GA5-11 Antwerp Leaflet EN 2935087546
GA5-11 Antwerp Leaflet EN 2935087546
GA5-11 Antwerp Leaflet EN 2935087546
GA 5-11 (5,5-11 kW/7,5-15 hp)
Highest reliability
The GA series is designed, manufactured and tested in
accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 1217, Ed. 4,
Annex C/E. Ensuring a long and trouble-free life at the
lowest operating cost, the GA contains the latest generation
of AtlasCopcos innovative oil-injected screw element.
high-quality air, they keep the air network clean and your production up and running. Extremely low losses of compressed air during load/unload cycle
thanks to minimized oil vessel size.
Optimized drive train
Unequaled reliability during the systems lifetime
thanks to the belt-driven drive train developed in
accordance with the highest industry standards.
5 3 4
2 Elektronikon controller
Web based online compressor status viewer on new
Time proven Elektronikon for remote monitoring using a standard
element Ethernet connection.
The GA 5-11s The Elektronikons monitoring features include new
compression element is combined with service and warning indications, error detection and
an IE3 efficiency motor, improved bearings compressor shut-down. The optional Elektronikon
and seal arrangement resulting in minimized graphic controller provides further enhanced visual
energy costs. service indications and warnings.
Fit for environments with ambient temperatures up to 46C due
to superior component design.
The Free Air Delivery is increased up to 8% and power consumption is
reduced by 7% thanks to optimized packaging and the state-of-the-art
compressor element.
Easy installation & servicing
A true plug-and-play solution ready to be installed close
Integrated quality air solutions to the point of use.
Protection of downstream air equipment in all working conditions: the integrated Optionally, the system can be expanded with an integrated dryer,
dryer avoids condensation and corrosion in the network. air filters and a factory mounted 270L receiver (optional 500L).
Additional energy savings with the dryers no-loss electronic drain. Effortless transportation by forklift.
Optional filters can be added to obtain air quality up to class 1 level (<0.01 ppm). Standard equipped with a 3 meter power supply cable.
Water separator included as standard. Minimized service costs thanks to high-quality and easily
replaceable consumables with a long lifetime and easy servicing.
The next-generation Elektronikon operating system offers a great variety of control and monitoring features Optional integrated compressor controller
to increase efficiency and reliability. The Elektronikon controls the main drive motor and regulates system To reduce system pressure and energy consumption in installations of up to 4 (ES4i) or 6 (ES6i) compressors, the optional integrated
pressure within a predefined and narrow pressure band. compressor controller can be installed with a simple license.
Loaded Unloaded
Unloaded Stopped
Time Time
Free online visualization Saved energy
Monitor your compressors over the Ethernet with the
new Elektronikon controllers. Monitoring features
include warning indications, compressor shut-down and Saver cycle
maintenance scheduling, all possible with the free online Saver cycle technology reduces energy consumption. to monitor the required dew point suppression, the dryer saver
compressor status visualization. SMS service, trending The Elektronikon is linked to both saver cycles: fan and dryer. cycle starts and stops the dryer when the compressor has
and remote history events are optional through the Monitoring the oil temperature, the fan saver cycle regulates stopped, minimizing energy use and protecting the air system
connectivity program. the fan and minimizes energy use. Using an ambient sensor from corrosion.
Untreated compressed air contains moisture, aerosols and dirt particles that can damage your air system Some applications may need or benefit from additional options,
and contaminate your end product. The resulting maintenance costs can far exceed air treatment costs. more refined control and air treatment systems. To meet these needs,
Our compressors provide the clean, dry air that improves your systems reliability, avoiding costly Atlas Copco has developed options and easily integrated compatible
downtime and production delays, and safeguarding the quality of your products. Clean, treated air also equipment providing the lowest cost compressed air.
reduces the risk of corrosion and leaks in your compressed air system, leading to substantial cost savings.
Furthermore, with leaks and energy waste minimized and the unsafe disposal of untreated condensate
eliminated, you can protect the environment and conform to stringent international regulations.
GA 5-11
Energy-saving contributors
ISO quality class* Dirt particle size Water pressure dew point** Oil concentration Saver Cycle Control
* The table values are maximum limits according to the respective ISO quality class.
** Water pressure dew point based on 100% RH at 20C/68F.
GA 5-7-11
Weight (kg)
Working pressure Capacity FAD* Installed Noise
WorkPlace min-max motor power level**
10 COMPRESSOR WorkPlace WorkPlace Full Feature
2 17 TYPE
7 7
bar(e) psig l/s m3/h cfm kW hp dB(A) Floor-mounted Tank-mounted Floor-mounted Tank-mounted
23 GA 5 7.5 7.5 109 15.0 54.0 31.7 5.5 7.5 60 257 317 300 360
15 16 9
6 8.5 8.5 123 13.2 47.5 27.9 5.5 7.5 60 257 317 300 360
5 8
22 18 10 10 145 11.7 42.1 24.7 5.5 7.5 60 257 317 300 360
13 13 189 8.4 30.2 17.7 5.5 7.5 60 257 317 300 360
19 GA 7 7.5 7.5 109 21.8 78.5 46.0 7.5 10 61 270 330 315 375
8.5 8.5 123 21.0 75.6 44.3 7.5 10 61 270 330 315 375
GA 11 7.5 7.5 109 30.7 110.5 64.8 11 15 62 293 353 343 403
8.5 8.5 123 28.3 101.9 59.7 11 15 62 293 353 343 403
150 10.8 157 11.7 42.1 24.7 5.5 7.5 60 257 317 300 360
Wet compressed air High pressure refrigerant liquid
175 12.5 181 8.4 30.2 17.7 5.5 7.5 60 257 317 300 360
GA 7 100 7.4 107 21.0 75.6 44.3 7.5 10 61 270 330 315 375
Dry compressed air Low pressure refrigerant liquid
125 9.1 132 19.9 71.7 42.0 7.5 10 61 270 330 315 375
150 10.8 157 17.2 61.9 36.3 7.5 10 61 270 330 315 375
175 12.5 181 14.2 51.1 30.0 7.5 10 61 270 330 315 375
GA 11 100 7.4 107 30.4 109.4 64.1 11 15 62 293 353 343 403
125 9.1 132 27.0 97.2 57.0 11 15 62 293 353 343 403
150 10.8 157 24.9 89.6 52.5 11 15 62 293 353 343 403
175 12.5 181 22.0 79.2 46.4 11 15 62 293 353 343 403
Reference conditions:
Air flow Oil flow Refrigerant flow - Absolute inlet pressure 1 bar (14.5 psi).
- Intake air temperature 20C, 68F.
7. Air-air heat exchanger 23. Air intake valve GA 5-7-11 pack (floor-mounted)
8. Water separator (pack only) H: 1240 mm
Floor-mounted Tank-mounted
2935 0875 46 2015, Atlas Copco Airpower NV, Belgium. All rights reserved. Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation. Read all safety instructions in the manual before usage.