VAK (Voice of Temples) June 2017 Issue
VAK (Voice of Temples) June 2017 Issue
VAK (Voice of Temples) June 2017 Issue
a prominent mention in Raja Tarangini. But of course its connection with Ramanuja and
Sri Bhashya would not find any mention in Raja Tarangini.
The Sharada Peeth itself is now under Pakistani occupation (in PoK), but the ruins are
still maintained as a tourist attraction by PoK government.
This being the millennium year of Sri Ramanuja it would be great to highlight the Sharada
Peetham temple and its connection with Sri Ramanuja. Ramanuja went all the way from
Srirangam to Sharada Peetham in Kashmir to validate his Brahmasutra Bhashyam with
Bodhyana Vritti as the sole copy of Bodhyana Vritti was archived in the vast library of
Sharada Peeth.
Once again, congratulations on taking up this venture and let us pray for it to gain wide
traction among the readers of VAK. Senesh Karunakaran
CONTENTS Page tNy ............. 16
Editorial ................... 3 umy Ts - 195 ............. 17
Anecdotes on Vishnu Sahasranamam-195 ....... 4
Madhura Vijayam - 68 ................... 7 u\ -68 ............. 19
O^HO .............. 10 Ahobilam and Ahobila Mutt-56 ................. 22
q+<= Q^=o195 .............. 11 News ................. 23
=^~q[O 68 .............. 13 Devotee's Experiences ................. 26
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June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 3 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
A recent GO issued by the Andhra Pradesh Government should serve as an eye opener to all the
devotees who have the best interests of our temple system at heart A Hindu temple is a traditional
religious institution which is being administered through the Government in good faith for the benefit
of the Hindu populace. All the Endowments officials should know that temples do not get any Government
grants for their survival. The temple cannot even levy any tax and compulsorily collect revenue from
the people. Temples depend purely on the willing offerings of Hindu devotees who visit them. As
such, there is no absolute guarantee that temples will be able to bear the heavy expenditure of
employees. It is for this reason that the statute had already fixed a cap of 30% of the temple assessable
income for meeting its establishment cost. Despite these restrictions, some of the Endowments
officials have in the past recruited people irregularly and given them promotions, transferred them
from one institution to another, without reference to the financial condition of such temples and in
derogation of Act and Rules.
It is now time for all the devotees to recognize that the real long term solution is to free temples
from Government control so that the money that is donated by devotees to these institutions serves
the spiritual purpose for which our ancestors not only established the temples but sacrificed their
all to protect them. It is our duty to our ancestors to not be a silent spectator but come together
to highlight the need for speedy hearing of Swami Dayanada Saraswatis Hindu temple freedom
case pending in the Supreme Court and simultaneously petition Honble Prime Minister Shri Narendra
Modiji to direct the Central Govt to intervene in his late Gurujis petition and come up with a central
legislation based on the suggestions of the Court similar to the steps taken recently to protect our
Gowmata so as to protect our temple system from being slowly destroyed something which even
the worst invasions could not achieve.
VAK also requests the organizers of the two day National conference of temple Administrators held
at New Delhis Jhandewalan Devi Mandir which was attended by 60 prominent office bearers of Hindu
Temples belonging to various states of the country under the leadership of late Shri Ashok Singhalji
to take immediate steps to implement the important resolutions:-
1. The formation of a national body called the Akhil Bharatiya Mandir Prabandhak Parishad to
make the temples autonomous centers of worship, spiritual fulfillment and social services devoid
of any sort of governmental control.
2. The Akhil Bharatiya Mandir Prabandhak Parishad will be a friend, philosopher and guide to
cooperate and coordinate to make each and every Mandir to be fully independent, sovereign,
autonomous, self-reliant and self-sufficient in dispensing spiritual, religious, national, social
and cultural, etc. responsibilities of the Hindu society and to be fully free from all kinds of
governmental control in their establishment, functioning, development and administration.
3. The Parishad will strive ardently to achieve the goal of preservation of Mandirs by making them
totally immune from the perils of commercialization and politicization and also from the deviant
attitude and improve competency of the pujaris and other karmacharis.
4. The Parishad would work to make the temples a confluence of social service activity in the
sectors of education, health, employment, empowerment of women and children, create social
harmony, eradication of social evils, environmental protection, for the up-liftmen of the poor etc.
5. The Parishad will start Refresher Courses for education, training and enlightenment
of pujaris and archakas and all others vested with the rights and duties of performance of rituals
and other aspects of the inner discipline of the Mandir with the aim of enhancing the knowledge
and understanding of the scriptures, mantras, tantras etc.
6. It will also cooperate in highlighting and disseminating the recent trends of government decontrol
in the southern states by amending the relevant legislation and thereby recognising the autonomy
of the temples, so that the other Governments should realize that this is the work of the society,
not of the Government. !
King Veera Sundara Brahmaraya, a disciple Lord. That is the reason for Adi Sesha being in a
of Koorathazhwan, decided to build a wall around posture of utmost humility here.
the temple of Srirangam. In the process, he decided The priest added, After sometime, as the
to break down the house of Pillai Pillai Azhwan, who Lord woke up and enquired Adi Sesha about the
was also a disciple of Koorathazhwan, as the house reason for the gloominess in his face, Adi Sesha
was on the way. narrated all the incidents and sought the apology
Parasara Bhattar, elder son of Koorathazhwan, of the Lord. The Lord consoled him saying that there
requested Veera Sundara not to do that. Your wall was nothing wrong in what he had done.
is not the protection for Lord Ranganatha. It is Pillai The Lord told Sesha, I am the Seshi and
Pillaiyazhvans praises (mangalashasana) to the Lord all souls are my Seshas. Sesha exists only to add
that are His protection. Therefore, just as Thirumangai glory to the master Seshi. That is exactly what you
Azhvar avoided breaching Thondaradippodi Azhvars have done! So dont worry.
garden while building wall around the temple, for
Adi Sesha, consoled by the Lord's words, still
which great act of grace he is renowned as Arulmaari,
shows up his Seshatva to the Lord by bending himself
you too should build the wall around Pillai
with utter humility towards the Seshi.
Pillaiyazhvans house without breaking it down! said
Bhattar. Bhattar burst into tears on hearing this
anecdote. When his disciple Nanjeeyar asked him
But Veera Sundara ignored the advice of the
the reason, Bhattar said, In Srirangam also, just
Acharya and proceeded with building the wall after
by having darshan of the Lord lying on Sesha, we
destructing the house. Notwithstanding that, he also
can clearly understand that the He is the Seshi and
started giving troubles to Parasara Bhattar. Therefore
we are all His seshas!
Bhattar could not continue his stay in Srirangam.
He handed over his responsibilities to his younger (This has been well depicted in the invocatory
brother Veda Vyasa Bhattar and left Srirangam. verse of Shrutaprakashika, which is the collection
of lectures given by Vatsya Varadaguru (Nadadoor
Bhattars disciple Nanjeeyar asked him, Where
Ammal- 1165 AD-1275 AD) on Sri Bhashya, by
are you leaving?
Sudarshana Suri, the grandson of Veda Vyasa Bhattar
Bhattar said, When my father Koorathazhwan younger brother of Parasara Bhattar. The verse is:
was unable to stay in Srirangam due to the hostility
of the Chola king, he left to Thirumaliruncholai. But z mN WTu @
it is far away from here. So let me leave this place mz zun byoz @@
and go to Thirukkoshtiyur!
I surrender to the Sri Bhashya which is another
Nanjeeyar also accompanied him. form of Sri Ranga vimana, as both are in the form
On the way to Thirukkoshtiyur, they had of Pranava the letter uttered in the beginning end
darshan of the Lord Satyamurti resting on the serpent of recitation of Vedas and both show explicitly that
bed of Adi Sesha at Thirumeyyam, the Lord is the Seshi -master of all!)
Bhattar asked the priest, Why does serpent Bhattar added, The same Lord Ranganatha
bed of the Lord appear to be bowing down with respect has given darshan to me here as Satyamurti on
in this temple? the serpent bed, once again showing that He is the
The priest replied, When the Lord was reclining Seshi! Since the sthala purana narrated by the priest
on Adi Sesha in the milky ocean, the vile demons reminded me of my beloved Lord Ranganatha, I broke
Madhu and Kaitabha came to fight with the Lord. into tears!
Adi Sesha, to avoid encumbrance to the Lords sleep, Bhattar then asked Nanjeeyar Can you now
himself spewed out fire and trounced them. But after understand the name connected with One hundred
his act, Adi Sesha started worrying that he had killed and ninety five?
those demons without getting the consensus of the
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u@ H< u\_# =# Z= kOk.
June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 12 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
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Karthaveeryarjuno nama Raaja Baahu Sahasravaan |
Thasya Smarana Maathrena Gatham Nashtam cha Labhyathe||
Please chant this sloka to locate lost objects, persons and belongings.
`~# =, == uiy aOK@ D Hx H` iOKO_.
NEWS P "<[~ == ~^
J=~=u, " 24 : n~HOQ P D" ^` x~# "<[~ ==# ~^K `O HH
x~O fOk. 2001 " \# D q^<xH =yO eH, `O "<[~Q L#"ix "i =`$
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D"Q xq~. XH" L^Q xHO W`~ ` Y L^Q# _>+< D"Q xq~.
D H=O< 1996 '~< W< "<*"O\ J< ==# "\~. nx ^~ P L^Q `
L^Q H^) D" ^` K> J=HO aOzOk. J#O`~ HO ^x ~ =i 2001 "<[~Q
_ J" ^` LO\~. ` L^y J~` D" Jx, P L^y J~` "<[~ Jx <~. Hh
` L^Q Hx "iH P ^` JyOK_O = Jqhu iy`O^x, P == iH^x ql<
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J\ #Op "<[~ == H#Q`Ok D <^O S^ ^\# "<[~# |kb KO^ J#=u"x
^"^Y Hq+#~ Hk~A HO^@ `xH Y ~~. nxx gHOz# `O... J "<[~
==< ~^ Kx P^ *s KOk. D" |kb JOO ^"^ Yx HO^iH sQ #Q^
=\O^x qhOQ `eOk. Hq+#~ K H~# K@ |kb K~#x J=\ iOQ L^y J~#
Hg+#~ U = K_x K|`<~. H=O J=\ iOQ L^Q J~#\H Hg+#~ U H=_O`
Yx ~Q~ L^Q < J[=~+ K~<_# P~}<~.
"<[~ ==# ~^ x~O W|OkH~=< "Y qx<~. ^^ 200 =Ok "<[~ `=
=`$<xH "o` P # D"`< s Ke LO@Ok. JO` s OY D" ^"^
Y ~. nO` # H`"i` s Ke LO@O^x, J\ =~ W|O^ `=x JkH~
JO@<~. (PO^*u 25.5.2017)
x# K _"_ - h "#H x# ^+_.
Date of Posting 6th & 7th 28 Date of Publication 1st of every month
Registered as a News Paper RNI. No. AP/BIL/2000/2474
Vol.18 VAK / JUNE / 2017 Postal Registration No. HSE/738/2017-19 No.6
t\u: tT Y Wzuo: That extraordinary pair of Sandals which becomes the suitable agent
for binding firmly the heads of the Devas and the pair of the sacred
j Vbuo q uo zzuno: no:@@ feet of Lord Ranganatha, in the context of their respective roles as
uuto z tuouub Seshas and Seshi become the protective cap our heads.
Ntuuoq uNu ont@@ @@ (Paduka Sahasram)
^^~*Ot~ ^QO K ~OQt` Uk ^ = ` t~ # N~ O Q x ^ Q h q =O`
-~$_O @~`OH=O =u ++``I q_n~O_ \O*_xH =~=~#^, Uk Q~x e
t~ q^=" ^i`O^=+O^O K<, Uk _^~# K~ "_O` `=~#^ Jx~Kh"#
H^^quH=O H= ``^`^"II D ^H^O < t~} =QQH. (^HO)
z~ r ^"xH xk.... ''_~b * O_^~ =~O_.
D O_H kQ= zOK|_# O KeO HiOK|_#.
1) SB A/c No.62055583940 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
State Bank of Hyderabad, Moinabad Branch (R.R. Dist.) (\ OH P ^~^, "~<^ Y,
~OQ~_ l) from any branch of State Bank of Hyderabad situated in any part of the Country.
2) SB A/c No. 091110011008633 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Andhra
Bank, Pedda Mangalaram (Moinabad Branch PO^ OH, ^=OQ~O ("~<^ Y)) (R.R. Dist.) from any
branch of Andhra Bank situated in any part of the World. OKOx U O`O #O_< [= K=K.
3) SB A/c No.3063101000001 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Canara Bank,
113, Main Road, Himayatnagar, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. H#~ OH, 113, "~< ~_, =`#Q~, "~<^
=O_, ~OQ~_ l, from any branch of Canara Bank situated in any part of India. (=#^O x U O`O #O_< [= K =K.)
4) SB A/c No.24730110000007 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with UCO
Bank, Chilukuru Branch, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. H OH, z~ Oz, "~<^ =O_, ~OQ~_ l,
from any branch of UCO Bank situated in India. (=#^O
x U O`O #O_< [= K =K.)
~.100/- Hh KeO Q D xkH [= K =K.
D ` xkx =~_xH O^ih HiOK=#kQ i<=. J HiOz H=~x OOkOK
qH}"# z~ * q^<x PKO^~O xeK `__#O^ P r H$ `=`~.
The Fund donations can be remitted in the Following Banks with the following Particulars:-
1) SB A/c No.62055583940 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
State Bank of Hyderabad, Moinabad Branch (R.R. Dist.) from any branch of State Bank of Hyderabad
situated in any part of the Country. IFSC Code 'SBHY0020637'.
2) SB A/c No.091110011008633 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained
with Andhra Bank, Pedda Mangalaram (Moinabad Branch) (R.R. Dist.) from any branch of Andhra
Bank situated in any part of the World. IFSC Code 'ANDB0000911'.
3) SB A/c No.3063101000001 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Canara
Bank, 113, Main Road, Himayatnagar, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. from any branch of Canara Bank situated in
India. IFSC Code 'CNRB0003063'.
4) SB A/c No.24730110000007 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
UCO Bank, Chilukuru Branch, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. from any branch of UCO Bank situated in India.
IFSC Code 'UCBA0002473'.
Devotees can remit their contributions with a minimum of Rs.100/- to this Fund.
The Devotees who contribute to this Fund will have the blessings of the Lord Balaji for participating
in the continuation of this unique way of worship which inculcates Pure Devotion in the Temple system..
Andhra Bank Ph : 08417-252064, SBH Ph. : 08417-252071, Canara Bank : 08413-235088, UCO Bank Ph.: 08417-200023
All business communications and payments may
be addressed to The Manager VAK, 2-2-647/77/D, D.D. BOOK POST
Colony, Bagh Amberpet, Hyderabad-500 013. Ph : To STAMP
27425640. Only local cheques and DDs drawn in favour
of VAK will be accepted. Subscriptions can be sent
through money orders also. Give your correct address.
Owned, Edited, Printed and Published by : Dr. M.V. Soundara
Rajan, Advocate, 2-2-647/77/D, Andhra Bank Lane, Be-
side Karur Vysya Bank ATM, D.D. Colony, Bagh Amberpet,
Hyderabad-500 013; Website :
Phone : 27425640 Cell : 9246505058
Printed at : M/s. Vakdevi Printers, # 1- 8- 732/22/B,
Nallakunta, Hyd-44.
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