The Lower Miocene Nukhul Formation (Gulf of Suez, Egypt) : Microfacies and Reservoir Characteristics

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J Petrol Explor Prod Technol

DOI 10.1007/s13202-017-0386-3


The Lower Miocene Nukhul Formation (Gulf of Suez, Egypt):

microfacies and reservoir characteristics
Mostafa Temraz1 • Henning Dypvik2

Received: 18 May 2017 / Accepted: 22 August 2017

Ó The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication

Abstract The Lower Miocene Nukhul Formation was dolomite and the upper dolomitized carbonate portions of
deposited early during early stages of Gulf of Suez rifting. the formation.
Outcrop of this Formation at Gebel el Zeit, Egypt is up to
100 m (328 ft) thick and consist of lower sandstone-dom- Keywords Gebel el Zeit  Gulf of Suez  Lower Miocene 
inated and upper carbonate-dominated units. Samples were Nukhul Formation
collected from the Nukhul Formation outcrop to describe
the lithofacies, mineralogy, and petrographic characteris-
tics to better understand the hydrocarbon reservoir poten- Introduction
tial for the unit. The investigations showed that the lower
part of Nukhul Formation at North Gebel el Zeit consists of Worldwide, a more secure future energy source can be
poorly sorted, dolomitic sandstone and sandy dolomite achieved by increased production of heavy oil reserves. The
which were deposited in a shallow-marine setting. The major heavy oil accumulations in the Issaran field, Gulf of
presence of polycrystalline and crushed quartz grains in Suez, are trapped in Miocene fractured carbonate and silici-
Nukhul strata indicates that these strata were sourced by clastic reservoirs with average API between 10 and 12 (Joshi
recycled sediments associated with local uplift tied to et al. 2010). The main early Miocene producer of this heavy
rifting. The upper Nukhul consists of dolomitized carbon- oil is the Nukhul Formation, due to its highly fractured nature.
ates with preservation of primary textures; primary lime- Numerous sedimentological and structural studies of rift
stone depositional textures include the following: intraclast evolution have been performed on the Gulf of Suez due to
packstone, rudstone, and coral-algal boundstone, wacke- the presence of well-exposed, and relatively well-dated,
stone, and grainstone with minor floatstone. Carbonate rock syn-rift marine strata and the large amounts of exploration
strata were deposited in shallow marine, peritidal to sub- data available from region (Winn et al. 2001). The Permo–
tidal environments that developed on fault-block highs. Triassic to Holocene outcrops along the Gulf of Suez span
The presence of zoned saddle dolomite suggests some is generally of continental to shallow marine environments.
component of fault-controlled fluid flow. The reservoir The Oligocene–Miocene intracontinental Suez Rift
characteristic of the Lower Miocene Nukhul Formation at formed a fault-bounded marine trough (Lorna et al. 2013).
the Gebel el Zeit indicates favorable properties for reser- The early and middle Miocene syn-rift sedimentary
voir development in both the lower siliciclastic-dominated sequences are dominated by terrigenous clastics from
unroofing of the uplifted rift flanks or shoulders. These
& Mostafa Temraz
successions are among the most prolific petroleum reser- voirs in the Suez province. A thorough understanding of
Henning Dypvik
their depositional history and controlling factors such as rift shoulders relief, the timing of unroofing, local paleo-
geography, and sedimentary deposystems is required for
Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI), Cairo, Egypt establishing an accurate development of known reservoirs
Geology Institute, Oslo University, Oslo, Norway and prediction in ongoing exploration.

J Petrol Explor Prod Technol

The Lower Miocene shallow marine Nukhul Formation distal, possibly deep marine conditions for portions of the
exposed at the Gebel el Zeit outcrop, Gulf of Suez Basin Nukhul Formation (McClay et al. 1998). Regionally it
(Fig. 1). It is the oldest and most extensive syn-rift deposit includes mix of sandstones, conglomerates, limestones,
in the Gulf of Suez (Fig. 2), and also the Nukhul Formation shales, and evaporites.
has high-quality petroleum reservoir in more than 15 fields At Gebel el Zeit, the Nukhul Formation consists of
(Saoudi and Khalil 1986). The unit is generally interpreted lower siliciclastic interval and upper carbonate interval
to represent fluvial, alluvial fan, lagoonal, lacustrine, and representing shallow-marine conditions (Allam 1988;
shallow-marine environments in various structurally sub- Evans 1990). However, the stratigraphic characteristics of
dued basins. Some workers have also postulated more the Nukhul Formation at Gebel el Zeit vary considerably

Fig. 1 Geologic map of the

Gulf of Suez showing basement,
pre-Miocene, Miocene outcrops,
and detailed geologic map of
North Gebel El Zeit

J Petrol Explor Prod Technol

Fig. 2 Stratigraphic column of

Gulf of Suez (modified from
Evans 1988), with calcareous
nanoplankton zonation and
absolute ages (after Evans 1988)
with formational nomenclature
of Hosny et al. (1987)

along strike. The thickness of Nukhul Formation is up to approximately time equivalent between south and north
100 m (328 ft) at North and South Gebel el Zeit and Gebel el Zeit, although biostratigraphic information con-
consists mainly of lower sandstone and conglomerate unit firming synchroneity is lacking (Evans 1990). The Nukhul
and dolomitized carbonate unit upper (Figs. 1, 2). Locally, Formation is up to several hundred meters thick to the west
the lower clastic interval may be absent. Nukhul strata are and east of the study area in the Gemsa-Zeit Bay Basin and
absent at Gebel el Zeit, where Rudeis-Kareem marl and East Zeit Basin (Fig. 1) although maximum thicknesses are
shale can be found directly on pre-Nukhul units. Nukhul unknown due to sparse data from the basin centers (Bos-
clastic and carbonate units are assumed to be worth et al. 1998).

J Petrol Explor Prod Technol

Fig. 3 East–west cross-section

across the southern Gulf of Suez
showing the relationships
between source rocks in the East
Zeit Basin and migration
pathways. Modified after
Richardson and Arthur (1988)

Tectonic evolution of the suez gulf rift radiometrically dated to 24–21 Ma (early Miocene; Sell-
wood and Netherwood 1984), while the earliest Miocene
The Suez Gulf is a rifted basin where structural activity has and Oligocene rift-related faulting have been discussed by
strongly influenced the sedimentological and stratigraphic Patton et al. (1994). Apatite fission track ages from granitic
expression of rift-related strata. The fault extension-in- basement indicate major uplift of the Red Sea Hills to the
duced evolution exerts a primary control on sedimentation, west of the Gulf of Suez (Fig. 1), associated with early
controlling both fluid flow and creating sites of deposition rifting occurred at 21–23 Ma (early Miocene) (Omar et al.
(Gawthorpe and Leeder 2000; Mack et al. 2009; Lorna 1989). Extensional movements along the northwestern Red
et al. 2013). Gulf of Suez rifting started in the late early Sea coast and early Miocene tilting of Gebel el Zeit fault
Miocene (e.g., Evans 1990; Schutz 1994). Early syn-rift blocks in the region resulted in high relief and coarse
igneous rocks from the Gulf of Suez have been grained alluvial deposits (Bosworth et al. 1998). Much

J Petrol Explor Prod Technol

sedimentation was focused in high accommodation areas

proximal to the active faults. Varying fault activity along
bounding faults strongly influenced changes in depositional
conditions (Bosworth et al. 1998).
Continued extension associated with widespread regio-
nal subsidence and associated transgression occurred in the
late to early-middle Miocene, and deep-water successions
of Rudeis and Kareem formations were deposited (Fig. 2)
(Omar et al. 1989).
Renewed rifting and subsidence took place in the southern
Gulf of Suez in the late Miocene-Pliocene resulted in the
deposition of the Belayim, South Gharib, and Zeit formations
(Figs. 1, 2). Late Pleistocene-Holocene deformation at Gebel
el Zeit is demonstrated by faulting within the Pleistocene
successions, where outcrops of Pleistocene reefs and ooid
sand up to 150 m above the present sea level (Bosworth and
Taviani 1996). The late Pleistocene-Holocene uplift appears
to be associated with tilting since very young Pleistocene
reefal deposits are present on the east side of Gebel el Zeit
10–18 m (32.8–59.04 ft) above sea level but are not raised at
Zeit Bay to the southwest (Evans 1990). Modern earthquakes
in the area reflect active faulting (Jackson et al.1988).
The modern Gulf of Suez region displays dramatic
topographic relief, with denuded basement reaching ele-
vations of nearly 2000 m (6560 ft) on the flanks. The
depocenters along the axial trough contain more than
5000 m (16,400 ft) of Neogene Syn-rift sediments (Fig. 3).


Samples from Nukhul Formation outcrops at Gebel El Zeit

were collected to describe the lithofacies, mineralogy, and
petrographic characteristics to evaluate its reservoir potential.
Samples were impregnated with blue-stained epoxy, and then
thin sectioned. Thin sections were stained with Alizarin Red
in order to differentiate dolomite and calcite (Dickson 1965).
Samples underwent petrographic analysis, optical micro-
scopy, and analyses using SEM. Selected samples were cru-
shed to rock powder for X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses
using a Philips PW3710 unit with rotating sample holder and
secondary monochromatic electromagnetic wave.


The studied Lower Miocene Nukhul Formation is charac-

terized by a consistent upward succession from basal
quartz sandstone to shale, then grading into sandy dolomite
Fig. 4 Lithostratigraphy of the studied Nukhul Formation at Gebel El
Zeit and later highstand marine carbonates (Fig. 4).

J Petrol Explor Prod Technol

Fig. 5 a–e photomicrograph show siliciclastic-disseminated dolo- cemented by halite (Bar scale = 200 lm), f SEM photomicrograph
mite: a, b quartz arenite with sutured poly crystalline grains (PQ), BSEI showing quartz grains partially replaced by dolomite crystals
highly porous, and slightly cemented with dolomite c, e showing (Bar scale = 200 lm)
concave convex and straight grains contacts, d showing quartz arenite

Petrography and mineralogy growth kinetics (Sibley and Gregg 1987; Amthor and
Friedman 1991).
The basal Nukhul Formation sandstone grades quickly Based on its associations, the Nukhul-zoned dolomite
upward into dolostones that with sparse (mostly molluscan) occurs in three modes: siliciclastic-disseminated quartz
bioclasts and some burrowing. Dolostones transition dolomite, sandy dolomite, and pure zoned dolomite.
upward into a variety of facies, often with variable amounts
of admixed quartz sand (removed the interpretation of Siliciclastic disseminated dolomite
environments at this point in the manuscript, as these are
results not interpretation). This mode of dolomite consists of euhedral (idiotopic),
The dolomites are recognized and classified according to finely crystalline material with crystals sizes less than
crystal-size distribution (unimodal or polymodal) and 80 lm that are scattered within the host sediments (Fig. 5).
crystal-boundary shape (planar or non-planar), according to The host sediments are chiefly composed of whitish to
Sibley and Gregg (1987). The classification is descriptive, greenish grey, friable to slightly cemented quartz arenite
but carries genetic implications, since size distribution and microfacies. The framework of this quartz arenite varies in
crystal boundary shape is controlled by nucleation and size from very fine to pebbly grains, with subangular to

J Petrol Explor Prod Technol

Fig. 6 a, b photomicrograph shows sandy dolomite: a sandstone with photomicrograph BSEI showing replacement of quartz grains by
completely dedolomitized quartz grains. b Sandstone with partially dolomite crystals as detected by EDX (Bar scale = 200 lm)
dolomitized quartz grains (Bar scale = 200 lm). c SEM

sub-rounded, and moderately to well-sorted grains. dolomite generally is limited to the dolomitized sandstone
Quartz grains are predominantly monocrystalline (Qm) lithofacies that represents the main constituent of the lower
with straight extinctions, tangential and long, and con- part of the studied Nukhul Formation.
cave–convex grain contacts. Some polycrystalline grains
(Qp) with sutured boundaries were observed locally Pure dolomite
(Fig. 5a, b). The cementing materials in this microfacies
commonly include disseminated dolomite, giving the This facies occurs as very fine planer-e, unimodal micro-
rock a highly porous character (Fig. 5a, c, f). Halite crystalline dolomite (less than 80 lm in size) that is
cements stained with green (weathered glauconite?) are cemented by ferruginous materials (Fig. 8). These typical
also detected (Fig. 5d). euhedral-dolomite crystals resemble those described by
Concave–convex contacts between quartz grains as well Friedman and Sanders (1978) and Sibley (1982). This pure
as clear undulatory extinction (Fig. 5a, c) indicate high dolomite forms the main constituent of the upper unit of the
stress on the quartz grains. studied Nukhul Formation (Fig. 4). The microcrystalline
dolomites usually have well-developed microporosity,
Sandy dolomite which is visible only in thin sections impregnated with
fluorescent epoxy and viewed using ultraviolet light
This lithology occurs as very fine planer-e, unimodal microscopy (Fig. 7f).
microcrystalline dolomite (less than 80 lm in size) The pure dolomite forms dense mosaics of euhedral to
replaced host sediments (Fig. 6a–c) which are scattered subhedral planar-e (euhedral) crystals that have clear cores
throughout the host rock matrix. The quartz grains are and rim textures (Fig. 7a–d) and non-mimic replacement of
partial to completely replaced by dolomite (Figs. 6, 7). The host allochems (ooids, peloids, intraclast, and fossil-frag-
replacive dolomite fabrics are associated with intracrys- ments). These allochems can be recognized by their ghost
talline and ‘‘vuggy’’ porosity (Fig. 6). This porous textures (Figs. 7, 8).

J Petrol Explor Prod Technol

Fig. 7 a, b photomicrograph showing very fine crystalline planar-e planar-e to planar-s zoned dolomite with ‘‘ghost’’ of early replaced
mosaic-zoned dolomite. c, d showing very fine crystalline planar-e to foram texture. f showing very fine crystalline planar-e of recrystal-
planar-s zoned dolomite PPl &CN. e showing very fine crystalline lized zoned dolomite with vugs and intracrystalline porosity
These dolostones also are composed of fine to medium dolomite in middle section, and pure dolomite at the upper
crystalline planar dolomite with intercrystalline pores, vugs, portion (Fig. 9).
and some microporosity. Bioclasts are represented by algae
and skeletal molds. The intense dolomite recrystallization has
rendered most grains and many original fabrics unrecogniz- Discussion
able petrographically (Fig. 8a–g). The host sediment often
was a porous oolite with early calcite spar cement, which was Dolomitization and diagenesis
subsequently completely replaced by dolomite (Fig. 8a, f).
XRD and petrographic analyses of Nukhul Formation The results of analysis on Nukhul Formation dolostones
confirm that the formation grades up from disseminated illustrate their complex diagenetic history which involves
dolomite in lower, clastic-dominated section to sandy early diagenetic as well as burial diagenetic stages.

J Petrol Explor Prod Technol

Fig. 8 a showing very fine crystalline planar-e to planar-s zoned algae ghost and vugs in c, e showing very fine crystalline planar-e to
dolomite with ‘‘ghost’’ of early replaced shell fragments texture. planar-s zoned dolomite with ‘‘ghost’’ of early replaced ooids texture.
b showing very fine crystalline planar-e zoned dolomite with f showing very fine crystalline planar-e of recrystallized zoned
ferruginous cement. c, d showing very fine crystalline planar-e to dolomite with vugs and intracrystalline porosity
planar-s zoned dolomite with red algae and ghost of ooids in c red

Early diagenetic (penecontemporaneous) euhedral–subhedral dolomite (locally anhedral) crystals

dolomitization show a clear internal texture with few fluid inclusions;
these crystals also display unit extinction under crossed
Some observations suggest that Nukhul Formation polarized light.
dolomitization occurred shortly after the deposition of pre- Petrographic evidence suggests that dolomite precip-
existing carbonate sediments, such as preservation of pri- itated prior to or during early mechanical and chemical
mary allochems (cf. fossils and ooids; Figs. 7, 8). Very fine compaction; this type of dolomite is likely an early

J Petrol Explor Prod Technol

Fig. 9 showing XRD analysis results of the studied Nukhul Formation, the lower unit composed mainly of siliclastic disseminated dolomite
grades into sandy dolomite to completely dolomite in the upper part

diagenetic product (Ye 1992; Gu 2000; Qian and You characterized by curved crystal faces (Figs. 10 and 11).
2006). The backscattered electron (BSE) image of the saddle
dolomites reveals their complex textures. As shown in
Late diagenetic (Epigenic) dolomitization Fig. 11, the saddle dolomites have core and cortex por-
tions. The cortex is divided into multi cortex from inner to
It is suggested that the Mg-rich burial fluids ascended via outer cortex (Fig. 11). The inner cortex is composed of
deep-seated joints, fractures, and faults caused by early dark-zoned non- and light ferroan dolomite, and each
Miocene tectonics; these waters spread laterally along band varies in width. Outer cortex is characterized by dark
porous zones and bedding planes. The upward migration non-ferroan dolomite with lightly thin-zoned ferroan
of the Magnesium water was arrested by impervious dolomite. The width of the ferroan dolomite zone varies at
shales. different positions, and most of the zoned strips are linear.
These fluids are interpreted to account for the high The complex petrography of the saddle dolomites sug-
degree of dolomitization in the lower parts of the Nukhul gests their complex origin.
Formation (siliciclastic-disseminated dolomite; Fig. 10). In
these dolomitized zones, the primary allochems and tex- Reservoir characteristics
tural fabric have completely recrystallized.
In the lower siliciclastic portion of Nukhul Formation Carbonate reservoirs are very important targets for oil and
pores is partially filled with saddle dolomite crystals gas exploration. Carbonate reservoir rocks constitute 20%
(Fig. 11). These dolomites are preferentially developed in of sedimentary rocks while they hold more than 50% of the
fractured zones close to faults (Yang et al. 2007). This world’s proven hydrocarbon reserves and account for 40%
suggests that the formation of the saddle dolomites may of the world’s total hydrocarbon production (Saberi 2010).
be related to fault-controlled fluid flow. The saddle Dolomitization, a diagenesis process is responsible for the
dolomites consist of clear non-planar euhedral dolomite transformation of limestone into dolomite. Diagenesis of
crystals with an average size exceeding 1 mm and are limestone into dolomite involves the substitution of some

J Petrol Explor Prod Technol

Fig. 10 SEM photomicrograph

shows very coarse euhedral
quartz grains scattered in a very
fine to fine crystalline planar-s
(subhedral) mosaic sandy

Ca2? ions in limestone (CaCO3) by Mg ions to form Conclusion

dolomite ((Ca.Mg)CO3)2). This process increases the
crystal size, pore size and thus enhances the permeability. Gebel el Zeit at the southern end of the Gulf of Suez
Porosity and permeability are also increased due to the represents an uplifted part of the central Gulf of Suez rift.
solution of allochems. As dolomites are less ductile relative The oldest syn-rift strata at the Gebel el Zeit are the Lower
to limestones and sandstones, their porosity and perme- Miocene Nukhul Formation, which preserves the early
ability are enhanced by fracturing too. Additionally, as they sedimentary record of rifting. Greater angular discordance
are less reactive than calcites, dolomites are less likely to between prerift and syn-rift strata at South Gebel el Zeit
lose porosity with depth due to dissolution or re-precipi- and facies relationships indicate that South Gebel el Zeit
tation (Grammer and Harrison 2003). For the reasons rotated more than North Gebel el Zeit during early Nukhul
described above, dolomites often make the best reservoirs deposition.
in carbonates. The studied dolomite succession of Nukhul The lower clastic-dominated interval of the Nukhul
Formation is among the most prolific petroleum reservoirs Formation in North Gebel el Zeit is interpreted as shallow-
in the Suez province. A thorough understanding of their marine sediment gravity flow deposit that partially filled
depositional and diagenetic history (including sedimentary submarine gullies that funneled debris from uplifted areas.
deposystems, local paleogeography, rift shoulder relief, The upper carbonate-dominated unit of the upper
and timing of unroofing) is required for establishing an Nukhul Formation is composed mainly of pure dolomite
accurate development of known reservoirs and prediction microfacies. This dolomite has been formed by complete
in ongoing exploration. This study documents at least two replacement of carbonates during both early burial and
diagenetic stages of dolomitization with very different likely during later burial via hydrothermal basinal fluids.
expression and likely areal extent. Early dolomites have preserved primary textures, while

J Petrol Explor Prod Technol

Fig. 11 SEM-BSE photomicrograph shows saddle dolomite crystals with inner core and multi cortex

J Petrol Explor Prod Technol

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J Struct Geol 10:155–170
Acknowledgements I thank Prof. Dr. Henning Dypvik, Geology Joshi S, Thabet E, Abugreen Y, Samir M, Hassan W, Omara M
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achievement and his constructive reviews greatly enhance the quality heavy oil reservoir. SPE 129098
of the paper. This work is jointly funded by the Research Council of Lorna JS, Frank R, Robert LG, Paul W, Ian S, Dave H (2013)
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