2 Nluo-Phfi Public Health Law National Moot Court Competition, 2022
2 Nluo-Phfi Public Health Law National Moot Court Competition, 2022
2 Nluo-Phfi Public Health Law National Moot Court Competition, 2022
1.1. These are the rules for the 2ND NLUO-PHFI Public Health Law National Moot
Court Competition, 2022.
1.2. The competition is being conducted by Centre for Public Health Law, NLUO
in collaboration with Public Health Foundation of India.
1.3. The Competition shall be held from July 7, 2022 to July 10, 2022 virtually.
1.4. The Organizing Committee shall function as the point of contact, and any changes in
the Rules of the Competition shall be notified by email to all participating teams.
1.5. The Competition shall be conducted in accordance with rules mentioned
hereunder. Participants are required to comply with the rules and procedures prescribed
1.6. The official email for all correspondence with respect to the Competition is
2. Definitions
2.1. “Bench” means the judges of an Oral Submission collectively.
2.2. “Compendium” means a compilation or collection of legal or other authorities that
a Team seeks to rely upon during the Oral Submission.
2.3. “Competition” means the 2nd NLUO PHFI Public Health Law National Moot Court
Competition, 2022.
2.4. “Identity” means any fact pertaining to the identity of the Team, its members, or the
Institution/College/University represented by the Team and the state or region where such
Institution/College/University is located and includes any dentification marks/ seal of the Team
or the Institution/ College/University represented.
2.5. “Oral Submissions” means the oral pleadings before a Bench as explained in Rule 7
of the Rules of the Competition.
2.6. “Oral Score” means the score given by a judge in accordance with Rule 8 of the Rules of
the Competition.
2.7. “Organizing Committee” or “OC” means the Centre for Public Health Law,
NLUO, including any other persons specifically authorized in this respect, appointed for the
administration and conduct of the Competition and all events leading to the Competition.
2nd NLUO-PHFI Public Health Law National Moot Court Competition
2.8. “Rebuttals” mean the set of arguments/ challenges that the Petitioner(s) shall raise at the
end of the main pleadings of all the Orators.
2.9. “Scouting” means any person observing the Oral Pleading Session of a Team other than
that of the Team such person is associated with.
2.10. “Sur Rebuttals,” means the defence presented by the Respondent(s) in response to
the Rebuttals.
2.11. “Team” means the registered representatives of any Institution/College/University
participating in the Competition and shall include only those members as specified in Rule 3.2
of the Rules of the Competition.
2.12. “Team Code” means the code assigned to a Team through draw of lots.
2.13. “Written Submissions” means the memorandum of written submissions submitted
by any Team as per Rule 6 of the Rules of the Competition.
2.14. “Written Submission Score” means the score determined in accordance with the Rule
8 of the Competition.
3.1. All students enrolled in a three (3) year LL.B. programme or a five (5) year
LL.B. programme shall be eligible to participate in the Competition. However, only one team
per institution shall be eligible to participate. Students enrolled in post-graduate or diploma
courses are not eligible to participate.
3.2. The team composition for the Competition shall be either two members (Both the members
designated as Speakers) or three members (Two members designated as Speakers and one
member designated as a Researcher).
3.3. Substitution of any team member or alteration of team composition is not allowed after the
date of Registration except in extenuating circumstances and only with the permission of the
3.4. A Researcher, in extenuating circumstances, may be allowed to argue during the
Oral Rounds with the permission of the judges.
3.5. Any additional member or Team Coach accompanying a Team shall not be recognized and
will not be entitled to a certificate from the OC.
2nd NLUO-PHFI Public Health Law National Moot Court Competition
4. Registration
4.1. Each team shall register for the competition by duly filling the Google
Form [https://forms.gle/5RRQm9tTg4y9xV4J8] before 14th May 2022 (11:59 P.M. IST). 4.2.
While filling the registration form, teams have to select an official contact person (Team
Liaison). All communications concerning the competition shall be sent by e-mail to the Team
Liaison of the team. It is assumed that all the information communicated and materials
distributed to the Team Liaison is communicated to the team.
4.3. The registration fee for the competition is INR 3,600/-.
4.4. The payment related to registration fee under Clause 4.3 shall be made through an
online transfer (NEFT) payment to
Account No 33807919875
4.6. All teams must attach the scanned copy of the payment receipt in the google
form mentioned in Clause 4.1.
4.7. A Team Code shall be assigned to each registered team by the Organizing Committee after
the completion of the registration process.
4.8. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to debar or cancel the registration of
any team.
4.9. The decision of the Organizing Committee shall be final and binding on the
applicant teams.
2nd NLUO-PHFI Public Health Law National Moot Court Competition
5.1. The Moot court Competition shall comprise of following rounds: a) Preliminary Rounds:
Each team will have to present both the sides i.e., Petitioner or Respondent in this round. The
top eight (8) teams, based on the cumulative score of memorials and preliminary rounds shall
qualify for the quarterfinals. The draw of lots will take place after this round for the Quarter
Final Rounds.
b) Quarterfinal Rounds: The top eight (8) teams from the Preliminary Round shall proceed
to the quarterfinals. This will be a knockout round; hence winners will be decided on the basis
of courtroom win. The draw of lots will take place after this round.
c) Semi-Final Round: The winning 4 teams from the quarter finals shall proceed in this round.
This round will again follow the knockout rule. The draw of lots will again take place after the
competition of this round.
d) Final Round: The winner from each court room fixture i.e., 2 teams from the semi-final
round shall proceed to this round.
5.2. After the virtual orientation of the teams, the team has to argue on behalf of the side
in accordance with the draw of lots, (the Petitioner or the Respondent) in the preliminary
5.3. In case of tie, the team with higher memorial marks will be taken into consideration
to decide the winner.
5.4. Before the Quarterfinal, Semi-final and Final rounds, draw of lots shall be done to
determine the side on which the Team shall be arguing i.e., Petitioner or Respondent.
5.5. The Teams shall be mailed the fixtures for each round. Further, the Teams shall also be
mailed the soft copy of their opponent’s Written Submission prior to the oral rounds.
6. Memorial Rules
2nd NLUO-PHFI Public Health Law National Moot Court Competition
6.1.4. The Cover Page of the Memorial must follow the following colour scheme, Blue for the
Applicant Cover Page and Red for the Respondent Cover Page.
6.1.5. The Memorial must not contain any Annexure / Photographs / Sketches / Exhibits
/ Affidavits or any other representation of like nature.
6.1.6. The memorials must not contain any identification apart from the team code allotted.
If any discrepancy or any attempt to disclose identity by any team is noticed by the Organizers,
the team will be disqualified.
6.1.7. The memorials must be named in the following format: “Team Code –
Petitioner/Respondent”, for example, “T 101 - Petitioner”. The file name shall not carry any
other identifying marks.
6.1.8. Memorials for both the parties must be submitted in the same mail. Separate submissions
or any request for separate submission will not be accepted or entertained.
6.1.9. Participants must refrain from using same language or copying from other's memorials
and other sources. Even use of publicly available information must be accompanied by proper
citations. These rules shall apply to all parts of the memorial and not just the Pleadings and
Prayer. The Organizing Committee in consultation with the memorial judges will take a final
decision regarding determination of cases of plagiarism and penal measures for such action.
6.1.10. Memorials that do not comply with the above-mentioned specifications will be
6.2. Rules on the Content and Formatting of Memorials
6.2.1. Each Team is required to prepare a memorial for each party of the dispute with
the following mandatory heads:
a) Cover Page
b) Table of Contents
c) Index of Authorities
d) Statement of Jurisdiction
e) Statement of Facts (Must Not Exceed 2 Pages)
f) Issues Raised
g) Summary of Arguments (Must Not Exceed 2 Pages)
h) Arguments Advanced (Must Not Exceed 25 Pages)
i) Prayer (Must Not Exceed 1 Page)
2nd NLUO-PHFI Public Health Law National Moot Court Competition
6.2.2. The Cover Page must contain only the following information:
a) The Team Code in the upper right corner of each memorial. No other page must
contain the team code.
b) The name of the Forum resolving the dispute.
c) The name of the Competition.
d) Name of the parties and status before the Forum
e) The party on whose behalf the memorial has been prepared
6.2.3. All parts of the memorial (including Headings, Headers and Footers) must be typed
on A4 sized paper/format, with the following Formatting Specifications:
a) Page Orientation: Portrait
b) Font Type: Times New Roman
c) Font Size: 12
d) Line Spacing: 1.5
e) Margins: One (1) Inch on Each Side
7. Oral submissions
7.1. The oral rounds shall be conducted on a virtual platform.
7.2. As specified herein above in Clause 3.2, each team shall have two speakers who shall
divide the oral submissions between themselves.
7.3. During the course of the Oral Submissions no speaker shall reveal his/her identity or the
identity of his/her college/university by any means whatsoever. Thus, all participants must join
the session using their team code and speaker code. In the event any participant reveals his/ her
identity or the identity of his/ her college/ university, the team shall be marked negatively as
deemed appropriate by the judges.
7.4. In the preliminary, quarter-final and semi-final rounds, each team will have 30 minutes
for argument. Each team member shall argue for at least 12 minutes.
2nd NLUO-PHFI Public Health Law National Moot Court Competition
7.5. In the final round, each team will have 45 minutes for arguments, and each team member
shall argue for at least 20 minutes. This time includes the time for rebuttals or sur-rebuttals.
Only one speaker can speak in rebuttal or sur-rebuttal.
7.6. At the commencement of each session of Oral Submissions each team must notify the
Court Officer the amount of time that the team wants to reserve for their rebuttal/Sur rebuttal.
A maximum of 5 minutes can be reserved for the rebuttal/Sur-rebuttal.
7.7. At the commencement of each session of Oral Submissions each team shall notify the
Court Officer as to the division of time between the 2 speakers.
7.8. If any speaker continues to speak after the completion of his/ her time, the additional time
which he/ she speaks for will be deducted from the time allocated to his/her co speaker, or from
the time allocated for their rebuttal and sur-rebuttal, as the case may be.
7.9. The final decision as to the time structure and the right to rebuttal/sur-rebuttal will be that
of the Judges of the Bench.
7.10. All teams will be allowed to share their screen in order to make reference to any case law
and authorities which they intend to share during the course of their Oral Submissions. Teams
must note that they will not be permitted to share any material with the judges if such material
bears their name or the name of their College/University.
7.11. During the course of oral submissions, the participants cannot submit to the court
any material containing pictorial representation whatsoever.
8. Evaluation Criteria
5. Use of Authorities 10
2nd NLUO-PHFI Public Health Law National Moot Court Competition
6. Proper Citation 10
7. Format 10
8. Originality in Presentation 10
9. Organization of Arguments 5
Total 100
Use of incorrect font style, font size or 1 mark per violation, maximum of 10 marks
line spacing per side
2nd NLUO-PHFI Public Health Law National Moot Court Competition
Speaker 1 Speaker 2
50 50
Total 100
2nd NLUO-PHFI Public Health Law National Moot Court Competition
9. Awards
9.1. All participants will be presented with E-Certificates of Participation and all the winners
of awards will be presented with E-Certificates of Merit and a cash prize in addition to E-
Certificates of Participation.
10. Schedule
2nd NLUO-PHFI Public Health Law National Moot Court Competition
11.4. The identities of the teams shall not be disclosed in any form in the memorials or
the compendiums.
11.5. All participants shall maintain decorum in the Court Hall during the Competition and are
expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the legal profession.
11.6. Scouting of a team’s future opponent is strictly prohibited. Violation of this rule will
result in immediate disqualification.
11.7. No team member or individual participating in the Competition shall attend the arguments
of any other team or individual except for the Final Round or receive information from any
person who has attended any of the other rounds in the Competition.
11.8. The Dress Code for the participants shall be formals. Men are expected to wear Western
Formals only (Black Blazer, Black tie, Black Pants and White Shirt). Women can wear either
Western Formals (Black Formal Skirt or Black Pants, White Shirt) or Indian Formals (White
Kurta, Black Salwar).
11.9. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to take appropriate action with regard to
any dispute, unethical, unprofessional or immoral conduct.
11.10. The Competition shall be conducted in English language only. All oral submissions and
written submissions (memorials and compendium) shall be in English.
2nd NLUO-PHFI Public Health Law National Moot Court Competition
12.7. At the time when one participant is speaking, others are expected to keep
their microphones on mute.
13. Miscellaneous
13.1. If and when any one of the members of a team is notified or informed of any detail or
information concerning the Competition, it shall be deemed as if the said team as a whole has
been duly notified or informed.
13.2. In case of any doubt in the understanding or interpretation of any matter concerning the
Competition, the decision of the Organizing Committee shall be final and binding.
13.3. If there is any situation which is not contemplated in the rules, the Organizing
Committee’s decision on the same shall be final and binding.
13.4. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to amend, alter, vary or change, in any
manner whatsoever, the Rules governing the Competition, which would be communicated to
the teams within a reasonable period of time.