VAK (Voice of Temples) June 2017 Issue

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[ The Voice of Temples ]

ENGLISH `Q uty Rs.5/-

Bhagavath Ramanuja on Sesha Vahanam at Sriperumbudur, Tamilnadu

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Vol. 18 JUNE 2017 No.6
'VAK' is available on
It was a pleasant surprise to see the
photo of Marthanda Temple in Kashmir
on the cover page of February VAK.
The detailed article about the cover
page and VAK's plans to serialize Raja
Tarangini is really a great venture !
In this context, there is a very
important connection between Sri
Ramanuja and Kashmir which is not
often highlighted.
It was in Kashmir that Sri Ramanuja's
Brahma Sutra Bhashya was
published with the name Sri Bhashya.
The name Sri Bhashya was conffered
on the text by Sarswati , the presiding
deity of Sri Sharada Peeth, herself.
This temple and the deity Sharada
Devi are held in high esteem by
Ramanuja at Sharada Peetha, Kashmir Kashmiri Hindus. I am sure it will find

a prominent mention in Raja Tarangini. But of course its connection with Ramanuja and
Sri Bhashya would not find any mention in Raja Tarangini.
The Sharada Peeth itself is now under Pakistani occupation (in PoK), but the ruins are
still maintained as a tourist attraction by PoK government.
This being the millennium year of Sri Ramanuja it would be great to highlight the Sharada
Peetham temple and its connection with Sri Ramanuja. Ramanuja went all the way from
Srirangam to Sharada Peetham in Kashmir to validate his Brahmasutra Bhashyam with
Bodhyana Vritti as the sole copy of Bodhyana Vritti was archived in the vast library of
Sharada Peeth.
Once again, congratulations on taking up this venture and let us pray for it to gain wide
traction among the readers of VAK. Senesh Karunakaran
CONTENTS Page tNy ............. 16
Editorial ................... 3 umy Ts - 195 ............. 17
Anecdotes on Vishnu Sahasranamam-195 ....... 4
Madhura Vijayam - 68 ................... 7 u\ -68 ............. 19
O^HO .............. 10 Ahobilam and Ahobila Mutt-56 ................. 22
q+<= Q^=o195 .............. 11 News ................. 23
=^~q[O 68 .............. 13 Devotee's Experiences ................. 26

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A recent GO issued by the Andhra Pradesh Government should serve as an eye opener to all the
devotees who have the best interests of our temple system at heart A Hindu temple is a traditional
religious institution which is being administered through the Government in good faith for the benefit
of the Hindu populace. All the Endowments officials should know that temples do not get any Government
grants for their survival. The temple cannot even levy any tax and compulsorily collect revenue from
the people. Temples depend purely on the willing offerings of Hindu devotees who visit them. As
such, there is no absolute guarantee that temples will be able to bear the heavy expenditure of
employees. It is for this reason that the statute had already fixed a cap of 30% of the temple assessable
income for meeting its establishment cost. Despite these restrictions, some of the Endowments
officials have in the past recruited people irregularly and given them promotions, transferred them
from one institution to another, without reference to the financial condition of such temples and in
derogation of Act and Rules.
It is now time for all the devotees to recognize that the real long term solution is to free temples
from Government control so that the money that is donated by devotees to these institutions serves
the spiritual purpose for which our ancestors not only established the temples but sacrificed their
all to protect them. It is our duty to our ancestors to not be a silent spectator but come together
to highlight the need for speedy hearing of Swami Dayanada Saraswatis Hindu temple freedom
case pending in the Supreme Court and simultaneously petition Honble Prime Minister Shri Narendra
Modiji to direct the Central Govt to intervene in his late Gurujis petition and come up with a central
legislation based on the suggestions of the Court similar to the steps taken recently to protect our
Gowmata so as to protect our temple system from being slowly destroyed something which even
the worst invasions could not achieve.
VAK also requests the organizers of the two day National conference of temple Administrators held
at New Delhis Jhandewalan Devi Mandir which was attended by 60 prominent office bearers of Hindu
Temples belonging to various states of the country under the leadership of late Shri Ashok Singhalji
to take immediate steps to implement the important resolutions:-
1. The formation of a national body called the Akhil Bharatiya Mandir Prabandhak Parishad to
make the temples autonomous centers of worship, spiritual fulfillment and social services devoid
of any sort of governmental control.
2. The Akhil Bharatiya Mandir Prabandhak Parishad will be a friend, philosopher and guide to
cooperate and coordinate to make each and every Mandir to be fully independent, sovereign,
autonomous, self-reliant and self-sufficient in dispensing spiritual, religious, national, social
and cultural, etc. responsibilities of the Hindu society and to be fully free from all kinds of
governmental control in their establishment, functioning, development and administration.
3. The Parishad will strive ardently to achieve the goal of preservation of Mandirs by making them
totally immune from the perils of commercialization and politicization and also from the deviant
attitude and improve competency of the pujaris and other karmacharis.
4. The Parishad would work to make the temples a confluence of social service activity in the
sectors of education, health, employment, empowerment of women and children, create social
harmony, eradication of social evils, environmental protection, for the up-liftmen of the poor etc.
5. The Parishad will start Refresher Courses for education, training and enlightenment
of pujaris and archakas and all others vested with the rights and duties of performance of rituals
and other aspects of the inner discipline of the Mandir with the aim of enhancing the knowledge
and understanding of the scriptures, mantras, tantras etc.
6. It will also cooperate in highlighting and disseminating the recent trends of government decontrol
in the southern states by amending the relevant legislation and thereby recognising the autonomy
of the temples, so that the other Governments should realize that this is the work of the society,
not of the Government. !

There should be no regional boundaries for temples.

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Anecdotes on Vishnu Sahasranama - 195


Sri V.S.Karunakaran, Chennai

King Veera Sundara Brahmaraya, a disciple Lord. That is the reason for Adi Sesha being in a
of Koorathazhwan, decided to build a wall around posture of utmost humility here.
the temple of Srirangam. In the process, he decided The priest added, After sometime, as the
to break down the house of Pillai Pillai Azhwan, who Lord woke up and enquired Adi Sesha about the
was also a disciple of Koorathazhwan, as the house reason for the gloominess in his face, Adi Sesha
was on the way. narrated all the incidents and sought the apology
Parasara Bhattar, elder son of Koorathazhwan, of the Lord. The Lord consoled him saying that there
requested Veera Sundara not to do that. Your wall was nothing wrong in what he had done.
is not the protection for Lord Ranganatha. It is Pillai The Lord told Sesha, I am the Seshi and
Pillaiyazhvans praises (mangalashasana) to the Lord all souls are my Seshas. Sesha exists only to add
that are His protection. Therefore, just as Thirumangai glory to the master Seshi. That is exactly what you
Azhvar avoided breaching Thondaradippodi Azhvars have done! So dont worry.
garden while building wall around the temple, for
Adi Sesha, consoled by the Lord's words, still
which great act of grace he is renowned as Arulmaari,
shows up his Seshatva to the Lord by bending himself
you too should build the wall around Pillai
with utter humility towards the Seshi.
Pillaiyazhvans house without breaking it down! said
Bhattar. Bhattar burst into tears on hearing this
anecdote. When his disciple Nanjeeyar asked him
But Veera Sundara ignored the advice of the
the reason, Bhattar said, In Srirangam also, just
Acharya and proceeded with building the wall after
by having darshan of the Lord lying on Sesha, we
destructing the house. Notwithstanding that, he also
can clearly understand that the He is the Seshi and
started giving troubles to Parasara Bhattar. Therefore
we are all His seshas!
Bhattar could not continue his stay in Srirangam.
He handed over his responsibilities to his younger (This has been well depicted in the invocatory
brother Veda Vyasa Bhattar and left Srirangam. verse of Shrutaprakashika, which is the collection
of lectures given by Vatsya Varadaguru (Nadadoor
Bhattars disciple Nanjeeyar asked him, Where
Ammal- 1165 AD-1275 AD) on Sri Bhashya, by
are you leaving?
Sudarshana Suri, the grandson of Veda Vyasa Bhattar
Bhattar said, When my father Koorathazhwan younger brother of Parasara Bhattar. The verse is:
was unable to stay in Srirangam due to the hostility
of the Chola king, he left to Thirumaliruncholai. But z mN WTu @
it is far away from here. So let me leave this place mz zun byoz @@
and go to Thirukkoshtiyur!
I surrender to the Sri Bhashya which is another
Nanjeeyar also accompanied him. form of Sri Ranga vimana, as both are in the form
On the way to Thirukkoshtiyur, they had of Pranava the letter uttered in the beginning end
darshan of the Lord Satyamurti resting on the serpent of recitation of Vedas and both show explicitly that
bed of Adi Sesha at Thirumeyyam, the Lord is the Seshi -master of all!)
Bhattar asked the priest, Why does serpent Bhattar added, The same Lord Ranganatha
bed of the Lord appear to be bowing down with respect has given darshan to me here as Satyamurti on
in this temple? the serpent bed, once again showing that He is the
The priest replied, When the Lord was reclining Seshi! Since the sthala purana narrated by the priest
on Adi Sesha in the milky ocean, the vile demons reminded me of my beloved Lord Ranganatha, I broke
Madhu and Kaitabha came to fight with the Lord. into tears!
Adi Sesha, to avoid encumbrance to the Lords sleep, Bhattar then asked Nanjeeyar Can you now
himself spewed out fire and trounced them. But after understand the name connected with One hundred
his act, Adi Sesha started worrying that he had killed and ninety five?
those demons without getting the consensus of the

L^xH =O^#k Q_O^H~=.

June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 5 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
Nanjeeyar couldnt deduce what his acharya When Brahma sought Lord Narayana for help, the
meant. He asked again, What? Lord came in the form of Padmanabha reclining on
Bhattar said, Bhujagottama: - the 195th name Adi Sesha as a dam in front of the river. Why should
of Vishnu Sahasranama! Bhujaga means snake, i.e., the Lord come with his serpent bed to stop the
the divine serpent Adi Sesha. Uttama: means one river?
who is above or master. Bhujagottama: means Master The reason is when Saraswati saw the Lord
of Adi Sesha and the Lord of this kshetra depicts as Seshi, reclining on the serpent bed Sesha, she
that aspect very clearly here! This Lord Himself had understood the Sesha Seshi relationship between
explained this Seshi Sesha bhava while consoling the Lord and the souls. She also realized that in
the vexed Adi Sesha! marital life also this Sesha seshi relationship exists,
Sankara Bhagavatpada, while explaining the i.e., husband is the Seshi and wife should be his
meaning of the name Bhujagottama:, wrote, The sesha. So she realized her mistake and reconciled
Lord who is in the form of noble snakes like Andante, with Brahma.
Vasuki, etc. Thus the Lord Padmanabha, who gave the
But Bhattar evidently wrote his commentary knowledge of Sesha Seshi relationship to Goddess
taking inspiration from the history of the Lord of Saraswati, will give that knowledge to us also by
Thirumeyyam. Bhattar also added another point in lounging in our mind which is also comparable to
his commentary, From the 195th name, till 199th name, a snake.
five names (Bhujagottama:, Hiranyanaabha:, Sutapaa:, Bhattar also told Nanjeeyar, The same Seshi
Padmanabha, Prajaapati) refer to the Lord Padmanabha Sesha relationship exists between an Acharya
the samhara murthy holding all the world within His and his Shishyas too. Shishyas should consider
belly. The 48th name of Vishnu Sahasranama was it their duty to add glory to the Acharya and serve
also Padmanabha. But it refers to the Aniruddha him as per the Acharyas wish and not by ones
murti of the Lord in His vyuha manifestation. But own whims and fancies. Veera Sundara Brahmaraya
here it refers to the Lord resting on Adi Sesha during didnt understand this and built the wall as per his
pralaya, before creating the entire universe. own will.
The Dhyana mantra of Padmanabha Nirukti puts this crisply as:
zDoz.. says that the Lord Padmanabha, t|z s: zDs oXoz @
in the form of knowledge and full of knowledge is \Tzzy \Tz GXoz @@
reclining in the serpent called our mind. Since our
Those who want to serve the Lord and Acharya
mind is also always meandering crisscross, it has
with such understanding that our duty is to add
been compared to snake here. But when we surrender
glory to them, can meditate on the divine form of
to the Lord Padmanabha, He controls our mind and
VISA Balajee at Chilkur and chant
grants us knowledge of the Seshi Sesha relationship
between the Lord and ourselves.
Dear VAK readers come on let us chant
When Lord Brahma was doing a yagna in
Kancheepuram, his wife Goddess Saraswati caused @@ \ Tz :@@
hindrance to it by flowing speedily as the river Vegavati. !

D Hx iOKO_. Chant 28 times

Nz N N Nuz @
: Nu N Y@@ = o [iy# Hx << P#` q_ fH"x
H"~ H= H= Hq< I x~~ Oz# =O Hx z~ q#_O [iyOk.
#= H=q~ H=~^~ K II ~E i< L<#. P~H~"# su = =^
Kaameshwaraya Kaamaya Kaamapalaya Kamine J=Q# iy K J<#OQ LO@<=.
Namaha Kaamavihaaraya Kaamarupa dharaayacha
Marriages get finalised by Chanting this Sloka. Also XH ~, =OQyi
this sloka bestows intimacy, mutual affection and = J=~H 38 U. Z< O|O^ =z< o
trust between couples.
q" , ~ ~ #_= u, SH=`xH ^~^. J~` D HO K# Hx ~A =Oz
=~_` o kiOk. XH ~,

H=, H~@= Z=i H= PQ=.

June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 6 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

Chant 108 times

FO q #= FO +~H #=
G sue : G Nq :
To keep Evil forces at bay. For overcoming bad times.
^+ #O_ H_H#@. H #O_ q=H O^_xH.

|} q"K# #$O `O Chant one time

1. ^=` H~ ^~O O =^=O 6. ^ =~^O NO ^`~ q^i}O

N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
2. H eOy` "=OQO H<O =~^HO 7. ~Q _`<O, H<=^O
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
8. "^ "^O` *O |~^k =Ok`O
3. PO` =^~O OY KH^ ^i}O
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
9. W^O ~` x`O |}"K# Ol`O
4. ~}` ~O H^[q+<#O J#$}*` ` ^#O j="`
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
D `x Jx Ji, ^, PiH W|O^`
5. O<^# =` kQOu <#" L#" O =O XHi i KHx
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H e`O aOk.
FO `^ #= G o tz : FO ^` #= G z :
Chant this name to amend soured friendship For issueless couple. O`# H~
or any personal relationship FO q^` #= G uz :
q`` =O OKH=_xH, ^O` Pregnant ladies to chant for healthy babies.
J<#`. P~QH~"# t= H~
Chant one time
Runa Vimochana Nrisimha Stotram
Devataakaarya-siddhyartham Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeraam
sabhaastambha-samudbhavam namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
Prahlaada varadam sreesam
namaami runamuktaye
Lakshmyaalingita-vaamaangam Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
bhaktaanaam varadaayakam namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimham mahaveeram
Krooragrahaih peeditaanaam
namaami runamuktaye
bhaktaanaam abhayapradam
Aanthramaalaadharam Sankha Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
Chakraabja aayudha dha arina m namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Brahma Rudraadi vanditam
Smaranaat sarvapaapagnam Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
kadrooja visha naasanam namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimha mahaaveeraam
Ya idam patathe nityam runa
namaami runamuktaye
mochana samjnitam
Simhanaadena Mahataa Anrunee jaayate satyo dhanam
Digdhanthi Bhaya Naashanam sheeghram avaapnuyaat

H$`[` K=#^ Hh, PtOK=#k H^.

June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 7 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

Madhura Vijayam - 68 Sri Ranganatha Travel Part II

Tamil Manuscript : Sree Venugopalan, Chennai English Translation : CSL Narasimhan
Story so far : The story based on the 14th century need to narrate the entire story like Ramayana to
incidents, was written by Sri Venugopalan which is you.
based on the historic facts elucidated in Madhura Why? enquired Nambi.
Vijayam composed by Maharani Ganga Devi, Chief Do you know, the idol of Ranganatha is in Gingee
Queen of King Kampanaraya. Two young men Vallabha right now.
and Dutta set out on an expedition to locate the idol What? Is the idol in Gingee? Nambi asked in an
of Lord Ranganatha of Srirangam, which was saved
unbelievable tone.
by four Kodavas from being ransacked by Muslim
invaders. After several adventures the two boys, found The others who were present there gave a puzzled
the idol along with one Kodava who protected the idol look at Vallabha and did not believe what he was
for more than eighteen years deep inside the forest saying.
of Chandragiri. Lord Ranganatha was brought to Yes! You may find this strange. But it has a background
Tirumala and King Ranganatha Yadavaraya the ruler story of 47 years hidden in it, which I compared
of that place patronized the upkeep of the idol with it to Ramayana. said Vallabha
daily pujas. Coincidentally Sri Gopanna, commander- That means is the idol which we have here secretly
in-chief of the Vijayanagaras mulvoy province reaches and for which we are performing pooja regularly not
Tirumala in search of Lord Ranganatha and he promises Ranganatha? Asked a person from the gathering.
Vallabha to restore Lord Ranganatha to Sri Rangam
with the help of Vijayanagara king. Meanwhile, as a
Definitely not, said Vallabha
first step the Vijayanagar army mission was undertaken Vallabha realized that the gathering there did not agree
to conquer Sambuvaraya of Rajagambhira. Kanchee to what he said which surprised him and also hurt
puram was conquered and Kampana Rayas army him badly.
advanced to Rajagambhira mountain conquered it and Okay! please narrate the Ramayana to us asked
killed the Raja Gambhira king. The Madurai princess Nambi
was rescued. Vallabha who was on a mission to I will tell started Vallabha.
safeguard Pandya princess Makaravizhiyaal to pandya Then he slowly described everything right from the
kingdom fell in love with her but promised to marry time Lord Ranganatha left Srirangam, his stay in
her only after completing his mission. Meanwhile, Lord Sathyamangalam and also his hibernation in
Ranganatha has been brought to Chenghee by
Chandragiri forest, later his recovery and his stay
Gopanna the commander of Vijayanagar army
belonging to Mulvoy province. Vallabha, Datta and in Tirumala and also he explained how the idol reached
Vallabhas mother Vasanthika meet Gopanna to find Gingee in a brief way.
out about the plans of restoring Lord Ranganatha to Thirumanathoon Nambi went into deep thoughts after
Sri Rangam. It was 10 years since the Rajagambhira listening to the entire story.
Kingdom became part of Vijayanagar and still no further Dutta after seeing him asked him, do you still have
advancement action was taken against Madurai Sultan doubts about what we say?
due to trouble from Bahamani sultans. Gopanna takes No, not like that! Since nobody who has witnessed
up on him and vows to take up the expedition now all this is not there, there is a possibility of doubt.
and reaches Kanchi, the capital of King Kampana Raya. But whatever it is about Lord Ranganathas idol, what
Kampana who was having fever at that time was feeling
we need to do immediately is to think how to regain
guilty that he did not take any action to restore Lord
Ranganatha. In his dream, he felt that Goddess Parvathi Srirangam back to us. Let us put our efforts in achieving
herself comes and blesses him to continue the mission. this. Let the fate decide what has to be done later
Later Vasanthika briefs her son that she is the one said Nambi.
who spoke as Parvathi to Kampana and she has also Vallabha too felt that all this will take time to make
left the dagger with Kampana which was presented people realize the unheard story so far and accept.
by Makaravizhiyal to Vallabha. Meanwhile Gopanna It will take time to fill the vaccum which is there
meets Kampana, and the King with all others has an in the minds of the people all these years .
extensive meeting with ministers regarding an attack That night they had their dinner at Nambis place
on Sultan. As per the discussion they all decided to and stayed there. When Vallabha went to bed he
send Vallabha and Dutta to study the Mughal army,
their strengths and weaknesses. Vallabha and Dutta
suddenly recollected the face and deep breath of
set on this expedition and went through different villages the young Devadasi , whom he saw in the morning
and finally decided to go to Srirangam. On the way to at the inn. Her appearance reminded him about Madura
Srirangam they reached Azhagiya Manavalam village. and he spent whole night without proper sleep thinking
There they met Thriumanathoon Nambi, the son of about her all the time.
Singapiran and was surprised to know many things Next day morning Nambi came to them and said,
including the secret pooja being done for idol of Please get ready! We have to go to Kannanoor by
Ranganatha. afternoon
Vallabha recovered from his thoughts and said, I Is it possible to go to Kannanoor? asked Vallabha

^}O> K^ - "\x =Oz xH~ qxyOKe.

June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 8 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
in a doubtful tone. her equally. By the way for whom she is doing this
Yes definitely possible, said Nambi. sacrifice? Just think, she is doing this for our
So are we going secretly ?he asked back Ranganatha, for myself, yourself and for Vijayanagara
No ! we will be going openly said Nambi kingdom. All our struggles will come to end because
Swamy! Are you joking or what? Will we not be of her sacrifice. Did you ever realize it? Because of
identified by Sultans asked Dutta her if all of us will be relieved from the calamity we
Yes they will. But we have a good relationship are undergoing, it becomes our duty to satisfy her
with the Sultan King. My father Singapiran had gained one wish. This will be the right thing ! spoke Nambi
lot of respect from the King as he used to offer lot emotionally.
of gifts to Sultan. That is how he managed to save After few minutes , Vallabha and the girl was left in
complete demolition of the temple. I am following a room privately. Vallabha was sad and was emotionless.
my fathers footpath. Thats how I am saving the He did not even raise his head to see the girl who
temple from further demolition not only that I am was standing near the door. Then finally after few
also in way helping the vaishnavite families living seconds he slowly lifted his head to see her whose
around this area. replied Nambi. wish was so annoying. He got surprised to see it
Then Thirumanathoon Nambi opened his mouth to was the same young girl whom he saw at the inn.
speak something but was hesitating . Vallabha noticed She was also looking sad which melted Vallabhas
and asked him, Swamy! You are hesitating to tell heart a little.
something. What is it? She reacted when Vallabha turned at her by calling
Yes . True said Nambi hesitatingly him slowly, Swamy!..
Please go ahead and tell us whatever it is said Please do not think that I invited you here for any
Vallabha trivial pleasure. My wish is to spend a few hours with
Yes. I need to tell . How long can I hold saying you alone thats it and nothing more I need. she
this he beginned to speak. said
Swamy! Whenever we visit Sultan, we offer him gold, What do you gain by doing this? asked Vallabha.
drinks and girls. Gold and drinks can be arranged What I gain? She reacted and continued speaking
easily. But the girls we usually request the devadasi Swamy! I am having the most enjoyable heavenly
families. moment at this time, that is it. Being a devadasi I
Ok , I see listened Vallabha have married God himself. What else is left for me?
Devadasis too come with us willingly as they take But when I see some human with godly qualities my
this as their sacrifice for the sake of Srirangam. Their heart automatically gets attracted towards them. There
sacrifices are heavy and we are always indebted is a popular saying Deivam manushya rupena ,I
to them as once they get in to Sultans palace realized that after seeing you who has godliness in
they will have to spend their entire life there as slaves. you.
Even If they come back, they will have to live an How do you say that? interrupted Vallabha.
isolated life here as they have been used by Sultans. Swamy! When I was dancing in the inn, you did not
Oh this is surprising! Exclaimed Vallabha. even notice me. Then when you were about to leave
Whatever it is the life of the girl will be surrounded I wantedly crossed you but even that time you never
by misery after all this. So before taking them there, bothered to notice me. I am known for my beauty
we always ask for their wish which we try to fulfill. here. Inspite of that if you have ignored me, there
That is justifyable said Vallabha. could be two reasons only.
This time one girl named Tara has volunteered to What are those? asked vallabha
come along with us. Her last wish is hesitated One must be , you would have controlled your inner
Nambi to complete the sentence. senses and become like a Sanyasi internally and
What is it? asked Vallabha avoid ladies. The other reason is you must be in love
She wants to spend few hours in solitaire with you with someone whom you keep remembering always
said Nambi. so that you ignore others. Both these reasons makes
Vallabha got shocked. What are you saying swamy? you a human who possess godly qualities. When
He asked in a shivering voice. one focuses on one thing whether it is god or a girl,
Nambi bent his head down and said, I understand that makes you obtain good qualities. replied Tara.
your situation. But I cannot be of much help to you. Vallabha got astonished when he listened to all this.
Swamy! Please pardon me I cannot agree to this Her words affected him badly. He spoke to himself,
said Vallabha Madura ! Look I am ignoring everyone and this girl
Sir! started Nambi. His eyes was wet. Sir, is a witness for my love towards you.
Please listen to me. The girl has volunteered for After seeing the tears rolling down from his eyes,
such an mission even though she is fully aware that Tara became tensed and asked Vallabha, swamy!
her life would be zero after this. This is greatest Did I hurt you badly by speaking something? Are you
sacrifice she could do. We can never compensate really in love with somebody? Only those people who

h J=~x W`~ J=HOQ =KO\~.

June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 9 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
is in love and miss the lover, would weep like this. be remembering you all the time , yes even this
Their heart would be highly sensitive. moment. Saying this she left the room weeping.
Her affectionate words made him cry more and he could Vallabha was sitting inside the room and was in deep
not stop his tears. He slowly closed his eyes. She called thoughts about Madura. He recollected that some
him several times but he could not respond at all. Then few years have passed without seeing her. Will she
she asked, So, you are in love? Is it not? be remembering me after all these years. Then he
After hearing this his face became radiant like a himself replied back saying she would not have forgotten
sunshine passing through the rains and he nodded him as their love for each other was sincere.
his head approving it. She was quite glad and she Ten years have passed after he left Madura to her
moved back a little. place. He even visited Pandya kingdom again in
Swamy! It is good to see people who is sincere between once the time when Vijayanagar kingdom
with their love. Their face would be bright and they lost their battle with the Bahamanis . He was sent
would cry for everything. A smile prevails on their by Kampana to arrange for soldiers to fight in the
face all the time, the wax laden words which they north with Bahmanis. He was so excited to go there
use to speak , their eyes always longing to find as he wanted to meet Madura desperately. But
something at a distance all these are symbolic for something else happened. He came to know that
a lover. I got this doubt the moment I saw you. And Kulasekara Pandiyan had shifted to Malayalam for
now you have even agreed to that. I relish this moment the sake of his daughter. He was afraid that she may
. I am the most luckiest person as I got to spend get kidnapped again. He was expecting danger from
time talking to you. Now I can spend rest of my his own extended families as they were jealous with
life by just recollecting these sweet moments . I him as he was the legal heir to rule the kingdom.
can even forget my troubles and sorrows which I am So he chose Malayalam as he felt that would be
going to face in the future . I really owe you a lot the safest place for Madura. After finding all this
for giving me this opportunity. It is sinful to distract Vallabhan tried to find. Their where about but could
the mind of the lovers even if it is for a moment as not find them. Vallabha was greatly disappointed by
I understand that their mind would be occupied with this. Ten years have passed just like that with this
the sweet memories they had spent with each other grief and he was even afraid that Madura would have
. Please forgive me for what I have done after saying forgotten about him. The only gift which he had in
this she started going out. remembrance of her is not with him. That made
Vallabha looked at her with great kindness, and was him cry even more. The words of this young devadasi
pitiful for her. She suddenly prostrated before him brought him solace as she said Madura would be
as if she had met a great spiritual leader. Then she remembering him even now. With all these thoughts
started leaving and bid him good bye several times he was sitting for a while in the room.
and she said The lady whom you are in love would (To be continued....)
NEWS ~`# U^ H #_Ok
`= q~K_< =# J`O kO... ~=#*K~ ` a Pq+~} "n
#_b, " 1 : ~` U^ H xa_H$`" LOk! UQ ` |Q q~K_`#\H.. P H ~`# =O^
#_Ok Jx ^#=Ou #~O^ "n J<~. H< |Q Z" =^ ^_H _# ~* P# D "Y K_O
q+O. =# U^ LOk. UQ `= ^_ _`<.... =# "= #=# HOz` _ K~H~. Jx
~HOQ H# L^tOz "MxOK~. ~`# `` "`, O O~ qt+ J^ ` Q~= ~=#*K~ [Ou
O^~OQ ="~O `# JkH~ x"O ^x "n ` a# Pq+iOK~. "^\ a# `Q ~ Q=~~
#~O< JO^*~. D O^~OQ ^x =\_` " O=`~ Z< ^ H#=~Qx, OK @" iQ
=i~<, ~` KK^~^x J<~. H ^..... H qH x<^O` Ja=$k " =# ^O ~QqO^x J<~.
~=#*K~ 1000 [Ou O^~OQ ` a# q_^ K_O O`+OQ LO^<~. P# =#= ^"x, ^=O
=#=# K~x Hx_~. ~=#[ rq`" =*xH P^~=<~. J}Qi# =~, k"OQ# =[O #Oz ^~O
K=^x P# `^O K~x, HOk =~ HO `OK~x J<~. `q<_x `O_#~ 200 ZH~ h HO
K~=# `qOz =lH = =O^O_"~x K~. W\H P# `qOz# K~= 70 Q= `Q, Q h\ J=~#
f~O^x Q~ K~. 2022 ~` 75= `O` k<`= L`" [~H## <^O =# |#` k^Hx
~Q=# kQ J_Q "x xK~. f XH~ +"# H# qkOKH"<~. =*x SHOQ LOK_xH
~=#*K~ H$+ K~x HO^ =Ou "OH J<~. ~=#*K~ ` a `z# ^x "n PK# ^Ox
<O^iH P^~O H"x z#r~ q J<~. OKxH "n <H`O =~x *O K~. ~=#*K~
<~} ==O`x =[Ox J $, J _ L^O K~x, P ^~ `iz JO^iH ^= ^~#O
HeOK~x Hx_~. HQ, ^~^ OK qQO, q["_ WO^Hk ~`O 108 J_Q Z` ^=i
qQx U_k HO i K *uH JOH`O K=x "_OK~. D H~H=O HO^ =O` J#O` =~, x~
`~=<, =<* <, < ~^H$+<`@ M~`^ Z" zO` ~=KO^~_, " O O Jk<` Ee ~"~
~= `k`~ <~. (PO^*u 2.5.2017)
JO^~ qO\~ - q"H=O` "\x \~.
June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 10 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
P i~H}H ^"OQ H$+ J=~O
PO^^ `O D =^ q_^ K# XH r.". P==@ $^O`~ ^=O Hey#
J<H<H H#qC HQ^. ''XH O^ ^"O JO> O^ *hHO H #=H# x_`,
"i PH QQ H~ `O K` x~OK|_ O^H ^iH O. P =#Q_ ` q~
=# Q_O^x ^"^ Yx u JkHi `H"e. JQ P `= PiH J=~ HO
# qkOK^. H=# #O_ ^<x = KOk. W P ^=^~<xH =K O^
H` =iOK H#H P^~_`<~. W@=O\ n<= L# P P |Ok r``#
Yz`OQ iOK=. JO^H, K@O P J Y~ xq`O, ^x ~|_ 30% H# qkOzOk.
POH WO\q Zx qkOz< ^"^ Y JkH~ J_QQ Q`O Z< x=H K_" HO_
"iH XH P#O_ WOHH PxH qiqQ |kb, "+# K~. W K@C_ P P PiH
iux ^$+ @HO_, K\#, # _ x~H O K~.
D = XH n~HeH i~O HO J+ H[#O PzOKe. P# ` Pk`O #O_
"~ K e, JC_ H ` =iOz# q~ Hh H#H Hh ^iH J=~ kxQO K |_`~.
=# ``=`` "i rq`# `QOK H\ x\ # P ^# H O <~"~`Ok. P
[~Q`# J<# =QQ K_O_ q~kOK_O, =# s@ =#O K=# Hh ^`.
H=# =#=O` HeH@Q x|_, Z< UQ OH~ O_OQ L# q ^#O^ ~f Qi
''P K H `i`Qu# qK~} ~=# J=~x Zu Ke. =# `= ^#=OuQ~
Q~=h N #~O^" _ QiH P# Q~=Qi \ + # i~xH Q# H O^ `x WO^ HQ* H=x
q[ Ke. Q`# x+k HO^ `O *s K# L`~ =kiQ ^"# i~HOK_xH XH
K\x "> k ` ~OaOKx q[ K<=.
Hx O=`~ H`O _bx ~O_"< ^g=Ok~ qq^ P x~ ="O [iyOk. D
="xH ^Ox Jx ~ #O_ O^ P KOk# =Y H~ x~ =K~. H..
JH O P^~O [iy# ="Ox D f~<# J=~K=# =O P#"#k....
OH+ K~ J#O`~O ="Ox O^~ He HOk q+ UHH$` f~<x P"kOK~.
1. Jd ~f =Ok~ |O^H i+^# OK< x~O. `^~ P O uu, ^iH
O~`, ` *HO #@=O\ =[= ^~`Ok.
2. D iH` i+` O^ =*xH `_Q, ``"`Q =i kzQ "ey =Ok~# `O`OQ
==iOK, Ouux HeQ, O O~`O HeQ, ` *HO O_ K_O `#
H~ JOkOk. =`, ^iH, =lH, ^O@ ^`# kOk.
3. D i+` =Ok~# "sH~} =i ~[H *HO J< ~H i# _O_ J~` H$+
KOk. WO` HO_ *~ =i qq^ H~K~ q^ i*#O _ OOkOK_xH `q^
4. P =lH " H~H=# _ x~OK k D i+` @_`Ok. q^, P~QO,
L^Q J=H OK_O, =i t OH=O, ~=~} ~H} =i x~^ O
"^Q =lH ^`# D i+` K@Q^.
5. *~ =i J~ q^, qq^ #~}, tH} `~Q`# D i+` x~Ok. P
[iQ qq^ *k H~H= _ KHx tH} W=Q^. D tH} H =Y L^O *<a=$k,
"^, =O` =i `O` J=Q# "^Q#q.
6. ^H}k ~ P =Mx QiOz, "\H Ouux HeOK_xH K# #g# K@ =~}
QiOz =i ~[H *Hx x~eOz# "<x ^ "OQ "OK_xH HiOKQ^x,
`^~ W`~ ~R ` _ P x~} O^= =[ ^` Qx `xk H^x QiOKe.

`C# =iOK@=O> `C K@".

June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 11 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

q+<= Q^=o195
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P~A N~OQO =Ok~O K@ XH Q_# xiOKx =O^ =Oy LO@Ok?
`K_. D H=O P# P< Qi W J~_ D O^xH =^#OQ, ''~=`
=^ J_=O^# H~}O` ^xx e"x Pk+x# xOz#C_, =^-H@< J~
x~OK<_. Q~ _ ~`< Qi t+_. P#` ^O Kx =K~. Q=O`xH x^OQO
~`< Qi ^ =~_~# ~~ @~ H Q _ ^ < =O` Pk + _ `< Jy*#
g~O^~ ~A# Px K=^x H~_. ''h= H> Q_ iO*"ix z`Q ~l`e K_. Hx D
H^ ~ O Q < ^ _ x ~ H O K k . P< Q i O@# [iy# `~"` =`O Pk+_ 'J!
'=OQ#O ~H} HeOk. Q_H #k Q_ ~=` J#=u O_ <# ~H# OiOK<!
H\ OK@C_ `O_~__ P~ L^#=#O =^ Jx =<=^_Q_. P H~}O=< D ^O
J_Q JxOz< u~=OQ P~ ^xx U=`O <#O Pk+_ ZO` q#=O` =# ^~#q_ Jx
HO_ *Q`_@O =< P## ZO` Q~=OQ `e*_.
'J~=i Jx Ok~. J^q^OQ g~ _ J~_ J^ q+x _y =ix q=~#
P<Qi WO\x _Q@O_ P WO\x _ `e*_ - ''HO` HO Q_z# `~"` ~=`
O@ K@ s Q_# xiOKe. Jx `= Qx^#O_ "x Pk+_ =YO J n#OQ
eH_. LO_\xH H~}O U=x tOKQ Pk+= J~^
Hx g~O^~~A PK~"i `Hx _Kqx =O` [iy# O@## q=iOz `## HqOK=x
\, Qi WO\x <=@O K~Oz, Q_# xiOK ~=`# iOK_. '#= K# x `g ^x
x =O^ Q_. JO`HH, ~~ @~# Z< ~=` T~_ W `e *_ - '<# +x, P`h
q^Q W|O^ Qi K@O P~OaOK_. JO^H < += ! += H J` = [=x # + H
~~ @~ WH N~OQH`O x=OKH_. ""x OOkOKO^H! h= K#k _ J^!
P# `# ^`# `=_ "^" @~ JyOz JO^=# zOuOK#=~O ^.
N~OQx q_z "_. D LM<x q# @~ <` #O_ J=
@~Qi t+_~# #Ol~ - ''PK~! g~ [[ H~Q~. Wk K# #Ol~ H~}=_QQ
ZH_H "<~? Jx tOK_. P# W J<~ - ''N~OQH`O _ +##
''= ` O _ Q ~ # ~ ` < # K ~ A xOz# ~=`# ^iOKO> P# + Jh,
W|Ok K LO> P# u~=e~O* "~. =#O JO^~O P# += h +O Q Q OKHQ=.
J~` WH_ Jk K ^~O. JO^H D ^x (D JOx QiOz '$`HtH QO^ P~OO
q_z <# u~H+~ "#. ~< HO KHQ K|_Ok. D QO^O, N+O#
PK~"i "O@ #Ol~ _ xOK_. "`=~^Q~ (#_^~ J= 1165-1275 H..)
u~H+~ }=~# =~O "~ u~"O Wz# =K< OH#O. nxx OH#O K#"~
J< ^O Pk+_x `OQ Kx xOz# ~~@~ "i `=_~# "^" @~Qi =#=_
`=i ~x ^iOK<~. ^~#i! P HO
@ ~ "~ Q = O` _ # ` =i ~ x z mN WTu @
^iOKx, JH_ J~_x W tOK~. - ''ZO^=# mz zun byoz @@
u@ H< u\_# =# Z= kOk.
June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 12 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
''< # N~ O Q q =<xH =~H ~ = ~# xOK_x KOk. =# |k _ ZC_ J="#
NxH }q`#. ~O_ _ }"H~O< `` LO@Ok Q#H ^xx =~O` ~.
L<~. "^~<~OO#, PY~ _ }=" J~` ZC_~` =#O Q=O`_~# ^<xH
LKiO|_`Ok. ~O_ _ Q=O`_ + Jh, JO> ~}Qu K" P# =# |kx xOuOz, +-
JO^iH q Jx `e|~<~.!) + =^ O|O^x - ~=`, =# L# O|O^
@ ~ Q~ W J<~ . - ''J^ ~ = ` *<x k_.
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+ Jx =} ^~# Qx HQ*_. ~}O K#C_ H^O` P# ~ ~u, "Q=u
J~_ `e*H < `=_# ~=` N #n~O P ^O f="# "QO` =Oz
~OQ<^_ Q~ =z, HO_#O_ J= *~~! J=~^x HeOzOk. | N=<~}x O
P# @~Q~ #Ol~# W tOK~ - JiOKQ, Pk+x xOz#, P# ^< ~O
''WC_ h 195= <=xH Q =Y` J~=~Ok? JH_ "Q=u #k"xH P#H@ x_. WH_ XH
PK~ "i Jc x #Ol ~ J~ O ```Ok - P# W Pk+x` ~=e#
KHH_. JQ`O Uq\ Jx!.
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'[Q`= J#k D 195= <=O! '[Q JO> ~=, +x` ~=@O K# ~f^q +-+ =O -
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L#`_, 'JO^iH q [Q`= JO> Pk+= KOk. JO`HH, ""H rq`O _ D +-+
q D H`O "# D q K +OQ D =O LO@O^h QOKOk. ~ + J~` ~
q+x qnHi_. Q=O`_ OQ `< D +=. P ~=~x QOK# ~u `# ~`
q+ x ` e * _ - =^ K O k# Pk + =# ~@ KOk.
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"MxOK~ - '"H, Pk+= =O\ Q ~ |_ =# |k H * < x kOz, Oux
=O\ ~O L# ~=`! kOKQ_.
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~z#C_ K +OQ 'u~"" H"# +-+ =O, PK~_ - t+ =^ _ <Hx
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J=Q`==`Ok. JO`HH, @~"~ =~H JOx Q~"xH =iO` =<`K q^O Q =iOKe. PK~"i
_ `# +O D q^OQ +iK~ - '195 #O_ =#iy "i = Ke `, `= #z#@ H^.
199 =~ Q 5 <= - [Q`=, ~}<, g~O^~ |~_ D q+< QOKHH `#
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`# L^~O xHOKO\_ P O~ =i# x~H H~O
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_ ^< <=". Hx Jk ~=` =~"# \Tzzy \Tz GXoz @@
Jx~^ =iH O|OkOz#k. J~` WH_ =`O Z=~~` Q=O`_x, PK~#, "iH H=e#
Q=O`_ =O " Pk+= xOz# su = K_O `= qk Jx, `^~ "i Q`<xH
JOx zOk. Wk uiy q=O`\ h #`#OQ "~Q kk# "~O H"x q~, "~ z~
$+OK =O^ @O. "# r ~x =#~ ^x, H` ''FO
^<q "i ^#=O`O - ''=##O` [Q`= #= Jx ^xOz ` e`x O^Q~.
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''FO [Q`= #= !

`ex ^xx `e#@ #\OK@O =# #+"=.

June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 13 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

=^~q[O ^~"H...68 =^~ q[O - 11

Q` OzH `~"~ QO.... J#"^O : N=u ^ ~OQ~[<
[iy# H^ : Z< Ki``H x* `# O^~K# D HO#_ [~ f=` =# J_ Q L<_x `O\_. ~OQ<^ x
=^ ~q[O, =~A HO#~x @= + =~} QOQ^qK N~OQxH uiy K~_xH `# Z@=O\ K~ K@^x HO#_
~zO|_#k. q[#Q~ =*n _# N |H~x ^ =~_ ^ _ `O\_. J`x H H` =^ ~ g<H^ q =z, `~Q P
=~HO#~_. H^~OQ q[O^ = =i ^`_ J< OHx i K =x P^tOz " O k. `~ "` "OuH, `< g<HQ
W^~ = N~OQOx N~OQ<^x qQx "^H_xH HO#x` =\_O^x, =H~qo =xH |=uQ Wz#
|^~`~. # #O #O_ D qQx #Q~ H_=~ K ~Hu x `# HO#xH WK#x = xH K|`Ok. Wk q# = _
H_ ~ ^O ^z_~. Z< Hi, ZO^i< `_`_. WO` Q# HO#x HO\_. ~A W`~
tOz# ^ , KOK`Q "i O` W^~ = N~OQ<^ x =O`` He #x ZkiOK_xH =O`< K Q_. =
qQO =i 18 UQ qQx }kHOQ H_`# PYi ^` N~OQxH |^~~. ^i Z< Q=# ^\~. Jy
H_=~x _ KO^yi J_= H#HQQ`~. ^` _ HO`=Ok =#" Q=xH K~<~. N~OQxH " ^i "~ Jy
"@Q O` P ^< ~*# N~OQ<^ ^=~xH =#" Q=xH "` ~, JH_ OQ ~< =~_# u~=}`}
O^x K~"_. ~A \\# #O` H^e=_. ..... #Oax HO\~. ~OQ<^ xH ~ OQ [ [~Q`<x
WO` q[#Q~ # O, |OkOK|_# O =~ H@# K~ x `x P~ _`~. WH K^= O_...
=@_O zOk. = _ =i ~=i =^ ~Oyx H@ [~Q`# =_ `# PK# #O_ `~x ''S` [iy#^O`
^x Z`# ^ O #O_ PHQ K_Q~. .... = ~*x g ~=}OQ qOQ Ke.
K~# `~"`, O=~ Pn#O L# Hx z# ~* ''ZO^? J_Q_ #Oa.
q[#Q~~ *xH `= =^` x H\ O Kx, JO^ `# =`$ q
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~*xH Jn#=x H\ ~ . JO^ =^ ` Q=O ` =OQO #Oa.
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W~ ~A LO_ uiy =K~. ^H} O_ ^xH `= }x #=#@Q K~.
H#y =#~ ` =~# =K# =O =^" H# U#Q ''J=#. W^O` q#_xH g #=HOQ JxOKH
= ^` |$O^x =@_O KQ, =~}x ~HO K `O W^~ =K. Hh nx "#H 47 O=`~ Ki` L#k. ^< <#
He HO_ #O_ HO^ ^~` _ HO^Q ^@"# J_qH ~=}O` e K# J<_ =_.
_`~. JH_"~ =^" `Q KOk# XH [O@# H~. P ''S` =#O ~E ~OQ Ji#k P ~OQ<^x
`Q"i qO` PK~ QiOz =~} =x` Hk =O H^? J_Q_ JH_# "i XH_.
O+Ok..... "~ Hk ~A JQ }Oz ^~ ''H^ J<_ =_.
K~ O\~. `# \# ^ xH K~ <#< L`O` =^ ~ Jx
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=_ =^~ T F_`O_Q =_ JH_H =z J`x ''~! JQ` ^K P ~=}x = KO_
= `= H ^# P@OHO HQ^x Ki_. =^~ =m J_Q_ #Oa.
=m *H O ~=_O =# = _ `q^~ O q_~# ^ xH uiy ''JQ.... JO@ "^ \_ =_.
"_. JH_ =^~# HO\_. W~=~ "i =# =H J "^\ =_, N~OQ<^_ N~OQx =ke#
~KO\~. =^~ `## o KH=#Q N~OQO ~OQ<^x ^Q~ # O_, ` =OQO x P# | QiOz, KO^yi J_=
# u+O z# `~ "` K O^=x JO\_. Wk W [~Q`O_Q P# ~OQ LO_@O `~"` P## H#Qx u~=
q[#Q~ =[ <ku NQ#Q~ N~OQ<^x = LOK_O =~ K, JH_ #O_ iOi K~# "#O OQ
~*Ox yOw O`xH fx =K_. =H~ qi `## O_ q=iOK_.
KH=x J_QQ, ~OQ<^x N~OQO # u+Oz# `~"` [iy# H^O` qx u~=}`}#Oa n~K#
O_ K O^=x JO\_ = _. q[#Q~ ~[ ~ < ku =xy_.
Q# N~OQ<^ x *OlH fx =K_. = _ `# `e =i ^`_ P## K ''"= q=iOz# ^x g WOH
^`x` He Q## H=_xH =_.. Q# `# =^`
O^ L<? Jx J_Q_.
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~x ~["# HOzH K~ O\_. ~A# H"x J#O\_. Hh ^, ^, J H^! [iy#^O` K#"~ Z=~
"Q`# n" =~ nx "eyOK Q^.
June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 14 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
H=_O =# O^OK J=HO LOk. Uk U=~< Wk H=H XO@iQ< |`He.
~OQ<^xH O|OkOz# q+O, H|\ P qQx `H}O ''J! Wk P~OQ L#^ P~_ =_.
N~OQxH Z f~" PzOKe. nxx kOK_xH ''J=# D xH XC# `~"` P rq`O WH
JO^~O He H$+ Ke. ''`~"` Uq [~Q#k q^` H+Q~". JO^Hx P"# JO`~O f" =O^ P"
x~ O J<_ #Oa. HiH# f~=.
N~OQ<^x ~@# q=~ JO^iH K "~ ^x ''Jk =O[" H^! J<_ =_.
JOwHiOK_xH =O _ `O^x = _ J~O K <_. ''D=~ `~ J# =u KO^OQ D xH =O^
Wx O=`~Q =#+ =# ~~# PK## =zOk. P" z=~Q XH HiH J_yOk. Jk U=O>.... JO@
=~_xH =O H"#<_. O^ Py _ #Oa.
P ~u #Oa WO\ [< K qqOK~. _< ''Uq\ HiH P~! J_Q_ =_.
=O^ =x H =O^, P ~A `O K# ^=^ ''P J=~ h` Hk _ UHO`x H~O@#k
=YO HxOzOk. "O@< =^~ Q~ =z J@ =! J<_ #Oa.
x^ H~"~Ok. = _ Wk qx `_ _. ''g! U=O@<~?
=~\ ~A `"~~=# #Oa gi =^ =z J<_ HO` ~O`.
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''H}# ~ " _O ^ =? O^ OQ J_Q_ = _. Z@=O\ = K #.
''`H ^O J<_ #Oa. ''## HqOKO_ g! nxH =`O XCH# J<_
''=#O ~OQ "<=? =_.
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Q~@~? J<_ ^`_. q =O\ D H~O ky# `~ "` `# rq`O #=`O^x
''J=# Q~ _ ` ~. Hh =# #` KH x O|O^ `e P , KO^OQ D xH XC#k. Wk P J=~
L<~. < `O_ OQ~# JO> # ZO` Q~=O. K =`~"# `QO. P `QxH =#OQ =#O Z@=O\
P# # J<H |=` Wz =Oz K <_. JO^H `=O K=. < `eH J_Q`<# Hh....
PO <#O HO_ PQeQ~. <# _ = `O_ P" D `QO Z=i H~ K # ^O\=? HOKO PzOK, P
J_Q*_< }<#. J K<# H|> PO ~OQ<^ x HO, <HO, hHO =i q[#Q~ =[O
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"+= @O _ _`<# J<_ #Oa. JO`iO> P" J_Q XH HiH f~_O =# H~=OH^?
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Py_. Jk QOz =_ ''g! U^ Kx Hk x=+= `~"`, XH Qk =x =i P
O^<~. KO_ q J<_. x UHO`OQ =k~. = _ qK~OQ xiH~OQ L<_.
''J=#... x[" O^ J<_ #Oa. Qk ` =^ xK# P =ux H<u _ K_^. Hh,
''^ K Jk U"< O^ OKH, K O_ q ^~O Q `## WO`\ W|Ok _"# P Z=~ Jx J#O@
eH_ =_. "Q ` Zu K_. `# JO`=O^ `O K#
''J=# K eO^ . Wk K O_ Zx ~A =uQ P"# QiOz P~_. P" qK~=^#O K
^z@Q# JO@ =\_Q_. =x $^O Hiy~Ok.
''g! "= ZC_ # ^Q~ "o< P# `#" =x ^$+ _O^x Q=xOz# P =u "Q
|OQ~O, =^= =i # |=uQ W=. |OQ~O, ''g!......
=^= OQ< ^~`~. P_"i HO =`O ^=^ ''^K g #O_ U^ s~H P#O^x PtOz q=e
@O# Ji=. PxOK#x J~O KHHO_. g` Hk QO@ UHO`OQ
''F, JQ! Q_x H~<#. JO` JO` qOz < Ug =^.
''^=^ _ Wk N~OQO HO K `QO Jx qOz JxOk.
KO^OQ =~. "~ "i rq`O XHi # ^QiH ''^x =# h Uq O? J_Q_ =_.
Ki` rq`O`O WH "~ xQ< LO_=eO^, H|\ ''< = ? JO@ P =u =\ _ @ O
"i `QO J##"Ok. "iH "= P*<O`O H$`AO. "^\Ok.
# "ix "_<~ H=#, "~ |@ =z<, JO^i` ''g! WC_ aOz# ~` "# D H} # =#~
PtOK =O^ JO^ H=# J~`# OkOKH.
June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 15 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
J#q<#. ^=^Q rq# <# U<_ P ~=`# J^$+=O`~ex. D f *H |O` <# < +rq`x
q"O K <#. WH < UO qyeOk? Hh, ^= H} ` Q_#. q+` <# Z^~ H#, ^#
L# =#=# K_Q< < =# "i@ PHi`==`Ok. OQ =iz`#. D J=Hx <Hz#O^ ~^
^=O =#+ ~} J# HH ^gH H}` L# q=e H$`A~ex. ~~ PK# =xy L# =
K#_ < J~O J~Ok. =## H}HO _ "~ ^i=oOK ~HuOK_O O.
''#= Uq =\_`<=? JO@ P" =@# <# K# D `C ## HqOKO_ Jx K P"
=^ P_. "oyOk.
''g! <# `O #$`O KO_Q, ## g~ =_ P" =OH ^` *e` K_. XH P^uH
H<u_ K_^. g~ "o`O_Q <# H"< g Q ~ =# H e # @ Q P" = x =O^ } qe
=O^ #O_ #_ z " #. J C _ _ g~ ## #=iOzOk. P" =~ g_ `, ''g~
\ OKH^. D ^O JO^Q`Q < ~Ok. J~< qOz# P q=C_ `KO@< LO@Ok. J=#.
g~ ## \ OKH^. nxH ~O_ H~}O_=K. D H}O _, J ` q P Qkx q_z
''Uq@q? J_Q_ =_. "o~Ok. =_ P Qk XO@iQ JQ =^~
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=#=_ `# =## ^xg^< Jk ^=x< H JOQ#< < KC<_.
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^\<? = L#"~, ^~"#"~ =`" Y~ O__ = ^xH "o_x `eOk.
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=@ JOwHi#@Q J`# ` T_. P" Jk K W^O` `e# `~"`, = ^O "~ ZH_<~
O`+Oz HkQ "#H #_zOk. `H=_xH =_ ZO`Q< uOz q__.
''g! =@ x*~fQ L#"ix K ZO` =_ ZO`Q< x~KO^_. D ^`< kO=`~
P#O^H~OQ LOk, "i =M H=O`OQ LO\~. Q_z~. =^~ `## =~z~ LO@Ok Jx J`#
"~ u q+xH OkOz Hh~ H~`~. "i =YOx __. P" `# Q~Q Wz# |=u _ WC_
z~=O^O ZC_ LO@Ok. "i O+} u "`Q, `# =^ ^. Jk `KO> J`x ^YO PQ^. JO\
"i H ZC_ Z=i< "` `< LO\~. W=h q =O, P" `## `KO@ LO@O^# D ^=^
H}. q=e K# "O@< < O^O HeyOk. g~ =@ ZO` O`# HeyOzOk. W@=O\ PK#` P
_ WC_ ^x JOwHiOK~. D H}O < ZO` Qk Hk JQ ~O__.
O `+ O Q LOk. g` =\ _ Q e y#O^ < < O ` (+O)

=[O O\ s~xH....... j y Nz uL Chant 28 times

FO #" <~O =[^O =l}I =[^ =* #" =[ #MKII

H z u \ t b~ u\~ m z @ \~ t z \~ z \~ Q Y @@

H+HO xeK^ x["# O.

June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 16 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
tNy ...
ut Nz qm Nz uL tz
E tz N u \y \yEz z G y O Ny EQz Qz ty , u\z y ut
Nz Ez ut z Qz Ny uY {@ ut ut y uN u|N s {, \z ut \o Nz uo
Nz uL N uo zoy {@ y | EuNu Nz o z YuL uN ut Nz Yz Nz uL N
z uNy N N y Et uo@ ut y Ez Mo z uNy y N N EN b{M y
No@ ut m| z G Mo y Euo zo {, \z Ey FXZ z EN zT Et tzoz @ F
uusuo Sby tz o y uN uN M ut N|Yu Nz y QY| Nz Nz q @ Fy Nm
z N z ut Nz o zz y E N 30 uoo s QY| Nz uL u|uo uN {@ F u Nz T
zz Nz t y NZ | EuNy z Ez | Ny Euuo oy| GNz tzuo ty E{ GNz LN s z
tz s Ny uy t Nz \z u y som N ut@ Gz tzQ uN u\ ut z\ { M
z F y QY| Nz Ez N Ge NTz@ F N z Euu E{ u N o tz z @
E E T { uN y Mo Ey {\tTy ut Nz Ny um z O N, ouN Mo
ty Ty t Ny u N GzT u|N Nz Nz uL uN \ Nz@ ut Nz qm Nz uL z |\ z
ut Nz suo N Gz uqo Nz Nz uL Ez m Ny Euo tz ty@ No| { uN z |\ Ny
Euo Nz uL F N N t| z {ez z, uN LN\b zN z| y tt oy Nz
ut ut Nz O Nz Nz uL uo z yV Ny T T E{ s y y y z
zty z T\y Ny uYN Nz uL Nz N Nz s Nz N ET N@ s y Nzb| z \z ^ utz
GNz E Nzy uzN z Ny T N Ny u\ N T{o Ny q Ny \ y { {z y ut ut Nz
qm Nz uL ETz E, ouN yz-yz ut Nz o Nz Ny F uN EN T \ Nz@
<N> z y F|uty Nz ^gz tzy ut .EzN uV\y Nz N zwn Ezu\o ut
tz uty b~y z Gey sy u\ tz z 60 uoueo ut ut Nz tuNu z T u@
F uuuQo o uo uNz Tz sz -
1. \, EunN E{ u\N N| Nz uL ut Nz o Nz z Nz uL b~y o Ny FNF| EuQ
oy ut N ut N Te uN \L, ouN G uNy N N Ny um z@
2. EuQ oy ut N uuo LN u, t|uN Nz o{ N| N y N GuYo T|t| zT
Nz@ ut m| z o, XZt, En u| z E{ EunN, u|N, b~y, u\N E{
NwuoN E{ ut \ Nz tun Eut N| N Nz@ s y ut Ny s, Y, uN E{
Nz Ny um z m| z O Q \ Nz@
3. ut N , ut Nz qm tzoz L F umu[Nm E{ \yuoN uY z t Q E{ \y
E N|Yu Ny qo Nz - Go N@
4. ut N N|, ut Nz u\N Tuouu uN Qoz L uq, , z\T, u Nz
uONm, \ uo Ny y N u\N F| Nz t Tz, |m qm E{ Ty \o Nz
Gns Nz uL N| N@
5. ut \u E{ EY|N Nz uL uq, uqm E{ \TNo Nz uL N| N E{ ut y N
Ny yuo E{ N Nz N| Nz uuYo N ut N , o, Nz r| N
6. tuqmy [ u Ny uum Ny Nz o Nz zT t N uo uzN
z Nz E{ ut Nz utz N N| uuYo N, ouN E N y FNy \Ny
z \z uN N| \ N { N N @ !

`C `= #_K h =# h`=x `H.

June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 17 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

um y Ts - 195
\Tzno :
-y.L. NmN EtN : g} . o

\ y t Np N u s@ \ F N G \y z o uN <\ n
z um| u uN yT ut Nz Yz Ez ty zT zT u sz, o E{ N{b N E
\@ F u|m Nz uL u{ u{ E[ N V yY Gz Nz EL sz@ zT z zY uN n Ny
gz Nz Nm Gz uT tzz N um| \ z u@ u{ u bby YuL@ Eo: Gz N u[E N
\y y Np Nz y u sz@ nN N Gtz Nz u\oN g@ uNo t T
Np Nz gz c z \ y t Y Nz TuN> Ez! n Ny Euo uL u
z N| Nz Nz uL N@ Gz \z N - y z F E N N g@> Fy uso Es
<<yTs Ny q, Ez uu|o zz y ty z Nz oyN Nz F tz zT, Enou
uN u{ Ep \y Nz>> <T> z zoy {@ \ z t| tz {@
uoT{ E z ut Nz Y Ez ty Y <<F Nz NZ Nz Yo n Ey zT u
s, o ozlgugzug E N G y Lzz y yY z \Two zN ty E{ uso z ^Nz z T z
g s@ o uoT{ E z G G Nz NzF| quo Nm Z@ z T z y Vb N z tzoz L Ez
Yoz L Eno y z N u s@ Fy uL F E Ny q Nz Ny Y Ny, u\Nz Nm
GNz uo Et utQoz L <Eu> Nz z G zuo Fo uso {@>> n z Gz n ty uN oz
uN \o@ eyN Gy N z E y u{ u{ \y Nz V EYm z NzF| E {@ < zy @ y EnL zz
Nz uTz u GNy q Noz L GuYo ty z y @ z N Euon Ez y zy Nz { Ny
zT>>@ wu Nz Nz uL y zo {@ oz y N| uN {@
o \ yt z EY|\y Ny LN y Eo: F uYo Ny NzF| o @>
y@ u{ \y Nz V Nz NN ty Nz u|m Nz F GP Nz z c \y Ny EQ z E
N| ET E@ Fo y uN, c Nz bNz Tz@ FN Nm u\ z Z oz Gz o
Nb y tzz T@ E c Nz uL yT qz uN - <<yT y Eo T Ny u\
N tN zT@ o z Ez G tFn Nz z n Nz t| Nz ro zo { uN z zy
N Ez E\ zt c Nz N yT z E{ z@>>
uN gz@ (FNz z <woNuN> N Ts Nz E
c \y Nz u \y z uN - <<EY|\y s| zN Nz t jTz ouo uN T {@
E N s N z ?>> Ts, y ntT (gt E- F|.. -
<<zz uo Np Nz \ Yz\ z Nb ut 1165-1275) z utL TL Y N N {@ FN
s o Gz <uou Yz{> N s Yz TL N Nz z uMo sz c Nz E\ zt
sz@ o tz z Ny t go {@ Eo: c N zo t| u@ zN {@
z <uozub> Nz uL s N T@>> z mN WTu @
EY|\y Nz s u\ y uN@ mz zun byoz @@
uozub Nz T| Gz <uo{> N tz Es|o << yT u Nz tz z \z z
u\, zT N z T nuo| Ny y Nz m No @ tz y mN @ zte
uo| Nz t| uN@ Nz E E{ Eo - tz mt t N y Gm
T nuo| Nz Nz t| Nz Nz t c\y zo {@ tz y t|oz uN n y zy { E{
z Nz \y z uN - <<F tz u\ N y {@>>)
T nuo| Nz z z T M NZ ETz ^NN c \y z N - Gy n Ts z z
Eno uo Nz s tzz Ny {?>> u\ nuo| Nz t| tzoz L umo

O K# "iH H$`[` K@O =~=.

June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 18 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
uN { uN z y zy @ Nz s m Nz z \y uo zN r Ez g s@ z ym
\y z \{z y uuYo N {, {z y ^z n Ny o Ny Y Ny@ zT uo t y
yTs N m E E{ zy EQ z E b gy@ LN Nz Ez ENz oo N, ty Nz
onYo c\y z u\ z uN - <E o zN s@ Geo { uN n Nz z y
195 Ny u ^ Nz?> N Gy , zT Nz s Nb zz Ny M
u\ Ez EY|\y Nz FuTo Nz Tm N N@ ENo?
c\y z ^ - <<um N <\Tz> n \z zy {, Ez o z Nz s Nb
{ 195 @ <\T> z |@ y ut | L Nz tzQ, oy zy - z Nz Es|o n
zT@ <G> z <z ze> <N y> \Tz E{ \yn Nz Nz Y Ny @ Fo y Gz
z z T N y@ F qz u\ n, F y ETo E uN {uN \y zy-z
uzo Nz gz b ^oz @ n z zo {@ F s| Nz \z Nz t, oy z Ez uo
uso zT Nz ^oz L z Nz b uN {@>> Nz s ^{o uN s@
EutT NY| \y z <\Tz> Ny P F N z n t z o oy Nz
Noz L N - <Ny, zT \{z zNz zy - z Nz r Nz t uN@ y n, |
u\ n@> z o Ny \z y y u Nz y r t N,
uNo c\y Ny P z b z o Yo z, Nz uso E{ uo tzo {@
{ uN z <uo{> u\ n Nz Fuo z c\y z u\ z N - <<y zy-z N
uz uo L @ Fo y , c\y z Ey P EY| E{ u Nz yY y o {@ u Nz E
LN E{ uzo Nz y zQuNo uN { uN - um No| ^N EYz Nz T{ Nz EuN N z
Nz 195 z 199 oN Nz 5 - \Tz, Nz uL N zT@ EY|\y Nz zN N|
ul, o, t, \uo G n Nz z N zT, uN Ey y@ yt Fy s|
uYo Noz \z, m| u Nz Ez Gt uqo Qz Nz N ^N, Ez z jT z ut Nz
z uo| t {@ um N 48 Y Ez ty ut@>>
y <> y {@ uNo G t| n Nz uuO Nz E
Eu z uo {@ uNo , Nz zT t|z s: zDs oXoz @
uo n Ny Ez N go {@ m| uN \Tzzy \Tz GXoz @@
: m| u Nz y w\ Nz Ny Ez {@ \z Ez EY| L n Nz zN z N
T t N - <<zoz...>> Nz E No| ^ N, Ez EYm Nz z GNy
E, m| r y n z, um| r z <u> o N Y YtTz Ny Nz nm| oz ,
y | uN {@ YuN y u y t EgzuoZz z uYN u\ T \y Nz N
uuN Voy oy{, Gz | z o Ny TF| {@ Noz L y z <<H \Tz :>> N \
\ n t Ny mTuo \oz , o z y NTz oz E Tz@
u Nz uuo N - zy E{ z Nz yY Nz - <N> Nz u eNTm@
n Nz s z N r tzoz @ EFL y uMo z \ -
LN NYy r N z sz@ Nz z
GNy ny oy z <zToy> ty N m
<<H \ Tz :>> !
All slokas Chant 108 times

FO <~O =+ #= FO H`* #= FO *uO` #=

G u z : G qz r : G [z u o oz :
In moments of distress and despair For aspirants of Plots and own residence.
For good eye - sight.

P^ L#C_ iOKO_. O`OQ @, WO_ H<## "iH. +"# K H~.

y z u o z z z z @ o z @@
N~= ~= ~"u ~" ~" =<~" I <= ``O ~= <= =~#< II
x*~fQ OkOK - =Oz H~ qxyOK.
June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 19 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

uN LzuouN G << u\>> u\ - 68

EtN : g} . L. T
E oN Ez j.... Ny 14 y ty Nz VbE Eo {@ , t E{ uoN u\T [ Nz | zy Tz
Euo u\T Ny y TWtzy uuYo u\ z uz Eo {@ Tz z Y ut uN E zT tzT@
N N Euo yzmT z \y Nz G N uty Et z uo uN N, N N Nz [ NYy Y \o {@
uN @ uty o t u oTN N tuqm o Nz \ z u Yo {@ N [ Ny oyo Nz Nm, Ez
ENm z NF| ut ut Eo-o z Tz@ yW y Y Nz Es oo {@ yTs Nz yT z Nz uL N z
y @ y Ws\y Nz Gn uo| Nz {uN z Yoz L 15 NzF| Nt Ge s@ F Nm uso zz To {@ GNz
z tuqm o m N Eoo: Y Nzg Mo YuTu Nz \T [ z z t{ Nz yqy \y Nb zN, F N Nz
zTL@ Gz oy {uN z TL@ LN Nzg Ws \y Nz Yz Nz N Etz tzoy @ FNz Yo uoN z y yqy y o
z L@ 18 t y Ws Nz uo| Nz jj oz L E{ t Ny - F o Ny Y Nuu N Nz ooy {@ Nuu
N tz N uN gz@ E{ t Gz jj uNz Nz t z Nz LN Nb ty@ y Nb Gz N Nz tzz Ny o
yWs \y Nz YuTu \ Nz z uo suo Noz @ Nz ooy {@ o zo {@ Foz Tz N
uo yWs \y Nz GNz \ u E \ Nz N z u@ \ Ez E u z uN o z bNz Nz
Nz \ Noz @..... yWs\y Nz yW z : uoue uY N s@ y E{ t yT Ny Ez Y goz @ oz Nz
Nz Nz uz u\T Nz zq Tzlm Nz zoz {@ YNuo| NF| T Nz Gz uN@ zEuT T Y @z yT Nz
.... Tzlm EQ { o Nz u\o N muN \z Ny uso EuT N T Y oz @ z
z@ t{ Nz lg \Ny Nuu (Wy) Nz z uTu Nz uo \y z uoz @ yTs Ny To z
Ez uNz z ty N Q {@ Gz Yz N tun E{ t \L Yz Ny o uuo zoz @ E ETz ujL@......
Nz \ Nm \o {@ tuqm o Nz t{ o z
O Nz zo Ez u z gz {z uN, -Y Ez uY z YzoN - <<E zT Nz LN m
Noz @ G z Nt Nz \Ty [ u\ o N uo Ts y GzTy@>>
s@ uY N u@.... z Nt Nz , NYy u\y <<M>> Z y z@
zN, N Ny z \Ty |o Nz y \yo zo {@ <<yTs Ny uo| E\N u\\y {@ F o Nz
\ z \o {@ \Ny uTy Nz uqo z \oz ?>>
g [ Y z N N E{ t Nz \o {@ F y <<M? uo| u\\y {?>> Eu Nz s - Z
\Ny z ut Qz uo Yo { ....@ { [ y z@
Nz Y z Nz Yo, Nz Ey Nz Zzb-z Zzbz [ u\T u\oz sz z | E{ Eu Nz s tzQ@
Nz Ey tt tzz Nz oo z TL@ G GNy owu nT
sy - o Nz uuto F@| F Nm Ey Nz tzQ Ez <<\y@ o ENz u zS TzTy@
Nz zYo {@ E{ t tz Ez us uo { [ Y FNz yZz 47 | N Fuo {@ Gz y z m
\oz @ G E{ t N T \z nT No { - z Gz z o N N@>>
tzQoz @ F Nm Ey Nz N N z uz z N@
nT \N {boz {@ onYo GNz tuqm-lg tz Nz o oz z\ To z u\ uo| Ny EY| N
\Ny Ny q Nz s uN goz {@ T z t sy z @ Ts Ny ? Z Guso T LN z@
L t Nz ENm Noz @ \Ny Ny q Nz n <<y>> N z@
E{ \Ny tz u g z yYz Ny Ez jNoz yYz Nz Nz T uN Guso zT GNy o
Vz \T uT \oz @ z t { \uo Ny LN \zg y z uoz @ G
\uo Nz uuY EY Nz z \Ny NZ oN uooy {@ u N z @ zY Nz EY| y E,
{b N Ez Nz z u zYz o@ z Gy N tQ y@
N t Y \oz @ Ez \ s Y z Nz Gn z <<eyN {@ Nw G m Nz z y oFzT@>>
Vzg z Nz ty Tuo z t{goy {@ uTy Nz o-uo Nz N Z y z@
E{ t Ez T Ny Ez Y g@z T| \ Fz o <<eyN {.....>> NN z uN@
uoF| sy, Nz uY Qz T s@ Fy t Lz N z yTs Nz yT Zzgz Nz
E@ t z Ez u Nz Yzoy ty uN GN z -uo ut z, nT GNz g, YuTu Nz \T To
Nb zT - t E y sy@ G s u z Q u G Y N uo Q u
\o {@ z uo {@ tz Ez - Ez z Nz Mo Noz
@ \ u Ny o Geoy {, o b No { uN u z u\\y Yz oN Ny o Nz qz o)
yTs Ny : s Nz t y zT@ Fy u\T [ yoy Ns Nz y y zY gT@
Nz zuo y Tz \y yTs Nz { [ Nz uTTy tz z t z Gz tzQ N - <<z u\ zT um ut,

=Oz ~ L#"iH =~}" ^.

June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 20 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
ut uNy Nz NzF| tz zoz Zz@>> T@
<<.... ....@>> o uN \z yo Gz tzQz \y ! F N Nz yNz Nz Yo GN \y
NzF| . @ F Nm tz E@ NZ y z t \o {@ FuL Eo: z \z z | GNy
yTs z uo u {@ FNm zY zT uN FXZ Nz Noz @
uo| Nz yT N{z z Ez? FNy o Nz T << \ y {@>> z N@
z zT@ <<t M zT uo N um| zT@>> <<F o N oy XZt z F N Nz
N y z@ uL ETz EF|@ GNy LN FXZ {@ ... M {... tz
yTs Nz |b Nz um Nz uo z oN, Noz N T y@>>
Gz ^z TzT zY z@ Nz Nz <<E|? GNy M FXZ {?>> z \zut@
^z TzT, F uY Qz T@ << gNy NZ ENz s LNo \y Y
G o y Nz V z\ N y z E uN@ y {@>> y z N@
zz z | | z LN tzty Nz tzQ s@ Gz o z T@ E M N z @ N
Ey uo Ny t EF|@ GNz Yo z N@ Nuo @
ETz ut z zoz y y z FNz EN <<\ty y z u ^NN ozy usuo Nz \o @
Nz@ tz oN N Y zT@>> N@ NzF| o y N No@
<<M N Y zT?>> tz Mo uN <<! ^z q N@ Fz yN N No@>>
z@ z N@
<<E zT@>> N y z@ <<z y.... y NZ z Yo s@ GNy EQz
<<M To z Y z ?>> EE Nz TF| s@ z y@ Nw zy uz@ TF| z
<<@ To z @ >> N yz@ EuuYo NL \{z F N| Goz Nz t Ez \y Nz
<<! M? z \N N z ? ut zy o tzQ N y, y o z ETz EF|@
Yz oz o YTz?>> t z N@ GN E nT {@ GNz nT N EN
<<\y@ YTz@ oz o z EXZz @>> NTz@ \o , nT uN uL N y {?
zz uo\y uTu Nz g Et tzoz @ Gz o Nz NZ zYz@ yTs Nz uL y ? GNz nT z z Nb
NF| \z tz N Ey Ez N u@ Fy Nm ut [ t Tz, u\T Nz o uzTy FNz tz GNy
N @ y uo\y Nz Nt N Em N @ Zzby FXZ Nz N M N| @ \y@
Fy Nm ut \ Nz o {@ Fo y Nz {m N| {@>>
u Ny q y N @ N y z@ NZ Yo G y Nz E{ LNo Zzg
Yo y NZ Nz Nz Qz uNy tz z ut@ uYuoo L uu|Y s@ Gz Qgy oy Ny
N T@ o z N - <<E tz N {@ oFz Ez tzQ oN @ u y N Gz EQz GeN GNy
>> N@ Ez tzQ@ FNz | | utQF| ty sy@ YuNo
<<\y... !>> tz Noz L N y z@ T@ GN Gt Yz tzQ N t uT T@
<<Nw tz o Nyu\L@ \z N { N tyu\L@>> oy y \ TF| uN GNy Ez tzQ z @
z t N@ Gz y N - <<! tzY o Nz Zzg uNy
<<\y! ^z o y zT@ N oN uZN Q?>> Ny Yo @ Es ^z@ NZ N LNo y zz
! \ Ny o Nz \oz o Gz uL o zT@>>
z, E{ y Nz GNy z z Noz @ z E{ <<Gz o^z M ?>> z Z@
Ey z uTz, E{o Nz uL tzty u Ny <<M ?>> oy z z uN@
s| Noz @ <<! ^z uz T|o F qm N E N
<<EXZ, Lz M?>> y @ tzty Nz z T N u@ E
<<tzty y yT Nz uL nT o z Y M {? t{y qm z O Nz tzQz z
Eoy @ LN o Nz \zy Nz \y T ENu|o z \o {@>> t{ zm uO E
gzT@ FNm GN nT E {@ GNz T zoy {@
\y Nwor z Tz@ o Nz s z Nz Nm G <<o M z y z?>> yY y zN z@
\y ENz y \y uo go {@>> <<! \ | wn N y sy, o
<<Ez! oz gy uuY Toy { >> YuNo Ez zy Ez tzQ y @ ENz Yz \oz YN
=Yu K "_H, "#@ _K "_H `_ ^.
June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 21 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
ENz ETz z T\y@ o y Ez ^ ut@ oy {@ z zu Nz qm @ o tzQoz y tz E s@
G o ty Nz \y \oy @ ENz tzQz oz y Gz yN uN@ E ^z o z y {@ oz
Nz tz Nm z Noz @>> o N z S {@ t Nz Ez z \y
<<z M ?>> z Z@ Nz uo tTy@ Ez Nb Nz Ey z \HTy@
<< Nm@ oz yo Gzu\o Nz Ez oz ^z E ut@ o Ey @ zz tz Nz
y tN u z t y \y NTz@ t {, o q N@>> N N \z Ty@
uNy Nz z g, E u Ny N@ z Nm z Gz tm| z z tzQ@ Gz uN \{z
o t{y Tm Nz t N z@ Ez Nz uNy NzF| Ez EunN T Nz Noz @ Gz ut Noz L
y Q, Yz T y Nzuo Nz N - <<o z Noy y o t Noy zTy@ ! F
tzo Guto zT>> \ ut oz@ qm y@>> N zoy Yy TF|@ ENz Qg @
o Ny o Nz z Y| @ z o Gz oy Ny t gzz Ty@ Gz zY y y Gz
z N Nz Ty@ Gz Ez E z - tzQ m gy zTy@
E u z uQ o @ o^ zz EYY z N qy Nz Zzgz t | yo TL@ u\T Nz z y
G y N N y {@ o Nz s u\o zz LN lg [
Ny EQ z E Nz Ggoz tzQ T z <<! T s@ N z Gz z\ s@ GNz Nz
^z F T Nz Zzg s@ Fy Nm o tQ z { tzQz Ny gy Yo sy@ \z Nz t Gz uN
? z zz, GNz u y zT u Noz @ NzQ lg tz Y T s@ Gz g s uN
Lzz zT Nz t y Fo Nz zoz @>> GNy y Nz oN Ge z\Tz@ [ N LN u zz
E z o Noy GNy o N Q z Ez E z y EouNo s@ z GNz uL
N z Ge@ Gz y GNy o Nz yNoz u o n uN, u z T@ u E@ Fy
u@ tzQ Qy z yZz b TF|@ s GNz t | yo TL@ Gz T uN y Gz
<<! z Nz uo \z z os F|t zoz G TF| zTy@ GN ut \ y E s@ Lzz
tzQ z \o {@ GNz Q N zoz @ z tzty Ny o z Gz gy n ty@ Fy uY Qzz
o uto z E oz @ GNz Eze t N Gz NZ uo@ (z)
u\oy {@ GNy oYyo Nz, GNy EQz uNy Nz tjoy
All slokas Chant 28 times
FO ~=`< #= G nz :
FO $+H #= For self employed people, for promotions and
G J yNz : success in games.
For overcoming bad habits H_H~, O Lk L# "iH, L#`
^~"@#O_ q=H O^_xH. ^= PtOK "iH.
FO =+\~ #= G b N : FO ` =< #= G o :
For Success in Business, Interviews, Visa
For better health. =Oz P~QxH.
Interviews, building relationship
"~a=$kH, WO@~ O FO ``< #= G o nz :
To remove mental stress and for mental
H=_xH iOKO_.
FO N=` #= G yoz : =# H P~QxH =# H Xu _ #O_
Please Chant for Handsome Appearance and wealth.
s~ O^~xH, O^.
FO JH~ #= G Eq : FO ~} #= G | m z :
For Job Satisfaction
For Education and better Financial strength. L^QO, K x JOH` "xH, `$H.
q^a=$kH =i S~a=$kH.

=~x O H< - |k=O`x =O^eO q#.

June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 22 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
In the previous episode we saw how and I am completely dependent on you. I am
VEDACHALAM or Ahobila Kshetram is completely created by you and hence I am known as
blessed by Goddess Lakshmi and her affection Madhavee. Oh! Embodiment of all knowledge, The
is, on this Kshetra. We also saw the main locations biggest form holder, you are also not having a
of Nine Narasimha deities of this Kshetram. Lets clear and describable form like other beings, You
take a holy trip to each of these shrines and sing are also having a describable form for meditation
their praise. ease, you are Lord of Lords, you are impeccable,
Lord Madhusudhana is having his abode here in may you be victorious all the time. You are the
the form of Varaha the massive boar. This is best Yajna (embodiment of sacrifices), you are
of the best Kshetras known as Varaha Kshetra. Vashatkara (inner controller of all), you are the
On this Kshetra if some one with proper austerity OMKara, you are the fire, you are the knowledge
meditates on Vaishnava Mantra, he gets powers in Vedas and Vedangas, you are Yagna purusha
of Siddha in only 7 or even 5 days. There is no who gives the benefits of sacrifices to the performers,
doubt about this. People who are interested in you are the sun, the moon, all items that have
mudane items belonging to the earth or people name and form, all items that dont have name
who are interested to obtain kingdoms, if they and form, you are what all I told and are also what
recite the Vishnu stotra for six months in Morning all I have not told. You are me and you are my
and evening they obtain what they desire. Once restorer, oh! Purushottama, I always prostrate before
Mother Earth praised Lord Vishnu with this stotra you. This was the meaning of the praise sung
Oh! Lord, you are all. You are having a divine by Mother Earth to Lord Varaha Swamy. Who ever
sword in your armament. I prostrate before you. recites this and who ever teaches this will be
From now on you can please bear me. In the past, bestowed with many blessings by the Lord. They
I emanated from you and was borne by you. Oh! will get unique powers. They will get all the items
Janardana! I was part of your embodiment. Similarly available on the earth. In Vedaranyam, Lord
all the other 4 bhoothas such as space, light etc., Mahavishnu lives with Goddess Lakshmi in the
were your embodiments. Oh! Paramatma ! I form of Narasimha. Whoever does Narasimha Mantra
prostrate before you. Oh! Purushottama! I worship Japa homa in this Kshetra for six months and
you. You are the main raw material for the whole live on the prasadam from the homa they will be
universe and you are also personification of time. bestowed with all prosperity and power and get
I worship you. You are the creator of all Bhoothas all desires fulfilled. Yogananda Narasimha Kshetra
and their father and you are the one who take is known as Yoga Kshetra. There Yogis who are
them into you during the end of creation cycle. great sages have performed the Japa here and
You are the Parabrahman who exists before the have attained siddhi. Once Lord Brahma who was
creation. You are Vishnu and is the one who is not having proper clarity in his mind performed
the Inner controller for Rudra and Brahma. When pooja to Lord Narasimha and attained peace.
you swallow and keep all the universe inside your If human beings have strong and steady will, what
body during end of creation and when the whole is there that cannot be achieved by them? The
world is full of water, you are still the one whom purity of this Kshetra purifies the whole world.
the great yogis meditate upon. Oh! Govinda! No In the past, Sage Bharadhwaja worshipped Lord
one knows your Supreme form known as Para Narasimha here and got relieved of his Brahmahatya
Roopa. People including Devas worship the form sin. What ever sin who ever does ,all those can
that are visible to them during your incarnations. be washed off in this pure and pious Kshetram.
People who want Salvation are devoted to you Lord Lives in this Kshetram under Kancha tree
to attain Salvation. There is no one who can attain with Sarnga Bow and Sudarshana Chakra on the
Salvation without performing pooja to you. All forms banks of Bhavanashini. Whoever worships him he
which are being meditated upon and cannot be gives both Gnana and piety.
seen or felt are all your forms. I am full of you To be continued.....

P`=OK## qOz# "O =~H\ ^.

June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 23 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
NEWS Two-day national conference of temple to the devotees, cow protection, etc., he said adding
executives in Delhi that it is need of the hour that arrangements in the
Temple should be the pivot of social transformation temples should be in perfect shape. For this objective,
Ashok Singhal it is necessary that the executive bodies of the various
Akhil Bharatiya Mandir Prabandhak Parishad formed to temples should be in touch with each other and this work
make temples autonomous centre of worship, spiritual should be done under a particular banner. He pointed
fulfillment and social services Temples have always been out that this work is going on smoothly in many counties
the prominent centre of social transformation in our outside India. He said a big conference of various Hindu
country. The government move to take over some of temples of America will be organised in USA from August
the Hindu temples now is basically aimed at grabbing 17-18. The objective of the conference is to strengthen
the huge money offered-by the devotees to the deities. and uphold the traditional standards of worship in Mandirs,
Wherever the governments took over the Hindu temples involve and integrate youth to the temples, create
the social activities being carried out by those temples leadership continuity to achieve Hindu unity, create a
earlier have adversely been affected. This must be support network for al temples, and support the World
arrested. We have to Hindu Congress to be organised
protect our temples at any in India in 2014.
cost and should make Speaking at the inaugural session,
them the pivot of social A Seminar held few years back.... but, Shri Dinesh Chandra said that the
transformation as per the relevant, contextual and governments are spending temple
Hindu traditions, said appropriate.....the Supreme Court money on non-Hindu activities.
veteran VHP leader Shri would be hearing on the encroachment This behavior of the governments
Ashok Singhal. He was is against the feelings and beliefs
of Hindu temples by State
addressing a gathering of of the devotees who donates in
temple executives Governments...... a case filed by Sri temples and also is against the
assembled at a national Dayananda Saraswathi Swamy.... secular structure of our
conference organised in Hoping and praying that the Supreme constitution. Temples have been
New Delhi on May 5. Court does justice to the decaying and the prime centre of our social
The two-day conference was samskars. They also played a key
disfigured temple system in our
jointly organised by Badri role in educating the Hindu society
Bhagat Jhandewala Temple country. on various vital issues. This work
Society and Indraprastha -Editor should continue, he added.
Vishva Hindu Parishad from Swami Raghwanand said the
May 5 to 6. The conference saints, literature and temples are
was inaugurated by president of Shri Sanatan Dharma the symbol of Hindu identity and al these are on the
Pratinidhi Sabha, Dehi, Swami Raghwananad, target of alien forces. He called upon the Hindu society
Mahamandaleshwar of Shri Akhand to come forward for protection of alI these three things.
Paramdham Mandir, Delhi, Swami Anubhutanand Giri, VHP Shri Soundara Rajan of Balaji Temple, Chikur, described
general secretary Shri Champatrai, VHP general secretary the government control on temples as a cancer, which
(organization) Shri Dinesh Chandra, chairman of Badri needs immediate surgery. He said the secular governments
Bhagat Jhandewala Temple Society Shri IMavin Kapur. are bent upon destroying the Hindu temples, which should
A total of 60 executives representing varbus prominent not be tolerated. He said the priority of the charitable activities
temples of the country including Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, to be started on behalf of the temples has to be decided
Bihar, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, by the Hindu society keeping in view the needs of the
Delhi, etc attended the conference. Prominent among the society and it cannot be left at the whims and fancies
temples represented were Shri Adyakatyayani Shakti Peeth, of the government officials.
Chhatarpur (Detii), Shri Swaminarayan Temple (Delhi), There are thousands of temples in the country which
Shri Durgyana Temple, Amritsar (Punjab), ShriAkhand need renovation. But this work cannot be expected from
Paramdham (Delhi), Shri Balaji Temple, Chilkur (Andhra the government officials who are managing some of
Pradesh), Shri Jwaladham Shaktipeeth, Umaria (Madhya the temples. Similarly, the gousewa, is another prominent
Pradesh), Shri Dudheshwar Nath Math Mandir, Ghaziabad task which has to be taken up by the temples. But we
(Uttar Pradesh), Shri Sidhpeeth Hanuman Mandir (Delhi), cannot expect it too from the governments. Opening health
Shri Shamlaji Vishnu Mandir, Banaskantha (Gujarat), Shri centre of schools can be a priority for the government,
Durgadevi Devsthan, Nagpur (Maharashtra), Shri Mahavir but there are so many other priorities which are of utmost
Mandir, Patna (Bihar), Devidipally, Mahaboobnagar (Andhra prominence for the Hindus, he said.
Pradesh), etc. Shri YD Venkat from Adi Katyayani Shaktipeeth appreciated
Addressing the delegates, Shri Ashok Singhal further said the move to create a platform of the coordination among
temples are only money making machines for the the temples. He said the government move to take over
government while for the Hindus they are the foundation the temples has to be opposed tooth and nail by the
of preserving and promoting the Hindu culture and entire Hindu society.
samskars. This work cannot be done by governments. In the beginning, chairman of the Badri Bhagat Jhandewala
The only social activity for the government is opening Temple society Shri Navin Kapur formaly welcomed all
schools or dispensaries. But there are so many kinds of the temple executives and hoped that the conference
other activities also that have to be carried out by the would prove a mile stone in protecting the temples from
temples Ike pujari training, providing Hindu samskars the government evil eye and also enhancing the temple

P J<k PYi _ "O\_ `=.

June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 24 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
administration. of women and children, create social harmony, eradication
After thorough discussions in various sessions the of social evils, environmental protection, for the up-liftment
conference unanimously adopted a resolution declaring of the poor etc. The Parishad will start Refresher Courses
the formation of a national body called the Akhil Bharatiya for education, training and enlightenment of pujaris and
Mandir Prabandhak Parishad to make the temples archakas and all others vested with the rights and duties
autonomous centers of worship, spiritual fulfillment and of performance of rituals and other aspects of the inner
social services devoid of any sort of governmental control. discipline of the Mandir with the aim of enhancing the
The Akhi Bharatiya Mandir Prabandhak Parishad wl be knowledge and understanding of the scriptures, mantras,
a friend, philosopher and guide to cooperate and coordinate tantras etc. It will also cooperate in highlighting and
to make each and every Mandir to be fully independent, disseminating the recent trends of government decontrol
sovereign, autonomous, self-reliant and self-sufficient in in the southern states by amending the relevant legislation
dispensing spiritual, religious, national, social and cultural, and thereby recognising the autonomy of the temples,
etc. responsibilities of the Hindu society and to be fully so that the Governments should realize that this is
free from al kinds of governmental control in their the work of the society, not of the Government the
establishment, functioning, development and resolution added.
administration. The Parishad will strive ardently to achieve According to Shri Umashankar Sharma, Akhil Bharatiya Math
the goal of preservation of Mandirs by making them Mandir Pramukh of Vishva Hindu Parishad, only the temples
totally immune from the perils of commercialization which are managed by the society through various trusts,
and politicization and also from the deviant attitude etc. would be part of the proposed Parishad and those
and improve competency of the pujaris and other temples which are being managed by various Mahants,
karmacharis, the resolution said. Akharas or the government agencies would not join the
According to the resolution, the proposed Akhil Bharatiya Parishad. He said the executive committee and the team
Mandir Prabandhak Parishad would work to make the of office bearers of the proposed Parishad would be announced
temples a confluence of social service activity in the shortly after consultation with the member temple bodies.
sectors of education, health, employment, empowerment (Vishva Hindu Parishad, 22-5-2017)
AUSTRALIA RETURNS TAMIL NADU'S ANTIQUE IDOL stone idols of Hindu deities from the temple in
STOLEN BY NOTORIOUS SMUGGLER KAPOOR Vriddhachalam an investigating officer said. "The
Australia returns Tamil Nadu's antique idol stolen by temple's caretakers did not report the offence to police
notorious smuggler Subhash Kapoor Australia returns immediately."
Tamil Nadu's... The idol wing sleuths, with the assistance of the
CHENNAI: The country has regained possession of Australian Federal Police, are trying to trace a Pillayar
an idol from Tamil Nadu, estimated to be at least 1,045 idol, an Ishtashakthi idol, a Gnanasakthi idol and a
years old, stolen and smuggled out by a cartel led by Giriyasakthi idol, which Kapoor purloined at the same
infamous idol trafficker Subhash Kapoor. time as the Narasimee artefact.
National Gallery of Australia (NGA), Canberra, returned "The artefacts, weighing a total of 210 kg, travelled a
the Narasimee idol -an artefact of priceless historicity long distance," the officer said. "We believe the
but one that experts currently value at close to Rs 2 Narasimee idol went through at least three continents
crore in the underground market -to India recently. before ending up in its final destination." The officer
Kapoor, currently facing trial and lodged in Trichy said Kapoor hid the idol for some time at his Art of the
Central Prison for looting and smuggling ancient relics Past gallery in Manhattan, New York.
out of the country , sold the idol he took from The idol wing police discovered that the Virudhachalam
Vriddhagirisvarar Temple, a shrine to Lord Shiva, in police had in 2013 registered a case pertaining to the
Vriddhachalam, a town around 200km south of theft of the Narasimee idol. Though the then joint
Chennai, to the gallery in 2005 for $275,000 (the commissioner of Tamil Nadu Hindu religious &
equivalent of Rs 1.49 crore at the time). charitable endowments (HR&CE) department reported
Inspector general of police, idol wing, A G the theft of only one idol, an Arthanareeswarar stone
Ponmanickavel described the idol as "a rare piece", idol worth Rs 1.66 crore, idol wing sleuths found that
even among the many exquisite artefacts in temples five others idols were also missing from the temple.
across the country. "After stealing the ancient artefacts from the temple,
Investigators with the state's CB-CID idol wing said the gang replaced them with fakes in connivance, we
Kapoor, who police believed operated a $100-million believe, with former caretakers of the temple," the
international smuggling racket, personally conducted investigating officer said. "The caretakers, now in
a reconnaissance of the temple before commissioning Vriddhagirisvarar Temple in Virudhachalam, told
a gang of thieves to loot the statue from the temple in investigators that they were unaware of the theft. They
2002. The gang used cranes to lift the statue out of believed the idols in the temple were originals till the
the temple, investigators said. idol wing police traced the genuine Arthanareeswarar
"Kapoor's gang sold the artefact along with five other idol."....... TNN | May 27, 2017

= O_ [=O_= - H+_O_ MO_=.

June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 25 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
Ramanujas Tryst with Kashmir-The Fountain Head of Ancient Indian Wisdom
The pristine land of Kashmir nestled in the midst of Great Himalayas gets its name from Sage Kashyapa.
Legend has it that the central valley of Kashmir was once fully inundated making it huge ocean like lake. It
was Sage Kashyapa who drained the waters and made the valley hospitable. Thats how the land got its
name as Kashyapa-Mira which later came to be known as Kashmir. Sage Kashyapa was no ordinary sage,
he was a vedic seer whose virtues have been extoled by the Vedas themselves. In fact, Krishna Yajur Veda
tells N: Nz uo, n uoyuo {o Kashyapah Pashkyako Bhavati. Yatsarvamparipashayateeti
Soukshmyat (Aruna Prashana). Suggesting that the name of Sage Kashyapa is an anagram of N Pashyaka
meaning seer - because he could see the subtle wisdom hidden everywhere. Thus, this land of Kashyapa
became the seat of all advanced studies and the Goddess of Knowledge Sarswati Devi herself resided at the
Sharada Peeth in Kashmir.
tzyzguTz:wWzTWzztY{ @ zo|oz oy @@
EzM t tz oz qmo @ ouWmy oy my Y Nu zuo @@
It is said that this region is the abode of Goddess Saraswati who continuously perform penance.
Pleased by Sage Paulastya Goddess Saraswati appeared before him in the form of a Swan and she promised
him that this place will be always her abode and Ganga will be always flowing here. The Sharada Peeth on
the bank of Krishna Ganga river in Kashmir was the nodal center of ancient Indian wisdom for centuries. It
attracted scholars from all over Indian sub-continent and beyond as it was center of advanced studies which
hosted an enormous library of manuscripts which popular by the name Shree Bhandaram. The Sharada
Peeths eminence as a center of knowledge continued from ancient vedic times right up to the 19th century AD
through various chequered journey. It was in here in Sharada Peeth that here is a very important connection
between Sri Ramanuja and Kashmir which is not often highlighted.
Sri Ramanuaja travelled all the way from Srirangam to Sharada Peetham in Kashmir to validate his
Brahmasutra Bhashyam with Bodhyana Vritti an extremely elaborate gloss written by Sage Bodhyana on
Brahmasutras of Maharshi Veda Vyas. It is said that, at that time, the sole copy of Bodhyana Vritti was archived
in the vast library of Sharada Peeth. The starting sentence of Saint Ramanuja in Sri Bhashyam says :-
Meaning I am going to provide
TzNwo uoym wu |Y|: uYuq: @ oozm s|u Poz..
the commentary for Brahmasutra of Veda Vyasa as per the path of Sage Bodhaayanas Brahmasutra Vritti
(also known as Vritti Grantha) which have been protected by my predecessor acharyas. Incidentally among
all the commentaries available for Brahmasutra today, only Saint Ramanuja makes such an effort not to deviate
from Sage Bodhaayanas line. It was in Kashmir that Sri Ramanujas Brahma Sutra Bhashya was published
with the name Sri Bhashya. The name Sri Bhashya was conferred on the text by Goddess Sarswati, the
presiding deity of Sri Sharada Peeth, herself, as it was most authentic a bridged version of the Bodhayana
Vritti. Sri Ramnuja was given the title of Sri Bhashyakara.
This temple and the deity Sharada Devi are held in high esteem by Kashmiri Hindus. The Sharada
Peeth itself is now under Pakistani occupation (in Pakistan occupied Kashmir), but the ruins are still maintained
as a tourist attraction by PoK government. If this temple is revived there will be peace between the two countries.
Devotees and 'VAK' should strive for it.
Saint Ramanuja preached inclusiveness among all devotees of Lord Narayana and supported the acceptance
of Bibi Nachyaar a muslim princess who was in love with Lords idol as a devotee. On occasion of his 1000th
birth anniversary it will be an apt initiative for world peace if the Saraswati temple which is dilapidated today is
restored to its past glory. Through VAK we appeal that Both the Indian and Pakistani Governments should work
towards this as priority. Goddess Saraswati is the Goddess of speech (Stzy) and reviving the most important of
her temples worshipped by Sri Ramanuja and rishis of yore will enable the elusive peace (uo:) in the Kashmir
valley that everyone so much desires and every vedic chanting ends with H uo: uo: uo:@@
The rich history of Kashmir and the various important centers of cultural and spiritual significance
have been recorded in a magnum opus called Raja Tarangini which was authored by Kalhana, a poet of
Kashmir who lived in 12th Century AD. Raja Taragini itself holds an unique place in Sanskrit literature as it
provides a structured chronological record of Kings that ruled Kashmir right from time of Mahabharata to the
medieval times of the author. Such detailed chronological records are common in Greek/Roman literature but
a rarity in Sanskrit literature.
VAK is now planning to bring out a series on Rajatargini in simple English for the devotees of Lord
Chilkur Balaji enabling them to get a taste of greatness of Kashmir the fountain head of ancient Indian
spiritual wisdom and Knowledge. !

D ~A KeOk ~ K^=#H=@O `C.

June '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 26 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
Chilkur Balaji's Grace - 152 z~ r J#Q O 152


I learnt about Chilkur Balaji Swamy and z~ r QiOz `Hx q"ix
prayed to Him. "_<#. <# ZC_ J<~QO` ^_`O_
I was always struggling with ill health. I "_x. < =Oz P~Qx kOK=x "_ <#.
prayed for better health. I chanted
28 times every day for 10 days. ~ 10 ~A Kk"#. q"i ^` <#
By Balaji's grace I am back to normal =m P~QH~OQ =<#.
health. XH _..Q.l
A Devotee, W.G. Dist. Chant 28 times

No| y| \ | z \ @ o mz m To b Y oz @ @
H~g~~< <= ~* "< I ` ~} =`} Q`O #+O K ` II
Karthaveeryarjuno nama Raaja Baahu Sahasravaan |
Thasya Smarana Maathrena Gatham Nashtam cha Labhyathe||
Please chant this sloka to locate lost objects, persons and belongings.
`~# =, == uiy aOK@ D Hx H` iOKO_.
NEWS P "<[~ == ~^
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Date of Posting 6th & 7th 28 Date of Publication 1st of every month
Registered as a News Paper RNI. No. AP/BIL/2000/2474
Vol.18 VAK / JUNE / 2017 Postal Registration No. HSE/738/2017-19 No.6
t\u: tT Y Wzuo: That extraordinary pair of Sandals which becomes the suitable agent
for binding firmly the heads of the Devas and the pair of the sacred
j Vbuo q uo zzuno: no:@@ feet of Lord Ranganatha, in the context of their respective roles as
uuto z tuouub Seshas and Seshi become the protective cap our heads.
Ntuuoq uNu ont@@ @@ (Paduka Sahasram)
^^~*Ot~ ^QO K ~OQt` Uk ^ = ` t~ # N~ O Q x ^ Q h q =O`
-~$_O @~`OH=O =u ++``I q_n~O_ \O*_xH =~=~#^, Uk Q~x e
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H^^quH=O H= ``^`^"II D ^H^O < t~} =QQH. (^HO)
z~ r ^"xH xk.... ''_~b * O_^~ =~O_.
D O_H kQ= zOK|_# O KeO HiOK|_#.
1) SB A/c No.62055583940 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
State Bank of Hyderabad, Moinabad Branch (R.R. Dist.) (\ OH P ^~^, "~<^ Y,
~OQ~_ l) from any branch of State Bank of Hyderabad situated in any part of the Country.
2) SB A/c No. 091110011008633 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Andhra
Bank, Pedda Mangalaram (Moinabad Branch PO^ OH, ^=OQ~O ("~<^ Y)) (R.R. Dist.) from any
branch of Andhra Bank situated in any part of the World. OKOx U O`O #O_< [= K=K.
3) SB A/c No.3063101000001 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Canara Bank,
113, Main Road, Himayatnagar, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. H#~ OH, 113, "~< ~_, =`#Q~, "~<^
=O_, ~OQ~_ l, from any branch of Canara Bank situated in any part of India. (=#^O x U O`O #O_< [= K =K.)
4) SB A/c No.24730110000007 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with UCO
Bank, Chilukuru Branch, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. H OH, z~ Oz, "~<^ =O_, ~OQ~_ l,
from any branch of UCO Bank situated in India. (=#^O
x U O`O #O_< [= K =K.)
~.100/- Hh KeO Q D xkH [= K =K.
D ` xkx =~_xH O^ih HiOK=#kQ i<=. J HiOz H=~x OOkOK
qH}"# z~ * q^<x PKO^~O xeK `__#O^ P r H$ `=`~.
The Fund donations can be remitted in the Following Banks with the following Particulars:-
1) SB A/c No.62055583940 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
State Bank of Hyderabad, Moinabad Branch (R.R. Dist.) from any branch of State Bank of Hyderabad
situated in any part of the Country. IFSC Code 'SBHY0020637'.
2) SB A/c No.091110011008633 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained
with Andhra Bank, Pedda Mangalaram (Moinabad Branch) (R.R. Dist.) from any branch of Andhra
Bank situated in any part of the World. IFSC Code 'ANDB0000911'.
3) SB A/c No.3063101000001 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Canara
Bank, 113, Main Road, Himayatnagar, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. from any branch of Canara Bank situated in
India. IFSC Code 'CNRB0003063'.
4) SB A/c No.24730110000007 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
UCO Bank, Chilukuru Branch, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. from any branch of UCO Bank situated in India.
IFSC Code 'UCBA0002473'.
Devotees can remit their contributions with a minimum of Rs.100/- to this Fund.
The Devotees who contribute to this Fund will have the blessings of the Lord Balaji for participating
in the continuation of this unique way of worship which inculcates Pure Devotion in the Temple system..
Andhra Bank Ph : 08417-252064, SBH Ph. : 08417-252071, Canara Bank : 08413-235088, UCO Bank Ph.: 08417-200023
All business communications and payments may
be addressed to The Manager VAK, 2-2-647/77/D, D.D. BOOK POST
Colony, Bagh Amberpet, Hyderabad-500 013. Ph : To STAMP
27425640. Only local cheques and DDs drawn in favour
of VAK will be accepted. Subscriptions can be sent
through money orders also. Give your correct address.
Owned, Edited, Printed and Published by : Dr. M.V. Soundara
Rajan, Advocate, 2-2-647/77/D, Andhra Bank Lane, Be-
side Karur Vysya Bank ATM, D.D. Colony, Bagh Amberpet,
Hyderabad-500 013; Website :
Phone : 27425640 Cell : 9246505058
Printed at : M/s. Vakdevi Printers, # 1- 8- 732/22/B,
Nallakunta, Hyd-44.
If undelivered please return to : VAK, 2-2-647/77/D, Hyderabad-500 013.

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