Commercial Aviation Accidents 1958 - 2014: A Statistical Analysis

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Aviation Accidents
A Statistical Analysis
Contents 1

Introduction 2
Foreword 3
A look at aviation accident statistics 4

Year 2014 6

Since the advent of the jet age

Evolution of the yearly accident rate 8

Evolution of the yearly number of flights and accidents 9
Evolution of the commercial air transport world fleet 10
Evolution of the accident rates
for each generation of aircraft 11

Over the last 20 years

Evolution of the 10 year moving average accident

rate for the last three aircraft generations 12
Evolution of the yearly accident rate 13
Distribution of accidents by flight phase 15
Distribution of accidents by accident category 16
Evolution of three main accident categories 17
Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) accident rates 18
Loss Of Control In-flight (LOC-I) accident rates 19
Runway Excursion (RE) accident rates 20
2 Introduction Foreword 3

Scope of the Brochure Publishing a yearly brochure on commercial aviation accident statistics
is a challenge that deserves some explanation. Of course, the figures
All western-built commercial air transport jets above
for the latest year are new. But it raises some fundamental questions:
40 passengers.
The following aircraft are included in the statistics: 328 JET, A300, Can we draw any safety lesson or devise any safety strategy from
A300-600, A310, A318/319/320/321, A330, A340, A350, A380, Avro the latest years figures?
RJ series, B707, B717, B720, B727, B737, B747, B757, B767, B777, Is there any significant change to the rest of the statistics that is
B787, BAC -111, BAE 146, Bombardier CRJ series, Caravelle, Comet, worth specific action?
Concorde, Convair 880/990, DC-8,DC-9, DC-10, Embraer E series,
Embraer ERJ series, F-28, F-70, F-100, L-1011, MD-11, MD-80/90, In both cases, the answer is NO. Therefore, why do it? This question
Mercure, Trident, VC-10, VFW 614. gives rise to a number of answers, not all very convincing or satis-
Note: non-western-built jets are excluded due to lack of information and factory: because others do it, because people love figures, because
business jets are not considered due to their peculiar operating environment. people expect it
Keeping in mind that our ultimate goal is to enhance safety, it is worth
Since 1958, the advent of commercial jets rewording the question and wonder: in what respect can accident
Revenue flights statistics help to enhance safety? What can they tell us about safety?
What can they not tell us about safety?
Operational accidents
Most of the time statistics prove to be rather counter intuitive, just
Hull loss and fatal types of accidents as probabilities. It is often even worse when it comes to rare events
which are governed by the law of small numbers Fortunately, this is
Definitions the case of aviation accidents. They are very rare events.

Revenue flight: flight involving the transport of passengers, cargo Publishing a yearly accident statistics brochure is an opportunity to
or mail for renumeration or hire. Non revenue flight like training, ferry, discuss what these figures tell us or not and why.
positionning, demonstration, maintenance, acceptance and test flights
are excluded.
Operational accident: an accident taking place between
the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until
such time as all such persons have disembarked, excluding sabotage,
military actions, terrorism, suicide and the like.
Hull loss: an event in which the aircraft is destroyed or substantially
damaged beyond economical repair.
Fatal accident: an event in which at least one person is fatally or
seriously injured as a result of:
- being in the aircraft, or
- direct contact with any part of the aircraft, including parts which have-
become detached from the aircraft, or
- direct exposure to jet blast, except when the injuries are from natural
causes, self-inflicted or inflicted by other persons, or when the injuries
are to stowaways hiding outside the areas normally available to the
passengers and crew.

Source of Data
The accident data was extracted from official accident reports,
as well as from the ICAO, Ascend and Airbus data bases.
Flight operations data were extracted from the Ascend data base.
4 A look at aviation accident statistics 5

What can yearly figures

tell us or not about safety?
With tens of millions of flights each year, commercial aviation suffers
between 2 and 13 fatal accidents depending on the year. Sometimes,
variations from one year to the next can be huge.
It was the case in 2003, 2004 and 2005 with respectively
7, 4 and 9 fatal accidents, corresponding to fatal accident rates of
respectively 3.4, 1.8 and 3.8 per 10 million flights. Do these figures tell
us something about safety? Can we say it was improved by a factor
of two in 2004?


4 What do these two examples tell us? It is even more difficult when it comes to rare
Was the air transport system much safer (about events. Fortunately enough, accidents belong
twice as much) in 2004 than in 2003 or 2005? to this rare events category despite the growing
Likewise, the fatal accident rate of 2013 being number of flights. They result from a combination
2.1 per 10 million flights, can we say 2014 was of elements of varied natures
either 3 times safer or just twice as safe (well be - technical, environmental, individual,
able to conclude on the magnitude once more organizational
2003 2004 2005 information is available on the circumstances of - each of which not being sufficient to lead
the accident)? to the accident. Some of these elements result
Or do these examples simply illustrate that from strong trends (e.g. increasing number of
we cannot say such a thing, at least based on flights in some regions of the world with specific
accident statistics only? Indeed, the definition of weather conditions, or to airports surrounded by
safety is more subtle than a count of real accidents high terrain), some others are more singular facts
If we consider a given year, for example last year, 2014, a lot of over a year. Similarly, a very cold winter in parts (e.g. performing an action at a very precise
unknowns remained about one of the accidents, namely that of the of the world wouldnt tell us anything sound moment in time although doing it slightly earlier
MH 370 flight. With the information available as of today, we cannot about global warming. or later would have changed the whole scenario).
determine whether this accident fits into the scope considered for our How many times a year a fatal concomitance of
accident statistics. Indeed, sabotage, military actions, terrorism, sui- elements occurs is not directly correlated to the
cide and the like are excluded from the accidents we consider in order If we get back to the ICAO definition of safety, the safety level of the air transport system. It carries a
to remain focused on Safety risks. state in which the possibility of harm to persons or random dimension, the very one that makes yearly
of property damage is reduced to, and maintained accident numbers or rates insufficient to say so-
at or below, an acceptable level through a conti- mething sound on safety. What is more interesting
Due to lack of information, the accident mentioned is not consi- nuing process of hazard identification and safety safety wise is to understand how fatal concomi-
dered, for the time being, in the statistics presented hereafter. risk management, safety refers to the possibility tance of elements can occur.
Just focusing on plain numbers, what difference would it have to harm. In other words, it refers to likelihood more
made? than to real events.
Without this accident, the yearly rate of fatal accident in 2014 was 0.7 Yet, over the years, numbers allow for building
per 10 million flights. Should this accident turn out to be within the trends. These trends are less sensitive to year-
scope considered, this number changes to 1.1 per 10 million flights, Deriving likelihood or probabilities from statistics is ly random variations. Thus, they contribute to
that is 50% higher than without it. not as simple as changing names providing insights on the evolution of the air
and calling statistics probabilities. transport system safety.
#01 Year 2014 7

Fatal accidents
which translates
into a rate of
0.07 accident
per million flights

Hull losses
which translates
into a rate of
0.32 accident
per million flights


air transport flights

for the year 2014
8 #02 since the advent of the jet age #02 since the advent of the jet age 9


Yearly accident rate per million flights

1958 1961 1964 1967 1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2014

Behind the numbers

Evolution of the yearly Evolution of the number
Behind the numbers
Accidents are rare occurrences,
The peak values observed at the
consequently their number may vary

accident rate of flights and accidents

beginning of the curve illustrate the
considerably from one year to the next.
fact that accidents, being rare events,
Therefore, focusing too closely on a
need to be considered in the light of a
single years figure may be misleading.
meaningful number of flights, reasonably
at least a million flights per year. As a consequence, in the following

charts, a 10 year moving average is
Therefore this, and all the following A steady decrease over time A virtually stable absolute number of used i.e. for any given year, the accident
curves in the brochure, appear in dotted
lines until a million flights a year are accidents despite a massive increase rate is the average of the

yearly accident rates over the
reached. in exposure 10 preceding years.

Yearly accident rate per million flights

Hull loss

Hull loss
10 #02 since the advent of the jet age #02 since the advent of the jet age 11

10 year moving average accident rate per million flights*

Behind the numbers
Beyond the size and nature of the fleet, Evolution of the
a number of evolutions took place at
the air transport system level impacting
its safety, hence its accident rate.
commercial air transport
Technology has evolved in different
areas like aircraft, simulators, airports,
world fleet
air traffic control, weather forecasting

etc. In parallel, qualitative progress has
been achieved in the governance of
Significant changes in both the

airlines and authorities. number and the nature of aircraft

Yearly number of flights in millions

*Below 10 years of operation, the moving average is based on the number of years of operation.



Evolution of the accident

Behind the numbers
15 Commercial air transport evolves in

rates for each generation

a very dynamic environment. Todays
operational conditions bear little resem-
blance to those at the beginning of the

of aircraft jet age. As a consequence, in the fol-
lowing charts, a 20 years frame is used.

This ensures a relatively homogeneous
Advances in technology bring a decrease commercial air transport environment

in accident rates as well as a reasonably large statistical
1958 1961 1964 1967 1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2014

First Generation Second Generation Third Generation Fourth Generation

Detail of Aircraft Generations

Early commercial jets More integrated Auto Glass cockpit Fly-By-Wire with flight
Flight System and FMS envelope protection

10 year moving average accident rate per million flights*

200 flights 231,800 flights 15,4 million flights 12,8 million flights
In 2014

23 aircraft 687 aircraft 12,600 aircraft 10,074 aircraft

1st year of entry into service:

1952 1964 1980 1988

Caravelle, Comet, Concorde, A300-600, A310, A318/A319/A320/A321,
BAC 111, Trident, A300 (except A300- Avro RJ series, B717, A330, A340-200/300/
VC-10, B707, B720, 600), BAE 146, Mercure, B737-300/400/500, 500/ 600, A350, A380,

Hull loss
Convair 880/990, B727, B737-100/200, B737 NG -600/700/ B777, B787, Embraer
DC-8 B747-100/SP/200/300, 800/ 900, B757, B767, E Series, A350-900
F-28, L-1011, DC-9, B747-400, B747-8,
DC-10, VFW 614 Bombardier CRJ Series,
Embraer ERJ Series,
328JET, F-70, F-100, *Below 10 years of operation, the moving average is based on the number of years of operation.
MD-11, MD-80, MD-90
12 #03 over the last 20 years #03 over the last 20 years 13

10 year moving average accident rate per million flights Yearly accident rate per million flights

2 1.87 1



0.11 0.2

1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014

Trend line

Behind the numbers

Evolution of the 10 year
The fourth and latest Evolution of the yearly Behind the numbers
generation of aircraft is
moving average accident A hull loss is defined as an event
characterized by Fly-By-Wire
accident rate in which an aircraft is destroyed or
technology that allowed the
introduction of flight envelope rate for the last three aircraft damaged beyond economical repair.
The threshold of economical repair is

protection. decreasing with the residual value of

The previous generation the aircraft. Therefore, as an aircraft is
was characterized by The accident rate was divided by around ageing, an event leading to a damage

the introduction of Glass
The introduction of the latest generation 5 for fatal accidents, and by around 3 economically repairable years before

Cockpits that came with may be considered a hull loss.
has allowed to halve the accident rate for hull losses
Navigation Displays and Flight

Management Systems. compared to the previous one

10 year moving average accident rate per million flights

6,01 Yearly accident rate per million flights

2 0.9


Hull loss

Hull loss
0 0
1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014

Trend line
14 #03 over the last 20 years #03 over the last 20 years 15

Definitions of flight phases

Parking: this phase ends and starts when the aircraft respectively
begins or stops moving forward under its own power.
Taxi: this phase includes both taxi-out and taxi-in. Taxi-out starts
when the aircraft begins moving forward under its own power and
ends when it reaches the takeoff position. Taxi-in normally starts
after the landing roll-out, when the aircraft taxis to the parking area.
It may, in some cases, follow a taxi-out.
Takeoff run: this phase begins when the crew increases thrust for
the purpose of lift-off. It ends when an initial climb is established or
the crew aborts its takeoff.
Aborted takeoff: this phase starts when the crew reduces thrust
during the takeoff run to stop the aircraft. It ends when the aircraft
is stopped or when it is taxied off the runway.
Initial climb: this phase begins at 35 feet above the runway
elevation. It normally ends with the climb to cruise. It may, in some
instances, be followed by an approach.
Climb to cruise: this phase begins when the crew establishes the
aircraft at a defined speed and configuration enabling the aircraft
to increase altitude for the cruise. It normally ends when the aircraft
reaches cruise altitude. It may, in some cases end with the initiation
Distribution of accidents
of a descent.
Cruise: this phase begins when the aircraft reaches the initial
by flight phase Behind the numbers
The number of flight hours is virtually
neutral to the accident probability.
cruise altitude. It ends when the crew initiates a descent for the Therefore, it makes sense to express

purpose of landing. accident rates per flights rather than
Initial descent: this phase starts when the crew leaves the cruise
Nearly 90% of all accidents happened per flight hours.
altitude in order to land. It normally ends when the crew initiates during the descent/approach/landing

changes in the aircrafts configuration and/or speed in view of the or take-off/climb phases
landing. It may, in some cases end with a cruise or climb to cruise
Approach: this phase starts when the crew initiates changes
in the aircrafts configuration and/or speed in view of the landing.
It normally ends when the aircraft is in the landing configuration
and the crew is dedicated to land on a particular runway. It may, in
some cases, end with the initiation of an initial climb or go-around
Go-around: this phase begins when the crew aborts the descent
to the planned landing runway during the approach phase. It ends
with the initiation of an initial climb or when speed and configuration
are established at a defined altitude.
Landing: this phase begins when the aircraft is in the landing
configuration and the crew is dedicated to land on a particular
runway. It ends when the aircrafts speed is decreased to taxi

Hull loss
16 #03 over the last 20 years #03 over the last 20 years 17

Percentage of total number of accidents since 1995 10 year moving average accident rate per million flights


Definition of accident 0.30

categories 0.25
System/Component Failure
or Malfunction (SCF): Failure or
malfunction of an aircraft system
or component, which leads to an
accident, whether they are related 0.15
to the design, the manufacturing
process or a maintenance issue. 0.10
SCF includes the powerplant,
software and database systems.
Abnormal Runway Contact (ARC):
Hard or unusual landing, not primarily
due to SCF, leading to an accident. 0
1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
Runway Excursion (RE): A veer
off or overrun off the runway surface, *All the accident categories representing less than 10%
of the accidents are clustered in the "OTHER" category.
not primarily due to SCF or ARC.
Loss of Control in Flight (LOC-I):

Evolution of the
Loss of aircraft control while in flight Behind the numbers
not primarily due to SCF. If virtually all Controlled Flight Into Terrain

Distribution of accidents three main accident

Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT): (CFIT) and Loss Of Control In-flight (LOC-I)
In-flight collision with terrain, water, accidents lead to both fatalities and hull loss,
other accident categories generate mainly
or obstacle without indication of loss
of control.
Undershoot: A touchdown
by accident category only material damage. As an example, 15%
of Runway Excursion (RE) accidents cause
fatalities, and are the third source of fatal
off the runway surface, not primarily

accidents. Yet, Runway Excursions have
due to SCF. Three categories of accidents A very unequal success in become the main source of hull losses. As such,
Fuel: Fuel exhaustion or fuel like CFIT and LOC-I, it represents a significant
accounted for the majority addressing the three major accident

contamination. contributor to the overall accident records.
Ground collision: Collision with
of accidents categories: the rate of CFIT was Since the other accident categories have a
another aircraft, vehicle, person or divided by 7, LOC-I by 2, whereas significantly lower contribution to the overall

accident records, the emphasis will be put on
obstacle from the time the airplane RE remained stable CFIT, LOC-I and RE in the rest of the brochure.
leaves the gate to the aircrafts lift-off.
Fire: Fire/smoke in or on the aircraft
leading to an accident.
Icing: Accumulation of ice on the
Percentage of total number of accidents since 1995 10 year moving average accident rate per million flights
aircraft surfaces that adversely affects
aircraft control or performance. 0.40
Turbulence: In-flight turbulence
Bird: In-flight collision with birds. 0.30
Air collision: In-flight collisions 0.25
between aircraft.
Unknown: Insufficient information 0.20
to categorize the occurrence.


Hull loss

Hull loss
*All the accident categories representing less than 10% 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
of the accidents are clustered in the "OTHER" category.
18 #03 over the last 20 years #03 over the last 20 years 19

10 year moving average CFIT accident rate per million flights 10 year moving average LOC-I accident rate per million flights

1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014

Controlled Flight Into

Terrain (CFIT) Loss Of Control In-flight Behind the numbers
Behind the numbers
The third generation of aircraft was
accident rates (LOC-I) accident rates The fourth generation of aircraft was
introduced in 1988 with the Airbus
A320. This technology has become an

introduced in 1982/83 with aircraft such
industry standard and is now used on
as the Airbus A310/A300-600 as well as The introduction of Glass Cockpits,

the Boeing B757 and B767. all currently produced Airbus models,
Flight Management Systems, and in The flight envelope protection has on the Boeing B777, B787, Embraer E
the early 2000s, GPS together with brought a huge reduction in LOC-I and Bombardier CS series to come.

Terrain Awareness and Warning accident rates
Systems has brought significant

gain in CFIT accident rates

10 year moving average CFIT accident rate per million flights 10 year moving average LOC-I accident rate per million flights
Hull loss

Hull loss
1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
20 #03 over the last 20 years |21

10 year moving average RE accident rate per million flights








1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014

Behind the numbers

Most Runway Excursions are related to
Runway Excursion (RE)
aircraft energy management. Significant
improvement of RE accident rates can
accident rates
be expected from the introduction of
an energy landing performance based
warning system. Yet, as of today, the

proportion of aircraft equipped with
such system is too low for the overall
The effect of recent technological

gain to be visible. breakthrough is not measurable yet

10 year moving average RE accident rate per million flights

Hull loss

1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014

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