’s command. When the
Recall System is activated, all Pods and naval vessels
are taken out of manual control and an AI automatically
brings the vessels back to the Flagship or a designated
point in space.
Equipment Suites Within the walls of the massive mothership, its dense
Iron Wall: The Flagship is fitted with over 200 turret defense outer hull provided most of the habitable area, weapons,
Particle Cannons and Missile Launchers. Increasing ammo storage, and barracks. The central command tower, a
usage and using spread patterns causes a wall of protective long superstructure in the middle of the great hull, housed
fire to occur. All mecha within Medium range of the Flagship laboratories, command and control, engineering (primarily
are affected. [B2] automated), and automated factories – building everything
• Uses: 1 from autocannon rounds to Regult pods – to turn out all the
• Skill: 5 Zentraedi fleet’s needs. In addition, the massive ship held
massive cloning and micronization/macronization chambers,
All the Guns – Attack: The Flagship is able to bring the weight to provide an invasion fleet’s worth of Zentraedi soldiers at a
of its incredible firepower on an enemy naval ship. As long as moment’s notice.
the Flagship only moves directly toward the target, without
taking maneuvering or Defense Actions, it can use this Skill History
up to Medium range. [B30] Dolza believed his ship invulnerable from the exterior and had
• Uses: Unlimited no fear of an attack in the interior, with more ships inside and
• Skill: 4 a screen of over three million battleships outside. The SDF-1
fired its main cannon at the hull, using full throttle to ram into
Launch Torpedoes – Attack: The Flagship’s many torpedo the interior of the craft, aided by its pinpoint barrier screens.
tubes open as it launches a salvo of Reflex Missiles. Make
an attack against enemy naval vessels up to Extreme range. When the Earth battleship emerged into the internal chamber,
[B50] it fired Reflex Missiles aided by Destroids and Valkyries. When
• Uses: 6 the missiles cleared the SDF-1, Gloval ordered the ship’s full
• Skill: 2 barrier raised. The thousands of warheads exploded inside the
mothership, with the hull initially strong enough to contain
the blasts, reflecting the energy inward toward SDF-1. The
ship’s full barrier not only protected the ship, but overloaded,
Zentraedi Base Ship causing an explosion similar to the one that eradicated
Toronto. This second explosion annihilated the rest of the
Ambassador Exedore, lore keeper and historian of the already heavily damaged base ship and the fleet within.
Zentraedi Race, believes the Fulbtzs Berrentzs-class
mothership, used as a mobile command base for Zentraedi • Required Rank: 6
Grand Warlord Dolza, to be the largest artificial structure in • Class: Command Fortress
the known galaxy. At roughly 1400 km in height and about • Designation: Fulbtzs Berrentzs
800 km in width, the massive strategic command base is • Stats:
roughly the length of the primary Japanese Archipelago. • Armor: 2
• Structure – Naval: Effectively Unlimited
The ship itself is a large shell, built around a hollow interior • Speed: None; the Base Ship is unable to move at
space allowing the ship, colloquially known among SDF- combat speed
1 pilots as “The Star Base,” to hold well north of 1,000 full- • Locations: Central Stem, Cloning Facilities,
sized Zentraedi naval vessels. Dolza’s ship was never filled Construction Yard
to capacity, and Ambassador Exedore believes the massive
vessel could hold as many as 10,000 naval ships at any one Features
time, resupplying and assigning new crew and mecha as • Crew: Between 5 and 10 million Zentraedi.
needed. • Complement: 500,000 mecha and shuttles of various
• Fleet: The Base Ship is typically accompanied by a small
defensive fleet of 2500 to 5000 Zentraedi naval craft.
• Central Stem: The Base Ship has a hollow interior with a Equipment Suites
large central control center that runs through the center. Command Awareness: The Base Ship has an advanced
This stem is where the ship is controlled from and is not sensor package that helps it command
armored. the Zentraedi Fleet. You may choose
• Space Bound: The Base Ship is incapable of entering an to activate this equipment suite when
atmosphere and cannot escape a gravity factor of over .3. taking an action that uses the vessel’s
• Defensive Only: The vessel is not equipped with any Sensors.
offensive weapons. It is covered by thousands of mecha- • Uses: Unlimited
class defensive weapons. • Skill: 3
• Construction Yards: The Base Ship has the facilities to
construct naval vessels. However, in recent years, the
yards have been inactive due to the limited supplies of
• Cloning Facilities: The Base Ship is the primary cloning
and creation facility of new Zentraedi Warriors. These
facilities could also micronize Zentraedi or make them
back into giants.
• Internal Chamber: The inside of the vessel is hollow.
Many thousands of naval ships can fit inside this space.
There are hundreds of armored gates around the ship
that allow access to the Internal Chamber.
• Tri-Barrel Beam Cannon: This fearsome rotary weapon
Zentraedi Pods is mounted on the front of the Pod. It fires heavy beam
shots in a three-round burst up to Medium range. [H]
The Zentraedi owe much of their success at military conquest • No Melee: The Fighter Pod does not have the ability to
to the massive number of Pods they employ. Most of these engage in Melee combat other than ramming.
mecha are designed to employ swarm tactics. They are easy • Tactical Missiles: The Gnerl has a small internal bay that
to construct and built to conserve protoculture. The Zentraedi holds a small number of Tactical Missiles. [H]
reserve their most powerful Pods for officers or elite warriors.
These Pods have large and diverse capabilities. Due to their Features
unique nature, they are also more powerful than their UEDF • Boosters: The Gnerl has a set of booster that allow it to
counterparts. accelerate quickly to get out of a jam. [H]
• Types: Pods are built en masse, using similar parts and Tactical Missiles: While each Fighter Pod only carries a few
weapons. This helps decrease production time and cost, of these munitions, the intense swarm of the craft means
and leads to Pods being built using modular components the battleground is filled with Zentraedi Missiles. Attack with
allowing for a variety of types. Tactical Missiles up to Long range. [B5]
• Uses: 1
Fighter Type • Skill: 4
The Fighter Pod is a formidable weapon and the Zentraedi’s Tactical Type
mass-produced air superiority weapon. While the Fighter
Pod was highly capable operating in atmospheric conditions, The Tactical variant is the most widely produced Battlepod.
it was designed to control space. The UEDF found fighting This is the standard issue variant distributed to Zentraedi
these Pods to be burdensome as they were heavily armed, Soldiers. Tactical Pods specialize in swarm and close-range
highly maneuverable, and tough to fighting. They operate efficiently during both atmospheric
kill. and space operations, ripping the
enemy to pieces with their Particle
Cannons. A Tactical Pod is a shell
with weapons, meaning these Pods
are not meant to sustain, but attack
en masse.
Required Rank: 1
Designation: Regult
l Stats:
Weapons Equipment Suites
• Particle Cannons: Tactical Pods use an array of particle All Cannons Face Forward: The Pod is able to concentrate
cannons of varying calibers. These cannons are designed fire, using its four main Particle Cannons. If the Tactical Pod is
for close-ranged combat and are limited to Medium within Short range of an enemy target it can focus its cannons
range. [B2] [H] [H] [H] on that target and inflict maximum destruction. [B10]
• Weapon Banks: The Tactical Pod has three banks of • Uses: Unlimited
Particle Cannons. • Skill: 3
• Melee Kick: The Pod can make a kick attack in melee.
Power Kick: The Pod has two large feet which can inflict
Features substantial damage in close combat. When the Pod has
• Eject: The head of the Pod can separate from the legs, moved at least quarter speed it may make a special kick
allowing the Pod to escape or maneuver if the legs are attack. This attack ignores 1 point of the target’s Armor.
damaged. • Uses: Unlimited
• Variants: The Tactical Pod has two variants. Apply any • Skill: 2
benefit gained from the upgrades to this profile:
• Artillery Upgrade: This upgrade adds missiles to the Artillery Variant
Regult’s loadout. Artillery variants, also known as Missile Pods, are based
• Recon Upgrade: This upgrade replaces the Regult’s on the Tactical pattern; however, they are outfitted with a
weapons with sensors and comms. missile battery. There are two types: Light and Heavy Artillery
patterns. Artillery variants typically work in small groups and
are guarded by Tactical Pods. Artillery Pods stand behind and
support advancing Tactical Pods or are tasked with engaging
specific targets.
• Required Rank: 2
• Designation – Light: Gluuhaug (Mini-Missiles)
• Designation – Heavy: Serauhaug (Tactical Missiles)
• Stats:
• Hardware Points: +0
• Speed: 900 km/h / 1.5 km / 3 Space Units
• No Weapons: The Recon Pod is not outfitted with any
type of weapon. It can make kick attacks in Melee as
other Regult Pods can.
• Advanced Sensor Array: The array equipped is designed
to support tactical combat. As such, it is best suited for
battlefield ranges. The sensors have a range of Long. [H]
Equipment Suite
Eyes on You: The Recon Pod has an advanced sensor package
that helps the vessel act as a mobile command station. You
may choose to activate this equipment suite when taking an
action that uses the mecha’s sensors.
• Uses: Unlimited
Weapons • Skill: 2 or 3 in Medium range
• Missile Battery: The Artillery Pod is fitted either with
Mini-Missiles or Tactical Missiles, depending on its
assigned role. The housing is fitted to the top of the Pod,
providing the missiles an excellent field of fire. [H]
• Weapon Banks: The Missile Battery replaces one bank of
Particle Cannons.
Equipment Suites
Mini-Missiles: The Gluuhaug houses a sizable battery of Mini-
Missiles. Attack with Mini-Missiles up to Medium range. [B3]
• Uses: 3
• Skill: 3
Recon Variant
Recon Pods are assigned to support combat operations of
Artillery and Tactical Pods. One Recon Pod is assigned to a
unit of 10 Tactical Pods and 2 Artillery Pods. The Recon Pods
are tasked with gaining information regarding battlefield
conditions and reporting them to the units or officers. To
ensure the pilot focuses on their task, the Pod is not fitted
with weapons, only an advanced sensor package.
• Required Rank: 2
• Designation: Quel-Regult
• Hardware Points: -2
Officer Type Mini-Missiles: The Glaug houses a small complement of Mini-
Missiles it may deploy when desperate. The small missile bays
The Officer Pod, known as the Glaug, became an iconic are located slightly behind each nacelle. [H]
symbol of the Zentraedi. These Pods were only assigned • Uses: 1
to the most battle-hardened officers. They had incredible • Skill: 3
combat efficiency with dozens of UEDF mecha eliminated
for every Glaug taken down. The Pod’s large torso-mounted Enhanced Array: The Glaug has an advanced sensor package
cannon and large heavy arms easily identified it from the that helps the vessel act as a mobile command station. You
standard issue Pods. may choose to activate this equipment suite when taking an
action that uses the mecha’s sensors.
• Required Rank: 3 • Uses: Unlimited
• Designation: Glaug • Skill: 2
• Stats:
• Armor: 2 Deep Space Booster Upgrade
• Structure – Mecha: 2
• Hardware Points: 5 The Officer Pod can dock into an advanced Booster system
• Speed: 1200 km/h / 2 km / 4 Space Units in a stable environment, such as a hangar or launch bay.
This Booster is equipped with additional thrusters which
Weapons allows the Glaug to operate as a fighter in space or an
• Heavy Beam Cannon: The Heavy Beam Cannon is a rare atmosphere. It does, however, replace the Pod’s legs. It also
and advanced weapon mounted on top of the Officer incorporates a missile system, providing the Officer Pod with
Pod. This weapon is far more powerful than the typically increased tactical presence. Very few of these Eldare units
equipped Particle Cannons. The Cannon has a standard were ever constructed. They are reserved for the most elite
range of Long and ignores 1 point of Armor. [H] commanders.
• Gun Arms: The Glaug has two arms, each fitted with a
powerful Particle Cannon and Autocannon. This allows
the Pod to engage targets all around at closer
ranges. They have a maximum range
of Medium and ignore 1 point of the
target’s Armor at Short range. [B2]
[H] [H]
• Machine Guns: Two smaller cannons are mounted in
the nose. These are meant to engage light-class targets.
Machine Guns ignore 2 light-class armor and inflict 2x
light damage. [H]
• Weapon Banks: The Glaug has two banks of Gun Arms.
• Melee Kick: The Pod can make a kick attack in melee.
• Missile Bay: The Glaug has one small internal bay that
holds Mini-Missiles. [H]
• Enhanced Sensors: As a Pod designed for
commanders of the Zentraedi, the
Officer Pod has sensors designed
to identify threats and transfer the
information to nearby Pods.
• Upgrade: The Glaug may be
fitted with the Eldare Deep Space
Booster Upgrade.
Equipment Suites
Not Outnumbered Anymore: The Officer Pod’s
fearsome arm-based Autocannons have a wide
field of fire. The Glaug is able to attack all targets
at Short range in a 180 degree arc. [B2]
• Uses: Unlimited
• Skill: 2
• Required Rank: 4 Bomber Pod
• Designation: Eldare
• Updated Stats: The Bomber Pod is the larger, older sibling of the Fighter Pod,
• Structure – Mecha: 4 (total) used for strategic and tactical bombing. The bomber pods
• Hardware Points: +2 weren’t used much during the First Robotech War, simply
• Speed: 2400 km/h / 4 km / 8 Space Units because their destructive nature didn’t fit the mission to
capture the SDF-1 intact. They’re also quite rare, since the
Weapons Zentraedi normally prefer bombardments with capital ships.
• Missile Bays: The Eldare upgrade has two small missile The craft is on the slow side, so it usually relies on a Gnerl
bays that hold Tactical Missiles. [H] [H] escort for protection against interceptors.
Equipment Suites
Hellfire: The Bomber Pod houses an
arsenal of anti-ship missiles fired from
its internal bay. These are used
to support naval action. Make
an attack with Reflex Missiles
against naval vessels up to
Extreme range. Each use of this suite grants 4 dice.
However, you may expend 1 additional usage to increase
the equipment suite pool to a total of 6. [B50]
• Uses: 1 or 2 + 1 or 2
• Skill: 4 to 6
• Tri-Barrel Lasers: Each arm houses a
tri-barrelled laser cannon. Each laser
is weak but all three lasers fire in
rapid succession. The goal is to gain
a superior position on the enemy and
shoot it to pieces. The weapon’s range
is limited to Short, but may fire into Melee
without penalty. [M] [H] [H]
• Autocannons: The Power Armor chest
incorporates powerful cannons. They
may engage up to Medium range,
but incur a Hindrance to attack
with. [B2] [H]
• Weapon Banks: This
Power Armor is armed
with two banks of Tri-
Barrel Lasers and Mini-
Missiles. It also has one
bank of Autocannons.
• Punch: Female Power Armor has hands made
of tendrils that can punch though and tear away
armor. It can make melee attacks.
• Missile Pods: The Queadluun-Rau has a cluster of
Mini-missile pods. [H] [H]
Male Variant • Snub-Nosed Cannon: Mounted in the center of the chest
is a powerful autocannon. This weapon fires at a high
Male Power Armor was designed for shock troopers landing rate, but is only effective at Short range. [B3] [H]
on a planet’s surface or boarding enemy ships. The Armor can
fly in an atmosphere, but is slow compared to other Zentraedi Features
mecha. • Indexing Hands: Male Power Armor is designed with
large hands and fully-functional fingers. They can be used
• Required Rank: 1 to pick up objects and have as little as .5 kg of sensitivity.
• Designation - Male: Nousjadeul-Ger • Ground Bound: Once a Male Power Armor unit reaches
• Stats: the ground it may fly, but it can’t reach space without
• Armor: 1 assistance. Its escape threshold is .5 gravitational units.
• Structure – Mecha: 2
• Hardware Points: 3 Equipment Suite
• Speed – Ground: 150 km/h / 240 m / 24 Ground Units Shock and Awe: In the center of the chest sits a rapid
• Speed – Space: 600 km/h / 1 km / 2 Space Units firing autocannon. The explosive energy of the weapon is
impressive. However, it is limited on ammunition and can
Weapons only fire up to Short range. If this option is used, the weapon
• Plasma Machine Pistol: Since Male Power Armor is is considered out of ammunition. [B10]
used for commando-style ground operations, it needs • Uses: 1
compact firepower. It comes equipped with a small, • Skill: 3 & ignore 2 points of Armor
rapid-firing pistol used to fight at close range. It is limited
to firing at Short range but may be used in Melee without
penalty. Destroying the Pistol also destroys the hand
holding it. [M] [H] Zentraedi Utility Craft
• Heavy Particle Cannon: The high-powered Particle
Cannon is the unit’s main weapon. The Cannon is A military force cannot only consist of fighting units. The
mounted on the shoulder, providing it excellent field of Zentraedi also has some utility craft that have various uses
fire. It has a standard range of Long but can fire farther. but are not battle-oriented at heart.
[E] [B5] [H]
• Punch: Male Power Armor has durable hands that can
punch though armor. It can make melee attacks. Cyclops Recon Ship
• Required Rank: 3
• Designation: Quel-Quallie
• General Stats:
• Armor: 2
• Structure – Mecha: 8
• Hardware Points: 5
• Speed: 1800 km/h / 3 km / 6 Space Units
• Particle Cannons: The Cyclops is fitted with four forward-
facing particle cannons. These cannons can be precisely
aimed, but are suited for close range combat. They may
be used up to Medium range. [B2] [H] [H]
• Weapon Banks: The Cyclops has two banks of Particle
Cannons and Tactical Missile bays.
• No Melee: The Recon Ship can only ram. It has no means
of making melee attacks.
• Missile Bays: The Cyclops upgrade has two small missile Recovery Craft
bays that hold Tactical Missiles. [H] [H]
After a space battle is over, Recovery Pods are sent out to
Features find and collect Zentraedi soldiers who are alive but unable
• Crew: The Cyclops requires a crew of at least three to to make it back to a ship. These Pods have two large arms
operate at full capacity. Typically, one pilots the craft, with indexable hands that can extend out and grab floating
another operates weapons, and the third monitors the material. The Recovery Pod uses advanced sensors to find
sensors. Without enough crew, the vessel operates with items of interest or weak broadcasting signals and bring
penalties. them in for investigation.
• Advanced Sensor Array: To ensure the Cyclops can
complete its scouting missions, it is fitted with advanced • Required Rank: 1
sensors which can retract into the vessel. The advanced • Designation: Quel-Gulnau
array allows the Cyclops to monitor and send signals • General Stats:
secretly. If the array is destroyed, the Eyes of the Emperor • Armor: 1
equipment suit can’t be used. [H] • Structure – Mecha: 8
• Escape Pod: As a small space ship, the Cyclops is fitted • Hardware Points: 3
with an escape pod that may be used for the crew to • Speed: 1500 km/h / 1.5 km / 5 Space Units
abandon ship. The escape pod has
simple thrusters to maneuver in space Weapons
and can enter an atmosphere. • Cutting Lasers: The Recovery Pod is equipped with two
It has a Speed of 2 small lasers used for defense. These are limited to Short
Space units or 1 range. They are primarily used to target rogue debris or
km per round. cut apart and weld material. [M] [H]
• Recovery Arms: See below. [H] [H]
• Hardware: The Recovery Craft has two arms and one
bank of Cutting Lasers.
• Recovery Arms: The Recovery Pod uses long arms to
recover objects in space. These arms are strong and may
make melee attacks. The arms count as one hardware
point each.
• Indexing Hands: Recovery Pods are designed with large
hands and fingers that function fully. They can be used to
pick up objects and have as little as .5 kg of sensitivity.
Equipment Suites
Eyes of the Emperor: The Cyclops is fitted with
advanced sensor equipment. When using an Action that
engages the Cyclops’ Sensors, you may choose to enable this
equipment suite.
• Uses: Unlimited
• Skill: 3
Equipment Suite
Rip it Apart: The Pod’s long and strong arms are able to tear
into metal structures. In a round after the Recovery Pod has Malcontent Stingers
made or been the target of a Melee attack, use the arms to
respond. When using this suite, reduce the target’s armor by The Robotech Masters designed a large military force that
1. [M] was essentially cheap, expendable, and renewable. Repair
• Uses: Unlimited and maintenance of the hardware was therefore never
• Skill: 4 prioritized. While all the larger naval ships have rudimentary
facilities for repair of mecha, and the Factory Satellites and
Shuttle Craft Dolza’s mothership have maintenance docks for naval ships,
all these facilities were almost fully automated. The general
The Zentraedi Shuttle is a versatile, trans-atmospheric craft Zentraedi soldiers have a very low grasp of how technology
that is normally used for cargo transport, troop movement, works and lack even basic engineering skills.
or ferrying VIPs between ships and bases. The Shuttle is
unarmed, so it usually relies on escort mecha or fighters for During the Reconstruction Era, great effort was made to
protection. train the pacified Zentraedi in engineering and construction
so that they could join the workforce and help rebuild Earth.
• Required Rank: 1 Ironically, these newly learned skills would be used against
• Designation: Liewneuatzs the fledgling new society by the Zentraedi that defected to
• Stats: the Malcontent rebels. Fully functioning mecha are hard for
• Armor: 1 the rebels to come by, but scrapped mecha literally cover the
• Structure – Mecha: 5 Earth after the last battle against Dolza. By cobbling together
• Hardware Points: 1 parts from different machines, the rebels are able to create
• Speed: 1200 km/h / 2 km / 4 Space Units hybrid mecha that – with some luck – are usable in battle.
This could be anything from inserting minor internal parts
Weapons or systems, bolting on armor plates from other mecha, or
• No Weapons more substantial merging of two mecha frames, but the most
• No Melee: The Recon Ship can only ram. common modification is attaching limbs from other mecha
models. These hybrids are commonly called Stingers. Some
Features of the most extraordinary engineers can even create powerful
• Crew: The Shuttle requires two pilots. If one is missing or Stingers that have, through the careful selection of parts,
injured, it may still fly, taking penalties to maneuvering overcome the weaknesses of each mecha they are made from
and sensors. Up to two additional flight crew personnel and truly become more than the sum of their parts.
are normally assigned to the craft depending on the task,
but these are not essential for full operation. Since both Zentraedi and human Robotechnology share
• Passengers: The Shuttle can carry as many as 12 heavily a common origin, it’s actually possible to make them
armed Zentraedi infantry troops. compatible. Stingers can therefore be hybrids of both human
• Flares: The Liewneuatzs is equipped with one small bank and Zentraedi mecha. That the 04-series of Destroids and
of flares. [H] most Valkyrie upgrades are inherently modular is also helpful
for this cause. However, Stingers are not transformable,
Equipment Suite except if the designer is gifted or if it concerns only a minor
Flares: The Shuttle is fitted with a countermeasures system modification of an already transformable mecha. Stingers
to destroy or confuse incoming missiles. Deploy the flares to take twice as long to repair as regular mecha since they
defend against Missiles. are cobbled together from various sources. A wide-scale
• Uses: 2 operation using Stingers typically will not have replacement
• Skill: 5 parts readily at hand. This means that there is a high likelihood
you will need to change your Stinger configuration after each
Tanker – Variant battle to adjust for the mecha materials on hand.
• Designation: Naugler Nodral You may build your own Stinger using the following rules, or
the GM may allow you to upgrade or modify existing mecha
The Tanker refills friendly mecha mid-flight or on the ground, through roleplaying and game experiences.
effectively increasing their operation time and range. With
its four extendable coupling arms, one from each storage Stinger Points
tank, it can refill up to four mecha at the same time. One refill Gain 12 Stinger points and spend them on the following
typically lasts a couple of minutes for mecha and hours for options. The costs are listed after each the title of each option.
naval vessels. Tankers were usually tactically valuable targets Options marked with an * may be taken multiple times:
for UEDF pilots and a prized resource for rebels.
Chassis - Choose 1 • *Short-Ranged -1: Limit 1 bank of weapons to Short
• Light Chassis +1: Armor 1 / Structure 2 range. This option gives you 1 point back to spend on
• Ground Speed: 240 km/h / 380 m / 38 Ground Units something else. You may take this option 2 times.
• Flying Speed: 2400 km/h / 4 km / 8 Space Units
Utility Options
• Medium Chassis +3: Armor 2 / Structure 2 • Hardpoint +1: Gain an extra hardware point for a non-
• Ground Speed: 120 km/h / 200 m / 20 Ground Units weapon related options listed below.
• Flying Speed: 1800 km/h / 3 km / 6 Space Units • Flying +2: Gain the flying speed listed under your chosen
chassis option.
• Heavy Chassis +5: Armor 2 / Structure 3 • *Transforming +2: The Stinger can transform into an
• Ground Speed: 60 km/h / 100 m / 10 Ground Units additional mode. Work out the exact benefit of the
• Flying Speed: 1200 km/h / 2 km / 4 Space Units transformation with the GM. You may have a total of 3
modes, which means this option may be taken a total of
Note: The mecha will only fly if you choose the Flying option 2 times.
below. • Hands +1: Your mecha has hands with a sensitivity
tolerance of .5 kg.
Weapons • Bulky +1: Gain 1 additional structure – cannot be taken
• *Each Bank of Weapons +2: The weapons on your as a hardware point.
mecha may be kinetic or energy-based in nature. They • Armored +3: Gain 1 additional point of armor.
are limited to Medium range. This option may be taken • Carry Compartment +1 to +4: Carry up to 4 passengers
multiple times. with gear or up to 5 cubic m of supplies per point spent.
• *Missiles +2: Your mecha comes armed with missiles. • Vectored Movement +1: Your mecha has advanced
Choose any or all below; you may select each option up terrain navigation capability. It has the ability to move
to 3 times. around terrain easily or hover just off the ground. Gain an
• Mini-Missiles: Uses 2 / Skill 3 equipment suite skill of 3 to maneuvering.
• Tactical Missiles: Uses 1 / Skill 4 • Stealth +3: Your mecha is hard to detect. To be detected,
• Reflex Missiles: Uses 1 / Skill 4 an enemy must achieve at least 1 scanning success each
• *Heavy Cannon +1: 1 of your weapon banks has an round.
extended range.
• *Piercing Cannon +3: 1 of your weapon banks reduces Designer Note: The Stinger build system is not perfect and
enemy armor by 1. may be abused by the wrong type of player. The intent is not
• *Sniper Cannon +1: 1 of your weapon banks has its range to provide an open platform that can be modified into the
extended by +1. Medium range becomes Long range. most powerful mecha, but to instead provide game space to
• Melee Attack +1: Your mecha has a built-in melee cobble together or craft something new based on materials
combat capability. It may make melee attacks without provided. Use the mecha parts provided by the fiction to
penalty. build your Stinger. If materials are scarce ,use less than the 12
points provided.
Zentraedi Gear
• Druuj-Migaur Plasma Pistol: The plasma pistol that is
usually used with the Male Power Armor can be used by
Weapons full-sized Zentraedi without assist from the armor, but
it is more difficult to aim. The shot capacity is limited to
The Zentraedi have a highly conscripted military force. As 31 shots (when fully charged) without connection to the
such, they construct and distribute few weapon types. Since armor’s power supply.
Zentraedi warriors are giant-sized, all of their weapons,
armor, and gear are sized for their use. Zentraedi weapons
inflict mecha-class damage unless otherwise specified and
count as hardware. [H]
Power Blade [R3]: A Power Blade is a sword or staff charged • T’sen-Gaur Particle Assault Rifle: This is the standard
with energy. These are highly lethal weapons, only given to assault rifle of the Zentraedi infantry. It can fire
elite Zentraedi warriors. The Power Blade ignores 1 point penetrating bolts of heavy particles, selectively in single
of mecha armor when attacking. It also provides an Edge blasts or rapid bursts. The cylindrical energy pack on the
to defend against Melee attacks from non-Power Blade comb of the gunstock lasts for 157 shots before it has to
weapons. be switched out.
• Terlog-Gaur Rotary Particle Gun: A heavy rotary-style Tactical Missiles: Attack with Tactical Missiles, up to Long
handheld weapon that fires a rapid stream of particle range. [B5]
bolts that can rip any mecha to shreds in seconds. Usually • Uses: 2
only carried by heavy infantry. It holds 1229 rounds. Due • Skill: 4
to the Zentraedi’s reduced protoculture supply, these
types of high-output weapons are rarely encountered by • Tlihaug-Gorol Portable Air-Defense System: Shoulder-
the UEDF. launched surface-to-air missile system, normally
employed by Zentraedi special forces. Later on,
Shotgun: A Shotgun fires a spread of fragments. They are Malcontents would often use these to ambush Veritech
used for close range combat such as breaching operations. fighter patrols with varying success. It holds two
A shotgun affects all targets at Short range within a cone. It individually loaded missiles.
cannot affect targets beyond Short range, but can be fired
when in Melee. It inflicts x3 light-class damage. [M] [C] [H] Defensive Cannon – Mecha [R2]: At times, Zentraedi soldiers
use heavy weapons to defend areas or provide support fire.
• Seenvil-Gaur Scattergun: This weapon is best described These weapons must be set up, which takes minutes, before
as an oversized shotgun. It fires a number of sharp they can be used. The Cannon has mecha Armor and structure
projectiles, or flechettes, that spread out after leaving of 1. This involves hooking the power source up and bracing
the muzzle. It is primarily employed in close-quarter the weapon’s base on the ground. A Defensive Cannon has a
combat such as naval ship boarding operations. It has a range of Medium but can damage targets farther away. [E]
13 round magazine.
• Quethonar-Itzgaur Fixed Defense Cannon: This is a
Missile Box – Mecha: The Missile Box is a Zentraedi portable rapid-fire, double-barreled laser cannon used for defense
Missile launcher (giant-sized). It appears as a box that holds against infantry and aircraft, mounted on vehicles or
12 Mini-Missiles or 4 Tactical Missiles. [H] Use the following fixed defensive positions. Malcontents would set up gun
equipment suite: nests with these that were very difficult to approach.
Each energy pack lasts for 491 bursts.
Mini-Missiles: Attack with Mini-Missiles, up to Medium
range. [B3]
• Uses: 4
• Skill: 2 Armor
• Nirlhaug-Gorol Missile Launcher – Mecha: This is the Zentraedi Armor is simple and
typical weapon associated with soldier-carried missile designed with few comforts. Only
systems. It has a high destructive power, normally used a giant-sized person can wear this
by the heavy infantry. The magazine holds 12 Mini armor. The Armor listed below does
Missiles which are fired in salvos of 3. not stack with the Battlepod being
piloted; use the greater value for
Armor purposes. Zentraedi Armor is
fully environmental, but is not self-
Flight Suit
Flight suits are worn by Power Armor
and Fighter Pod pilots. The suit only
offers light-class Armor of 2 against
blunt impacts and energy damage,
but allows the pilot a freedom of
movement inside the mecha.
Infantry Armor
Infantry Armor is supplied to Zentraedi
police and pilots. It is inexpensive Mecha Upgrades
to manufacture and provides basic
defense against smaller arms. It has a Zentraedi mecha upgrades were designed to reward the most
light-class Armor value of 5 and may elite pilots and commanders, or employ a specific tactical
be worn when piloting. However, advantage.
when worn inside of Power Armor or
Fighter Pods, you take a Hindrance to • Assault Cannon – Telnesta [R2]: The Telnesta option
all skills related to piloting. places the Glaug’s Heavy Beam Cannon on a mecha.
The cannon has a Long range and ignores 1 point of the
target’s armor. Up to two of these weapon systems may
be installed on a mecha. Firing two Beam Cannons at a
target ignores 2 points of armor on the target. [H]
Stress & Fame
The Zentraedi also suffer from Drama and Fatigue. They While the Zentraedi do not have movie or pop stars, some
handle Fatigue in much the same way as Humans, except the can rise to fame within their ranks. Famous warrior Zentraedi
following key differences: are known for their bravery, ruthlessness, and tactical skills.
Zentraedi officers are known for their station, strategic skills,
• Conflict: Fatigue gained from physical conflict is and keeping morale high. Advisors may astonish warriors
halved. This is due to their genetic breeding and lifelong with their ability to cite events from long forgotten battles,
exposure to conflict. Losing a friend or almost dying isn’t or knowledge on esoteric topics. Use the chart below to
as impactful as it is for Humans. determine the name for each level of Zentraedi Fame.
fight and sustain warfare. Since they live for nothing else, 2 Librarian
this pride can lead to the development of dark rivalries 3 Sage
with their enemies. Being defeated by an inferior enemy 4 Guardian
is humiliating and may cause Fatigue. This was exactly
the case for Miriya Parina. She became so entangled in
her rivalry with Max Sterling that it led to her to becoming
an infiltrator and attempting to assassinate him. Zentraedi Wealth
The Zentraedi do not use money as Humans do. Instead,
Zentraedi Mental Break they obtain prestige and privilege. As a Zentraedi obtains
If a Zentraedi suffers a mental break due to exposure to wealth, their noble rank increases and they’re granted access
Human culture, they may act out in any of the following ways: to superior food and lodging, as well as the respect of their
peers. Use the chart below to determine the Zentraedi noble
• Inquisitive: The exposure to the culture leads to an rank:
alluring sensation. You must learn more about what this • Low: You are of common birth, created with no intention
culture is and how it works. For a time, you stop wanting for greatness. You are likely to toil your life away as a
to harm Humans so you have the opportunity to take in worker for a low-ranking officer.
more culture. • Standard [R1-3]: You are of warrior blood, designed to
fight and advance the Zentraedi cause. You are given the
• Shock: You cannot process the strange new sensation. respect of a dedicated warrior, but are granted nothing
You revert to a state of shock. You are unable to take more special.
more than 1 Action for a time, and cannot bear to be • High [R4-5]: You come from a celebrated line of clones.
exposed to more of this culture. If it is in sight, you must You are assumed to have great things in store for your
move to where you cannot see it. future. You are granted special treatment and have
access to rare food, luxurious clothes, and elite lodgings.
• Anger: The exposure to the culture leads you to lash out. • Ultra [R6]: You come from a line of clones that can be
You do everything in your power to destroy what you traced back to the origins of the Robotech Masters.
cannot understand. You must move toward the source There are only a select few individuals with greater social
and attempt to destroy it, ignoring everything else. status. Even the Supreme Commander must grant you an
audience from time to time.
A Bit Tense
LISA HAYES: Lieutenant Hunter, new orders
for Vermillion Squadron. I need you and your • Game Rounds: 154
wingmates to report to sector four immediately.
Game Rounds
notice, or have awareness of that is pertinent to the Conflict
should be described. This includes the total number of enemy
Conflict Round units, enemy positions, terrain conditions, ally positions,
crisis, morale or attitude of troopers, and supply levels.
Conflicts are how the GM drives story in Robotech. The GM
will create Conflicts and playing the game means you must The players use the description to help plan their turn in the
choose how to deal with them. Some Conflicts you may Communication Phase, taking into consideration what the
choose to ignore, and thus suffer consequences. While others GM has divulged. After each round, as the players assert their
you may choose to attack head on in brazen fashion. will and the GM uncovers surprises, the Conflict will change
after each round. It is up to the GM to describe the changes
All Participants have a chance to take Actions during the to the players.
round. Skills are used to create Actions. After everyone
involved has had a turn to perform Actions, the round ends
and a new round begins. The GM tell their players, “As you rush out in your
Veritechs to engage the enemy, you see 2 large swarms
Conflict Setup of Pods approaching from the right and the left. At long
Before a Conflict round occurs, the GM must set it up. The GM range, an Oberth Destroyer is taking heavy damage and
will determine the importance of the Event and the number will soon go down.You also get calls in from a beleaguered
of rounds the Event will run for. See page 176 for more details Destroid Defender squad engulfed in a close quarters
on Plot Events and creating Conflicts. See page 174 for more combat and is requesting assistance.”
on Conflict design.
Round Overview
In Robotech, a round occurs using the following steps: 1. Communication Phase
0. Conflict Description: The GM will describe obvious After the players have been briefed by the GM on the Conflict’s
Conflicts to the players. A Conflict may pose as a swarm conditions, the players choose how best to deal with the
of Pods, a sabotaging spy, civilians in danger, or a villain threats and situation. This is done in the Communication
out for revenge. There may be Conflicts the players are Phase. The other players have a small amount of time to
unaware of as well, waiting to be discovered. coordinate a plan for the round. The plan may involve one
1. Communication Phase: The players have a brief period hero assisting another, someone clearing a path through a
to plan how they will use their Actions to engage the swarm to get to a villain, or even luring an opponent into the
Conflicts. Players should work together to try to tackle open. Players must choose Actions to take and this phase is
the Conflict as efficiently and creatively as possible. the time to discuss how best to use those Actions. Players
2. Getting the Drop: Any character who Gets the Drop may participating in the discussion may have the chance to earn a
take their Actions first. bonus for the round. This reward is for working together. See
3. Take Actions: Players choose to use a total of 2 Actions in Conflict Bonus on page 158.
any of the following Action Phases:
• Support: Assist allies. Observe or Obscure yourself. The plan should take no more than a few minutes to flesh out.
• Ops: Attack, Defend, or Redirect. Based on the situation, the GM may choose to modify the
• Cinematic: Interact with the environment or Inhibit time the players have to communicate. They may ask players
others. to stop communicating and take actions if interaction at the
4. Being Slowed: Any character who has been inhibited table is getting tense.
will take their Actions last, after the rest of the characters
have taken theirs.
Players discuss their plan:
• Ace Pilot: “I’ll try to thin out that swarm of Pods
before they can engage the Cat’s Eye.”
0. Conflict Description • Wingmate: “I’ll cover you and defend the Cat’s Eye.”
• Officer: “We should know what the enemy’s intent
At the beginning of the Conflict, the GM will describe the is; I’ll scan the area and get you targeting solutions
obvious element to the players. Anything that they see, on those Pods.”
• Discover Hidden Units: A Scan could alert you to the
presence of a hidden enemy.
2. Getting the Drop • Find a Villain: A Scan could identify an unknown enemy
is moving with a cluster of normal troops.
If you have the chance to catch an enemy off guard, you may • Weak Points: You learn of a point of cracked armor on a
act before they have a chance to defend or take another Cruiser.
Action. This may result in the target not being able to act at • Total Number: You are able to calculate the exact
all, or taking a penalty to their Actions. Getting the Drop may number of units in the scan region.
result from creative play decisions, a strong plan, or using • Unit Types: Scanning can tell you the types or variants
Skills that operate quickly. of units.
• Enemy Intent: You can learn if the enemy is locking
One or both of your Actions may be taken first. Usually, this missiles or speeding up to ram.
benefit is granted due to advanced or creative planning. To • Out of Place: You may detect something that doesn’t
set this up, you must be prepared to act faster than your allies seem right or is in a strange position.
or opponents. Setting up an ambush means that you surprise
your target. You’ll get to shoot before they can defend. There are 2 ways to Observe your environment:
Getting the Drop could also be granted from hindering an 1. Targeted: A Targeted Scan is performed on a single
enemy. If you shoot off their thrusters or targeting sensors, target or small area of interest. When you choose this,
you will have an advantage over an enemy as they will have roll your Skills and equipment suites then tally successes
a hard time reacting to your movements. Misdirecting or as normal. Each success provides you with information
confusing the opponent could also work. regarding the target. You may also attempt to learn
about specific aspects of a target. Some clues may take
more than 1 success to uncover.
You had advanced intel on an enemy position. Valkyries
hide in the rings of Saturn, waiting to get the drop on the 2. Area: An Area Scan is performed over the entire are
incoming Zentraedi. They hold off the Battlepods until you or your equipment has the capability to investigate.
the SDF-1 can do the same thing. You are able to unload When you choose this, roll and halve any successes you
your firepower on them while they are unsuspecting and receive. Each success provides you with information
vulnerable. This bonus only lasts for the first round, after about targets in the area. You may also attempt to learn
the enemy is prepared to engage you. about specific aspects of the area. Some clues may take
more than 1 success to uncover.
An enemy assassin is holding a gun to the head of your You plan with your friends that you want to interact with
ship’s captain. You choose to shoot the gun out of their a radar dish and use it to make a widespread EMP attack
hand using a redirect Action. You roll 3 successes and the against a large swarm of Pods. The GM tells you that this is
GM determines that this is enough to knock the gun away a complex plan, and as such you must work uninterrupted
from the captain’s head, but not enough to completely during the round and are therefore Slowed.
disarm the assassin.
Cinematic Phase
This is your chance to interact with the world. Take Actions in Initiative
this Phase to hack a terminal, rescue a falling child, or repair
a damaged relay. Taking Action in this Phase is the only way Within each Action Phase, you and your friends may choose
to alter the world directly by interacting with it. Cinematic to sequence your individual Actions based on the discussion
Actions are considered time-intensive or complex. As such, in the Communication Phase. However, the enemy and
these Actions are taken in the round’s last Action Phase. heroes roll together for each Action Phase. This means that
Interactions that are very limited in nature, such as pushing Actions and successes are all applied based on the plan as
a button, may be taken in earlier Phases. Here is a list of the prioritized by the GM. The GM reviews the successes achieved
Actions you may perform in the Ops Phase: and describes what occurs over that Phase before moving to
• Interact the next Phase.
• Inhibit
The following factors can contribute to prioritization: using
Interact Skills with tags that indicate they operate fast or slow, using
An interact allows you to turn your success into an interaction maneuver Actions to delay an enemy, and ambushes.
with the world or environment. Each success allows you to
interact with the world in an increasingly advanced way. An
interact Action allows you to hack a terminal or navigate an The players create a plan for the round. As they execute
asteroid field. The more successes you achieve, the greater this plan, the enemy also takes Actions. After all rolling
the results you achieve. is completed, successes are tallied and results are
determined. Even though all the rolling is performed at
once, the plan is carried out and the GM determines the
There are people on the top of a building cowering in result.
fear. A Zentraedi Pod fires missiles into the building and
it starts to collapse. You rush to save the civilians. You roll Movement
4 successes and the GM determines that you are able to Movement is generally conducted in the Ops Phase. Even
rescue them, just as the building collapses. though you may take your Actions during the Support or
the Cinematic Phases, you move during Ops. The GM will
Inhibit prioritize movement based on the fictional positioning of the
Inhibiting creates an obstacle for an enemy to overcome. By story and the choices you make.
inhibiting you subtract an enemy success for each success
you achieve. To successfully inhibit, you must be in range of Heighten
the enemy and in position to block or mitigate their ability to You may choose to take an Action in an earlier phase than
achieve their goal. normal by gaining Fatigue. Taking 1 point of Fatigue allows
you to take Action that would be performed in a subsequent
Phase, and move it to the top of the order. Doing so would
The enemy starts to hack into your system. You choose to allow someone to hack a terminal before the shooting starts,
build additional firewalls that will make the hack harder. or allow you to shoot an enemy before they have a chance to
You roll 2 successes to inhibit the hack. Now the hacker hide.
must gain 2 more successes to successfully hack.
Inform the GM and gain 1 Fatigue.
Conflict Bonus
You choose to attack and defend in the Ops Phase. You The GM may provide an Edge bonus if all the following
select your two Skills and roll 6 successes. You are able to conditions are met:
place all 6 success into attacking, defending, or distribute
them as you see fit. • You must be acting within your Element.
• You must be working with your allies using teamwork.
When you take a penalty or gain a bonus, assume the modifier You can act as an individual, away from your allies, as
is taken against the entire pool being rolled at once. A bonus long as you are part of a plan and do not act as a maverick.
should cancel out a penalty – and vice versa – based on GM • You must take Actions that are creative and integrate
discretion. Assume this is always the case unless the GM tells strongly with the fiction.
Based on the above points and how you work as a team, it • Knock Back or Knockdown: The force of the impact
may be possible that some get the bonus while others do not. knocks the target back away from you. It also could
As a guideline, it is intended that half of the players get the knock them down to the ground, reducing their ability
bonus each round. This will vary based on the GM, the players, to dodge.
and the game situation. • Friendly Fire: You trick the enemy into shooting their
Heroic Moves
Creating a Heroic Move is an important part of combat. It
allows you to make powerful effects that you normally could You are in your mecha and want to engage a soft target
not. You have one Heroic Move marked on your character of enemy troopers embedded in a mountainside. You
sheet that you can use at any time. Once the Move is used, choose to use the Close Quarters and Rapidfire Skills as
check the box on your sheet as a reminder. part of a Heroic Move. You want to charge in close, then
engage all the soldiers in one sweeping attack, instead of
The Heroic Move you choose should integrate with the engaging them bit by bit. The GM agrees with this idea
fiction, but also be creative, based on the Skills you chose to and lets you apply your damage to the soft target as if it
use. When you choose to activate a Move, inform the GM. was a hard target. This is a Heroic Move as it allows you
They will determine its ultimate effectiveness based on the to alter the standard combat procedure and achieve a
situation and your creativity. more advantageous result.
The following are examples of moves that you may create in Recovery: Once the Heroic Move is spent, it can take some
combat: time before you are prepared to make another. The GM will
reward strong and creative game play by recharging your
• Create Area Effects: Create a Line, Cone, or Blast effect. Heroic Move. After completing a story arc or pivotal scene,
Apply damage caused by your successes to all targets in all players recover their Heroic Moves.
the area of effect.
• Achieve a Boost: Gain additional speed or
units of distance.
• Hinder an Enemy: Shut down or weaken an
enemy system. This could mean disarming an
enemy or damaging an antenna array.
• All the Assist: When you take an assist for your
Action, you are able to give all your allies the assist
pool you rolled, instead of distributing them 1 for 1.
• Called Shot: Hit an exact spot on an enemy target.
This shot may be important for a number of reasons,
including causing the enemy to drop something, or
targeting a weak point.
• Universal Defense: Use your success for all incoming
damage, not just damage coming from a specific threat.
• Surprise Knockout: When you take an enemy by surprise,
you immediately knock them out. They fall unconscious
before being able to call for help.
• Pin Enemy: An enemy target is unable to move for a
short period of time. This could be from engines shorting
out or a boot getting snagged in rubble.
You score 4 attack success, therefore inflicting 4 damage. You want to spray your Assault Rifle fire to hit multiple
If the target defends, and receives 3 successes, then they targets. Based on the number of targets you wish to
are subject to 1 damage. affect and the situation, the GM determines that you
take a Disadvantage to the attempt. The benefit is that
Some weapons may utilize a damage multiplier. This means 1 your attack counts as a cone and any successes you gain
success inflicts 2x to 5x successes of damage from this type of affect all targets in the cone.
weapon. Usually, these weapons are specialized and designed
to engage a specific type of target. Damage Types
There are three damage types based on the size of the
weapon being used:
A Mini-Gun inflicts 3x damage to light Targets. This
means that for every success you get when using a Mini- • Light Damage: Bullets fired from small arms or a person
Gun, you inflict 3 damage to a light target. using a club inflicts light damage. Ten light damage
equals one mecha structure.
Designer Note: Damage in this game is very simple in nature. • Mecha Damage: Mecha stand 12 m tall. They have armor
It is assumed that 1 success of damage is a serious blow. Just not easily damaged by small arms. Ten mecha damage
a few successes can destroy a mecha or knock out a hero. equals one naval structure.
A weapon that deals mecha-class damage, for example, is • Naval Damage: Space ships or ground installations fire
considered to be able to harm and possibly destroy a mecha. immense weapons. One naval damage equals ten mecha
Damage Cascade For a light target to become damaged from a light weapon,
Ten light damage is equal to one mecha damage. Ten mecha the number of successes from an attack must exceed the
damage is equal to one naval damage. Light damage cannot target’s armor value. For each success that exceeds the
affect naval structure regardless of the damage inflicted. armor, the light structure target takes 1 damage.
Overkill Attacks A light target has a damage capacity. Once the capacity is
An Overkill attack is one where a higher type of damage is reached, it is destroyed, disabled, or killed – as per the GM.
attacking a lower type of structure. If a naval-class weapon Micronized characters and military trained personnel have 3
targeted a mecha, this would be considered an Overkill attack. damage capacity while civilians have 1. Typically, one attack
As described above, an Overkill attack inflicts 10 damage for causing mecha damage will destroy a light structure target
each success. If the number of defensive successes is able to (see “Damage Cascade” below).
reduce the attack to zero, then no damage is taken. However,
Armor is unlikely to stand a direct hit from Overkill weapons.
An assault rifle is used to attack a soldier wearing body
armor. The armor value is 2 and the attacker rolls 3
A mecha flies right in the line of fire of a naval ship’s successes. The armor is exceeded by 1, therefore the
guns. The naval vessel gains 3 successes to affect the soldier takes 1 damage.
mecha. The mecha performs a dodge action and also
gains 3 successes. This means the attack is reduced to Mecha-Class
zero and no damage occurs. If the mecha only received 2 Mecha damage is the scale used for mecha and fighter-based
successes, it would take 10 damage from the gun. combat. This is the damage dealt and received, to and from
mecha-class vehicles and Zentraedi soldiers. Some mecha
may carry weapons that specialize in dealing light or naval
damage. Review the equipment suite and features of each
Structure vehicle to become accustomed with the type of damage it
takes and receives.
Armor, damage, and structure are broken into classes. These
classes allow you to play out of your mecha and perform When an attack causing mecha damage hits a target with
starship combat. There are three types of structure and mecha structure, it takes one damage as long as the armor
damage: value is exceeded. This damage may be assigned to any part
of the mecha’s system.
• Light: Small vehicles, arms, and personal armor.
• Mecha: Large weapon systems, space fighters, and Mecha Framework: The mechanical components simple in
Zentraedi armor. nature are called framework. They tend to operate fully or not
• Naval: Massive ships and weapons protected by at all. When framework is damaged, reduce the associated
thick armor. value. Weapons and features are outright destroyed.
If there are three banks of lasers, all three must be
destroyed before the mecha’s lasers are rendered
inoperable. You target a mecha’s engines and inflict 1 system
damage. This reduces their effectiveness by 50%. On a
subsequent attack, you inflict 1 damage to your target’s
A mecha attack against a mecha gains 5 successes. The Targeting system, inflicting 1 level of damage.
mecha’s armor is 3. The successes exceeds the armor
by 2, therefore the mecha takes 2 damage. The pilot Note: The system must exist to assign damage to it. If the
chooses the location of the damage. They choose to mecha does not have a Targeting system, due to not having
place one damage to structure, declaring that an arm has weapons, it cannot be damaged.
been blown off. Then they state that the second damage
destroys their mecha’s missile system. Soft Targets
A soft target uses mecha structure, but has no armor. Soft
Mecha Systems Targets are usually buildings, troop squads, or light vehicles
Systems are made up of complex components and tend to working as a unit. A Soft Target never takes more than 1
be fragile. For each point of damage applied to a system, damage from an attack, regardless of the amount of successes
reduce total system points by one level, or Engines by two. A that may be gained against it. Area effect weapons inflict
level equals the effectiveness at which the system operates. additional damage to Soft Targets. Each success to the area
This refers to: Disadvantage, Hindrance, Nominal, Edge, and may be used to inflict 1 damage to the Soft Target assuming
Advantage. By default, all systems operate at a Nominal level. there is something to harm within the area.
However, they may become enhanced or hindered through
roleplaying and combat situations. Optional: Once the Soft Target loses half of its damage
capacity, it takes a Weapon penalty of 1 level. If reduced to
Each focused system attack only causes one level of damage 25%, increase the penalty to the next level.
regardless of how many successes are achieved. The GM
determines the number of successes required, and as long as
you reach this value, you inflict damage. In most cases you A Soft Target of embedded troopers takes 6 successes of
will have to exceed the target’s defense and armor as well. mecha damage from a mecha attack. The troopers take
1 damage. The mecha then fires a large missile which
Systems are not typically damaged, and may only be targeted engulfs the area, inflicting 5 successes of damage. The
through called shots – see page 164 – or a special ability like a remaining troopers are killed.
Talent or a Heroic Move.
• Engines: Engines propel the mecha. The Engines provide Naval damage and structure represents the damage dealt
a specified amount of speed, broken into four quarters. and taken by capital ships and base installations. Naval-class
As the Engines become damaged, the mecha’s maximum weapons are intended to engage other naval ships and as
speed is reduced by 25% per level of damage. such, have the ability to damage them. These weapons are
unable to target mecha-sized vehicles. Capital ships take
• Sensors: Sensors are an array of electronics that provides damage in the same way as light or basic mecha structure
the pilot with information about the surrounding area. units. Once all structure is lost, the ship becomes disabled. If
As they become damaged, the pilot is less able to it takes an additional amount of damage equal to its capacity,
understand the environment around them. it is destroyed. For a vessel with naval structure to become
• Sensor Damage: You are not able to “blind” a damaged, success from an attack must exceed its armor
mecha or naval vessel by taking the Sensors out. value.
These vessels have too many cameras or windows to
view the fight with. A loss of sensors means that the
vessel is unable to communicate with allies, scan the A Destroyer with naval armor of 3 takes 3 naval damage.
surrounding area, or navigate effectively. Since this damage only matches the armor, the Destroyer
does not take damage.
• Targeting: Targeting consists of a group of sensors that
specifically help aim weapons. If your Targeting array A Destroyer with naval armor of 3 takes 5 naval damage.
becomes damaged, you will not be able to aim your Since the damage exceeds the armor by 2, the Destroyer
weapons. takes 2 damage to its structure.
Adding Locations
Even though naval vessels, some mecha-class vehicles, and
light vehicles use a basic structure system, they do possess The History of Skull One
all listed locations under their profile. These locations may be
damaged if you specify how you are using your Skills to target Skull One, or VF 001, is one of the
a location. most colorful and famous examples of the
VF-1 Valkyrie. At its inception, it was the YF-1
prototype of the VF-X series. Commander
As you command a naval ship, you use Skills that help
you reposition to attack an enemy’s ship in the flank. Roy Fokker assisted in development, and the
You target a weapon bank and damage applied takes a protoculture aboard the plane seemed to fixate
weapon out. on him. Fokker worked on the development of
the first prototype, both as an engineer and test
If a large part of the game revolves around or utilizes light, pilot.
basic, or naval vessels, feel free to use the mecha location
Fokker flew as part of VF-103, the Jolly
system in the same way. Destroy the system or apply a
penalty for using it in an appropriate way. A pintle-mounted Rogers, during the Global War, and insisted the
machine gun operated manually by a gunner may not need a lucky livery be applied. Knowing the first Veritech
Targeting system, so in cases like these alter or remove the fighter from nose to foot as it were, and assisting
systems. in the design and testing, made Fokker familiar
with the VF-1 as it entered production.
In certain instances, special systems may be stronger or
As early VF production was slow in
weaker than a typical ones. One success may wipe out an
entire system, or if the system is redundant, not harm it at all. the beginning, after Fokker passed flight trials
The GM should take the best course of action based on the with the VF-X, the UEDF made a move to take
fiction presented. existing prototypes and advance them to the
production standard. Several test pilots crashed
their powerful Veritechs during trials, but Fokker
brought his plane home, VF-X No. 001, time
after time.
Humans and have three light wounds and Zentraedi have When the production standards were
fifteen light wounds. It’s possible to gain additional wounds met, Fokker insisted on being assigned No. 001.
from the “Soldier Up” Talent. The first two wounds are As the UEDF’s top ace, he was given latitude
considered brawl wounds. Losing these wounds does not on the fighter. Fokker saw it brought to the CAG
affect your hero in a negative manner.
Standard, the VF-1S, with a head unit and four
Zentraedi only take five wounds at a time. Each time five lasers, plus better data management than the
light wounds are taken, the Zentraedi loses one box on the VF-1A.
PC sheet. For each full multiple of five, subtract one wound. Upon Fokker’s death, Captain Gloval
If they take 3 wounds, lose no boxes. If 8 are taken, lose one insisted upon assigning the mecha to Fokker’s
box. If 11 are taken, lose two boxes. subordinate and friend, Lieutenant Rick Hunter.
Gloval offered it as a sentimental gesture. Hunter
The last wound is considered a critical wound, or for
Zentraedi, the last five. When the last critical wound is lost, found his mentor’s modification and controls to
you take penalties to all of your Skill rolls. NPCs and non- be well suited to his own training, having learned
heroic characters die or become incapacitated when the last basic flight – from a biplane to a fanjet – from his
wound it lost. If you take a wound beyond your last critical mentor.
wound, you are considered incapacitated or dead. Rick, notorious for losing planes while
flying the VF-1J, always managed to bring this
Brawl wounds recover each day with first aid and several jet home, even after Dolza’s Rain of Death.
days with natural healing. Critical wounds take one week to
recover with first aid and several weeks without treatment.
Coming out of an incapacitated state requires trained medical
attention and time in a hospital or clinic. Without the proper
treatment, an incapacitated character will die within hours.
wells can act as cover for naval vessels. Use the guidelines
above to provide cover for mecha and naval vessels.
Combat Rules Some weapons arc, which allows them to bypass some or all
of the benefits of cover. The benefit of an arcing weapon is
Combat Approaches determined by the GM.
In many cases, Actions are tied to the technical aspects of
mecha, naval vessels, or the capabilities of a soldier. When Melee Attacks and Ramming
attacking, you will typically use the associated values with Melee combat only occurs at close range, when combatants
your mecha’s weapons. are in reach or in direct contact. Punching, kicking, or using
a sword are performed in Melee range. If you do not have an
However, any stat may be used to perform any Action with appropriate melee weapon, you increase your target’s armor
good roleplaying and descriptions. The GM will decide the value by +1 when making melee attacks. This effectively
merit of any suggested approach and determine whether any makes the target’s armor better.
penalties apply.
Ships, vehicles, and certain mecha may not be able to make
melee attacks at all. They can ram instead. Ramming allows
Your mecha’s weapons have been crippled. You choose you to use your hull or structure to apply damage to your
to make a highly dangerous maneuvering attack that target. This is risky, as you may take more damage than you
keys off your thrusters. You want to move in and grab a inflict. To ram, make an attack roll as normal. If you succeed,
piece of the enemy mecha and rip it off. The GM likes this apply any successes as damage, but take half of the successes
idea and allows you to use your thrusters to attack, but against yourself as damage as well. Use armor as normal
determines it is Risky. You need at least 2 successes to for you and the target. Your rate of speed will be taken into
keep from taking damage for making the attempt. consideration as a modifier when rolling.
Designer Note: The goal of this rule is to help expand the Called Shots
creative space that players have. We don’t want to say hard You may damage specific locations on light, mecha, or naval
and fast rules are the only way to do things. However, this type vessels. This means that the attacker decides where to place
of rule usage should only be used with a strong, creative idea the damage instead of the vessel’s operator. If you attack with
based on or in response to the situation and environment. a called shot, you could disarm a soldier or shoot the tires
out of an MPV. Calling a shot on a mecha means you could
Cover choose to damage a specific location. On naval vessels you
Using environmental objects to defend against enemy fire is may target specific systems. The GM determines how many
known as taking cover. Taking cover provides you with armor. successes are required to achieve a location benefit and the
Cover can absorb the impact of a shot or obscure a target so exact extent the effect has.
the attacker misses. Armor provided from using cover does
not stack with armor from a mecha, ship, or suit. You always
take the best armor value but must be at least able to hide You are in a small arms fire fight. You exceed your target’s
50% of your craft or body to use cover. Use the following defenses and score 2 successes. The GM allows you to
guidelines for assigning armor from cover: disarm your target instead of inflicting damage.
• Partially Obscuring Vegetation – 50%: 1 Armor Certain Talents and Skills may allow you to make called shots
• Heavy Wooden Structures: 1 Armor without GM permission or taking penalties.
• Thin Metal Structures: 1 Armor
• Heavily Obscuring Vegetation – 75%: 2 Armor Concentrated Fire
• Stone or Metal Structures: 2 Armor Over the course of a round, additional instances of damage
• Peephole – 90% cover: 3-4 Armor may stack to bypass armor values. For this to occur, all
damage must be inflicted in the same round against the same
area, as determined by the GM. This only occurs when a lower
You are wearing a light-class armor suit that provides class of damage is used against a higher class of armor. Ten
a protection of 1. You move behind a concrete wall and successes must be scored to inflict 1 damage to the higher
prepare to return fire. The Wall provides an armor of 2, armor class.
therefore your armor is 2 against shots taken from the
opposite side of the wall.
An order comes down to attack a Zentraedi Scout Ship.
Cover won’t last forever if it remains under fire. Each shot The Veritechs dive in. The first gains 7 success, the next
inflicts damage to the material and will clear coverage or two gain 4 each, and the final gains 5. All this happens in
degrade structure. The GM determines how effective cover one round of engagement, and since 20 successes were
remains under fire. Asteroids, drifting hulks, and strong gravity scored the Scout Ship takes 2 naval damage.
Missiles Variable Transformation
Missiles are a standard complement for mecha and naval- Valkyrie fighters are Veritechs and as such are capable of
class vessels. Missiles are contained in bays or carried on hard transformation. Valkyries can change configuration from a
points on mecha and in ammo storage inside naval ships. On fighter jet to a robot. Between configurations is a hybrid that
mecha, the missiles are fired directly from the container. Anti- resembles both a jet and a robot. Here are the transformation
ship Reflex Missiles are fired through Torpedo Tubes on naval modes:
• Fighter: The Valkyrie looks like a high tech jetcraft. In this
Missiles are always fired as part of an equipment suite Skill. mode, it has the highest speed and gross maneuverability.
Missiles cannot be fired in Melee range and are limited to
their indicated range. Missiles may be used as a part of any • Guardian: In this mode, the Valkyrie looks like a jet, but
Action Type. instead of a tail, it has robot legs that swing forward so
it can stand. It also deploys arms which increase its field
A Reflex Missile has an Extreme range, but may only travel of fire.
up to Long range within a standard combat turn. This means
it may take several rounds before it can strike the target. • Battloid: The Valkyrie changes into a robot. The nose
Ultimately, the number of rounds the missiles travel depends of the fighter folds down, becoming the chest, and the
on how much time the GM allocates to each round. Shooting vehicle’s head deploys. The machine stands upright and
these missiles at targets far away is less effective, as the has the highest discrete maneuverability.
enemy has a longer period of time to react to the incoming
threat. Once per turn you can transform into one of modes.
Transforming counts as an equipment suite and acts as a
Note: The UEDF Phalanx Destroid may fire Missiles as a 1-4 dice Skill depending on the situation – 2 being standard.
standard attack. The attack is made up of missiles and treated To be able to use the equipment suite, you must be able
as such regarding special abilities. This attack may be used in to transform into the intended mode. Transforming into
conjunction with the Phalanx’s Tactical Missiles equipment Fighter mode would allow you to gain the equipment suite
suite. benefit to defend against long-ranged attacks. Remaining
in the transformed state will not allow you to use the
mode as an equipment suite in subsequent rounds. You
must transform into a different mode to gain the benefit.
Designer Note: Ultimately, the exact distances used don’t
matter much. What matters is that the vehicles move the
There is a tight pack of Pods that you wish to engage. proper distances in relation to each other. The GM should feel
You run at them at high speed in Fighter Mode, then at free to modify distances or speeds to suit their play style or
the last minute you transform into Guardian mode. Your the group’s needs.
Veritech slows and you deftly maneuver through the
swarm, gunning them down as you watch them panic. Using Space and Ground Units
The GM thinks this is a great way to use Transformation Due to the massive scale differences, Game Units are
and grants the equipment suite 3 dice. calculated differently. It is possible to combine space and
ground speeds without involving massive measurement
distances. Take a section of the play area and designate it for
ground combat. All heroes and vehicles in this area move using
Ranges and Speed Ground Units. Outside of the designated area, combatants
use Space Units. If a jet or mecha flies across the designated
Ranges and speed vary between ground combat and space Ground Unit area, reposition it correctly as it leaves the area.
Designer Note: The GM might have to do some creative
Ground Units interpolation to get movement rates to work properly.
Engagements on the ground between ground-based vehicles, They’re encouraged to make stuff up as needed to help the
mecha, and combatants on foot are tracked using ground game run smoothly. The most important thing is that vehicles
units. Ground speed is displayed in kilometers per hour. Top move appropriately in relation to each other.
speed is double the listed speed value, but is only used when
fleeing or when not in combat situations. Game Units allow Destroids in Space: Due to the massive scale and speeds of
you to use a tape measure to move your hero or a vehicle in space combat, Destroids are just too slow to keep up. They
inches across the play area. are able to move 1 Space Unit each round, and may double
this if they do nothing else. The Monster Destroid is so large
Aircraft move vastly faster than ground vehicles. In most that once it’s in place it cannot move for the remainder of a
cases, an aircraft will only be visible in the air for one round space combat. However, as described above, the GM may
total as it passes overhead. Helicopters may choose to remain isolate a portion of the game area to use for ground combat.
over a ground combat area as long as and at a speed the pilot
chooses. If an aircraft uses a high altitude or makes a long Top Speed: Mecha and naval vessels can move many times
turn over the ground combat area, it will be visible for a longer their listed speed stat while in space. However, performing
period of time. maneuvers at such high speeds can cause the vessel’s pilots
and crew to take damage or even be killed from the forces.
Designer Note: Depending on how the GM runs the game or The listed speeds are intended for combat.
the situation, use the most appropriate speeds to suit your
game’s needs. We have listed three values for speeds to help It is assumed that if combat is not occurring and a vessel does
you play with different combat scales and situations. Choose not need to maneuver, it can travel at least twice the listed
what is right for you. speed for atmospheric conditions and ten times the listed
speed when in space.
Using a Measuring Tape: If you want to represent the action
of the game on a tabletop using miniatures, we suggest If a ship chooses to leave combat by initiating top speed, it
using inch or centimeter scale for ground movement. One cannot take defend Actions.
inch (or centimeter) equals one Game Unit. An inch scale
works better for foot soldiers, while a centimeter scale works Accelerating and Decelerating – Optional Rule: When a
better for ground vehicle combat, involving tanks, trucks, and vehicle moves after being stopped, it only moves at half rate.
Destroids. Likewise, if a moving vehicle wants to stop, it must first move
at least half the distance traveled in the previous round.
Space Units
This involves large ships, aircraft, and mecha that can traverse Ranges
large amounts of distance. Space Units are used during space There are two levels of ranges: one for in atmosphere combat
and aerial battles due to the vast speed differences between and another for space combat. Ranges are broken into
jets and ground vehicles. Speed is listed in km/h, km per round, distance using either meters or game units in a similar fashion
and game units. One Space Game Unit of distance equates to to the speed rules above. Use the chart below to determine
500 meters. Speeds are listed for combat; movement may be ranges for your engagements:
doubled, but at the risk of taking a piloting penalty.
Ground Combat: Use these ranges when fighting on foot out • Co-Pilot: The co-pilot has access to three piloting Skills
of your mecha. with 3 points in each. If you are in a vessel with a co-pilot,
gain a bonus Action with a Skill of 2 in piloting.
• Melee: Under 10 m or 1 Unit
• Short: 10 m to 60 m or 1 to 6 Units Squads
• Medium: 60 m to 120 m or 6 to 12 Units NPC squads of marines or squadrons of mecha may be placed
• Long: 120 m to 360 m or 12 to 36 Units under your command for an assignment. Controlling your
• Extreme: Over 360 m or 36 Units own character is tough enough, and trying to manage many
more can be nearly impossible. Therefore, the GM should
Space Combat: Use these ranges when piloting mecha or balance the enemy or obstacles to tie up the subordinate
capital ships. NPCs. You may assist NPCs in the same way you assist a
player character and may sacrifice your Actions to take
• Melee: Under 500 m or 1 Unit Actions through a subordinate. Other than giving orders to
• Short: 500 m to 3 km or 1 to 6 Units them, assisting them, or taking Actions through them, the
• Medium: 3 km to 6 km or 6 to 12 Units GM controls squads’ Actions and effectiveness. Treat them
• Long: 6 km to 12 km or 12 to 24 Units as a friendly swarm for damaging purposes (see page 169 for
• Extreme: Over 12 km or 24 Units details on swarms).
Attack Ranges: All weapons have a listed range. This is When an NPC squad member has a capability that a PC does
the maximum range the weapon may fire for effect. Some not, you may take advantage of that ability. The GM rolls or
weapons are listed as “extended,” marked with an [E]. This determines the squad member’s effectiveness. For the basic
means it can shoot beyond the listed range, taking a level of effectiveness of NPC, see the Conflicts section starting on
penalty for each increment after. page 169.
• Extreme Range: Extreme is the longest range a weapon You are able to take Actions through nearby friendly units. You
may fire. However, there is no maximum limit to Extreme may take your Actions using the squad as a vector. You may
range. This means that it goes on infinitely, whereas even activate an equipment suite owned by the squad you are
weapon fire cannot. It is up to the GM to determine the controlling. Using squads this way is done in a similar manner
extent an extended range weapon may fire. to using crew to fire weapons on your orders (see below). One
limitation is the commanded squad must be able to carry
out the order or take advantage of your encouragement.
This means they must have the power, skill, or equipment to
Commanding Subordinates execute the actions.
In cases of extreme damage, drowning, starvation, exposure,
or suffocation, the GM may determine how your character
Boarders are moving through the SDF-1 and are starting dies. For these instances, no roll is needed.
to attack Macross City. You take an Action to assist the
pilots and marines defending the city. The GM chooses If you are piloting a mecha and it becomes destroyed by
a check of 3 to neutralize the forces and you roll a 2. The mecha-class or a naval weapon, you are considered to be
fighting continues and you may need to dedicate future incapacitated and must roll on the chart. From a roleplaying
Actions to deal with the threat. standpoint, you are either blown out of your mecha, the
mecha is blown open and you are still in the cockpit, or you
As an engagement unfolds, the GM will update you on the are instantly killed with the mecha’s destruction. The GM may
details regarding your vessel. This includes where boarders choose how this is played out.
may have infiltrated and the status of the defense forces
inside the ship. Companions are killed as soon as they lose their third wound.
Designer Note: We want players to feel as if there are epic Mecha Damage
battles taking place all around them. However, we want When using High Lethality rules, all mecha systems are
to keep the rules in line with traditional RPGs rather than considered to be fragile. Any damage taken to system
wargames. The GM is encouraged to place friendly units all completely destroys it. Also, the pilot takes 1 damage each
over an area of conflict, fighting the enemies. Players should time this happens. Framework is used in the same manner as
have a chance to interact with these NPC units by ordering or described on page 161.
assisting them.
In High Lethality Mode, Stress is handled normally except
for mental breaks. When a mental break occurs, you act as
High Lethality Mode – Optional Rule described, but are incapable of handling the pressures of
combat. You take a Disadvantage to all Actions and are visibly
High Lethality mode is meant to increase the chance of disturbed. If you are on a mission, your friends will have to
a player character dying. This is to simulate the inherent help you survive. If you are on base, you will be grounded and
dangers of space combat in the Robotech Universe. When not allowed to participate in combat actions.
playing with high lethality rules, you are not considered a
hero. Instead, you play the role of a supporting character. After a mental break occurs, you lose 1 Stress box in the
Tracker permanently. You also require long sessions of
Character death in high lethality mode is considered common therapy and medication for a month before being cleared for
if combat occurs regularly. You may want to have several active duty again. Non-military characters will act out their
characters written up before playing so that you can swap in mental break at their workplace or in public. Usually they are
another character if the one you are playing dies or becomes sent home or to a hospital to recover.
Play a Squad
Physical Damage High Lethality Mode is a great way for a gaming group to play
When you take an amount of damage that exceeds your last a squad. Since characters are lost more frequently, you are
critical wound, you may end up dead. Heroic characters are able to swap between the members of the squad. This allows
considered knocked out, but when playing a character in you to tell the story of each member and tell the squad’s story
high lethality mode you must roll a d6 on the chart below to as you cycle through the members. When one becomes hurt
determine what happens: and must spend time to recover, choose a new member to
play until they heal up and return.
1. You are incapacitated and recover normally.
2. You are mortally wounded and will die in minutes if not Designer Note: In normal play, the GM usually tilts the
stabilized; recovery will take weeks. game difficulty away from the players. This is reasonable and
3. You are mortally wounded and will die in seconds if not generally ubiquitous as it applies to RPG games. However,
stabilized; recovery will take months. for High Lethality Mode, the GM should tilt the difficulty
4. You lose a limb or are blinded; pilots with these injuries toward the players. Don’t hold dice back or cut the number
must find other work. of successes rolled in order to protect a character from harm.
5. You die instantly.
6. You die instantly and your body is vaporized.
When you saddle up in your Valkyrie Fighter, take the stick, A swarm uses combat tactics that involve sending massive
and launch, you will encounter the worst of the enemy in all amounts of small fighter craft to overwhelm a target. Swarms
its glory. The enemy will not take it easy on you. They will try are made up of low-skilled pilots operating low-powered
to kill you, using all of their wit, training, and valor. To make it vessels. Heroes treat the entire swarm as an obstacle which
back home, you must use all of your cunning, equipment, and could match the danger of a single elite pilot. Use the
will to survive. following rules when deploying swarms:
A Conflict is a term used to describe an encounter with a Actions: The swarm in total can take a total number of
combat-capable enemy. Conflicts are serious in nature and Actions equaling one per vessel. However, swarm members
can kill you or your friends. If you and your team are flying taking individual Actions cannot take advantage of the
a total of four Veritechs, fighting one lonely Pod, this isn’t Combined Force rule below. Usually the swarm will take one
much of a Conflict. However, facing fifty Pods is very much a to two Actions total.
serious Conflict. When a combat situation occurs, the GM will
describe the immediate and known Conflicts. These may not Combined Force: Swarm members using the same Action
be directly visible, but perhaps detected by a forward scout or for the same goal roll their dice pool together as if they are a
reports from those engaged thousands of miles away. more powerful single entity. If five members of a ten mecha
swarm are attacking, then their roll counts as one attack as
You and your team must assess the Conflicts and decide how opposed to five individual attacks.
to proceed. Based on your objectives, you may need to get
creative to deal with a large group of enemy fighters or an Basic: Each vessel is basic in nature, meaning that damage
encroaching capital ship. that bypasses armor is always applied to structure. Hardware
points are ignored. See page 161 for more on basic structure.
Types of Conflicts
It is up to the GM to determine the type and severity of the Armor: Each vessel uses its standard armor value. A vessel
Conflict. There are 5 types of Conflicts: cannot be damaged unless its armor is bypassed.
• Swarms: Swarms are made up of many individual, but Speed: Each vessel uses its own speed, but usually the swarm
small, units. When a swarm is encountered, it is initially moves together unless it breaks up; see below.
at its most dangerous. As it’s reduced in size, the swarm
becomes more manageable. Structure: Each vessel in the swarm has its structure reduced.
For every 3 structure listed, gain 1 swarm structure.
• Bosses: A Boss is a villain who is too powerful to be part
of a swarm. A Boss uses advanced equipment and is Dice Pools: The swarm has access to 1 die for each member
highly skilled. They are not easy to defeat and must be for any Action. If there are 12 swarm members attacking, then
dueled or overpowered. they may roll a total of 12 dice. If 6 are attacking and 6 are
defending, then roll 6 dice to attack and 6 dice to defend. The
• Naval Vessels: Even the powerful SDF-1 cannot defeat entire swarm does not have to engage one target. Any of the
an entire fleet of Zentraedi Cruisers. Each naval vessel is dice may be broken into separate action pools. One swarm
treated as an individual Conflict that must be considered. of 12 may use 6 dice to make an attack against 1 player, use
4 dice to attack another, and the remaining 2 can be used to
• Social: Villains and challenges exist in many forms. defend against another.
Someone spreading rumors about you, or trying to kill
your career, poses a serious challenge to your well-being. Equipment Suites: Only one out of every five members of a
swarm can use their equipment suite. This involves increasing
• Environmental: Sometimes the world seems like it’s the dice pool by the amount equal to what the equipment
out to get you. Fires break out, support beams become suite provides. All requirements for an equipment suite are
unstable, and people get trapped under debris. If that fire still in effect. This includes range and situation requirements.
spreads to the armory, it could be catastrophic.
Heroic Moves: Swarms cannot take Heroic Moves. When you fight a Boss, you use the same rules for attacking
and damaging that you use for heroes. A boss’s mecha retains
Breaking Up: Swarms may be disbanded or reformed. When all its armor, structure, and equipment suites. A boss is
this happens, the GM should explain that the swarm Conflict designed with Skills and values based on his level of Conflict.
has changed. Bosses take Actions in the same manner as player heroes do.
Attacking Swarms The values on the chart are the total number of dice rolled
When you attack a swarm, you apply your successes to when selecting the associated Action type. This doesn’t
the swarm as if it were a single entity. If you score 6 attack include additional dice for using an equipment suite each
successes, then you inflict 6 damage to the swarm. If the round. There are two types of bosses:
swarm has an armor: 1, then you may be able to destroy 3
swarm vessels with 6 successes if they have 1 structure (after Lieutenants
halving). If there are two swarms and each has two vessels, Lieutenants are powerful personalities and dangerous
you may not use damage from attacking one swarm to harm opponents. Lieutenants command swarms, but follow the
another. orders of villains. They usually do the dirty work for the true
villains and are encountered more frequently. You will usually
Other Actions find one lieutenant commanding 1-3 swarms or a single naval
Defending, maneuvering, and cinematic actions are all vessel.
performed the same way against a swarm. The GM may
modify any rules to help these Actions operate smoothly Lieutenants use a very basic Skill structure that allows the
when employed against a swarm. GM to take their actions quickly. They may take two Actions,
using any of the listed Action types. They are unable to create
Swarm Encounters Heroic Moves and do not have access to Talents, but use
Swarms are made up of multiple vessels – from a few units equipment suites as normal.
to a few dozen units – that attack together as one entity.
The Conflict level is based upon to the number and type of Lieutenant Encounters
enemies encountered. Below are lists of the typical number There are two types of Lieutenants:
of enemies encountered. Each entry also lists a minimum
Conflict level. To increase the Conflict level, combine multiple • Minor Lieutenant: Minor lieutenants are usually found
swarms together and add their Conflict levels together. leading small forces. They are usually ordered by a Major
lieutenant, or a group of them are ordered by a villain.
Typical swarm groupings: The GM should construct swarms Minor lieutenants are typically not important to the
to best suit the game’s fiction and the number of martial story, but can become a recurring menace. Choose one
characters present. Here is a list of some example swarms: from the chart below or make up your own.
• Talents: Choose 1 - 3
action pilot officer marine engineer • Skills: Select 4 - 6 Skills
• Total Points: 15 - 23
Attack 4 1 3 1 • Skill Maximums: 4
• Total Fatigue: 1 - 3
Defend 3 2 4 2 • Burnout: 5 - 6
Redirect 2 3 1 2 • Major Villain: Major villains are those with the complete
power. They control weaker villains and set dark
Assist 2 4 2 3 machinations in motion. Often a Major villain’s presence
is unknown, or they’re well guarded. These adversaries
Interact 1 2 2 4 will stop at nothing to reach their goals. It will take all of
your might and your friends’ help to defeat a Major villain.
Use the following guidelines to create a Major villain.
Villains serve as the true rival of the heroes. While villains • Talents: Choose 2 - 6
command lieutenants, some villains are commanded by even • Skills: Select 6 - 10 Skills
more powerful villains. A villain of any Conflict level should • Total Points: 21 - 32
be approached carefully. Villains include ace pilots, master • Skill Maximums: 6
engineers, and powerful enemy officers. • Total Fatigue: 3 - 5
• Burnout: 6 - 8
Villains are played in the same way as PC heroes. They are able
to take Heroic Moves just as a hero and they have access to
any number of Talents. Villains also have Fatigue points which
may be spend to exceed their Burnout. If they cannot exceed Naval Vessels
their Burnout, they take a Mental Break just like a hero.
Naval ships are enormous weapons that can destroy an
Villain Encounters entire city with an orbital strike. They are armed with massive
There are two types of Villains: weaponry, thick armor, and a large complement of fighter
craft. These ships are formidable and each is considered its
• Minor Villain: Minor villains are persistent antagonizers own Conflict. Naval ships are never encountered as swarms.
that tend to be the face of danger. They operate behind
lieutenants, giving orders and personally lead attacks Naval ships take two Actions and are able to use any
when the stakes are raised. A Minor villain has an idea of equipment suites, but are only able to create Heroic Moves
how they want things to unfold and works to achieve it. if commanded by a named villain. Otherwise, naval ships are
Use the following guidelines to create a Minor villain: played as standard based on the rules found on page 162.
naval vessel
Scout Command Gunship Destroyer Carrier Flagship Base Ship Armor Oberth SDF-1
Assist 2 3 2 2 2 3 4 2 3 3
Attack 3 3 5 4 2 5 2 2 3 6
Defend 2 4 2 4 5 5 6 3 2 4
Redirect 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 3
Interact 2 2 1 2 3 4 3 3 1 3
Due to their size and their large amount of crew, it is unlikely Stress
the players will interact with a large portion of a naval vessel’s When social engagements are lost, you may end up with new
capabilities. It is up to the GM to present the Conflict the naval Drama or Fatigue. Gaining new Stress is dependent on how
vessel represents. When one is encountered, you will likely be personal or entangling the engagement is. Even in the result
responsible for damaging specific naval systems, infiltrating of a social victory, the GM may still give you Stress.
the ship, or assisting with its destruction.
Naval Vessel Encounters • Swarms: Swarms are groups of people who have a
• Naval Vessels: Naval vessels are so large and powerful strongly-aligned ideology. They spur each other on.
that even just one is considered a Conflict. Naval ships A swarm can act as an angry mob, a biased jury, or an
are used to attack other ships or ground targets directly, audience of naysayers. A social swarm can be difficult to
but often carry thousands of troops and mecha. The address as you must deal with each member separately.
presence of a naval vessel in direct contact with friendlies Attack a social swarm the same way as a swarm of mecha
is a serious issue. or soldiers. Your successes cause the swarm to turn away
or cease activities.
The values below indicate the total number of dice rolled
when taking the associated Action type. A naval vessel may • Lieutenants: Lieutenants typically work for villains
choose to use an equipment suite as well, which is not included and aim at achieving their boss’s agenda. A social
below. The GM may decide to use a generic equipment suite lieutenant can be a bad cop, an unyielding reporter, or a
worth 2 dice, which will prevent having to look up a vessel’s manufacturing plant manager. You can turn or dissuade
specific stats. a lieutenant, but they tend to be very loyal, so this takes
a clever tactics and significant effort. Use the associated
Action values for the lieutenants found on page 170.
Overwhelming 10 4-6
Game Play
If the first attempt fails and the GM allows an additional
attempt to succeed, the player should attempt another
Game Play Rules approach to solve the problem or task. If the second attempt
fails as well, another approach should be chosen, and so on.
Read as Written This, along with the strength of the roll, provides the most
This game presents rules as guidelines to provide a fun important reasons for rolling.
Robotech experience. Rules exist only as a frame to help
achieve that goal. Rules also help to set expectations within Chekhov’s Gun Principle
player groups and between players and the GM. Robotech The basic principle for Chekhov’s Gun states that elements
means different things to different people and the game does that are introduced to a story should be used and integrated
not intend to stand in the way of how people view Robotech. into the story as it moves forward. This principle supports and
If the group decides something should be changed, then synergizes with other principles, such as foreshadowing. If
change it. If the group agrees that the rules as written are the GM describes something, players can use the introduced
great, then don’t change them. Play the game and have fun. element to move the story forward. In essence, if the GM
decides to take the effort of using words, the elements being
Stay in the Fiction described are important enough to be leveraged in the game.
Everything that happens in the game is known as the Fiction. Players can investigate these elements or use them as jump
When the players work together they should be rewarded points to create Heroic Moves.
with a bonus to their rolls. The goal is to integrate player
interaction with in-game plot events. Players use the agency
their characters provide to perform rewarding and meaningful The characters walk through a downtrodden area of
actions. the SDF-1. The architecture here is broken and cracked,
graffiti covers the walls, and the lighting is inconsistent
The game uses several different rules to help drive player due to poor maintenance. One player decides to use the
interaction and move the story forward. The GM should not low lighting to move stealthily, while another investigates
describe any of these to the players, but they should use them the graffiti to see if they can determine the artist’s name
behind the scenes. The goal is to try to keep the game in the – they may be plugged into the happenings on the street.
fiction of the Robotech Universe and allow the players to Another investigates the buildings to see how damaged
stay in character. As a rule, players should work together as it they are.
relates to events that occur in the game.
During an engagement, the player moving through the low
Designer Note: Leaving the Fiction of an RPG creates a meta- light gets the drop when they decide to take Action. Another
state. This is where the players leave the roleplaying world to uses what they learned to create a Heroic Move of shooting
discuss rules or options, usually of a technical manner. The loose concrete to have it fall nearby and knock out some
goal is to stay in the Fiction as much as possible. A reward for ruffians. During the fight, one player recognizes similar art
working together and strong roleplaying is a carrot used to on one of the ruffians’ backpacks to the graffiti. They makes
encourage players to do just this. sure to tell the others not to hurt the artist, so they can get
information from them.
Reasons for Rolling
The Robotech RPG takes the following position regarding This rule is very important as it empowers players to make
rolling: decisions and move the story forward by playing off the world
itself. It also allows players who are interested in an aspect of
“Rolling is performed so if you fail, you have the chance to the world to leverage their interest and be rewarded for it.
choose a new course of action in a subsequent attempt to
solve the problem.” Staying in Character and Engaging the GM
Game play is best when the players stay in character and
This means a failed roll presents an opportunity for players work through the story by roleplaying and interacting with
to make new choices after the initial attempt fails. Upon each other or NPCs. Players should avoid engaging the GM
successive failures the player might try to roll again, or run unless they have questions, or the GM asks for clarification on
out of ideas, or the GM might place a cap on the attempt (see a player’s intent. The proper method for roleplaying a turn is
page 58). In most cases, the GM should provide an opportunity performed as so:
to allow players to try again.
• The GM describes to the players what’s happening in the Personal Events
world. Personal Events are enacted by one or two of the players.
• The players discuss their plans. These events have little to no impact on the broader story
• Each player describes their action to the GM, then states and provide the opportunity for the player to have agency
what Skills and equipment suites are being used. over their character. Personal Events provide the time for
• The players roll and the GM implements roll modifiers. the player to have interactions that are more important to
the characters than the story. Use the time to cause Drama,
Players should not ask the GM if they “can” do something. relieve Stress, or investigate something of interest.
Players should describe what they intend to do. The GM may
choose to inform the player of something their character A Personal Event should only last a few rounds of interaction
would know – see below – which would cause the player to and should not take away from the overall game experiences
change their intent. Creative roleplaying will be rewarded of other players.
by the GM with positive modifiers. Also, using this guideline
reduces play drag and provides more play time for everyone.
A pilot wants to discuss upgrading their mecha with an
Character Knowledge vs Player Knowledge engineer. This is a simple interaction that has little to no
It’s quite possible that a character will possess more bearing on the game’s overall plot or story.
knowledge about the world than the player will. At times,
the player will have more knowledge about the world than Minor Events
the character. In either case, the information the character These Events are significant to the story, but may not involve
possesses takes precedence. all the players. These Events last a few rounds, but do not take
long to resolve. Only the characters that are relevant to the
This means if the player tries to operate the character in a Event take actions. This has the potential to take play time
way that takes advantage of their out-of-game knowledge, away from those not involved with the Minor Event, so the
the GM can deny the action. goal is to keep the interaction as concise as possible.
The player wishes to fire their Valkyrie’s missiles into the While in Macross City, part of the group learns about a
exhaust vent of the cruiser to score automatic critical spy. They go to investigate, which turns into a chase.
hits. The GM has not shared any cruiser designs, nor has Ultimately, the spy gets away before the allies of the
the player attempted to study them. Therefore, the GM party arrive to help. Each player involved gets two to
tells the player that the attack will be treated as normal. three turns in sequence to work through the Event, but
not everyone is involved.
Likewise, if the player attempts to do something that their
character might not, the GM should inform them that their Major or Epic Events
character would know something. This new information may These Events are significant enough to the story that all
influence their choice of action. the players must contribute. With each round of Action,
every player must be given a turn. The GM should construct
situations that allow every player to interact with the story or
A player wants their pilot to charge a large swarm of Pods Event. Due to the significant nature of the Event, all heroes
with their Valkyrie. The GM tells the player that their must interact with it. Major Plot Events will typically take
character knows this fight may kill them. several rounds to resolve.
Epic Events are similar to Major Events, but are even more
important to the heroes and story. Epic Events should be
Plot Events longer in duration and have higher stakes.
Plot Events are tied to Conflicts. While some Conflicts may
persist through Plot Events, new Conflicts emerge from or rising
make up a Plot Event. The players will be challenged to make event action climax conclusion
important and creative decisions to overcome or mitigate
the Conflicts. As swarms of Pods assault the SDF-1, Zentraedi Personal 1-2 Rounds - -
naval vessels bear down and chaos in Macross City breaks
out. Fires flare out of control and children are separated from Minor 0-1 Round 1-2 Rounds 0-1 Round
their parents.
Major 1 Round 1-3 Rounds 1-2 Rounds
The GM can use any and all of these things to stress the
players. The GM is allowed and encouraged to throw more Epic 1-2 Rounds 2-5 Rounds 2 Rounds
Conflicts at the players than they can handle. At the end of
the Plot Event, each Conflict is resolved based on the actions
the players took.
Player Involvement The number of Beats set by the GM should never be revealed
It is up to the GM to create reasons or provide Conflicts that to the players unless it is being associated with a countdown
are exciting for the players to confront. It also the GM’s job to that the PCs can track. If the characters have knowledge
ensure everyone at the game table gets equal playtime over pertaining to an impending Conflict, then the moment the
the course of a session regardless of their Careers. With the Conflict activates will be apparent well in advance.
proper Conflict balancing, this shouldn’t be an issue.
The GM may place a die in view of all players. The value shown
Setting Beats face up is the number of rounds before the Conflict must be
Beats are rounds of play. Every time a player takes action, Resolved. With each round, reduce the value by 1. When the
they are acting on a Beat. Beats help drive Plot Events by result hits 0, the Conflict must Resolve and the heroes have
setting the tempo of the game is played with. There are three run out of time to interact with it any more.
types of Beats: Rising Action, Climax, and Resolution:
Resolving Conflicts
• Rising Action: These are the actions that set up the Events never last longer than the GM sets them to. Once
event. Rising Actions are used to help prepare for the the beats have all been played through, the Plot Event ends.
high excitement of the event. This is the time that the Some events may be more resolved than others. The GM will
players may use to prepare. During a battle, Rising Action describe what happens as a result of how the players chose to
is the time when players scan the area, set an ambush, or deal with the events. There may be more Conflicts presented
engage smaller or weak targets. than the characters can cope with. The fallout may be severe.
• Climax: The Climax helps drive the most exciting part The goal is to push the players to multi-task and encourage
of the Plot Event. Here, players fight tough bosses, them to be as creative as possible. Every round counts, and if
get overwhelmed with swarms of enemies, or have to the players run out of rounds, Drama may occur as a result of
perform delicate work in stressful conditions. The bulk of the fallout from unresolved events.
actions for most events are during the Climax.
• Conclusion: As the event unfolds, it becomes clear what The GM places three Conflicts for the heroes to face: a
the outcome will be. The Conclusion provides time for swarm of Pods, a Minor villain, and rescuing civilians from
the players to finalize events. If the enemy proves to be a rampaging Zentraedi Warrior. This is set as a Minor Plot
superior, the players may have to retreat. If they have Event and the GM decides to make this run for 5 rounds.
been victorious, they may take this time to mop up the
enemy forces. After the conclusion, the GM resolves the Event. The
Pods were annihilated, and the Zentraedi Warrior was
The GM should not discuss Beats with players, but use them severely injured. However, the villain’s mecha was barely
as a guide to help drive or steer events. Use the following scratched. The GM decides that the Pods are gone so
chart to help determine the number of actions each type of there’s no resolution needed, and the Warrior ends up
Beat gets. being killed but in return kills a few civilians. However,
the villain strafes the SDF-1 and damages the sensors
Designer Note: This is a guideline and is meant to help GMs before retreating.
control the amount of interactions players have with different
levels of events.
cases, the GM can use their meta knowledge to burden the
players by reducing Heroic Move potency, reducing access to
GM Hints equipment, or by doling out Stress.
At times, a Talent or Skill may provide a hint as an award for The spirit of the game guides the GM to use this power
succeeding at a Challenge. This sort of GM hint provides the responsibly and to the benefit of the players.
player within a piece of information about the game. Usually,
the information is something the player could not intuit. Compelling Heroes
Hints should help the players move the story forward without It’s important for the players to feel engaged with the game
revealing too much. and the story. The best way for this to happen is to provide
character motivation. This means that the players must feel
their characters have a purpose for moving through the story.
The player wants to scan the local asteroid field for the
presence of anything strange. They roll and meet the This occurs through a few different methods:
Challenge rating. The GM explains that there are multiple
signals emanating from the area, but they cannot • Backgrounds: Elements in a character’s background may
determine what they are. be added to the story. As the characters experience the
universe, they find themselves interacting with familiar
The player suspects the business tycoon is up to shady elements – for better or worse. This helps the player
business, but they don’t know what it is. After they come up with ideas for things to do as the game moves
interview some people and gather clues, the GM provides forward.
a hint that the tycoon has been smuggling something
exotic. It could be alien parts, banned technology, or • Drama: Working to get all the heroes into drama gives
even kidnapping engineers from rival companies. The each player something to cope with during play. As each
player will have to do more digging. character’s drama progresses, the player will continually
deal with the fallout. This provides ample motivation for
GM Metaplay Knowledge the characters and lots of fun for the players.
Since the GM is omniscient regarding the game they are
running, they can adjust and react to player decisions in • Villains: Adding recurring villains who pester and torment
powerful ways. Certain decisions may be especially disturbing the heroes is a fun way to grab the player’s focus. Having
to players during combat. Since players communicate with these villains pop up at the worst time with the worst of
each other to form a plan of action each turn, the GM has intentions will keep players on their toes and give them
advanced knowledge of their decisions. The GM could run something to think about between action scenes.
things in a way that marginalizes or mitigates the players’
ability to have agency over the story. However, the GM • Personal Goals: Every player should assign a personal
also has the power to make the game more fun by creating goal for their character. The GM should encourage and
decisions that result in dynamic play. provide playtime for players to explore and resolve their
personal goals.
If the players are working together and within the story
provided by the GM, the knowledge carried by the GM Dealing with Umbrella Skills
should be used to make the players’ efforts feel rewarding. Each Skill is designed with a specific intent. However, many
The roleplaying effort should be guided based on the meta Skills have aspects that overlap. This means that a Challenge
knowledge carried by the GM and allow the players’ plans to may be solved the same way using different Skills. This is as
proceed despite knowledge of their actions. This is an intrinsic intended. The Skills have been designed to allow a character
reward for this cooperative game. to form a cadre of abilities. Each character will have a different
cadre which acts as a form of specialization. However, even
If the players are working against each other in malicious though the specialization exists, a character also has a web of
ways or not working toward achieving goals, the GM should other abilities. This web allows the character to be versatile,
penalize the players for not moving the story forward. In these and different characters will have overlapping abilities.
Narrative Rules
are physically, mentally, or socially harmed, depending on the
situation. They may also lose equipment.
Narrative Optional Rules
If the GM introduced multiple Conflicts, the players may
Pilots fight enemy Tactical or Fighter Pods using attack or address them as they wish, one at a time or simultaneously,
defend actions in a back-and-forth manner. Officers and by splitting the Pool, though a character may only act against
engineers might assist pilots or maneuver using equipment. one Conflict each turn.
Entertainers and spies interact with NPCs. This style of play
works well when all the characters are of the same career or in Conflict Armor
the same scene and may address the same challenge. These Conflicts may innately reduce the heroes’ success via armor.
Narrative Conflict rules speed up the game by eschewing When this happens, 1 point of armor reduces 1 success
certain aspects of fictional positioning. The standard rules of the players achieve. Conflict armor can be bypassed, or
Conflict resolution are modified by the following: penetrated, through creative use of your actions, special
equipment, or knowledge. Use the following guidelines to
Conflict Pools determine the amount of armor that a Conflict may have:
For each Plot Event, the GM creates one or more Conflicts
(see page 169). The GM then assigns each Conflict a level. • Armor 0: The Conflict is easily tackled. Any standard
The level dictates the Plot Event’s difficulty, represented by action taken yields progress.
a Conflict Pool. The higher the threat the Conflict presents, • Armor 1: The Conflict is not straightforward to deal with.
the larger its dice pool becomes. The GM may decide to It may require extra effort or knowledge to bypass the
present any number of Conflicts at whatever levels they deem armor.
appropriate. • Armor 2: The Conflict requires a specialized effort to
overcome. The solution may not be easily found without
If the Heroes have higher levels, this will increase the Conflict proper interaction.
Pool as well. Add 1 die if the party level is between 4 and 6. • Armor 3: This Conflict is especially hard to deal with. It’s
Add 2 if the party level is 7 to 10. Add the dice in for every 3 hard to make progress against it and will require esoteric
players. Use the table below to determine Conflict Pools. knowledge and strong teamwork to overcome.
Conflict Rolling
The GM rolls the Conflict Pool, and the heroes roll their Playing a scenario set during the Robotech episode
Actions. If the heroes roll higher, the Conflict Pool is reduced 1 “Boobytrap,” four 1st level characters – an Entertainer,
for 1 with each success. If the Conflict rolls higher, the heroes Officer, Engineer, and Squad Leader – become involved
Alpha Rising to another Minor or Major Event, Clearing a crowd, recruiting for the
Players x2 1-3: +0 Dice
the Climax of a Minor Story Arc UEDF, setting battle stations
Beta Rising to Epic or another Major Event, Freeing civilians trapped in a bunker,
Players x2.5 4-6: +1 Die
the Climax of Story Arc repelling a recon force
Epsilon The Climax of a Major Story Arc Protecting the SDF-1, rescuing
Players x3 7-10: +2 Dice
high-value hostages
Omega Life threatening, part of the plot or a Fighting a massive force, curing
Players 3.5 11+: +3 Dice
side story cancer
in various aspects of the launch of the SDF-1. Upon the • Interact: Interacting gives you the chance to operate
main gun firing, the GM considers the situation a Minor directly with the environment. You can take the time to
Plot Event before the upcoming Zentraedi attack and observe, obscure, or speak with NPCs.
sets up several Conflicts the players must face. The GM
sets a Conflict: Getting the spectators to safety. Also, the Defeating the Conflict
SDF-1 is not yet ready for battle to repel the attack. With each round of play, both the GM and the players roll their
respective dice pools. The players discuss how to deal with
• Conflict 1: Many VIPs and spectators are gathered on the the Conflicts, and after they’ve formed a plan they choose
airfield to see the ceremony of the launch. skills and actions and roll their pools. If the players gain more
• Conflict 2: Prepare battle stations. successes than the Conflict, the Conflict becomes damaged.
For each success rolled over, reduce the Conflict Pool by 1.
The GM determines that this is a Major Plot event, which Be sure to reduce the players’ results by the Conflict’s armor
usually run from 4 to 7 turns of play. They then decide that before tallying the results.
Conflict 1 is a Beta Threat and Conflict 2 is an Alpha Threat.
With four players, Conflict 1 is given 4 dice and Conflict 2 is In subsequent rounds, the Conflict rolls the new total.
given 8 dice.
Conflict Tracker Presented with the two Conflicts, the players with the
The GM may set a tracker for time-sensitive Conflicts. entertainer and officer decide on “getting the spectators
Defusing a bomb, stopping a computer virus, or defending to safety.” The players with the engineer and Squad
the SDF-1 before it can launch are examples of time-sensitive Leader work to “prepare battle stations.” The GM
Conflicts. The GM may place a die or track the Conflict using decides that each Conflict has 1 armor. The players score
a card or sheet of paper. If the players have not defeated the 5 successes against Conflict 1 and 1 against Conflict 2. The
Conflict before the Tracker reaches 0, then the GM may make GM rolls 2 successes for Conflict 1 and 4 for Conflict 2.
moves against the players. The GM should take any actions
they deem necessary against the players for failing a Conflict. After subtracting 1 from armor, Conflict 1 takes 2 damage and
its pool is reduced to 8. However, Conflict 2 rolls 3 successes
more than the players.
Due to the impending Zentraedi attack, the GM declares
this is a time-critical Conflict, sets out a Time Tracker die The GM then must apply 3 points of damage to the players.
set at 5, and announces that the Zentraedi attack will Based on the situation they may allow the players to choose,
occur once the counter strikes 0. or can choose to apply the damage as they see fit.
Simulation Rules
• Follow Fire: You are allowed to reroll a weapon
attack by using 20% of the weapon’s ammunition,
Simulation Optional Rules assuming you have enough rounds left. Reloading
takes 1 Action, meaning that the turn you reload you
Some may prefer to eschew the more narrative elements can only use 1 Skill.
of the system in favor of more traditional, simulation-based • Long Burst: If you hit, you may expend up to 20% of
rules. This creates a more linear play style and focuses on your maximum ammunition to inflict an additional
momentary events, rather than the story as a whole. 1 damage for each 10% spent. This may only be
performed at Short range and replaces the GU-11’s
Character Creation equipment suite.
• Nature: Ignore creating a Nature and any benefit it may
provide. • Overheating: Weapons without ammunition, such as
mecha-based particles cannons can also cause increased
• Skills: Choose Skills as normal. However, do not assign damage. You may choose to overheat the weapons to
stats. Each Skill must be rolled for individually. Roll 1D6 increase the shot’s potency. If the weapon is overheated,
and subtract 1, doing this a total of 7 times. Then take it may not fire in the subsequent round.
your six best results and assign them to your Skills as you
see fit. The minimum score you can receive is 1. Overheating applies to a weapon bank. There are two
ways to overheat an energy weapon:
• Initiative: All players take an Initiative Action before • Concentrated Energy: This allows the operator to
an encounter starts. Choose any two Skills that may charge the shot which increases damage, you may
help you start your turn and count successes; ties go to concentrate for up to two damage. Each damage
the largest pool, and then the GM can select the order causes one round of overheating.
among remaining ties based on positioning. The players • Pulse Fire: The operator increases the fire rate of the
and enemies take turns, starting with the highest and weapon. This allows you to reroll a failed attack, but
working down to the lowest. causes the weapon to overheat for two rounds.
When it’s your turn, move your character how you like • Missiles: You gain 5 Missiles for each equipment suite
then attack or perform your Action. You may perform Missile point. You may fire a missile at any point during
any two Actions over the course of your movement at your turn to gain 1 extra die to your roll. You may fire
any points along your movement. any number of missiles at any number of targets during
your turn. However, you must track successes against
• Ammunition: Guns with ammunition or charges must be different targets separately. This means the best way to
tracked. A single attack uses 10% of the ammunition or defend against a large volley of missiles is to fire a volley
1 round if less than 10. If you fire a weapon that has less in defense.
than 10% remaining ammunition, halve successes.
• Heroic Moves: Remove these from the game. You may
Mecha and naval vessels carry as much ammunition as now take a Drama to reroll an Action instead of getting
stated in their profile. Foot soldiers may carry up to an a Heroic Move.
additional 6 magazines, clips, or containers used for
reloading. These are known as re-load points. These • Plot Events & Beats: You will not use these. Play events
are in addition to the ones preloaded in the weapons straight until they are resolved or the players choose to
themselves. abandon them.
Each grenade takes the place of a reload point. A Kit • Reflex Action: You may declare to hold an Action to
is assumed to be worth 6 reload points. You may forgo use in another character’s turn, or at a later point in
carrying a Kit to hold more ammunition. the round. You may only use Actions at lower initiative
points. Declare what Action you want to take and when
You may use ammunition-based weapon to attack in two you want to use it. The GM may require you to describe
ways: how you are using it as well. When the time comes, you
may use the held Action, but take a Hindrance on the roll.
Example of Play
Event Construction The Officer decides to use their station as an equipment suite.
The GM determines that the upcoming Conflicts will be based The Entertainer also chooses to Observe: Area Scan with their
on a Minor Plot Event. Therefore they set a total of 3 rounds Omniprescient Skill, to get their bearings and see if they can
for the heroes to interact with the Event before resolving it. learn more about their surroundings.
The GM describes the following Conflicts for the Event:
• There is a large Swarm of Pods rushing toward the SDF-1. • Officer: The Officer gets 5 Successes and chooses to use 3
• Buildings that have been damaged in Macross City during for the Observe and 2 for the Assist.
previous encounters have not been completely repaired • Entertainer: They get 2 successes from the Observe
and are at risk of collapse. Action.
• As soon as the Pod Swarm is in scanner range, a large
explosion takes place at a military installation in Macross Result:
City. Reports indicate that it was the result of a spy or • The GM tells the Officer that there is one unusual Pod,
insurgent activity. a Lieutenant, in the Swarm. Also, the Pods are locking
• A Destroid Defender squadron in proximity to the Pilot is missiles. The Destroids gain 2 successes to Attack.
caught in close combat with a small Swarm of Pods. • The GM tells the Entertainer that they hear children’s
voices coming from nearby abandoned buildings and
There is also an unknown Conflict: A Zentraedi Lieutenant they see two UEDF marines laying on the ground near a
is accompanying the Swarm, but scanners have not picked up military building.
on its presence yet.
Ops Phase
Round 1 The Pods are at Long range from the Pilot, who knows
Setup they’ll fire Tactical Missiles due to the Officer’s scan. The pilot
The players are able to communicate about what to do. The chooses to use their Mini-Missile equipment suite and Hunker
Officer is on comms with the Pilot, but the Entertainer isn’t. Down Skill to Defend and Attacks the Swarm with their Gun
However, the Entertainer is near the explosion and is able to Pod. However, their Attack is performed at an Extended
call their friend in the bridge for a status update. The Officer range and takes a Hindrance.
relays the possibility of a saboteur in the Entertainer’s area
and to be wary of buildings under construction. The Pod Swarm and Lieutenant Pod Attack by launching
Tactical Missiles at Long Range, and the Unique Pod also fires
Communication a Beam Cannon which acts as an equipment suite. They use
All characters that have the ability to speak over radio or their second Action to Defend.
comms, and can discuss a plan to deal with the Conflicts.
The Officer decides to Area Scan of the immediate region The Destroid Defenders score hits from the Officer’s Assist.
to search for unseen threats. The Pilot thinks they should
allow the Pods to come into range of the SDF-1’s defensive Rolling:
weapons. The Entertainer decides to investigate the area of • Pilot: The Pilot gains 3 Successes to Attack and 3 to
the explosion. Defend.
• The Swarm: It gains 3 successes to Attack the Pilot and
Each player declares what Skill they’re using. The GM sets 1 to Defend.
a modifier based on the situation and the action the player • The Lieutenant: They gain 3 successes to Attack the
describes. Pilot and 2 to Defend.
Cinematic Phase the Defender pilots to Active their Hail Fire equipment suite,
The Entertainer uses the Machinations and Psychoanalysis then uses the Ironclad Strategy and Scanning Sweep Skills.
Skills to draw out the Spy. They’re also using the loudspeaker
as an equipment suite, which confers bonus dice. They The Entertainer wants to use the Adept Negotiator and
also wants to use a Heroic Move to call for a small squad of Omniprescient Skills to guide the marines’ Attack. They also
marines to help handle the Spy, since they’re unarmed. The use the loudspeaker as an equipment suite.
GM thinks this is an excellent plan and awards an Edge via
Conflict bonus. The Swarm makes a last ditch, all out Attack on the Pilot.
Result: The Spy tries to Attack the marines, using the cover that’s
• The Spy decides they’ve had enough of the Entertainer available to Defend with.
and moves to confront them. When they do, they give up
their location and the marine troops who were called in Rolling:
to help start to engage them. • Officer: The Officer guides the Destroids Attack and
gains 4 Attack successes and 0 Defend.
Slowed Initiative • Pilot: The Pilot gains 5 successes and uses 3 to Attack
For Round 2 there is no PC or NPC that is Slowed, so this step and 2 to Defend.
is skipped. However, the Entertainer could have told the GM • Swarm: The Swarm gains 3 Attack successes.
they wanted their Heroic Move to “stun” the Spy, making • The Zentraedi Lieutenant gains 5 successes and uses 4 to
them go last. Attack and to 1 Defend.
• Entertainer: The Entertainer gains 5 successes and uses
Round 3 4 to Attack and 1 to Defend.
Setup • Spy: The Spy gains 3 successes and uses all to Attack.
The only news to report is that the close-quarters Pod Swarm They wish to go out in a blaze of glory.
attacking the Destroids is heavily depleted.
Communication • The Officer guides the Destroids which gain 4 successes.
The Pilot wants to know what to do about the Zentraedi The Zentraedi Pilot mecha’s armor is 2, and has 1 success
Lieutenant. The Officer tells them that they’ll use the to defend. The defender’s Autocannons also ignore 1
Defender Squadron to Attack the enemy and that should point of armor when using Hail Fire, so they take 2 points
finish off the Pods in space. The Entertainer wants to taunt of damage. The mecha takes 1 structure damage – a leg
the Spy into making a move that will make them vulnerable gets blown off – and it also loses its Autocannons.
to the marine’s Attack as well as use the marines as cover in • The Pilot blasts another Pod to dust by inflicting 3
an effort to protect themself. damage.
• The Zentraedi Lieutenant fires their Beam Cannon and
Getting the Drop shreds 2 Destroids into oblivion. The cannon ignores 1
No player chooses to get the drop, nor does the GM have any point of armor and the Destroids have 2 armor and count
NPC take action at this point. as a Swarm with 1 structure.
• The Swarm does not gain enough successes of damage
Support Phase to get through the Valkyrie’s armor and defenses.
No Actions are taken during this Support Phase. • The Entertainer provides the marines with 4 successes,
which is enough to get through 1 armor point of cover
Ops Phase and take down the Spy as they have 3 wounds.
With the Swarm size depleted, the Pilot decides to Attack the • The Spy manages to get a bust of fire off. One bullet hits a
Pods using the Close Quarters Skill along with Strafing Run. marine’s armor suit, while another finds the Entertainer’s
They’re also going to transform his mecha from Guardian to shoulder. The Entertainer takes 1 brawl wound.
Battloid Mode and gain advantage of the equipment suite.
The GM thinks this is an excellent way to reflect the fiction Cinematic Phase
because of the situation and awards the Pilot an Edge via No Actions are taken during this Cinematic Phase.
Conflict Bonus.
Slowed Initiative
The Officer Attacks the Zentraedi Lieutenant through the There is no Slowed initiative this round.
Defenders but is concerned for the Destroids’ safety. They tell
Resolution arisen. The GM may use a Drama at the worst of times at any
When the three Beats that the GM set for this Plot Event are point in a Conflict. Here are some examples:
over, the Resolution occurs. The GM describes the outcome
of the event: • Superior Superior: Due to past personal issues with the
Captain, the First Officer’s orders are denied. They may be
• Swarm: The Swarm has taken so many loses, it is unable told to shift their attention to another part of the Conflict.
to effectively engage. As the remaining members flee, To help the Pilot, they might have to be subversive and
the Pilot cleans them up without a problem. secretly send the needed help. The Captain could be
• Lieutenant: The Lieutenant is damaged but manages to doing this because they have unresolved personal issues
escape. They’ll likely be back soon to take revenge. toward the Pilot instead.
• Defenders: The Destroids have taken heavy loses. They
may blame others for not supporting them more. This • Gunnery Grudge: When the Officer issues attack orders,
creates a Drama with the Pilot who they blame for the they may receive a less-than-stellar review from a
loss of their friends. disgruntled gunnery chief. The orders go on, but different
• Entertainer: The Entertainer is rewarded with a medal attacks are made. This could seriously screw up a plan
for bravery and is given the option to go on a TV program and leave allies in a dangerous position. Depending on
to tell their story. Also, the family of the injured kid how disgruntled this chief is, it is best to solve this issue
blames them for what happened. This creates a Drama. for the good of everyone.
• Spy: The Spy dies from their injuries, so they cannot be
interrogated. • Out for Revenge: A rampaging Zentraedi Pilot hellbent
on revenge will defy logic and make attacks on the Pilot.
Existing Dramas This could lead to the Pilot taking more damage than
While existing Dramas were not explored in this Conflict would typically be expected. The Pilot may suffer from
Example, here are some potential issues that may have this again and again until the enemy is killed or satisfied.
As we look back on the events that • Discovery: 189
put humanity on the path that it’s on now, it’s a
wonder we made it through. Anything could of • Timeline: 190
gone wrong. Every battle was a decisive lynch-
pin in our survival. Every skirmish, no matter
how insignificant, helped bring us to the point of
• Scenario O: 194
our ultimate fate. Looking back at them like this,
I realize that the events that brought us here
• Scenario 1: 198
stretched back before my time in ways I didn’t
realize. The Global War was something I tried • Scenario 2: 208
to ignore when it was happening. It was easy
since it started when I was still a kid, and even • Scenario 3: 222
that gives me pause. Should we really need to
be fighting wars our parents started? • Scenario 4: 226
I want everyone to know how absurd our
progression has been. Hindsight is 20/20, and • Scenario 5: 230
the thing I see most clearly is that if we don’t
learn our history, we’ll be doomed to repeat it on • Valkyries: 235
an endless loop.
We have to learn from our mistakes,
and the only way to do that is to study them.
• Scenario 6: 238
Evolution is a human way of life, and we have
to evolve past our worst instincts. I think even
• Warrior’s Pride: 246
the Zentraedi are realizing that, despite their
generations of cloning, which stagnated their • Scenario 7: 250
ability. Human culture has that effect on people.
I wonder so often, as we head toward • Character Sheet: 256
Tirol to hopefully end this war once and for all,
what lesson I can learn from all of this history so • Vessel Sheet: 257
I can prevent us from repeating it once and for
all. I may never know. So all I can do is study. • Conflict Cards: 258
And I’ll break that loop if it’s the last thing I do.
• GM Track Sheet: 259
Personal recollections of Admiral Rick Hunter
• Index: 260
published report, “published report,” I wrote that “in the back
of my mind, I was aware that fate had sent my way a chance
The Discovery of Robotechnology to be mentioned in the same breath with Einstein, Newton,
and the rest. But to tell the truth, I thought little of that.
From the Desk of Dr. Emil Lang Before the lure of so much new knowledge, any scientist
CLASSIFIED would’ve made poor old Faust look like a saint.” And I still
believe that.
Captain Gloval requested that I put together a brief report to
explain the secrets of Robotechnology and the story of how After a brief firefight with Invid forces left over from an
we came to understand it for those key personnel who have attempted takeover of the ship that resulted in its crash
the security clearance but lack the technical experience to landing, we were able to get a real look at the technology that
comprehend my more detailed reports. I would have given anything to see up close. The security
detail accompanying me helped us make our way to what I
The human knowledge of Robotechnology began with the posited was the central nerve center of the ship. While they
Macross Incident. This was the crash landing in late 1999 of defended me from further attacks, I got humanity’s first
what we now refer to as the Super-Dimensional Fortress 1 glimpse into the future.
(SDF-1) on Earth, specifically Macross Island. At the request
of Admiral Hayes and Senator Russo, I was choppered to the And that’s when we made our next great leap. While working
island to make a cursory inspection with a robot drone of with the controls there, I could feel an alien presence creeping
what was initially referred to as “The Visitor.” After radiation into me. Along with it came understanding and a
levels were deemed safe, I recommended an in-person transformation. There was a physical cost to me, and I was
inspection of the wreckage alongside Captain Gloval and a happy to pay it, that Faustian bargain come home. After a
number of military personnel. terrible reaction to the interface, I had to be carried out of the
control center by one of the soldiers, but when I finally came
Once inside, we made an examination of the ship, and this is back to my senses, Robotechnology made sense to me in a
where we found the first seeds of Robotechnology. In my way that it hadn’t before.
Codename: GBP-1S
Abstract: Tactical Armor Upgrade
Deployment: VF-1
* Penetrating Missiles
* 82 mm Armor Plating
* Ejectable
* Battloid Restricted
Over the next ten years, I spearheaded the team of scientists In the end, a total of 57 controls were required in the flight
and engineers that would remake and remodel the SDF-1 into deck in order to achieve all of the maneuverability required
something humans could use in order to defend ourselves of such a complicated vessel. Because of the incorporation
from what we viewed to be a looming existential threat. And of protoculture, micronized reactors, and the science of
as we did so, we learned the key to adapting the technology Robotechnology, we estimate that a Veritech would be able
for ourselves. Using modern fighter technology that had been to maintain five years of useful life before we would need
pioneered during the Global War, we were able to create to replace its energy system, and if we haven’t been able to
transformable mecha that would be powered by the develop a better system in those twelve years, it would be
mysterious and seemingly limitless energy source we found to my surprise. And the fuel is sufficient to achieve speeds
aboard the Battle Fortress. of up to Mach 4 in atmosphere and power lasers that require
no ammunition beyond the energy source. I am continually
We used what we learned to create Veritech Fighters with impressed by the strides I have been able to oversee as a
three modes they could transform between with the push of flight chief.
a button, but that didn’t begin overnight. Our VF-X was the
first fighter, and it was only capable of air and space flight Veritechs weren’t the only advancement that we made,
with no transformation capability whatsoever, but we proved either. During the ten years of relative peace between the
without a doubt that we could integrate this wondrous new SDF-1’s arrival into our hands and the Battle of Macross Island
alien technology for our own purposes, despite our in February 2009, we made progress on a number of other
understanding of it being in its infancy. systems. I spent time reverse engineering the anti-gravity
propulsion systems, learning what made the hyperspace fold-
Our next version incorporated more of the alien technology, drives work, and we gained a thorough understanding of all of
and we’d completed half of the transformation from fighter the ship’s techno-systems. How else could I have redesigned
mode to Guardian configuration. Guardian mode was never the ship to be piloted by human-sized crews instead of the
intended to be a mode we used in the final transformation, giants who built it?
but it helped us design the folding torso system. Pilots
discovered the tactical advantage of the Guardian mode, This brings us back to the original question. “What is
however, and we worked to develop it as its own Robotechnology?”
transformation mode while working to complete the fully
upright, Zentraedi-sized Battloid configuration. In 2007, we It’s a difficult question to answer. What is any technology?
were finally able to create the VF-1, the first fully transformable It’s the culmination of human ingenuity over the period of
Vertiech with all three required modes. In fighter mode, it our brief time on Earth. Robotechnology is the result of that
would be capable of raining missiles and machine gun fire on knowledge boosted by the brilliance and ingenuity of alien
enemies in the air and in space. In Battloid mode, Pilots would engineering.
be able to grapple with Zentraedi one-on-one on the ground,
as well as conduct ground operations. Guardian mode, as But there’s still so much we don’t know. In all of my research,
previously stated, combined the other two configurations. It who could have predicted the activation of reflex weaponry
offered more speed than Battloid mode, and more when the Zentraedi arrived in Earth orbit? Who could have
maneuverability than fighter mode. predicted that the space-fold system would disappear and
distort the space-time fabric? And who would have predicted
Overall, our growing understanding of Robotechnology and that I would be able to correctly theorize that I could take that
mastery of our own technology, combined with my own space-time distortion and create the barrier system for the
transformation, helped the United Earth Forces build one of SDF-1?
the most versatile war machines ever conceived, as much a
tank as a fighter jet, forever changing the face of warfare on Newton brought us laws of motion. Einstein brought us
land and in the air. relativity. And I brought humanity Robotechnology. And, in
my considered opinion, we’re better for it.
The Robotech Timeline • January: United Nations of Earth is officially established.
• July: Zor’s Battle Fortress bursts through hyperspace,
enters Earth’s atmosphere, and crashes on Macross
Island in the South Pacific.
• August: The Global War officially ends with the Earth
uniting to investigate the alien Battle Fortress.
• September: When it’s discovered that the alien ship is
military in nature and the crew is six times the size of the
average human, the governments of Earth unite to pool
their resources to learn from the ship and find a way to
defend Earth in case these aliens attack.
• January: Development of weapons to use against the
alien threats begins.
• June: The construction of the SDF-1 (which is more of a
refurbishment of the alien Battle Fortress) is announced
to the world. The framing for the official united Earth
government is proclaimed.
• July: Construction of the first permanent base on Mars,
dubbed “Sara,” begins. Civilians flock to Macross Island • March: Ace Pilot Roy Fokker puts the VF-X-1 through
to work on the SDF-1 project. extensive test flights.
• April: The Daedalus and Prometheus launch.
2001 • June: The MBR-04 Destroid “Tomahawk” enters service.
• September: Project Excalibur - The first weapons tests This is the first real result of Project Excalibur. Variants
with Robotechnology occur. These weapons are designed of the basic chassis of this Destroid are also developed,
for ground combat and lead to the development of resulting in the development of the Destroids “Defender”
Destroids and transformable battle tanks such as the and “Phalanx” in the near future.
• February: Project Valkyrie - The project to develop
variable configuration, all-purpose Robotech combat
systems is introduced.
• May: Construction of the first Earth Defense Command
Center begins in secret in a remote part of Alaska.
• May: Construction of the seagoing naval vessels
Prometheus and Daedalus begins.
• April: Construction of space based carriers (ARMD -
“Armor”) begins in low Earth orbit.
2007 • December: On a routine patrol, 3rd Lieutenant Rick
• March: Mass production of the Veritech VF-1 series Hunter takes a prototype Armored Veritech into combat
begins. and destroys a small Zentraedi Cyclops reconnaissance
• July: Earth launches the ARMD space carriers. scout ship which was monitoring the Miss Macross
Pageant broadcast. The Zentraedi Spies are able to
2008 report their findings to Breetai.
• September: The VF-1D goes into testing.
2009 • January: While the SDF-1 hides in the asteroid belt,
• January: VF-1 series begins operational deployment. Khyron attacks the ship and destroys the long range
Usage is typically limited to fighter mode in order to radar of the SDF-1.
maintain secrecy. • February: SDF-1 Operations Officer Lieutenant
• February: The official launch ceremonies are held to Commander Lisa Hayes and the Vermillion Group
celebrate the maiden voyage of the SDF-1. (consisting of Flight Leader 2nd Lieutenant Rick Hunter
• February: FIRST ROBOTECH WAR BEGINS. The and Corporals Max Sterling and Ben Dixon) are captured
celebration is interrupted by the arrival of a Zentraedi fleet by the Zentraedi while on a reconnaissance mission.
commanded by Breetai. The SDF-1’s guns automatically They’re transported back to the Zentraedi main fleet and
fire and spark the conflict. Fighting is intense until the are interrogated by Dolza, Supreme Commander of all
SDF-1 makes a hyperspace fold maneuver that takes it Zentraedi. They quickly escape and make it back to the
to Pluto, along with most of Macross City and most of its SDF-1 thanks to the help of Commander Roy Fokker.
citizens. • February: Command of the operation to capture the
• March: The citizens of Macross are brought aboard the SDF-1 is transferred from Breetai to Azonia. Azonia uses
SDF-1 and a new city is rebuilt in a disused hangar of the her Ace Pilot, Miriya, to insert micronized Zentraedi Spies
ship. The Prometheus and Daedalus are attached to the into the SDF-1 undetected.
SDF-1 as mecha carriers. • March: The SDF-1 punches through the Zentraedi
• May: The SDF-1 engages a Zentraedi force in THE blockade and returns to Earth, landing in the Pacific
BATTLE OF SATURN’S RINGS. The Pinpoint Barrier Ocean. Captain Gloval and Lieutenant Commander
System and Daedalus maneuver are used for the first Hayes fly to the Earth Defense Command Center in
time. Alaska, and petition to have their civilian passengers
to be allowed off the ship, but their request is denied.
Against Commander Azonia’s orders, Khyron launches
an attack on the SDF-1, which is successfully repelled
using the Daedalus Maneuver.
• April: Zentraedi Ace Miriya Parina leads an attack against
the SDF-1. 3rd Lieutenant Max Sterling frustrates her
efforts. Commander Roy Fokker is fatally wounded in the
• May: Rick Hunter is promoted to 1st Lieutenant and
assumes command of Skull Squadron.
• May: The Ontario Quadrant agrees to take the refugees
of the SDF-1.
• May: THE BATTLE OF TORONTO - Khyron attacks the 2012
SDF-1 as it moves to offload the civilians. The Omni- • January: The United Earth Government is reestablished.
Directional Barrier System overloads, destroying much of Reconstruction efforts formally begin, including the
Khyron’s fleet and all of Toronto and surrounding areas. forced assimilation of the remaining Zentraedi.
Permission to offload the refugees in Ontario Quadrant is • October: Dana Sterling, the first child of a human and
promptly rescinded and the SDF-1 takes to space. Zentraedi pairing, is born to Max and Miriya Sterling.
• June: Breetai returns to Earth with a million ships and
relieves Azonia of command. The Zentraedi Spies return 2013
to the fleet and begin to infect it with Earth culture. • March: Zentraedi uprisings begin and patrols are sent
out to maintain law and order. Admiral Henry Gloval,
Supreme Commander of all Earth Forces, orders the
forced relocation of Zentraedi to where they can be
monitored more closely.
• May: Khyron begins to assemble an army from
disaffected Zentraedi.
• Preliminary navigational surveys are conducted, laying
the groundwork for the main Robotech Expeditionary
• April: DOLZA’S RAIN OF DEATH - Dolza arrives to Earth • June: Rick Hunter and Lisa Hayes are married in a
with a fleet of four million and fire bombs the planet. ceremony aboard the factory satellite as the SDF-3 nears
The combined SDF-1 and Zentraedi fleet fight back with completion.
clever tactics, the Grand Cannon, and the singing of Lynn • December: The SDF-3 launches and takes its place as the
Minmei, and are able to destroy Dolza’s fleet, though flagship of the Robotech Expeditionary Force. This marks
Earth is left in shambles. the official start of the “Pioneer” mission.
The Forefront of Technology
Transcript of the personal audio log of Dr. Lazlo Zand
Vice-Chief Investigator of the Visitor Exploration Project
Five months into the investigation of the alien craft known as the Visitor and we’re finally getting
somewhere. The team made the most remarkable discovery a few days ago. We have found what we believe is a
power generator of some kind. Adjacent to it, we also found supplies of what is probably the fuel of said generator.
It is a substance – viscous and translucently green. So why do we believe it’s a fuel? We set up a simple
experiment where we applied a low voltage over a tiny sample of the substance and the phenomenon recorded is
just as bizarre as it is fantastic. The sample lighted up like if the sun itself had appeared inside the lab. The release of
energy was simply astounding; way higher than a simple chemical reaction could ever produce. And the reaction
kept going with a stable output for over a day – I have never seen anything like it! It makes me wonder if we have
stumbled upon a process to create stable cold fusion? Or maybe it was a kind of matter-antimatter annihilation
reaction? Future studies may tell. At any rate, it would definitely explain how this gigantic vessel gets the power to
traverse the stars.
Regrettably, the grad student performing the experiment received radiation burns and Lang is already
going on about how we have to tighten work environment safety even higher in the future. “Who knows what
other dangers we could find in there?” he keeps saying. Bah! I’d say risking one’s health is a small price to pay for a
scientific discovery like this. We need to boldly push forward to uncover all the mysteries of this Visitor from the
stars and its wondrous technology.
Unfortunately, the lab is all but destroyed, but that is replaceable. The international consortium that
is financing this operation is very generous with money and resources, so we have the funds... There are really
interesting developments going on in the world, with the talks of forming a single government for a unified Earth.
We’ll have to see if this kind of peace-keeping organization will succeed where all the former have failed – I have
my doubts. At least it’s comfortable to likely not have to worry about research grants for quite some time.
Anyhow, this strange substance has proven very difficult to analyze. Initial findings show that it is rich
in hydroxy phenyl benzothiazole, but I’m highly skeptical that this would be the active compound. The readings
might even be completely off, but that hasn’t stopped Lang’s engineers from labeling the canisters they pour it in
with “HBT”…
What is truly remarkable is that the substance seems to be containing residual biological matter. Our chief
biologist reports that she has detected what looks almost like plant matter suspended in the substance. There are
some possible explanations as I see it. The plant matter could be a contamination, like an alien mold. Or if could
be a byproduct from the process that created the substance in the first place. This also leads into the idea that the
substance could be something like a cell culture for bio-processing. That’s an interesting thought that I have to look
I believe this organic matter could in fact be linked to the highly energetic reaction that was observed.
Yes, it might sound preposterous to propose that living things could in any way catalyze nuclear reactions. But
just a few decades ago it was unthinkable that the mitochondria, the power plants of our own cells, would rely on
complex quantum-mechanic phenomena like superposition, but we now know that they do. We humans constantly
underestimate what life is capable of.
It will probably take several years for us to gain a full understanding of how this power source works.
Sadly, Upper Command wants us to prioritize looking into practical ways to use this alien technology over in-depth
studies. So utterly short-sighted! This ship should not be exploited for making new toys for the military when it
may very well provide us with the answers to the greatest mysteries of the universe! I can feel these secrets calling
to me – uncovering them is my destiny!
I’m so glad to be here, at the forefront of history.
Scenario 0
The Cauldron • Mercenaries: Mercenaries were in wide use across the
globe, each with their own personal fighter planes and
The Global War was an all-out conflict that ripped across other gear, working for the highest bidder. There was
the entire globe. Regional conflicts sparked to life, causing a an unspoken agreement amongst all parties that didn’t
conflagration that left no country on Earth untouched. Each seem to take it personally when a mercenary group might
major superpower on Earth fought to restore peace, but that have worked against you before on a mission, but will
only exacerbated the conflicts. change sides for the next job. Money talks and they’re
the best of the best. Thomas Riley Edwards gained
Although you could have your players play in any faction on notoriety operating as a mercenary Pilot and became the
Earth, this is a good grounding in different ways you can play foundation for his long career in the UEDF and REF after
in this era. If you want to play through the eras and have your the war.
characters live through the Global War or the Unification,
then they’ll be higher ranking through the events of the
Macross Saga.
Here is a list of groups that took part in the events over this
time period that you might want to place your players into:
What’s In a Name?
I have always thought how individual armed conflicts are named to be a peculiar thing. At the beginning
of the war in question, it’s usually just called ‘The War’ - simply because it’s easily understood what war is referred
to. The name that will go down in the history books is then either decided by politicians, historians, or the media.
An interesting case is World War I, which was commonly referred to as ‘The Great War’ during most of the war (like
several other wars had been called in the past, one might add). Later, the oh-so-naïve term ‘The war to end all wars’
was popularized by US President Woodrow Wilson. During the interwar period, ‘The World War’ was increasingly
common. The term World War seemed fitting, since the war had been fought between multiple nations across
several continents and affected most of the world either directly or indirectly. It wasn’t, however, before a second
conflict of similar magnitude started that World War I got its final name.
When it came to the great conflict that engulfed the Earth in the late ‘90s, it could definitely have lived
up to the name of ‘World War III.’ It fulfills all the previously mentioned criteria and by a large margin to boot:
Even though the number of sovereign nations of the world have increased significantly in the 20th century, it was
still easier to count the nations that did not participate in the war than those that did. It was also the first war to
be fought on all the continents of the world, including Antarctica, and even partially in space. The reason it’s not
called WWIII is quite muddled. One important reason is that it never was a single war, it was a mishmash of many
small conflicts (both interstate and intrastate ones), fought over all the normal reasons: differences in ideology,
culture or religion, or over resources and other economic interests. Many of these conflicts escalated and swelled
to encompass more nations. Eventually, all of it got intertwined by ever-changing alliances. We are all well aware of
the devastating outcome.
Ever since the end of WWII, there has been speculation about its hypothetical successor. Common threads
include the use of nuclear weapons that will ravage the Earth or biological agents that wipe out all life. Albert
Einstein had been quoted saying ‘I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV
will be fought with sticks and stones.’ In short, WWIII is the doomsday scenario numero uno. And the mere myth
of it has been used as a deterrent against nuclear war.
Thankfully, the arrival of the Visitor put an end to ‘The Great Madness of Mankind,’ as it had been called
off before full-on nuclear war was reached. This was the second strike against using the WWIII moniker: The
prophecy had not been fulfilled.
‘The Global War’ is the name that most seem to have settled on and it’s just as accurate as the World War
moniker. Some say it’s meant to evoke the grander scale of the conflict, but I know I’m not alone in failing to see
how ‘The Globe’ would mean something more than ‘The World.’
An alternative name that has been proposed, especially by devoted unificationists, is ‘The Global War.’ The
rationale behind the name is of course the dogma of unificationism that says that all mankind is of a single person
and should not be divided into nations. Hence, all conflict between two or more groups is per default a civil war,
since they all live in the same interconnected world. As unificationism has become the leading ideology in this
post-war era (and as we know, history is written by the winners), this name could win further traction in the years
May we be lucky to – finally – name the last war ‘The war that ended all wars?’ Highly doubtful. Especially
if the extremists of the Anti-Unification League get their way, then history would repeat and we would probably
have to rename the last war ‘Global War I.’ And with all the rumors that the new technology extracted from the
Visitor is used for military research, allow me to echo the thoughts of Professor Einstein: Who knows what weapons
that the next war will be fought with?
And it might not actually be meaningful to think of a name for it.
were always conflicts, but last year all hell broke loose. Like
really broke loose. I mean, completely and totally. It was
Global War like they say about World War I, right? All the little treaties
between all the countries just snapped like so many rubber
From the Recovered Journals of Roy Fokker bands and everybody got whipped good. My head doctor
said I should talk about what led me to join the Navy and that
July 2, 1999 - USS Kenosha might help me understand better why I’m here. But--
Damn. There’s the alarm. Go time.
The squadron head doctor said I needed to put some things
down on paper. Or a computer, rather. She told me I need to July 5, 1999 - USS Kenosha
put down feelings. Once they’re out of me, she says, I’ll be
able to leave them behind. She’s not going to read this. As far It’s hard to find down time to put all this down. I was going
as I’m concerned, no one is. to write in here yesterday, but I wrote to Rick instead. The
engagement we had yesterday was tough. I’m glad I had Frost
So, here goes. Here’s the hardest truth I know: leaving Pop’s on my wing, though. We were flying against some mercs...
Air Circus was one of the most difficult decisions of my life. I tough characters.
put that down here now, in retrospect, knowing how difficult
things are now. How bad it feels sometimes to do what I do. So, where were we?
They tell me I’m the fastest pilot to reach double ace in the
history of Skull Squadron and everyone keeps congratulating Right.
me, but I keep wishing I was back at the circus.
The Global War.
I mean, really, who else is going to keep all of Pop’s bad flying
habits away from Rick? To be honest, I wasn’t paying that much attention to what
was happening. Everything in the world was awful and it was
Maybe the second hardest truth I know is that when I got my easier to pour myself into flying for Pop than pay attention.
first kill, I didn’t like it. Then, that feeling wore off, and I sort Just being in the cockpit is enough to calm me down. And
of liked being the guy who could cut down the most enemies. maybe I’m finding it hard to reconcile that that’s the same
And I didn’t like that feeling either. place I’m putting other pilots just like me in pine boxes.
The worst part was using those first kills as a way to try to So, all the countries of the world were calling in all their favors
show off to Claudia Grant. Man, do I feel stupid about that and treaties and tensions just kept getting higher. This country
now. But that’s water under the bridge, isn’t it? And I doubt would make a move against that country, they’d send troops
she’d ever talk to me again. and fighters and tanks, then the other country’s friends would
get involved. Soon, everyone was in it.
Why did I even join up?
Things got bad and when the Russians finally attacked the
Well, when my country put out the call, what else was I good ol’ US of A. That’s when I knew I couldn’t not join up.
supposed to do? They desperately needed pilots and, frankly, I mean, they were looking for pilots and the recruiters said
there’s no one better than me. Just don’t tell any of the other they’d skip me through a lot of the school and get me flying
Skulls I said that. They’d just try to make me eat my words instantly. I proved ‘em right to do it. I mean, I don’t mean to
and I always tell them there’s two things I don’t eat. My words brag, but I’ve shot down a lot of enemy aircraft.
and enemy bullets. We laugh and Frost tries to remind me
that none of this is really a game, but she doesn’t realize that I Maybe I belong here.
know that. I know what we’re doing and why. And every time
she says it, it brings me back to that movie my grandfather And that messes with me, too.
used to watch with me. I remember him in that big easy chair,
me propped up on his knee. The Shape of Things to Come. We’re out on a lot of maneuvers all the time and I sort of like
That’s what it was called. And there was a moment in it where hearing the red alert sirens. I don’t like the Kenosha as much
the scientist-aviator lands this futuristic ship, climbs out, and as when we were posted on land, but I’ve gotten used to that,
looks this fascist stooge right in the eye and tells them that too.
there’ll be no war.
Maybe that’s the problem I’ve got. I’m having a hard time
I wish for a day when that happens. adjusting to the fact that I’m adjusting to this life. I’m content
in being a killer and that’s the thing I need to come to terms
So why are we at war? with. Because if it’s not them, I’m the one who’s going to
die. And if it’s not me, it’s going to be some civilian on the
I’ve been trying to figure that out for years now. I mean, there mainland somewhere. It could even be Pop. Or Rick.
I don’t know how I’d handle it if I lost my “little brother.” Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have someone
So, it’s better to go first, right? I’ll prevent all that. to trust like that.
Eight more kills in half as many days and I’m feeling better Every time I get to thinking, I think back to my training days in
about all of it. Wyoming. And my mind always comes back to Claudia.
Sometimes I think about writing to her but the thought of
Maybe the head doctor was right. writing her fills me with more fear than flying does. I imagine
what it would be to just send her a letter. I could write down
Writing down all of this stuff has been helpful. I don’t have everything that makes me anxious, put it in an envelope, and
anyone to talk to about this sort of thing. I put on this brave send it off. And then she’d know how I felt. At least someone
face and I don’t think anyone around me knows the secret I would. Someone other than the head doctor. Though I feel
live with. That every pilot lives in fear. Constantly. like the head doctor asked me to write all this down because
she could sense that I wasn’t really going to confess all this to
her, either.
The last time I set down to write in this journal I was living in a
completely different world.
They’re still trying to figure out all the logistics, but the World
Unification Alliance was born out of the ashes of all the petty,
squabbling countries of the world. And it seems like there’s a
real chance for peace.
In the meantime, I’ve got orders. Top secret stuff. So, that’s it
for now. Roy Fokker, over and out.
Scenario 1
Genesis Others still cover the civilian evacuation in Guardian and
Battloid configuration in the very streets of Macross City
Macross Island, 2009. Launch day. A decade prior, an itself.
alien spaceship crash landed on Macross Island. Over the
intervening ten years, a thriving city grew up around the • Fighters: Among the fighter jocks, there’s a sense of
massive ship as the newly united Earth Government worked urgency. This is the first time they’ve been called up into
to reconstruct the SDF-1 and reverse engineer all of the alien active battle in Veritechs and it’s the first time they’ll
technology on board. Knowing the arrival of an alien threat have squared off against an alien foe. Roy Fokker and
was imminent, the Earth Government worked diligently to Skull Squadron report to defend the civilians of Macross
get the SDF-1 in space where it could protect Earth as fast as City. Jack Archer and Wolf Squadron head to the sea to
they could. Little could they have guessed that the Zentraedi destroy the Zentraedi Battlepods amassed in an ambush
would arrive on the very day they’d planned for the retro- attack.
fitted ship’s new maiden voyage.
• Civilians: As the attack begins, the civilians of Macross
Island scramble to vacuum-tight emergency shelters.
This will prove to their benefit later, but at this point
Zentraedi Arrival and the Reflex Weaponry they’re scared. Rick Hunter, a civilian, happens to be in
the cockpit of a training version of a Veritech and gets
As the Launch Day celebration commences, the crew aboard caught up in the crossfire. He has to evade Zentraedi,
the SDF-1 discovers incoming alien signals. The Zentraedi figure out how to pilot his mecha, and rescue Minmei.
have arrived. Before they can do anything, though, the And when he catches his first sight of the enemy, he’s
systems of the SDF-1 take over, locking them out and firing paralyzed in fear.
the ship’s Reflex Gun at a huge swath of the Zentraedi fleet.
This takes both the humans and the Zentraedi by surprise. Conflicts: Multiple swarms of Battlepods engage military
and civilian targets indiscriminately. The heroes face swarm
• Aboard the SDF-1: The mood is tense. Captain Gloval after swarm and need to be constantly searching for new
is nervous about pushing his crew into battle because, threats to prevent being ambushed by obscured or hidden
though they’re all capable, they’re inexperienced. Launch enemies. Civilians are being slaughtered and are threatened
day was supposed to be an easy milk run, a political by Environmental Conflicts, such as crumbling buildings and
photo-op, nothing more. But when the Zentraedi arrive friendly fire. Their evacuation routes to shelters may get cut
and the ship’s systems fire the Reflex weaponry all on off by enemy forces. The SDF-1 comes under swift attack and
their own, Gloval is put in a fight for the survival of Earth. becomes overwhelmed.
To better understand the events of the first battle of Macross Island from February 2009, we turn to those
who were there. In this excerpt, Brian Lapstein talks to Zentraedi Commander Breetai’s Domillan (which roughly
translates to advisor) Exedore. Exedore was one of the oldest Zentraedi loremasters, making him an expert advisor
and historian. He served with Breetai for just over 180 years, up until the end of the First Robotech War. At that
point, he opted to remain micronized and serve as the Zentraedi liaison for the new Earth government to assist in
Zentraedi assimilation into Earth culture.
* LAPSTEIN: What was going through the mind of the average Zentraedi on the first day of the war in February
of 2009?
* EXEDORE: You refer to the first day of the war for humans, presumably? Because for the Zentraedi, the war
began long before our arrival on Earth, under the command of the great Breetai and under the direction of
* LAPSTEIN: Of course. That’s what I meant.
* EXEDORE: Well, it’s easy to understand what was going through the mind of the average Zentraedi in any
case, before the start of hostilities with the Micronians of Earth or after: war. It is what we are bred for. And
that was all we knew until our exposure to your culture.
* LAPSTEIN: And I’ll want to talk about that a bit later, but tell me then, for the purposes of posterity and clarity,
what was your aim in coming to Earth in the first place.
* EXEDORE: Under the direction of the Zentraedi Supreme Commander Dolza, it was Zor’s Battle Fortress that
we were after…
* LAPSTEIN: Which we all know now as the SDF-1…
* EXEDORE: Yes, of course. The SDF-1.
* LAPSTEIN: But, as you were saying, you were after the ship…
* EXEDORE: Zor’s Battle Fortress, yes. We had been assigned the task of recovering it. It contained the secrets
of protoculture and many other secrets of Robotechnology and it was incumbent on us to capture that. We
thought it was at the request of the Robotech Masters who, without Zor, had lost the knowledge of how to
utilize protoculture, but we had no idea then what Dolza really had in mind. That it had crash-landed on your
planet was merely a coincidence as far as we were concerned. It had taken us almost a decade to track it after
receiving the assignment. This, by the way, was shortly after the Invid attack that claimed Breetai’s eye. We had
assumed, wrongly, that Zor or his forces were still on the ship and ready to harm us. Breetai speculated that Zor
would have had to land to effect repairs and we proceeded as though that were the case. From the first, though,
there were anomalies about the situation on the target world, things that gave me pause. The second-guessers
would have it that I was remiss in not advising caution more strongly. But one did not antagonize the great
Breetai with too much talk of circumspection, you see—not, at least, without great risk.
* LAPSTEIN: Speaking of Breetai, you’ve referred to him now twice as “the Great Breetai.” Tell me about him and
his reaction to what happened at the start of that engagement.
* EXEDORE: There is no question that Breetai is a brilliant commander and tactician, but there was a certain
element of unpredictability that Micronians possessed that Zentraedi culture had no way to account for. There
is an old Earth saying that I believe is relevant which goes, “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately
explained by stupidity.”
* LAPSTEIN: Stupidity?
* EXEDORE: I do not mean to imply that Captain Gloval was in any way stupid. He was every bit the match
for Breetai, but what I mean to say is that there were a number of accidents or coincidences that benefited his
cause that Breetai could only interpret as cold-blooded maneuvers. Take, for instance, the situation with the
Omni-Directional Barrier System. How were we to know that it was a simple overload, rather than the calcu-
lating and lethal risk taken by a commander? It was the sort of thing I would have expected from Khyron, but
not a Micronian. Every move of that nature shaded Breetai’s understanding of our great Micronian villain, but
we were merely interpreting the data incorrectly. It is, for that very reason, why we were caught off guard by
Zor’s booby trap.
We all made our share of mistakes, too. Me as much as
Launch Day
I sent Rick Hunter, then a civilian, into combat in a training
From the Desk of Rear Admiral Lisa Hayes Veritech without even knowing who he was or why he was
in a Veritech in the first place. Things were so hectic, I just
I don’t suppose there’s any good way to describe the confusion assumed if you were sitting in a Veritech on the runway, you
and terror we all felt on Launch Day. We were already anxious were a pilot who was supposed to be in the air fighting the
about the ship in the first place. The SDF-1 hadn’t left the Zentraedi.
ground since it crash landed a decade prior. Dr. Lang and his
team had refitted it so that humans could operate the ship We lost so many civilians that day. So many pilots, too. And
comfortably. I always found it ironic, though, that there we as I look back, I wonder how much it was worth, seeing how
were, operating a ship built for beings fifty feet tall and we things turned out.
built a bridge small enough that Captain Gloval constantly hit
his head coming into the passageway. Things went from bad to worse when the representatives of
Launch day for the SDF-1 was supposed to be a celebration, the government came to the bridge and insisted that Captain
but instead it changed our way of life forever. Not just those Gloval take off in the SDF-1. Rightly, he was hesitant. As
of us serving aboard the ship, but for every citizen of Macross capable as the bridge crew was, none of us had ever been in
Island forever. combat. As confident as Dr. Lang was in his refit and remodel
of the SDF-1, it had never left the ground and we hadn’t
When I reported for duty that day, I swear I was the only been tested in the sky. But political pressure was too much
member of the crew who had gotten a full night of sleep. and Captain Gloval ordered us into the sky. That wouldn’t
Everyone was out celebrating all night. Claudia Grant, who have been so bad, had our anti-gravity pods been secured in
was my roommate at the time, didn’t make it in until four in the ship. Instead, they ripped right through hull and sent us
the morning, even though we had an early duty call for the crashing back down to the ground.
launch of the ship.
I remember distinctly telling the captain that he shouldn’t
But before long, all hell had broken loose. blame himself for that setback. He was right to resist the
political pressures that would have sent us in the air, but
Captain Gloval wasn’t even on the bridge when we got the powerless to change that situation. He couldn’t have known.
first word from the Space Monitoring Station that there were But when he sat heavily into his chair and his only words were,
irregularities in the gravitational field. He was outside the ship, “I’m the captain,” I didn’t quite know what he meant then.
watching the air show Commander Fokker had organized
with his pilots for the people of Macross. As the first officer, I I do now, though.
was in command of the SDF-1 when the aliens first arrived, an
ironic fact that doesn’t escape me. And when they arrived, the Everything, right or wrong, good or bad, that happens on a
ship went into a full defensive mode, programming left over ship is the responsibility of the captain. And he knew that,
from the previous owners. I ordered the crew to shut down even then. It would take me a while to learn what he was
all systems, but the original programming was overpowering. trying to teach me in that moment.
Captain Gloval arrived while the main guns were still preparing
to fire, but it was still too late. His orders to shut it off wouldn’t My job was immediately overwhelming, but I think I handled
work any more than mine would. it with grace. I was overseeing communication with the
Veritech pilots, relaying orders through the comms to other
The initial blast of the main gun completely vaporized many sectors of the fleet from Captain Gloval, and working to ensure
of the ships in Breetai’s advance flotilla and Captain Gloval the civilian population of Macross made it to the emergency
determined quickly that the ship hadn’t malfunctioned, but shelters to prevent any further loss of life in the conflict.
that it was a booby trap. With more enemies approaching
in Sector 412, Captain Gloval gave the order to scramble all And then the captain decided once more to take off, but this
forces. It was so hard to watch so many forces go into combat time using the Earth-technology booster rockets that were
against an alien threat on a day that we’d hoped would be installed on the SDF-1 so that we could rendezvous with the
nothing but a celebration. carrier platforms in space that had already taken a beating by
the Zentraedi advance.
I can tell you that things moved so quickly on the bridge that check in with command first. He thanked her, but insisted it
we didn’t really have time to break down. We were left to was an emergency. When she insisted back, he snapped at
our training and the reflexes we’d learned there. Everything her.
worked out as well as it could have, given the fact that we
couldn’t understand the enemy strategy. Once we’d made On some level, though, I think he was right. Taking more time
Earth orbit, we expected the Zentraedi to press the attack wouldn’t have done anyone any good.
while they had the advantage, but no such attack took place.
Captain Gloval assumed there was a strategy at work, but We hit an altitude of approximately 600 meters above Macross
we couldn’t understand what it was. After a brief respite, City and began our countdown.
the Zentraedi opened fire again, but they didn’t take a single
shot against us, though they tore the rest of the Earth fleet to I counted down from ten, not realizing that when I got to one,
pieces. the world would never be the same.
That’s when Captain Gloval had a brilliant idea that, on the When we reappeared, we were about 7.5 billion kilometers
one hand, saved us, but on the other hand would make the off course. It would take us a few minutes to figure that out,
rest of our lives difficult, to say the least. though. Why would we ever think that we’d gone all the way
to Pluto?
He ordered us back down into the Earth’s atmosphere and, as
a feint, we would use a hyperspace-fold maneuver to make The bigger complication was the fact that we weren’t the
a position jump that would put us in Lunar orbit. Captain only ones to make the voyage. The fold envelope was so large
Gloval thought that by putting the moon between us and the that we’d taken the entirety of Macross City with us. And that
Zentraedi fleet, it would put us in a position to confuse the meant all of the residents in air-tight evacuation shelters as
enemy from a place of relative safety. well.
If nothing else, it would buy us time to formulate a strategy. Then, we were informed that the fold system had vanished
completely, leaving us stranded more than 7 billion kilometers
As these orders were given, I could tell the crew was getting from home.
frazzled. Claudia Grant had a tense exchange with the captain
when she reminded him that regulations required that he Our bad day was only getting worse.
if i e d
a ss
c l
Designation: Super Dimensional Fortress - 1
Abstract: Interstellar Battleship
* Rail Cannons * Wide Field Scanning Array
* Turbo Lasers * <Redacted>
* Retro Thrusters * Construction Yard and Facilities
* Carrier Attachments * <Redacted>
* <Redacted> * <Redacted>
Battle in Space Space Fold Maneuver
While the SDF-1 fights for its life, it gets a distress call from Realizing they’re outmatched by the entire Zentraedi fleet,
Armor 1 and Armor 10 who have engaged a portion of the Captain Gloval decides on a desperate strategy. He falls
Zentraedi fleet. These two missile platforms do everything back to Earth over the city of Macross and has his crew plot
they can to fend off the Zentraedi, unloading their full a hyperspace fold maneuver that would take them on the far
complement of missiles and weapons, but the Zentraedi side of Lunar orbit. This gambit would put the unpopulated
forces are too powerful and overwhelming. Armor 1 is moon between the SDF-1 and the Zentraedi fleet. But the
destroyed and Armor 10 is badly damaged before taking fold system is completely untested and they’re not even sure
several Zentraedi Scout Ships down. The SDF-1 races to it will work. He gives the order to go and the SDF-1 vanishes,
rendezvous with it, hoping to help in any way they can. taking with it Macross City, a massive amount of ocean, and
most of the fighters in its fold radius. Some fighters and
At Breetai’s disposal are limitless supplies of Tactical Pods, civilians are left, though, leaving them and the Zentraedi alike
Artillery Pods, and Officer Pods that can be sent to the to wonder where the SDF-1 really went.
surface. Though Armor 1 and Armor 10 can do their best to
prevent some from getting to the surface, the hard work is • Fighters Left Behind: For those fighters who did not get
going to have to be done by the SDF-1 and its associated transported to Pluto by the SDF-1’s desperate maneuver,
Veritech Fighter crews. there are still dangers present. Zentraedi Battlepods still
left on Earth need to be mopped up so that they don’t
• Space Forces: The first line of defense against the hurt anyone else and aren’t seen by any civilians.
Zentraedi Battle Cruisers coming into Earth’s orbit
are Armor 1 and Armor 10 out in space. These missile Conflicts: The SDF-1 suffers system damage from the space
platforms shred a small number of incoming Zentraedi fold. Not all threats are apparent and scanning to detect them
vessels, but have the fight of their lives when Breetai of is important. Swarms of Pods are still active. Because of the
the Zentraedi forces gives the order to “blast them to chaos left behind by the SDF-1’s departure, there are going
bits.” to constantly be hidden and obscured threats for the players.
The Zentraedi engage aggressively.
• Zentraedi Forces: After a decade of hunting for Zor’s
Battle Fortress, Commander Breetai and his assistant SDF-1 officers or crew might start acting erratically due to
Exedore approach cautiously. They don’t know if Zor unexpected pressures of fighting a superior and unknown
and his forces are still on board and aren’t certain what enemy. Tempers may flare as well as important stations being
to expect. Finding Micronians in command of the ship abandoned. Areas of the SDF-1 lose life support.
comes as a supreme shock. They command the entire
Zentraedi operation from Breetai’s flagship. Designer Note: Whichever faction your players are playing,
do your best to keep track of the timing of the other events.
Conflicts: For naval combat, Armor 1 and Armor 10 are in If things stagnate with the players in one situation, advance
extremely dangerous positions. Multiple swarms of Zentraedi the time to the next situation and have them react to that.
Battlepods are incoming and scans are needed to understand There’s a lot of chaos to this battle and that can be reflected
the larger threats from the Zentraedi naval vessels. The by the ever changing nature of the situation and the lack
Pilots and crew of the UEDF vessels are green and fighting an of information about everything going on outside of your
overwhelming force. players and their focused field of view. Since most people
playing the game will undoubtedly know what’s going to
Designer Note: The GM may want to set a specific number happen in a scenario like this, try to build tension by making
of rounds before the Naval vessels open fire to obliterate the when each event happens unexpected.
UEDF forces, but who knows—maybe the players can find a
way out of the conflict. Let your players roleplay amongst each other and watch the
Launch Day ceremonies (or participate in them!) as they get
increasingly more nervous, waiting for the Reflex weaponry
of the SDF-1 to fire. And be sure to only tell your players about
what directly affects them. Unless they’re on the bridge of the
SDF-1 with all the information and are calling out readings
from sensors to the other players, your group isn’t going to
know a whole lot about what’s really going on.
to get the shelters and remnants of the city on board. Dr.
Lang would have a lot to say about that.
Rescue and Attack in Pluto’s Orbit
• Fighters: There’s a lot of disorientation from the fighters
As the SDF-1 realizes they’ve overshot their intended at first. How did they suddenly end up in space? They still
destination by hundreds of millions of miles, they work to have plenty of bogeys to deal with, on top of the frozen
rescue the civilian shelters that they’d inadvertently taken lake of sea-water that got taken in the fold maneuver,
with them from Macross Island. The Veritechs and Battlepods before they can rescue the civilians.
doing battle in the area of the SDF-1 continue their battles,
confused by their new surroundings. The huge swath of ocean • Civilians: There are a number of civilians in play. First,
the SDF-1 took to space inside its fold radius turned quickly there’s Rick Hunter and Minmei in Rick’s Fanjet, floating
to ice and a rescue effort was made to bring these shelters out in space, wondering where they are and how they
aboard the ship and find space for them in an available storage might survive. The civilians in the emergency shelters
hold large enough to support them. This would be the site of might not even have any idea what’s happened until
the new Macross City aboard the SDF-1. they’re rescued.
• The Rescue Operation and Clean Up: Naturally, the crew Conflicts: Battlepods are hidden and obscured in the
of the SDF-1 have a lot of work to do when they realize wreckage. Civilians targets need to be identified and rescued
they’ve transported the citizens of Macross City with from Zentraedi and environmental threats. There is general
them to the outer orbit of Pluto. Though the emergency chaos and the UEDF fighters are green. Patrolling Veritech
shelters are all vacuum-tight, there’s still the matter Pilots may get cut off or need rescuing after being shot down.
of getting them all into the SDF-1 so the citizens don’t Some UEDF units may run out of ammunition or become
starve to death or run out of oxygen. But before that can isolated.
happen, the Zentraedi forces that were swept up in the
fold maneuver need to be taken care of first. Designer Note: The show really focuses in on what’s
happening with Minmei and Rick during the mop up, rescue,
• Aboard the SDF-1: Captain Gloval is in command here and reconstruction. Use this to your advantage. You can
and needs to do his best to work out the best course of imagine that going any way you’d like. Getting the shelters
action overall. In the meantime, the rest of the bridge into the ship is going to be a problem for the fighters to solve,
crew coordinate efforts to help the fighter jocks find the but figuring out where to put them is going to be an issue for
right targets and identify where the emergency shelters the bridge crew. Doing any of it with the last remnants of the
are so they can be rescued. Naturally, they would be Zentraedi attack force still out there will be difficult. There’s
involved in identifying the disused hangar where a new also a race against time. How long can the civilians last in the
Macross City will be born and how exactly they’re going vacuum before being rescued?
The Attack and Transformation
Jack the Giant Killer
From “Pilots and the First Robotech War: An Oral History” by Jason Anthony
For the fighters, the battle was a fierce one. Zentraedi Battlepods were everywhere: on the ground on
Macross City, in the surrounding ocean, in the air above it, and even in space wherever they went. A number of
Battlepods even came with the SDF-1 to Pluto, though the Veritech pilots managed to make quick work of them.
Admiral Rick Hunter sheepishly refused to comment on this particular battle, as he was still a civilian at
the time, so we went elsewhere to get a pilot’s perspective on the Battle of Macross Island. We sought out the records
of Jack Archer. Archer was a mercenary during the Global War and was recruited into the United Earth Defense
Force by Roy Fokker during the reconstruction of the SDF-1. During the Battle for Macross Island, Archer was
assigned to Wolf Squadron.
He recorded his thoughts and we’ve provided a transcript here:
“When the aliens made planetfall, I was scrambled from the Prometheus to protect the choppers, Sea
Sergeants they were called, over the ocean. The Zentraedi Fighter Pods were out in full force. Some might have
found their swarming numbers overwhelming, but I prefer to think of it as a target rich environment. What I can
tell you is that Zentraedi Fighter pods aren’t the most difficult bogeys to shoot down. Sure, they had missiles that
could lock, but the chaff could take care of that easy. And their Particle Cannons were tough, but they were front
mounted, so as long as you didn’t approach them head on and didn’t let them get behind you, you’d never have a
problem. I’ll never forget that patchwork of green Gnerls (as the Zentraedi call ‘em) set against the bright blue sky
over Macross and the ocean. I knew there were aliens, but I wasn’t as prepared to fight against them as I thought I
I did fine though. After guarding the Sea Sergeants, I was ordered to Zone 209 inside Macross City to
secure the area for the civilians for their evacuation. I gotta tell you, my days as a mercenary really paid off then. You
know how sharp a pilot has to be to go ship to ship in fighter mode, then switch on a dime to Battloid configuration
and do standard street to street fighting? It’s different sets of skills entirely. That’s why I think the UEDF has some
of the best pilots in the world. And it’s why I think Roy Fokker brought me in. Throughout Zone 209, I ended up
fighting Zentraedi Tactical and Artillery Pods all over town until the civilian evacuation center was locked up
tight and I got a call from Commander Hayes to go back up the Destroids in Sector 214. Now, Destroids aren’t as
maneuverable as a Veritech. They’re more like tanks. Slow. Lumbering. Barely mobile artillery. So you get one good
Zentraedi Fighter Pod strafing them from a flank and they’re toast. You pair ‘em with a Veritech like good ol’ Wolf
10, though, and they stand a much better chance of making it through the skirmish.
After that I was somewhere else. I kept getting bounced from one spot to another so fast and with so many
Battlepods to take down that I thought I was playing in a simulator or an arcade.
It’s hard to remember exactly. I know I was on the outskirts of the island when the SDF-1 made its fold
maneuver. It’s easy to forget there’s a larger battle going on when you’re so focused on the enemy ahead of you. In
fact, there were so many Zentraedi forces in the airspace over Macross Island, I wouldn’t have even realized there
were other parts of the battle to get to. But that’s why you have a good commander like Lisa Hayes, directing you to
where you’ll do the most good. It’s an adjustment, to be sure. I never really had that sort of support as a merc. We
were like bullets fired from the enemy commander’s gun. “There’s trouble there, go fix it.” And off we’d go like a shot
until the trouble was fixed and we’d head back.
But as far as the larger battle at Macross Island, I wouldn’t even learn that we’d lost ships in space until
months later. And I wasn’t sure what had even happened to the SDF-1 for a while either. I knew it was executing a
hyperspace fold maneuver, I heard that much by way of comms chatter. But that’s where things went hazy.
I was caught in that fold radius, half in, half out. My Veritech was shredded in the worst way, but I think I
got it worse. I was in the hospital for months after that. It was no picnic, I’ll tell you that much.
The only thing I knew was that the Zentraedi were gone. It made it difficult for me to understand why
the official story became what it did, though. Or maybe it wasn’t so hard to understand. It was easier to keep
the populace under control if the government told them that violent radicals tried to tear apart the peace of the
unification by destroying Macross Island and the SDF-1. If nothing else, it would be an easier story for them to buy
than the fact that we’d been attacked by a race of giant aliens and our only defense had vanished.
I bet I could have calmed people down, though. I mean, they don’t call me Jack the Giant Killer for nothing.”
Out of Nowhere
From the personal logs of Lt. Commander Claudia Grant
Chief Communications Officer of the SDF-1
March 20, 2009 - SDF-1 - Somewhere between Pluto and Saturn
The last few weeks have been a shock to all of us. It’s been almost a month since we made our jump from
Earth. I can’t even tell you how it felt to realize we were in the orbit of Pluto instead of lunar orbit. It was like my
heart stopped and then a live wire touched it when realization hit. It was awful. We’re all more stressed than I’ve ever
seen us. Even Roy is showing it and he’s always cold as ice when it comes to the job. He actually yelled at Captain
Gloval about that civilian kid he dragged into the war and all the way out here.
We eventually found him, of course. He was trapped in a disused cargo hold for days with a young woman.
I could think of worse ways to while away the time while the rest of us went about our work.
And there was a lot of work. We had to attach the Daedalus and Prometheus to the arms of the SDF-1 and
we had to oversee the reconstruction of Macross City inside the belly of the ship. I’m grateful every day that the
emergency civilian shelters in Macross City were airtight and we saved more than seventy thousand of them.
There was a hope that the aliens wouldn’t find us for a while. I mean, it took us a while to find ourselves.
I swear, it felt like five whole minutes had passed before we were able to pinpoint our position. And then the bad
news started rolling in. First we were at Pluto. Then we had to rescue the aircraft carriers. Then the civilians. Then,
Dr. Lang informed us that the hyperspace fold system had simply vanished. Then, he told us that our main guns
wouldn’t fire until we’d undergone a modular transformation of the ship. All of the work we’d done rebuilding
Macross City was going to be destroyed or severely altered if we underwent such a transformation, so we were in a
bad spot one way or the other.
We weren’t going to be given much of a choice though. Zentraedi ships showed up out of nowhere. They
found us. I wonder if they were as surprised as we were about where we’d ended up.
As soon as we caught their ships on radar we scrambled fighters, including Roy and Skull Squadron. He
shot down more Zentraedi than anyone because of course he did, but it wasn’t enough. We took a beating on the
ship. Lots of casualties. We were losing cannon emplacements and crew, not even to mention the pilots.
And that’s when Captain Gloval made his decision.
We would complete a modular transformation and fire the main gun. Although it caused untold amounts
of damage inside the new Macross City, we destroyed the Zentraedi ship and its fleet, disintegrating it in space.
We knew the enemy wasn’t going to leave us alone, though. Currently, we’re working on rebuilding
Macross City again while we make our way back to Earth. Next stop: Saturn. In the meantime, it’s been nice to have
a regular city aboard the ship. Having it so close has made it much easier to get some alone time with Roy and gave
our lives so far from home some normalcy.
Unless there’s an emergency, I’m going out for a late dinner with Roy and then we’ll see what happens
afterward. And, I’ll be honest, it’s nice to see all these civilian families happy and together with their lives returning
to some sort of normal, despite the terror we’re living.
Scenario 2
Battle Cry • Fighters: The fighter pilots aboard the SDF-1 have,
perhaps, the most difficult part of this operation. Though
there aren’t any Zentraedi forces opposing them, the
way to the shadow zone is fraught with danger. Pilots will
The Battle of Saturn’s Rings have to make a lot of constant, sustained skill checks to
ensure they’re not destroyed by the ice shards floating in
As they slowly make their way home with 70,000+ souls space. It gets considerably more difficult inside the actual
aboard the SDF-1, Captain Gloval knows that they can’t shadow zone as the pilots await the Zentraedi attack in
survive the sustained hit and run attacks from the Zentraedi. total darkness.
They need somewhere to regroup and hide, hoping that the
Zentraedi will lose sight of them completely. With Saturn • Zentraedi: Breetai orders Captain Zeril to engage and
coming up quickly, Gloval sees an opportunity to spring a trap capture the SDF-1, inflicting little damage. Zeril moves in
in its icy rings. He intends to make a blitzkrieg style ambush with his Destroyer. The SDF-1 employs a new technique
on the encroaching enemy. called the “Daedalus Maneuver” and destroys the
attacking Destroyer.
• Setting the Trap: Captain Gloval orders the Veritech
pilots to take off and head for the shadow zone in the Conflicts: The Veritech pilots have difficulty maneuvering
rings of Saturn to hide. The shadow zone is a spot where and navigating through the rings. Communication may
all sunlight is blocked and, thanks to the icy debris field, be limited due to going dark to assist concealment. When
will make the Veritechs all but invisible on the Zentraedi’s position is obtained, the SDF-1’s Reflex Cannon does not
scopes. fire. A Zentraedi Destroyer attempts to ram the SDF-1. The
ambushing Veritechs engage Zeril’s Destroyer.
• Aboard the SDF-1: Captain Gloval and the crew of the
bridge are tense. If this plan works, it could mean they’re Designer Note: This is largely a test of skill and mettle
free of Zentraedi interference for the rest of their voyage for the pilots. Flying through the rings and into darkness
back to Earth. If they fail, it could be the last plan they is increasingly difficult and taxing on their piloting skills.
ever hatch. Captain Gloval and the crew must navigate Scanning will be important to know how to navigate the icy
the SDF-1 through rings of Saturn and hide there in the terrain and know what enemies are around. There’s also a
ice debris. race against time element that may be introduced. They need
to be in place before the Zentraedi arrive so they can be sure
No easy feat for a ship more than twelve hundred meters to be hidden.
in length.
The Battle of Saturn’s Rings
From Rick Hunter’s personal log
May, 2009
I was up all night thinking about Minmei, trying to distract myself from my first combat duty. Well, I was thinking
about Minmei, but that Zentraedi soldier that I first saw on Macross Island kept coming at me in my dreams. I
couldn’t shake him. On the way to our fighters Roy told me that a bad night of sleep never killed anybody, but I
wasn’t convinced. I swear I slept through the mission briefing and then Commander Hayes chewed me out about it
all through our insertion. We were heading into the shadow zone of the rings to give us the most amount of cover so
the Zentraedi couldn’t see us, but it also meant that we couldn’t quite see anything else either. I almost got clobbered
with some chunks of floating ice more than once. And then, sitting there in the dark, we had to wait. Do you know
how hard it is, flying in the dark in a field full of ice that can clobber you in an instant? Then add to that the lack of
sleep, my feelings for Minmei that I can’t even put into words, and a hundred other problems I feel like I’m having,
and I just don’t even know how I made it out of there alive.
It wasn’t easy, that’s for sure.
And the battle hadn’t even really started. By the time we were able to come out of the shadow zone and start
fighting, there were already two other squadrons that had been destroyed. Skull Squadron was doing remarkably
better, but I was still turned upside down. I’ll be honest, the whole thing was a blur and I’m not even sure how I got
inside the Zentraedi Battle Cruiser. It was like I blinked and one thing led to another and bam!, there I was. I don’t
even remember switching from fighter mode to Battloid configuration, but no sooner than I could comprehend it
I was , walking the hallways of this giant Zentraedi ship.
And then it happened.
I turned a corner and there he was. The biggest Zentraedi I’d ever
seen. I leveled my cannon on him, but he just raised his arms. I’ll never forget the
utter look of terror and panic on his face. He trembled. That’s the word I’m looking
for. He trembled in terror. As though he was more afraid of me than I was of him.
We stopped there for a moment.
Time stood still.
And I knew I didn’t want to kill him. Sure, he was fifty feet tall and
wanted to kill me, but I never wanted to kill anybody. Even if it was him or me.
And then there were echoes of explosions ricocheting through the hull. I knew I
had to get out of there, so I just left him there. I don’t know if he escaped or just
incinerated with the rest of the ship, but I knew it wasn’t my fault and that was the
only good news I could think of.
I told Roy about it and he laughed. Can you believe that? He laughed.
But maybe it wasn’t me he was laughing at. Maybe it was just the situation. Because
he admitted that he felt exactly the same way the first time he was in a combat
situation. Like it made him sick.
And if this is what fighter pilots all have to go through, how do they
live with themselves? Does it get easier every time? Does the idea that it does get
easier somehow make it worse? Or is that supposed to make me feel better?
The only thing I know for certain is that I’m a long way from the
• Aboard the SDF-1: Thanks to the tireless work of Dr.
Emil Lang, the SDF-1 had by this time developed the
Zentraedi Attack and Daedalus pinpoint barrier system. This system, operated by
several low ranking officers in an SDF-1 control room,
The Zentraedi work quickly with the resources they have, allows three discs of light to spin across the surface
knowing full well that if the SDF-1 makes it into the rings, of the SDF-1, making whatever spot they protect
there’s a chance they’ll lose track of it completely and that is a invulnerable from enemy fire. With the Zentraedi Battle
failure that Breetai will not accept. They launch a small recon Cruiser approaching, the crew finds that their defense
attack, holding back most of their forces, hoping to spring the is weakening and, for some reason, they can’t get the
Micronian trap. Will Captain Gloval’s plan work? Or will it spell main gun to fire. Because of that malfunction, desperate
doom for every soul above the SDF-1? measures must be taken if they’re to survive the battle.
And that’s when Lisa Hayes comes up with the idea for
• Zentraedi: Breetai sends a small group of Zentraedi the Daedalus maneuver. Commander Hayes orders all
Tactical and Missile Pods to the rings of Saturn to Destroids on board the SDF-1 to scramble to the front
engage the SDF-1, but the fighters hidden in the rings end of the Daedalus, the ship that was grafted to the
of Saturn’s shadow zone strike. During the battle, the right arm of the SDF-1. Then, she orders the Terrible Trio
SDF-1 reveals itself as well and Breetai is alarmed that it to direct all of the pinpoint barrier energy to the front of
seems as though the humans have committed all of their the Daedalus. With all the pieces in place, the SDF-1 rams
resources to an attack, not realizing the Zentraedi have the Daedalus into the nose of the oncoming Zentraedi
held back almost their entire fleet. Then, Breetai orders Battle Fortress and opens its hangar doors. Then every
in a cruiser to make a killing blow against Zor’s former Destroid pilot there unleashes everything they have to
Battle Fortress. destroy the attacking Destroyer. This gives them the
time they need to make their escape toward Mars.
In the wake of all the coming devastation, Breetai pulls
back the Zentraedi forces, opting to spring a trap of their Conflicts: The intense battle brings the SDF-1’s crew to
own in the next scenario. their limits. Massive numbers of UEDF and Zentraedi Mecha
are involved in the conflict. Mechanics have their hands full
• Fighters: Roy Fokker, Rick Hunter, and the rest of Skull repairing damaged Veritechs, and medics are busy tending
Squad and the other fighters of the UEDF waiting in to many casualties in the medbays. Scientists and engineers
the shadow zone emerge from hiding to assault the work tirelessly to unlock the SDF-1’s secrets and keep the ship
Zentraedi forces that arrive to assault the SDF-1. This running.
assault is dangerous, as they’re still in the ice-fields
of the rings. Many fighters and Tactical Pods explode Designer Note: If you’re playing with a group of fighters, the
all around our heroes. As the Zentraedi Battle Cruiser Daedalus maneuver can be used in the background as sort of
arrives, the fighters fly closer to it, hoping to stave off its the show-stopping event that will make a large impression
attack before it can do any major harm to the SDF-1 and on the players as they watch it unfold and have to scramble
all of the innocent civilians on board. One fighter pilot, back to the SDF-1 to make a quick getaway. If your players are
Rick, even manages to find himself inside the Zentraedi on the bridge crew, don’t remind them about the Daedalus
cruiser, face to face with a Zentraedi soldier. He struggles maneuver; see what they come up with on their own.
with whether or not he can fire; the stress and fatigue
of everything else in his life, as well as his personal Naturally, you’ll be operating the pinpoint barrier system. But
convictions, stop him from firing. Instead, he seeks a way not coming up with the idea for that move and not coming up
off the ship – just in time, too, because it blows when the with something that rivals it in effectiveness is going to cause
SDF-1 performs one of its most daring offensive moves a huge turning point in the timeline your players are in. What
yet. happens if reinforcements arrive and the ship’s main gun
can’t fire? Does that mean Zentraedi board the ship? Does
that mean Breetai might win the day at Saturn?
Setting the Trap
From the personal logs of Captain Henry Gloval
May, 2009
When we’d folded to Pluto, I thought we would have had a little time to breathe. And we did, but when
Zentraedi recon force arrived, I had to make terrible choices. Although the modular transformation enabled us to
fire the main gun and annihilate the reinforcements coming to harangue us, we were still in a terrible spot. The
enemy knew where we were. We thought that we could hide from the enemy forces in the rings of Saturn. This is
when I hatched my dangerous plan of blitzkrieg. Playing defense works well, but the enemy was relentless. More
importantly, they’d chosen the site of every confrontation we’d had, so it was up to me to finally pick a battle zone
that we could defend from a place of strength, while at the same time hurting the enemy.
We had no other choice. Once we left the safety of Saturn’s rings on the slow road home to Earth, they
would still be on our flank. We had to attack.
They were going to continue their hit-and-run maneuvers and continue chipping away at our strength.
Although we had 70,000 civilians aboard the ship, our supply of pilots and Veritech fighters was not inexhaustible.
We had to do something.
So, from the safety of Saturn’s rings, we would launch our offensive.
Between the choice of battlefield and the new pinpoint barrier system, we would be sure to win at least
enough of a victory to make our way home with some breathing room behind us.
But, like everything, we were plagued with problems. We laid our trap, with all of the fighter squadrons
-- Classified --
Daedalus Maneuver
Abstract: Pin Point Concentration,
Hull Penetration
* Destroid Offense
* <Redacted>
* <Redacted>
hiding in the shadow zone of the moon. I’d ordered the SDF-1 hidden among the ice fields of the rings. The enemy
attacked in force. And then…our main gun wouldn’t fire.
I knew that I was cursed with an inexperienced crew in an untested ship, but never had I felt more exposed
than in that moment. At least before we seemed to be able to pull through, but in this moment I wasn’t so sure.
Naturally, I couldn’t show the despair and frustration I felt to my crew, but it hung there nonetheless like a cloud.
In all honesty, our quest might have ended right there had it not been for a stroke of brilliance on the part
of my XO, Lisa Hayes. Dr. Lang had developed what he had called the pinpoint barrier system. It enabled us to
protect three spots on the hull with one hundred percent effectiveness.
It was her suggestion to focus all three points of the pinpoint barrier system on the front of the Daedalus,
and then order all of the Destroids we had to the front of that ship. Then, we rammed the Daedalus into the
oncoming Zentraedi vessel. Once we’d pierced its hull, we opened the front bay doors of the Daedalus and the
Destroids unleashed their full barrage, completely obliterating the ship from within. It was a brilliant maneuver and
I’m not sure we would have made it within striking distance of Mars if it weren’t for Lisa’s quick thinking.
She’s an excellent XO and though I hate that she’s had to get so experienced so quickly, I’m not sure I’d want
anyone else by my side during this nightmarish ordeal.
My only hope is that this detour to Mars base will give us a few moments to breathe and resupply. Perhaps
getting back to Earth won’t be impossible after all.
Bye-Bye Mars Watching from the Stars
Breetai, after having watched the unexpected and unorthodox Dear Lisa,
nature of human fighting techniques, decides that he needs
to call in an unstable element on his own. This is where Lord This is the last entry in my journal. The
Khyron enters the story. Known as the Backstabber, Breetai
life support systems are failing and I still have so
knew that Khyron’s tactics against the humans would be
unorthodox and that it might change the course of their much to do before that happens, but I needed
pursuit. Breetai didn’t want anything to go wrong, so he to leave a message for you before I check out
devised his own plan, wagering that the SDF-1 would stop at completely.
the abandoned Earth base on Mars. I write these last words to you because I
know you’ll come for me.
• The Zentraedi Trap: Wagering that the SDF-1 would be
I knew you’d come for me...I only wish it
making its way to Mars Base Sara, Breetai orders Khyron
to take his Botoru Battalion to hide there and lay in wait was in time for us to be together again.
for the SDF-1. Since the ultimate goal of the Zentraedi is Mars Base Sara has been good to me.
to take the SDF-1 unharmed, they also lay gravity mines I’ve enjoyed my time here. And I think the work
under the only logical landing site for the SDF-1. That I did, destroyed as it was, will help humanity far
will keep it in place so they can board it and turn control greater than any fighting I could have done in a
over Breetai. For their part, the humans work quickly to
discover any major caches of supplies they might take,
since the presence of the civilians of Macross City has There’s so much I wish I could say, but
stretched their resources to the max. I have to go now. Time seems so much more
precious when it ticks by a second at a time
• Zentraedi: Khyron and his troops lay gravity mines deep with only hours left. I’m going to spend those
beneath the planet near the expected landing site of last hours roaming the Martian landscape in
the SDF-1 and then take to a nearby ravine to stage an
hopes of finding one last scientific discovery
ambush. Khyron, in his Officer Pod, lays in wait with his
troops, but his instability shows. When one of Khyron’s before the end comes, thinking of you the whole
soldiers gets antsy, unable to wait for the command to while. Know that I love you. And know that I’ll
attack, Khyron personally shoots him out of the sky. be watching from the stars when you’re finally in
Once the SDF-1 lands and scrambles fighters to explore command of your own ship.
the base, Khyron springs his trap and all hell breaks loose. Remember to always follow your heart.
Conflicts: UEDF personnel may be concerned about the well-
being of those on Mars Base One. The Zentraedi must sit and Karl.
wait for the Micronians to approach. There may be some Karl Riber
discord among those who want to rush into combat. UEDF Last entry
officers may argue about the best way to handle the situation.
• Fighters: The usual suspects of Veritech Fighters are
scrambled from the ship. At first, it’s an escort mission,
The Battle for Mars getting Lisa Hayes safely in her Cat’s Eye to the surface
of Mars so she can begin her work, but that’s when
From Saturn the SDF-1 travels to Mars Base Sara, hoping for Khyron reveals himself. Zentraedi Tactical and Artillery
a brief respite on their way to Earth and for a quick resupply. Pods seemingly appear out of nowhere. The Veritechs do
Captain Gloval dispatches Lisa Hayes to reconnoiter the base their best to keep the Zentraedi away from the SDF-1,
on Mars, but when Khyron springs his trap, Captain Gloval and Rick and Roy do their best to ensure Lisa’s safety on
realizes quickly that he needs to find a way to get the SDF-1 the surface. When Lisa refuses to evacuate the base, Rick
off of Mars and back into space or he’ll never make it to Earth. takes it upon himself to rescue her personally. Then, he
has to shield her from enemy fire as he works to get her
• Zentraedi: Once Khyron feels as though he can unleash back aboard the SDF-1.
the full might of his forces, he is truly at his best. This The plot event effectively ends with the explosion of the base’s
is what he was bred for and he overconfidently relishes reflex furnace. Khyron and some of his Botoru Battalion make
every moment until his inevitable defeat. it away while the SDF-1 makes its escape from the Red Planet.
p s e c r e t
to Designation: SDR-04-Mk XII
Name: Phalanx
Abstract: Mobile Missile Carrier
* Advanced Sensor Package
* Tactical Pattern Missiles
* <Redacted>
the Micronians sprung what I will grudgingly admit was a
clever trap. It’s an old Earth proverb about war – to look weak
when you are strong and appear strong when you are weak.
Unorthodox In this particular engagement the Micronian commander was
able to do both in alternating patterns.
Excerpt from a report on the Saturn Engagement and why They punched a hole right through Zeril’s ship and obliterated
Khyron was called into the battle on Mars it from within. It was unlike anything I had ever seen.
Unorthodox and ruthless.
It had long been considered wisdom in the Zentraedi
archives that our forces ought to stay away from Micronians These Micronians were completely unpredictable and I
completely. I advised Commander Breetai of this fact on believe that’s why Commander Breetai ordered his own
more than one occasion, but as any good Zentraedi would unstable element into the next engagement. We reasoned
be, he was singularly focused on the mission given to us by that the abandoned Micronian base on the fourth planet in
command. Zor’s Battle Fortress was more important tactically this solar system would be a logical waypoint for them to
and militarily than the risk of exposure to the tiny beings. stop on their way back to Earth. It was to my utter shock
that Breetai offered this ambush to Khyron the Backstabber.
But the tiny beings remained incomprehensible to me. Why was he known as “the Backstabber?” Because Khyron
had a reputation of attacking his own men if they defied
During an engagement with our recon forces, I could not his orders or it suited his whim. Khyron was addicted to the
understand why they changed formats from the ship inebriating effects of the Invid Flower of Life, which made
configuration to a more humanoid looking shape. We plotted him as dangerous as he was difficult to predict. The Flower of
their course and estimated that they would be heading to the Life was native to the Invid homeworld Optera and, although
sixth planet in the solar system to use the rings for cover. It was we did not know it at the time, was an essential building
my considered opinion that if we allowed the Battle Fortress block in the creation of protoculture. But Khyron used it as
to make it to those rings we would lose them completely. a dangerous drug. During the Mona Operation, he killed a
That was why I advised that we set up an intercept course number of his own men because of this drunkenness. In the
and do our best to prevent them from finding a safe harbor. Battle of Isyris he wiped out two whole divisions of friendly
It is an old Zentraedi saying that you must never leave an forces, even though he did prevail in the battle.
opponent down time, and we would do our best to exhaust
the Micronians who had taken Zor’s Battle Fortress and Despite his reputation for success, I found him to be a sub-
prevent them from thinking sensibly about anything. optimal commander and had hoped to see him stripped of
his command rather than be given more responsibility in
When Breetai sent Captain Zeril into the rings, the plan such a delicate operation. I registered my complaint with
was to keep most of our forces in reserve so that we could Commander Breetai, but was promptly overruled.
maintain pursuit of them if Zeril failed to capture them. But
their strategy was completely illogical from the start. They After the disaster on Mars, for some reason Commander
attacked Zeril’s ship with a vastly outnumbered force, but Breetai allowed Khyron to continue his harassment of the
acted as though they were in a position of power. It was utterly SDF-1 until finally we had to call him back ourselves with our
baffling to me. I recall Commander Breetai commenting that own systems, as he was no longer following orders. Fighting
it was almost as though they didn’t realize that we had been amongst your own forces is no way to win an engagement,
holding back virtually all of our forces. That’s when Breetai especially against a foe as resourceful as the Micronians who
ordered Zeril into a closer position, and of course, that’s when salvaged Zor’s Battle Fortress.
Miss Macross and Khyron’s Attack Males and Females!?
Everyone on the SDF-1 is glued to their view screens to watch TO: Lord Exedore
the Miss Macross pageant – that is, if they’re not there at FROM: Rico
the stadium live. Rick Hunter wants nothing more than to
be there, but he’s called away to reconnaissance duty. He
We successfully invaded the Micronian
takes a special armored Veritech against orders out into
space. Because of the Miss Macross broadcast, all of his airspace to get an enhanced view of their
communications gear is acting weird, especially when he’s broadcast; unfortunately, we encountered
trying to take orders from Lisa Hayes. That’s okay with him, heavy resistance and I am aggrieved to report
since he’d rather watch the Miss Macross pageant anyway, the recording we made of the images were
and he proceeds to do so until he comes under attack. damaged irreparably. The broadcast itself was
confusing and I know that it holds some military
• Zentraedi: When the communications on Breetai’s
flagship begin intercepting strange transmissions, he significance, but I cannot divine the nature of it.
sends out a recon team to see if they can get a better look There were females mingling with males and the
at what it is the humans are broadcasting and why. That’s females were wearing armor of a sort that has
when Rico, Konda, and Bron are dispatched to stealthily never before been seen by Zentraedi culture.
get closer to the SDF-1 to find out what’s going on. What The armor barely covered them, so it wouldn’t
they find is utterly shocking to them: males and females
be effective in hand to hand combat unless it
coexisting. Then, they get into a battle with Rick Hunter
and barely make it away with their lives. Unfortunately, somehow generates a force field of some sort,
their recording equipment is damaged and they come which is not out of the realm of possibility. On
back to Breetai to report to him empty handed. the other hand, it could also be a new armor
for use in their fighters to make them more
• Fighters: Rick Hunter is alone on this recon mission, and maneuverable. There’s simply no telling.
so he has no one to rely on when the shooting starts. He’s
We’ve so far determined no reason for
also impossibly distracted. Not just because of the Miss
Macross pageant, but because Minmei told the whole the cohabitation of the genders, though we don’t
world that she doesn’t have a boyfriend and the one suspect that it’s a mistake. For what reason
friend she has (Rick) is more like a brother. But he’s able would the genders mix? More analysis and
to make it through the conflict, though he does a lot of observation on this point is required.
damage to the Zentraedi recon ship. They also played some sort of notes
in melodic, repeating patterns. I’ve never felt
Conflicts: Many see the beautiful girls participating in the
pageant, which could cause turmoil and interpersonal issues. something so oddly soothing. Many of the
The girls may fight or try to sabotage their competitors’ sounds that were most affecting were issued by
chances to win. The Zentraedi may deploy more than a young female Micronian with her voice. It lulled
one scouting team, or the SDF-1 may send out a small me into a deep sense of calm and that caused
reconnaissance team to patrol. The Zentraedi watching the a jolt of anxiety because I’d never experienced
broadcast will be confused by the strange Micronian show.
such a thing before. It is our considered opinion
Designer Note: Rick doesn’t have to be the only person flying that this is some form of deep psychological
recon. The whole team could be out on patrol and they could warfare.
all be distracted by the Miss Macross Pageant. They’re even These Micronians are definitely more
watching it on the bridge of the SDF-1. Rico, Konda, and Bron advanced in their subtle brands of warfare and
don’t have to be the only Zentraedi recon ships either – there we must be on careful alert to not let them get
could be an entire patrol.
the better of us.
For players playing as the Zentraedi spies, there are a lot of
fun roleplaying opportunities for them to try to discern what Rico
exactly is going on in the Miss Macross pageant since it’s so Initial draft report to Exedore
culturally unheard of for them. Whatever you do, you’re going Regarding the mysterious transmissions they
to want to create a situation where the Zentraedi are able to received from the Miss Macross Pageant
get away before getting destroyed.
Meanwhile, in Macross City, Khyron’s bombardment
begins and wreaks havoc on the city as well as the
The Warning Shot whole ship. They scramble back into space even though
repairs haven’t been effected. Rick’s Veritech is severely
Because of unrest among the troops due to the inconclusive damaged in the bombardment.
reports without proof from Rico, Konda, and Bron, Breetai
and Exedore decide to go into battle to improve morale. In a Conflicts: The SDF-1 and the Zentraedi play games with
bid to provoke the SDF-1 into action, Breetai orders Khyron to intelligence. Hard decisions need to be made regarding how
move into position to fire a warning shot at it. Khyron – being to handle the situation. Without radar, the SDF-1 is running
Khyron – gets overzealous and decides to target the SDF-1’s blind. Pilots are getting fatigued and have clashes with
radar array. officers who put them in harm’s way. Khyron or a villain is
present and those in Macross City are in direct danger.
• Zentraedi: Khyron leads the Zentraedi forces into battle
against the SDF-1. His orders are to fire a warning shot at Designer Note: The fighting in this scenario is supposed to
the SDF-1, but he thinks more damage is necessary. As be tense and overwhelming. The Zentraedi really do come in
his forces become deadlocked against the Veritech crews and blast everything in this engagement and leave the SDF-1
of the UEDF and the missiles and lasers heading toward feeling like they’re flying blind. It should feel devastating and
the Battle Fortress bounce harmlessly off of the pinpoint players should not make it out unscathed.
barrier system, Khyron knows exactly what he needs to
More than that, Earth command has determined that With the destruction of their radar tower, Captain Gloval
the aim of the Zentraedi ships is not to invade Earth, but determines that more information about their enemy is
to attack the SDF-1, so Captain Gloval is ordered to stay needed and orders a reconnaissance mission. He sends Lisa
away from Earth until they’ve had time to bolster their Hayes out in a Cat’s Eye with a newly re-equipped Vermillion
defenses. Team.
Gloval agrees with the assessment that the Zentraedi are • Fighters: Vermillion Squadron, led by Rick Hunter,
listening in, since this is the first time they’ve ever let a are assigned to protect Lisa Hayes in her Cat’s Eye
transmission from Earth through without blocking it. reconnaissance vessel as she gets readings on the enemy
forces. Zentraedi Battlepods come out and distract the
Khyron’s new attack feels similar enough to the others, fighters while Lisa ends up colliding with space debris.
but that doesn’t make it any less overwhelming. And The Cat’s Eye is damaged and gets caught in a Zentraedi
things get even more tense with the loss of the radar tractor beam to be taken aboard Breetai’s ship.
array. At this point, they’re flying blind and the only
message they receive is from the Zentraedi: Surrender or Conflicts: A small squadron faces an overwhelming Zentraedi
die. force. An abundance of rocky space debris presents a
serious threat. The SDF-1 cannot offer any sensor support. A
• Fighters: Rick Hunter is out on patrol with Vermillion Zentraedi naval vessel waits nearby, hiding.
Team and they take out a small enemy patrol of
Zentraedi Battlepods, though Ben Dixon’s ship gets Designer Note: This is really a protection mission that goes
damaged. Afterward, they argue back and forth with Lisa south. The fighters should protect the Cat’s Eye as best
Hayes about heading back to the SDF-1 because Ben is in they can, but keep stacking the deck against them until the
danger. This is a serious point of drama with commanding Cat’s Eye is on its own. Have wave after wave of Zentraedi
officers arguing about who has the final say in grounding Battlepods come until the players are unable to keep up and
a damaged Veritech. become captured.
Formal Complaints
Captain, Commander,
I would like to place a formal complaint I would like to place a formal complaint
in the record of Commander Rick Hunter after in the record of Bridge Officer Lisa Hayes after
the events that occurred after our most recent the events that occurred after our most recent
naval engagement. naval engagement. My wingmate, Ben Dixon,
We were in danger aboard the SDF- was flying in a dangerously damaged Veritech
1 and I ordered Vermillion Squadron to stay in Fighter and I gave the order for the squad to return
formation in the name of protection of the ship. to base. As we were in no immediate danger, it
Rick Hunter disobeyed that order and was was the safest order I could give for the well-
completely insubordinate. Commander Fokker being of those in my command. When Bridge
interceded and continued to countermand my Officer Hayes gave the order to remain in space,
direct order to Hunter. I protested formally. It took your interference for
The entire exchange was unprofessional me to carry out the orders to protect my crew
and, if we weren’t under such immediate threat, and, in my view, she was needlessly risking our
significant duress, and suffering from a lack lives.
of pilots, I would recommend that Hunter be At the risk of being too frank, I don’t think
grounded permanently. she cares about the lives of the fighter pilots in
her purview. Mine especially. I think she’d be
Lisa Hayes quite happy if I died on any given mission.
Captured Escape
With Lisa Hayes held captive aboard Breetai’s ship, Rick, Ben, As his friends are being interrogated by the Zentraedi, Max
and Max don’t have a choice. They need to transform into Sterling sneaks aboard Dolza’s command center in a Veritech
Battloid configuration and rescue her by force. disguised as a Zentraedi soldier and breaks out his comrades.
Breetai makes a hyperspace fold maneuver back into close
• Fighters: Unfortunately, as they get deeper into enough proximity to the SDF-1 for Max’s escape attempt to
the holding area of the ship, the rescuers run out of be successful.
ammunition. They’ve scared off most of the rank and file
Zentraedi (who flee for cover) and get to work protecting • Zentraedi: Rico, Konda, and Bron struggle to describe
the vulnerable Lisa Hayes who has lost her ship. They to Dolza exactly what they saw and how it made them
try to cut their way through the airlock to escape, but feel, but seeing men and women together certainly
trouble comes in the form of Breetai, and when the did nothing good for them. This is deeply troubling to
enemy commander comes for them personally, it’s Dolza and Breetai and they interrogate their Micronian
almost something out of a horror film. Once they’re prisoners.
caught, though, Lisa does her best to take pictures of
everything and capture all the information she can. If • The Prisoners: The Zentraedi interrogation is something
they can somehow make it back, then that information that the prisoners of the UEDF – Ben Dixon, Lisa Hayes,
will be invaluable to the SDF-1 and the survival of the and Rick Hunter – are wholly unprepared for. The humans
humans of Earth. can’t understand why the Zentraedi are so resistant to
the idea of men and women mingling in any sense. When
• Zentraedi: Breetai sees that the Micronians aboard Rick and Lisa are forced to kiss, it sends shock waves
his ship are going to escape if he doesn’t take personal through the Zentraedi leadership. All the while, Lisa is
action, and he wants to take them as prisoners. Since secretly recording everything she can about the ordeal
they’re out of ammunition and resort to very clumsy in hopes that somehow they can find a way back to the
hand-to-hand tactics, Breetai is able to tear apart Rick’s SDF-1.
Veritech fighter piece by piece and grabs him from the
cockpit. When Rick’s fighter explodes, he breaches the • The Rescue: Max Sterling roams free on the Zentraedi
hull and Max is able to escape, but Ben, Rick, and Lisa vessel. After overpowering a Zentraedi officer, he hastily
are all captured by the Zentraedi and taken to Dolza for dresses his Veritech in the officer’s stolen uniform! It’s
questioning. maybe the worst disguise ever, but at a glance, it might
fool someone long enough to confuse them. Without
Conflicts: Breetai or a notable Zentraedi villain enters the ammunition, Max is left with nothing but his fists and his
fray. Ammunition runs low on the Veritechs. The Flagship ship wits. Soon enough, he’s able to break out his friends and
is large and disorienting. If capture occurs, the heroes will they make their way back to the SDF-1.
confront Dolza.
Conflicts: The Zentraedi vessel is massive, with a maze of
Designer Note: There is nothing wrong with playing this passages and frequent patrols. Without familiar technology,
scenario out as a straightforward dungeon crawl. The fighters those attempting to flee may have to take possession of
of Vermillion team storm aboard and are basically barbarians an enemy craft. Once aboard, a pilot must send a signal
hacking and slashing their way through foes. It turns into a identifying themselves as friendly.
bit of a suspense thriller when Breetai takes to the shadows
and lurks around for them. Play up the suspense and intrigue. Designer Note: Any interrogation of player characters by
the Zentraedi is going to involve a lot of roleplaying, and you,
as the gamemaster, are going to need to get into the part
and really settle into the Zentraedi mindset. This is a warrior
race of clones that are rigidly against mixing genders for any
reason and have no sexuality whatsoever. As far as playing
the rescue mission, it goes back to that idea of a stealthy hit-
and-run dungeon crawl scenario, made all the more difficult
because the players would be playing in a giant Veritech
What’s Their Deal?
Ben Dixon
Personal recollections of his time as a prisoner of the Zentraedi
I don’t even know what to say about that whole deal. I mean, one minute I’m mindin’ my own business in my
Veritech, right? And the next minute I’m aboard an enemy spacecraft. I can’t even tell you how nervous I was just
being inside the stinking thing. I mean, I’ll level with you here, I’m not the best pilot. Loyal? Sure. Cunning? Maybe.
Brave? Idiotically so. Handsome? Definitely. But what I am not is an ace like Max. I watch that guy tear through a
dozen enemy Battlepods without breaking a sweat and I manage to get shot up every time. It’s not even fair, I tell
you. I’m a little better in Battloid configuration, so I was feeling a little more confident, except for the whole part
about being inside a freaking enemy ship.
When we got caught, I thought I was a goner.
I thought we were all goners.
So, to put this in perspective, in case you didn’t know, the enemy is like fifty feet tall. On their ship,
everything is sized appropriately. I’ve never felt more like a mouse scurrying around looking for cheese. Long story
short, we’re captured and they’re looking at us under a microscope. We fold and they start asking us questions and
making threats. They showed me more enemy ships than I even knew was possible. Like millions of them. There’s
two things going through my head at that point. The first is that they could pretty much kill us all anytime they
wanted to. The second was that at least we’d have a target rich environment while we went.
The thing that got me though was watching them try to figure out the birds and the bees. They seemed to
act as though they’d never even heard of that sort of thing before. And I can tell you, I’ve never seen a reaction like
that to two people kissing since I walked in on my parents. I mean, I offered to volunteer for Commander Hayes to
kiss me instead of my boss, but she wouldn’t hear of it. I guess I don’t blame her.
She wouldn’t want to go falling in love with me or anything.
Rick’s a great commander, though. He got us out of there, no problem. And thanks to Max’s quick thinking
we were able to commandeer an enemy Battlepod and figure out how to get it working enough to find our way back
Designation: VF-1J
Name: Valkyrie Fighter
Abstract: Multi-Role Small Fighter
* Missile Hard-point Complement
* GU-11 Gunpod
* Robotechnology Servos
* Jet Mode
* Guardian Mode
* Battloid Mode
I mean, Commander Hayes wasn’t so bad either. She worked really hard to put together that report of what
we saw. Maybe she was the only one paying attention.
Regardless, I thought I was a real goner, but the fact is that we found our way back to the fleet. I’ll count
that as a victory. Someone out there is looking out for Ben Dixon. And why wouldn’t they be? I’ve got big things
planned. Big things.
They’ll never stop me.
Scenario 3
Homecoming Captain Gloval hopes that he can offload the civilians, but he’s
ordered to not let any of them off the ship at all. This causes
many problems aboard the SDF-1, even riots. And when
Minmei is granted special permission to visit her family and
Infiltration comes back with her cousin, Lynn Kyle, even more tensions
rise. She’s in love with him, but since he looks so much like her
After witnessing the Micronian ritual of kissing and being dead fiancée, Lisa Hayes has a crush on him, too.
disgusted by it, Lord Dolza is in a foul mood. Thanks to
Breetai’s inability to that point to bring in the SDF-1, he • Zentraedi: Khyron decides to descend to Earth in his
assigns Azonia the task of watching the SDF-1 on its journey own flagship and personally attack the SDF-1 with
back to Earth. Azonia tasks her Ace Pilot, Miriya, with flying overwhelming numbers. It’s his goal to destroy the SDF-
under the cover of another unauthorized attack by Khyron 1. That’s why Azonia scrambles Miriya’s squadron to go
on the SDF-1 in order to deposit three micronized Zentraedi stop Khyron. Khyron accepts the order to retreat, but
Spies aboard the SDF-1. not without one last surprise. He orders his lieutenant to
make a suicide run against the SDF-1.
• Zentraedi Spies: Rico, Konda, and Bron are sent to
infiltrate the SDF-1 and learn about Micronian culture. • Fighters: As most of the Zentraedi ships flee the area,
They’ve already been shocked by things like the Miss the fighters think they’re in the clear – but that’s when
Macross pageant and the idea of human procreation, but the suicidal Battle Cruiser makes its end run toward
they’re in for some even larger shocks. the SDF-1. The Battle Fortress opens fire on the ship to
prevent a crash, but the fighters, including Rick Hunter,
Conflicts: Spies must pass for the enemy without suspicion. are all caught in the crossfire, wounding many intensely.
They must find a way to integrate into the population, find This causes a significant breakdown for Lisa Hayes as
food and housing, and collect information. They also must she’s the one who gave the orders that may well have
have an escape plan to return with the valuable intel. killed Rick Hunter. He’s picked up out of the ocean after
ejecting from his damaged Veritech and is taken to the
Designer Note: There are really two ways you can run a infirmary.
scenario like this for player characters. The first is that the
players (regardless of whether they’re fighter jocks or bridge Conflicts: Naval vessels threaten the SDF-1 as it approaches
crew) are told that there is an enemy presence aboard the Earth. A fierce firefight leads to environmental hazards
ship and they need to discover it and root it out. The other aboard the SDF-1. Once landed, the population becomes
way to do it is to make the players the Zentraedi Spies, which agitated due to their inability to leave the SDF-1. Pods attack
would be great for a one-shot adventure and properly exploit en masse along with a Command Cruiser. The Zentraedi
the social aspects of all the skills. bicker regarding the attack.
When Khyron tells Miriya that there’s a Micronian pilot that When they told me that Roy Fokker had
is a match for her, she sets out to find the mysterious pilot, been shot down by enemy fire, I didn’t believe it.
doing as much damage as possible. How could I?
Roy Fokker was an Ace Pilot. He’d had
• Zentraedi: Miriya takes her Power Armor into the
atmosphere of Earth to go on the attack. Roy Fokker and hundreds of kills. And he’d survived dozens of
Max Sterling (along with other fighters) go out to meet engagements in a profession where most don’t
her, but she shoots most of them down with aplomb. But average more than a few.
this battle has terrible consequences for Roy Fokker. It couldn’t have been Roy Fokker,
because not only was he a great pilot, the best
• Fighters: With Rick Hunter in the infirmary, it’s left to Roy
even, he was a great leader. He did his best
Fokker and Max Sterling to fly out to meet the Zentraedi
threat. But this time, it comes in the form of the enemy to make sure every one of his pilots that could
ace, Miriya. This is the hardest battle either of them has make it home got there.
ever fought. When Miriya fixates on Max, Roy sends him But more than anything?
back to the SDF-1. “She’s trying too hard.” Roy Fokker couldn’t be gone because
he was my brother.
But Miriya gives chase and the epic fight continues in the
Not my real brother, though I felt like
hold of the SDF-1. Max, in Battloid configuration, fights
against Miriya’s female power armor in street-to-street we were real brothers enough. We had different
combat. biological parents, of course, but that didn’t mean
we didn’t share my father, Pop. He was always
there for me when I was a kid. He was always
there for me since I’ve been in the service. He
was always there for me. And now he won’t be.
And I’m not quite sure how to deal with that.
And he was there to teach me everything
I know about being a pilot. Everything I am came
rom my big brother. Sure, Pop taught me how to
• Inside Macross City: For the residents of Macross City, pilot an aircraft. But Roy taught me how to fly.
having a full-blown bout of Mecha combat play out in the
I looked up to him like any kid would
streets is all-out chaos. It’s almost like the first battle of
the city all over again, but because it’s two Ace Pilots, the look up to their older brother.
destruction is almost worse. People need help getting to He was the best of us.
shelters; others need to be rescued from falling building Everything that made me a reasonable
debris. Duty Pilots have plenty of opportunities to person and pilot was the best of Roy.
participate in rescues during a fight like this. He fought for all of us. Not just here,
against the Zentraedi. He’d been fighting for us
• Aftermath: After the battle is over and Miriya retreats
from the SDF-1 in disgrace, the people of Macross City even during the war, even though I didn’t realize
are left to pick up the pieces. Roy Fokker lands and goes then what it was he was doing. I thought he was
straight to Claudia Grant’s apartment to see her one last being a selfish jerk and a proud killer. I wish I
time. You see, Miriya shot up his Veritech significantly. could tell him right now that I was wrong. He was
He is bleeding out when he makes his way to Claudia’s protecting our way of life. That’s all he did then,
apartment. And it is there he succumbs to his wounds.
that’s all he’s done now.
Conflicts: Elite Pilots challenge the UEDF’s best. Swarms of Roy…I’m going to miss you.
Pods pepper the SDF-1 escalating the chaotic event. Farewell… Big Brother…
Designer Note: This is a major boss battle and should be Lieutenant Rick Hunter
treated as such. It should be difficult and any cinematic Written eulogy for Roy Fokker
move could or should be countered with an equally awesome
cinematic. It should also have significant consequences.
From the personal recollections of Lisa Hayes
I was on the bridge working, organizing the next move for Captain Gloval, when I heard three words that hit me
like a punch in my stomach: Mars Base Sara.
My mind stopped and so did my heart.
I knew, logically, that hearing about Mars Base Sara would be something that could happen in my post, but
I was hoping to never have to hear about it again.
That’s where Karl Riber was.
Oh, Karl...
He’s why, when Captain Gloval ordered the SDF-1 to Mars Base Sara for a hopeful resupply, I knew I had to
volunteer to scour the base. I’d held out hope for so long that maybe Karl was still there, alive on the base. An image
flashed in my mind of me finding him there, and rescuing him, and then I’d take him back to the SDF-1 and we’d
get married and it would be like the life I dreamed of since that first day I’d met him. But I knew that it had been five
years since the anti-unification attack on the base and the likelihood of him surviving out there all by himself was
small. In my heart, though, any chance was enough.
After I insisted (I practically threw a fit on the bridge, begging the captain), Captain Gloval grudgingly
allowed me to go to the surface in an exposure suit. I was able to look around and see what I could about what had
happened and scour for survivors. Frankly, the base didn’t look as though it had been involved in an anti-unification
attack and there were machines still activated that would have had to have been turned on by someone at the base.
It was all a big mystery. And, at that point, none of us had any idea that a Zentraedi battalion was lying in wait for
us in a nearby ravine. Even if I did know about them, I don’t think I would have given them a second thought.
Every thought in my head was dedicated to Karl. Could he have been the one behind the activity on Sara?
We were so young when we said goodbye. He hated the war so much and I couldn’t blame him. That’s why
he volunteered for duty on Mars, because it was supposed to be free of any of the fighting. He left because of the
war, but he’s also half of why I joined up myself. My father was, naturally, the other half of the reason. I dreamed of
getting assigned to Mars and working beside him, but had I done that, I’d be dead now, too.
But I’d be dead with Karl.
I think that’s why I had no hesitation about blowing up Mars Base when I was ordered to overload the
reflex furnace that was there. The Zentraedi had sprung their trap that was keeping the SDF-1 gravity locked in
place and someone had to do something about it. Being the only person on the base alive, it was up to me. I had to
blow the furnace to destroy the gravity mines that were keeping the ship in place. There was a closeness I felt with
Karl, roaming through the hallways of the base named after my mother.
I wish I could have been there with him during the attack that killed him. I knew it would be like this. I’d
get assigned to the SDF-1 and remain as far away from his as possible. When I heard he’d been killed, I couldn’t
perform my duties for two days. I curled up into a ball and couldn’t believe it.
I think my heart died a little bit when I found Karl’s room when I was trying to escape the base. All of
the mortal danger I was in faded away into nothingness and all I could feel was Karl. I wiped the dust off of the
nameplate on his door, wondering how many times he’d crossed through that threshold himself.
Instead of running away to safety, I went inside.
Karl’s room was exactly like I imagined it might be. Meticulous and clean. Exactly like he’d left it. I could
practically see him there at the doorway, turning out the lights and looking back over his living quarters one more
time before heading to duty and death, that satisfied smile never leaving his face.
Entering the room, I felt like a ghost moving through it, taking in everything from Karl’s perspective until
I arrived at his desk.
That’s where I found his journal.
I sat, broken.
I didn’t even so much as sit, I think I might have collapsed into the chair when my fingers brushed against
the journal, even through my exposure suit. Electricity jolted through me as though I could feel Karl there with me,
his hand on my shoulder.
I might have been crying.
Everything faded into a blur. I think I opened the book. I think I saw his handwriting
there. I’m sure I saw him leave a note for me. A goodbye note. Telling me he loved me.
But all of my overwhelmed thoughts were intruded on by Rick Hunter of all people.
He’d broken into the base in a Veritech under orders to rescue me.
But I didn’t want to be rescued.
Just like the first time I heard of Karl’s death, I wanted to curl up into a ball and die right there.
Maybe it’s better he saved me.
I only wish I would have had time to grab Karl’s journal so I could keep it. And read it. And know what
really happened and what he was thinking. And what his life was like outside of the letters and transmissions he
sent to Earth.
But I didn’t have time and wasn’t thinking.
Hunter got me out of the blast radius.
I feel like I blinked and was back on the SDF-1, right in the middle of the attack. Hunter dropped me on
the flight deck and I might have cried some more.
The SDF-1 got away, but I’m not even sure of the details.
My mind was on Karl Riber and the life we should have shared together.
Hostile Intent
Admiral Donald Hayes
Alaska Base - 2005
For background, Mars Base Sara was a testing ground for unproven technology that Dr. Emil Lang had
reverse engineered from the Robotech ship that we are currently excavating and retrofitting on Macross Island.
A reflex furnace was developed. Seeing as how it was too dangerous to test on Earth, a contingent of
Unified Earth scientists and military personnel were transferred to Mars Base to construct and test the object. A
successful test seems to have attracted the notice of alien entities that we have almost no knowledge of.
It was one ship which leads us to believe that it was a reconnaissance vessel. The ship was unlike anything
we’ve ever seen before. From the glimpses we were able to get and the readouts that were collected, the ship shared
virtually nothing in common with the SDF-1 project. From the power signatures to the architecture and design of
the ship, it was, for lack of a better term, completely alien.
Expecting hostile intent, we tried to evacuate Mars Base Sara, but the alien ship destroyed the Oberth,
our attack ship in the area, the only one capable of effecting an evacuation. The alien vessel also damaged the life
support systems of Mars Base Sara beyond the capabilities of surviving personnel to repair.
We destroyed the alien vessel with a blast of our experimental copy of the SDF-1’s reflex weapon, but in its
last moments we detected that it sent a distress signal of some kind.
It is my considered opinion that we need to double our efforts on the SDF-1 project. If a distress signal
had indeed been sent, there’s no telling when these aliens might return. And we know they are hostile. Mars Base
Sara, however, is a lost cause. We cannot reach them in time to save the crew that is there, including my daughter’s
It is regrettable, but there is no other option.
As for what to tell the public, I suggest that the official story be altered to reflect something that will bolster
public sentiment without causing undue panic. My suggestion is that we blame the loss of personnel on an attack
by anti-unification terrorists. This will galvanize support for our other projects and allow us to continue work on
them unimpeded.
And we hope that when the aliens arrive, we’re ready for them.
Admiral Donald Hayes, out.
Scenario 4
Battle Hymn
Conflicts: The number of military threats are vast. The attack
With the political situation on Earth complicated, Captain on the SDF-1 is comprehensive, including many swarms of
Gloval isn’t able to offload the citizens of Macross to any pods and multiple naval vessels. Incidental fire threatens the
point on Earth. He engages in an act of defiance to gain the surrounding area and the civilians who reside there. While the
attention of Earth. He flies low over North America so the barrier holds, those inside feel uneasy as the Zentraedi fire
populace can see the SDF-1, which they’d been told had been pours in.
destroyed in an anti-unification attack. He also broadcasts
distress signals over easily monitored channels, so the world
knows the plight of the civilians. And that’s when the Ontario
Quadrant steps up to take in the refugees of Macross. Little Overload
did they know that single act of charity would be the last
thing they ever did. The Omni-Directional Barrier System cannot contain all
the energy it receives during the Zentraedi onslaught. It
overloads with dire consequences to the refugees aboard and
the surrounding terrain.
Bursting Point
Omni-Direction Barrier
Ignition Point Schematic
ie d
s i f
a s
c l
When the dust settled, Captain Gloval learned that the Second, this enraged the government of Ontario. They
Omni-Directional Barrier System had exploded in a 25 mile rescinded their invitation for the refugees of Macross Island
(approximately 40 km) radius around the SDF-1 and the entire to land anywhere in their quadrant. And even though the
Toronto population center had been caught in the blast, Earth was now aware that the SDF-1 survived, and the
wiping it off the map completely with virtually no warning. citizens of Macross had lived, they were now aware that their
This had a chilling effect on the war for two reasons. First, government had lied to them completely.
the Zentraedi command saw this as another example of how
ruthless the humans (or Micronians, as they called us) could Knowing the only way to defend Earth and protect the citizens
be. In their eyes, Gloval had sacrificed an entire city to prevent of the SDF-1 was to either engage and defeat Zentraedi once
the destruction of the SDF-1. and for all or to make a lasting peace with them, Captain
Gloval ordered the SDF-1 back into space.
Scenario 5
Wedding Bells & Force of Arms
After Miriya is disgraced once more by Max Sterling, she asks Dolza’s Rain of Death
him to kill her to end her shame. Max, however, is in love with
her. And yes, he knows it sounds crazy, but he asks her for her When Dolza realizes that Breetai’s contingent of the fleet has
hand in marriage right then and there. Naturally, she accepts. joined with the humans and their culture has infected those
They ask to get married. Captain Gloval officiates and begs Zentraedi, he wagers he has only one recourse to stop the
for peace against the Zentraedi and hope they can all get spread of those ideas and human culture: destroy everything.
along. It works. This is when Exedore travels to the SDF-1 and And that’s exactly what he tries to do.
asks for a cease fire. Breetai knows that Dolza will kill all of
them because of their exposure to Micronian culture, so if he Dolza arrives in Earth-space with over four million ships, but
is going to survive and save the lives of his crew, he needs to Breetai and Gloval are ready for him. Dolza opens fire against
lead a rebellion of his own and face the might of Dolza hand- the Earth, destroying much of the population down below. He
in-hand with the Micronians. also sends his fleet to engage with the SDF-1 and Breetai’s
forces, including Azonia and Khyron’s battalions who have all
And after Dolza is finished, the Earth will never be the same. joined forces to prevent their mutual destruction.
• Fighters: The fighters of the SDF-1 are scrambled and
sent out to defend the Earth and the SDF-1, taking out
targets as fast as they can pick them up, but it’s the
personal drama that makes this battle so unique. Rick
Hunter fought valiantly in the battle in space, but when
his Veritech Fighter, Skull One, is damaged, he has little
choice but to head to Earth. Then he gets a distress call
from Alaska base and realizes that Lisa Hayes is in danger.
wide, missing her completely, and she said a silent thank you
to whoever might be listening that she was being chased by
Valkyries Fighter Pods instead of Missile Pods. Missile Pods would have
locked on until she was nothing more than a flaming ball of
Scout Lawrence twisted the flight stick and pulled wreckage.
the trigger three times, lighting up a Zentraedi Battlepod into “Hold tight, Scout,” Kai said.
a ball of flame. But the strain in Kai’s voice told Scout that Kai was
“Nice,” came Kai Barker’s voice over the comm. having problems enough as it was.
“I’d’ve never guessed you used to be a Destroid jock.” The blips chasing her on the radar hadn’t mysteriously
“Very funny.” Scout’s wingmate never wanted to let vanished. There were no balls of flame behind her. No one was
her live that down, but everyone had to start somewhere. For going to save her. The SDF-1 hung in the distance and they
Scout, it was the Destroids. That gave her an edge in learning couldn’t help either. It made its way slowly toward Toronto,
how to fight in Battloid and Guardian modes; now all she had the Omni-Directional Barrier System casting a warm red glow
to do was learn the fighter combat skills and she’d be good to over the whole ship.
go. Scout took in a deep breath and braced herself for
Feeling the Veritech hum beneath her fingertips and what she was about to do.
respond to every micro-movement she made on the stick and
controls made her feel like she’d mastered it pretty well. She
wasn’t the best pilot in the UEDF, but there could only be one
Max Sterling.
“You’ve got one on your tail!” Kai shouted over the
Scout dropped her eyes to her radar panel and saw
the blip on her scope, right behind her. It started as one, then
divided into four blips. All enemy Fighter Pods. She didn’t
have to look, though. The trail of lasers coming from her rear
quarter lit up her view screen. “They’re all over me!”
“I’m coming in!” Kai said. But there was no way Kai
could get there soon enough if Scout couldn’t come up with
something fast.
Scout pulled back on her speed controls and juked
her control yoke hard right, slowing herself down into a tight
U-turn that she hoped would put the Zentraedi pilots off
guard. Or at least force them to miss.
But it was no good.
They all maneuvered in time with her as though they
could anticipate her moves.
More laser fire lit up her screen, but her readouts told Dodging Zentraedi blasts left and right, Scout
her they’d only singed one of her wings. throttled down to almost nothing, engaged the reverse
If she wasn’t careful, this was going to be the end of thrusters, and pulled the lever marked “B.”
her. “Kai! I could use a little help!” Almost instantly her Valkyrie slowed to almost
“I’ll be there soon. I’ve got one of my own to deal nothing and began the lightning fast transformation into
with.” a human-shaped Mecha. By the time her flight deck was
positioned in the right place at the head of the mecha, she
watched the enemy Fighter Pods blow by, speeding green
triangles bathed in the red glow of the Battle Fortress’s
Scout couldn’t believe the scale of attacks. They shields.
were so close to letting the civilians get off the SDF-1 and Her gunpod raised in her hands and she felt like she
then the Zentraedi had attacked in a furious blitz. It was like was truly in control of the Veritech once more. It was almost
they were fueled by anger from the merry chase the SDF-1 like driving the most maneuverable Destroid she’d ever been
had taken them on. in. And that’s where Scout shone as a pilot. Pulling back on the
Trying to fake them out in the other direction, Scout trigger, spitting round after round into the fighters making
boosted her speed control as far as it would go and yanked quick turns to come back to attack her. The first exploded in
her flight stick to the right. a ball of flame and she shifted her aim to destroy the second
In her periphery, their latest salvo of lasers flew one.
The third and fourth circled around to her left and Scout keyed her view-screen to give her a zoomed-in
bore down like suicide fighters. They were going to ram her rear view of the action and gasped.
if she didn’t destroy them. Knowing her destruction was The SDF-1 was overloading.
coming dropped a weight into her stomach. She jammed the The glow around it, the Omni-Directional Barrier
trigger and watched the third Fighter Pod burst into flame. System, had turned a fiery green-white as it expanded rapidly,
Her aim shifted to the fourth fighter and when she destroying everything in its path. It was so bright Scout could
pulled the trigger, all she heard was a stark click. barely make out the dot of Kai’s fighter, let alone the two
“Oh no,” she muttered. She felt like she was Zentraedi Fighter Pods behind her. They’d stopped firing and
drowning, could barely breathe. The pointed nose of the were probably as focused on escape as Kai was.
fighter bore right down on her. “Fire, damn it.” When the field of white engulfed the Zentraedi
But the trigger was unresponsive. fighters, a shiver of fear chilled Scout’s heart.
Scout’s eyes darted from the incoming Fighter Pod “Kai!”
to her instrument panel, confirming her fears. It wasn’t just a “I’m trying!”
jam. She was out of ammo. “Engage your afterburners!”
The battle had gone on longer than she’d thought. “I am…”
“Kai!” Scout called out. “Where are you?” But those were Kai’s last words. Her Veritech was
The only sound through the comm was a shriek like a enveloped by the overloading system. Incinerated. Along
banshee. A war cry? with Toronto and the surrounding area.
Scout looked over to her right and saw the flash of a Scout wasn’t sure when the tears formed in her eyes,
Veritech. but they clouded the view of all her instruments.
Kai’s Veritech. For a moment, she thought she would be next, but
Kai lit up the last Fighter Pod into a streak of flame everything went dark.
and shattered parts. She kept flying, off toward the SDF-1, The overload had subsided; burned out completely.
still pursued by a pair of Fighter Pods of her own. Scout’s heart ached for all of the people who she’d never hear
“I need your help now,” Kai said over the com after from again. She’d already lost Kai. Who else would be added
her rescue. to that list? How many of them had made it outside the blast
“I’m out of ammo.” radius?
“Then we’re going to have to get creative.”
The light radiating from the SDF-1 brightened,
distracting everyone. “What’s going on?”
But Kai had no time to answer. All of their
communications were taken over by the voice of Lisa Hayes
from aboard the SDF-1. “Emergency! Evacuate the area The SDF-1 was still there.
immediately! The barrier system is about to chain react, At least there was that.
you’ve got to get away from there quick! Get out of there! When she got the recall order, Scout turned her
Everyone!” Veritech around and surveyed the wreckage on her way back
and her blood turned cold.
She’d been to Hiroshima once as a child and
saw pictures of the devastation from the atomic bomb. It
Without having to be told twice, Scout transformed devastated her heart almost as much as it had ruined the city.
back into Fighter mode, pulled away from the SDF-1, and She couldn’t fathom that level of destruction. The image she
engaged her afterburner. “Kai! You need to turn around.” most remembered was the shadow of a mother and daughter
“I know, I know. But I can’t shake ‘em!” etched forever on one of the few walls left standing.
Scout watched the dots dance on her instrument And that’s what it looked like down there.
panel. Kai was leading them around in a loop, but they stayed Toronto was simply missing.
on her tight. And since the evacuation order had come in, A smoking crater of a city and all of its suburbs.
Scout couldn’t transform to try to lose the tail. She’d simply As Scout found her way back to the darkened
have to outfly them. hangars of the SDF-1, she thought through the stories of the
“Forget about them. Just head in my direction. I’m atomic bomb, she wondered if this was how the pilots of the
sending you my position.” Enola Gay felt surveying their terrible handiwork.
“Copy that.” Scout closed her eyes and wiped the tears from them
Kai’s trajectory leveled out and Scout could see Kai as she visualized the silhouette of Kai Barker etched on her
coming toward her on her scopes. She was going to make it. heart the same way the image of that mother and daughter
“Just a little more, Kai.” had been.
“I’m not losing them…” Indelible.
Scenario 6
Reconstruction & Doomsday
What Now?
Rick Hunter
A memoir
• Fighters: Rick Hunter and the rest of the Veritech
Attack on the Robotech Factory Fighters, along with their Zentraedi allies, race toward
the ultra-fortified Robotech Factory. The Zentraedi
While unrest brews on Earth, Exedore finds evidence of the loyalists have a problem scrambling most of their
automated Robotech Factory in deep space – one that is fighters, though, terrified of being contaminated by the
constructing battleships and weaponry that could destroy the Micronians. When the enemy commander gives direct
Earth in a single shot. A mission to the Factory is proposed so orders to destroy all Micronians and infected Zentraedi,
that the UEDF-Zentraedi Alliance can either turn the Zentraedi the battle gets intense.
aboard to the side of the united human and Zentraedi forces
or to capture or kill them to prevent the Robotech Masters Battle Cruisers, Pods, and Veritechs alike join the battle,
from tracking Zor’s Battle Fortress to Earth. but stay clear of Breetai’s main guns, his flagship’s Heavy
Particle Cannons. They clear a path for Breetai and he
Breetai leads the attack, but opts for psychological warfare fires the guns, obliterating the opposing fleet in a matter
more than actual attacks. of moments.
• Human/Zentraedi Forces: When they arrive at the deep • Surrender: With the loss of their fleet, the Zentraedi
space outpost where the new weaponry is being built in forces aboard the Robotech Factory surrender. For days,
the Zentraedi Robotech Factory, Breetai calls upon the the combined might of the Earth forces led by Breetai and
commander to surrender his forces. When the enemy the surrendered Zentraedi work to ready the Robotech
commander refuses, Breetai opens fire in the first salvo Factory for its long voyage in hyperspace so they can
of his psychological campaign: he broadcasts Minmei’s keep it out of the hands of the Robotech Masters. To that
music across the comms channels and then shows video end, they bring it to Earth.
of Lisa Hayes and Rick Hunter kissing.
Conflicts: The fighting is intense, as Zentraedi kill their
Simultaneously, Max and Miriya Sterling move out in Zentraedi brothers. The Robotech Factory has comprehensive
Veritechs to infiltrate the factory itself. defenses and strange technology, making it difficult to
overtake directly. The number of Mecha craft fighting is
• Zentraedi: The loyal Zentraedi break off communications immense. The Mecha involved face many dangers, including:
with Breetai immediately, but find they’re under attack friendly fire, random debris of destroyed mecha, and high
at that point. Max and Miriya Sterling, perhaps the intensity explosions.
two best pilots in the galaxy, bash into the factory to
parlay with the confused and frightened Zentraedi Designer Note: Roleplaying the interaction between the
personally. When Miriya, the ace warrior who they’d all warring parties is key here. And this scenario gives entertainers
respected under Azonia’s command, reveals herself to be and people not in a Veritech a shot at really shining. It’s the
micronized, they’re confused. When she reveals an infant music and the negotiation that really win the day here. On the
Dana Sterling and explains that she’s a byproduct of love, other hand, if you’ve got a party full of fighter jocks, then they
the ultimate secret of protoculture, they are downright can win the day, too. It’s a really great scenario for a mixed
baffled. Most warriors simply begin to flee. group, too.
Zentraedi Rebellion Khyron’s Revenge
Attack on New Portland
Khyron was naturally unhappy with how things went. He
Zentraedi Rebels decide they can’t maintain their docile was stripped of power and the humans in control of things
nature and, when they secure some salvaged Battlepods, prevented the Zentraedi from having consistent access to
they attack New Portland. They have no better reason than to micronization chambers. He begins to initiate rebellions
revel in the destruction and their old warrior’s ways. across the globe, with Zentraedi completely unhappy with
their situations. In order to have their demands met, Khyron
• Zentraedi: The Zentraedi indiscriminately cut a path invades New Detroit and has revolting Zentraedi steal
of destruction through New Portland with no regard a protoculture chamber. They’re on jeeps and tanks and
for civilian life. They’re able to tear up streets, kick over whatnot, fighting against Veritechs who need to be careful so
cars, blow up buildings, and kill many civilians – both they don’t destroy the protoculture chamber. When that falls
human and Zentraedi alike – who were all living peaceful through, Khyron takes the lead.
existences in the new jewel of the Pacific northwest.
Conflicts: The defense forces are outmatched. The chamber
is fragile and easily damaged. The Zentraedi use ambush and
misdirection tactics to gain an advantage.
Kidnapping Minmei
Season’s Greetings The Proud Zentraedi
After Khyron’s most recent defeat, things calm down for a Zentraedi warriors – and I say warriors,
while. Khyron retreats to South America where the life on because that is what you are! We have rebuilt
Earth has begun to flourish again after the radiation damage this Battlecruiser with our own hands and with
of Dolza’s Rain of Death. There, he and his disciples work
it, we will deliver a victory for the Zentraedi that
feverishly to repair a Zentraedi Battlecruiser. But that’s not
the only thing he works on. He has a special holiday treat in Breetai and Dolza could never have dreamed
store for the people of New Macross City as a cover for his of. Even five short years ago, this day seemed
plan to steal the last Protoculture Matrix in order to fuel the impossible. But not to me. Never to me.
reactors for his fortress. They underestimated us. Idiots like
Breetai and Exedore grovel before them and
He’s not the only one working on building a new ship, either.
they think themselves superior to us. But that’s
The SDF-2 is well underway in New Macross City for the UEDF
to once more take to the stars. not true. It’s never been true. Just because
they beat us, infuriatingly, in engagement after
On Christmas Day, the future of humanity will change forever. engagement didn’t mean that we were inferior
warriors. They were simply ruthless.
• Raid On the Protoculture Matrix Facility: Zentraedi But I’ve been able to whip you all into
Forces, led by Khyron, launch a sneak attack against
the shape you need to be in order to be the most
the New Macross industrial zone. He and his lieutenants
scout the area looking for the Protoculture Matrix. Rogue vicious warriors the Zentraedi have ever known.
Zentraedi in their armor cause havoc and problems as And we will prevail.
well. The UEDF is scrambled to fight them, but the battle Be proud of what I’ve done. I know I am.
isn’t straightforward because there isn’t any centralized And I’ll be proud of what I’ve helped us
group of fighters. They’re scattered everywhere in the all accomplish.
industrial district.
And when the humans are groveling
Soon enough, Khyron is able to escape with the before our feet, we’ll never be prouder. For
Protoculture Matrix, though the UEDF chases him. Zentraedi are warriors and Micronians are a
virus on the galaxy. They will scatter like ants
• Putting Out the Fires: Khyron makes a plan for his before us and will know the true might of the
escape. Zentraedi loyal to Khyron plant bombs all across Zentraedi.
the city to cover their escape. When fires break out in
Here’s to the complete destruction of
New Macross, the UEDF forces have to choose between
saving the civilians of the city or pursuing Khyron. the Micronian pests!
Ultimately, they’re ordered to save the city and use their Death to the Micronian pests!
Veritechs to work to put out the fires with the help of the Long live the Zentraedi way of life.
civilians who come together to help each other in the Under the banner of Khyron, forward! To victory!
spirit of the holiday season.
The transmission ends there; the last known
Conflicts: The chaos involved in this scenario is immense.
Civilian areas suffer massive damage. Fires rage, buildings recording of Khyron the Destroyer before his
crumble, and rescue services are cut off. There is more suicide, arm in arm with Azonia.
damage than rescuers can handle. Zentraedi skirmishers
distract UEDF defenses and the least-defended areas see the Commander Khyron
most force. Final recorded video message
Recovered in South America
Designer Note: When playing as the UEDF scrambled out to
deal with the Zentraedi in the industrial district, the enemy
needs to seem like cockroaches. They’re everywhere and Note: Whether he knew it was going to be his
into everything. And unless the UEDF actually finds Khyron, final mission or not is unknown
it will be difficult to defeat all the rebelling Zentraedi. As for
the second time, it’s important to really play up the choice
between chasing Khyron or putting out the fires. Make their
orders clear and it will be a tough choice.
Final Flight of the SDF-1
• Final Flight: There’s only one choice left. The crew of the
SDF-2, under the command of Lisa Hayes, makes it back
to the SDF-1. There, they find Admiral Gloval and Claudia
Grant ready to try to put the SDF-1 back in the air one
last time. There’s only enough power to launch into the
air and fire the main gun once, so they have only one shot
at saving humanity.
sec Designation: Khyron’s Cruiser
Pattern: Zentraedi Gunship
Abstract: Anti-Ship Platform
ret Specifics:
* Reflex Cannon
* Aerial Capable
* <Redacted>
Designation: Khyron’s Battle Pod
Pattern: Glaug
Abstract: Command Fighter
ie d
We eased into our roles like we hadn’t missed a day of service But that’s when Claudia and the Admiral exchanged a glance.
on that bridge. Unfortunately, the SDF-1 had seen better For as much of a blur as everything else was, I remember that
days. We had only enough power to get in the air and make look they exchanged. And the soft way Claudia said my name.
one shot from the main gun. Khyron was bearing down on us. And the weight of her hand as she put it on my shoulder.
I remember screaming when I realized Rick was on Khyron’s
ship just as we were ready to fire the main gun. I remember saying “No!” and wishing that it could have been
anyone else. Why did I have to go? Why not Vanessa? Or
“I must be hearing things!” Rick called out over the radio. He Sammie? Or Kim?
thought I was dead and my heart broke.
I told him where I was and to get out of there and I heard But the Admiral and Claudia didn’t give me a choice. “No!” I
Claudia call out the countdown to fire and I watched as Rick screamed again, but it was too late.
met up with Max and Miriya and tore away from Khyron’s
cruiser. I watched them through the hatchway.
I remember a flash of light and when my vision returned, I was spared watching them get incinerated by Khyron.
Khyron’s cruiser was still bearing down on us and we lurched
back down into the lake. For that I’m grateful. It was only half a happy ending.
He was still coming for us. And then Sammie called out that Survivor’s guilt matched with the knowledge that Rick and I
there wasn’t enough power to fire the main gun. could have some sort of happily ever after.
Then Kim called out that the helm was dead. Then Admiral We would rebuild.
Gloval gave the order to evacuate. We all headed to the
escape modules, but that’s when Sammie called out with And that was the day we set to work on the SDF-3 and our
tears in her eyes. “Only module C is functional…” mission to keep humanity safe.
I tried backing away. One of them would have to go. I’d go
down with the ship. Once and for all.
Scenario 7
The Malcontent Uprisings The combined force would be named the Southern Cross
group after the prominent star constellation that can be seen
Khyron’s rebellion is just the beginning of a long period of in the Southern Hemisphere. They’re like a shining beacon
Zentraedi insurgencies called the Malcontent Uprisings. that fights for the survival of civilization. The rumors of the
Many warlords would take his place as the leader of local saviors spread and people come from far and wide to join up.
insurgency cells. Hundreds of thousands of Zentraedi around
the world still feel unsatisfied with their life on Earth – for The force specializes in rapid deployment and combined arms
living in a mixed-gender society, for facing discrimination tactics, supported by a unique doctrine and innovative force
and xenophobia by humans, from cultural clashes, or just structure that is devised by Leonard. While still officially part
for experiencing the unfamiliar and confusing concept of of the United Earth Defense Forces, High Command soon
“peace.” And they channel these frustrations into the only awards them nearly free reign in the region since their ways
thing they know by heart: war. prove highly effective. Leonard himself is promoted to Field
Zeraal never shared Khyron’s obsession of the SDF-1 and The enigmatic Malcontent group known as the Scavengers
instead wants to gain control of Earth in the name of the continues to outsmart the UEDF. The all-female Zentraedi
Robotech Masters to await their arrival. When Khyron and group, which is led by Miriya’s old second-in-command Seloy
Azonia attack New Macross City for their final time, Zeraal Dappara, are expert Stinger constructors and pass along their
decides not to join his forces in the battle – The Backstabber Mecha to other factions. There are clues that the Scavengers
gets stabbed in the back. Once Khyron is dead, Zeraal is the try to band together other Malcontent groups in the Control
sole natural leader of all the Zentraedi Malcontents left in the Zone to form a unified alliance. That’s when Skull Squadron,
Quadrant and assumes the role of Supreme Commander. led by Captain Max Sterling, is called in as reinforcements.
Sways in Public Opinion Malcontents Around the World
After the First Robotech War, the Zentraedi aren’t particularly While the initial major battles took place in the North
popular with the humans and the continuing conflict fuels American Quadrant and the largest concentration of
even more xenophobic sentiments and action against the Zentraedi insurgents would later be found in the Zentraedi
Zentraedi. Many cities enforce segregation of the Zentraedi Control Zone in South America, the Malcontent Uprisings are
populace and so called “Z-Towns,” ghettos with primarily a global conflict. Zentraedi insurgents hold strongholds all
Zentraedi residents, are common. Other kinds of systematic around the world and especially in secluded areas that offer
discrimination are also widespread. Some people go out of many places to hide, such as the few remaining jungles in
their way to blame Zentraedi for just about any problem in Africa and Asia or mountainous regions.
society. Certain extremist groups even advocate a complete
genocide of all Zentraedi. Some Malcontent groups are even mixed with dissident
humans, especially some of the surviving members of the
These people come from all parts of society – including from Anti-Unification League and other people that are dissatisfied
within the military itself. Some Zentraedi citizens try to fight with the current leadership.
the oppression through peaceful protests and any other
legal means, with Miriya Sterling as a prominent leader of
the movement. However, many Zentraedi remain resigned
to the situation and abandon their settlements to join the
Malcontent forces or else turn to the life as bandits.
Conflicts: With New Macross City, the capital, in ruins and
with the loss of both Super-Dimensional Fortresses, the UEDF
The End cannot afford to lose more ground to the Zentraedi. On the
other hand, the UEDF doesn’t want to kill unnecessarily and
The Malcontent Uprisings would go on for nearly a decade. prefers to find peaceful solutions. The insurgencies hinge
The conflict doesn’t have a definite end; instead, it fizzles out on a regular supply of weapons, ammunition, protoculture,
with time, mainly due to exhaustion of the Malcontent forces food and other resources – removing these can pacify the
and new legislation that improves the life of law-abiding insurgents, but could also make them desperate and even
Zentraedi. more dangerous.
Micronization becomes mandatory for all Zentraedi. Sometimes, “removing the head of the snake,” so to say, is
Strict anti-discrimination policies and ambitious plans for the best way to stop a loosely assembled rebel band. The
integration decrease tensions, and most Zentraedi are able public opinion and political situation is important to consider
to integrate into human society. The militaristically inclined as well, as anti-Zentraedi backlash could be a real threat to
Zentraedi that remain find new purpose in a special force public law and order.
led by General Breetai that is planning to go along with the
Expeditionary Forces. As a result, both races finally find ways Designer Note: The Malcontent Uprisings are in many ways a
to live together in more or less mutual respect and tolerance. conflict between cultures and ways of life. Fear turns to hate
and acts of hatred fuel even more hatred in a vicious spiral.
Missteps are made on both sides. In every part of the conflict,
there could arise many situations with moral conundrums or
where the right course of action to solve a problem is not so
Alternate Scenario Ideas
Though this timeline and these scenarios follow a linear path The Fight at Home
through the on-screen story of the Robotech saga, there are
many opportunities for other scenarios you and your players Many pilots are left behind when the SDF-1 makes its
could enjoy, winding through this timeline. hyperspace fold maneuver, including Jack Archer and much
of Wolf Squadron. What sort of missions would they be sent
Here are just a few ideas for you: on during the SDF-1’s journey home? For some, they would
be assigned to track down any Zentraedi that had escaped
to ensure the general populace didn’t see them. For others,
they would be sent to quell any unrest that arose after such a
The Global War shocking attack. Still others would be left to rebuild a defense
force to defend against the next attack.
Play the game with pilots prior to the landing of the SDF-1.
There are plenty of engagements they could play in and then Conflicts: The ones running these clandestine operations not
have the crash landing cause a great change for all the recruits only have to fight a powerful and unknown foe, they have to
in the military at that point. remain under the public’s radar. Many corporations or nations
are interested in taking the technology for selfish purposes.
Conflicts: War is ever-present. No place on Earth is safe from Combat journalists are pesky and can be quite good at what
strife. While the nations have generally broken into a few large they do. Danger lurks around every corner.
factions, there are many nations who operate independently.
Trust is hard to come by. The populations suffer from food
shortages while the aristocracy benefits from war.
Alternative Route for the SDF-1
We leave Earth today for exploration. The period after Dolza’s Rain of Death is a rich opportunity
Like the settlers of ages past, getting onto their for play opportunities. During the two years of reconstruction
there is plenty of unrest and civil war that could make for great
giant boats and heading across the sea, we take
roleplaying. Not only does Khyron foment rebellion amongst
leave across a sea of stars. But unlike those the Zentraedi, the UEDF spends a lot of time traveling around
explorers, we’re on a mission not to settle lands, on patrol making sure nothing out of the ordinary is going on.
but to settle conflicts. We set out to end the But there is unrest everywhere.
conflict between the humans and Zentraedi of
Earth and the Robotech Masters of Tirol once Conflicts: While much of the remaining human population
forms a new government, the rest wish to operate
and for all. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, it isn’t
independently. Supplies are extremely scarce and tend to be
enough to talk about peace. One must believe relegated to the UEDF forces and the surviving Zentraedi.
it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must However, the Reflex Matrices will not be able to continue
work at it.’ And working at that peace is what we functioning forever. Throughout the Reconstruction period a
aim to do. sect of rogue Zentraedi continue to attack the survivors and
How we get to that peace is up to the continue to wage war.
Robotech Masters. If they want to negotiate, we
will. If they want to fight, we’ll do that too. But
what we will not do is live any longer in fear for Expeditionary Force
our lives. For our existence. For our very souls.
Earth will stand; forever.
And we’ll make it so.
We are the Pioneer Expedition.
It’s fitting.
We will go farther and faster than any
humans have gone before. And we seek Tirol.
But who knows what we’ll find out there? Like
the early European settlers seeking passage to
India finding the Americas, the path could take
us literally anywhere.
The stars are more vast than the seven
seas and more vast than the skies of our Earth.
We won’t fear the unknown. We’ll meet it. Head
on if we have to.
Take the SDF-3 into space. Explore the galaxy on your way
For those of you coming with us, thank
to find the Robotech Masters on Tirol. The Pioneer is gone
you. We could be gone a very long time. There’s for thirty years; the possibilities for their adventures are
every chance we won’t be coming back. Your endless. Perhaps the Zentraedi and Robotech Masters aren’t
willingness to sacrifice yourselves for the good the only other species out there. During the journey the
of humanity is noted on the record. I salute all of crew encounters the Invid Regent and his forces, as well as
you. other aliens. Anything can happen. The only limit is your
For those of you staying behind, we
leave the Earth in your care. Keep the lights on Conflicts: Deep space presents many hazards. Black holes,
for us. We might be out late. exploding stars, and large asteroid fields will come flying at
the SDF-3. Equipment failures will plague the crew, including
Remarks from Admiral Rick Hunter food processors which may incite worker strikes or riots. The
The departure of the SDF-3 for Tirol ship may encounter strange creatures and alien technology.
Are they friendly? The higher ranking officers engage in
Pioneer Expedition
power struggles and the fate of the SDF-3 always hangs in the
Conflict Cards
Swarm: Plot Event:
Rising Action:
Conflict Threat: Event Level: Climax:
Plot Event: Conclusion:
Number Dead Hidden Suite
Plot Event:
Boss or Vessel: Wounds Rising Action:
Event Level: Climax:
Conflict Threat:
Plot Event: Hidden
Assist: Defend: Interact:
GM Track Sheet
A Build Points (BP) - Progression: 31 Description: 154 Move: 33, 158
Abilities: 83 Build Sequence - Hero: 16 Design: 174 Backlash: 34
Accelerating - Conflict: 173 Burnout - Stress: 34, 158 Environmental: 173 Dropship, Logistics - Zentraedi: 129
Accelerating - Speed: 166 Extended: 174
Actions: 158 C Naval Vessels: 171 E
Attack: 62, 156, 160 Called Shots: 164 Overview: 154 Edge: 63
Assist: 62, 156 Careers: 14, 18 Pools: 179 Element: 14, 63
Bonus: 158 Enhancement: 31 Rolling: 179 Eldare Pod - Zentraedi: 141
Cinematic: 157 Entertainer: 21 Resolving: 177 Encounters: 83
Communication: 154 Marine: 23 Social: 172 Enhance - Hero: 31
Creating: 62 New: 32 Swarms: 169 Engagement: 83
Defend: 62, 156 Officer: 20 Threat: 174 Engineering - Station: 86
Inhibit: 62, 157 Pilot: 18 Tracking: 180 Enhancing Your Hero: 31
Interact: 62, 157 Progression: 30 Types: 169 Entertainment Venues: 88
Obscure: 62, 155 Spy: 22 Conflict Description - Initiative: 154 Environmental Conflicts: 173
Observe: 62, 156 Technician: 20 Conflict Recognition: 173 Accelerating: 173
Ops: 156 Volunteer: 24, 32 Hidden: 174 Wounds: 173
Redirect: 62, 156 Carrier, Assault - Zentraedi: 131 Obscured: 173 Environments: 86
Support: 155 Carry - Gear: 84 Reported: 173 Ideas: 89
Synergy: 158 Cat’s Eye - UEDF: 115 Verified: 173 Epic Event - Plot: 176
Using: 158 Centaur Hover Tank - UEDF: 116 Contingent - Conflict: 173 Equipment: 14, 84, 121, 148
Actions - Narrative: 180 Challenges: 58 Convert - Area Effect: 160 Equipment Suite: 35, 62, 158
Advantage: 63 Basic: 58 Co-Pilot: 125 Everyday Life: 12
Aerial Vehicles - UEDF: 14, 118 Combative: 58 Cost - Skills: 62 Example Play: 182
Amphitheater - Venue: 88 Difficulties: 60 Cover: 164 Exedore: 42
AoE (Area of Effect): 160 Failure: 58 Creating Your Hero: 14 Experience (XP) - Progression: 30
Archer, Jack: 45 Follow Through: 60 Build Sequence: 16 Extended, Range - Weapons: 167
Archetypes - Hero: 25 Heroic Successes: 60 Understanding: 14 Extended Conflicts: 174
Area Effects (AoE): 160 Mixed: 59 Cyclops Recon Ship - Zentraedi: 144
Arena - Venue: 89 Over Time: 60 F
Armor, Light - UEDF: 122 Partial Success: 58 D Failure: 58
Armor - Zentraedi: 149 Sacrifice: 60 Damage: 160 Hard Failure: 58
Armor Carrier - UEDF: 97 Static: 58, Area Effect: 160 Mixed Success: 59
Armored Valkyrie - UEDF: 103 Sticky: 59 Cascade: 161 Partial Success: 58
Artillery Pod - Zentraedi: 139 Timeframes: 59 Convert - Area Effect: 160 Risky: 58
Assault Carrier - Zentraedi: 131 Chekhov’s Gun: 175 Types: 160 Soft Failure: 58
Assist - Action: 62, 156 Cinematic Phase: 157 Deep Space Booster - Zentraedi: 141 Sticky Challenge: 59
Assistant: 125 Climax - Beats: 177 Decelerating - Speed: 166 Fame: 14, 29
Attack - Actions:62, 156, 160 Combat: 160, 164 Defend - Action: 62, 156 Zentraedi: 151
Ranges: 166 Approaches: 164 Defender - UEDF: 109 Fatigue - Stress: 14, 33, 151
Swarms: 170 Cover: 164 Demeanor: 26 Fighter Pod - Zentraedi: 138
Azonia: 36 Melee and Ramming: 164 Designer Note: 8 Framework - Mecha: 161
Personnel Level: 174 Destroids - UEDF: 108 Fokker, Roy: 52
B Command - Station: 86 Defender: 109 Flagship - Zentraedi: 133
Backlash - Stress: 34 Command Ship - Zentraedi: 132 Monster: 112
Base Ship,Dolza - Zentraedi:135 Communications Phase - Action: 154 Phalanx: 110 G
Basic - Damage Capacity: 161 Companions: 125 Spartan: 111 Gaining Stress: 33, 34, 151
Battlepod - Zentraedi: 138 Compelling Heroes: 178 Tomahawk: 180 Game Basics: 10
Beats: 177 Concealing - Gear: 84 Destroyer - Zentraedi: 130 Game Play Rules: 175
Benefit - Skills: 62 Concentrated Fire: 164 Dice: 9 Learn Fast: 9
Blast - Area Effect: 160 Conclusions - Beats: 177 Rolling: 9 Gear: 84, 121
Bodyguard: 125 Cone - Area Effect: 160 Difficulties - Challenges: 60 Carry: 84
Bomber Pod - Zentraedi: 142 Conflict: 153, 177 Disadvantage: 63 Concealing: 84
Bonus Actions: 158 Armor: 179 Disposition: 26 Zentraedi: 148
Bosses - Conflict: 170 Bonus: 158 Dixon, Ben: 37 Light-Class Armor: 122
BP (Build Points) - Progression: 31 Bosses: 170 Dolza: 40 Light Arms: 121
Breetai: 38 Building: 169 Drama - Stress: 33 Obtaining: 84
Bron: 55 Contingent: 173 Armor: 34 Owning: 84
Requisition: 84 High Level Play: 32 Officer - Career: 20 S
UEDF: 11 Zero Level: 32 Officer Pod - Zentraedi: 141 Scout Ship - Zentraedi: 129
General Loadouts: XP: 30 Officer Station - Equipment Suite: 86 SDF-1: 94
Mecha: 93 Lieutenant - Boss: 170 Operations - Station: 86 Shuttle Craft - Zentraedi: 146
Naval: 92 Light Armor: 123 Ops Phase - Action: 156 Simulation Rules: 181
Getting the Drop: 155 Light - Class Armor - UEDF: 122 Overkill Attacks: 161 Skills: 14, 57, 62
Ghost Drone - UEDF: 114 Light Arms - UEDF: 121 Owning - Gear: 84 Benefit: 62
Gloval, Henry: 44 Light Damage: 160 Cost: 62
GM Hints: 178 Light-Class - Structure: 161 P Difficulties: 60
Grant, Claudia: 39 Line - Area Effect: 160 Parina, Miriya: 50 Element: 63
Grel: 43 Logistics Dropship - Zentraedi: 129 Personal Event - Plot: 176 Equipment Suite: 62
Ground Combat - Speed: 166 Phalanx - UEDF: 110 Increasing: 31
Ground Speed: 166 M Plot Events: 176 List: 66
Ground Vehicles: 14 Major Event - Plot: 176 Power Armor, Female - Zentraedi: Modifiers: 63
Gunship - Zentraedi: 131 Malcontent Uprisings: 250 143 Quick List: 64
Stingers: 146 Power Armor, Male - Zentraedi: 144 Slowed: 157
H Maximum Carry - Gear: 84 Proficiencies - Hero: 14 Small Arms: 121, 161
Hardware - Mecha: 161 Mecha: 14 Progression - Hero: 30 Social Conflicts: 172
Hayes, Lisa: 47 Armor: 161 Open: 32 Engagements: 172
Heavy Armor: 123 Structure: 161 Partial: 32 Wounds: 172
Heighten - Initiative: 35, 157 Damage: 160, 168 Unlocks: 31 Soft Targets: 162
Hero General Loadouts: 93 Soldier - Zentraedi: 128
Build Sequence: 16 Framework: 161 R Southern Cross: 250
Creating: 14 Hardware: 161 Race: 14, 17 Space Combat - Speed: 166
Proficiencies: 15, 16 Options: 123 Radio - Venue: 88 Space Speed: 166
Progression: 30 Proficiencies: 15 Ramming: 164 Space Vehicles: 14
Race: 17, 163 Systems: 162 Ranges: 166 Spartan - UEDF: 111
Speed: 14, 17, 166 Upgrades - Zentraedi: 14, Attack: 167 Speed: 14, 17, 166
Understanding: 14 138 Extreme: 167 Ground: 166
Heroic Move: 14, 61, 159 Upgrades - UEDF: 14, 123 Ground Units: 166 Hero: 14, 17
Recovery: 159 Melee Attacks: 164 Space Units: 166 Space: 166
High Lethality Mode: 168 Mental Break - Stress: 35 Rank - Military: 14, 27, 32 Top Speed: 166
Hindrance: 63 Zentraedi: 151 Responsibility: 27 Squad Play: 168
Human: 17, 163 Metaplay: 178 Read as Written: 175 Stage - Venue: 88
Hunter, Rick: 51 Military: 13 Reasons for Rolling: 175 Star Goose - UEDF: 116
Minmei, Lynn: 53 Recon Pod - Zentraedi: 140 Star Power: 29
I Minor Event - Plot: 176 Recovery Station - Equipment Suite: 86
Iconic Characters: 36 Missiles: 165 Heroic Moves: 159 Sterling, Maximilian (Max): 49
Impending - Conflict: 173 Modifiers - Skill: 63 Refitting: 83 Stinger - Zentraedi: 146
Inhibit - Action: 62, 157 Monster - UEDF: 113 Wounds: 163 Stress: 14, 33, 151
Initiative: 157 MPV - UEDF: 118 Stress: 35 Backlash: 34
Action: 158 Recovery Craft - Zentraedi: 145 Burnout: 14, 34
Communication: 154 N Redirect - Action: 62, 156 Drama: 14, 33
Getting the Drop: 155 Narrative Actions: 180 Refitting: 83 Fatigue: 14, 34
Heighten: 157 Narrative Rules: 179 Requisition - Gear: 84 Gaining: 34
Slowed: 157 Nature: 14, 26 Resolving Conflicts: 177 Mental Break: 35
Interact - Action: 157 Naval Armor: 162 Rico: 55 Recovering: 35
Introduction: 7 Naval-Class - Structure: 161 Rising Action: 177 Zentraedi: 151
Naval Damage: 160 Robotech: 11, 12 Structure: 161
J Naval Vessels: 14, Basics: 9 Subordinates - Ordering: 167
Jotun Valkyrie - UEDF: 104 Basics: 92 Iconic Characters: 36 Companions: 125
Conflict: 171 Robotechnology: 12 Naval Crew: 167
K General Loadouts: 92 Vessels: 92 Squads: 167
Key Terms: 10 Zentraedi: 129 What Is?: 12 Successes: 9, 58
Kits: 85 UEDF: 97 Robotech Expeditionary Force - REF: Heroic: 60
Kondo: 55 Navigation - Station: 86 11 Rounding: 9
Kyhron: 46 NEACPS: 11, 194 Rolling: 9 Super Valkyrie - UEDF: 104
Kyle, Lynn: 48 Nominal - Skills Mods: 63 Dice: 9 Support Phase - Action: 154
Rounding:9 Surface Naval Vessels: 120
L O Successes: 9, 58 Missile Defense Upgrade - UEDF: 102
Lancer II - UEDF: 115 Oberth Destroyer - UEDF: 97 Rounding: 9 Swarm - Conflict: 169
Lang, Emil - Dr.: 41 Obscure - Action: 62, 156 Synergy: 158
Learn to Play Fast: 9 Observe - Action: 62, 155 Systems - Mecha: 162
Leveling - Progression: 30 Obtaining - Gear: 84
T What is Robotech?: 8
Tactical - Station: 86 Wounds: 14, 163
Tactical Pod - Zentraedi: 138 Environmental: 173
Take Actions: 155 Recovery: 163
Talents: 14, 57, 76 Social: 172
Leadership: 76
Piloting: 78 X
Social: 79 XP - Progression: 30
Tactical: 81
Technical: 82 Y
Terrain Tactics - Equipment Suite: 89 YF-4 Prototype: 106
Terrible Trio: 54
Threat Level: 174 Z
Timeframes: 59 Zentraedi: 17, 128, 163
Tomahawk - UEDF: 108 Base Ship: 134
Transformation - Variable: 165 Fame: 151
Types of Gear: 84 Gear: 148
Naval Vessels: 129
U Pods: 138
UEDF: 91 Power Armor: 143
Destroids: 108 Ranks: 27
Gear: 121 Soldier: 128
Naval Vessels: 97 Stringers: 146
Ranks: 27 Stress: 151
Valkyries: 98 Utility Craft: 144
Weapons: 212 Way of Life: 128
Umbrella Skills: 178 Weapons: 148
Uniform: 123 Zentraedi Three: 55
Upgrades - UEDF: 123
Using Space and Ground Units: 166
Utility Craft - Zentraedi: 144
Valkyrie - UEDF: 98
Variable Transformation: 165
Variant - Mecha: 15
Vehicles - UEDF: 114, 117-120
Aerial: 119
Armored - Ground: 117
Destroids: 108
MPV - Ground: 118
Space: 114
Veritech - Ground: 116
Veritech - Space: 98
Venue: 88
Veritech - UEDF: 98, 116
Centaur Hover Tank: 116
VEF-1: 102
VF- 1 Valkyrie: 99
VF/A-6H Alpha: 107
VF-X Prototype: 98
YF-4 Prototype: 106
Vessels - Robotech: 92
Video - Venue: 89
Villain - Boss: 171
Way of Life - Zentraedi: 128
Wealth: 85
Zentraedi: 151
Weapons: 92
Zentraedi: 148
UEDF: 121
Weapons & Technology: 92
15 m
10 m
Spartan: 11.3 m Defender: 10.8 m Monster: 22.5 m Tomahawk: 12.7 m Phalanx: 11.3 m VF-1: 12.7 m
15 m
Warrior: 9 m
10 m
Power Armor - M: 16.8 m Power Armor - F: 16.8 m Officer Pod: 18.1 m Tactical Pod: 17.4 m Breetai: 13.5 m
Assault Carrier: 3000 m
Flagship: 4024 m
Destroyer: 2300 m
SDF-1: 1210 m
ARMD: 430 m
Oberth: 390 m
Officer Pod w/ Booster: 14.4 m