S.K.Biswas Professor-Telecom. Indian Railways Institute of Signal Engg. & Telecomm Secunderabad. India
S.K.Biswas Professor-Telecom. Indian Railways Institute of Signal Engg. & Telecomm Secunderabad. India
S.K.Biswas Professor-Telecom. Indian Railways Institute of Signal Engg. & Telecomm Secunderabad. India
Introduction :
Indian Railways work on traditional land based fixed signalling system. It has two aspects
(Red & Green), three aspects (Red, Yellow and Green) as well as four aspects (Red, Yellow, double
Yellow and Green).
The entire train operation is regulated in terms of the General and Subsidiary Rules (GSR)
of Indian Railways, which stipulates various instructions to be observed by both ground staff as
well as train crew concerned.
The existing signalling system (Fixed signals) are very robust and time tested. It does not
require any kind of on-board equipment to work on the railroad. Since all types of trains (freight
and passenger) operate with a range of permissible maximum speed, this system serves its purpose
quite well and fully safe.
♦ The train driver has to look for the fixed signals and correctly read the aspect in all weather
and day & night.
♦ Possibilities of reading aspect of any adjacent signal not meant for his route may lead to
♦ The signals cannot convey any temporary speed restriction imposed on account of any
reasons. For this purpose train crew are advised in writing from the previous station.
Cab Signalling :
Almost all the advanced rail roads are having cab-signalling systems. There are various
types of systems based on different concepts of design. All the types used as of now use some kind
or the other type of track mounted / side equipments and on-board train equipments.
Track-side equipments will be vulnerable to miscreant activities and vandalism. Hence, in
this paper a concept is outlined to have a cab signalling system fully free from any track side
equipments with fail safe design and operation. This concept is based on Global Positioning
System (GPS).
Global position system (GPS) is a satellite based system available round the clock
throughout the world. This system utilises a constellation of 24 satellites covering the entire globe.
With the help of this system any one equipped with a suitable receiver can know his location on the
globe, namely, longitude, latitude and altitude from the ground level when atleast 4 satellites are
visible by his receiver. Initially when the system was introduced by US Government, it was mainly
for its defence applications, common man also could use it with less accuracy of position data.
Now, mainly because of its popularity amongst civilian users also – US Government has relaxed the
restriction of accuracy of position data and now the position data is available with an accuracy of 10
mtrs. The position data is available in WGS – 84 format. The GPS satellite also give accurate time
information which many users are using for other land based systems for synchronisation purpose
commonly known as GPS clock system.
1. Locomotive Subsystem
In the GPS based cab signal system, the locomotives will be equipped with the following
• GPS receiver with roof mounted antenna.
• On Board processor.
• Residend data base for all the events like, stations, signals, bridges, level
crossings etc.
• Suitable application oriented software.
• A full duplex VHF trans-receiver.
2. Station Subsystem
All the stations to be equipped with their subsystems comprising the following :-
All the fixed signal posts to have their own subsystem comprising the following :-
• Colour light signal (Existing)
• full duplex VHF trans-receiver
• GPS receiver ( As reference GPS)
• Processor
System Concept :-
The GPS receiver on-board the locomotive will be of robust type, which will work on power
supply from the locomotive itself and shall remain continuously on to record its current location
data. The current location data as recorded by the GPS receiver will be fed to the on-board
processor. The processor will search from its resident database the nearest Railway station and its
name as well as calculate its distance from the current location of the locomotive. An optional
intelligent feature can be incorporated by which the system will simultaneously verify the station
from the programmed route of the designated train.
As the locomotive moves closer to the approaching station, depending on its speed and
priority, it will start sending a call request to the approaching station through its on-board radio.
This distance can be little more than the normal breaking distance say 2 km. On receipt of the call
signal from the locomotive, the station subsystem will sent acknowledgement signal through its
radio equipment installed in the station building. It will also have a fixed GPS receiver. The
location data of the station as recorded by the station GPS fixed receiver will be used to create the
correction data on a continuous basis. Thus, this GPS receiver will form the reference receiver for
all the loco mounted GPS receivers of allthe approaching trains to work as a differential GPS
system (DGPS). The loco mounted processor will use this correction data and immediately correct
its location data with improved accuracy, may be within a meter.
Now onwards the system on-board will be able to calculate more precisely, its distance from
the approaching signal posts from the location coordinates of the signal posts already available in
the database. It can also assist the driver to control its train in the event of a possible overshooting
of a signal without appropriate authority from traffic controller or station master.. The station
interlocking system will simultaneously transmit the signaling information, (may be the signal
aspect, permissible / recommended speed, movement authority etc) along with adequate security
bytes as well as parity bytes.
This information will be received by all the approaching trains of that station and will be
used by intended train with the help of a proper exchange of protocol. The respective locomotive
after receipt of this signal will decode the signal aspect, movement authority etc. or any other
information and display on the dashboard of its CAB.
As the train further approaches to the fixed signal, which most commonly will have an
aspect control interlocking with the occupation of the train by means of track circuits laid on the
foot of the signal. Normally on touching the track circuit on the foot of the signal, the signal aspect
turn to danger position. At this instant of time, the station interlocking system will immediately
send this signal aspect through train radio to the CAB and display the change of aspect instantly.
The service of DGPS system for accurately determining its position will help the train Driver
continuously to know its position with respect to the concerned signal. Without this correction
feature, some times inaccuracy of position location up to 100 mtrs. can cause the train bound
system to wrongly understand about its position, precisely whether it has crossed the signal post or
The situation when multiple trains approach any station, it can be handled in the following
way :
The situation of two or more trains simultaneously start sending call requests, causing
interference at the station radio receiver, can be avoided by introducing a suitable protocol. Each
train before sending its call request will ensure that there are no other radios which are
simultaneously on. In such an event it will have to wait for getting the space free from any radio
signal. Only after ensuring this, the loco subsystem will actually switch on its radio transmission
and it will broadcast its identity and other information and switch off transmission. Then, this radio
channel can be used by other trains and so on , as a shared radio channel. A station radio can
however broadcast the replies to all trains with proper address code for various trains at a time .
In the event of trains entering into shadow region like tunnel, dense tree cover, the on-board
GPS receiver may temporarily lose its fix. This problem can be adequately overcome with the help
of a dead reckoning arrangement. In this arrangement, the train database can continue to feed the
location data to the system taking the input from the on-board conventional Odometer.
Simultaneously a message can be displayed like Poor GPS coverage or weak signal etc. Once a fix
is re-obtained, the system can again relock and get actual GPS data.
In the automatic signal territory, all the fixed signals will be provided with a Radio-
Transreceiver and a small processor in it. As in the non-automatic block section, the train bound
GPS based system will continuously calculate its distance from the next signal en-route for it and
initiate call request when it comes within a specified distance. On receipt of call request the signal
post mounted system will respond and transmit its identity and aspect. The train radio will receive
the same and decode it. If found relevant for it, it will display the aspect in the Cab. At a regular
interval of say 5 km or so a signal post can be provided with a GPS receiver to serve as a reference
receiver for broadcasting the correction data for the train GPS(s) when coming in that particular
area. With this correction data the train mounted system will correct is location with reference to
the fixed signals within ± 1 meter and have full control on the movement as decided by the aspects
of concerned signals.
In the event of no response comes from the expected station subsystem or signal subsystem
, the system will initiate an alarm for the Driver to indicate that the signal information has not been
received. Hence, Driver is to attempt to see the signal aspect physically as done at present.
Similarly, in the event of on-board GPS receiver not functioning, an alarm will be raised by system
to draw the attention of the Driver. It can also be extended to automatically apply emergency
brakes in such events when the Driver fails to acknowledge the alarm and or take necessary action
in time.
This will be protected by suitable protocols to take care of the authenticity of data exchange
between locomotive and ground systems.
As the train approaches the signal post, and when eventually it crosses the signal, the loco
system will look for aspects of the next signal relevant for its route in the similar manner.
The location data about other permanent type of track features or events namely, gradient,
temporary speed restrictions, level crossing gates etc can be permanently stored in the data base and
from the location data generated by GPS receiver to be continuously used for calculating the
distance of those fixed features. These features can be displayed inside the loco, either by graphical
symbols and or through pre-recorded voice. This will help the Driver to know before hand that
which are the spots he is approaching and at what moment of time. This can however be extended
to take decisions of running speed as per the data stored for the respective section of the route. It
will be possible to keep a continuous log of the events based on what speed, what time,
automatically by on-board system.
Initially, this concept may be used for an aid of the Driver and after a thorough trial, the
system can be used for regular cab signalling and other signalling applications.
2Km A C
1 2 B Station-Q
Station-P DN D Station-Q
Response from Signal A for train 2 is relevant
whereas from signal D is not relevant. This will be
filtered by suitable protocol depending on direction
of train movement as well as route etc.
1 and 2 are train locations A, B, C, D, etc. are fixed
signals with VHF Transreceivers (Intelligent
Signals) P & Q are two stations in the route
GPS Based Cab Signalling
Subsystem GPS Radio
Display Alaram
Station /Signal
Post Radio
aspect From/To
Interlocking relay
Pocessor data
room of Station