Vak Sept. 17 PDF
Vak Sept. 17 PDF
Vak Sept. 17 PDF
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All slokas Chant 108 times
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Sept. '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 11 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
O PtOK O_ K " = =^O HO> K Qk.
Sept. '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 13 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
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Sept. '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 14 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
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N E uN s@ z uo yYz uTz y o{ uso T Nz Ez g u@ Fo y Gz
Nz z Eo, n Nz ut t| zo z Ey Ez QN Y Ez Voz L u y uNz
o y z@ T@ Fz tzQoz y u utN, EN TL@ N Nz Q
Ez F Mo Nz ETyo Nz zo n z z uN y u Nz oz-oz GNy uMo TF|@
yNwm Nz Nb zz N N u@ N Nz Ng N tlg tzz Nz Gz z u z GN
EYN, u Nz q Y y| N TzY E, yZ uN@ o N GNy Ng EL u wq Ny
\z Eez oz\ z tyuo s@ G N N y ut Nuo Ezb uZT@ u z uNy N z N Nz Ng N
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Eut N m N z Nb E@ z Zg E{ z Toz - Toz HYz N - <<ET
oo u, G Nwm Nz l S o zz t|| Nz Ny FXZ { oz <Eo> Yz E@>>
zN, Gz Ey Tzty GeL@ Ez z n Nz oz FNz Veoz y u Nz Ez E F|@ Gy
L Gz uN:- <<z tyuo N! o o, z u E{ z\ Nz u\|o N z tz u Ez u
NZ ETzY uMo ^z oz Q Eu|Yy o N Nz jjoz uz Tz@ z uNy z <Eo> N
t N y {@ M o zz s F Nby , t Nz tz Nz z Zoz z, o uNy z y NzF| o
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y \z z Nle z G N z GX ut - LN s LN Ez zbz Nz gb y sy uN - <<ET
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zz F oz N GV NTz, Gy ut z s N TF| T| Yy Nz E u, \ oN Ez { z zT
T@>> ut, Goz y o z ETz joz TL@
N Nz, Ez s Nby Nz Nz uL {z N zN ETz j z u z u wq z,
uo tzoz y u Nz T uN EN uYm N uq Ny YN z, um Ny yN u z z Vz
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N Nb L n z Ey NygE joz y z@
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z y N Nz uo Ez m| ET Nz ut@ tzQN FuTo FuTo Noz L z N ut@ u,
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NF| N Ny YzbL Noz E z N jz@ LN s EN N z LN u N (E)
Ny y u z Ez utL L Y Nz QN Nz wq z N u@ tz y u wq g z
t|@ \g z GQg g@
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E ^z F u Nz qnN tzz N ET {@ LN TF|@ szgy tz t - u o L@ o \N
x =H rq`O U xh kOK_ . H ~_ .
Sept. '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 23 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
According to Nila Mata Purana, Kashmir was originally in creation wanted to perform Yagnya here at an
a lake known as Sati Saras. Kashmir would have elevated and remote place in Kashmir land called
been derived from either kashyapa-mir (Kashyapas Bheda giri (may also sometimes have been known
Lake) or kashyapa-meru (Kashyapas Mountain). as Veda Giri). Like his preceptor and creator Brahma,
The Nilamata Purana describes the Valleys origin Sage Pulasthya was also an ardent devotee of Lord
from the waters, a lake called Sati-saras. In Narayana whom here he worshipped in the form of
Mahabharat also sage Brihadashva and Sage Hayagreeva. There was a need for sacred water for
Vaishampayana provide information about Kashmir the Yagnya and Sage Pulasthya performed severe
to Emperor Janamejaya during the snake sacrifice penance praying to Saraswathi for that :
Sarpa Yaga. In Neela Mata Purana an extensive mz tzy oy \zu|u\yoy @
record of this conversation is provided which is not yuo @ E utz wo: |ot
existant in Mahabharata, based on which Rajatarangini
summarises the story as follows:
oy \o To r @
oy: Nnwuo o@ Nq{ uzmzu| : m| oum b@@ tzy \\m Vwo\y S z Yoy wmzo @@
The above Veda Mantra seems to have been
Es {oyzu oz oz @ umzztyo| \w\@@ suggesting also the Sharadapeetham birth with the
Nz oto:s Voun \z@ u|z onz { Ny Fuo lg@@ words E z utz wo: |ot oy which is
G{oou:t tlgNlgoum@ n|Tyz yz uoz @@ interesting to see how Vedas provide us multiple
During creation at the beginning of the Kalpa there items within the same verse. Sayanna in his
was a great lake here called Sati saras which was commentary says z oy, EN r uo ut: NtTXZo@
full of water and completely occupied the valley
between the mountains as it was at the belly of
w o: | o tTXZo @ z z N z z { uobuo
Himalayas and the place was allotted by Vishnu osTXZunns|: Oh! Goddess Saraswathi please
to the Nagas as per the request by Sage Kashyapa. protect us by providing all the materials such as
Then follows the story of the demon Jalodbbava born food for Yaga. Please come to our Yagnya. Please
in the waters and reared by the Nagas. Having come from the heaven or from big mountain or
obtained boons from Brahma, the demon began to mountain Meru. Since Kashmir is Kashya-meru the
destroy the descendants of Manu dwelling in the prayer was answered by the Goddess Saraswathi
lands of Darvabhisara, Gandbars, Jubundura, the and she gushed in the form of water cutting across
Sakas, the Khasas etc. Seeing this devastation, the big mountain to appear before Sage Paulasthya
Nila the king of the Nagas approached his father first in the form of water. This water is known as
Kashyapa and prayed to him to intercede with the Gangodbheda. Sage Paulasthya again performed
gods to punish the evil-doer and to save the innocent Penance to have a glimpse of the Goddess and
victims. He requested the gods, Brahma, Vishnu worship her. She appeared to him after years of
as Upendra and Siva to do the needful. Vishnu Penance in the form of a Swan. At the request of
followed by Brahma, Siva and various other deities, Sage Pulasthya, Goddess Saraswathi made the Beda-
proceeded to Naubandhana to punish the demon. Giri as her permanent abode and assured him that
The demon was imperishable in the waters; so Vishnu her waters will always be flowing here which is
asked Ananta to make an outlet for the waters of described by Kalhana as :
Sati Sara by breaking forth the mountain-barriers. tzy zguTz: wWTz TWTzztY{@
He did accordingly. Vishnu then cut off the demons zo|oz oy@@
head with his disc. Now the dry land being available EzM t tz oz qmo@
in the valley, Kasyapa expressed the desire that
it should be inhabited by both the Nagas as well
ouWTmy oy my Y Nu zuo@@
as the descendants of Manu.This is none other Thus the Sharada Peetham was born. This is also
than the valley of Kashmir. known as Sharada Vanam. Many Sages were having
Another important text Gangodbheda Mahatmya their abode near Sharada Peetham and it had become
provides an account of how Goddess Saraswathi a place of great collection of sages, learned people
selected her abode here and created Saraswathi and their library of good books which is known as
Peetham. As we saw earlier, Parajapathis thrived Shree Bhandaram. Sage Vaishampayana belonged
on the banks of River saraswathi to assist Lord to this area. Similarly Sage Shandilya hailed from
Brahma and perform yagnyas. Sage Pulasthya who Sharada Vanam.
was one of the Prajapathis assisting Lord Brahma (to be continued)
k=Ok "Q`# nx P~_xH uOK , uOK" P xq+O h= _ pH\ LO\=x Q~O KH.
Sept. '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 26 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
Chilkur Balaji's Grace - 155 z~ r J#Q O 155
No| y| \ | z \ @ o mz m To b Y oz @ @
H~g~~< <= ~* "< I ` ~} =`} Q`O #+O K ` II
Karthaveeryarjuno nama Raaja Baahu Sahasravaan |
Thasya Smarana Maathrena Gatham Nashtam cha Labhyathe||
Please chant this sloka to locate lost objects, persons and belongings.
`~# =, == uiy aOK@ D Hx H` iOKO_.
NEWS i` `OQ} H O - U\ 40 H@ "H <@_" ^O - } i+` i`~O =Ou *Q ~=#
^~^ : i` `OQ}# kOK_" H OQ =Y=Ou H. KO^Y~~= u`HOQ "\# i`~O ~R
[ KO^OQ OKH=_O O`+OQ L#^x J@gY =Ou *Q ~=# J<~. ^~^ t"~x Q#ex
} " ^< =<xH H\~Oz# O`O |^"~O } OH= i+` P^~O '#H`=#O i@ i` ~O
H~H=O U~@K~. H~H=xH =Ou *Q ~=# =Y JukQ [~ "H <\~. J#O`~O P# =\_`
#H`=#O J< =< K H`Q L#^<~. "+O #Oz <O_ ~x = [ K<O^ gQ WH_ "H
<@`<~x K~. "= `O JO@ } _ i`~O #_O K O`+OQ LO^<~. ~RO =_
q_` i`~O QOQ W\=~ 16 H@ 10 H "H <\=x `~. ZH_ Mm ^O L< JH_ "H
<\x, =YOQ WO_ =O^, Q@, , ^"M<, =Ok~ i~ W Jx O` "H <\x
zOK~. ~RO U\ 40 H@ "H <@_" ^OQ `O J_Q "#^<~. "H <@_O`@ "\
i~H} `HOQ w< aQ_~# U~@ K#@ =Ou *Q ~=# `e~.
} OH= i+` K~< H.g. ~=}Ki =\_` ~R `O } ^#O x~}O HO H\~Oz# P~
ZH~ O `HOQ ZH~O O "H OK##@ `e~. _b ~R `O `H uxk =^ "}QKi
=\_` 27 #H` [xOz#"~O^~ `= #H` J#Q}OQ [ K<O^ #H` J#Q}OQ "H#
<@`<=x K~. H~H=O ieOQOe Z" J~H_ QOn, Qze H~~@~ Hqi\ ~, #Q~
H~~@~ #~O^Ki, `OQ} ~R } "^< [#~ H@s ~@ #O`Ki, zi r P ^#
J~_ ~OQ~[<, g<q, } " ^< , < x "H <\~. (#= `OQ} 3.8.2017)