07-30-10 Issue of The Daily Journal
07-30-10 Issue of The Daily Journal
07-30-10 Issue of The Daily Journal
July 27 Mega Millions Daily three midday Japanese submarine; only 316 out of Birthdays
7 9 4
some 1,200 men survived the sinking
2 7 10 16 29 8
and shark-infested waters.
Mega number
Daily three evening In 1792, the French national anthem “La Marseillaise,” by
Fantasy Five Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle, was first sung in Paris by
0 0 4
5 8 20 31 33 troops arriving from Marseille.
In 1864, during the Civil War, Union forces tried to take
The Daily Derby race winners are Solid Gold,No. Petersburg, Va., by exploding a gunpowder-filled mine under
10,in first place;California Classic,No.5,in second Confederate defense lines; the attack failed.
place; and Eurea,. No. 7, in third place. The race In 1918, poet Joyce Kilmer, a sergeant in the 165th U.S.
time was clocked at 1:43.11. Infantry Regiment, was killed during the Second Battle of the Actor Laurence Actress Jaime Actress Yvonne
Marne in World War I. (Kilmer is perhaps best remembered for Fishburne is 49. Pressly is 33. Strahovski is 28.
his poem “Trees.”)
State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Actor Richard Johnson is 83. Actor Edd “Kookie” Byrnes is
Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7 In 1932, the Summer Olympic Games opened in Los Angeles.
In 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a bill creating 77. Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig is 76.
World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Blues musician Buddy Guy is 74. Movie director Peter
Opinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 a women’s auxiliary agency in the Navy known as “Women
Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service” — WAVES for Bogdanovich is 71. Feminist activist Eleanor Smeal is 71.
Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Former U.S. Rep. Patricia Schroeder (D-Colo.) is 70. Singer
Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 short.
In 1960, the recently founded American Football League saw Paul Anka is 69. Jazz musician David Sanborn is 65. California
Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-15 Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is 63. Actor William Atherton is
Weekend Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-20 its first pre-season game, in which the Boston Patriots defeated
the host Buffalo Bills 28-7. 63. Actor Jean Reno is 62. Blues singer-musician Otis Taylor
Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 is 62. Actor Frank Stallone is 60. Actor Ken Olin is 56. Actress
Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-27 In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the Delta Burke is 54. Singer-songwriter Kate Bush is 52. Country
Medicare bill, which went into effect the following year. singer Neal McCoy is 52. Actor Richard Burgi is 52. Movie
Publisher Editor in Chief In 1975, former Teamsters union president Jimmy Hoffa dis- director Richard Linklater is 50. Actress Lisa Kudrow is 47.
Jerry Lee Jon Mays appeared in suburban Detroit; although presumed dead, his Bluegrass musician Danny Roberts (The Grascals) is 47.
jerry@smdailyjournal.com jon@smdailyjournal.com remains have never been found. Country musician Dwayne O’Brien is 46. Actress Vivica A.
In 1980, Israel’s Knesset passed a law reaffirming all of Fox is 46. Actor Terry Crews (“Everybody Hates Chris”) is 42.
Phone: . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 344-5200 Fax: (650) 344-5290 Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state. The Pacific Island Actor Simon Baker is 41. Movie director Christopher Nolan
To Advertise:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ads@smdailyjournal.com nation of Vanuatu became independent of joint British-French (“Inception”) is 40. Actor Tom Green is 39. Rock musician
Classifieds: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ads@smdailyjournal.com rule. Brad Hargreaves (Third Eye Blind) is 39. Actress Christine
Events: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . calendar@smdailyjournal.com In 1990, British Conservative Party lawmaker Ian Gow was Taylor is 39. Actor-comedian Dean Edwards is 37. Actress
News: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . news@smdailyjournal.com killed in a bombing claimed by the Irish Republican Army. Hilary Swank is 36. Olympic gold medal beach volleyball
Delivery: . . . . . . . . . . . . . circulation@smdailyjournal.com Ten years ago: President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela won a player Misty May-Treanor is 33. Alt-country singer-musician
Career: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . info@smdailyjournal.com fresh six-year term in a landslide re-election. Seth Avett is 30.
800 S. Claremont St., Ste. 210, San Mateo, Ca. 94402
LEXEP ROCK HILL, S.C. – A South also has had a problem with signs dis-
Carolina woman found out fast food appearing from streets with interesting Wisconsin teens take
©2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
won’t make your car go fast. The Herald or amusing names, such as “Stoner flying leap to deliver mail
All Rights Reserved. of Rock Hill reported Thursday a 30- Drive.” But County Engineer Joseph
LAKE GENEVA, Wis. — The main
SEGUS year-old woman made a complaint to Litvin said his office has adapted by worry for some young mail carriers in
police after she took her car to a Rock putting replacement signs on much southern Wisconsin is neither dogs nor
Hill mechanic last week because it higher posts, making them tougher to extreme weather. It’s plunging into a
would suddenly stop running. reach. lake.
RAKNEC Police said a mechanic found a A never-stopping boat delivers mail to
cheeseburger and pickle inside the car’s Bear turns Goldilocks tale on its dozens of mansions on Lake Geneva
gas tank. The woman told officers she head in New Hampshire home during the summer. Teenage carriers are
RUBETT had no idea how it happened. hired to jump off the boat, put the mail
Now arrange the circled letters Investigators said the damage cost LACONIA, N.H. — A black bear
in mailboxes on the dock, then scurry
to form the surprise answer, as
suggested by the above cartoon. about $1,000 to repair. walked into a New Hampshire house back on board. An ill-timed jumper
through an open door, ate two pears and could fall in.
Answer: County to stop replacing signs a bunch of grapes, took a drink from the The U.S. Postal Service says it’s the
(Answers tomorrow) family fishbowl and grabbed a stuffed only delivery like it in the nation and
Jumbles: NOISY CHAMP WHINNY LOCALE often stolen on ‘Wildman Road’ bear on its way out the door. has been running since 1916. The boat
Answer: He remembered her birthday, but chose to
forget this — WHICH ONE XENIA, Ohio — An Ohio county has Mary Beth Parkinson says the bear carries about 150 people who watch the
given up on replacing the frequently apparently took advantage of the open mail delivery, sometimes cheering for
stolen signs for a rural thoroughfare outside door to get into her kitchen carriers when they safely return to the
named “Wildman Road.” Tuesday in Laconia, about 20 miles boat.
Greene County Engineer Robert north of Concord. She thinks the garage Though the post office lost $3.8 bil-
Geyer in southwest Ohio explains that door going up scared the bear enough lion last year, officials say the Lake
the signs vanish too quickly, probably to that it fled the house. Geneva route is expected to stay a
decorate bedrooms, garages and dorm She says she arrived in time to save while. The contract for it is just $1 a
rooms. He said the unusually named the fish. year.
THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Friday • July 30, 2010 3
Police reports
Go for the fun in ‘Anything Goes’
By Keith Kreitman
By the seat of his pants
An individual grabbed numerous pairs of
DAILY JOURNAL CORRESPONDENT Levi’s jeans and ran on the 1100 block of
El Camino Real in San Bruno before 1:44
“Anything Goes” is one of those inanely p.m. Saturday, July 17.
plotted Broadway musicals of yesteryear upon
which to hang some catchy show tunes and lit-
tle bit of Broadway-style hoofing for escapist
audiences. BURLINGAME
In this case, it is during the Great Accident. A truck hit a power pole on the first
Depression year of 1934, when leather-lunged block of Kenmar Way before 8:31 a.m.
Ethel Merman was hitting her stride as the Wednesday, July 28.
Grande Dame of Broadway. Disturbance. A 50-year-old woman in a
But what show tunes! Cole Porter gave us in bathrobe pushed a man on the 1100 block of El
this musical the melodies and lyrics of some Camino Real before 9:35 p.m. Wednesday, July
which have become classics and, even, super- 28.
classics, upon which the singing careers of a Gunshots. Gunshots were heard at the intersec-
number of popular singers who followed have tion of Lorton and Peninsula avenues before
hinged. 11:39 p.m. Wednesday, July 28.
Try these classics on for size: “You’re the Forgery. A man forged someone’s signature to
Top!” “Anything Goes,” “Blow, Gabriel, open up an account on the 1800 block of Rollins
Blow,” “All Through the Night” and “Gypsy NEAL AND SUE WINSLOW Road before 4:20 p.m. Monday, July 26.
in Me.” In revivals were added: “Easy to Mobster Moll Erma (center,Mary Melnick) surrounded by lusty sailors in Foothill Music Theatre’s Vandalism. Someone broke the front window
Love,” “Friendship” and “DeLovely.” ‘Anything Goes.’ of a woman’s vehicle on the 400 block of
And the superclassic: “I Get a Kick Out of converts Purity (Dana Johnson), Chastity (Lea Primrose Road before 9:16 a.m. Monday, July
You,” that has made many a singing career. Simon), Charity (Molly Murphy) and Virtue
We are fortunate we have three top-notch (Tracy Coad). And a fleeing mobster, If you go 26.
musical theater companies on the South Moonface Martin (Walter M. Mayes), Public FOSTER CITY
‘Anything Goes’1987 version
Peninsula, “Broadway by the Bay,” Enemy No. 13 and his moll Erma (Mary MUSIC AND LYRICS BY:Cole Porter
“TheatreWorks” and “Foothill (College) Melnick). And a genuine minister, the Rev. ORIGINAL BOOK BY: Guy Bolton,P.G.Wodehouse,Howard Possession. A man was arrested for having mar-
Music Theatre” that have never disappointed Henry T. Dobson (Paul Hale) and his “pre-
Lindsay and Russel Crouse ijuana in a car at Windsurfer Park before 10:18
1987 BOOK BY:Timothy Crouse and John Weidman
in all the years I have reviewed them. This is sumed” Asian converts, the gambling scam PRESENTED BY: Foothill Music Theatre and Foothill p.m. Tuesday, July 27.
not the very best out of Foothill, but even its artists, Luke (Donnie Matsuda) and John Theatre Arts Department Burglary. A woman found the screen to a win-
DIRECTED BY: Jay Manley dow in her downstairs bathroom ajar before
weakest is sure to be a winner. (Clifford Samoranos). WHERE: Smithwick Theatre at Foothill College,12345 El
The action takes place on an ocean liner, SS The high jinks begin with a host of mistak- Monte Road.(off Interstate 280),Los Altos Hills 10:02 a.m. Monday, July 26.
American, headed for England. Aboard is WHEN:8 p.m.Thursday to Saturday; 2 p.m.Sundays Theft. A briefcase, portfolio and manuals were
en identities as Moonface, disguised as a cler- through Aug.15
Elisha Whitney (John Musgrave), a Yale-bred ic, gets the true reverend arrested. Stowaway TICKETS:$18 to $26. stolen from a vehicle on San Miguel Lane
Wall Street banker and his stowaway assistant Billy needs to assume all sorts of disguises to CONTACT:949-7360 or www.foothillmusicals.com before 7:25 a.m. Wednesday, June 30.
Billy Crocker (Justin Buchs}, who is love sick avoid the ship’s Captain (Doug Brees), the
about another passenger, debutante Hope Purser (Stephen Boisvert) and his boss, Elisha
Harcourt (Marisa Illo) who is traveling with Whitney, who assumes he has left the ship to
her mother, socialite Evangeline Harcourt sell some shaky stocks for him.
(Carol Knouf) and her British fiancé, the He, also, needs to corner and romance Hope
wealthy Lord Evelyn Oakleigh (Tim and, with the help of Reno and Moonface,
Reynolds). attempt to woo her away from her fiancé, the
Also aboard is Reno Sweeney (Karen bewildered Brit, who is struggling with the
DeHart), a former evangelist who is now a
nightclub singer, with her dancing and singing See PLAY, Page 6
Gorgeous European lingerie,
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4 Friday • July 30, 2010 STATE THE DAILY JOURNAL
New brush fires erupt in rural Los Angeles County Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has since
offered Sherrod a new job in the department.
She has not decided whether to accept.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS grew to 2,000 acres, fire officials ordered up and other structures in a scattered community Sherrod said she had not received an apology
more engines, bringing the number of firefight- called Old West Ranch. from Breitbart and no longer wanted one. “He
SANTA CLARITA — New brush fires swept ers in the area to about 600, Levesque said. A pattern of cool, moist morning and evening had to know that he was targeting me,” she said.
over nearly a thousand acres and prompted State Route 14 snakes through the San air was helping firefighters in the Tehachapi
evacuations in rural Los Angeles County hills Gabriel Mountains, connecting Los Angeles to area, about 70 miles north of Los Angeles. As many as 6,600
Thursday, while good weather to the north Old West Ranch nonetheless remained evac-
helped firefighters building containment lines
the high desert. Angeles National Forest lands
uated, affecting about 150 people, said John
Arlington graves mixed up
lie on either side. The area is west of the 250-
around two wildfires that destroyed homes in Buchanan, spokesman for the California WASHINGTON — Estimates of the number
square-mile zone scorched by last summer’s
remote mountain communities earlier in the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. of graves that might be affected by mix-ups at
Station Fire, the largest wildland blaze in coun- Arlington National Cemetery grew from hun-
week. The blaze erupted Tuesday afternoon and
ty history. dreds to as many as 6,600 on Thursday, as the
Water-dropping helicopters and engine crews rapidly swept through an area where Kern
The county was joined by the U.S. Forest cemetery’s former superintendent blamed his
rushed to two blazes on both sides of State County fire authorities say there is no history of
Route 14 northeast of Santa Clarita, a northern Service in directing the firefighting on the blaze staff and a lack of resources for the scandal that
any fires on record, meaning vegetation hadn’t
Los Angeles suburb, as orange flames exploded south of the highway. About 200 firefighters burned there in more than a century. forced his ouster.
through dry brown grasses. were on the 250-acre fire, Levesque said. To the north, a fire that destroyed eight resi- John Metzler, who ran the historic military
Mandatory evacuations were issued A third blaze in the county, west of the high- dences and a few outbuildings as it spread burial ground for 19 years, said he accepts “full
Thursday evening for the community of Leona desert Antelope Valley city of Lancaster, was across about 25 square miles of the Sequoia responsibility” for the problems.
Valley, LA County Fire Inspector Matt stopped at 30 acres. National Forest in the Sierra Nevada was 12 But he also denied some of the findings by
Levesque said. About 2,200 people live in The situation was calmer in adjacent Kern percent contained, authorities said. Army investigators and suggested cemetery
Leona Valley. County, where two fires destroyed residences Some 2,400 firefighters, 124 engines and 14 employees and poor technology were to blame
A permanent inmate firefighter camp and this week. helicopters worked the blaze burning on both for remains that may have been misidentified or
some horse-country homes in canyons were A 2 1/2-square-mile blaze near Tehachapi on sides of the Kern River north of the town of misplaced. He said the system used to track
the western edge of the Mojave Desert was 44 grave sites relied mostly on a complicated paper
evacuated earlier. Kernville, a destination for rafting, fishing and
trail vulnerable to error.
As the fire to the north of State Route 14 percent contained after burning about 30 homes hiking in the southern Sierra.
6 Friday • July 30, 2010 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL
Local briefs
Plea delayed in Woodside murder case
Dems,GOP eye Arizona immigration ruling
By Charles Babington
The Woodside man accused of staging his wife’s fatal shoot- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
ing to look like a suicide in an attempt to cash in on a life insur-
ance policy did not make a plea in San Mateo WASHINGTON — On the surface, a
County Superior Court yesterday and will judge’s decision to block tough provi-
return to court Aug. 10, according to the sions of Arizona’s immigration law was
District Attorney’s Office.
a defeat for the state’s Republican gov-
Pooroushasb “Peter” Parineh, 64, could
ernor and a win for the Democratic
face the death penalty if convicted of murder
for financial gain in the April 13 death of his Obama administration. But neither
56-year-old wife, Parima. party is sure it will play out that way
Yesterday, he came to court with attorney politically, either this fall or beyond.
Richard Mazer but did not make a plea. Keeping the illegal-immigration issue
Pooroushasb Parineh has appeared in court several burning might help some Republican
Parineh times since his arrest last month, but three candidates, who need a fired-up conser-
separate attorneys had stated they were only vative base, campaign strategists in both
making special appearances on his behalf while financing was parties said Thursday. And the federal
solidified. ruling might let Republicans campaign REUTERS
Peter Parineh called 911 April 13 to report finding his wife for tougher immigration enforcement Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio talks with the media before an organized
dead in a bedroom of their multi-million home on Fox Hill Road. without embarrassing scenes of police crime sweep in Phoenix,Ariz.
He told authorities he believed his wife had killed herself. Within officers demanding documents from
days, however, authorities say they questioned the story — doubt
compounded by multiple shots to Parima Parineh, substantial
debt including the home being in foreclosure and life insurance
U.S. citizens of Hispanic descent, a
widely predicted fallout of Arizona’s
pending law.
Arizona files appeal as
policies rumored to be $20 million.
The insurance policy’s suicide exclusion period had passed,
making Parineh eligible for a payout if his wife was found to
But if the GOP appears too zealous, it
runs a longer-term risk of alienating
Hispanic voters, one of the fastest-
sheriff launches sweep
have indeed killed herself.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS lier to block the strict law’s most con-
growing constituencies.
Sheriff’s deputies arrested Parineh June 17 in Sunnyvale and troversial elements didn’t dampen the
A handful of Republicans pounced PHOENIX — The showdown over
he is being held without bail. raging immigration debate.
on U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton’s Arizona’s immigration law played out The judge has been threatened.
decision Wednesday to block provi- in court and on Phoenix’s sun-splashed
Caltrain plagued by delays sions of the Arizona law. One of them streets on Thursday, as the state sought
Protesters rallied in cities from Los
Angeles to New York. The sheriff of the
Two disabled trains — and reports of a third — disrupted would require officers to check a per- to reinstate key parts of the measure state’s most populous county vowed to
Caltrain service and caused delays of up to an hour yesterday son’s immigration status while enforc- and angry protesters chanted that they continue targeting illegal immigrants.
morning. ing other laws if there’s a reasonable refused to “live in fear.” Dozens were Lawmakers or candidates in as many as
Southbound train No. 102 broke down at the Belmont station suspicion the person is in the country arrested. 18 states say they still want to push
at 5:48 a.m. due to a problem with an air compressor in the brak- illegally. A federal judge’s decision a day ear-
ing system, Caltrain spokeswoman Christine Dunn said. similar measures.
Then, at about 7:50 a.m., southbound train No. 314 broke
style of Ethel Merman, the Reno of the In any event, “All’s well and is sure to
down at the San Mateo station, Dunn said. That train had a faulty
light that indicated the train was overheating, even though that
was not the case, she said. Caltrain’s computer system also ini-
tially indicated that a third train, No. 206, had gone out of serv-
Continued from page 3
original version, are absolutely perfect.
Walter M. Mayes’ Moonface and Tim
Reynolds’ Lord Evelyn Oakleigh are the
end well,” in all such Broadway “fluff”
musicals, so, one should just sit back and
bask in the sunshine of great and memo-
ice at the San Carlos station, but Dunn said it was a glitch in the show’s scene-stealers. The choreogra- rable show tunes, spirited choreography
system, and that the train had no problems. phy and the cast and dancer’s enthusi- (by Dottie Lester-White), 1934 costum-
American speech idioms that are caus-
The disabled trains caused delays of up to an hour in both asm keeps the audience’s toes tapping. ing by Janis Bergmann, sets by Joe
directions. Passengers on the disabled trains were transferred to ing him to come to bizarre conclusions And John Musgrave as Elisha shows Ragey and wait for the next revival,
other trains that had to single-track through some areas, Dunn about what was being said to him. again that he is possibly the best charac- which is sure to come again and again
said. Karen DeHart’s vocals, rooted in the ter actor in the Bay Area. throughout the show biz ages.
borhood elementary schools and one middle approved project list. the increased number of children, at a cost of
Continued from page 1
school, Ralston, located in Belmont.
Redwood Shores residents are currently pay-
ing the bill for Redwood Shores Elementary,
All district residents will vote on a $25 mil-
lion bond measure, a tax of $11 per $100,000
of a property’s assessed value, to upgrade
$30 per $100,000 of the assessed property
If both measures pass, Redwood Shores
due to open in the fall. School officials say Ralston Middle School. Among the potential voters would be paying $41 per $100,000 of
renovations are needed at the Belmont upgrades are: Repairing roofs, upgrading the assessed property value (including the pre-
elementary schools in that city and a district- schools. Creating two bond measures seemed electrical systems to support new technology, vious measure) compared to Belmont and San
wide measure to support Ralston Middle to be the most equitable option for the district, upgrading and renovating classrooms, adding Carlos residents who would be paying $36.
School. Both measures require a 55 percent officials said. classrooms and repairing heating, plumbing A 450-person phone poll conducted in
passage rate. Only Belmont residents will vote on a $35 and electrical systems, according to the February found 63 percent support for a
Moving forward now should create the most million bond measure supporting the four ele- approved project list. potential $75 million bond measure initially.
support for such measures, said Board mentary schools located within the city limits This will be the second time the district cre- Support increased as the fee per $100,000 of
President Cathy Wright who noted more peo- — Nesbit, Fox, Central and Cipriani. Such a ated a separate facilities district to fund the assessed value of property dropped from
ple who support schools generally show up in measure would come with a tax of $27 per upgrades. $33 to $21. Godbe Research, which conduct-
general elections. $100,000 of a property’s assessed value. When all the enrollment increases were in ed the poll, suggested asking for $27, which
The district was faced with an issue of pro- Among the potential upgrades are: Repairing Redwood Shores, the district wanted to keep generated 61 percent support. Such a measure
viding funds to update all schools while roofs, replacing water, sewer and plumbing neighborhood schools and 300 children were would require 55 percent to pass and Godbe
equally taxing residents in two cities. systems, adding electrical service capacity, being displaced, she explained. Redwood projections came with a 5 percent margin of
Redwood Shores is a neighborhood of
upgrading classrooms, renovating classrooms Shores residents passed a $25 million bond in error, resulting in the conservative recommen-
Redwood City. Most students attend neigh-
and expanding technology, according to the November 2005 to build a new school housing dation.
are pretty limited on what we can do to lagoon years ago. used to swim in the lagoon when he was
Continued from page 1
address the issue.”
The key, Bessey said, is to keep the water in
the Marina Lagoon from sitting still by keep-
“I felt like I was getting sick every time I
kayaked,” Moran said.
Moran is a chemist who deals with water in
younger but would not swim there now.
“The water here used to be clear blue but I
wouldn’t swim in it today,” Polk said.
ing tidal flood gates open to the Bay. the work she does. The county’s other most polluted beaches in
There were more advisory days listed for “What we need is to understand the prob- 2009 were Oyster Point Marina in South San
Lakeshore Park’s water samples exceeded the two beaches in San Mateo due to some lem and find a cost-effective solution,” Moran Francisco, Pacifica State Beach at Linda Mar
the state standard for bacteria in 26 percent of sewage spills into the Marina Lagoon, Lew said. “We know the bacteria measurements. and Fitzgerald Marine at Moss Beach.
samples, just behind Pillar Point at 28 percent.
said. In heavy rains, storm drains and creeks Now we have to find a course to solving the In San Francisco County, the dirtiest beach-
The beaches are safe to swim in today, how-
are also flushed into the lagoon, causing high- problem.” es are Baker Beach and Candlestick Point’s
ever, said Vern Bessey, San Mateo’s water
quality environmental programs manager. If er bacteria levels, Lew said. Ducks and geese Aquatic and Lakeshore parks beaches were Windsurfer Circle. Windsurfer Circle exceed-
the county’s health system does not post advi- can also contaminate the water, she said. intended to be swimming beaches, Moran ed the state’s daily maximum bacterial stan-
sories or closures at the beaches, then the In 2009, the county took 847 water samples, said. dards 46 percent of the time in 2009, although
water should be safe to swim in, he said. down significantly from 2008, when the coun- The city of San Mateo was fined nearly $1 it had advisories about not swimming in the
The city has long-range sewer-system reha- ty took 964 water samples, Lew said. The million last year by the San Francisco Bay water or was closed completely only 37 days.
bilitation plans but could take 20 years to county is currently taking water samples with Regional Water Quality Control Board for let- The illnesses associated with polluted
complete, Bessey said. federal stimulus money, set to run out this ting sewage leak into the Bay. beachwater include conditions such as skin
“The pipes are very old. We need to October, Lew said. Yesterday, Hodari Polk took his 3-year-old rashes, pinkeye, respiratory infections, menin-
increase sewer capacity,” Bessey said. “We San Mateo Planning Commissioner Kelly son Zion to Aquatic Park for lunch. gitis and hepatitis, according to the Natural
Moran said she stopped using her kayak in the Polk, a former San Mateo resident, said he Resources Defense Council.
to support a stricter rule. As a volunteer who possibility of creating designated smoking public property, downtown dining areas,
Continued from page 1
helps clean areas of the community,
Matsumoto also noted the large amount of
trash generated by smokers in the form of
zones. Both argued imposing the regulation
in one area could create unfair effects on
one business district.
downtown entryways and exits and at public
While elected officials were not in favor
butts and packaging. Mayor Mark Addiego questioned the role of stricter regulations in downtown, all
A number of people spoke supporting the of government when it came to decisions agreed parks should be smoke-free. All
In addition, staff was asked to research stricter regulations even asking for an like smoking. Currently the city prohibits pointed to the creation of a healthier envi-
ways of sharing the costs for cleaning increased no-smoking zone around doors, smoking inside a number of buildings, ronment for children with such a ban.
downtown. from 5 feet to 20 or 30 feet. Matsumoto sup- including city-owned facilities. South San Francisco is not alone in regu-
“Smokers have a choice. Non-smokers do ported the stricter regulation but was alone Under Wednesday’s proposal, smoking lating smoking in parks. Smoking in parks
not,” said Matsumoto, according to a video in her desire to move forward. would be prohibited at places of employ- is banned in Redwood City, Belmont and
of the meeting. Councilman Rich Garbarino and Vice ment, indoor common areas, public places San Mateo. In Burlingame, smoking is pro-
Smoking carries with it a number of Mayor Kevin Mullin were interested in like parks, city buildings and vehicles, ele- hibited on sports fields and at city-spon-
health concerns, which inspired Matsumoto things being equal across the city with the vators, service areas, downtown outdoor sored events.
large banners she posts at the intersection. cer during a hearing regarding the lawsuits in Mental Health Court, but refused treatment
Continued from page 1
The signs and banners contain incoherent
messages about God, her son, the government
and other topics. She once displayed similar
August 2008 from the cities seeking her evic-
tion because of code enforcement violations.
When the judge ordered her from the court-
and was sentenced to 38 days in jail.
Benavides admitted yesterday she was
homeless and has taken to dancing on the cor-
messages on two houses and two cars she for- room, she hit a deputy twice on the arm as he ner in the past week. “I dance because my legs
merly owned in Belmont and San Mateo. Both tried turning off her microphone then kicked get tired,” Benavides, 50, said.
irritant,” Halleran said.
Last May, city officials investigated whether cities sued her for violating city codes related him in the shin. Two deputies were required to Benavides began painting messages on the
she could be cited for blight because of the to sign sizes on her houses. She was convict- pick her up and out of the courtroom. roof and garage door of her home on Cottage
ed of a misdemeanor for resisting a peace offi- She was offered a referral to the Pathways Grove Avenue in San Mateo starting in 2006.
THE DAILY JOURNAL OPINION Friday • July 30, 2010 9
Editorial Contact Us
ike many people, I have gas from deep this legislation because I believe • Rich Grogan:‘Troubles of coverage, analysis and insight with the latest
been deeply impacted by beneath the we need to protect our waters, Caltrain’ business, lifestyle, state, national and world news,
the oil spill tragedy in the earth. For eleven beaches and sea life from environ- • Ted Rudow III: Stealing $10 we seek to provide our readers with the highest
Gulf of Mexico. Whether BP’s days, oil work- mental vulnerability. The economic billion quality information resource in San Mateo County.
temporary cap will result in no fur- ers struggled to output derived from coastal busi- • Sean Foote: Not to be Our pages belong to you, our readers, and we
ther leakage of oil, efforts to clean cap the rupture. trusted choose to reflect the diverse character of this
ness in California is an estimated
up the 86-days worth of spilled dynamic and ever-changing community.
During that $20 billion in economic activity Publisher
crude oil will continue for many time, 200,000 and over 369,000 people are Jerry Lee
years to come. The economic con- gallons of crude oil bubbled to the employed on the coast. As green smdailyjournal.com Editor in Chief
sequences of the spill and its sub- surface and was spread into an 800 technologies begin to advance, we in the Opinion/Letters section Jon Mays
sequent cleanup will be felt for our square mile slick by winds and need to wean ourselves off “for- Sports Editor
lifetime and possibly future genera- swells. Incoming tides brought the eign” oil dependence and focus on Nathan Mollat
tion’s in the Gulf. How we can thick tar to beaches from Rincon being energy independent through mitment to keep our local beaches Copy Editor/Page Designer
Erik Oeverndiek
ensure that our coastline does not Point to Goleta, marring 35 miles solar, wind and geothermal tech- clean for future generations to
of coastline. Production Manager
meet the same fate and what nologies. We must focus on the enjoy. “One Life, One Beach” Nicola Zeuzem
actions can we take to preserve our And just three years ago, the future of our beaches in our com-
Cosco Buscan’s collision within takes place on Saturday, July 31, Production Assistant
pristine coast? munity so we do not have to suffer Julio Lara
While some may think what hap- the San Francisco Bay Bridge from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., at Thornton
the irreparable damage which is Marketing & Events
pened in the Gulf could not happen caused a large spill of 54,000 gal- occurring in the Gulf of Mexico. Beach in Daly City. For more Kerry McArdle
here in California, history suggests lons of bunker fuel oil that coated I have joined a coalition of faith- details contact Melody at 291- Senior Reporter
otherwise. On Jan. 29, 1969, an birds and other wildlife. More than based groups, environmental organ- 5039. Michelle Durand
environmental nightmare began in 2,500 birds died in the spill, and izations and community leaders for Reporters
Santa Barbara when a natural gas more than fifty beaches in the Bay an event called “One Life, One Emanuel Lee, Heather Murtagh, Bill Silverfarb
Area were closed, including beach- As a member of the Daly City
blowout occurred on a Union Oil Beach.” This event is a beach Senior Correspondent: Events
Co. platform stationed six-miles off es in Daly City and Pacifica. cleanup of regional magnitude, not Council, David Canepa, 34, repre- Susan E. Cohn
the coast of Summerland. An initial A piece of legislation working its only including concerned citizens sents the largest city in San Mateo Business Staff
attempt to cap the hole was suc- way through Congress, The West from Pacifica and Daly City but Charlotte Andersen Anthony Aspillera
Coast Protection Act, (HR 5213), County with more than 104,000 resi- Mark Aspillera Jennifer Bishop
cessful but led to a tremendous regional stakeholders as well. The Keith Blake Gloria Brickman
buildup of pressure. The expanding would create a permanent ban on goal is to protect our coast from oil dents. He can be reached at Gale Divver Robert O’Leary
new offshore oil and natural gas Jeff Palter Kris Skarston
mass created five breaks in an east- drilling and demonstrating a com- david@davidcanepa.com.
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10 Friday • July 30, 2010 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL
Sports Digest Ex-NBA player Wright shot to death ESPN.com removes article Tseng, Hull lead at
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Former NBA big man on LeBron James in Las Vegas Women’s British Open
Sharapova, Azarenka reach Lorenzen Wright, whose body was found in NEW YORK — ESPN.com removed an SOUTHPORT, England — Yani Tseng shot
quarterfinals of Bank of the West the woods outside Memphis, was shot to death article chronicling Lebron James’ activities
and the case is being investigated as a homi- a 4-under 68 in the opening round of the
STANFORD — Maria Sharapova and during a weekend in Las Vegas. Women’s British Open at Royal Birkdale on
cide, police said Thursday. ESPN said the article, by
Victoria Azarenka made it to the quarterfinals Police wouldn’t answer Thursday, and is tied for the lead as she pur-
of the Bank of the West Classic on Thursday. ESPNLosAngeles.com reporter Arash sues her third major championship.
questions about motive or Markazi, was available for about 9 1/2 hours
Shahar Peer, another seeded player, wasn’t suspects. But records indi- The rising star from Taiwan shot a bogey-
as fortunate. on its server Wednesday. It described the new
cate that Wright, 34, Miami Heat star drinking free round that included a birdie and an eagle
Former world No. 1 revered in his hometown on the two finishing holes, putting her in a tie
Sharapova, the fifth seed, at nightclubs and receiving
as a generous and likable a cake from go-go dancers for the lead with Australian Katherine Hull.
beat Belarus’ Olga sports hero, was probably
Govortsova, 6-3, 6-3 and in a VIP section. “I played really, really solid. I hit all greens
carrying a large amount of Rob King, editor in chief but one today and I putted pretty well,” said
the eighth-seeded cash when he disappeared
Azarenka topped Lorenzen of ESPN Digital Media, Tseng, who already has won the Kraft
on July 18. A court affi- said in a telephone inter-
American Melanie Oudin, Wright davit obtained by The Nabisco Championship this season to go with
6-3, 6-1 in second round view with the Associated the LPGA Championship she won in 2008.
Associated Press also said Press on Thursday that the
action while Maria Wright had sold two vehicles to a man affili- “The last two par-fives were just like long
Kirilenko knocked off the story was posted before it par-fours with the wind, so I stayed relaxed
Maria ated with a Memphis drug ring that’s suspect- LeBron James had been cleared by senior
sixth-seeded Peer, 6-4, 6- ed in six deaths. and tried to make birdies,” Tseng said. “It was
Sharapova 3. editors and that Markazi
His family filed a missing person report didn’t identify himself as a reporter in gather- pretty good.”
The 16th-ranked Peer with police on July 22, four days after he was Hull was among the last players on the
became the first seeded player to fall at the ing the information used to report the story.
last seen, but investigators repeatedly said “I made the call,” King said. “I just plainly course and also made an eagle on the 18th
event, losing for the fourth time in her last six they didn’t suspect foul play. Wright’s mother felt it was wrong to gather information in this hole — in front of nearly deserted grandstands
matches after opening the year 18-5, which said in the report that she was worried because
included a three-set win over Kirilenko in way, so we would not publish the information — to join Tseng at 4 under. Hull dropped a
his silence was out of character and “he prob- in any fashion.” stroke at the fourth hole before rattling off
New Zealand. ably has a large amount of cash on him.”
The 27th-ranked Kirilenko, who meets No. ESPN has been criticized by some for turn- three birdies in a four-hole stretch beginning
The report said that the day he disappeared, ing over air time to James for his July 8
3 seed Agnieszka Radwanska in Friday’s he had been dropped off at a restaurant by a at No. 7.
quarterfinals, is assured of her best finish at announcement that he was leaving Cleveland Anne-Lise Caudal of France took the early
woman and later taken to his ex-wife’s house to sign with Miami.
Stanford in three trips. in Collierville, a Memphis suburb. The ex- lead with her round of 3-under 69, and she
Azarenka, who broke into the top 10 last The network issued a statement from was matched later in the day by South Korea’s
wife, Sherra Wright, told officers that Wright
year, reached her sixth quarterfinal of the year Markazi saying he understood the decision Kim Lang and Sun Young Yoo, along with
left her home in the middle of the night with
by winning her eighth in her last 10 matches. not to run his story.
someone. Brittany Lincicome of the United States.
trained me how to deal website, where people can buy everything still gets asked why he has to run the couple
Continued from page 12
with ... I mean, those poor
people, I feel like I could-
n’t walk away from. It’s
from his books, DVDs and posters. After the
50/50/50, Karnazes basically became a
household, overnight sensation.
extra hundred of miles when anything over
20 taxes the human body like few things can.
Why put himself through such excruciating
this whole other chal- But fame hasn’t come without its critics. It and physical mental pain?
lenge. I just want to go never does. Some say Karnazes has become Karnazes has a hard time answering the
Whitney — the highest peak in the lower 48 run.” too corporate, and worse yet, that he’s question, but I have a couple of theories. For
states. Since then, Karnazes has been on an My, how times have become famous by not even being the best at one, he can, but more importantly, Karnazes
incredible journey that’s taken him to all changed. Although what he does. is hard-wired to achieve the unthinkable,
seven continents — twice.
“It’s been a dream come true,” he said. Dean Karnazes Karnazes said he’s still a To which I say, phooey. What’s wrong with where impossible is nothing. He lives by a
tad uncomfortable talking marketing yourself, then capitalizing on it? simple motto: Never stop exploring.
Karnazes rose to instant stardom after run- about his fame in front of the cameras, he As far as I know, Karnazes hasn’t caused He loves the solitude of running, even if
ning 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days recognizes he has a role “to spread the word, anyone pain or cost people their lives. He’s most of the time he’s got a camera crew or
(50/50/50). Although he still had something if you will.” After struggling initially with his living a dream. Are there other ultrama- legions of fans following him around. That’s
left in the tank to run some more, he wasn’t newfound fame, Karnazes grew more com- rathoners who are faster? why Karnazes loves to escape from time to
prepared for the attention that would come fortable into his role as the de facto evangel- Yes. But that’s really not the point. time, going on runs at night where it’s just
his way. ist of the ultramarathon running world. Karnazes has inspired people through his him and him alone.
A 2006 CNN.com article described a scene He’s slick, polished and well-versed in unyielding determination, steely focus and When I called Karnazes Thursday after-
in which 200 people were waiting for public relations. His magazine-cover looks positive attitude, which is downright infec- noon, I don’t think he was running, which
Karnazes on the 49th day of his journey, landed him, on, well, numerous magazine tious. He runs just to run, and everytime he would be a shock in itself. After all, when
hoping to get an autograph or word with him. covers. does, it takes him on a deep and spiritual you’re training to literally run in every coun-
“I am just not freaking prepared for all He’s appeared on numerous talk shows and journey. try of the world, there’s no such thing as
this,” Karnazes said in the CNN story. “I just he’s authored a New York Times best seller downtime.
Still, there’s running and then there’s ultra-
want to go running; it’s crazy. No one’s and has his own ultramarathon man store marathon running, and to this day Karnazes “Relaxing stresses me out,” he said.
he insists that skateboarding will remain the yin practice area, but Hawk gave White another White is drawing more buzz for his entry in
Continued from page 12
to his snowboarding yang, and it might as well be
because if he chose just one professional sport,
the other would be his full-time hobby anyway.
ramp, which he moved to a sound stage on the
Paramount Pictures lot in Hollywood. There,
he’s able to practice skating and jam with friends
Skateboard Vert Best Trick, an event that returns
to the X Games after a three-year absence.
With his high-flying style and strength, White
“I’m such a competitive person, I’d be skating on a rock band set-up, making all kinds of rack-
et. has long been considered the skater who will pull
just as hard in summer and snowboarding just as off the 1080, the next big skate-trick break-
White aggravated the injury in May at another
hard in winter,” White said. “We kind of got all Hollywood,” White said.
unlikely place, a kids’ skate park in L.A.’s Venice through after Hawk’s 900, a seminal moment at
Beach. That’s left him having to cram to prepare White may be the biggest star ever in action He said he relishes driving around the movie the X Games in 1999.
sports, with the possible exception of his friend lot and getting lost.
for the X Games. White, though, says he is probably too rusty to
and benefactor Tony Hawk, appearing on TV “The other day I think I ended up in downtown
“I just started skating again this month,” White commercials, with a kids clothing line and video New York,” he said. pull off the three full mid-air spins the trick
said. “People think it’s just like snowboarding but games (a skateboarding game comes out later requires.
White may be a long shot to win gold in
it’s not. Just today I relearned my final trick.” this year to go with his snowboarding game). Skateboard Vert, with 30-year-old Canadian “I’m not sure, I mean everybody wants me to
Because of the Olympics and his earlier suc- Hawk continues to help White’s prospects for Pierre-Luc Gagnon looking to win his third go for the ten, but man, I just got back on my
cess in snowboarding, skateboarding has always skateboard success — and good times. straight X Games gold in the event and skating board,” he said. “I’m just going to wing it. I’ll just
been regarded by fans as his secondary sport. But White has long used Hawk’s home ramp as his with his usual consistency and technical mastery. try to throw something out there.”
respected defensive coaches. McClain was Now the Raiders hope he can have the same 146 touchdowns on the ground — 15 more
Continued from page 12
one of the key cogs in Saban’s rapid turn-
around at Alabama, helping the Crimson Tide
win the national championship last season.
type of impact on another storied team that
has had recent struggles. Since going to the
Super Bowl following the 2002 season, the
than the second-worst team, St. Louis.
The Raiders also took defensive lineman
Lamarr Houston in the second round and
Alabama ranked 46th in the nation in run Raiders have lost at least 11 games the past added Pro Bowl defensive tackle John
defense before McClain arrived. The Tide seven years. They are 29-83 in that span, the Henderson and LB Kamerion Wimbley in the
going to get better and better as we go, and we improved to 28th in his freshman year and second-worst record in the NFL. offseason. “It’s scary how good I think we
just got to keep teaching him.” second in his final two seasons. He won the Stopping the run has been a common theme to could be,” McClain said. “I think we may
McClain was part of Nick Saban’s first Butkus Award as the top college linebacker, Oakland’s struggles the past seven seasons. have a little stepping stone in there but if
recruiting class at Alabama, spending three recording 105 tackles, including 14.5 for loss- The Raiders have allowed an NFL-worst everybody comes to work and everybody does
years learning under one of the game’s most es. 143.7 yards rushing per game since then and their job, we should be fine.”
Cantu had two singles, scored twice and Cantu is set to meet the team in Anaheim on week. I tried not to think about it.”
Continued from page 13
made an error in the Marlins’ 5-0 win at San
Francisco before being replaced on defense in
the bottom of the eighth.
Friday morning. He hit .262 with 10 home
runs and 54 RBIs for Florida.
The Rangers already have All-Star Michael
The Rangers sent Double-A right-handers
Evan Reed and Omar Poveda to Florida.
Texas also receives cash in the deal. The
“Deep inside I’m very sad to leave the Young at third base — Cantu said in recent
Orioles got right-hander Wynn Pelzer for
Marlins, of course,” Cantu said. “My turn is to days he was prepared to switch back to his
and that’s always good,” Tejada added. “I Tejada.
go right now to the Texas Rangers and help former spot at first base, a position of need for
think we can have a chance to win.” that ballclub out. They’re playing well and the Rangers. The Phillies sent a pair of 19-year-olds, out-
The AL West-leading Rangers added anoth- winning the division. I think it will be fun. “I had a good feeling something was going fielder Anthony Gose and shortstop Jonathan
er bat for the playoff push, acquiring Cantu Whenever you go to a new team it’s always to happen,” he said. “I really wanted to win Villar, to the Astros. Houston then traded
from the Florida Marlins for two minor league fun and exciting. ... There’s still two months to here for the Marlins. It is a good relief because Gose to Toronto for Triple-A first baseman
pitchers. go. I know what I’m capable of doing.” it was lingering around in my head for about a Brett Wallace.
THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Friday • July 30, 2010 15
30 31 1 2 3 4 5
vs.Dodgers vs.Dodgers vs.Dodgers OFF @Colorado @Colorado @Atlanta East Division East Division
7:15 p.m. 1:10 p.m. 1:05 p.m.
5:40 p.m. 12:10 p.m. 4:10 p.m.
W L T Pts GF GA New York 65 36 .644 — Atlanta 58 43 .574 —
Columbus 10 3 4 34 25 13 Tampa Bay 63 38 .624 2 Philadelphia 56 46 .549 2 1/2
@Chicago @Chicago vs.Royals vs.Royals
7:05 p.m. 7:05 p.m. vs.Royals New York 52 50 .510 6 1/2
5:10 p.m. 4:05 p.m.
11:05 a.m. OFF New York 8 6 2 26 18 19 Boston 58 44 .569 7 1/2
CSN-CAL CSN-CAL CSN-CAL CSN-CAL 12:35 p.m. Florida 51 51 .500 7 1/2
CSN-CAL Toronto FC 6 5 5 23 19 18 Toronto 53 49 .520 12 1/2
Washington 44 58 .431 14 1/2
Chicago 4 5 5 17 18 19 Baltimore 32 70 .311 34
July 31 Aug. 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 21 Aug. 28 Sept. 5 Sept. 11
vs. Seattle @ Colorado vs.Kansas City vs.LA Galaxy @ N.Y. @ Houston Kansas City 4 8 4 16 13 20 Central Division
vs. Dallas
7 p.m. 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
7 p.m. Central Division W L Pct GB
CSN-CAL CSN-CAL CSN-CAL Philadelphia 4 8 2 14 18 26
CSN+ W L Pct GB Cincinnati 57 46 .553 —
New England 4 9 2 14 15 26
Chicago 57 44 .564 — St.Louis 56 46 .549 1/2
Aug. 1 Aug. 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 22 Aug. 28 Sept. 1 Sept. 5 D.C. 3 11 3 12 12 28
@Atlanta vs.Chicago vs.Washington
Minnesota 56 46 .549 1 1/2 Milwaukee 48 55 .466 9
@ Chicago
2 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 3 p.m.
@ Atlanta @Sky Blue FC vs.Boston Detroit 51 50 .505 6 Chicago 46 56 .451 10 1/2
4 p.m. 4 p.m. TBD
WESTERN CONFERENCE Kansas City 42 60 .412 15 1/2 Houston 42 59 .416 14
W L T Pts GF GA Cleveland 42 60 .412 15 1/2 Pittsburgh 36 65 .356 20
iPorn potential?
By Joel Schectman
Continued from page 16
Adult industry sees iPorn potential
THE PHONE: The iPhone 4’s FaceTime chat services and starting to hire workers
just conversation.
So far, most online video sex chat services
have let the customer see the performer, but
feature lets people call another iPhone 4 through Craigslist. not the other way around. FaceTime may
user and have live video conversations THE IRONY: The phone maker, Apple change that.
entirely different kind with its stars. And using the front-facing cameras. Inc., has taken pains to keep “We are seeing more and more that cus-
while the technology may be new, the idea is THE RESPONSE: Adult-entertainment pornographic iPhone apps out of the tomers want to be watched as much as they
not. Porn providers have always been early companies are developing video-sex iTunes store. want to watch,” said Dan Hogue, owner of an
adopters. adult chat company called CamWorld, which
In the 1970s, the demand for explicit is planning FaceTime services.
videos at home helped VCRs become wide- media research company. device hit stores. They should be ready in a
And for years, cameras mounted on com- matter of weeks. Boyer said the company will The rise of FaceTime porn puts Apple in an
spread, and the industry was the first to awkward position. Its competitors have prod-
embrace DVDs, too. Internet porn peddlers puters have helped connect people for racy offer FaceTime sessions with some of the
online video sessions. But the portability and same women who appear in its videos — ucts that allow video chat, too — HTC’s Evo
were some of the first to make wide use of 4G phone, for one. But Apple has made a big
streaming video and online credit card pay- privacy of a cell phone makes FaceTime a likely charging $5 or $6 a minute, payable by
new frontier for the industry. credit card. deal about keeping applications sold in its
“A phone is such an intimate thing, you “It has a very personal feel — your mobile iTunes store clean.
“The first time someone created a camera
usually don’t lend it out or have someone else phone to hers,” he said. Apple has rejected book apps for featuring
there was someone who said, ’Wouldn’t it be
use it,” said Quentin Boyer, a spokesman for Online exhibitionism is only growing. Take sexual content and political satires for their
good for someone to take off their clothes in
Pink Visual, an adult production company. Chatroulette, which randomly connects potential to offend. While some rejected apps
front of this camera?”’ said Michael
Boyer said his company began planning for strangers for video chats. While the service have been approved after revisions, Apple has
Gartenberg, vice president at Interpret LLC, a
iPhone 4 video services almost as soon as the isn’t explicitly sexual, it’s common for users kept one strict rule: No porn.
adding that the book was still a best sell- been satiated. There were many propos-
Continued from page 16
Beyond Kelley, there is a core of writ-
ers taking on familiar celebrities, includ-
als floating around and we passed on
The celebrity books most likely to sell
ing C. David Heymann (the Kennedys) are those written by (or at least involv-
and Edward Klein (Katie Couric, Hillary ing) the celebrities themselves. Chelsea
know what they’re talking about.”
Clinton). But the market is so tough now Handler, Tori Spelling and Mackenzie
The unauthorized celebrity book was
defined and mastered by Kitty Kelley, that not even the death of Michael Phillips are among those with recent
who in the 1980s and 1990s had million Jackson could expand it. Only a couple hits. While some memoirs flop, such as
sellers in hardcover alone with biogra- of Jackson biographies, briefly, were Sarah Silverman’s, more celebrities keep
phies of Frank Sinatra and Nancy best sellers, among them Ian Halperin’s getting signed up. A month after
Reagan. Her latest, “Oprah,” was a hit by “Unmasked” and J. Randy Taraborrelli’s Silverman’s book came out, Demi
most standards, but not for Kelley, who “Michael Jackson,” an updated edition Moore reached a seven-figure deal with
herself has said that the Internet endan- of an older book. the same publisher, HarperCollins.
gers her kind of book. “Oprah” has sold “Everyone was on overload,” says “There is a distinction between biog-
just 115,000 copies so far, according to Taraborrelli’s publisher, Jamie Raab of raphies and celebrity memoirs,”
Nielsen BookScan, which tracks around Grand Central Publishing. “We put out Bostelman says. “Celebrity memoirs
70-75 percent of sales. the one book because it was essentially seem to be gaining sales depending on
“The sales of ‘Oprah’ were well below already written. By the time a new one the strength of the author’s platform and
our expectations,” Bostelman said, would have come, people would have fan base.”
Twin Pines Senior and Community
Continued from page 16
‘Dinner for Schmucks’
Director: Jay Roach
Tech Talks. Noon to 1 p.m. Lane Center, 20 Twin Pines Lane, Documentary: $100 a Day. 2 p.m.
Cast: Steve Carell,Paul Rudd,
Community Room, Burlingame Belmont. Live music by ‘The Peninsula Jewish Community Center, Jemaine Clement,Jeff
Public Library. 480 Primrose Road, Casuals.’ Dancing, music and prizes. 800 Foster City Blvd., Foster City. know each other during a series of mishaps Dunham,Bruce Greenwood
Burlingame. Free. For more informa- $6. For more information call 595- View this compelling documentary and misunderstandings, the pacing drags and
tion call 558-7400. 7444. about Peninsula resident Rich Rated: PG-13 for sequences of crude
Walker, who spent 12 years in prison the script takes this twosome through some and sexual content,some
Paws and Claws Wildlife Show. THURSDAY, AUG. 5 for a murder he did not commit. $4. seriously time-consuming, hit-and-miss partial nudity and language.
1:30 p.m. Coyote Point Museum, A Month for Artists at Little For more information call 212-PJCC
1651 Coyote Point Drive, San Mateo. House. 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Little or visit pjcc.org. detours en route to a predictably safe ending. Grade:
Learn about Coyote Point’s non- House, 800 Middle Ave., Menlo Park. But Carell, being the smart, sensitive comic
releasable animals. Free with admis- Workshop for individual artists to Paws for Tales. 4 p.m. San Mateo actor that he is, infuses what might have been
sion. For more information visit coy- work with artists and art organiza- Public Library, 55 W. Third Ave., San
otepmuseum.org. tions to find opportunities for exhibit- Mateo. Children ages 5 and up can an insufferably obnoxious character with
ing, networking, sharing of ideas, improve their reading skills and make some real humanity. You come to care about
Marian Call. 8 p.m. 917 Main St., teaching and more. $7 per session, a new friend by reading aloud to a this guy, especially once you learn how he
Redwood City. Singer-songwriter $20 for all workshops in August (held therapy dog from the Peninsula
Marian Call will be performing the every Thursday). For more informa- Humane Society and the SPCA’s Pet stumbled into his sad-sack life. The same
‘Little India.’ Free. Space is limited. tion call 326-2025. Assisted Therapy program. Free. can’t be said for Rudd’s character — the pecting fool builds models of famous monu-
For more information and to reserve
a space call 361-8737. The Bay Area Girls and TUESDAY, AUG. 10 straight man in the equation — because he’s ments using matchsticks. Barry makes intri-
Masterpiece. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Make Your Own Jigsaw Puzzle at drawn so plainly, it’s hard to feel emotionally cate dioramas using dead mice he’s lovingly
‘The Greatest Player That Ever Central Park, 50 E. Fifth Ave., San Little House. 9 a.m. to noon. Little invested in whether he suffers or succeeds.
Played The Game.’ 8:30 p.m. San Mateo. Free. For more information House Wood Shop, 800 Middle Ave., dressed up and placed in whimsical settings;
Benito House, 356 Main St., Half visit cityofsanmateo.org. Menlo Park. Learn how to use wood- Rudd stars as Tim Conrad, a financial ana- the details of them, highlighted at the film’s
Moon Bay. Norm Coleman will per- working tools and complete your lyst on the verge of a promotion at a compet- start, are hilarious and awesome at once.
form his one-man show. For more Millbrae Housing Update. 6 p.m. own jigsaw puzzle. For more infor-
information call 712-1879. Millbrae Library, Room B. 1 Library mation call 326-2025. itive private equity firm. But first, he must Being clueless about everything else in life,
Ave., Millbrae. Learning what is hap- impress his boss (Bruce Greenwood) at a though, Barry gets his nights mixed up and
Big Daddy Sunshine Performance. pening to housing in Millbrae. Free. Soroptimist of Burlingame, San secret monthly dinner where the company
9 p.m. St. James Gate. 1410 Old For more information call Joshua Mateo Lunch. 12:15 p.m. to 1:30 gloms onto Tim early. Since he’s such a
County Road, Belmont. We are cele- Huggs at 872-4444. p.m. Luceti’s, 109 W. 25th Ave., San elite compete to see who can bring the biggest
decent fellow, he tries to help Tim out of a
brating our drummer Dave’s birthday. Mateo. Featuring speaker Lynelle idiot as their guest. Tim’s sophisticated girl-
For more information call 592-5923. FRIDAY, AUG 6. Bilsey talking about the Shelter friend Julie (Stephanie Szostak) is appalled at series of sticky situations but, naturally, only
Pacific Art League’s August Network’s programs to help home- makes things worse. This includes making
SATURDAY, JULY 31 Opening and Reception. Pacific Art less individuals and families return to the cruelty of this concept but — clearly being
Millbrae Relay For Life. 10 a.m. League, 668 Ramona St., Palo Alto. self-sufficiency. Cost of lunch is $20. an idiot himself — he goes through with it Julie think he’s having an affair with a psycho
Mills High School Track. 400 Opening reception for the August For more information e-mail sib-
anyway, hoping to impress her enough that stalker (Lucy Punch) and breaking into the
Murchison Drive, Millbrae. Help exhibits. Refreshments served. Free. smmp@gmail.com.
fight cancer by spending the day and For more information contact mar- she’ll finally say yes to his repeated marriage loft of an arrogant artist and notorious wom-
night at the Mills Hill School Track. keting@pacificartleague.org. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 11 proposals. Flawed logic, but whatever. anizer (Jemaine Clement) who’s one of Julie’s
Donations go to American Cancer Movies at Little House. 1:30 p.m.
Society. For more information call Happy Hour: Dinner, Drinks and Little House Auditorium, 800 Middle When Tim literally runs into Barry Speck top clients. They also run into Zach
692-3195. Dancing with Vince Mantia. 4 p.m. Ave., Menlo Park. Featuring ‘Mostly (Carell), a kindhearted IRS employee and Galifianakis, underused in a one-note role as
to 6 p.m. San Bruno Senior Center, Martha.’ $2 members, $3 non-mem-
Marianne’s Vintage Costume 1555 Crystal Springs Road. $5 in bers. For more information 326- amateur taxidermist, he knows he’s found his Barry’s work rival who fancies himself an
Jewelry Trunk show and presenta- advance $6 at the door. For more 2025. schmuck. In the original film, the poor, unsus- expert in mind control.
tion. 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Ritz- information call 616-7150.
Carlton Hotel Signature Shop, 1 Birds in the Garden. 7 p.m. San
Miramontes Point Road, Half Moon Polynesian Islands Dancing Troop. Carlos Library, 610 Elm St., San
Bay. Presentation and trunk show. 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Atria Burlingame, Carlos. Learn about making your gar-
For more information and to RSVP 250 Myrtle Road, Burlingame. den sustainable and ‘green’ by plant-
call 712-7017. Authentic luau cuisine and tradition- ing California native plants to beauti-
al Polynesian entertainment. Free. fy your garden and provide habitats
Paws and Claws Wildlife Show. 1 For more information and to RSVP for birds and butterflies. For more
p.m. and 3 p.m., Coyote Point by Aug. 4 call 343-2747. information visit cnps-scv.org.
Museum, 1651 Coyote Point Drive,
San Mateo. Learn about Coyote Beresford Boogle Social Dance. 8 THURSDAY, AUG. 12
Point’s non-releasable animals. Free p.m. to 10:45 p.m. Beresford Stroke Lecture Series. 1 p.m. to
with admission. For more informa- Recreation Center. 2720 Alameda de 2:30 p.m. Redwood City Downtown
tion visit coyotepmuseum.org. las Pulgas, San Mateo. Come for les- Library, 1044 Middlefield Road.
sons, dance, live music and snacks. Speaker Nancy Houst Miller. Free.
SUNDAY, AUG . 1 $12. For more information call 571- For more information and to RSVP
Kim’s Angels. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 0836. call 565-8485.
Main Street, Redwood City. First
official Kim’s Angels street fair event SATURDAY, AUG. 7 A Month for Artists at Little
packed with activities, raffles and Burlingame ArtzFest. 10 a.m. to 6 House. 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Little
more to raise funds for childhood p.m. Burlingame Avenue. Music, art, House, 800 Middle Ave., Menlo Park.
cancer and diseases. Free. For more vendors, food, rides and activities for Workshop for individual artists to
information call 222-2681 or visit children. Free. For more information work with artists and art organiza-
kimsangels.org. visit burlingamechamber.org. tions to find opportunities for exhibit-
ing, networking, sharing of ideas,
No Dig Gardening. 1p.m. to 3 p.m. ‘Mid-Century by the Bay.’ 1 p.m. teaching and more. $7 per session,
Central Park, Kohl Pumphouse, 101 San Mateo County History Museum, $20 for all workshops in August (held
Ninth Ave., San Mateo. Learn how to 2200 Broadway, Redwood City. every Thursday). For more informa-
garden with limited space. Free. For Heather David will discuss her book. tion call 326-2025.
more information visit sanmateoar- $5 adults, $3 seniors and students,
boretum.com or call 579-0536. members and children under 5 free. Sustainability for Positive Change
For more information call Diane 299- Art Auction. 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Menlo
First Sunday Line Dance with Tina 0104. College, 1000 El Camino Real,
Beare and Jeanette Feinberg. 1 Atherton. Join us for an evening of
p.m. to 4 p.m. San Bruno Senior New exhibit at the Foster City Art art, food, wine and entertainment at
Center, 1555 Crystal Springs Road. Gallery. 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Foster City the first annual silent art auction fea-
$5. For more information call 616- Art Gallery, 650 Shell Blvd. turing local artists. $20.
7150. Reception for two new artists, Vickie
Chiang and Peggy Kang, at the Foster Meditation: For Stress-Free
MONDAY, AUG. 2 City Art gallery. For more informa- Living. 6 p.m. East Palo Alto
Movies at Little House. 1 p.m. Little tion call 286-3380. Library, 2415 University Ave., East
House Auditorium, 800 Middle Ave., Palo Alto. Learn how to meditate
‘Match Your Key’ Dance Party. 8 from psychiatrist and author
Menlo Park. Featuring ‘An p.m. to noon. Clarion Hotel, 401 E.
Education.’ $2 for members, $3 for Marshall Zaslove. Free. For more
Millbrae Ave., Millbrae. Ballroom information call 321-7712.
non-members. For more information dance party for singles. $15 advance
call 326-2025. and $20 at the door. For more infor-
mation visit matchyourkey.com. FRIDAY, AUG. 13
TUESDAY, AUG. 3 Stories from the Past: ‘How
Make Your Own Jigsaw Puzzle at SUNDAY, AUG. 8 Baseball Saved Us.’ 11 a.m. San
Little House. 9 a.m. to noon. Little Tapping into the Creative Self: A Mateo County History Museum,
House Wood Shop, 800 Middle Ave., Hypnosis Workshop. 10 a.m. to 2200 Broadway, Redwood City. $5
Menlo Park. Learn how to use wood- noon. 122 Second Ave., Suite 209, adults, $3 seniors and students, mem-
working tools and complete your San Mateo. Delve into your subcon- bers and children under 5 free. For
own jigsaw puzzle. For more infor- scious with hypnotherapist Susan more information call Diane 299-
mation call 326-2025. Gold. $20. Space is limited; reserve 0104.
ahead of time at susangold.net or call
New Books at Funders Bookstore. 532-0509. For more information visit
11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 2200 Broadway, susangold.net.
Redwood City. First offering of
newly acquired collection of books Burlingame ArtzFest. 10 a.m. to 6
on California and the West. For more p.m. Burlingame Avenue. Music, art,
information call 299-0104. vendors, food, rides and activities for
children. Free. For more information
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 4 visit burlingamechamber.org.
Little House Book Club. 12:30 p.m.
to 2:30 p.m. Lucy Uhl Room of Little Victorian Days Walking Tour.
House, 800 Middle Ave., Menlo Park. 10:30 a.m. to noon. 627 Hamilton St.,
Little House Book Club will discuss Redwood City. A tour of historic
‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ by sites. Free. For more information call
Stieg Larsson. Free. For more infor- 299-0414.
mation contact Jeanette Rose at
jeanetterose@comcast.net. MONDAY, AUG. 9
Lecture: Planning Long-Term
Movies at Little House. 1:30 p.m. Care. 10 a.m. to 11a.m. San Mateo
Little House Auditorium, 800 Middle Senior Center, 2645 Alameda de las
Ave., Menlo Park. Featuring ‘Swing Pulgas, San Mateo. Learn about
Time.’ $2 for members, $3 for non- California Advocates for Nursing
members. For more information call Home Reform’s services and how
326-2025 and when they can help. Free. For
more information call 522-7490.
Millbrae Library Senior Program.
2 p.m. Millbrae Senior Center. 477 Plants at Twin Pines Park with Joe
Lincoln Circle, Millbrae. Museum of Zucca. 10 a.m. Twin Pines Senior
crafts and folk art workshop. For and Community Center, 20 Twin
more information call 697-7607. Pines Lane, Belmont. Learn fun facts
about the plants and the trees from
Medical Marijuana Speaker Series. around the globe. Free. For more
6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Jenning’s Pavilion at information call 595-7444.
Holbrook Palmer Park, Atherton.
Please contribute a $10, $15 or $25 Movies at Little House. 1 p.m. Little
donation if possible. For more infor- House Auditorium, 800 Middle Ave.,
mation contact Danielle Rosati at Menlo Park. Featuring ‘Song of the
natalie@storm1.com. Sparrows.’ $2 members, $3 non-
members. For more information 326-
Dance Night. 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 2025.
THE DAILY JOURNAL COMICS/GAMES Friday • July 30, 2010 21
Friday, July 30, 2010 your imagination by worrying about things that are not likely
to happen.
Endeavors in which you have a say about how they are han-
dled are likely to be quite beneficial for you in the year ahead. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) - Rather than ask what might
Don’t waste your time with any involvement in which another be wrong with something that is important to you, look for an
is calling the shots without input from you. accurate assessment. Others may think they have to come up
with something bad, even if they don’t see anything.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - You’re not likely to have much
patience with others, so take care that you don’t respond in PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) - This can be a precarious day
an unseemly manner should someone challenge your ideas or for you when it comes to your financial affairs if you handle
position. Keep your cool. your assets poorly. Be especially diligent about keeping your
purchasing from getting out of hand.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - This is not likely to be one of
your better days financially. It will be bad enough if you lose ARIES (March 21-April 19) - It might be impossible for you
money because of someone else, but it’ll be just plain dumb to move forward with your plans because of someone who is
to get yourself in trouble. fearful that what you do might subvert his/her schemes, and
is thusly trying to stop you first.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) - Although you usually are an opti-
mistic person, every once in a while your outlook can be a bit TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - Not attending to your duties or
on the dark side. If you get up on the wrong side of the bed, responsibilities in a timely fashion will put you so far behind
this might be the case. that it will be impossible for you to get caught up. It’s bad
enough that life does this to us, don’t you do it to yourself.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) - Avoid getting in way over your
head due to trying to do more than your time or talents per- GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - Don’t try to manage things for
mit. Everything has its limitations, so schedule your agenda others when you can’t even do anything for yourself. Getting
carefully and wisely. yourself in trouble is sufficient; don’t put someone else in the
same pickle.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) - Before accepting a Previous
social invitation, you had better make certain the group CANCER (June 21-July 22) - Goals can be achieved, but
doesn’t include someone you’d have a difficult time being not without a struggle. If you find it necessary to take care of Sudoku
around. You would end up being miserable in that situation. something significant, be prepared to put forth a great deal of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13
14 15
16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28
29 30 31
32 33 34
35 36 37
38 39 40
41 42 43
44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52
53 54
610 Crossword Puzzle 610 Crossword Puzzle 610 Crossword Puzzle 310 Misc. For Sale 322 Garage Sales 379 Open Houses
y y SOPRANOS COOKBOOK and calen-
dar $10/all. (408)249-3858
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle VACUUM CLEANER - $50.,
(650)367-1350 STREET SALE SAN
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis in Burlingame
ACROSS 63 Paradise 34 Negotiated 46 Tiki cocktail
WALKER - fold up, like new, has two
wheels, $20. (650)342-7568
WEIGHT BENCH - Free, you haul.
Jackson Street
August 7th
1 Like volcanoes 64 ’60s-’70s 35 Steadfast 47 Endless, in (650)638-1739
9 am to 3 pm
6 John follower Japanese leader 36 Wildly poems
10 IRS workers
14 Item of rodeo
65 Jimmies
37 Unlike filibusters
38 Making out too
48 Tests
51 Under-the-sink
WETSUIT - Barefoot, like new, $40.,
WORLD CUP memorabilia '94 USA Bear
Bag Sale
much lately brand
15 K follower
16 Qatar University
1 Actor who was a
1932 swimming
39 1976 raid site
42 Double-reed
52 “Oklahoma!”
mascot, 2 sport cups unused and collec-
tors pins $55/all. (650)591-6596
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