Vak Sept. 18 PDF
Vak Sept. 18 PDF
Vak Sept. 18 PDF
Puri Ratha Yatra - Lord Jagannatha, Devi Subhadra and Lord Balarama
ѨÓi ~°^äŒ Ü«∂„`«Ö’ - [QÆ<åfl^äŒ∞_»∞, ^Õq ã¨∞Éèí„^Œ =∞iÜ«Ú |Å~å=∞ ^Õ=ÙÅ∞
Vol. 19 SEPTEMBER – 2018 No.9
'VAK' is available on
Dr. V.S. Karunakaran B.E.(Mech.), M.A. (Sanskrit), Ph.D
While Prahlada was ruling the Nether worlds, Sage will be fruitful."
Chyavana paid a visit to his palace. Prahlada welcomed But Prahlada again criticized the sages badly.
the sage with utmost reverence and paid his respects
to him. Prahlada was planning to go on a pilgrimage The arguments between Prahlada and the sages
to holy places. So, he asked Chyavana, “Oh revered gradually became louder and louder and finally burst
sage! Can you suggest me some holy places to which into a battle.
I can go on a pilgrimage?” The entire universe got reverberated with the exchange
“Oh blessed one! You go to Naimishaaranya. The of fiery arrows from Sages Nara and Narayana on
Lord resides there in the form of a forest!” said one side and Prahlada and his army of demons on
Chyavana. the other side.
Prahlada, along with his paraphernalia, set out on The battle lasted for years together.
the pilgrimage to Naimishaaranya. At last, it seemed that the divine sages were indeed
After taking bath in Chakra teertha there, he went invincible and Prahlada was almost overcome.
around the kshetra. The deep forest with various animals Prahlada took asylum at the feet of his favourite form
there tempted him to do hunting. For a moment he of Lord as Lord Lakshmee Nrusimha.
forgot it was a holy Forest. Equipped with bow and He could not believe his eyes when at same time;
arrows Prahalada left his tent in his camp with a one of the two sages fighting him appeared as Lord
small retinue. Lakshmee Nrusimha!
As he neared the thick forest there was a small hut. Yes! Sage Narayana had given darshan to Prahlada
There he saw two handsome sages full of youth with as Lord Nrusimha.
knotted hair, sitting beside each other and doing For a moment Prahlada thought the sage was playing
penance. Their beards were adding further attraction some trick and wanted to continue the war.
to their countenances.
But as the gaze of the eyes of Lord Nrusimha
(Perhaps the present trend of beard among many resembling the petals of a lotus in a deep pond full
of our youth making has its origin from these two of waters blossoming by the touch of the rays of
young sages!) the rising Sun fell on Prahlada, he started realizing
They were none other than Nara & Narayana, who his folly. He had been challenging and fighting the
are the incarnations of the Lord. But Prahlada could Lord. He fell at the feet of the Lord and begged his
not recognize them. pardon.
Prahlada also noted that the sages had kept two The Lord said “How can I forgive you, my own beloved
sets of bows and arrows with them. devotee? Forgiving follows getting offended. As I can
“Of what use are the bow and arrow to these ascetics never get offended by you and get angry with you I
involved in penance?” murmured Prahlada. He swiftly have no chance to forgive you”.
went by their side and asked them, “How can you Prahlada asked the Lord, “You never hide yourself
keep bows and arrows with you while engaging in from your devotees like me. How was it possible that
meditation?” I failed to recognize you?”
“If you, appearing to be a devotee of Lord Narayana, The Lord told him, “You are one of the greatest devotees
can go for hunting in pilgrimage that too in this holy of mine. There is no doubt about that. Yet, since
forest why not we doing penance hold bows and you happened to be born to the demon Hiranyakashipu,
arrows?” there was a trace of demonic trait within you and
Prahlada roared. “Bravery and meditation could never that prevented you from recognizing me!”
be side by side. If they are so, then none of them “Demonic trait? In me?” asked Prahlada.
is genuine!” “Yes, my dear child! All the scriptures and their
Sage Narayana asked Prahlada to mind his business injunctions are my commands. That trait which makes
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In this country all the vedic students belonging to VAK has analysed the above 1912 A.D. situation
the three castes from Himalayas to kanyakumari to the current situation and can only say that we all
celebrate the festival called Upakarma. Upakarma have deteriorated even further paving way for further
comes from Upakrama which means beginning. enhancement of ignorances and wrong
Meaning the beginning of learning Vedas. On understandings so that Dharma is further degraded
Sravana month, the rigvedis perform Upakarma on and the society becomes vulnerable to large scale
Sravana star day, Yajurvedis perform on Pournami conversion to non-traditional and non-vedic
(full moon) day, and Samavedis perform in the practices which is not in the good interest of the
following month during Hastha star day. There may well being of people. VAK calls for a self-
be some changes for either first Upakarma introspection of people and realization to resume
students or for all due to transit of Guru from one the main rituals back in its past glory fervor and
zodiac house to another house, and asthamana of protect the Sanathana Dharma.
Shukra or eclipses which is decided by the
scholars. As per the Shastra prescriptions, starting (Continued)
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Every woman is my direct embodiment. One should not commit a wicked deed involving a woman; one should
not (even) think about sinful acts in connection with a woman. (Source : Lakshmi Tantram 43rd Chapter)
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x~°fiÇ≤ÏOKå~°∞. D ã¨O^Œ~°ƒùOQÍ 108 =∞Ok ÉÏeHõʼnõΩ #∂`«# zÅ∞‰õÄ~°∞ ÉÏÖÏr áê^•Å =^ŒÌ LOz ѨÓ[Å∞ KÕã≤# ~åvÅ#∞
=„™êÎÅ#∞ ^èŒiOѨ*Ëã≤, J=∞‡"åiH˜ ѨÓ[Å∞ x~°fiÇ≤ÏOz "åà◊¡ HÍà◊¡‰õΩ ÉÏeHõÅ`À Hõ\ ˜ìOK«∞‰õΩ<åfl~°∞. HÍ~°º„Hõ=∞OÖ’ „Ѩ^è•<Àáê^蕺ܫÚÅ∞
áê~å}˜ ÃÑ\Ïì~∞° . J#O`«~O° PÜ«∞# =∂\Ï¡_∞» `«∂ P_»"å~°∞ J=∞‡"åi =∂OQͺ<åÜ«∞H±, x~°O[<£, Ѩ=<£, ǨÏi, WOk~° `«k`«~∞° Å∞ áêÖÁæ<åfl~°∞.
„Ѩu~°∂áêÅx, Wk ѨÙ~å}ÏÖ’¡ LO^Œx, JÖÏ "åiH˜ Q“~°=O WzÛ# (D<å_»∞ 30.8.2018)
We at VAK are blessed to bring out the second volume in the series of books
on Anecdotes on Vishnu Sahasranama authored by Sri V S Karunakaran Swamy.
Sri V S Karunakaran Swamy started this mammoth never before project of explaining
the significance of the 1000 names. Since the English meaning of this hymn is
given in this work, many in this country and those living abroad, will welcome it.
Every name is a mantra by itself, some with two and some ranging up to eight
words. The hymn is an antidote for all ills.
As the author mentioned the benefits which will accrue by reciting the various
name of Vishnu, it has been practically experienced by Devotees at Chilkur Balaji
temple who are the regular readers of VAK in which these Anecdotes have been
serialised. There is immortal ecstasy that can be experienced by chanting these
names individually.
The second Volume has been released on 6th September 2017, as a part of
the Saptatipoorthi celebrations of the Author Sri V S Karunakaran. You can find
the devotees chanting these names endlessly at the Balaji Temple Chilkur. The
benefit of chanting individual names for particular needs to be granted by Almighty
is being practiced and is yielding expected results. Books available at : Manager 'VAK', 2-2-647/77/D, Srinivasanagar
Colony, Bagh Amberpet, Hyderabad-500 013. Price : Rs.500/- (Exclusive of postage)
L‰õΩ¯ =∞x+≤ Z=~À, THõ=¸@ Z=~À HõëêìÅÖ’ ã¨Ê+¨ì=∞=Ù`«∞Ok.
September '18 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 24 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
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FO Éèí∂`å^ŒÜÕ∞ #=∞ó G ßÓoÁtÆz å™: FO ^è•„`Õ #=∞ó G áÁfiz å™:
Chant this name to amend soured friendship For issueless couple. ã¨O`å# „áêÑ≤Î H˘~°‰õΩ
or any personal relationship FO q^è•„`Õ #=∞ó G uƒáÁfiz å™:
q∞„`«∞Å`À ¿ãflǨÏÉèÏ=O ÃÑOK«∞HÀ=_®xH˜, ^ŒOѨ`∞« Å Pregnant ladies to chant for healthy babies.
J<Àº#º`«‰õΩ. P~ÀQƺHõ~°"≥∞ÿ# tâ◊√=ÙÅ H˘~°‰õΩ
Chant one time
Runa Vimochana Nrisimha Stotram
Devataakaarya-siddhyartham Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeraam
sabhaastambha-samudbhavam namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
Prahlaada varadam sreesam
namaami runamuktaye
Lakshmyaalingita-vaamaangam Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
bhaktaanaam varadaayakam namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimham mahaveeram
Krooragrahaih peeditaanaam
namaami runamuktaye
bhaktaanaam abhayapradam
Aanthramaalaadharam Sankha Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
Chakraabja aayudha dha arina m namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Brahma Rudraadi vanditam
Smaranaat sarvapaapagnam Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
kadrooja visha naasanam namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimha mahaaveeraam
Ya idam patathe nityam runa
namaami runamuktaye
mochana samjnitam
Simhanaadena Mahataa Anrunee jaayate satyo dhanam
Digdhanthi Bhaya Naashanam sheeghram avaapnuyaat
N˛Áo| ƒ yÆÁ| \ Ï | å Áz åÁ™ ∫Á\Á §Á“Ï Ã“œÁƒÁåΩ @ oÀÆ À™∫m™Áfiz m ToÊ å…bÊ Y ¬•Æoz @ @
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Karthaveeryarjuno nama Raaja Baahu Sahasravaan |
Thasya Smarana Maathrena Gatham Nashtam cha Labhyathe||
Please chant this sloka to locate lost objects, persons and belongings.
`«Ñ≤ÊáÈ~Ú# =º‰õΩÎÅ∞, =ã¨∞Î=ÙÅ∞ uiy ÅaèOK«∞@‰õΩ D â’¡HÍxfl ÉèíH˜Î`À ѨiîOK«O_ç.
All slokas Chant 28 times
FO Ѩ~°=∂`«‡<Õ #=∞ó G ú∫™Án™åz å™:
FO ǨÏ$+‘ˆHâßÜ«∞ #=∞ó For self employed people, for promotions and
G J yNz ∆ ÁÆ å™: success in games.
For overcoming bad habits „H©_®HÍ~°∞ʼnõΩ, ã¨fiÜ«∞O LáêkèÖ’ L#fl "åiH˜, L#fl`«
^Œ∞~°Å"å@¡#∞O_ç q=ÚH˜Î á⁄O^Œ_®xH˜. Ѩ^Œ=ÙÅ∞ PtOKÕ "åiH˜.
FO =+¨\ϯ~åÜ«∞ #=∞ó G ƒ bΩN˛Á∫ÁÆ å™: FO Éè∂í `«ÉÏè =<åÜ«∞ #=∞ó G ßÓoßÁƒåÁÆ å™:
For Success in Business, Interviews, Visa
For better health. =∞Oz P~ÀQͺxH˜.
Interviews, building relationship
"åºáê~åaè=$kúH˜, WO@~°∂fi ºÅÖ’ ã¨Ñ¶¨ÅO FO ѨÓ`å`«‡<Õ #=∞ó G úÓoÁn™åz å™:
HÍ=_®xH˜ 㨇iOK«O_ç. To remove mental stress and for mental
FO N=∞`Õ #=∞ó G »y™oz å™: =∂#ã≤ H õ P~ÀQͺxH˜ =∂#ã≤ H õ XuÎ _ ç #∞O_ç
Please Chant for Handsome Appearance and wealth.
â◊s~° ™œO^Œ~åºxH˜, ã¨OѨ^Œ‰õΩ.
FO JHõ∆~åÜ«∞ #=∞ó G Eq∫ÁÆ å™: FO â◊~°‡}Ë #=∞ó G ∆™|mz å™:
For Job Satibsfaction
For Education and better Financial strength. L^ÀºQÆOÖ’, KÕ¿ã ѨxÖ’ JOH˜`« ÉèÏ"åxH˜, `«$Ñ≤ÎH˜.
q^•ºaè=$kúH˜ =∞iÜ«Ú Sâ◊fi~åºaè=$kúH˜.
„â◊=∞ ÖˉõΩO_® [=∞Å∞O_»=Ù - Hõ+¨ìѨ_»‰õΩO_® ã¨∞MÏÅ∞O_»=Ù.
Exclusive for OUR
,Ɯ++ ",2101+!&+$
/" "&3)"0
(i.e., input tax credit due under GST) of MSME units
K Existing MSME borrowers of our Bank are eligible K Maximum period of 6 months over and above the
gestation/holiday period of 2 months
K 20% of existing fund based working capital limit
or 80% of input tax creditț "/1&Ɯ"!6Ȝ K No collateral security
due to the unit, whichever is lower
Æz å §ÚÁz §¬y ∫Á\Á tÁåƒz ã ¸Áz ™“Á§¬:@ Oh! Raksha! I am binding you with the same item
with which the Great powerful Asura King Mahabali
oz å nƒÁ™uú §áí Á u™ ∫qz ™Á Y¬ ™Á Y¬ @@ was bound. Don't waver in protecting us.